The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, July 31, 1924, Image 6

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I Tin-: pf/hmt:, bakxwfll, s. r. Emory’s Advice I in"i \ i- i liisl'liv i .miI i:>uiilly lih < "1 ■ * 111 * 1 — ;in'■ tiiirlv "ill. 11 is tu w 11| ;l V IIIII I <■ I jI win 'is <|ri'ii|i'i!!\ sl. Mill) T j !«* m'Iut 'll) I'M win ninif i>y*‘r Willi II I'.il'li! It ;itli*T heir till Uis I III I'M snii Iiiit i' \\;is Iiiji|ii ; i| unit thrt't* nr I'lrlir ill' Ill'S I Mini') ("ilk "lif u'lnm t* Mini l hfn > ii* 1 ‘ 'I "ii mr. lit l" tli ink milk • liki**! il" iihI Mm W'.iil.liit '\\' , i^li' 1 mlt Mint w .i v,” < 'Iiii'Mt.'" Trllnin'i'. JafaKat I RECOMMENDED BY HER DOCTOR Found Strength by Taking Lydia EL Pinkham’s? Vege table Compound KankriKoo, Illinoi.H. — "My mo*hrr in law always took ymir iru-dirmc for w* , aknoM8 I ami then in theChan^** of Life it did her so much jjood that she in duced me to take it ^l|l| for a v/eaknes.s I had ^ I for a your and a half. it lias strengthcm'.d me and n >w, i have a nice hahy iniy. * I do all my own house work now, and I n c- ommend Lydia K. .1‘inkhrim's Ve^eta- hleXort ; oun i whenev r I have the • p- portunity. ! am takifi^ it u^ain for weaknc.m, as my family doctor has rec ommend* d it - for this purpose.Mrs. Hakky ('on.oM, ‘.KIN. Harrison Ave., Kankakee, Illinois. Real Evidence of Merit F*'r the relief of female weakness, pains and backache, nervousness and irregularities, with other troubles com mon to women, I ydia E. 1‘inkhani’a Vepetahlc Compound is a dejiendable medicine. Its w irth is thoroughly ortaWished liy such let ters as t Im above. There are Women everywhere, who, having re ceived Tierndit, gladly tell other women al out it. For sale by druggists every where. CHAPTEft XXII—Continued. —21 — •"lliere are many Iuto who have lotliJrii; to Wear hut Mankets with irhiholes, lielted hy a length "f r"p** There are hundreds wTTo hfi ve no Idankefs to cover them at ni^ht. They have to take turns sifting hy the lire Idle others are asleep. For them a light s rest Is Impossilile. Let tlii> let .cr he lead to the pt'ople iif Alliati) ant] may they not lie down to sleep until the)- have vtIiT"d themselves In air heJiiiIf, and If an.)' man dales to pray to (l"d to help u-, until lit has given of his aloinilanec to thin end Mild hi .soiight his nelMihot's to do' the By IRVING BACHELLER Copyright by Irving Bacheller WPROVED UNmORM IMIRNATIONAl ’Lesson DEMAND -h that his pray;ng to You Need HANCOCK. Sulphur Compound I’ aart'* that sulphur Is cimvof th# most etlditive blood puritu-is k: own her pimples, hbrk-hcaits. frecklf' blotches, aiultan. as vt l!as fur more serious face, scalp amt b"ifv erupllom. hives, eczema, etc . use this V e ntitle compouiul of sulphur * a a l*>- ttun. it soothes an.l heals; taken internally It siets at the mot of the trouble For over V5 yeaffc Hancock Sulphur Com pound has given Satisfaction. t>l)c onJ $1.20 the bottle. at your dnlggist’s. If he can't supply you- send tils name and the price In stamps a al. a id we will send you a bottle direct HANCOCK in i ll) SULPHUR 4*. /mu COMPANY HT " ^ Hi aore Ui <>.H | Hanci t Su 'fhur C»mf**nd (knt mint—-»«>r ¥■-—/<[» wn u^f^i ike i :fui / Lemfeund. cgOi t*'mi tiuiil When Baby Frets from teething, feverishness, cold, colic or stomach and bowel irregularities there is nothing that will give it R quicker relief than A L'lDR. THORNTON'S K H EASY TF.ETHEK ) W v same, I could wi- weiild ehi'l;i' him. Ar \\e woilliy he s,|\i il^ that Is. the ipii'S’inii I' Wc expert •en] to flJU.'tlisli the thiTinel lltl'f the shoe leiitlier, We Mt'e tint. J hat Is our part of flu*.great' task. Are wo going ti\ shirk It tind fill!? “\'.'e nre makinz a re,I army. The men who tire aide to work an- beiijg. enrefullv traineil hy the crusty uhl I’airdn St 1‘iilien and n numher '»! Fl'elliJ.