. §r I' A A. A A, A, A a a a a, a ^ ^ ^ # «w A «V*VA •V«V*'% *V*V*V*% AAA*** AAAAAAAAV# A K ’ 14 V ■ r I i r i i t t t ? t ? i ? ❖ t T T T T T T T ❖ f T T ❖ t t t ? ❖ ♦♦♦ J^EW LOCATION: 936-46 Broad St. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17TH ** * “ . AT J. B. White & Co; Augusta Georgia ‘ WORTH COMINO HI NDREDS OF MILES TO ATTEND: OFFERING MORE THAN 200 SEPARATE AND DISTINCT DOLLAR BARGAINS. EVERY ITEM SEASONABLE AND DESIRABLE. —Meen’s woar ami furnishings. -—Women’s, infants’ anti children’s wear. —Ribbons, laces and trimmings. —FobtU&ar for men, women arui children. —Hosiery, hdkfs., gloves. / -rHouisehold Linens. $1 —Umbrellas, Jewelry, Etc. —Art Needlework. —China ami Glass. —Silverware;— —Homefurnishings. —Underwear and corsets. —Silks, wool mixed goods. —Wash fabrics. . — Etc.. Etc. -Curtain Goods and draperies. You’re Invited and Expected to be Here r Make the “NEW WHITE’S” Shopping Headquarters on the 17th Community DOLLAR DA> IN AUGUSTA! i A * * ♦ ♦ ♦ A ^ A A A A *♦< A A A A AAA A A A A A A A AAA A A A A A A AAA A t T ? 1 ❖ f f ❖ 1* y ❖ t y y y y y y y ❖ f V t y y y y y ❖ t f y V Statement, of the Condition of The Bank of Western Carolina. Located at Blackville, S. €., at the close ofo business Oct. 6, 1924. ~ RESOURCES. 'Loans and Discounts^ T $266,402.52- Banking House, Building Account 5,806.81 Due from Banks and •Bankers 3,122.01 Currenccv 9,842.00 Cold 45.00 Silver and Other Minor Coin __i._ 3,709.59 Checks and Cash Items 912.74 Other Resources, viz: i Due from Head Office, Aiken, S. C. ..145,609.26 Bank No. 263. Statjment of the condition of THE HOME BANK, located at Barnwell, S. C. t at the close of business Oct. 6th, 1924. RESOURCES. Loans and Discount* .$230,608.06 Overdrafts — - - . 947.47 Bonds and Stin ks Owned. . Furniture and Fixtures 3,307.34 Banking House — --— 7,891.2*1 Other Real Estate Owned 8,388.98 Due from Banks and Bankets — Currency - -- - (!old - Silver and Other Minor Coin _ ' Checks and Cash Items Exchanges for the Clearing House Other Resources, viz.: War Savings Stamps 80,532.28. 7,393.00 185410 1.134.07 1.040.15 ' 405.80 86.10 $342,505.57 TOTAL LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid in $30,000.00 Surplus Fund .— - 12,500.90 Undivided Profits, less Cur rent Expenses and Taxes Paid C - 4.801.74 Individual De posits Sub ject to check 169,765.45 Savings Deposit,- * 101.912.49 ’ • Time Certifi cates of De posit . _4.130.16 Certified Checks 10.00 Cashier’s Checks 1,355.73 280,203.83 Notes and Bills Re discounted . NONE Bills Payable, including Cer- TffRates for Money Bor- ~ rowed _ _ - 15.000.00 TOTAL State of South Carolina, County of Barnwell. $342,505.57 SS. Before me carm CASHIER of tin ATM. M.N.TB above named hank, who, being' duly sworn, says that the above and fonVomg state ment is a true eomhiton of said hank, as shown by the ho »ks of said bank. William MeNab. Sworn to aii ❖ ❖ ❖ ? ❖ f V ❖ ❖ ❖ TOTAL _ ^ .$435,449.93 LIABILITIES. Undivided Profits Less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 455.12 Individual Deposits Subject to Check 193,503.44 Savings De posits ..240,789.13 Ca-hier’s Checks 702.24 434.994.81 Statement of the Condition of The Bank of Western Carolina. Located at Barnwell, S. C., at the Xclose ofo business Oct. 6. 1924. ^ RESOURCES. Loans and Discoants., $195,425.12 905.83 'Overdrafts Dm 1 ' from Banks and # Bankers - Currency —- Gold — ------ Silver and Other Minor Coin - Checks and Cash Items Exchanges for the Clearing House —- Other Resources ‘iz: Due from Head Office, Aiken, S. C. — —. —166,259.<»»> 428.26 ... 8,704.1") 10.00 f 944.40 81.18 2,701.91 TOTAL $435,449.93 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Barnwell. ss. Before me came Thos. L. Wragg, Manager of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank THOS. L. WRAGG. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of October, 1924.. John O’Gorman, Notary Public. Corpoct Attest: JTm. Farr *11. H. B. Grimes, Directors. TOT AI $375,459.75 LIABILITIES. Undivided Profits less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 173,67’ Individual Deposits - Subject to Check ..153,319.67 Savings De posit* .....219,737.43 Time Certificates of Deposit 2,000.00 Certified Checks 99.24 Cashier’s Checks 129.74 375,286.08 TOTAL .