The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, July 10, 1924, Image 6

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A * ' t ju! .*•>:, r t 'I I). « i-r l ', * ' * • I •* • * ‘ I t ^ •«-» ••l r. • - *• . • • - . 1 * l« • - . |/ v , . . . .. .4. ^ „„ ; « • « 1 . ».‘4«4. 1 h*» »• 1 •* l .. • i . 4.. J» • ••••>*•»» ♦ • v ! .1. *' V» r *'» I I**® 1 » I . • .••••• 4* • • *• • *• 1 » . • ....: t .r.i’XKi V. SJ.*H.C' • . 1 * »# Ij » > 1 'M* •. !• . 1 «»•<»• r •4.4» | t • *| 1 . •• .1 4 s Mf.«' ***' • • r nlti; •: . .1 \ • V! !’* i-* 1 » i.... :« * • I I • li*« I •'» it j/t!V*; :i : •■:* hr*«: CHAPTER XVII—Continued. —18— j Fnluiiion took tlic IlirMnluu hnrlnri out tif tho puckH and unwrapin 1 '! tluuu ijltll- utkI tried tin* springs above tl>e niers. F.arller In the day be r looked to the [irliuing, Sob.inon ga\e bad By IRVING BACHELLER Copyright by Irving Bacheller spefit night one to Jack and put the other two in bis poekets. Kneb examined bis pis tols and adjusted tbcin In bis belt. They started for the low lying ridge above the little valley'of Kook ervek. It was now ijuite <lark and looking down tbrougR the tblekets of bem- loek they could S<‘C the tll'ellgbt of | (be Indians and bear the wash of the creek w ater. Suddenly u wild w bWnp- J ing among the red men. savage as the I bow l of wolves oil tbi*... trail of it wounded bison, run bey olid them, fur j out Into the forest, and sent Its echoes I traveling from hilltop to mountain side Then came a sound which no j man may hear .without getting, as Sol- Omon was wont to say, “a scar on bis Foul which ne Will carry beyond the lust cape." It was the death cry of a captive. Solomon had beard it b**- form Me knew what It meant; J he fire was taking hold and the smoke hud begun to smother him; Those crlev were like The stubbing of a knife 1 and the rerolleeti >n of them like blood | stains. They hurried down the slant, brush- , Ing through I he thicket, the sound of . their approach being covered by the j appalling cries of the victim and the demon like tumult of the drunken braves. The two scouts were racked -with soul pain as they went on so . that they could scarcely hold their peace and keep their feet from run nlng. A new sense of the capacity for f\il in the heart of man entered the mind of .luck. They had come clow* to the frightful sene, when suddenly ti deep silence fell upon It. Thank (Jo I. the victim had gone beyond the j reach of ^paln. Something had hup- , pened in his passing—perhaps the sav- 1 ages had thought it a slgtr from heuv-H en. For a moment their clamor had ceased. The two scouts could plainly pee the poor man behind a red veil of flame. Suddenly the white leader of tin* raiders approached the pyre, limping on his wooden stump, with a stick in his hand, and prodded the face of the victim. It was his last act. Solomon was taking aim. His rillc spoke. Red Snout tumbled for ward Into the tire. Then what a scur ry among the Indians! They van ished and so suddenly that Jack won dered where they hud gone. SolotUon stood reloading the rifle barrel he had Just empt ied. Then he said : ‘‘Come "on an' do as I do." Solomon- ran until they had conn* near. Then he Jumped from tree to tree, stopping at each long enough to survey the ground beyond If. This wa> what lie called ‘‘swapping cover." From behind a tree near the tire he slionTeTT m the Indian tongu*:: “Kcd men, you have made the (Ireal Spirit angry. He has sent the son of the thunder to slay you with his light n ing." No truer words bad bv«r left the Ups of man. Ills hand rose and swung back of Ids shoulder and shot fnnvprd. The round missile -sailed through the firelight and beyond It and sank into black shadows In the great cavern at Kock creek- a famous camping place In the-old time. Then a (lash of w hite light and a roar that shook the hills' A blast oftgrave! and dust and debris shot upward and pelted down upon the earth. Kits of rock a*nd wood and an Indian's arm and foot fell In the firt*- light. A number of dusky figures scur ried out of the im iaHt of the cavern end ran .for their lives shouting pray ers to Mard'oii as they disappeared in the darkness. Solomon pulled the em bers from around the feet of the vic tim . "Now, by (he good Cod A’mlghty. 