J PAGE EIGHT THE BARNWELL PEOPLE, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6TH. 1924. (OUM Y TREASURER’S TAX NOTICE. Tho Treasurer’s office will he open for the collection of taxes for the fiscal year 1924 from Oct. Ifith, 1924, to March ir>th, 192. r ), invlusive. A pen alty of 1 per cent, will he applied to ail taxes not paid by Dec. 91st, 1924. A penalty of 2 per cent, will he ap plied to all taxes not imid hy January 31't, 192fi. A penalty of 7 per cent Will he ap plied to all unpaid taxes from March 1st to March Ihtli, inclusive—after which the books close and Executions will he issued. 2 mills fon County Roads. Tax Rate as Eollows: C> mills for State pur|x>ses. 4 mills for State School —fi-0-1 law. 11 mills for ordinary Co. purposes. 1 mill for maintenance of pul), rds. 2 mills for Int., etc. on road bds. 1 mill for Inst., etc past indebt. 3 mills' for Constitutional Schools. Total 20 mills for all purposes. Roads tax of $3.00 for all who are liable. Tax on all dogs except suckling pups $1.25, must he paid in iunuury 1925. —■ , h Special School-Levy. o NOTICE. The Newell Cor.tr.o I nig Compary havoig sub-let (ciiein j >rtions of its contra.’i for the const: u. ! ion of the Highwav from F.inwel to F-llenton, notice is hereby given by the said Newell Contracting Company that it will in nowise be respons’ble for any debts or old ip at ions contracted by any of said sub-contractors. Anhleigh 4 mills. Big Fork )_12 “ Blockvilie 19 ** Cave “ Carlar Grove 5 “ Diamond 8 “ Double Pond 8 “ Dunbarton — — Edisto .. r .. Barnwell ....l.. Barbary Branch .. Elko Ellcnton_ Four Mile Friendship Greens Academy Healing Springs . Hercules Hilda .. .. .. Joyce Branch Kline _ Lees J .. Long Branch Meyers Mill Morris TVIt. Calvary . __ New Forest _____ Oak Grove . Old Columbia Pleasant Hill Red Oak _ _ Reedy Branch ____ Reeves Creek ___ Sand Hill Seven Pines Tinkers Ci*eek ___ Upper Richland Willi-ton J. B 12 2 15 _ 8 ._ 8 . 8 8 1 _ 8 8 12 Ifi ; 8 4 12 _ 4 _ fi _ 4 _ 8 _ 8 . 8 _ 8 •> 8 8 _ 8 o _ r, 4 8 O o 21 llarnwe ARMSTRONG, County Ties. S. Oct. 7. 1924. ? Y | LONG TEKM MONEY to (i per cent, interest on la roe amounts. Private funds for small loans. j. BROWN & BUSH BARNWELL. SOUTH CAROLINA. ? Y LAWYERS Y *;• v A C* i Vamp Theatre Program for Week— Y November 5th to 12th: Y Y T n X Scaramouche ❖ f Y Y u f Y ❖ f X 'I’O-DAY—\N EDNESDAY, Scaramouche Matinee and Night Son of Sahara”---! riday, Nov. 7 With ( laiic Windsor and Bert Bytell. I'hc stoi^ of an Arab pi nice falling in love with a w hite girl who rebuked him because, of the racial barrier. It is eventually establisned that he is a Frenchman. PRICES: 10, 20 and JO Cents. “Racing Luck”—Sat., Nov. 8th. Y Y ❖ f Y Y ❖ ❖ ♦> t f Y Y Y f ❖ u A yomedx dealing with a rise to fame of a young Italian who is mistaken for a famous foreign racing driver and i- signed up participat in the big event of the season. . PRICKS: 10. 20 aiul 30 Cents. “The Lone WolP-Mon., Nov. 10 With Dorothy Dalton and Jack Holt. United States Govern ment plans involving a ray that stops an airplane in mid-air are stolen. Idle Secret Service is ordered to serch the "Lone Wilt," and an international crook,^whu 1 decides to fight "The Pack." a gang of Pci isian crooks, also after the plans. He is instrumental In finding the plans, having fallen in #loye with Tam\ ShanncTfimTmmenihei' of ‘‘ddH' 1'ack."— — PRICES: 10, 20 and 30 Cents. “The Fighting Strain”—Nov. 1 I ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Y Y »:• ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ f Y v Y Y ❖ Y Y ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Y Y Y Y X “The Alaskan”—Wed., Nov. 1 2 v .t. i* Y ❖ 1 lit* slot v cipetis in tlic HD’s duritiR tlu 1 rusn to Alaska A Hold fudds. Holt Iktoihcs nVh. but later dies of hardships. 11 e left-fit.v wealth4 * t s wife ttud sotr Alatt.