The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, June 26, 1924, Image 8

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'Xly \. i H i* 1 VliT? V ♦ *•«. >• 4, » < •% •• i* ^ tW* <r ', ,,i, l.« .»•.< ..< ' • •- ■ '#!••• I > V MUNICIPAL ELECTION For Mayor. I hereby announce myself a eaffiTU date for the office <»f Mayor Tor the town of Barnwell, subject to the rules and regulations of the Demo cratic municipal prmary election. .1. (I. Moody, Jr. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Mayor of Barn well, subject to the rules of tin* Demo cratic municipal primary election, pledffiny myself, if elected, to \ stringent enforcement of the law, without feat or favor. W. D. Harley. 1 hereby—announce myself a candi date for the office of Mayor of Barn well, subject to the rules and regula tions of the Democratic Municip..! primary election. W R. Hubbard. . For Alderman. 1 hereby announee mys'elf a -candi date for the office of Alderman for the town of Barnwell, subject to the rules and regulations of the Dem >- cratie municipal primary election. E. Davis. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the offi(\* of Alderman for the town of Barnwell, subject to the rules and regulations of the Demo cratic municipal primary election. J. M. Brodie. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Alderman {oi the town of Barnwell, subject to th rules and regulations of the Demo cratic municipal primary election. Berry A. Price. 1 hereby announce myself a eandi •date for the office of Alderman for the town of Barnwell, subject to the rules and regulations of the Demo cratic municipal primary election./ E. D Peacock. I hereby announce-myself a candi date for the office of AldermatT for the town of Barnwell, subject to the rules and regulations of the Demo cratic municipal primary election. B. W. Sevtoh. I hereby announce myself a candi date for—the office of Alderman foi the town <»f Barnwell, subject to the rales and regulations of the Dema- eratic municipal primary election. .1. Norman Dicks. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the offrm of Xlderman for the town <>f Barinvell,-subject to flic r,i "> of the Democratic municipal rrmaary elect ion. r. C. Owens. I -ii iel y announce myself a eandi i’. bo- :vi 'ecri-oi to the office of A1 - ■: n of tie ‘own of Barnwell, suh- ' to i J:i■ rub - uel i cgulat ion-, oi I'' ni .era: ie inline . prinu+fv I. r.'a-tciiil .UlP'lli mv sell a cateli' le offi ■ at Mdcrmau f " if I’t.ii nv .11. ;'i ici ' to ib - s-^ui.d i i". , ui.i f am—of tie 1 Ibgiliil’lTl- itu a 7'.ii jniniajs \* eject in M. J ' 'Di inioiiil. 1 hereby announce myself a en-ndi- la.ti for itve otfjc-'. of ..yidonnaii * foe t in ' i iwn of Ba.ruWell, ubjei i to t hi 1 i nb's and ’ iulat ion i .d the Bemocro- t' - M a na 1 pal pi i.uat .v elect ion. r. | .;r. ’ t or ( ominissionerc d Public Work-. I hereby announi e mv-elf a candi- itile for the yffe-e of ('omnii-siont-r-sof } ah, , \\ .o k- fo %b.* town of Burn Wi ... to -ucieed Mi , I.essio B. Ea- tel ling, ,-ubject to tin* nil 's and regu >f t he Democrat ie' Municipat marv election' I...JJL—I'alboun. i hereby announce myself ;> oahdi date for the office of ('omnissioner .if Puida works to succeed Mr.-l Bessie Ik Easterling, subject to the vules an 1 rcgulat ions of Dm fci atii muni< ij* d IT*.'a mary (dect ion. ^T>VMoorc. Wm. McNAB Representing: FIRE, HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES. ~ Personal attention given all businea* Surely you have noticed how widely Chero-Cola is sold. You see it every where. On every hand you find people satisfy ing their thirst from the famous Twist Bottle A.