The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, January 08, 1925, Image 6

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■ii I '■ •• I 5; v } I! M nf i i i PAGE SIX THE BARNWELL PEOPLE. BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA. JANUARY 8, 1925. SiOK 3 YEASS WITHOUT RELIEF I FiMJIy Found Health by Tak ing Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Gotombia, S. C. — “Your medicino has done me ao much good that I feel like I owe my life to it For three years I waaaick and was treated by physicians, but they didn’t seem to help me any. Then I took Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Com pound and got strong enough to do my housework, where before I was hardly able to be up< I have Wbatis aTeaspoonful? —it depends on the Baking Powder you use. You must use a heaping spoonful of many brands because they don’t contain as ipnrK leavening strength as -,(g) yr"+ - ame to be up* 1 have also taken the Vege table Compound during the Change of Life aad it has left me in good health. 1 recommend it as the best medicine for women in the Change of Life and you esnose these facts as a testimonial.’’— Mm S. A. Holley, R. F. D. No. 4, Gbfaznbta, South Carolina. Why suffer for years with backache, ■enruusness, painful times and other ail nwnts common to women from early fife to middle age, when Lydia E. Pink- bain’s Vegetable Compound will bring relief? Take it when annoying symp toms first appear and avoid years of •offering. In a recent country-wide canvass of anrehasersof Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound over 200,000 replies were received, and 98 out of every 100 reported they were benefited by its use. tAivmr V "MM •Y A (JEW THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER Level spoonfuls are all that are necessary when you useC ALU ML- i —it makes more bakings which means a real i saving on bake (day. -J - 1 Chicago boy scfiufs on it pil; 11i^jmitlit'il just af>r ht*r launchini: u K. A. Wellman and her two dau^liters. ilueks. intag:' to tlie of IVrt.-minHtli navy ya of Monti lnir, N. .1., I.ineoln i:i Sprin::.;<'lil. III. L’—Fleet submarine -i|. where .Mrs. I >. K. l>ismukes ehristeneil her. ire boatina near the l.ake I'laeitl < - liib in the \'-l! piio- :<» Mrs A (I iron fSales 2V» times those^ of any other brand NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS The Better the Day ftfuodle Are you In fnvor ttf Sun euj iii>ort.HV Psnsie If they’re willing to spend a little Jnek on this huhy, I’m for ’em. - Outing Mugu/.ine. Uncle Sam Lets France Know He Won't Stand for War Debt Repudiation. danjrered. lie warned the allies not td overtax the patieniM* of Curmany. Which was interpreted to mean th;i! (/eruoins was prepared to reply by .uiakin^ harder trade treaty terms. He said that the machinery in the Krupp ^un works had not been dismantled I ecatise it was busy on American or ders. The tJertnan ^overntuen'. has ile- inutHled that the aliened facts on our traditional enemy lost more men and materials and suffered more hu miliations than three years S' w hieli Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION Tl 6 Bell ans Hot water Sure Relief EU-ANS 25*AND 75* PACKAGES EVERYWHERE FOR OVER ZOO YEARS hoarlem oil has been a world* wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. HAARLEM OIL •Effect internal troubles, stimulate vital orx*n*. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist «a the original genuine Gold Medal. Don't wait for time to heal that itching rash M^ECLECT of even the slight est skin rash, roughness, chafing or soreness may have aerious consequences. Painful. disfiguring complaints like ec zema. ringworm, etc., all start in a small way. The safest plan is to keep a jar of Resinol Ointment ready to use at the brat sign of akin trouble. It promptly stop* itching and reduces inflamma tion and burning. The tiny fores readily receive this sooth ing ointment, and its healing influence is carried far below the surface of the skin. Resinol Soap is a favorite with thousands who like its generous lather, ao refreshing and cleansing. At all druggists. Resinol Raducas ■aits. Thickened, Swollen Tlssnes, Cnrbs, Filled Tendons Soreness from Braises or Strains; stop# Spavin