t THE BARNWELL PEOPLE Sctertd at the post office at barnw«lt, S. C., second-clBss matter. J OHN ^W v . HOLMES 1840-1912 B T. BAVIKS, Witor and Proprietor. THl USB \ Jl NK 1‘mi. 192-1. S The days ^nin thivr rninut** fuiisl*ni«* tins week. in Some women arc T>orti beautiful, some achieve attractiveness and some bob their hair. Two other reasons why we don't want $n live in ( hica^o are I.eojKild anti I.oeb, atrocious «hild murderers \\ hat's the matter with the Atlanta press ap r ent? Is he poiti£ to let t hurpo p’-et away with all the pub licit v ? BOILER FLUES MILL CASTINGS AND StTPPLTES BELTING, PACKING AND LACING WOOD, IRON AND fcTIll Hntitr KM.INK ItKI'AIKS In unto for quirk «< rk LOMBARD IRON WORKS, AUGUSTA, GA. ECZEMAS Monry t>arli without duration if HUNTS OUARANTKh I) SKIN DISK ASK RKMKD1KS (Hunt** Sulvr a n<1 Soap l.lail In thr treatment ofltrh, Kr/rma. R i tut worm. T etterorotherltrb- inf »liln di»eHar* Try tine trkatincot at oui nak. Mase A Beason Brujr Store Hamwell, South ( arolina. Send Us Your Job Work. CANDIDATE CARDS For < on^res*. Well, anyway. Atlanta so far hasn't claimed to Ik- the native city of l.eo- jK'ltl ,iii«l I.oe.b. the Chicago child- killt rs. Banie Fashion is responsible foi tin mistaken idea that Women have noM backbone than men. They ju t show more of it. Another industry thjit seems t reed pioteetion is-t-he hair-net manu facturer. Hut we hear no complaints from the barbers. - “Seeing Uat t lesnakes* on < harlesto*. Works."’ Headline. Somehow weV to listed to the speeches of a t b, , andidates tor Stat* - olticrs woiib riake it seem so. W t h t In record < t t in KcfUildican ifty for the past tin-,, years' stariru; them in the ta*c. we sUtfjie t n I h< reby anm unce myself as a can* iulate for (,ouL r nss from thi Second ( onpreSMonal Bistrict, under the Rules and regulations of the B< mo ral ic ITimaiy, and pledpc myself to support thi nomijees thereiif. Robert I. (Inr.ter. rtilfs and repulations c,f, the Demo- cratic primary eUction. W. (T Smith. W lb ton. S. A pi ii 14. 1921 At thi request ot many voters in WiUi^ton and Rosemafy townships, I bejr to annouiKe that -l am a i-..ndi- date for the State Senate, subject-to the rules of the 1 h rnoi rat ic Part y. R. M. Mixson. Parr.wi ll. S. April la, 11)2-1. 1 hereby anr.ou ,ee myself as a can didate for the i* r '. L. Weissinp'er. Saluda. S. (’., May t>. 1924. |_ hen i'\ announci my-eif as a can- iidate for Conrrre^s fn the Seiniid < on^ressoina! District, subject to thi rules and n irulafions of the Di rPo- cratic j i rmary * lection. , 1 ! Ufa r B. Dare. t y V f ? V ❖ ❖. f f Y ♦*» t T T- h T :# Captl w. B a and Judge T'SIN11 SO | on.w I’U.DKR^ ^ M " d > f X jl MAX.* A A ■ -j- <;• 4»’for Magist x-x-x~x-x~x«x-x»x-:-x-x~:. Mr. and < ALCU M ARSKN ATK. We ^ave sti.ndard quality Calcium Arsenate in Mrs. D. J. IWi lt>. drums, which wt are offerim ley Meyer t Y Y Y Y ❖ Brakes Trenton,' S. ( . M..y I hereby ar.iiouiice myst-.f da!..te for Conc'ro.vs in tb I itl’pTesslonal District, '-uliject to rn< n 1124. . 1 a csin- Sik end u!i " and regulations of rat ic prinn. ry i It < t :on. i i’lino- B. R. T T hi i i h'. . May 2-1. 1921. .... . f : i Sc .1 T . as a C- tigress f ■'i h ( ..ri • ! '■ eg;'. !at > 11 i; W 1' • 2 * 1 la ieby announi i n \ m if , date' toe thi o tl ;,i of i o: ’ g m :he Si coral Distv ct. sutdect ruje>i .am regulations ; i cratic pi mary iltcfio-n. - f • ni b I Dt- W. D !’ 