| ntlieers." That they did not fail was prolighly dll*- to the that there .Were tie U In. the army like this on" who seemed te have softie Tittle understHndtng of the will of f}od and the fluty of man This letfor*and others like It, traveled, far and wide and more than u million hands liegan to work for the army. The Schuylkill was on "tie side j)f t he ramp and woodi'd ridges protected -hy entrenchments, on,the other T rees were felled and log htlts 1 'oustfueled. Jt) hy IT feet In size. Twelve private* Were quartered In'" each hut. . 'The Hates, itfojaiganda "was again bo Ing jaisl.eil. Anonymous letters com plaining that Washington was not pro- 'tecting the peoplu of l'**ntLsylvatilu am! New Jersey from depredations were appearing in sundry, newspapers liy uftd hy a eommlttee of investlgatli.»n arrived from eongr*‘MS. They left sat- Isfh'd that Washihgt'in had done well to Keep his army alive, and that he must have help or a largo part '>f it would die of cold .and hunger. It was on a sovere day In March that Washington 'ent for .Ju» k Irons. Tim scout found the general sitting aloiio t)y the tlre.sld** in Ids ofll a which was part "f a sunII farmhouse. lie wits eating a (Mild lunch«*on i f hakeil beans and bread without butter Jack ~Tuul just rcturtieil from I'hil.ii'hTptda where he !md risked his lift* as a spy, of which adventure no di'tails are ro- eord( r d. The gt’nenil arose and went to his desk and returned with sealed letters in his hand and said : '('<i!i md,' 1 have a task.for you. 1 iM.iil'J give it to no man in wbmn'T had hot the u'most (•oiilalenct'. Yo-u have eiirnid a f spite from , the hardships- ami petals "f this army. 1m *i purse imd tvva) letters With them I w ish joii t" muke_ v "iir way to France ns >""u as possible and turn over the letters to Franklin. The d" tor is 'much is need of help. Fut yotir serv tecs rrt his disposal. A vhjj, vviil be havltig I'.oston oil tin' ITth. A good horse has been provided;, your r life Is mapped. Y'oti vvilT ms'd to start after the noon mess. F"r the tlr-^t time in ten days tT**re vviil ho fresTt beef on flit* fables Two hundred blankets have Hrrlyell and more are coming. After they have eutvlfc give thiFTnen a farewell talk and ptit them !n good heart, if yai eaa. We are go ing tofelehrate the vv inter's ) nd which cannot la* h»ng delayed. When y >u have lelt the tiiMe, I Ininiiton .will f.'dk to the bojs in his witty-u'nd inspiring fashiotl." Soon after eia*.,o'clock on ..the 7th of Yfar. h, 177S, (’olon'T lr ms hade Sobs tii"ii good by and set 1 ut <*n Ids long Journey. CHAPTER XXIII their rooms, happy that tley had pro tection from the weather;" when their landlord went from'room to room In forming, them that they would have to move on. “Why V" Jack ventured to Inquire. “1 Veenu*u ii selgneiir hes arrived.” “A seL'tieur!” .ho k e\'Talt!ieil. . ''teii, M'tisleur. He is u very great man.’* "Hut- suppose we refuse to go,” said .lack. _ --L 'Then, Monsieur, I shall detain yur horses. It is a law of le grand men arqije.” - There was n 1 do'L'ng it. The coach 4 u* ^ n l iini^rs <ni!».m k t<> tin* Inn «l*>nr KII/UAIKK l> I> r>^n^ >thooi Mouily Iiibl4* ii»- ►Tm > • fi Nspa p* r r plnri ) Lc sson for August 3 'SSI IX .TK.VT — John 1 3: 1 j -1 1 K \ 'i i; \.i - .1. ? j - J 1i i> w i‘i':l M-AKV I) '1‘p ■ -.1. 4 . - U > -fit -aitti unto ll.-s h .ii 'NP d: TOPIC—.1, too i M Ft: v kimaTi vN'n ' 1 . : t It M. -,. 1", ' 1 1 . X ( 1 I • 'it i.;; .v nd \v :! i'' 1. g * *.« t" Cin TTinoti l fio' .aiotiy ipt 'L I O' M : v'.:. (<-s W * The p:is-"tmeis went out into (he rainy night to plod along in the dx- iniU's i>r so. that the could en'ov i M'k. eJ. mud. another SeiU tie 111' utid his 'suite CO lid enjoy that '"tnfort tlie weary travelers had been ToToi-d t" h-ave. SrtWr xvas Hu.