-M. Chero-Cola Bot. Co. Barnwell, S. C. Chero-Cola In the twist bottle m The Touring Car $ Helps millions enjoy their vacations Fare! cars- will carry millions on healthlul, pleasant vacations this summer — - vacations. that ire inexpensive because of‘ the low cost ot maintenance of this reliable car. Everyone .cants i car for the outdoor months. I hat means, of course, m unusually ho ivy dem aid for lords, do avoid delays and disappointment list your order now . Zror'c/ c . IT,-troii, Mu* n y- Mgdl\ Eiufuib<>ut $ i\»u**<&$'* 2 * Twd-n’S «iti *i $ W ) Ffirdor Sfiiun \ll (h ues /. ii. Detroit SEE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED DEALER j \ THE UNIVERSAL CAR Vi»u can buy any rn tJtl by making a tmall Joum-pavmtnt ami arranging aaay tynmt h>r the balance. Or you cun buy on the Ford Wttkly I'urchata Plan. Tha ford dealer in your neighborhood will gladly tMplain both plant in detail lowest Priced Closed Car £**^****«****~%«2M£w**a*****«2*«*******»«V*%***4Va"**%***e5*e**a^ V •v V Yes, if you want money we have if.*:] If you have money wA* want it. With Doors Front and Rear ONLY $160 more than the Overland tourmg car—the Overland Coupe-bedan — the world’s foremost closed car Value. All the unique exclusive features of a coupe and a sedan in one! Removable rear seat gives big loading space for anything and everything. Seats adjust backward and forward. Seats also make into a full-si/e bed in the car—great for camping. Easy riding patented springs— big power — reliability — record-breaking economy. Come in and see it. Overland in the only touring car with sliding gear transmission, priced under $500, f. o. b. Toledo. t- • Johnson Motor Co. Blackville, S. C. J LONG TE! INEY10 LENO Farm Loans 6 per cent., large amounts. Town prop erty in Barnwell, residential and business, 7 per cent* Loumn procured promptly :it Imv'pst e >st. All •Tiilale, Bamberg and Banuvrll (' luntms THOMAS M. BOULWARE Attarnev-at-lavv * - Barr.w •!!. S C ' University of South Carolina /'■'// i> iii"l l\ tit i <i i ■ • i'.'H jt ni"i i.tU'i'i •> l\n o * " T!p* examinutivn for the award ot vwu:: ships in tl>* l.-'niversitv of South .('arolina a. mission of m-v. student- will Ik* lu-ld at t t 'burt 11 mse F'riijay. July.,1.-aV4» o’ 1 Appli' a;.;.- .a..; A Ho.; t. f.-. \yaic. ' ■ > holar-i i;-' aiv vacant in : ho f MoAnur IT .v.ibo- i!! •..r,-!::booo, B.'Vdior .. B-ckley.- i I,ori),\e •. « ho>'.oy I «!jj•*. j» :• ;*ig ’own. II >i‘rv, •)'a-poiy 1 oxinu'on. .^'a Aiinli an’' for iutlarslil:-.' . . 1 . ! * I. < >' M oh oii ip .-i: Jai - hit) a a ou out jo: I 1 o 1 ! M I no\t 1 op'Ui uopton; . I ' > Lrfl* . 1 M ' ' ‘ ' I , 1 1 \ fi:!-:siiJi:x r -w.xv }tr:i.T' i S iiith i'n iili ( L SEVERE CRAMPING SPELLS, PAINS IN BACK AND SIDES “My-Lrojible haa been -periodie eramping -ypefe-at all, - and my cramping spells, >f says Mrs. C. C. health was as good as anybody’s, Draper^of Allatita, Texas. “F'or I am feeling fine now and 1 give several years these have come on all tlie credit to Cardui, f<ir I me so bad that I had to quit my -had been suiTering for years b'e- work and go to bed. Every fore 1 took it.' month I would stav in bed from ’ Canlui is a vegetablp extract, con Vne cu '•‘‘v 0 ’ *iiv/ F c....o ... ma ,| e f nim rnl i f |. a( T^7- ris , rne ,j 1( . m itiy fiack and sides weie awful. w j^ a gentle, tonic, strengthenIi\g ef e to two days. ‘The pains in taln . in £ n0 harmful ingre,ii.'m> it n Tr/im rva 11 rt - Q A ri n cr mts, l} t-1 n -tl This went on for S€5Venp[jWt upon certain female organs and the svst months after I was married un-l upon the .system in general. Its users til, one time when I was having its sppc,al V^L P a !; , , , .