The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, October 30, 1924, Image 4

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■-40-• H I - n TAGE FOUR. C - ..-^=5 THE BARNWELL PEOPLE. BARNWELL. SOUTH CAROLINA. / THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30TH, 1924 THE BARNWELL PEOPLE Bntfcred at the post office at Barnwell/ S. C., as second-class matter. JOMM W. HOLMES 1840-1912 B. P. DAVIES, Editor and Proprietor. subscription Crates: One Year ' $1 50 Six Months .90 Three Months ——- -BO (Strictly in Advance.) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30TH, 1924 The Big Bond Issue. MASTER’S SALE. The People has received a number of communication'^, from one source and another, urjfintr this paper to ad vocate the proposed ten million bond issue, which is to be voted'on in next Tuesday’s general election. The money derived from the sale of the Iponds is to be med for various pur- no-es—for charitable and correctional institutions, such as the hospital for the insane, the penitentiary, etc., for educational purposes, looking to the enlargement of such, institutions as Clemson College, the State Universi ty. Winthrop College, ’etc.; and for State aid for high schools. \ The editor of The People has always^ been an advocate of progress, hut progress does not always mean going into debt and spending money. We believe that certain of the institu tions to be benefitted by the proposed bond issue need more financial assis tance, but we favor the pay-as-you-go plan in this as we favored it in the road-building program. Let’s do all we reasonably can for the unfortun ates of this State and if their present condition is such that immediate funds are necessary to relieve it, let the legislature make an appropriation at its next session. The money has to come out of the pockets of the tax payers, Ik* it for bond issues or other wise, but , let’s not mortgage the State to make a big splurge all at once. ■ We are more in favor of aiding the public schools than the institutions o? higher learning. A comparatively small number of young men and. women go to college and the par ents of mo-t of them who do are financially able to pay for improve ments aixl enlargements, which should be included in the tuition fees. The most that thousands of poor boys apd girls can hope to get is a common school (‘duration and they should he given the best that it is possible to give along that line. With the people of South Carolina clamoring for lower taxes, on top of a more or less dbasterous crop. 1 year with unsatisfactory prices, we think that this is a had time to saddle, the taxpayers with a big bond issue. We, therefore, cannot conscientiously urge the people of Barnwell County to vote in favor of this proposed bond issue. We are building a system of good roads throughout the State with out the forty to-sixty million dollar bond issue that some thought neces sary a year or two ago.v Let’s take the interest that we would have to pay annually on the bonds and do what we can. The taxpayers will at least save what would have to go into a sinking fund to retire the principal. This is another ca'-e where it will pay to go slow. State of South Carolina, County of Barnwel. In the Court of Common Pleas. I* r ^ M. C. Diamond, Plaintiff, vs. Annie Kelly, Defendant. By virtue of the power' contained in a decretal order of this court made on the 5th day of November, 1‘J’JO, I will sell to the highest bidder four cash on Monday, the did day of No vember, 1924, between the legal hours of sale, the same being*-sah*sdax / in said month, in front of the Court House at Barnwell, S. C., the .follow ing described real estate; All that certain piece, parcel or lot. of land situatST,"lying and being in the town <*f Barnwell, Barnwell County, said State, containing one-half acre, more or less and bounded on the North by lot. of the estate of Jennie Robertson; East by street of the town of Barnwell which separates this lot from lot of Mrs. Smith; South by lot of M. C. Diamond known as the Aiken ; \ lot; West by lots of J. M Easter ling. Purchaser to pay for papers and revenue stamps. H. L. O’BANNON, Master. Master’s office, Oct. 14. 