* fewnr-4 ■•*r «>f privilege* with wiiieh the great Louis had saddled Ids kingdom. They proceeded to Anectiis, Angers and lircix. The' last stage from Yer sallies to 1'arls was culled the post royalm Jtiere the postjlliqn had to he dresseil like ji gentleman. It was a nnignllieent avenue, crowded every afternoon by the wealth and lieauty of the kingd'lni. In gorgeously painted '■"acheji, and lighted at night by great 'TiiitT'ps, ttitlr double roTlootors, ov)*r Its center. They came upon it . In the Miormug on their way to the eapijal. There were few ;s‘ople {raveling at that / hour Suddenly ahead they saw a band of horsemen riding at * wild gallop. They Were the king's couriers. “(Tear the way,” they shouted. “The king's hunt is coming." All travelers, hearing this command, made quickly for the sidings, there to draw rein and dismount- The deer Is lie not breaking the- scepter of 1 tyrunW?’ . ’’(foing hack to his home where In the kindness of Ids heart he hail asked me to live, he en’den vor*-d, modestly, , to explain the evidences of high regard which were being showered upon him. j "•It happens that my understanding Th e FIRST DISCIPLES OF JESUS and small control of a mysterious and violent force of nature has appealed to the imaginations of these., people,’ In* said. ‘I urn the only man who has ti'-M'd thunderbolts i' ( ,r his pi ay things. Then, too, I am speaking for a new world to an old one. Just at present I-am the voice of Human Liberty. I represent the hunger "f the <pirlt of man. It Ls very strong here. You have not traveled so far in France without seeing thousands of beggars. They are everywhere. Hut you do md know that when n child comes in a poor family, the father and mother go to prism pour n 10is de nourrice. It Is a pity 1h.1t the j cannot keep their chil dren at Lome. This old kingdom Is a muttering Vesuvius. ~gr -\vi 1.g Tlotter year hy year, with discontent. You will presently hear Its voices.’’* There was a dinner that evening at Franklin’s house, at which the Marquis de Mlrabeuu,' M. Turgot, the Madame de Hrilloa, the Abbe Ki.vnal and the Honipfe and ('-omptesse d’ Hainfttot, Holonel Irons and three other Ameri can gentlemen were present. The Madame de Hrillon was tlrst to ar rive. She entered with a careless, jaunty air and ran Wo timet l-Yunklln and mi light his hand and gave him a double kiss on each cheek and "tie on ti". MJH* U .! s 1 lie La Ini t U] I’ < 'o.i 1. tin- s:n | H , ; ■ ter ot ll^' wo rid 1 .-Two. of Joh-n’s Di setples Follow Jet >us (\ \ . ::7). \ > «i r esiijt of Jh e 1 1 cl pt is! 's tesrh MU' ri\ two • *l his Ipse; ipl* .'s left him and fie J < t ,\ 4 t\ ,[ 11 s .' , (lire of these i p 'Cijii es s Aii'ir CW ( V . hi), and presumably t ii. ■ ' *1 he!' s' .1 UT " " fa p t -1 : o hf'ii "lit ,1 e s ; j s TTT7 Land) of a kod. tin • long . '\peef.d M 1 ’ ^ lull, these ills- «‘i| 'es 's,. ug! t fmtl iff acquaintance VV i t ll .1* oil s In v ievv ( ) 1 .lolui S request, th. *y 11 *11|. * •d upon the i,* U' 1 T ids' look v :i _S 'Ul'i*. .' tli_Li > fn--: u liacUa Iil to. low The WotW* Beet Took Over 100,000 people have testified that TANLAC has relieved them of: Stomach Trouble, Rheumatism, Mal-Nutrition, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Weight, Torpid Liver or Constipation. “AsT Anyone Who Has Taken TANLAC” OVER <9 MILLION BUTTLES BOLD _ For 84W Br AU Good DruryUta Stops Eczema Relieves the Intlammatlon, itcliina amt irritation; Tj/ie ■, / % * soothes and softens the sklo and leaves It tmooth and spotless. . TETTERiNE the complexion's best friend. 