—i »—the time of entering womanhood at a bad spell, rhy husbanuj. ug- n -, a t lir ity an ,i the time -of- tbe 4 c: gestt^d-that I try Cardui. I said change of life.. I would try it, SO he got me a For over 40 years, Cardui has been bottle at the store and I began tested in use by thousands of women , , , who have written to ten of the great to take It. . , benefit they have received from it. “It seemed like I improved p or 0VCl . gQ0 years, medical authon- from the very first dose. When ties have recommended one of the l had taken one bottle I was very principal ingredients of Cardui in the much better. I did not cramp so ° f C ' nu '" CO "" hard the next month and I ate ranlui, the woman’s tonic, tested by and slept better. I was not near- time, Is today the product of many ly SO nervous, either. I thought years of experience and investigation. Cardui was line, SO I continued !t >* manufactured in up-to-date labo-1 a . a. La.:i r i i ratones by the .most modern and i the treatment until I had taKen i san j tary m pthod.s of pharmaceutical five bottles, at which time I felt science and is for .sale by ail drug- cojmpletely well. I had no more gists. j>» 5 o o Paid in Savings Department. £ Th HOME BANK OF BARNWELL, t o . 'X~X-X-X~:-X->k~W** Esiahlished in 15 VOLUME XLVII. ALLENDALE MUST . PAY UP DAMAGES POBTER-W I DM AN WAS BRIL1 MONEY TO WIDOW' OT EDW ARD KIRKLAND. Popular Barnwell (ii of North Ck Judge Henry Is Upheld in Directing Verdict for Plaintiff in Lynch ing Case. J Stately in its beau interest to hundr throughout North ar was the marriage 1 June 26th. at 7:‘h) Church of the Holy well, of Miss Emily Columbia, June 26.—The 'Supreme Court today, in an opinion handed I ‘^ r - J°hn Lawrence down by Associated Justice J. H. Marion, affirmed judgment of the circuit court of Allendale Countv dir- ville, N. €., the imp ring ceremony heir the Rev. I. DeL. Bra 'burg. The quaint 1 H’ting payment by the county of $2,- 000 damages in the case of F.Hwnril hs depurations of white gladiolas, whit with numerous whit Kirkland, negro, alleged to have been on their soft glow ui scene, .was a fitting occasion that unite* lives of these young Miss Vista Brabi accompanied by J. P of Augusta, sang “O Promise Me” ju; V lynched by a mob at 'Appleton, October 24th, 1921. Judge J. K. Henry, presiding over the circuit court, directed a" verdict for the plaintiff, Lillian Kirkland, of .the deceased, from which the county appealed. The appeal questioned the correct ness of the ruling of Judge Henry, o:i the grounds that the evidence was ', a enttud^n • amenably susceptible of other in- ei'ices than that the death of Kirk- • I was caused as a proximate re- of lynching at the hands of a m ih.” Kirkland was shot and wounded in the kne** while trving to e-cape after li.tving killed Eugene VValker, a prominent white nan of the county, on tin* street- of Appleton. R. H. Walker, a cousin >t’ the deceased, who- had witnt.'-ed the slaying followed Kirkland to the Outskirts of~~ the chase wa- riven un til \a,- 11 where th* lor the time. Shortly after, Kirkland wa. arrest ed. the sheriff ‘arrived on the scene and tinding him in a serious coiuli- (ier to the strains Chorus” from Lohe The u-hers. Mess ker and Lavon (». S ville; the hpide’s-mi men. Mi-.