1924. . 666 1 «• ‘i is a prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Dengue or Bil ious Fever. It kills the germs. SHERIFF’S SALE. State of South Carolina, County of P4u mve.Il. -■ 'Ijlifc STATE I vs. ■ LENA ,rr R. CREECH. Under and by virtue of a Tax Exe cution to me directed by J. B. Arm- stirong, Treasurer of -Barnwell Coun ty. 1 have this day levied upon and will sell to the highest bidder for cash, between the legal hours of sale front of the Court House at Barn- weil, S. C., on Monday, the 3rd day of November, 1924, this being salesday inWtid month, the following described real ^state: One lot in the town of Barnwell, bounded as follows: North by lands of John Eve. East by Southern Railway Right of Way. South by lot of R. A. Ellis. West by lot of Mrs. Brabham. Levied upon and sold to satisfy the above Execution and Costs. C. KEYS SANDERS, Sheriff, B. C. Barnwell, S. G., loth day of October, 1924.—3t. Death of an Infant. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. R. F.. Kennedy, who live several miles East of Barnwell, will sympathize with them in the loss of their liUlo daugh ter, who died October 17th, aged seven months. The little body \yr*4 tenderly laid to rest the followingda^ at 11 o'clock in the Friendship Churer. yard. She is survived by her parents, two sist'-i: and f<>ur hro'thciv SHERIFF’S SALE. State of South Carolina, County of Barnwell, THE STATE "-vs: EST. E. L. SANDERS. Under and by virtue of a Tax Exe cution to me directed by J. B. Arm strong, Treasurer of Barnwell Coun ty, 1 have this day levied upon and will sell to the highest bidder for cash, between the legal hours <5f sale in front of the Court House at Barn well, S. C., on Monday, the 3rd day of November, 1924, this being salesday in said month, the following described real (Mate: -r 1212 acres of land, more of IT ST, liv Great Cypress Township, hounded a- follows: ✓ North by Saltkehatchie run. East by lands of W. L. Haivey am Est. E. L. Sanders. South bv lands >f F. Hirer.' Hall’s Catarrh Medicine Those who are in a "run down" condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in Rood health. This .ac t proves that w-hjic Catarrh is a local disease, it Is greatly Influenced by < onstitutional conditions. HALL’S CATAKRH MEDICINE ron- sints of an Dintment, which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal' Medicine, a Tonic, which assists in improving the General Health. Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. ' MONEY TO LOAN Loans made same day application received. No Red Tape HARLEY & BLATT. Attorneys-at»Law BarnwelL S. C. ECZEMAS Money back without question if HUNTS GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES 'Hunt’s Salve and Soap .tail in { the treatment ofltch. Edema, R i nirwOriri.Tetter or other It ch ine skin ^diseases Try thie treatment at our risk. Mase & Deason Drug Store Barnwell, South Carolina. V v W W WW VVw ♦ ♦ ♦ • ^ -iJ COUNTY TREASURER’S TAX NOTICE. The Treasurer’s office will be op?n for the collection of taxes for the fiscal year 1924 from Oct. loth,; 1924, to March loth, 1925, invlusive. A pen alty of 1 per cent, will he applied to all taxes not paid by Dec. 31st, 1924. A penalty of 2 per cent, will be ap plied to all taxe* not paid by January 31st, 1925. A penalty of 7 per cent will be ap plied to all unpaid taxes from March 1st to March loth, inclusive—after which the books close and Executions will be issued. Tax Rate as Follows: 0 mills for State ^purposes. 