60c at your druo- aist's or from the SHUPTRINE CO.. SAVANNAH, GA itinteri ilitirii cnniuri r'dNfc-ci \ T The Two Disc pies Abidirg With his forehead and atllt-d him “papa.” “At table slip sat between me and I*octor E'ranklin." Jack writes. “She frequeiitiy locked her hand in the doc tor'* and smiled sweetly as she looked into his eye*. I wonder what the poor, simple, hard-working I mb drub Frank lin would have thought of these fa miliarities. Yet here, I am-Hold. 1 no Jesus (v v Tv 1. .Tesus «e Jl'SII- s; I u I ! I Cl st’inn dlseip k: , 11 T a>'\ ; v ;nqiinv e 1 i -oiples ish et c 1 to, II - |vv. (V TS) when es t'olUiw ing He as 7 to tl «■ r ohj . r Ih.j.'lv (v T'C). ' I es - "II t'Yt inq'ltr- i! I g I’i. TTlelr .•amu In sigtd, running for its life, the ,,ne thinks 111 of that kind of thing, king close behind with all his train. TTie Ticst wofiTeli of France seem to the hounds in full cry. Near Jack the treat their favorites, with Ilk** tokens deer bounded over a ledge and took u new direction. 11!smajesty a short, stout uian with blue eyes and aquiline nose, wearing .a luce-cocked hat and brown velvetKoatee and high hoots with spurs dismounted not twenty fpet from the stagecoach, say ing with great animation: “Site ! l'"line/ mol un cheval frnls ” Instantly remounting, he hounded over the hedge, followed hy his train. A letter from Jack presents all this' of regard. fN ( ow and then she spread her arms across the bucks of our chairs, us If she would have us .feel ‘that her affection was wide enough for both. ■' “She assured me that all the wonion of France were in love with le grand savant. “FraYrklln, hearing the compliment, remarked: Tt Is because they pity my age and Intirmltles. l';r-t vv.- pity, then embrace, as the great Mr. Hope n*| Iy showeil. ttiejr d es'jre to.g. * apart I'Jiva tidy VV h>!'!'•■.. t 1 '.- v e-’iifd i 1 i S* * ' ( >N4‘ *li.*ir hearts f- ||.m Kit -*■* in ^ rhfir kos* rt s. Ho irtv 4**4 tl 1 * '441 to 111 Vvf” hh * 411 _T_h e D.i sci pies Bringing 01 h e r p jg.ongea^LtpQk Hotel Built in Clouds l»H' top "t .lul.gfraupoch. in >w :tz»*, I .a 11' I. a hot o 1 l- In ing built at. all c|e\ «ii in o.f iT.lsu foot. T'lie vv "i-kino.n ha • to bravo «• I i*i neat y that' would ordr 11a'r;Iv . i-nTa) th"-' ••!' wanner • Tec-s The ' "'el W ben . 1111 i - h e' I will nte-rdlv ♦ "11. the 'T"U'I 4- I 9 tie an t t'eqtl' llt! V . to Jesus ( v Th i 1 • I V et'V I * 1 'X 1 ' . ■ ‘ ;i M«] r u U\r\\ i u n *11 .miM is ,11 :i-r;k| is ‘s? '] s -h.jfiif 1' is, •»IM Ut !>. 'pb s »*w<»*. j f *-*,'; ow- 11 "t the 1. \: ( v \ Tl I'llul* of tin* Journey. and a vers that he bus vvrltten reaehed the .hpuse ;d Franklin in Pussy " *w u think it u c< miii!!ment thiit the greatest infelhs *h in the \\o rid s willing t" alT'W If to lie, in a Way, captured by the charms of vvi •men,’ Mmlat :.c Hrilh-y d*' larch "As tli,.* dinn**r pt an'o** led t tie Ah'.e Kay na 1 asked * 1**' .I* " tor if it wht-s true t!.; i t t her** were s;. ;ns of. d' g"t 1*-! a y in th** average null* ■ AtiKxici.n ’ “ Ta •t the fact-' h* ■for** ys b* iy an- SVVer.' said Frankll n. ''ITitx.- a re at this t able, four Fr* •n-htnen nnT Fur A met; cans. Let the- a ■ -grt: *' cl ■ • ! stand up.’ •MT, *■ Fr>'mTn;*n wore und**i •s.z.-d, rj > Ut Ihi^ (\ \ SPIRIN Say ‘‘Bayer Aspirin” INSIST! rnU'-s you see -tl’.!? ‘‘ii.iyjr Cross.” on talNjis ;. i arc "TmL.. petting the Pennine J . .* .. e. r.ei r. r. e.r.r. *»i r. r. r. r. n r, r. r. r. r. - B.tvcr A-sririn proved sate rv. • • r ; . ; . • ’sIc-Iars tor 2 \ N cars. . Ai. 3^;’Accept ■ Ply a iLFvr r.TT^/c wtuencontains prow ifvl’re. I' ir.T v ■ ■'!ki v. r ’ b< \i- h ' i ? 12 .):-• ; "fiA, : F *—1-r A • •* .■ Tm ' '• ok ^ ' r» :urc ijt iK>u,>a.. » . -t r I ' TT • he AI 'he himself I" of h man. The Ann eng a iner" incan* <'a: rlmp i't 1 ., s ■ * fi : s vt ■ n- 'Li.'’