'pears to me we got the sk«*er shifted so the red man’ll he the rabbit fer a while an' I wouldn’t wonder." said Solomon, us he stood looking, down at the scene. "He ain't a goln’ to like the look o' a pale face not over ly much. Them Injuns that got erway I! never stop runnin' till they've "They's an awful mess in thar. I don't keep to see It," said Solomon. Ntar them they discovered a warrior w ho had craw l* d <nfut of that death chamber In The rocks. If*.* had been stunned and wounded about the shoul ders. They helped him to his feet and led hifn away. Ho was trembling with fear. Solomon found a pine torch, still burning, near where the lire had l*cen. My its light they dressed “bts^ wounds the old scout havingwith him always a 1 small sur geon’s outfit. "U bar is f other captive?" he asked in tli** Indian tongue. « "About a mile down the trail. It’s a woman and a hoy," said the'warrior. "'rake us vvhar they b* commanded. Tbe tbits started ivvly trad, tbe warrior leading Solomon ti»e down them. CHAPTER XVIII The Voice of a Woman Sobbing. fiver the ridge and nmro than o mile away was a wet, wild meadow. They found the eow and horses feed ing on Its edge near the trail. The moor., clouded since dark, had come nut In tin* clear mid heavens and thrown Its light Into the high windows of the fyrest above the ancient thor oughfare of the Indian. The red guide of the two scouts gave a chII which was qubvkly answered. A few rods farther on. they saw a pair of old Indians sitting in blankets near a thicket of black timber. They could hear tin* voice of a woman sobbing near w’hero they stood. "Womern,-don’t he skeer*sl o’ ns— we’re friends we’re goln’ to tuko ye hum,*’ said Solomon. The woman came out of the thicket ‘'Vest. V house." "He were a mean cuss. Sold rum to the Injuns. I alius tol! him It wore wrong hut- my God A’nilghty!—I nev er ‘sported that the fire in the water 1 were a goin’ to burn him up sometime. No, sir- I never dreamed lie were a* goln' to he punished so—never." They lay back against the big with their one blanket spread and spent the night in a kind of half sleep. livery little sound was “like u kh k in the nbs," ns Solomon put It. and drove them “into the look mind listen business." The woman was often cry ing out or the cow and horses getting up to feed. ’■'My son, go to sleep,”-said Solomon. “I tell ye there ain't ho danger now— not a hit, I (Jon’t»know much but I know Injuns—plenty." Iji spite of his knowledge eveti S it*> [non himself could not sleep. A llttl* before daylight they arose and bogar to stir about. "I was badly burnt by that fire,*- Jack whispered. "Inside!” Solomon answered. "So was I. My soul were a sweatin' all night." The morning was chilly. They gath ered tdrch hark and dry jiine and soon i , J«iit*’d i»> (> I > »uj{: ah Wardrop. KUitor of ha llo Merchan*!mini?;) Type of Amp'.i.fication Known as ChokeM Coil Amplification—Employs S tu ple Irori'mGore Choke Coil in Place of Amplifying Transformer. '**V Audio Tftiiplitiention may bo ohjalned Tn a number of illfftTi'iit ways, ripe* of w hich !