4 mills for State School—6-0-1 law 11 mills for ordinary Co. purposes. 2 miils for County Roads. 1 mill for maintenance of pub. ids. 2 mills for Int., etc. on road bds. 1 mill fhf Inst., etc past indebt. ‘ 3 mills for Constitutional Schools Total 20 mills for all purposes. Road tax pf $3.00 for all who are liable. Tax on all dogs except suckling pups $1.25, must be paid in ianuar 1925. Special School Levy. Anhleigh. r 4 mills. Barbary Branch _t 8 “ Barnwell >15 “ Big Fork Blackville Cave 'f- Cadar Grove Diamond Double Bond I 12 19 .i... 6 . ,8 _-.-8 Dunbarton - 12 Edkto— Elko Ellenton .. Four Mile , Friendship , Greens Academy . Healing Springs. „ H/i; i ' , uh i s — Hilda. -- Joyce Branch.--. Kline j.. I.- i - Long Branch Movers Mill 4 Morris'. _. . . r ' l #r- Calvary 2 New Forest . Oak Grove . . ()!d Civii'inbia . , Bleasaiit Hill Red Oak •r 8 8 8 g 8 1; —Hr- . 8 4 12- _ 4 . _ 6 _ 4 8- _ S 8 8 o I t r r r f ? T T ❖ f v ❖ ❖ ❖ f t f. y y ❖ f y ❖ f V ❖ ❖ ❖ f y V f V f ❖ ❖ f f ❖ t ❖ f y y y y ❖ t ❖ Buick curtains open and dose with the doors on all touring w roadster models They are snug fitting and keep out wind and rain ~ Any childcan operate them. SuM leads in %!mr^%adskv comfort! -V, Open Models Standard Sixes 2-pass. Roadster - J $1150 5-pass. Touring - - - . »1175 Master Sixes 2-pass. Roadster - . - - $1365 5-pass. Touring - • . • 1395 7-pass. Touring ... . 1625 5-pass. Sport Roadster - . 1750 4-pass. Sport Touring - 1800 F15-I3-A Closed Models Standard Sixes 5-pass. Double Service Sedan $1475 5-pass. Sedan - - - • - 1665 4- pass. Coupe . . - - 1565 2-pass. Double Service Coupe 1375 Master Sixes 5- pass. Sedan $2225 7-pass. Sedan 5 pass. Brougham Sedan - 2350 '2-pass. Country Club Special 2075 4-pass. Coupe - - - - 7-pass. Limousine - * Town Car - 2125 2525 2925 Enclosed Open Models With Heaters Standard Sixes Master Sixes 2-pass. Roadster * 8-pass. Roadster - - - - $1190 5-pass. Touring - - - 5-pass. Touring .... 1250 7-pass. Touring ... All Prices f. o. b. Buick Factories. Government Tax to be added. $1400 1475 1700 rti ■ i k DENMARK BUICK CO., DENMARK, S. C t ❖ ' 1 12—1 ❖ ❖ ❖ Your f V WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT/ BUICK. WILL BUILD THEM V £*+**+*++** K+K++2+ *+* ♦> ❖ ❖ t t y y y y y y y ❖ f y ❖ f y y y ❖ f T May be many, but let vour Saving Grace be an account with us. Open a savings account with us today. “Pennies make dollars’ is an age old say ing that is full of truth and wisdom. V ’ • ' v - WE PAY 5 PER CENT. WE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT YOl H ACCOUNT. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock, $50,000.00 • Make This Bank Your Best Servant. . J: E. HARLEY, TRESr X, -W A LK KR. V ICR PRES: RALPH SMITH CASHIER I NOTICE OF PRIM \RY FLECTION. Executive Committee. Democratic Party. Barnwell County. Notice is hereby given that a special primary, election of the DomoeraCie party will be held on Tue-day. No- 1 yember IKth. 1924. and a serond pii- mar-y. if one be neeess'ary, will be h dd two weeks thereafter, for the pur pose of nominating a Magistrate for Blackville township, ta-sueeeed I. Fr Still. resigned. The following managers are here by appointed and the following polj- ing places named for both elections; Blackville—C. C. Storne. L. .F. Hair sind Ei 