} x.caciG TZ-'V. in France With Franklin. Jack shipped In tin* pueket Mercury, of 70 tons, under ('apt. Simeon Sump , son, oin* of America's ablest naval "tnmunder-v Sin* had been'built for rapid sailing {jnd vv.hen, the second day ouh they saw a Hrltlsh frigate hearing d"vvn upon her tliey wore sidp and eiisily ran away IT-' :n their enemy. Pheir lirst landing was at St. Martin on tIn* Isie de Khc 1 hey -crT-st-d-111** • island "U mules, being greet«*d with' the cry: ••Yolla les t>raves F.ostonesl” word HostiTryf In 1- ranee fh* American revolivtlonis* ^ (hev—euihii i k»‘d—uii—a—U meant At the ferry til' gabbi'ini lor ahi'iut two o'-el , k ;n the afternoon of a pleasant May day The savant greeted his )"uug fneii, 1 with nn aiTec- tioniite etnlrrace ''Sturdy >"n "f my heb/vts] country, you bring me J".y and a n**\v problem." he said. "What Ls the problem?’' Ja- k in quired. •‘That of moving Margaret across the channel. I have a double tusk now. I must secure the happiness of Amer ica and of Jack Ir -ns.’’ He read the dlspatehys |tnd then the doctor and the vc irrg^+iitoH-set out In. a coach for the palace ofYergennes; . tin* [>rttne mln.-'er. • Colonel Jrons was tilled w;t!i ..stonlshtimnt- ut the tokens of voncr.i* "tv f r t{ie white- halnsj man which tie witnessed In the H.anner. Humphries ami inysvif. were (v F- i . \ . i r h '; * :. * . i , f Mg men, th*> slKx'iest lietng s'x f***? -' - ' Is 1 ■ i, - i »h; 1: p full. ■ The contrast raised a' lungli 1,,, d t'h* t. " * -o (.- 4 j * 1 among.fhe lud!*'« Then sui*i Ft.T.nk in » , , • bp* t . ", .1. T ■ in his kindliest tones; ' In * ' ltd I. tl;.'- “•'My d.*ar Ahhe, I uin aware that I* 1 l.-Ctl •*' .! es > . i! - ' “* !. .i v e ail manhood is imt a tna'.Ter of f*s*t am! !* • ^ , • d . T -' ■ * 7 1“ f inches J cady asstire you that these iv r ' n t'' 3- iei. Sec ng a " d H earinq are average Americans ind* that tliey J c >US. 1 es' t -fts to Hs D vint*y are pretty well- filled with brain an 1 47 r. i i spirit.’ •. ■: 1 - \ >i • s i’.V .; » ! ! h ear'd. ’ T lie Abbe wp 1 k>* of m certaui print- J* S I IS - i 'L . - : : i f s r ■ * 1. • ••! i M .1 \ lie ed story on which lie bused his . , } *l •' .. i i J. • ■ * — 1\ *.f: si.a 1 i “ Judgment. ^ » iter t !l; '(v v :.i i. Mi \ r i -.. 4 "Fraiikhif Taughcl and answered: • **n- ! ing n 1 l| ».•••! .! l the T know that is 'a faille'. Msmise I , So i n w: t!i the ' ,J.,'-!| L , - • i V4 ' ^ . wrote it myself "tl*- day, ng- ago. *S ' 1 ( > t h.i! i is *'Frist ' j V f ’l»* 1 ; i * *; I h < when we waxe short of news "f n i. •; 11 i Vi • . i;;» •r> ‘u • * i * *.i rt! I- ami The guests iiaving depart* d, ^rank- h* J1 \ 4 *! i '' H i * i •. ■ j [ll ; ]: l Jr'l , .1. ph. 2 :! s ; lin asked the young man t" -It down I •n 'J' > 12 r for a talk by the fireside. The doctor This rn f i vt 4 ri»nv**Tri Hit* spoke ot the women of France, saying: FT * ‘ j ( ‘4 4 . i f first -d'S-. i ;*!»•• s . \ ' I'.'S ’“You will not understand them or r( 4 * t’( i!' 1 1 ( *.V \ ; 1 i ^ st J ig.'s of * j.i i;> Lati expo me unless you remind yourself that we r;» :i- t *s — in Kuro;*e an*! that ’.1 is the i ii* -•irit i d About Te SMS (v Md). Highteenth century. Here the clocks ii< ■ V It up.'t' •r j Hit It 'is f!;j 1 t th* are lagging Time moves slow iy With 1 11 r i ' I- l •• f 1»• r Ii u V •e a pt'op »*r t ‘pt'"U the poor It stands still. They know i * [ 1 es| 1> *t S the - s.i- rim-: ui i ..I m! 4, tli** not the thlmi we . al^ progrejes. —s+4 -Jo-. . C*‘V 1 Jr’, til* * .>'*■*' * 1 i * ,1 “ ‘Th*is*- who have money sei-in to be g 1 • »• .; U !T ■on Tesqs ( V Iris very busy tuivlng fun,’ I .said'. 4- f’4 * 4" - ' ■ r\ f il- it f lie sillier dot imt* •iy ti'x <gp) tiE F nNTINUri ’ > 1 sau- ' ?i’ ii *1’. ' ’M 1 "tl Tes||s RILLS PESKY BED BUGS P. D. Q. - y A famous baby’s specialist’s prescription, successfully used for lb years. A sweet powder that children like takes the place of castor oil Contain* no opiMe* or harm ful rlnipx ~~PTi kage. 2ac. at yoc.r dtuggiMt. If it fails to help, your money refunded. OLD SORES, PILES AND ECZEMA VANISH Good. Old, Reliable Peterson’s Ointment a Favorite Remedy. ' Had ."'1 ulcers-oir my logs l>"ctor> want, t.t" cut "!V leg. , Peterson's pint no ut curt-'l me -Win J N'iehos. 