> vbov, a in the accompany ihg ■ 'litignim. It is tt radical departure cuit shown in the cut is similar to the i ityeiie receiver, blit it 7s not hoce-c -ary"To einpiny flits circuit vvifti eli<>Ue coil aioiiliticatio.n. It will work well from the usual tn insToniit r type of with almost a11v type of nsi.'Ivihg clr- at: 7o tinipljlb-atlon and i- said to lie cuit. A Jack is shown connected to ■ureiuolv eh*ar in its ability to n'pvo- f he i|*-te>'tor tiiii.l :mij»litier circuit. duce mu-ic and v oii’e. The bitUder two steps of this system-may he used doe- not have t*' go to fin; e\p<>jis*^ ot if iieees-ai-y atiil tnav be wired n’.i'just buy;ng tin iitiili*i transformer, and the sain** as the first step. Tt'an’-former ratios are the least of his A 1 mfd, t* l*'ph*jne eonde't:-i'r Is w orrtes. had a fire going. Solomon stole over to the thicki.'t where the woman and child were lying and returned In a mo ment. .’’They're sound asleep," he said in a low tone. ’’We’ll let ’em alone." He began to make tea and got out i fh»» lust of their bread and dried meat and bar*in. He was frying the latter when he said: “That 'ore is a mighty likely worn- ern.’ Me turned tlie bacon with his fork and added: “Turrihle purty when ohe were young. Alius 'hated the rum buslnoss.*’ Jack went out on the wild meadow and brought in the eo\v and milked her. lilllng a basin and a quart bottle. Solomon went to the thicket and called: "MU' Scott!" The woman answered. "Here’s a towT tin’ a lettle Jug o' soap, Mis’ Scott. Ye kin take the boy to the crick an’ git washed an’ then come to the fine an’ eat yer break- fust" The boy wns a handsome, blond lad with blue eyes and 'a serious manner. His confidence In the protection of his mother was sublime. “What's yer name?" Solomon asked, mking up at the lad whom he bad lifted high In -the air. “Whig Scott," the hoy answered ttrh* idly with tears In his eves. \ shown in scries with tin* grid-of the nils type of amplification is known ! amplifier tube. This condenser is nec- as .eh--ke coil amplification, as It etn- os.-uiry as if will keep .the- high volt:.g** •ploys..}* simple iron com-eliuk'P"roll"In t'rqm-hrl-n , g~7vpp1tr**t—tn-'the grid ’Hr**- pbU*' of t 11 M amj di Tying rrati sfonn.-r. T li i s . •ho (*« *11 m: i.v consist of th" pri- mary of a be!i ) "liiirlng trail sf. inm-r. Most any ; t ran.sfi*r •m>*r will ;!o as they are <1* ■tied w irh 1 he same m imli.-r ->f turns to work "It the llllvolt . \ . <' c|r iq'it. Th e Ingeiiio us exp.-rim -i liter will. bat ^ 4 »• Nl ! re-1 nits may he f; >in the omla r> of an ait tomobile spa rk <•. >il w hi* di is -lipped over an : r- n < -or* The p: ar!;*' X ids p affords n as-iirt' JJielit of ehok e Co] Is If the ex] loriment- .-r vv i S to pure has** them. The.cir- h“ pri- - condenser. This c.ipacity will vary itill t v- Ing trails:ortner, but will «gr**o that it i s-i n't - I gives a much bett*‘r ijuality of tom- Mounting Easily Made *• to*lay, that is the 'yp*>.one should its**. , _ . _ . Insulators <>f this tnateritil should !>** and C/uite Emcient bout --r five inch.-s i,u.g i.,„,k *v»'r tire Iend-lii wir** - lie s*;i-** that By W. H. GOR DENIER I b ivin is -b-sefibed a i -,mhinatlon It ' Ls4t**Mere*l jml TTiit .?To-r^ls n<* i'earitig and tu<iu:*ii itfg • for a h**me chut c. for it '*►. break ft o-a a -train. WhUt! ,I$e \ ** sket-reil o tn* , •)*• r 1*‘ V ari >-met er or vari 1 »* *1 ) Upb T— which If then- are other aerial- on the ro, 1 »f t 1 ‘il U be bu .it V*- ; r> .•as:ly an- I w HI [>rove try : ml get yours In- a pos;t i on wh. qu i t e * •ilic lent. The -kt 'td ! IS s. •If .'X it Is at right angles to most of flm i>F» pi iiiat- -ry. but a des 1 ri j u i.-n * 1 f 11*4* that are surrounding !t rn. •unti tag •may prnv*' Ii* - 1 i 1 * ul. ■ , F.>r * 'fli’-i.-n-y. tl**' lea. tin wi [fF* A vi iri'' mete r or vari "*■" ■up! • *r. light shoni'L 1 -e at least "T:v*- . in*' lies a.w a\ .n W el gl.i t pref era hiv ma de , ,f thin from th e Willi of The ! • 1, jse. T Ih» hi k. i * t ., ♦ llbi tl; <>r car- ill--. il P' l -ItoUld grout: 1 1 '"Ill I*-- tiofl 'h.oMd be : id** to be . US M ,1 in -njumti on Wi Th fids a wafer pip-' The tnost el!: - i.