■f 1 ooo b day e new rdSix ement of the new Buick d Six” brought approxb 0,000 people into Buick 5 on the first day this car n. icause every where every- veling at the new “Stand- the “Six” that sets a new >f quality and pri^. >r Yourself :0„ DENMARK, S. C f T • • • BEFE AND EEREABCTTP • • • A*^ito \crid«rit Ntar Earnwell. • ••••••••••••«•••••• An aut,: . rr: ; :, ” < ’ WTev ' k ,hat ca 5 r,< j L AST (. \LI T<» ENKOLL ’ >u.t m< *•*' p< rj-ori thf (*e ath < t or H' (ij‘ w;.- tha*, which occuivd ! * • Next Tuesday, July 22nd. the ho<»ks ftb< ut «. njilr froin town last Satur ;;«> ■ f. enrciitm nt for the Star*'. County '-‘K t-t als*ut * hfoYlocK on the Hain- ^9ind Municipal elections "ill < lo«-* w. !-i Mniar-on road oppti.-itv the | and those who have failed to enroll ^ ■ H. I’uruan piai'e. A Lord road- wi!l depri'e'l'- 'I tisioh with the touring car. The buir- pv was knocked apainst an oak tree which prevented it from falling into 7‘he (lays .c«< se\er.-m.l.utes ;n sur.- ■•hine this \\*ck Mrs. Ft. S. D - > af.d childta.y. >B have return* d after a stay of two weeks at Byauf< it. G> t a d*ep ditch. Mr',, Kosenlsiro suffer- ! ed a sprained aim and a bruise on j the head, while a mcjrro woman who occupied the car with her escaped Mr- (arter Ft:ceix«ajtr.ta...r,«4.- the ' , v , , ' ,, r , , , i , -i with a slight shake up. None of the W ednesday A iterrorn to dpt t lub ■ ' , . ’ / J occupants of the .other car was in- . last ,wee k. / i . , ' jurt d. The buppy was alrpost a omplete wreck, while biith cars pot Easter inp Mrs. E-ujret: t- i .v l- . i off with minoF—damapes; js.- i. izab« th r astt rlir.p J. PhilHl S mottled Ad^tusta Monday. COTNTy DIRECTORS REPORT Mrs Edpar A. Frown and little daupnter. Em ly.‘ art ♦ \f evted he •me a. ((day (Thursday) after a vl-it f j ei.er two week- i ,Itcaufon 7T liUILI, 15U1CK WILL BL’ILD TlllM J 4.V i ► v ( p v v p j v 1 H F I NI I ’( 1 R I \ N i £TH IKf THR: FTA MW 1" T Hf d-M > M11 \ FA I'- ID? It N i V\K1 >s I have jgish, my ie and 1 great ef- svork. A Black- correct r e always medicine you get ie old, -Draught iver med— jalers’. Trees and Plants FOR SALE! i ^ FK .’IT AND SH \DF TREES, PEC AN TREESi^ ROSES, SHRl ItS. EVERC.REENS, HLIK.E PLANTS, and VINES. f t \T\LO(; ON RMjrF.ST The C. C.Dorn Co. 109 Ninth St., Al (.1 STA. oEORCiJA. l - r ear DIL t Ft IL R \ V, Physician and Surpeon. Office at Mal e I hup Company. Barnwell, S. C. Advertise in' THE PEOPLE. / Mr. Jud-< Fa r and .- -t< r. Mi-s Kaihe .Fau. of Wash.npt. r. I». C, we re th* pui-ts < f Mr. and' Mrs. 0. T Me v< • - *■ ve :.. • ; \ ' a, t wok Farr i;- th s o-ct on to< k advan- f ape < f the t.. • weathei i r "i ear.. of\he wie-v ’ wap* a -tre-rtUcu> \ / < ampi.ip' Kirainst Contra. Oner../ (Continued F'rorrj F'ourth Pa'pe) ( . i Mofaii . 0(1. C. (i Y> unpblood . 17. J. F Morris / 192. Shulei and Smoak ’ ]K’'. J. B. Mo < . M—urner C assen- .T12.C'( : (Tiarii*- Still . ,T.(i(i Hei r\ Hartzop Ob.op .1 li. Towne . 3.01 A M. Anderson l_ . ; f-f, Of) I/<•< Lai caster « _ . ] ] .00 J• 27.00 Au.-t.r We-'t. Road Mery-."Co. 2b 31 .OM.-O .‘I (‘0 Met 936-46 Broad St. J. B. WHITE & CO. Augusta, Ga. V > Blim it in " *r* *•% »«tt rnt Augusta Celebrates the Opening Of The I New J. B. White & Co. Store \ FRIDAY, JULY 18 ♦ . 4 - -It’s a real-event in Augusta---the opening of our new store---the home of the “GREATER J. B. WHITE & CO.” Friends and customers of long standing are coming from miles around to HELP US CELEBRATE. Interest in our new building has been keen since the first spade was turned in the work of excavation, and all Augusta is eagerly awaiting the moment when the great doors of our new store swing open Friday morning. Thousands of Dollars Have Been Invested in New Merchandise —and values, are worthy of our great opening celebration. Come Friday, or as soon as you can-—join the the throngs shopping in the wide aisles and with all the comfort and convenience that has been so carefully provided for in the planning of our new building. EVERY MAN, WOMAN and CH1ED- NOT ONLY IN BARNWELL-BUT FOR MILES AROUND IS INVITED to VISIT US IN OUR NEW HOME. Opposite the new Y. M. C. A.