4'* Wilder Street, itooln-Klyr N / V. <;• t a.large ti"X f'*f iM-nts at nnv druggist, sx> s Pi ti i suIT, of I’liffalo. N V and money back i-f gi isn't th. t>esr vi.ii ever used. Always keep Fe- Ftne moining lie s.-t vut In a heavy ui drawn by t jn - frtTaed :i cocked nstr- and hut.. trr= "n - (>':;• metit—m—t+rr—hnvisp. f'.r tnirns scalds, bruises sunburn, and the surest remedy f-.r it* king eczema and pi!- > the world has / • %•*•!■ known votK nwii viii>kKs> >iwii-i i) K> V T >(| r- I - * l\ev Vlllg III- U'l-.) It M : e, J .'. shar>w 1. I hilu'l-- i>tua. 1’u n.Vl.t.sMKV w V.NTK1>—T" sell rub'b 1 d.Ar laats id lubber rex cuk** .-SpleJidiil luopo *ltlon AC.MK HI HHK’R AM' I'* • >i UtlX'! «W nom w ItroMtl m KICHUONP VA La n.ichelic There the young man . nj-yeil bis tlrst repos** n a French Id built up "f smidj-y layers of- f»{ath- er beds In th vehicle of two who. 'iors»-s. Its postil 1 i- powdcrd hair. tin. with a '' tig queue ' great, I ">ts. lM*op«Hj lively little bidet. French stugecoui h .f tn days. Its running gear having hecti planned with nn eye to economy, s n-’e vehlch-s were taxed aeording !< •* nuiuher <if their wheels. The diary informs givj that when the traveler stopped for food at a.n Inn he wnA. .-xpet’Ted to furnish his own knife. The highways were patrolled, night and day, hy armed horsemen streets of Harts. “'The person of the have attracted more i th.n.” Ire. writes. ‘'.■Y.~LXo\SL-d Real Color of Gold Few persons are fuTulliiTr’ with the real eolor of gold, because ,t Is Bel- -rfiT-n—se-efl—eX4M-pt wlo n—Lea\ lly aL enough a: i cr. - - v jug leslls ( V • T7 ) It Is riot to tnerely lo"k up* qi Ilim. !'(,!)••' det: m te etToft s to fc .low itaitiire "t 11 ’ti, i )'-' W til .Ic-»;|S (V :•,;)) Those !l.g i could nof )o>ei pi’ctful atten gatbered >n (us b _yv i 111 i r " Such ;)'•!{ and .-n. r. sic wms t ■k jib"ill the coach whe_n 'tr* and every man st< i-r. d head as we pas>' the palaVe door. In l was much whispered grand savant.' I d.T this until 1 met. In r t’otapte de Yergenm- Sen.itor (lahriel Honore Mlrabeuu. What an Lnt; . Y.*t I think he deseryes It. eye of Mars and the hair un i tlie tongue of an linae .vt- wore ica* mg ■ •I with iincov- ! "ti otlr way to he crowd tb»r*‘ raise uf t understaml otlice "f the the eloquent U'.quotti de i ssiv e hatre ’, lie has the of Samson l am told ’In our talk, 1 assured' Inm that Jn Hhilndelphla Franklin egt e and vveqt and was less otiflorvcd than the town and robherh's were crier, unknown. The vineyards wero not | “ 'Hut your people s*H'tn to atjore walled or fen»'ed. All travelers had a • him.’ I said. license to help themselves to as much “'As if he were a god,' Mlnibeau^an- frult ns they might wish to eat when It wan on the vine*. the? arrived t.t Chanterny on a cold ruin/ even mg. They were set pod *,£ ' t i “• -V V svvered. 'Yea. it Is true and it is right. Mils he not, like Jove, hurled the lightning of Heaven in Ids light hand? ; It} La not an unpunished Hroiuetbeua? sta’e in which if b- much red der than when it Is pure. The pun*st coins ever mail** WiTe the ■'-.'SJ piec*'S which wore y.nce In common use In i'n ifi-ndu. "TTit-lr colimge was jhan done*! because the loss hy abrasion whs so grout and been use their intiM- nor *'"Uhl be bored out and filled with 'lead They w* re octagonal in shape and were the most valuable (s)ins ever minted and circulated All gold Is not alike when refined Australian g. id is distinctly reflder than that taken In ('tillfonda Moreover, placet gold Is more yellow than that which Is taken from quartz This Is one of -he mysteries of metallurgy, Ivecanse ’heigpld in pincers comes from that which is In quartz. The gold In the j l.Tnl mountains is the reddest in the j world I ^ Hie Nose Broken In -a tight with a schoolfellow Thackeray, the famous novelist, had his nose broken and tb« dUdlgureinnol lasted nil Ida U/ai rtlc-! I V -11 *o i Him up lie • n .I'-sid mi' vv elcui.