‘lit V m< r-umi riL' • to '!o tl .. s is To first - ..'nil •be i- ; , r# *. The d j J11 ’J consist s * • f :i 1 t in.'li wrap t inf* :! tightly ar- , . ., | -, !i»* br ass : rn'' (* ; 1 ■! m 111 t 2 in*; Hi’S MT. w i’ h • * 1 ^ M J i * • *! ar.-a ai d then ['Ut t 1 I:.,- ur-Mi Id! at) , il s . 1 .»■ ' dial ter lar K* ’ f, i r ' ■h h-r <•1141:ip- •• 1 . S.-:-!.>r ’he b-a 1 ft-;,,a . !. M Thcs** words came from the lirri® lad as he began to cry; “No, sir. T ain’t skeered. I’m a brave man." * i .m ro-i t--' rotate fro*ly h*- a I" 'Uf ! bj in - 1 ie's t to t' *• - t r*-! ■ c.a::-p ont* 11 a t-i Im :: i %e * -an .b-t.'.er tl all the tube The tub-- -t .u!d . •*,,, t ourage is the first virtu* the young tire s*'h*i*dt‘d | Her" - Ja* k vyrote in a friends at home In w hi the history of that in which on the fron- letter to his h .he t-ild of •e thr> b**! at both end- f- t -f ; : r. \ ! a-lt- r i i oU I* 1 In the. pruaary of *’ ‘ailed to tit Ho 14 in-' -I ;- ;.'a :n W arh**r ar* I Ml* day, "T i*> wotals lad of four usle*'p with a litth nritis. "Wht're do y*> live?” Solomon ask***l ! "ITir south on the shore o’ tin* Mo- 1 hawk," she answered In a voice trem- 1 tiling with emotion. "What’s yer name ‘Tin nili—Scott's swerf-d. ‘'Cat’s blood and gunpowah'r!" Sol omon exclaimed. ‘Tin Sol Binkus." She kni-lt before the old scout and and manner of the hoy reminded me of my own ehlidhond. ‘‘.Solomon held Whig iu his lap and ■ t . ! \V I r , ■ -ta:; fed hint and -'j'-n won his confidence. The haf'ks of the horses an*! the cow wvre so ba-lly gulled they i‘oul*l not !-e ritlden, but we were able to lash the packs over a blanket on "tie of the horses. We drove the «>* .wife," she an Indians ha-l tltuhered the not reached the > 10*11*! n*‘xt we*-k." H*‘ /cl tbe. foot <if Red Snout and pulled h.s lie-id out of tbe fire. "You "h heiUon!” St)l<>fn*>n ex claimed. "You d"g (>’ the devil! Tutu Mt*d Into hell w bar y*' b brng at last, d b? t r’-t y e ? J a ck, yon tak*- that Ju t] 1 «• r bncTo t an’ bring s- tLie water out o' the creek an' put out this fire. The ring *-n tills ,*>re ol' wooden leg is wuth a hundred pounds’’ Solomon took the hatchet from his belt an-l hacked ofT the end of He*] kissed Ms knees and could for flic fiiTn*'ss <5 rTicr heart bent ov*‘r and took the sb'**ping lad from her arms anil held him against his breast. ‘‘Don't feel bad. We’Ve a goln’ to ttik*' ke«'r o’ you,” said S n. “Ayes, sir, we |i*'! They ain't nohody g<im' to harm ye n'>bo*ly at all" There was a note -7 tenderness in the voice of the man a9 he felt the chin of t-lie little lad with his big thumb and finger. "Do ye know what they ,don** with Bill ? ’ The w oman ask*'*! , s***in In a pleading voice. The scout swallowed ns his brain began to work on the problem in hand. "Bill broke loose an" got erway. lie's gone." Soh-tm-n answered In a sad voice, "Did they torture him?" "What they -Ion ' I conhln’t Jos’ tell ye. But they -Uin't do no more to him. He's gone." of us; The swales here an-l there so that, we w*-r® able-Jo Jiass thetn wdfh little trouble, t »rer the w r orst places 1 had tbe !)oy on my back while Solomon carried^ spt-ak j ‘Mis’ Scott* in his arms as ;f she were "T<ninm*m jnt i'aby. —He- wns s <*ry gentle w ith her. Ti* 14m, as you know, a woman has been a sacn**' creature since Ids wife died.- He seemed to regard the boy as a wonderful'kind of plaything. At the camping places he spent every mo ment of his leisure tossing him in the air or. rolling *>n the ground w ith him. "One day when rife- - woman sat by the tire crying, the little hid touched her brow with Ms hand and said: “ Don’t he skepred, mother. Fta brave. I’ll take care o' youd ‘‘Solomon came to where I was breaking some dry sticks for th** tire and said laughingly, as he wiped a tear from his cheek with the hack of I his great right hand : ” ‘Did ye ever see sech u gol’ durn cunnin’ l**etle cricket in yer horn days —ever?