* I Yes, if you want money we hare it.i If you have money we want it. .‘I 5 o o Paid in Savings Department. X IOME BANK OF BARNWELL, f X Established in 1877. I^TUE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF BARNWELL COUNTY. ‘Ju&t Like a Member of the Family" I.arjfest County Circulation. X September ’21 Subscriptions Have y Expired, j; PLEASE RENEW PROMPTLY! VOLUME XLVII1. BARNW ELL, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6TH, 1921. NUMBER 10. ACTIVE FIGHT AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS WILL BE WAGED IN THIS COUNTY LARGE CROW DS ATTEND REVIVAL SERVICES AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH BARNWELL AND BAMBERG B A PTI ST A SSOCT A T10 N HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING BARNWELL COUNTY TO MAKE NEARLY AS MUCH COTTON AS LAST YEAR The funds that were raised in Barn well County last December by the Tuberculosis Christmas Seal Commit tee, of which Mrs. Harry D. Calhoun, assisted by Mrs. A. A. McAllister, Mrs. Carter Price and Col. Edgar A. Brown, will be used to begin an ac tive fight against tuberculosis in this county during November. Mrs, Lee Cain, blihic ^worker for the South Carolina Tuberculosis Association, is expected here this week to begin a month’s intensive clinic educational •campaign. Mrs. Cain will seek to locate and get under medical supervision some ( well worth coming many of the cases of tuberculosis in the hear him and we cordially Blackville, Nov. 3.—Dr. J. B..Phil-| Williston, Oct. 30.—The G8th an- lips, of Chattanooga, Tenn., who is nutil association of the Baptist Chur- conducting a series of meetings in the ' ches of Barnwell and Bamberg Coun- First Baptist Church of Blackville. is ties was held Tuesday and Wednesday, attracting a great host of people from October 28th and 29th, with the plgas- Blackville, the surrounding communi- ant Hill Baptist Church of Barnwell ties and all the nearby towns, by the County. This prosperous church is wonderful messages that he is bring- located seven miles from Williston on ing to them as an enthusiastic and the Williston-Dunbarton road., Rev. earnest minister of God. Pastor* L. W. H. .Davis of the Williston Baptist county that are not already under medical care. During the campaign free clinics will be held, at which a H. Miller had, previous to the coming Church is also pastor of the Pleasant of Dr. Phillips, led his people to ex- Hilt Church. peot great things of this well-known j The first day was largely taken up evangelist, and he has more than , with organization, reports of corn- measured up to expectations. It is mittees, etc. miles to ' Dr. Chas. A. Jones, of Columbia, ft invite the spoke on the launching of the new BUDGET OF INTERESTING SOCIAL AND PERSONAL . NEWS FROM WILLISTON Williston, Nov. 1.—Mr. and COOLIDGE AND DAWES GET BIG LEAD EARLY; BOND ISSUE DEFEATED In spite of unseasonable vreather | "'"'sw'", President Calvin Coolidge was re- during the growing season, Barnwell j Frauk Thom P son « of " dkinsburg, a e ! ectec i j n Tuesday’s election by an suburb of Pittsburg. Tenn., are visit- overwhelming majority and at an ear ing their parents in W illiston and El- jy h our that night his election wai lenton. ^ — | con ^eded by big Democratic newspa- Mrs. J. Leon Dicks and children left pens in the East. He and Dawes will County will make nearly as much cot ton thi< year as in 1923, according to a recent reporf of the Department r>e Commerce. At one time last Summer, estimates of the crop ranged any where from fO.OOO to lo 000 bales, but according to the Department’s r«- port of cotton ginned prior to Octo- ton ginn ere {were her 18th, there (were 15,441 bales g : r. ned in Barnwell C-ounty as compared with 15,785 ha(t‘s the same date in 1923.' While the yield per acre in this week to visit relatives in Chicago from where she will go to New York to join Lieut. Dicks who sails within a few days for hisTuAVpds'f in Porto Rico. Lieut, and Mrs. Murray Smith left Tuesday for Coronado, Calif., after a visit of a week with the former's par- have between 500 and 400 votes in the electoral college, 'with only 2GG nec- es>ary to elect. In spite of the fact that Coolidge most sections—i-s-smaller this year.