(■>, Ju«:’think, a t-.-x "•!' I I • H. sgy 1)<’V T" •• ' .si .1 I : .•*!'' -k". t;' ilU. a nifHron Ht<l ipa;s i; . ■ - - • is -r - arid stoj ■ .: ■ ns y K b; g th*-;r ••g.'s .uni d- • s n t .: • inc l.'-ri *1 t.r-- • ' • i ■ !:■*.. s •» I'. I' p ' Is i:i.. ti- «1 1 '• iv - is c- -I .i ‘ b;*Tic*'-as a snovv-.-aH -a'a ■'ar) • ! r* sort Fa"nt sj- •' t * v**! y I'U't;agi.- of t' I *■ '.' ‘ - 1 ’ .i' I* •lill thini a* ■!'( ' ir n> si .-Kgs a. • --' ra Us f-T t •* 'h-Vil s h. ei or -v- erv box Sp. . fl"-i Cat s z* . -$.’.S*>, m ik' S- live Kallpr.M - nta s ‘T*-rr.» spouts Fit her s z. ; h ' . v- -ar-. ilMiggist; "P «.-nt„tirf",..i ! un r-* .-it f pri'>• bv ' iwl ''he.inioal orks, T.-rre Ha .te,. T.n 1. A V/onderful Discovery 'The remarkiihle herb "Il'd’.'*” ns analyz*") Ii) “'/,'* was t'--ei*-.l to * 'tdaiti• (u's+dos "ther pritK'ljd*-?. a vn- rie.t) of ai hi which he n.mie I * bill'.in nlc Acid. He .jI'" found it to ) ".n: i.n a iTfTar achl tllsciivt-r**'I-t*v s -bw .p- » and Koch (odor and named Kibiol.ih'ri • :l! id. T ills lias lit-oil ||noi| in I Tops * "ng*‘st joh of tin* sjih'en, Scfoi'iila an ! I.epros.v with good resul’s. In receTH cM-i'S this herb has hoeli *K«.co\ nre 1 grow ing in. Fast Texas ami !.-ui'-m . and further exjit-rinien’s hav.- v|:"\v.*i that it" woliilvrHi! tiiirifv Copy for This Department Supplied the American Legion News Service. REGIONAL BILLETS FOR WAR ORPHANS IVIth the-dedication recently of American Legion's children's billet ('t-ter Lake. Michr, tiie lA'kd<‘n 1 gotten under way with a nation wu piMgram of ehiid wellaie. Spe«*itica! tin* Legion intVnds to care f«'r all t children whqse fathers w*4v.killed tK'tioii or who died as a result of sc ice in the American forces during World war. There are at present, according experts, r.JHM waifs of war who : being denied childhood privileges eause their fatliers died in service, the creation of regional hillets the giiin intends to car*' for all "f tt: The jiiim outlined hy the natio clilhi welfare committee of the la'g uilhiws for expiinsioti to m**ct the quirements ten yeirrs hence, vvhen peak load will lie reached -.'LT.O'it ■ ^ The billet at < »ttcr Isike, Midi, tvplcal of the L"gi"tTs method bandlmg this important plinSc of sc h e work. , Tl is neither an Institut! nor an orphan ;g*'. It approximate " home .-fs it is humanlv postil Instead' <»f ’having one big dortidt*' the way most in«ti;uthJns are run. Legion has small h otTages of fr four f" s]\ ro.'Uns Vine chlhlF*'n tie most an* limiscd In one hulhlTi where' arc look***! after - hy house mot hex. The children dress other ^children, wfltli no semhhince uniformity. Tb*-\ at’ni 1 ,]'.uti'lc seh* leaving in tlie ni'C'nlng, taking tl lun« h., and rnur,, ; ng about five o'ch In time ti) phi., r.ntll supper time. The latter Luke billet, which Is firs' regional billet, now cares fo.r diihlrVn, with thre** houses built ground broken for two more. Th* * tiil iren are of every extraction Hi g iri.iiv Folisii, T rehcli. Italian and Live Many of them came to the Ml In extrcjinJy ; health, eiiri'Tat ami nn-lcrnouris'icd. Overlooking (ut*T lake, on** of ■pr**t!i*-s' of Michigan's thousand lal tie billet is ideal f r h.ealtli purp' tmd, umh-r tie guidance <*f Mrs I Ing* fsoil. si;|i,x\ ising m"t)ier, the fi ptep:.r*'d is fcised on hoily build It. * i. Johnson, the sup** tern I--nl, .looks aft*-'' th** health of ct.ii hircty at nl not'one case o.f s«*rl TTTrmss Tas ”7 h ct got ilmhx w ay T‘ tveid' f«'x more ro-'iii to ban th*- fatherless ihihlren Is tnani.D-s hv th.* eonst.-mt r<'<iuest> for pern s'ii,|i to s-epd ('li.hlreii ' o u lie 4*-il let W ; -.', 11 g I, s ( ..ample : II -Kb/,* * - J ills ( \ ,m c-i he leg nt.aircs tint tl t '■'•<’ more sp; e As t ; t s* as meney is available such 'expansion taking place The Mp higan hil’et • was first he ;is *n :.