Lamanaas, allays pain. Doas not bliatar, ramova tba hair or lay up tha hpraa. Only a faw drops raqulrad at aach application. $2.30 a bottla at drsggista or dalivarad. Book 1 A free. By COWARD W. PICKARD 1IKHK w as consiflenible excitement in government circles In Wasliln^ ton when the publication of the French iunljret revealed the fuel that it did not inelude France’s war debt to tin* Knif ed States. A spokesman for the ad ministration stated in rather blunt laiuua^e that tills country experts France to recognize the debt and to make immediate arrangements to fund it, pointing out that repudiation would seriously affect international credit. He said tin* position of this "oveninieni is that, while we do not wish to f»e op pressive, we recognize no grounds in law or equity why the debt idioiih! I*e reduced or canceled. On the tprestloti f the validity of the debt, fbe gov ernment spokesman pwfsted mu fhiit $ 1.IX K),000.000 of the lea a bawl been turned over to Franca* after rbe war was over und that $40O,0UO,00t> nnore had heen credited to Fn»»ce f.>r the- purchase of war sur|>lus supplies. In both the senate and the the matter came up and the su|»poe>ed aPfl- j tilde of France was severely criticized. Senator Heed of Pennsylvania, speak ing for Secretary Mellon, chairman of the war deb: funding commission, set forth the necessity of collection of ihe debt from France^to relieve American taxpayers of that |M»rtlon of their bur den. asserting that repudiation would destroy French credit and Intimating that the French attitude would put an end to French borrowings of American bunkers. The French embassy in Washington promptly issued a statement explain ing that the American debt was r.o. in cluded in the budget because the law does not permit the inclusion of ’nde- terinlimble items for payment of widt h no revenue Is provided; anti both there and in Purls It was reiterated that France had never intimated tlipt she would repudiate the obligation. This was not enough, however, und Ambus Herrick conferred the allied control eoipnussion ; based its report and reeommcrtdatlon Ibnt the Cologne region be not evacii-j ated should be made public at on '»>. The commission was asked by the al ^ lies to rush to Paris all its information | on the l.’eriiiau failure to disarm, so that they can Justify their action in (lie eyes of the world. This should make most interesting reading. The most important par of the report , deals with tlie methods by which Her-| iiuidj is said to have at least Tixt.iNXf^ men trained and equipped for war A Paris pfifver is publishing a series of sensational articles revealing Her-i many’s alleged gigantic preparations for the next conflict. One of / these tells of a new and devastating war gas developed by a Herman scientist, and says great quantities of mustard gas and suffortiting gas are also being made. The Orman reichstag meets .lanu-'i ary o ami Iterliu dispafehes say Fhan-J eellor -Marc. Foreign Minister Strese- • immn ansi! Finance Minister F.uther ■ plan to forrrr a non[>oli:ical directorate with ext rxc wllnary powers to deal with the sirtrafion temporarily. sador Herrick conferred witii Premier llerrlot and Finance Minister t'lemen- iel, both of whom repeated the ex;>la- G 1 HliAT nrriTAl.VS invitation to the premiers »>f the dominions to rr-confereme in T.ondon in March to discuss the eta;lire’s pohev in the mat O.MIi three thousand savants guth ered in Washington for the ses sions of the American Association foi the Advancement of Science. divi*U*<l Miciuselvcs into To sections and pro cceded to discuss a varied meim of sclentllic subjects. one of the ad dresses that attracted popular utten lion was that of Dr. Edward i- ^Cice. prvifessor of zoologv in Oldo Wesh*y- an university, in which he character b ed tiie views of W. .1. Ilryan on evo lution as •‘dogma'ie" and “dangerous to religioa,’’ and urged more unprejii diced co-operation in scientific and re ligiotis study. Mr.. P.ryan’s arguments, he said, were deduced “from the as sumption of-the Iltera-rv aemiraey of tke Hihle in general and <>f the first two eluipters of <ienes's in pariimilar ” TIPs assump: ion was “not Hildiial.’’ nor was li “accepted by lending lUble scholars of Uxja.v,” he said. Dr. W. P. Duvey of tin* tleneral Klectric i oinpany’s research laboratory told of the production of a new form of copper that conducts electricity with 1,*S per c*n: mflre efficiency than the ordinary copper. Dr. F. Hose now of the Mayo Foundation reported the discovery of bacteria that appear ti be responsible for the present epi demie. of hiccoughs'. Favorable results looking toward the control of diabetic svmptoms by mea*is^of insulin admin-. is:cns! by the inimtji. instead of hypo dermically. as at present, were report ed In a paper bv Dr. John K Murlin of the Fniversilj of Hochester. To overcome the pt»]i|(‘i)i of the destrnc- timi of insulin bjfMuinach Juices. Doc Canada’s Wood Bisons Canada has s«*t asiile a tract of J.ihmi square utiles for the preservation of the onlv two kn«>wn herds of vv:t*od bisons existing in the wild state in tin* district. -The animals are considered superior in size and stamina to the plains bison, to which the> '.-tre close ly related. ^ Cost of Candy P.rj.’l the people of the t’nited Stales spent tiearlv .s.f'.xl.iHiO,- iNHi for candy, an average of mons than SI.IHMI.IMNI a day. Assuming an average price of -4*1 cents a pound tor all grades, this amount of nmnev would pun has** nearly l.tMXt.lXNt-.tNXi poiiml' of candy in a year, l.vdi.i .1 Uoberti Irj II v gel a. . . RANGES The leading range on the mar ket—Tested by twenty-five years of constant service. Ask your <ira!nr or vrrit« us for catalog and whera thay may ba bought. ALLEN MFG. COMPANY Nashville Tennessee MOTHER! Clean Child’s Bowels with ‘‘California Fig Syrup” m ter of rlW Hrnevn peace and disarmu- , N(| . ment prorocoi, Ims met a eliilly recep tion in the dominions and their atti tude is ,vv orvying tic* g«iv«»rniin nt in j London not afit Ie. f**r it a mounts mm a |vractical deeraratlon of their emu pletc imiepenyfeme **f fr+'ent Itrifain. sullu tablets vv stomach .una'Tec f ij« in the Intestine^ 11/ A Al T F n Yeung Men Is Lesrh TT A ll I L U Ihe BABBEB TBADE Boat college in the South. Johe awaiting our lfT*duatr»- Cbarlotte Barber College, Charlotte, N. C. hiul preparetl pass through and are in the lissolved BILIOUS AHACKS the onlv * *imiertfng link I*oing a com I M.INOIS especially t he r* sul. of t lie is interested in ivil suit ti> recover men crown.- Australia. New Zealand. , South Africa .-•n-F f’attaila have been ! «*xclmnging nderrs by * :ihb» and mail. [ trying to arrange to present a com num front against t.’reaT Rritain in tin dispute lluit all feet is <*erta!n to come As for tlie Heneva r»r*»focol, th*'y—fee that their own purfiaments can decblc ; n n 'l i'*dericd fh«*ir stand, and «*arti of them has a !,M ' mcmbcrsldp in tin* Longue of N’t Ions. l '‘* from ti'ov. Leu ^Suiall the interest on state Hinds which lie Is charged with i withholding vvlieii he was state treas urer. Judge liurton a SpringfleM in Id SiualF liable to the state for all From Which Kentucky Man Suf fered Two or Three Times a - Month, Relieved by ' Black-Draught interest paid b state funds len tl| in «-!ianccri amoiint of t'hicago puckers on them in HUT ami I'.HS case back to‘a mas for determination of mleh edness. Since the pin-:: I lit' MIFK MUSSOLINI of Italy is; Illinoi debt TTT law Ttle pKpvl^les st that Me an be-elo-te*! nn!Ion and the assurance that France's | lighting dcsiieratcly and so farsuc- ecssfullv to maintain his position iu intentions were'hencst. and telegnipbed this usMurunce also to the British gov- crnmclit. The truth apjwnrs h* be that the Herriot government is glad thus ;<> have the French people disabused *•( the prevalent Idea (hut the dent will be cHher canceled or materlall.r re*luce*( In this hoth political and financial con sidcrutlons weigh largely, for. until :h* French public Is brought tore flu* American and British »h*bts be paid, any g«>vernment tykes ro pay them will be politicallv (haul; ami. in addfticn, American <-re*l 1* and American tourist trade mean tremendous lot to France j j he fjy'c^ of the bitterest kind'of at .j *‘rm»r. tliere whether <»r not 4h*n of Small, •c* was one In JOV ■ Ho* K*'t sinn** 'question second for Januarv * tm ks 'against him and the. Fuscisfi. j jThe htieyf' tle^ekqnneht was tUe pubH- t : ration by. the opposition of u memo-; i ramluiM wrltren bv f’esarc Ito ( ssi, foe- would be blocked. VV OHK1NH raphllv, the bouse I v v tmssed the treasury-post • office | mer <;hicf HT the F»n»ss bureau <»f the j SI1I , 1I | > ppp currying a total of STtVt.