-tjje • ents, Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith. people all over this section of the . campaign for the various, activities State to attend as many of the meet- of the church and the winding up of ing- as possible this week. Three the 75 Million Campaign. State chest specialist, in cooperation j great mass meetings were held Sun-j Rev. A. T. Jamison, of Connie Max- with the local doctors, will examine , day and the attendance was large at well orphanage was on the program th ise who have tuberculosis or those I ech service, the house over-flowing at for Wednesday. who suspect that they have the dis-| each tsei vice,•the 1 hou-e over-flowing at 1 Dr. Robert A. Black was re-elected e; se. Patients will be advised as to jects will be discussed this week: j Moderator. The other officers elect- tit atment and precautions necessary ! Monday. Nov. 3rd, 11 a. m.—“What ed are: Rev. W. R. Davis, vice-mod- size of the crop is accounted for by the increase in acreage. Daily re ceipts on the local market are becom ing smaller and Barnwell cotton buy ers now estimate the crop at about i.OOn halos, a> compared with 19.000 o*> Mesdames L. H. Hartzog, R. F. Goodwin and H. H. Kearse, of Olar, were visitors here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Fearing and son, of Charleston, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Mellichamp Sun- 1 two J ‘ J dav enroute from the State Fair to The total -innings for the Sta‘e CharUlston u-ior to October 18th were placed at V 1 to prevent the spread of the disease. | is‘ Death?" 7:30 p.. .hi. effort will also be made to secure j Hogs Out of Church.” anmi-slon to sanatoria for patients' Tuesday, Nov. 4th, 11 a. m k vho need sanatorium care. Mrs. Cain has had specialized train ing for this work. After serving as R'-d Crosr worker during the war period, she has for the past throe years been in the Government Ilo-pit- •Will i We Know Each Other After Death?” Service at the ia at Greenville 7:30 p. m.—“Bargain Day in Blaek- ville.” Wednesday, Nov. 5th, 11 a. m.— “What About the First Twenty-four Hours After Death?" 7:30 "p. nr.- : - “(Tirist Our Lord’s Second Coining.” Thursday. Nov. Gth. 11 a. m.—“Does the Bible Teach Degrees of Punisn- nient and Reward After Death?” 7:30 p. m.-—"S|)ecial Sermon, Men Only.’' Friday. Nov. 7th, ll a. m.—“Wh.-ve Are the Dead?" 7:30 p. m.—“Securi ty of the Believer.” i. 'Running erator; N. M. Fender, clerk; R. R. Johnston, treasurer. A bountiful ami most delightful barbecue dinner was served on the Fully five hun- session- on .open- grounds both days. 302,250 bales, as compared with 508,- 091 bales to the same date last year. This decrease is found mostly in the •ounties in the upper part of the State. The report for other counties in this section are as follows: 1921 1923 ubercubr is Sajii- and Asheville. She-has had special training i;. tuber- eub -is work under national spe ial- is’- and unde!-lands the problems that creifront the tulKuculosis sufferer and h;s family, as well as the relation ship of tui)Crculosi> to the general puolit. Migs. Cain has,just completed j Friday afternocn ’at 2:50 o’clock a most sucessful clinic program in .there will be a special service for A ken County. She has held clinic “Women Only,” and all -women and programs this summer in Williams-, girls fourteen years of age and over, buig, Calhoun and Clarendon Coun- are invited to be present. Tickets are tie-, and has been most sucessful in required for admittance but no charge th,- work. I^Vlis: Cain ha- many or- is made. Tickets will lie given out ganization-. including the U. D. Tuesday nigh,t for this service and the I). A. R., the American Legion any time thereafter. Auxiliary and two'federated clubs in hei dred attended the ing day. One of the most interesting fea tures of Wednesday's program was the addles- of Dr. W. T. Derieux of Columbia on 'State Missions. Thev weie several other interesting speak ers during the association. An invitation has been extended Aiken Allendale, Bamberg - Hampton 8.903 G.6GG Mrs. John V. Braeey and children, of Augusta, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hair. Mrs. C. J. Bates is visiting her dau ghter. Mrs. E. D. Weimortz, in Aiken. Mr. C. J. Bates enjoyed a hunting i trip on the Savannah River this week. Mr. Q. A. Kennedy, Jr., was q vis- to Savannah this week. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Willis. Jr.. Messrs. M. M. F’! Bryan-Rrnflfitt. Allendale. N v. 1.— A wedt -RlackvilUn While on his way to his home in Al lend ale Tuesday night, Mr. Reid j Bovlston noticed a man lying in the road near Long Branch Church. Stop ping hD car to investigate, he found that the man wak Mr. Henry Hart zog. who had been run dowr; by a passing automobile and both legs broken below the knee. Mr. Boylston carried the injured man, who was in a f semi-conscious condition, to a nearby 1 house and summoned Dr. Chas. A. * Hensley, of this city. The latter stated yesterday morning that he had made SH'i Hngements to take. Mr. llurtr/.ojg to I U, 1). C. Chapter Meets. The Johnson Hagdod Chapter of the U. D. C.‘s held the!r JJi-tolx'r meet ing with Mrs. G. 5t. Greene, on Oi- toher 24th. It was an important meeting, being the time for the elec tion of officers and appointment of delegato- to the Savannah conven tion. I , 9 T ; e deb-gates appointe«! were: Mrs. G. M. Greene. Mrs. B. L. Eastgi-ling, Mrs, A J. Bennett. Alternates: Mrs. YictVT Lewis and Mrs. R. S. Dicks. Tlie following officers were elected: President, Mrs. G. M. Greene. Vice- president. Mrs. T. D. Creighton, Re coding secretary. Mrs. R. S. Dick#; CoiTcsjMrnding secretary, Mrs. Her bert Black; Treasurer, Mrs. Allen Brown; Historian, Mrs. L. M. Mace. R<‘gistrar. Mrs. B. S. M K>re; Recor der of Crosses. Mrs. Victor Lewis; Prof. Guyot, the popular coach, voiced tht^~Same view and also wished Ben a. long and happy life. Last hut by no means least. Mr. James Calhoun, cap tain of the team, proved that he is a chip off the old block whe,n he grace- | fully expressed the thanks of the entire team and tendered their con- I gratulations no the host. Fifteen 1 cheers were given for Ben and the re mainder of the evening was spent in listening in to radio programs, play ing again games of the past and plan ning how the Barnwell eleveit will humble their opponents Hfi the future. Those enjoying Ben’s hospitality were: Prof. Robison, Prof. Guyot, Messrs? James Calhoun, Aubrey Har ley. Frank Kirkland. Eugene Brown, Sidney Carroll, Ben Armstrong, Wil- — lie Holland. Bethune Owens. C.afhoun Lemon, Bethune Halford? HarobJ Peacock, Charles Burckhalter, Harry Anderson. Brown Parker, McBoe Hol ley and Leroy Molair. rv» Celebrates 91st Birthdav. His body was laid- to rest in the ad joining churchyard. The many beau tiful floral offerings testified to the esteem in which he wa- held by all. Mr. Dyche- is survived by his wi.J ow; .one .daughter, Mrs. J. C. I,ott four, sons, Messrs. Harry, Cecil Claude and W. (’. Dyches, Jr,, one granddaughter; two sisters, Mrs. 1). F\ Baxley, of Ellenton, and Mrs. Hai ryCain, of Blackville; four brothers Messrs. Hayward Dyches, of Ellen ton, Aiken Dyches,-of Augusta. Ga., Boncil and Samniie “Dyches, s Mae Compton Dies in Columbia The friends of Mr. H. P. Compton will regret to learn of the death of j his sister. Miss Mae Compton, in the | Baptist hospital in Columbia last Sat urday. The 1 following account of her illness and death is taken from The Columbia Record of Nov. 3rd: Following short st-rvices held at 1 w . t , 1527 GervaTs street, at 10:30 o’clock | q ( .^ Monday morning the body of the ht‘e Miss Mae Compton, who died at the parents? Dr. anil Mrs. Tessier, oT Hickman Road. Agusta. Ga. Thi bride is a very attractive young lady. I The groom, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. \V\ Johnson, of Williston, and brother < f Judge J. Henry Johnson, j of Allendale, is a member of the Al lendale bar. His Barnwell County friends wi-h him a long and happy life. Mr. and Mrs. Donley Rish, Mrs. J. H. Bredie and children, of Wagoner, were vbitors Sunday ,of Mr. and Mis. M. A. Smith. Mesdames A. M. Kennedy, J. E Kennedy, J. A. Latimer, Billy Patter son. Mr., and Mrs. VV. T. Willis, Mr. W. R. Kennedy and quite a number of others attended the CitadoJ-Carolina game and the Orangeburg fair Wed nesday. Miss Minnie Wo