--in the heart of the new retail section of the city—we re growing with Augusta! •mi. V\ r i 'ha i tTi«i( \ Jb..fA. !- .Th. Bt Ph ■ . 1 lie- in (•rpli, ’ -ky J >.* > 1 C i.ari 1 •\ I f >W* »i- ( . 4>.U , -j-. 1 Fa!-.,."- Li. a ( l\V> ’; - ,^s ' 1 i P. (•. Bea- • v 'Hq‘h a l, . ; i u * •jb1 ! ,:a\ *’ V i j c.. K. b. . r \ t, / j, j j B. Ad Cuiiii*-! > U k a?L !-''(■ i Tiutti Hai-:* V-, .v , , , I ■ •. r ‘ * y I ; . v . •' . h< j.* X 4 - i 1 i • ' * RT. » r . t , , i a I Fa-te; . nl- ha- u'lit's 4 -.. h« r i.a . i M s.- 1 ,.i.:, ! ’ r ( w r. if Sava i.i ..h. Ca . i'aug H« late < 'ha' ‘If*-!: I 1 1,is W k M U ' If. th.s ci.rfimur.it> \ < rrmar ied homo hv Mlsy I :! Porter, whi will' some me here. Death « f a < hilcF VI ' ; a! wel 1, ! • mo;l ! 1 r - o-. T. J. Attawav \ .. • i la a-.by * T'ott. Hai del N A Hie'r- (. i f; I ’eeplt > J . F Fb u nt! * e J. M Soott J S. Rlurm (o C B* st. Jr'.. J \. Moiriv < . S Andersoi' B W Peeples i f. STm ■' v , R. L. \\ ooley M P. Sander- F'.p|)-’ Pharmacy FI. A tide rson T (,. N. Htsllfiifd i O. I •. Mo*ire < K. Sander- Columbia Office Sup Co <». M. Main R. 1. Bronson—: K R. Bron-’on H (>. • Boy Is ton Fllma ('ave F!lma Cave 1(13.0'i 39.4 b Th* mapy - friend- of Mr- and Mrs. I .Ruck Dyches, (>f thy A-hbiph seetion. J [’lack. Ji. will I* pr;eve*fro»l T rnir uniatl. Him* .ud Sunn ritm TTrr K'9.( ' as*! Treasurer of th* Town of - Barn- v.*il, S. ( .. 1 hav* levied upon and w'.H -* il tit Barnwell, in Iron! i f th* ( oum .‘.’oust, op Monday. August 4th. 1921. at 12 o'elock noon, the tiTTfowinp real icu.*] persoiial prop* 'ty: Heal t -tale in th* town nt Barnwell, b vied upon as the' propi rty. of Charley Lunean. Jieal *—ttit* in t he town of. Bar nweP J. Bi Arm strong FI. C. Matthew- V\ ,H. Manning H. W Sanders Sanit;tr\ Supply ( o. Mi .VLJliii! and Watson How«d] < . .lories J. FI. Owens Ei D Byers R A. Deason ( K -Sanders F M. Kirkland W. H. Manning Horace J. ( ioui h C A. Jlcn-ley, M (T. John'K. Snellinp J. S. Still J. B. Armstrong .1 and J Sanitary Market 1>( .(■( a is. MiAVib. •i«p< ity of Fi. FI. Morris.. Th* prucciuls ,,f ,j . t - :r.i town of BarnweH l av for i.aM r- Eara vv* at 1 . ! > .y ip. 192-; f Mr-. . FL f . Matt h*-vv - X * in Hhc. - -\ (i mn vj ii i Ttp (j. A. Kennedy Y' - th '‘ W . L. Baxley 1 J. B. Arm-tro or so 4 J. B k Morris ary. t"t Q A Kennedy - tax< - j. S. Sti!) Hi it.ei’piise Ha a-*-! 1 to J. FI. Whe*-ler ..f -aid H. M. < a-sels 11. spr Brothers ’S. ’ i FL W. Black . O i ,<'♦ . !-• J. < Hoffman |r c. F. Midair . ylTCH! Money nark without question if HUNTS GUARANTRED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES l<"Hunt’» S.lvr and Soap), fui! in the treatment of Itrh, Enema. Ringworm,Trttir> rothrritrh- mg akin diaeuht-a. Try thie Ircalmtint at our risk Ma-e A Dea-on Drug Store Barnwell. South Caro’ina. NOW Is The Time! You who have been promising yourself a Ford car, saying it was “only a question ol “ lime"—should huy NOW! f The time was never so favorable, because a Ford will get you out-of-doors more hours _every day this summer. The quality never quite so good (even byFordstandards)andthe price is the lowest in theworld for such values. x i I>etM «! Mt« hiifan $J(>S , ( €**$>+$ r >2$ 7 udov N*«4«4«\ A// f>rite# f. c. b. iMfroit Stdan $($§ " \ 9BE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED »ORD DEALER .-V* ' THE UNIVERSAL CAR You can huv any tnacitl by making a ymall dcnvti-f>aym*nt and arranging tmiy 'or the ha lam e * *r yt-u c on /*ur nn th* hinl Wtekly Purchase Plan Tha hnd d*al*i in yaur nnghhnrhi**! u,/f gladly explain Ti.rh plans in detail 7 bO -T 666 4 , ir f i- a pre-cription for Malaria^, f hill- and Fever, Dengue