$375,459175 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Barnwell. ss. Before me came G. W. Manville, Manager of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as^shown bv the books of said hank. G. W. MANVILLE. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th da’dy of October, 1924. Ferry A. Price; Notary Public. Correct Attest: M. B. Hagood, W. J. Lemon, Directors. > CONDENSED STATEMENT OF BANK OF WESTERN CAROLINA, AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS, OCT. 6TH, 1924. ASSETS Bills Receivable .... .... .‘... _ ...' $2,942,589:57 Bonds and-Stocks .... .... ._ r . .. 149.330.0 > Banking Houses .... • . .... .. 99,709.58 Other.Real Estate , _ .... 62.120,62 Fuinituie and Fixture* .. . .' 18.023.19 Cash on Hand and in banks ^ 7*92.684.2 J LIABILITIES. C apital ... . _ . i Surplus i I n livided profits I Depo s its j Saving* Deposits [ Certiticates of Dep: >sit Certified Checks . I . _ . Cashier’s .('hecks to Banks .. . .. . $1,061,457.19 .$ 2■'9.300 i■ 289.300.0 21.461.2- 1.346.o:.o.7 s 2.059,206.0'. 26,.8lH».o' 2.627.92 _ " 8.438.29 . 21.266.;. $1,061,457.1 Barnwell County, StatO'dt South ( ar- ottfui.jTTmtaiiring fifty acre*,-more—or h s*7. aj?6 bounded as follows: On the North by lands of Willie Kirkland and Mrs. Davies; Eas v t by E. VV. Holman ami Willie Williams; South by Hol- man and Williams; and West by South- ern Railroad Company’s right-of-way. Terms of sale, cash; purchaser to pay for pafiers and stamps. H. L. O’BAN NON. Master for Barnwell County.. Master’s otTice, Oet. 15. 1921. MASTER’S SALE. State of South Carolina. ' ountV of Barnweil / Crrort of Common. Pleas. Mol lie A.’Brown, Plaintilf. vs. P. ( . Myrick, Wiliie Kitkland, Bank of Olar, 0. A. Kennedy, and .1. \. Por ter, ' . “ ~ Defend inf' . 4 # I ' By virtue of a decretal ortb^f tiPmo directed in the f.bove (‘ntitled causrn 1 will sell at Barnwell, South Caro- Lna. in front of the Court House, on, Monday, the 3rd da," of Noveml.iei., A. 1). 1921, it being -ah sda\ in siiid month, within tin* legal hours ,,f >ale. the following described re:.! e ;al •. to-wit: ( 1 > All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying irrtd be ing in the County of Barnwell. St.T. * of South Carolina, containing thirtv- •five (35) acres, more or less, bouqde'l on the North by lands of Mrs. Lena Davies; East by lands of P. C. My rick; on the South by lands of P. C. Myrick; and on the* West by lands of Southern Railroad, said lands are a part of the.old Miller tract. | (2) All that certain tract'or par cel of land, lying and -bping situate in IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. FOR THE EASTKRN-DLSTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Bankruptcy. In the Matter of Thomas J. Deer. Bankrupt. TO THE < RKDITOKS OK THOMAS J. DEER, of Ulmer, S. 0., in the County of Allendale and District —aloresaid a i.>ankrupt. A Charter No.’ 11287. Reserve District No. 5. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE <*• *** *** *% *♦* *♦* *♦* *♦* *♦* *♦* *»* *♦- ^ ^ ^ ♦ *♦♦♦♦♦♦% V V%*%*%*%*V”V%*%*W%*^ | South Carolina State Fair >| 1 2 ' COLUMBIA, S. C.V Account of the above occasion the Southern Rail- j ? 1 way will sell tickets from all Atrencv stations in South ♦> jf ' & Cardnna located on its lines, including,Augusta, Ga., and Charlotte, N. C., at fare of one and one-half of the low- V ost one way fare for the round trip. ♦V ^ Tickets to be sold October IStlTto 24th, inclusive, «£* with final limit October 2oth. ^ For further information, apply .to your local Agent ♦> T T ? T T T ❖ or address, VY. E. McGEE, Division Passenger Agent, COLUMBIA, S. C. • A, II. ACKER, T T ❖ f t T ? T ? ? T FIRST NATIONAL BANK at'’Barnwell, in tht State of‘South-Carolina, at the close of business on Ort. 10.1924. ” ' . RESOURCES. a Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, acceptances of other banks and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with endorsement v of this bank (except those wn in b amh* ) $2 lo..",;t7.5' Total loans ^ - . . Overdrafts, secured, none; unsPVuied, $2,535.96 l . S. Government securities owned: a Deposited to secure ci v culatioii (U. S. bonds par value).-.. i __^_..$f)0,000.0d l b All other United States Government Securities (including premiums, if any)! . j. I.s7.5u $240,597. • j 2.535. Total .. 5. Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc.: 6„ Banking Hou.