T > - PAGE SIX .. ; ' ' ' . THE BARNWELL PEOPLE, BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA THURSDAY,. NOVEMBER 20, 1924. \ FOUR MEN DIE WHEN TRAIN HITS AUTOMOBILE. Pooria, Ills.—Four men. all prominent farmers, were kille I when their automobile was struck by an eustbound U<*;k Island pm/ senger train at a crossing in Ts- kilwa. a small town north of IVo ria. The men all were residents of Atkinson, .'{5 miles from/Tiskilwa The dead are: Harlo/ Peck, .>0, farm manager; Henry Deroh r>5 and IPs son, Karl,/22, and August DeSutter, 31. z" 7 'eno of fwiM’ SEVEN FOREIGN LIQUOR SUPPLY SHIPS SEIZED DURING OCTOBER. Washington.—'The "end of rum row" is predicted in a Treasury statement published, embodying a review of Coast Guard operations in October. A "large increase in the number of seiz ures," including seven foreign vessels acting as supply ships, is reported. Progress in combating liquor smug gling is attrlmted in part to the in- LOST IN JEBSEHITT EIRE FLAMES AND EXPLOSIONS CAUSE STAMPEDE FOR NEW , JERSEYITES. Jersey City, N. J Fire, attended by numerous explosions, raged for six hours in the industrial section of the. city before it was.brought under con trol. destroying TuoVe than 2o build ings, sending two score persons to hospitals for treatment for minor in juries and making several hundred families homeless. Fire Chief Hoyle estimated the dam age at approximately $1,000,hot). 'Phe j cause of the fire has not yet been do term ined. A full square block was razed and portions of six other blocks immediate ly adjoining it were destroyed. Two tire boats from New York help ed keep the (lames from the congested district on the North river front, while the reserve lire forces of the city, join ed by companies from the adjoin.ng city of Hoboken, stood by for emergen- Washington.—Exports £>f grain from the United States last week totaled 13 260,000 bushels, against 6,896,000 bushels for the previous week. The detailed figures for last week, as compared with the pre vious week, were made public by the Commerce Department as fol lows: \\ heat, 9.132.000 bushels, against 5.370,OhO bushels; barley, ,2,693,000, against 390,000; corn, 70,000 against 86,000; oats, 630,000, against 254,- 000; rye, 720.000, against 796,000; United States and Canadian wheat Hour in transit, 745,000 barrels, against 286,000 barrels. JAVA VILLAGE ~'+ COMPLETELY DISAPPEARS INTO THE RIVER. Hatayia, Java.—The Island of Javn has been severely shaken by earth quakes. Already 300 persons are re port' d killed and countless are miss ing. ,, n The earth shocks extended over Wednesday and part of Thursday. Many native towns in the Kedu dis trict, central Java, have been destroy ed by landslides. One village com pletely disappeared into the river. The shock centered in the health resort of Wonosobo, where all the bhildings collapsed. POISON KILLS 0 IN ELK HOFiE SEVENTEEN OTHERS.ARE IN HOS PITAL, OF WHOM FIVE MAY DIE. Bedford, V’a.—With nine persons, de; d from the effects of drinking apple cider containing arsenic, doctors and t ies. nurses at the Elks National home here Dynamite was used to blast down a w ,‘re working Incessantly on 17 others, crease in the Coast Guard's facilities number of flimsy structures in the path S ome of whom arf> dangerously ill. fur ).v til,, luut r/.nu-ruuu -..a of the flame8 Superintendent- Charles Mosby, after prov id* d by ( ongress. and ^ ^ ^ of ^ flre making a careful investigation of the Ke,iu di8trict . ^ daui - tln ratifh atinn of tnatics removing, a p an j c reigned as fami-, circumstances surrounding the poison- a K ed - London—A dispatch to The Morn ing Host from Amsterdam, quoting re ports received from Java, says the river near Kampong has been trans formed into a mud channel in which the bodies of men and animals are lying. Forty-five houses in the. Lekso- no (fistrict have disappeared,entirely. The whole of Dessap Badjingan has been engulfed in the Bring river. Magelin, the principal town in the certain restrictions on the seizure of ju the stricken area, - ordered to j n g t stated that it was an accident! rum runners When all of the boats abandon their homes, ran about in aU( j that no blame could be attached and men provided for become avail- wild confusion, seeking to save some to anyone connected with the home or | able, it is said, the service expects to of th-eir belongings to the county merchant from whom