dey is visiting re latives in Metter, Ga. Mrs. W. R. Kennedy and Julia Riley Kennedy are visiting MDs Helen Battle in Augusta. Mr. A. I. McLemore, of North Au gusta, was a visitor in Williston Mon day. Mrs. McLemor* remained for the Barnwell Baptist Association which met at Pleasant Hill church this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leon IMcks spent the t week-end in Charleston. | Mrs. E. M. Givens and children, of Bishopville. are visiting her mothe* - , Mrs. F'aul I'arker. Miss (’ora Hutto and Edna Lott and Messrs. H. A. Greene end P. B. Dicks motored jo Cnarteston for the week-end. Mr. O’Neal Lott, of Charleston Medical College, was a visitor in Wil- li-ton Sunday. Commander and Mrs. Norman M. Smith, accompanied fry MTs? W. G. Thompson, Jr., and Miss Louise Pro- thro, left Sunday in the former’s car •for Spartanburg where they will visit Mrs. Guy Vaughn, thence will visit A ihdville. points of interest in Vir ginia, Washington, Baltimore and oil er places before returning to Nor folk where Commander Smith is stationed as an officer in the United States Navy.- Miss Prothro will go I v . | from Baltimore to New York for j several weeks. -Mr:- end—Mrr -R:—A. Wcathcrshec Barnwell kept up its winning streak by defeating the Estill football eleven at Barnwell Friday afternoon, 31 t> 0. The locals clearly outplayed the visitors throughout the game and the Barnwell goal was never in danger. Barnwell gained consistently with line bucks, end runs and forward passes. A touchdown was made in each of the-three first quarters with two in the fourth. Estill was unable to gain thiough the locals’ line hut completed two or three forward passes. Barnwell had the ball on Es- till’s two-yard line when the final whistle blew. Game in Williston. Williston, Oct. 31.—In a game fea tured by pretty runs and splendid passing with several very tense mo ments Williston High defeated Aiken here today 21 to 0. Joe Kennedy went through the line in the second quar ter for the first touchdown. In the third and fourth quarters P. Lee and M. I,ott made touchdowns. R. Odi- orne kicked goal in each try. E. Kitehings for Williston completed t . several beautiful passes, the entire Williston team played jam-up ball and in the fourth quarter when several second stringers were run in continu ed to hold the Aiken team except when Black got away for the longest run of the afternoon, netting about f>(* yards. Webb, Black and Clifford were the outstanding players for Aiken. Hallowe'en Bridge Party. > have returned from a motor trip to ! Hickory, N. where they visited their daughter, Mrs. M. I,. Bolick. IF. M. Thompson amW-Q. A. Ken nedy. . Sr., attended the automobile races in Charlotte last Saturday. Home Demonstration News. Association Organized. There will be a call meeting of the Barnwell County Council for Farm Women Saturday, Nov.. 8th, at 11 a. m. in the Court House. All club Tht; outstanding social event of tho Fall sfason was the lovely Hallowe’en bridge party given ‘Friday afternoon by Mrs. Edgar A. Brown at her homo on Main Street. In keeping with the spirit of the occasion, the house was decorated with black cats, pumpkins, witches, etc., while the soft glow of electric lights, disguised as pumpkins, added to the charm and witchery of the scene. —• ' Bridge was played at eleven tables, there being 43 guests-present. The I first prize was won by Mrs. R. C. Hol- 1 man and the second prize by Mrs. i Neil. The prize for the highest score by an out-of-town guest was awarded to Mrs. Johnstone. The consolation was cut by Mrs. I-ang Cave. After the games, delightful refreshments consisting of block cream and block cake were served. The favors were black cats. The out-of-town gaests were as $pl- b.ws: Mrs. Neil and Mrs. Johnstone, School Improvement Association organized at Elko on Monday, 1 members are requested to be p^sent; Macon, Ga.; Mrs. Ralph Walker, of 27th. and the following officers an<1 thost ‘ ' vho areHnterested avt ‘ in * | Appleton; Mrs. R. P. Searson, of AF- On Saturday. Nov. 1st, Mr. W. H ' haplain. Mrs. M. B. Hagood. Cieech, of the Ulmyr section, celebra- Baptist hospital Saturday night, was We had a- our guest at this meet- te