- | interior depurrmeiit anil now tinder nr-I )llu | s *»nt it »in to the senate.’ | rest for connection with tlie mur.ler of j Al , loni: 0 jh er Hems io the bill are .fll. Dcpnt.V Slatte**:ti. I’ht* document do | (xxttxxi j or prohibition etvfori enient ; , |'." , ) " ( l‘j rv-cCly laj.pntcs r** Mussolini the ‘Times ! tor ,| ie const gininj service, ‘^^^^'"binmjrteif by the Fascist I recently, as : , () half will he availahlc during tl t n"lcr- ■ serfiaK ,lie - T u V re ♦" ,nn,i,,, i , il ,,v 1,is j •.he condng year to check stung " ' * orders. It is generully believed th»* i . .sj.OOO.OOO fo; the Iranscontl Kossi chsrces arc unfoumlcl. hu: J Iu . n . a | a lr mull servi* e; f.n they stiiml in> great excttemeiit and ; ,| u . customs.service md I'm •omyl4.c | af*al the ditticiiltics under I According to Washington dispatches. 1 i which Mussolini already wi-s laboring. of the pretuicr's followers have deserter! him and others have urg»d the administration leaders in congress arc formulating a plan by which Fram e , |iim ro r ^i un , | ( „ t he still'has suflicient "ill hi* given about thirty days to dem- . Ay ,^, n p :ir i!u m cnt to retain Ids po- •ifi* n. CHERRY-GLYCERINE COMPOUND GOUGHS. COLDS BRONCHITIS •iSD THROAT Al FFCT IONS c tj /. i * n v a i_ u D E a i_ c F? £i A -Yi e; s D A I L. V ti* S O TJ • r 1 o t » oust rate her intention to fund the debt, and if she fails In this It is their pur pose to ask the senale to adopt a res olution condemning the attitude i*<! France and expressing disnppritvul o-f . any further hums or extensimvs o4 | credit by American hankers or of her itullvlduql* to tlie French gmennnewt or to French citizens. I'lesidcnt Idge, of course, knows al! about This plan and Is- said to af>t»mve its rrip**T- j taut features, hut he has conic to no hasty conclusions and stfl! ns>,-Trnies that France intends to propose s Jslr settlement of the debt. v- ' F.H.M ANY receiveil is sullen r*nd i- has succeeded, at conslderal .c | eiisf in lives, in withdraw ing her | tn«o[is In Moiocco to the prepared line , connecting the coast fovvfisT T|aT hopes to remain there. Alai el Krim, leader ; nf the rebellious tribesmen, last- week issued a proclamation in which he said i the Itlff repuhlle would treat with Spain only equal terms, “sine** we an* the victors and they are the van- : qulshed.” His peace conditions, he | said, were: f “Kecognltion of the repuldic of the | Itlff. whose frontiers w ill he formed hy the public health service. Tlie house : nt the dose of the .vet*!; was eonsid- i crlng tlie army appropriation measure. Senator Norris, ch lirman of th** fig j ricultural etamnirte'. introduced a r* solution directing the fedeud trade i comjnlssion to conduct an Inquiry into the doings of the “power trust." which I he charged, Is attempting to dictate I dispo al of the Mu a le Shoals prop ; ert v. v Lawrenceburg, Ky.—Mr. J. P. Nevlns, a local coal dealer and far mer, about two years ago learned of the value of Thedford’a Black- Draught liver medicine, and now he says: “Until then I suffered with s*- vere bilious attacks-that came on two or three times each month. I would get nauseated. I would have dizziness and couldn't work. “I would take pills until I was worn-out with them. I didn’t seem Hurry Mother’! Even constipated bilious, feverish, or sick, colic Babie> and I'blldren love to take genuine ‘Vaiifornla Fig Syrup.” No other lax alive regulates tlie tender tittle bowels so nicely. It sweetens the stomach and starts the liver and bowels with out griping, t’oiitalus no mircotb s* or 'drug/. Say “t’alifonuu” to Iruggist and avoid ounterteits. your Imsisf upon genuine “FaLforniu Fig s .'fmi *” vvlileh contain'* directions. Play Ball [The two English •‘peaking nations have a good deal in enmnion. They are froth/loyal to king Shakespeare, for example, and they also spend the greater part of their leisure time in doing -oetething somehow to some klrol . a ball rather than looking at Shakespou rentt iwiyals. London Morning Post. DEMAND “BAYER” ASPIRIN Aspirin Marked With “Bayer Cross* "Has Been Proved Safe by Millions. ♦ to get relief. After taking the pills my bowels would act a couple or three times, then I would be very constipated. “A neighbor told me of Black- Draught and I began Its use. I never have found so much relief as It gave me. I would not be without it for anything. "It seemed to cleanse my whole system and make me feel like new. I would take a few doses—get rid of the bile and have my usual clear head, feel full of and could do twice the work.’’ One cent a dose. NC-161 Warning! Unless you see the name “Bayer" **n package .»r on tablets you are not getting the genuine Buyer Aspirin proved safe by millions ami ! prescribed by physicians for Z\ years. Say “Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Imitations may Drove dangerous.—Ad”. Hold s„ f . SScliMAUGHT D* MV LIVER MEDICINE^ The Last Straw Female Bandit Here, ini'* er the baby while / hold you up urduv Evening Post L h, 4 A Splend.d First Aid Remedy for Cuts, Mucus, Wounds and .■'ores U •lianfyrtl’s Balsam of Myrrh, .\ntjseptie ami healing. Thi-c si^es; all stores.—AJv. N the month of the Hiver Kerf und The VJ• threatening mood the notification Hive^dartl. In which territory not a from the entente nations that the ! single Span’sh position must remain Colcgne bridgehead will nut be evacu JOTABLE among the deaths of tlw week were those of Leon Bakst. ; celebrated Hiisrhin painter’ and sgagi seenery designer, who succumbed fo pneumonia in Paris; \yi"iam Archer the veteran English dramatir erlfl* and author, and A. Henry | dor. famous artist and explorer, wbosi I sensational experlem-es in Tiliet vvei* ! related in his book. ‘Th.f* Forhidd. r Land." SELF-FILLING WELL BUCKETS One of the Rejected I “An* you (Vla'Al to io*r |»y _ Tinge'.'" l ‘‘N, l j. I’m her brother ! lusal.' < 'olttmblu .lestt-r Ey» Inf-ctlon an.1 ar* ated on January lU.’nsnvus prmiihsl in the treaty V’e^saillffl. be*-arise oi her own failure myttaerxe the tenns id the treaty in the.oiatter of diaarma- •M nt. Foreiiitt ^llnister Stresemano leelaml that, unless a compromise vere reached, |»e a ee lit Enn*|M» wouh', e dealt a terrible blow, the reconclllti don nations postponed and the ftn- fillnicut of the Dr nor ■warships of tlie vanquished nation e.Verrlse vigilance along tin* eoas “Spain must agree md Jo engage Musseltnen [itroops. transferring those in the service here to the bonder* of the governMiiiM of the Hlff repuhlie; delivery of al! Moroccan prisoners •vlthout ransom, nt the same time pav ing a heavy sum for Spanish prisoners we captured |t ion the ^ransom during OTUE DAME university madr good its chf'un to tin* Intereoi leglnte football chi^Tunns I dp h^ffde feat ing Leland Stanford at Pasi^nu, Cal., on New Year's day, tb- score helng ‘-’T to 10, Tlie Univcrsit* of California eleven heat the Unive-slty of |l’eni sylvanin hy a •'•on* of 14 ♦** of 0, the game being played nt BerKeiey iBoth contest* were witnessed by lm THEY SINK AND nil AND CANT MUDDY THE WATER ovwrnluln b> uhUim Human Ey- •rru Auk yuur for Ja-j-nCl^r ur s-n 1 tu 37J 1't-arl Si N. Y. A Iv BRIGGS SHAFFNERCO WINSTON-SALEM .N.C SOLD BY HARDWAKK STOKES WANTED to Employ I motor-, "i\ o hut we do mu plenty isk for of it good advice, •oon eiumgh. I to Employ a Salesman in Every County in North ami South Carolina who can furnish his own car to sell our line of medicines direct to the consumers. DIXIE MEDICINE CO., Be careful that indifferen* ** Interpreted as heartlessuess ^ is not / 14 S. Church St. Hall’s Catarrh Medicifte c tl do f :, h “ w ! your system of Qatanh or Deafy^ Itlij IJAIKiXINs jn mu 1 ;>c>u! ;im! blllinril o»bl»*M, )><«» lin t «ll^>.i arul b<ix b«ll ull**>^ HticelU-iU runUlU'in -blk -it * tt'K VV rlt«> (utlay. Herreallun, »th xnl Bru»it, Klohiitunil, V* rid Charlotte, N. C. caused by Catarrh. , Sold by dmjjufi for <rm 40 ytari t iW WANT ED— KA KM Dooc/ib- »n»1 HtAt- K. SI.I’M.. lt>* .’1 K)K ( ASH HI 1 EK luw.'-t juli-t- KOUEKT POKT WOHTII. TU\ F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ol N )\ (>itl(le<l < otlun .'wvil, l*-<ttaree*l ('tevetiiiul Hi*? Uoll. .vi«xti-i»n nt'* Bull/ Our ; ...... , u nn,t Hr’'in ,|n *t-.l Kn*i>-- 1 eoliib** Hr-eji-in’ A^h'-\, '!arlk>ru. V C* CuticuraSoap PiV® Wholesome Keeps The Skin Gear