11. Weissinger; clerk. J. H. Sanders; ladling place, vacant'store. Double Ponds—,J. P. Chitty, Leon Hutto and Jacob Delk ;clerk, Isadore Hartzog; polling place, Double Ponds schiKil house. Healing Springs—L. P. Boyls'ton. T. J. Grubbs and H. J. Hair; clerk, Milledge Hankinson; ixilling place, Healing Springs schcatl house. This election shall ho held under the rules of the Democratic^ party. The managers shall o"on the polls at 8 o’clock a. m., and cloce them at 4 o’clock p. m. Copy of rules will be mailed to man agers of each club wkh tickets. Each executive committeeman is hereh> notified that ho will be required to furnish the managers of election with a suitable box. (Ordinary cigar boxes will do.) EDGAR A. BROWN, B. P. DAVIES, County Chmn. Secretary. West by lands Of W. L. Harvey ad J. C. Fields. Levied upon and -sold to satisfy the above Execution and Costs. C. KEYS SANDERS. . Sheriff. B. (', Ba tiwo’l. S. C,, Kith day of October; 192 L—.3t. I S. E. MOORE, VICE PRES. Wm. McNAB _ Representing 'O..- FIRE, HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE -COMPANIES. Personal attention given all businesi Office in Harrison Block, Main St BARNWELL. S. C. BOILER FLUES MILL CASTINGS AND SUPPLIES 3ELTIN0, PACKING AND LACING WOOD, IRON *1(0 STEEL 8'~“ Reedy Branch - 8 “ _ Reeves Creek 2 Sand Hill “ Seven Pines ^ 4 ** •Tinkers Ci’eek 8 “ Upper Richland .. 3 “ Willi-ton - 21 “ J. B. ARMSTRONG, County, Tres. Barnwell, S. C.. Oct. 7, 1924. For Sale FROST PROOF Cabbage Plants Brinji KNOINK KKPAIKS tn anto ftmjtiick LOMBARD IRON WORKS. AUGUSTA, GA. Tutt’s Pills The first dose sttonithe* the iaeslid. giving immediate relief, regulating bowels and digestive organs, inducing OOOD picestiom Advertise in The Peoole. TWO TRACTS FARM l.(M) FOR SALE 120 acres, 75 acres o'c.i c 1, w.t’n' goml huse, stables and barn,good land. 200 afrres, 150 cleared, four houses on place, good clay land. No va^te land on this place. Both Tracts 3 , j mile- from^Ulmeits. Apply to — J. A. Goodson ULMERS, - - SC. Grown in the open air, all early varieties. By parcel post: 200, 75c;hy express collect: 500, $1.25; 1,000, $2.00. Lettuce plants, 30c per hundred. These are fancy plants. Will ship same day order is received. ( a>h with order. Send check, money order, cash or one and two cents stamps. Also seed Rye, $2.75 per bushel. Dr. C. N. Burckhalter BARNWELL. - s! C. .... , V DR. CECIL RAY, Physician and Surgeon. Office at Mace Drug Company. Barnwell, S. C. ! Send Us Your Job Work. j , ' ;■ - ' ■ UBnnauBBiir ■giqBR| BeiuuaaH q WB ■ r ■ « «i ai a ffa it- i aWiZalMiciBHiri ■ S s ii a- Cramping Spells TjiOR MORE THAN A YEAR I had been in a a 4- v f’y oa t d condition," says Mrs. R. E. Kimbretl, of Route x ' Dorchester, Texas:, "I suffered with cramping spells which gave me had pains in my back and sides. Sometimes I would have to catch at something, I would get so suddenly dizzy. V: • 1 ^ t0 ^ doms my work. 1 tried many reme dies, but none of them seemed to do me any good. 2, ‘‘ In . A P n l 1 up to Arkansas to visit mv sister fake C ld ; 9 Tf’ ^j llie ’i if y ° U ^ g0ing to take ^ything, mv dSn h T J? 11 ' he,P 1 came hom ^ an d told my dfcctor what she had said and he said I could not take any ettcr tonic, so my husband immediately got me a bottle and ' I W nn f Vhf ;T y Ca A S C WaS a Pretly t0Ugh 0ne > 1 knoW > SO I kept on faithfully. After the fourth bottle I began to feel Very much better so much so that I was ,urprised\t ^’self! I have taken six potties now and I can truly say I feel like a ^ 1 - ^ take m s ■ ■ s ■I : ■ : m s CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic aMBfcMe g MReieMlTOMlMMmgSS!Sr f l!