* _ — "Always—thereafter dto—referred, to- W! \ F ! • -!. •.;, i ! oil mu-1. \ a n- tage that 1 •* - d I.i -epy-tal " 'li*'. sin-.e h**li!» *ru** All H.- ' « oMdeil-er- It. The cir,":it ay he ■ r .v‘, c ' t. afertaliy by- t • ir.g The III '..tT th them. Ty «hr the shaft' ' of the fo’.'.rv ;.ln+*'< ntrh a-*- the *-I.-1 of this wi I'e, w I . i-h sht-ul-i b>- t!-'\ii !*', a- the P-Miy -On Itect ii U). t- I !.e tl\e*i coti.h-tl-i-rs ill the eit'i-ll:*, such as the grid at.*!, phope cott- denser*,- should be of rUg-'-i Idii- structMii and InAe a mica .d electric For Mounting Variometer CT~ VaMo- \ i.riidd** • grt*l. b-.iks are -*'bim coup er—Only One Hole in Panel. enough *0 "warrant taking a 1 luiiic** m In th*- nii-S' frequency ainpfitier, a a h* iimh boh*. Th**1 it make ri'-r-nded washer should .!-•■ screw*-.-l | on th** projecting tithe ■ end' is tliisl, with th*’ fs- *■ --f 'he, wash- Mnt ’h** : ^ ns -f-.f.-ej) -aid many times l-. t'otv-, . r The nut -ui th** ins ide is ti"W v big tier This will clear in 1, t lie : igl itened and the tube is rigidly held a surprising degr***'. Ai so Ul. -• drain at right an:J< ' - s t<! the If b.-r .-ml "t of 1 ) 'the B I'.itt* •fles is lo ■a er.-*! to a!- tlie tube vv .1 b the prim -V of the i. i ; i • -»h f « *n.- fifth of the f. • nm»r drain. var lomete r ■ >r coupler bet W'-en them, wi - hoti ' - f he •< ' hafferv. Il is Sl'ld**!!) but these nut - are not tig' Uteueil urv*l! that : he ratio of the transf '< »JT: i*TS the s»’C« »n da ry is in place To mount makes -enough difference t" V -arraiR the >1) da ry . the rod is .Inserted in spendli g extra monev 'III 11 chi I !i^O. ‘he tuh)‘ fro 111 the J (Tutsi le and (be 1 'i-larv w*,A* * ureL—fa.sieiu M—-m—It ...M-'-. A ^ a tinnl w 1 'rd, |o< 'k MY»*r the set Guard at New York State Penitentiary Suffered Ten From Catarrh Tr I Mr. Charles S. Many, 12 Water St., Ossining, N- \ writes : i had , catarrii for ten years, tried a lot of medicines, spent a lot of monev but it did me no pood. Instead or getting betfer I grew worse. My eyes were blood-hot, my nose rnulled bad. and 1 would pet so dizzy I would be force*! to catch hold of something to keep from falling. I used about ten bottles of Pe-ru-na and -.m cured of. catarrh, the dizzy feeling has leit mo and I am not bothered any! more. I keep Pe-ru-na in the house t i and when F feci a cold coming on I take a little. It docs me good. Ask for the 'original and genuine Pe-ru-na the recognize ! treatment fur catarrh and c;-tarrhal condi- : as for n >re than fifty years. Your dealer ha- Pe-ru-na in both tablet and liquid f- rm-. How Mme. fh : Saved the Scrl / * A si r. 11 ,. "I.c I i I- M i 1 - r« T \ * T- M - '**■. ' * I ! aWiiy Tl i*-rs \\ it* 1, c\: .1 ti * \ . \. Champions :m ve been standard equipment on ■Ford enra for 12 years. They nre , 1 _ :so equipment on Ford trucks-and Foruson trac’or s . Champion X is sold by C J0, GUO dealers at (*0 cents. C h a m p i *' n S p ark Plug Co. Toledo, Ohio us*-* m <’ hatt»Ty if alH*ut four volf> C HAM PI ON Kilt All Flics! THtSY SPREAD DISEASE p;». I- any Wh*-r'. DAISY KI.Y KII.I.F.R »ltr»r*. »nd ki. J ult III, s. v-.l 'l-sn <irnam»niHl runv-r.i,r.!..ii7l.. She scent■ d t*> .^nii lay, *T( t- hed Sn'-ut's umah'i} leg anil put It In his coat imckct, saying: ‘ I r-': i now on 11 white ^than can x'alk in t!*** lunslt with<ait gittin' hl- bon.-s picked. Injuns Is guin' to. he skoered o’ us. a fvw an' I wouldn't be surpri>eil," b* n Jack came bai'k wdtb the wa ter, Solomon poured it on the ember, end b" kcd at the swollen form which s,tm seitned to he straining at tin gr* cn withes of nuiose woml. ‘‘Nothin’ kin be done for hUn." said the old scout. "He’s gone erway. I tell ye, Jack, it g’in tity soul a sweat to hear him' dyin’.’’ A moment of silence full of the son- row of the two men followed. Sol omon broke it by saying: "That ‘ere black pill o’ mint* went right down into the stummlck o’ the hill an' yive it quite a pyk?