be able to stop the leaks at all of the The noise of frequent explosions, the cider was purchased. The cider Republican National vorst localities," which are described which shattered windows of buildings was bought by the steward of the as^being too widely scattered for com- within "a half mile radius in addition pletelyxffectlve work at present. to the dense clouds of acid fufnes^nd In LitingxHie seizure of the steamer thick, black, chemical-filled smoke, to the men at their noon meal. setts. The Governor, it was said, has Sagatind, "with 38 000 cases of whis- added to the confusion and panic. Bodies of eight of the dead a e be- aS3met * t ^ lat Sutler will accept, key aboard" thexeport remarks that The smoke clouds lay low in spite of ing sent to their former homes, while a PP°> ntme nt is for approxia- "it is surprising tc/note the number the brisk wind which drove the that of Spaulding will be buried here, of Norweigian vessels engaged in the dames, and many were overcome as this step being taken because of the liquor traffic," ten havingxbeen ob- they made their way from the danger' long distance to his home in oveiand, Gov. Cox Appoints Butler. Boston:—William M. Butler, lawyer and manufacturer, and chairman of Committee, was appointed by Governor Cox to suc- home, in the same manner that other, ceet * late TIenry (abut Lodge as supplies are secured and it was served * nited States Senator from Massachu- served recently in rum tleetsXdT the zon e. Atlantic Coast Papers confls/aled The flre started in a sub-cellar of aboard rum runners, it adds, have proK, he Salt i> etre factory of the Battelle ed of considerable value In planning arK . Renwick company at Morris and coast guard operations by providing W arrbin streets. When firemen arriv- "a rather complete list of the persons ed the^Nfound the cellar a glowing actually financing and directing" the f urnace which began to emit choking offering sympathy and asking if any smuggling clouds of acrilkfumes as water was assistance was needed. Mr. Mosby re- poured Stno the fire. plieiT that everything possible was be- Battle Weevils With Chemicals. q d adv i ce Q f chleKBoyle/ Director ing done and that no assistance was Washington. Experiments by off! 0l - py^Hc Safety Qulnh\ordered his -needed In the home are 108 Elks cers of the chemical warfare service po , lce tQ set up flre llnes to com- and experts of the department of agrl- pe] aU re8ldent9 of nelghbortnfcstene- ments and flimsy woode homes\to leave the district. Just as the polic started this work an explosion blew the roof of the Salt Petre company's four story building The flames im- , , , mediately swept over the building in return from a visit to the Georkta a : waves as flaming fragments of the 8a l)n ‘ 1 shattered roof fell oirrtdjotnTflg build- The appointment is for mately two years as the seat cannot be filled by election until the next general election in 1926. This is in accordance with a law enacted two years ago, giving the Governor auth ority to appoint a successor to fill such vacancies as ma>f develop between elections. culture, at the experiment station at Griffin, Ga.. in efforts to eliminate the boll weevil, have produced "some promising things," Major Charles R. Alley, technical expert of the chemi cal warfare service, said following his Colorado. The secretary of the Elks lodge telegraphed orders for a wreath. A short time after news of the trag edy was broadcast, telegrams began pouring into Superintendent Mosby’s office from all parts of the country, Huge AiCship Ordered by U. S. Navy. Washington —A contract for a naval flying boat capable of making a sus tained flight from the West coast to Honolulu has been signed by the Bu- coming from nearly every state in the reau °T Naval Aeronautics. Speciflca- union and from Hawaii. The average tions cad ^ or a P roven capacity of five age of the residents of the institution P a y en 8crs and a ton of freight. j s 73 I The contract was regarded in naval he cider was delivered to the home circles aa the flrst step toward filling in a N barrel thought to have been used a recognized deficiency in the fleet at someHime to hold arsenate of lead ^ or distance manuevers and if it for the spnbying of fruit'trees. It was meet s expectations the new plane will Ings and set them ablaze. k 1 Compounds w r orked out by the ser vice and by the agricultural experts have proved successful in killing sped-; ^ ,, , . Cottort Mills Increase Output mens, of the boll weevil and some of , , # 1 . 