- Evelyn F berg, and Mr. Leroy well; .Mi,-s Margarel dega, Ala., and Mr. Asheville; Mbs Miri Mr. Wm. S. Pottiiq AsheviMe. ^ The ‘hr charmingly attired chiffon and cream 1; of pink mses and s-j carried shower bouq larnev io.-es. Next i Betty Irvin, of \u . Milhou-. ( athei ine. ( tion because ot the wound inniitM u . ■ ,, M Hen-ley. Irma Brov by W ;!Iker. 1 he sheriff, aceompanieo by Walker and another citizen, then arnod Kirkland to (lifford. a station 'ii the Syahoard Ait 1.1 ne Railway in Hanipt ,n ( ounty. when* the officer tnd hi- ori- ircr boarded the train or ( . W! Ml.;.!' • i TH ' > '! OiUmhii Mace. Eleanor Sam I beks. dressed i^i pin and muiying staff- -mylax and ro-es. f< for the bride. The Ruth Hioi^lev a'nd pa--it • ('om hnar> Ai # fr through Eai wor e dainty white c t fax. in i an 1 ieip baskets of ’ c. a number hi f ina pilL >w bearer. Heii the train, to ok th- gu-t la. in whit* chitl '.ej him by 1 'v:\ i ier. vEniilv BjoW | pleton Tha * night diif Con. Th.' ring v gl"o 1'dce wa- ! in rm*«l !y‘;i :’ of a white r.v- '.h • nev* m c r ,;:. g Wa'- T ■ •'.f K >v.ia'./i. • I-"..-, _ \ J : i { ‘ ■ ‘ U ’' 7 * f t \\ a' \ vf * ♦ • i a" .1 1 Th • I-UT-, u iv !!v yiiru a sho\\ •. K > k 'i'v con- | Ke (anu y ro-e<. • T1 M d* Ht* LvtMM him ! M ]» .. . * 1 • | / few hour-. j y«*'-i "H'tiT. \V,’; n•!: -put,id f;n w-." th • i In l goWUi of pnWiic th'.fk this wa a ‘Hi >; i k * a < ■ 1! ’ * TTY'L* if i 111* * (11 ! (.»■ p I'e- .'ii;.! rink Vo- T!:e act • *!' liu* -l.. ‘naril.-'i ’•pot! thi- T’ttS 1 1 " ’ U 'I’ I '' ! . 1 as. / . i'cd negro, it i tak*ULT v’l 'he- bn.le’s mot In tr--tvdv of-Th, ^ j X J-J { t : ter, . Wore clepe sat bleeding aid W e a K e n - 1 hie, ;. with a *.<r<ai nloitd. a con i i e * * a b! * * M -1: R. (Ite.-han mobile tot he t u\Vl i d if of the guoom. wor h "! T a * (1 tin* ♦ ■ I < ■tnent. of w hi am whit ■ mi l.nneiii • am antioun -e- | lilies, s-ne was jhi th. jl o ii ley i o< on. at r-rr' Mr. W. E.'-ttr During the ceVemi e \vou!(l be put in nomi- Iv, ayed vet v softlv pri n c; iiV-pi'esidi'iit •e-pre-nieiicy. Senatoi lontana. favors Mrs. of the requirements of is that he or she nru-t .MemTels.-obn’- Wei plaved a reci Immediateh afte l>r thirl old. Mrs. Spritm this ve(iuiremei+- hrilHant reccpf ion home of fhe hriile’ Avenue, wheii b it the New York paper-, can’t be- i despite a terrific < have it. Mrs. - Springs, will he—the “gathered to. stTbw-r first woman to he tuiminat'a! for thi- i with g'ijy>d^ wishes, office, (lovernor Mcf.cod will make j this charming co! the nomination of Mis. Sining- ami 1 l>eautifully decorat Edgar A. Brown will make the smylax. white ro- secotiding speech. j white gladiolas. Homer Cummings in speaking' o f •' ! met at the door h; the resolutions lommittee Saturday I Cummings and L. told touch' ig story of a-man from were introduced to Pennsylvania, a Catholic who had <*>f Ocala, Ela., wh* come instructed to vote for tlm i them to the recei -^apti klan measure by name. After I dames B. P. Davies tiling plea on the part of a mcm- ^WTr of the committee tor preserva tion of the party this member with tears in his eyes, -aid he could not vote to divide his party by naming the klan. The speech that changed this man was made by Edgar A. Brown, of Barnwell County, South Carolina’s member of tlie resolutions committee. ley presided over Mesdames Carter Ee-.terlin'-g fnvited spaciou, dining roi ful refreshments t T. S. Lewis* of / Ralph Smith recei the music room. The punch bow i M