—J*»u hear to me." They oven/ to tb« cavern's mouth tnd looked In. -ens** hLs ttH'tiniiig it[>on the ground with her sorrow until Solomon lifted her to her feet and said: "Look boro, little wotnern, this don’t the hoy as the Little <’rl* Jack wrote ;.n another * ket." f Ms left»yrs two'.qi two nuts. Th* i*ndnrv <'!Ut do no good. I'm goln’ to spread my blanket tinder tbe pines an' I want ye to la-y 'down with yer boy an' git some sleep \\'e ^-ot a long trip tomorrer. > bad i*s it might 'be—ye’r*' i ain kind o' luekv a'ter all, is said an tl.*' doti* ," lie remarked as he. covered woman and the child. - The wounded warrior and the * Id , men were not to be found. They hail' sneaked away into the hush. Jack and Solomon looked about and the latter called hut got’no answer. "They’re ske.ered el’ar down to the toe nails," said Solomon. "They couldn’t stan’^ it here.. A Ughtnin' thrower is a few too many. They’d ruther be.inlgh a rattlesnake."' The sc*>uts had no sleep that night. They sat down Ty the trull side lean ing against a log and lighted their pipes. t’V'V "You ’member Bill Scott?" Solomon whispered. that as .they fared along, down to- wnrd thelsown lands of ti e upper M<>- hawk. St'lomon began to dev*’b>p tal- ♦'nts-of which lion*- of his friends had entertained the h'ast suspicion. . "He has had a hard lit'.- full ->f fight and peril like .most of us who Were Don* in this New World," tin* young man wrote. "He reminds me of some of the -Old Testament heroes, and is not this land we have traversed like the plains of Matnfe? What a gentle creature he hTIght have been if hi- had-hud a chance ! How lung, I wonder, must we be slayers of men? As long, I take It, as there are sav- ages- against whom we must defend ourselves." The next morning they fnet !a^cmr> pany *>f one of the regiments, of Gen* eral Herkimer who had gone in pur* suit of Ued Snout and Ms. followers. Learning what hail happend to that evil hand and Its leader tbe soldier* faced about and escorted Salomon' and his party to’ Orlskany, ; (TO BE CONTINUED.) . . r , bo mioie -l.orfor. It b\ iin*\ing some et*nt*‘red in tFo* primary by mov • , , , . !'it "t tn I'arnt'is, a grill or plit’e l.'tur ti" rite nut** on the tit!"' backward or _ ‘ ' , .... . *'1111 ho mud** shorter without b'tu;i t- ,r 1. Wlcn the -■-■iT.'-'t •<»**iU-*n- . 1 . enmg ait tli-er lotol. I tmne*' It. a> 'be ; s found th**se nuts .ire tigbten***! At , , ... -_ , in-'M'tise in elliciem'y is wiudh the bushing is mud*' "f ti piece ,q - 4 inch , I. , i tlm*‘. 'ong to be si lppt*'l f by EXPRESS pr»piv<l. $': '2S ‘ iKa I -HJ* t S ••op. M . i»f m» tai. can’t spil.l th- *»v• ■ r; not b<*’I or iTTiure anythin?? <xnarant^ed. DAISY KI.Y K fl.I.ER at ynnr 'Jealtr or HAKOLD SOMERS. !>« Kalb Ave.. Lrooklyn, y. Uni-- rub**. Vj 'n- b .„n the ro<! »o a st;;n*!ar ! -Ibil may b .'i.q.b'.*■ 1 Tbi- i-'T.g -' ..-.uM bav.- You Are Missing — a small hole ' ilrd!* <1 rhr*»agh *>ne sole # *| ,. d.a! sot -crow may !.*■ fast by Not Knowing Code “Tied "ti the r*> I hi'Ui-atb.— Kaibo j ’iq,,is -ofne Interesting stuff in the Don’t Cut Out a Shoe Boil, Capped Hock or Bursitis for New air iiow below thr vvaV*■ length us*'*! “lit ati* iow* -t "f f!ie broad* as|. r.-. It’s 1-. use t** listen «F>wn there until it)rib) How Your Radio Set Is „ r - Wonderfully Improved per *•• nt of ihi'in. ke*-p off ;h*‘ air dur- Though rhe -,.t m*w in use muv he broadcasting hours.. From 11 doing good work, both oh b-cal -h. o’d* >ck on,, im w e vr^eymi i M: olid *' fio.l fleps ami ilistant stations, there is al- f’^.I <''*.d**, there Is S" liBer.'Sting U MVS room for lmprov.).uent. B*>gin- uiuateur plmn.' trurh. --n JoO meterd and low*t. You'll find 4t—extremely ning nt flie first part that one, uses ••„r the ‘Ptiot. of signals, w*. will sharp an.l requiring .lire In tuning. -o on d.