1 .11 .w Washington/—CQtton consumed dur- them have been found to kill the * , . , weevil and at the same time not harm ' n * Gitooor aggregate a es the cotton plant, two essentials of an and of linters, compare eradicator of the pest ! 435 - 216 of Iint and 4E; ' 9 ‘ 6 ° The efforts now are being directed ers ^eP te,n I )er >® ar an J towards developing a chemical agency 260 of lint and 5i,491 of linters n which will prove an efficient killer, October last year, the Census Bureau harmless to plants, and_at the same announced. time easy and practical in its appli- Cotton on hand October 31 was. cation, and more effective than the Held in consuming establishments, arsenate solution now used. Until 730.656 bales of lint and 74.405 of lint- the more efficient compounds have ers, compared with 514,537 of lint and been tried more thoroughly to deter- 70.479 of linters so held on September mine whether, they -are better than 30 this year, and 1,106,341 of lint and existing agencies, experts here "are not 87,412 of linters so held October 81 prepared to say definitely w:jhat has last year. been accomplished. : Held in public storage and at com- _ presses, 4,224.854 bales of lint and 46,- 958 of linters, compared with 2,072,956 declared E. MMHchardson, of Kelsoe’s Mills, Bedford cou'aty, from whom the cider was purchased/had washed the keg thoroughly before he^Rut the cider Into it. President Places Wreath on To Washington.—The tomb of the Un known Soldier in Arlington National cemetery was the center of the cap ital's observance of Armistice day with President Coolidge leading the pilgrimage to the shrine. Accompanied by Secretary Wilbur and Acting Secretary Dwight Davis of the war department as representa tives of the two, military branches of the government, the President placed a wreath on the tomb, stood with un covered head for a moment and then turned away. Mrs. Coolidge, before the party left, laid upon the tomb a single white rose, a tribute of the motherhood of the nation. Poisonous Lead in Victim's Body. New York. About one-fourth of a grain of tetraethyl lead was found in the body of Walter Dymock, of Elizabeth. N J. who died on October 25 as a result of poisoning in the lab- of lint and 38.202 of linters so held on be used as a model for the organiza tion of a special fleet auxiliary cap able of independent operation 2,500 miles from permanent base. The contractor for the flying boat is the Boening Aircraft Corporation of Seattle, it will be equipped with two 800-horsepower 12-cylinder engines tbe most powerful airplane motor unit ever x huilt in this country. A contract speed oKmore than 100 miles an hour is required/ Naval desigmani estimate that each of the engines would be powerful enough to drive the phine single and that normal operating Aifliciency it would negotia-te the rounoHhe-world flight without assistance from stKifac# craft. Two other planes, of n£w design and marking a distinct advance over present naval ty$es are to be con structed at the -^'iwladelphia Navy Yard. The first of these, designated the PN-7, will be completed in Decern- snaps/ so good that each one calls for more H cup sugar (granulated) 1 cup molasses 72 1 3'd cups self-rising flour I J g teaspoon soda |l 72 cup ahortemng 1 teaspoon ginger X Heat molasses to boiUng point. Add aoda when removed from fire. ✓ Pour hot molasses over shortening. M.x ginger with flour and combine matures. This w,ll make • stiff dough which is easily ' . handled if thoroughly chilled before roiling very thu.^ Cut and bake on greased pans in moderate oven. \ NOTE:* In making rolled cookies of any kind, it may be necetaary Ij to add more flour to make dough stiff enough to handle. 11 A book of delightful rtapei it offer ed below; tend for your free copy W HO doesn’t love old fashioned ginger snaps— those nut-brown cookies with that tang of spice and fresh molasses ? Light enough to be health ful, spicy enough to be appetizing, tasteful enough to make you want to eat a whole jarful—how the folks will enjoy them if they’re made from good self-rising flour. It’s real fun to make ginger snaps, hurry-up cakes, doughnuts, waffles and dozens of other delicious things if you use self-rising flour. Like plain flour, it comes in a number of different grades and sella at variou* prices— the grade determining the price you pay. To save you time in cooking and to insure you light, tasteful bakings, pure phosphate baking powder has been added. Buy self-rising flour that carries the blue symbol of the Soft Wheat Millers’ Association*. This Blue Shield on « bag of self-rising flour means you are buying pure, health- fuC wholesome flour that has the hearty approval of food officials, dieticians and baking experts. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the baking results, your money will be cheerfully refunded. SOFT WHEAT MILLERS’ ASSN., Int.. NASHVILLE, TBNN. '‘^ELF-RISING Its Healthful Dependable Economical llour\ HI MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE Every ba* of •elf-ruing flour bearing this Blue Shield of purity it fully guaranteed by the Soft ^heat Miller*’ Association, Inc. The contents are absolute I y S ure and wholesome and comply with oil Port Food Loot. f you are not satisfied with your baking results, tha Association will cheerfully refund your money. ‘Don’t fail to tend for this valuable and handiomely Illustrated book. © l*>4 S W M A Gel this free Book of Recipes Home Economics Dept. Soft Wheat Millers’ Assn., Inc., Nashville, Term. Send- your FR EE hook "Fifty Wayt to Us* Self-Rising Flour" to: Ns Addrsss. (H’nte or print name and addmt plainly) 1 5 70-1 The Biggest Incubator A gigantic incubator that will batch oOR.inn* eggs at a setting is under con struction in California. All work in the hatchery is to be done by electricity. The owner believes that electrically hatched chickens are sturdier and healthier and mature earlier than chickens hatched by any other method. He expects to ship 25,000 a day or 3,- OfHi.ooo In a season.—Youth’s Com panion. Teaching Japanese "The McKinley high school" sounds as though It might he just around the corner in one’s own home town. This particular one. however, is in Honolu lu, .where the school department is about to start two courses in Japanese. This is the first time an oriental lan guage will he studied in the territorial public schools. 3m*»tlng. scalding, sticky eyss relieved bySnornlng If Roman Eye Balsam la used whet/retlrlng 372 Pearl St., N. T. Adr. » oratory of th< Tii Standard Oil T company Alexander !n making the pilgrimage Mr. Cool idge followed a custom inagurated by her and will be expected to have a September 30 this year and 3,485,00.* of p reB j den j Warding. cruising radius of more than 2,000 lint and, 35,111 of linters so held on Kate in the day. services for—the^. miles. If the Honolulu flier is satis- October 3 1 * as *- y r * natlon g war-time President. Woodrow factory it is planned to equip the oth Imports during October totaled 18.- YVilson, were held ih the National er planes with the same motors and 113 bales, compared with 9.654 in Sep c a thedral where his body is entombed, thus increase their radius of action. temher this your amC 7,4UC in October |n ■g- a(henng about all that is riiortal ,, ^ High Pay for Orchestra The lowest sum .earned by any one member of a thmous co-operative dance orchestra of, Nex. York last sea gon was Mti.iMiO. For Cuts, Burnt, Poisoned Wounds, any sore, mosquito bites, bee stings, use Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh. Antiseptic and healing. Three sizes; all storea —Adv. Like fragile Ice, anger passes away in time.—Virgil. — About all a pessimist is good for is to slt .nrpiind and antiripatu .misuirA last year. Bay way, 75 T'! Dr. Alexander O. Gettler said in an analysis of the re suit's of a post mortem examination, which he made public. . _ ^ Mor; Tha " 9.000 000 Miles. This with a similar examination of Dayton. Oh o. 1 nited 8.ales Army the body of William McSwecny. of aviators flew 9.083,360 miles during Elizabeth, am ther victim, proved that 1923 with a| loss of but 18 lives, ac- teira-etiiyl lead was the eause of the cording to statistics given out at Me- four deaths in the plant Dr Alexan- Cook Field. der asserted. Alexander, who made ’j- The number of miles covered by the the analysis at the request of Dr. airmpnt is based upon the speed of Charles Norris. Tu. f medical exami-'fhe slowest airplane, the dellaviland. ner. is tile pathological chemist of which ordinarily travels at- 120 miles Bellevue hospital. an hour. Continuing the figures on 11 the 120 miles an hour basis it is known Estimates Capital