^e, $8,500.00; Furniture and fixtures. $4.9,0.68 7. Real estate owned other than banking house .. _ ' h. Lawful reserve with Federal Roservi* Bank 10. Cash in vault and amount due from national banks 11. Am ,unt dire from State banks, bankers and tiusUeoiripanics in the United States (other. t) «*n included in Item* 8. 9. and lOi . . ....... . Total of Items 9. Kb 11, 12. and 13 b Miscellaneous ca,sh items . .j. 15. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from L T . S. Treasurer 16. Other assets, if any ... 1 » TOTAL ..... . .A... . “ LIABILITIES. 5o,ls7.5 1,500.0 13.450.6S 3;750.0i 261.M 13,368.6'. <- f 13,668.69 t 17. Capital stock paid in ^.1 Tv- , rj . , Y 19. Undhvided profit; T $2,507.54 District Passenger Agent, A ir.VsJv.,1 iw .kiii.ti a.in.25 CHARLESTON, S. C. ^ c. Les,* current e.XjteJises., interest and 'taxes paid 4.459.60 £ 1 20. Circulating notes outstanding .. V (21. Amount due to Federal Reserve Bank (deferred credits). . (25. Cashier’s cheeks outstanding i Total of ltem s 21. 22. 23. 24. and 25 __ .....2+688.74 Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) 3(b) « 0 1,493.00 . 2,500.00 1,342.35 $331,287.65 $50,000.00 50,000,00 1,749.43 939.31 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That on the 13 day of Oct.. A. I). 1924. the said Thomas J. Deer was duly ad judicated Bankrupt and that a meet ing of hD creditors will be held, at my office in Orangeburg. S. C., on the 27 1 .. day of Oct.,' A. 1)^ 1924. at eleven o’- H i4(h k A. M., at which time, the said creditors attend, prove* thi ii- claims, app(*int a trustee, examine the Bankrupt and transact such other business a' may properly come before said meeting. Notice is further given t h a tat thi.- meetiug .application w. i 11; be nfadXfor an order for salt* of both real and personal property, and if of fered, a composition too creditors will be voted on. H. E. MOORE. Referee in Bankruptcy. Dated at Orangeburg, S. C., 10-14,1921 ^ V - ^ Send Us Your Job Work. Free InSormation on theUse oS Concrete ' * ' ■ ' , ✓ ■ \ “Foundation Walla and Bascncnts of Concrcto” wpl show you how to build permanent foundations. It tells you how to lay. foundations, how to buhd basement and foundation walls how to buil9 Concrete lootings and steps. “A Hundred and One Farm Lite* of Concrete” is a practical little booklet with illustrations and complete instrucuons for building Concrete slew, dairy barns, feeding floors, hog hopses, milk houses.'Bbnerwe corn cnbs. and many other forms ol Concrete construction for the iarm. “Concrete Around tho Home” tells the easiest, sim plest and most economical way to use Concrete for drives, walks, garages, sepuc tanks and other permanent improve^ ments, giving ail in-tructions for the mixing, placing and finishing ol Concrete. ' Those booklets will be sent free, and will be a great help to you in ti e improvements which you are planning to make by using Concrete. A’rite •’for the ones you w ant. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION Hurt Building ATLANTA, GA. cA National Organization to Improve and Extend the Uses of Concrete OFFICES,IN 29 CITI S S 65,728.00 subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): , * 26. Individual deposits subject to check . , . Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve, Items 26, 27. 28, 29. 30 and 31 ..... 65,728.00 Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice and postal savings): 32. Certificates of deposit (other than for mopey borrowed)_____ 3,969.00 34., Other time deposits .1.: ... . 32,141.71 Total of time deposits subject to reserve, • Items 32. 33, 34. and 35 . .. .: 36,110.74 39. Bills payable (including.all obligations represent- -ing money borrowed, other than rediscounts 40. Notes and bills rediscounted, including ^ .+ 9,000.00 accept ances of other hanks and foreign bills of ex change or drafts sold with indorsement of this bank' _ 117,760.17 .$331,287.65 w, TOTAL . _ - [ State of South Carolina. County of Barnwell, ss: I, Ralph Smith, < ashler of the above-named bank, do solemnly”sweaty tha‘t the above statement is truejo the best of mv knowledge and belief. RALPH SMITH. T ■“ r • 1 CrsIiIgt* ^ Subscribed and worn to hefore'me this- 14 day of Oct lO^t ^ •COftRECT ATTEST: ' ^ MfALttSTER * ^ ^ N. G. W WALKER, C. F. MOT.AIR. . .. E. D. PEACOCK . • 1 DIRECTORS « • ' _