*wn through the line, suggest- Kerbupa. too. ymi'll begin to reall/.e dig various places where the set may | "hat you are missing by not knowing be Improved to such an extent that the co*D. If so. you cun get a chart will reduce them and leave no blem ishes. Stops lameness promptly. Due* UOt blister or remove the hair, and horse can be worked. $2.50 a bottl# delivered. Book 8 A free. fU r Caution Is the parent of *afeCF> t will he possible to receive better nusie ami speech. Th.* aerial heads the list. As porce- ultr is the -best insulator available of th* 1 code ami you’ll find plenty of opportunity for practice [n rending any night after,11 o’clock if you tune down to the -iHMneter band. ICuticura Soap Pure and Wholesome Keeps The Skin Clear 1—Miss Lila T. Barker of the New York post oflic** depo the new transcontinental day-and-night air mail. L’-Mrs. Let < arolina : Iht slat** (leh'gathm \*».te*l In caucus t*> place her in church In I/*>rain. < ildb, wrecked hv toriuulo. NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS the press, or "f the rigl peai'eahly to ussefiihh’ Hu- g.ivi-riniietit for a r ances; that the church shall be and r**ma!n se[ m>. religious test shall e as a qualification to an lie trust under the Unit Democrats Fight and Pray n.s. principles w _ selves ever to ib'fend 1 Over Platform Planks —— and Then Ballot By EDWARD W. PICKARD ' I'11F ni'nority reporl A the Ku Klux Khm >rl Ku Klux Klim less than five votes, w; r the convention as folbn HI- Imiu.M-niti*- national conven- _“\Ve comlemn jHiIitlc -. Hj 4 ’" ln M: " !is,,n Kiuur" Kurden. M.*s ,.f rfu kinds as 'opp -New dork, began !t> fmrrtli .lay of fuV. ( *r*'lse of free gov.-rnme UM t-allofing Tliurs.lay limmlng with f,, Hie spirit of tin* IV M.'A.i***, ami Smith stilT deadb-ckd d*-pen.b'nc.. nnd the < Fiillowing a dramatic and exciting the Fnlteil States. ,u " vo hls ij’half tty Wtllhun ‘Jen- "We pledge the Dem Kryan Wednesday McAdoo had oppose any effort on t c!Im!*i‘*l up. to a high-water mark of Ku Klux Klun, ,*r any o'l.iL, v-i.ti-s In the fortieth ballot at interfere with th.* ndl| tli.* Wedm -day night s.-s<i.*n and v.n p,.|it|c a l free.l..m of an the torn second ami last hulldt ha*l limit th*' civic rights .*: slipped bach f*. .Mat, „ s show n by the t-ody of citizen.- hecai f'dlow iiig eoimt: MeAib-**. OH'I |-l*l; Slnlth. :us * V-1* l - Davis (W. \'a), UnihTwnod. '•■p'H] first .{'.i--,; * o\, .1.1; * Hass, -' sl '2 ; Halston, do : It-'bins,in. 21 Ultcbi*-. IT 1 2 McA-l'-'i -n t l ballot was J'gs \o(i-s short - t ’b,**' m-e* ^sar\ twa-ttilr-ls of • 'ii ami 17 r.n-b-r a sUnple •" N-'tes, whicli .Was Ids Immediate* obV'ctlv*- •Irthpla*'*? or racial ori T 1 r '.n\ ( i. t \ W, in. <la\ s -wsv St.- l-allot M was Important as s lliidimry strcngtli of t cont.-mlers, which pro ilemijl'ii'k that was exp* wa-r -ih-T. inter.'sting son" demonstration. ‘'Alahiumher!" stout s.'Ss!on f'hrk. And the alpha the 1 nion. started th*' shape with fids: mie si was ftir-wn Into a near rot during the taking qf ti- last (tlbrtN-eighth 1 balh.t h\ William Jennings Bryan. Its mj votes f.. r < 'scar-r who ihadv.-rtentlA touched a- mat'd, r rwood" («*he**rs). m , * .1 j- - ! ’■ -me l-i a 1 *ai ,i.g attempt c< air>e, gave its 1 s t* c nv^hyon ty-- Me California its 2d to Me. platfT'fm osteiisihly m i| n .-tructe<l, Coiiipllm*' Do:;, v*lth Its 12. Kytl ic conven -jo for (e>\t;rm.r Davis did for Ralston. L, stir hv. voting -Its 2'd to stamp A !.*" Tl T-. cM-la'it Florida. ! Ids vo'*- as ,-n -li-hiti s, * a* h of w hom ! turn ■ as "w n v . I'l e *'Ub -i/.cd In •-grcssl-Ve De ■Setiafor -rat 1 larrison ocracy Murphree of Florida. I bin th.-'-kcvnotc^oi Hie Co h-ls. t R"b Ins- »n. Ralsti'U M.-red: th ot III *,.,, mad «* another et low u. t■ W. 1 try an. Wa Is!;. Wh *'1-1 lie Si •nati >r Ji dm B Keml ('time . lit ! last to M A-b- ■- he. vj-HS h"Ot. 