Bootleggers. by the table t\iat for every 60:>,080 Washington Th* r>- are 3.on0 boot- miles the airmen covered, one huinajL. leggers in Washington. Assistant life was lost For every 57,480 miles United States Attorney David A Hart there was one accident. The dis- estimated on the basis of figures gath- tam e covered Is more than 314 times ered ft om his work in the poliee court around the world. Army fliers put end of prohibition enforcement. He in 75,778 hours in the ajr. also es’'mated ■ tha* 10,"On charges of McCook field officers said there is bootle-'gmg have been brought into no other mode of transportation that court during the last five years. can produce like figures. of the late President citizens perpetu Barber Kills Four and Himself, ated a custom begun in his life-time Memphis.—Fo.ur persons were shotj of honoring him especially upon this an d killed h^re by Henry Weber/ day. barber, who then committed suicide. The victims oftf Weber's murderous rage are his wife, Mrs. Henry Weber, Mr. and Mrs. L. Schader and Mrs Thomas Alexander. The shooting oc curred at the Weber home in the Many Lepers Are a* Largii in U. S. Washington.— Between 500 and 1,000 lepers are abroad in communities throughout the United States, accord ing to an estimate made by the Public eastern section of the city. Health Service recently> ’ , — Except the dread disease be in Its Farmer Kills Wife and UP most acute stage, the average person Kingston.— Raymond Self. Jackson, 35 infected will never recognize he.is a white farmer living four miles north victim, the announcement declared, of Kinston, shot to (jpath, his wife and discovery Is only brought about Mrs. Mary Jackson, 28^as she 'lay in the majority of cases through an asleep in bed. He then turned the infected person applying for medical treatment foi^ other ailments or dis eases. Persons who have contracted lep rosy have been known to live in com munities for years before being recog nlWed as such. weapon, a shotgun, to his own head and killed himself. Mr. and Mrs. Jack- son ar£. survived by fourTmall child- 1 ren. the oldest, a boy of nine. Details of the fatal double shoot ing are meagre, there being no eye witnesses. Don’t waste your money! Why pay more when you can get - in D AVIS - full raising strength,absolute purity and £ood baking results for less money? Four Killed in Train Wreck. Miami,. F.la.-—Four persons were Lea^ and Leopold Teachers. Chicago. Nathan E Leopold. Jr., an l Richard Loci), serv ing life -senten in tin* Jolifit Penitentiary fo_r th Robert coast on Florida East Coast passenger ces Signs For Zeppelin. Washington. —An order formally ac killed and 14 injured when a rear day 1 cepting the ZR-3. German built Zep- 1 y t? pelin. on behalf of the American gov J kidnapping and imird.*r of Robert ‘ Hast on Florida East Coast passenger er J iment . waa s j gne( i by Secretary Franks will ge members of the faculty train number .29 was wrecked at Wa- Wilbur T of th * m-ison,* \\ arden Whitman an- i ja8S0 pi a . ( due to a broken brake The'action was taken upon approval mobile in which he was riding turned nounidi.- band, according 1 to the Tompauy s i jjy the secretary of the report of i the j following -ooilision with a ma- Le p -Id is teach ng night classes train dispatcher at Miami. ^ i S j )ec j a i board of inspection and survey chine driven by Claude . Capps. Killed When Car Turns Over. Rocky Mount.—Arthur Matthews ear old white man, died while en route to a local hospital as a result of injuries sustained when the auto in English, devoting two hours a night in instruction in reading, writ ing and spelling. Next week Loeb will take charge of an arithmetic class Miss Ruby The duties will be in addition to their Vermont. Jobs in the prison shops. . Unidentified baby. A The dead are: Mrs. A. Laneye, 30, Detriot, Mich. Miss Lizzie Foxton, Alpena, Mich. Stone, 35, Northfledd, Young Matthews, who lived about three miles from Nashville on the crew/to take charge of the ship virut-j highway to Bailey, was on his way which examined the air cruiser. Or^aflization of a trained American ally has been completed and arrange ments are under way for a series of tojet fllffbtfl home at the time of/he accident, aa was the driver of the other car;, who alao resided closa IS NaahvUla. Bake it BEST with DAVIS /X BAKING i POWDER EVL»v INC WtDILNT OFFICIALLY ZF'PWOVrD BY U. S. FOOD AUTHOR! -