•!,• :tv of the Mlclngtin (hq merit of i!,*- legion, with help hy h-gislatn:*'. Hovvev*x, vyheti the tbmal organ:/ati"ti of th*' legh-n w lnt" the ptM'hh-m. Mh-Tilgan graci-u ' rfr.t ! over her'hillet to the miti' ho'iy. - <" Til" secoml child billet is n■ iW un x' av at Ind* ; • . h m • 1x mis. Jo' n () i t a iiatc'nai ' "ti n .-mbx of the g,"n. recently dedicated a 4"H a trot u.f hind, wlct*- tin* second s<- t I < i) i i* hh'sscd 1**11 Witnessing for The. first thing it.*' • . to .1* s-., j/ t* t'ui 11 dii. ' ^ *', |', -l.g ii g' * •t he! ‘chad • hTi g I t "I t he to kli" v .I.*s11s hy .1 c s 11 s.. t v v. 4 1 :i ■ docs \< ho h*-g!l| to wifi I m- into h s i tl) .1 nic \* ! I 'Cl's, n o to-Tiring otloT -•sits | he o has * ‘on u* mil oxperi- II ha. -t'Urilyimg p !* - *;' 1 - vv!.-rc 'hi** to its acthui on th** ki'ltn-ys n.e ll"ho Mediciii** t’ompati) of' Keaumont, T»*\as make all erY.'.'ti\e halm ft'otii this' bcfli ainl *'a!l if lloho K. : dm-' ami Kho'ld’er .K'-ni. .h this I '!■ i'-.-ing S-I id t*. he a' l >; if ret] Aperient- 111 * I Anti-s*'orhut1e " ' >.\ hot tl * - s i I trefit- mel.t — TNo.t's is'd.lM) Success I'll rst of all. 'ie!d vv li.eli; a hov’ i man ; if I ..To n s.r I Ft **-! !'-nt Car- I must make mv self' *t sijce,-e.| in that I •ati su* ce* a I in h"t Inn I Good Temper 'ditllcult part of goo I . in accomuio'tath'ti to NT nEGLI inflani*-*! *•)■• Tlds or otinx < y*- irritations Ymi will tirul a soothing aad saf>* r* tneilv ' m MITCHELL EVE SALVE. HAI.L ,t UFCKEL. at all ’ New York City drui'K. ts « • Thf s mslst s unmr "f others. temper the pit Duty Omitted ’■{very dtify otiiltted ohscures sorqe truth that we should know.—Husk in. I- Monev t>a*-k witlioiit qnr-tion if HUNT’S SAIA'K faiHJn the tre»uneut of IT* 11. ECZEMA KI N* i WO SAFTKTT K K of other itchinrf^Bkin diseases. Price 75c at druggists, or direct from • I Richartfi Mttflclii Cc. Hiinnai.Iti ft.lges will Tt'Cted. Kan vv a ini' 1 .,s’iH|.oiMi *,, insure' cortnile' of till*'* pt ojt-.■ t by ..t* state wide dt t'.*r .f im's Tl -iJh'u* ’ «>'f land vva' g i 1 Fo| I I ill!' I I *;diU«*y. whose twos w•r** killed, in action whjlf. g«.*n . * (be • - <*s in I'r.Vh Not only d- es the. Legion cut** c! dr.-n in regional l»Hlets hut it . , |.t! cni in. < h!hl.h s. tami ] o.a -a tug pre*«"Ictits *'stahlis! **d Sill .... W-Tkets, the I 1‘g'ioll s,., A s |'|* t".* ex service m'cti "ho ha ve m* fa lies uyd \ • vylsl * - ■ r* n >np of fs of war, and allows them ■ c one The Legion takes ex* th.n .1 cur** In investigating <*iw st a tl* , s 'si) that rhe • h l d A ill g<*t tendt.i; car*' rgidfully due. Ill—sg___sJ^Lnst a lices th,* L. gh'tl f i a |. that " he mother does »"t v* in- s ( *pariitod from her i'hih.1 s-iaTi .Ui event the l.egh>n- furnlt *'.:>ll s ', pi "1 * TlVi need ; - r sq. h w-eiVare whirl j,roved *\ 1 • i if i*s known that -g" , I Ml*. II tn d* U‘s 14-ot i 11!i, pe! 1 sa p v; (. v -atlii i-'lit Iy To'insure a-Iff S . I ;■'■!'!. \ * i'h'VV- with 11" chilti r.-r-^'v«.s- hut s'Jh a month. .W-iflt’- , ,i. she .•*'*'s a'lld s*1 for eai'l; di t ii)tl: i i ' I ■;.". A s r- 11 n< I,el' t" * support is very .vi'Uiiy “■ ry i o r self - mi if lo'i' el. i hi >11. e It in a nursery. If el,;IT 'is !* ;t a few y ears -of age I.* gi'-n has found 'th.M it runs und, in tm nv 'eas. s,. th** enviroiu: Is stab that if bee*unos a gamin. T'j *• child w* Ifar** activ ities of L*‘gi**n ,ir<* tlie most Important, to the ctire of th** disabled, on tin* ginn s progrtim of national^ servicf Legion Men Will Protest ^Protests ngnliist granting Hdzcn* to mem eonvieti'd of various serloiii fvnses will he made in future by American Legion of Belmont cout Ohio. This cotVse was decided on : papers were• granted to several . men there. A committee was app* ed to Investigate the eharactcr of plicunts for citizenship.