'Hi** re's I dt "t tlie tir *-i. di cri.l* !<1. corn .•r.'<l irT t" d< s; rately ♦' ( '’low s: M.’A*l"*i, l.'UU defeti ding M cAd. *• n 11 d almost > Iriv «-n' I ► u'v 1- ( Ya.L :u ; « from the p'ul : fori a 'And vv hen til e !>al- • U o«"J. 42 U ; Ralston. b q v 1 ti s tin! tile count s! loUed < i hiss. J. • * R"Mnson, no- a* '[.re. •hit * i i * ( •hnnge. but the I'tTeCt Si dzer. ; Harrison, 1 "f Br y an' s .11 i < • \»* Was Si •en In thi 0 bal- !. an, 1^ ; I>: ivis (Kans.), ]'*t« ■< -f t? le r X i r j * ♦ sessi., n. F ends , 1 . Kendrick. » # M",' ONDAV m* n "ti . read' toutl -r tl.. ! the eon • long and eudy grind pinci'i] In n-- TTVT-.pted. 'll Ilouston Thompson of tal. I.'‘I's-; nt'eessary majority. r.o*i. hallotliig. Td candidates ' td .• ; itt \ X ’’LDSLSDAY m.'i ’.'lea:.!.'' came up snid- ,| - Vf ■- in vent b .11—prep;; Ing urn! showin.; few signs df th** t. thirty-first hallot und rlii*' ionte-t over the League of S'a ; t ion's, as indicate*] |,y tbuis and Ku Ivlux Klan planks that t il*-. balloting: Dt‘a*llt>* had shaken ft-.- Democratm party to Ad 1 .-o' and Smith, th*' Its foiindidloiis for many lc>urs l.efor.- 1 Using and the latter s tin- -iiloptiop of the idatfi-rm at two Davis of West Virginia o'clock, Sun-lav morning. im-nt of the other eon Yet it w ill he long before those dele-l-i'avorito hi th*. Wall s -gates forget three memorable scenes ,1 t*> 2. a- against 4 of that struggle. Dm: was Homer MeAdoo, who had got Cummings ot Connecticut, chairman <>f first ballot and tour the platform committee, pleading with mark of 47b on tlie Ii the. convention, for inor. time because reiv***! 4!o on tin* tl the eointnlttee bad been .unable to /.igzag increase had agre«* on the tvvo planks, qven •tJu.qigli j v otes' on the first to 1 the iiieinTTers had repeated the Lord’s tieth. Davis had star jra.ver and William Jettnings Bryan ha*j eliitih.**d ' slowly. hud made an invocation t" God. : 12*’ The second was Newton D K-aher * ith.-fs w ho had heel former sectvtarv war. T7i TinpiT ballot bad received SlOIiei 1 oratory la-'-eechlng the conven - vote the tir am fion in the iiaiue of Woodrow Wilson am Fmh'rw- tojjoeept fife minority League of Na- Ralston an.l fid: G Tlorts plank. The deh'gates applauded Robinson. 21 am] 2!t: Wilsojr's name ami the .orator, but re I >av i- -f Kan- J(*et«'<] the plunk by a vote of 712 to bury. 7 and *’>. < >nly Tv , ei-l V - -.1* oil the tbi The third was William Jeiwr-i-ng-s- 4.-1+; iijTUjan Wals h, win Bryan in th.- rob 1 * of nil-. .UpoStle of Id on the t -Wen i y tl ft!, poll CO s .•['caking th 1* ‘final \v urd In tbe 11.; d to 1 n 2 I 'he iV} furious dehate "Ve r tli** Ku Klux Klan Rol i.ert L. * )vv *'n *»f * »kl plunk. vvhieli tipp*' *i the sen le in favor rrr* eived 2* * ,-n th" tw of the majority re port and brought to a Hi 1 2.'* <>n tbe t hirtietl an end five, hours * if rb.tons s’ niggle. — c- il'TII VAR 1.1L ! N A r?' »LL 1 »WIN*i is tbe plank In the ma- 0 game, kilT.-i i t \V() F Jori ty id-utfnrji 1 re]M*rt (: adopted by St D m- by jiriovid ing it'" a vote * 1 f o il > 10 -RNI t" 0 J] sr.fTKo) ; dat e f 1 if V le* 1 ] ires ! del wdilcli duals with-.. Xreedom ' il_ religion. 111M king hjs •!' my;. I ts 1 .press am! spec, h, and does' not name a caucus Monday, v* noinlnathui -for the Mrs. Leroy Springs *> appointed a steering to handle her candid; *^^fet!ie Ku Klux Klan: “The Democratic-party mtfhrms its adherence t)ml <l**votion t" those cardi- -nal principles cxintalne*! in tlie Consti- tutlon an*l the precepts ui>*'n which As delegate at large, our government is founded, that con teewoman ()nd chain gr**ss shall make n*> laws respecting dentlals comAdttee of the establishment of religion, or pro- she liad made a favoi hlhltlng tlie free^ejeercise thereof, or She Is a daughter of S abridging the freedom of speech or of, adoption by marriae