—(rraham tried to net control of Alan H<)lt's propert\, hut is finally beaten. <♦ ❖ In the meantini(‘, Ah'm falls in Standish, who is tt vino ove with a wealthy girl, Mary to escape Graham, as she was taiek- ' r ed into manying him. Graham is killed and Alan and Mary Starring Thomas Meighan. Prices. ♦V are marnec ❖ ❖ * ❖ and 50 Cents. Vaudeville! Vaudeville!! Monday and 1 uesday, Nov. 1 0 and 1 1 Y Y Y Y Y ❖ Y ❖ Y Farm Loans 6 per cent., large amounts. ,Town prop erty in Barnwell, residential and business, 7 per cent. Loans procured promptly at lowesTcost. Allendale, Bamberg ami Barnwell Counties. ^ ; THOMAS M. BOULWARE T Attorney-at-law NOTICE OF ELECTION. A petitioni/iaviog been filed accord ing with section 1742, general school law of 1921 notice is hereby given that an election will be held in Elk ) School District. No. 28 on Tuesday, Nov. 18th, 1924, for the purpose of determining whether or not a special tax of seveli (7), additional mills shall be levied in the above named school district The sabl election shall be conduct' 1 1 as is provided by law for the holding of general elections. The polls to t»e opened at F. P. Lee and Son's store and the following have been appointed managers of election: W. II. Wooley, P. S. Green, C. W. Hair. Those favoring the proposed levy will cast a ballot with the word “Yes" written or printed thereon and those opposing the proposed levy shall cast a ballot with the word“No” written or printed thereon. HORACE J. CROUCH, County Supt. of Education. Barnwell, S. C., Nov. 4, 1924. 11 -fi-2t. / For Sale FROST PROOF Cabbage Plants Grown in the open air, all early varieties. By parcel post: 200, 75c;by express collect: 500, $1.25; 1,000, $2.00. Lettuce plants, 30c per hundred. These are fancy plants. \Nill ship same day order is received. Cash with order. Send check, money order, cash or one and two cents stamps. Also seed Rye, $2.75 per bushel. Dr. C. N. Burckhalter BATINWELL, - - s. c. DR. CECIL RAY. Physician and Surgeon. Office at Mace Drug Company. Barnwell, S. C. Send Us Your Job Work. ❖ ❖ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ❖ Y Y Y ❖ Y Y Y x Y May be many, but let vour Saving Grace be an Your account with us. Open a savings account with us today. “Pennies make dollars" is an age old say- ing that is fullfof.truth and wisdo^i. Faults WEPAY 5 PER CENT. WE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT \OlR ACCOINT. ' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock, $50,000.00 Make This Bank Your Best Servant. E. HARLEY, PRES. S. E. MOORE. VICE PRES. N. G. W. WALKER. VICE PRES. RALPH SMITH CASHIER ♦I* Advertise in The People. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine Those who are in a "run down" condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in good health. This .act proves tha’t while Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly influenced by constitutional conditions. HALB'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment winch (quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists in improving the Ceneral Health. Sold by druggists for over 4o Years. F. J. Cheney & Corr Toledo, Ohio. Wm. McNAB Representing FIRE, HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES. Personal attention given all business CANDIDATE’S CARDS. Office in Harrison Block, Main St. I hereby announce' myself a candi date for the office of Magistrate Blackville, to succeed I. F. Still, re signed. subject to the rules and regu lations of the Democratic partVj- W. S. GRUBBS. Tutt's Pills BARNWELL. S. C. MONEY TO LOAN Loans made same day application received. No Red Tape MILL CASTINGS AND SUPPLIES i JJ ARI FY & BI ATT BELTING, PACKING AND LACING , I A «■ wood, ,ro N xhd s TCEl . A t torney 8-at-La w BarnwelL S. C. * The first dote astonUhet the invalid, tiring immediate relief, regulating bowel* and digestive organ*, inducing BOILER FLUES GOOD DIGESTION ECZEHA! Bring KNUINB RKPAIKS in act-. f..rqv.Tk wt* LOMBARD IRON WORKS. AUGUSTA, GA. Advertise in The Peoole. Money back without question if HUNT S GUARANTKKD ■SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt's Salve and Soap '.tail m the treatment of Itch. Kcrema, Rincworm.Tetter orofheriti h- i::g skin diseases. Try this treatment at our rikk. Mast* A Deason Drug Store Barnwell, South Carolina. Barnwell, S. C. Sharp Price Reductions N • 1 „ I ■ : . HUDSON COACH Was $1500 Now $1395 . 11 ESSEX COACH T V Was $1000 Now $945 J Freight and Tax Extra The World’s Greatest Automobile Values are now Priced Below All Comparison <# They are the finest Hudson and Essex cars ever built. : Such price reductions are possible because they are 1 the largest selling 6-cylinder closed cars in the world. 1 ‘f W. D. Harley Motor Co. I . Barnwell, South Carolina. -V: :■!,