11 c w ho vote the Repul llcail Picket t be lamined bv aliemstr Now is th«- T imc. Wcmt n. as well’as men, MI ST en roll m the Democrat ic clubs to be able to vote in the primaries. The 1 k• k^ arc now open in every county m the State for the coming primaries. It makes no difference if you have a registration certificate. unUe-s your name is on the Democratic dub roll r.o ballot can be cast. Past enroll ment means nothing; the name must D put on the books in the year 1924. [he biK>ks will cjose July 29th. Don't waXuntl the last day or two and then go in %Vith a rush, put your -name there at once. >LinXpjsgjjm-U* thirttsgni they enridb d” in che city t*ooks th;it this I*- sufficient; it nsnot. you must enroll ,n the county N'oRsas well. I’p tei thi'' date very few wonien havi en- rolled. Surely it dor« nor.meiin lack if interest on the part of our women, for the women must see the mvexstiy for enrolling so that fhe.y may lx able to vote*for thosi they consider the best to till the olTues. from the ■t i ad of your State government, the governor, to the smallest office "in TUi 'gift of the peofiie " 1 i r Solicitor. Bamberg. May 12. If24. 1 hereby announce my landidacy fei the office of Solicitor in.the Sik’- ond Judicial Circuit, under the rule's and regulations of the Democratie primary and pledging my stiptHut to tin nominee* thereof. B. D. Cartel. For Master. Barnwell. S. 0., March 27. 1924. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for the offue of Master fi»r Barnwell County, subject ti th* rules and regulations of the Dtmocrati primary ehvtion. C. M. Greene. B'.irnwi .!y S Marxh 2s. 1924. I hi rebv announce mvsolf a candi date for th» office of Master for IvarnwiT. County. >-ubjoct t> th« ruli s and regulations if the Democratic pnimary election. V. S Owens. For Sheriff. M v h. lb. 1924 In some counties then cam- t-i.u k\ uu. t 1 hereby announci rr.yseft a card;* l.iti fin th« i fficc of Sheriff of'Bar wi i’ I'puirty-."subject to the rules ar vegu atauts of ;i I aign. being put on to get women e I mai v t n eta C . 1 "l i . This :* n eood idea. It ought .ot to K no 11 *sary. hut women ire ‘ I e w Ti , tin 1 iisine**'' ■ and neeil some irginYr. also some it tSTTUcTior. and L.* is a giHH 1 plan to give~bi'th. The abiive appln * to tK'th town .r2 county i ‘lection*.- Contributed. tx Ihm cratic • pr •pencil H. Dvchs*. I-ar- wt'... S C„ Marchi-4. -1924. ' 1 hin t V • 1 cv. r rryft ♦ nPc;' , ' i' b. . ff , , f Sheriff -4 Barn- For House of Representatives. / Barnwell. S. C„ l G’ril 12, 1924. I hi reby anounce myself a eandi* date fei i eeleetion to the House of Represefrtativi s f rom Bar-nwell Cow— Ty, sulijeet to the rub S . ci I »(i regula- tiins_^if tin Democratit* primary eiec- tun. Fidgar A. Brown. K re, St C., A mr.-l 2 2, 1924. I .hi reFy anounce myself { eandi- dati for • a ct ion to the lb use i f Repri *i r.tativi s-fronrr Baijr'vVi 1 Coun- • y, *ul i, t thi rub .* iird refUta- ; k Ts i f *. he l 'emoepat Ic primary ebv- Lii)!!, T icti-r I . ( Wis. . Hoalmp Spt ir.g*. S. ( . May 1 2. 192*1. 1 ht-f t t e* *. Ti(■ U f t ( i' my si If a canili- date for i iect on to th i i 11 • u s e t t tUi »- ri-*'i i tat ,\ e* f 1 i-m B; trnw;i , ( 1 Ci un f t. *ui ii-t t to the ruies and n g u.lations o'f the I >i r «i -at ic i t rr;: r\ c ♦ Ct iem D. \Y ii c C Kit*. Eir Con :u r. h' ; f ‘ ' . ' • *. * j Tl r ri K ) f V - . . A J - i. i h» !/•! y .*».;< a t my*e!t Cat e f r t ne ,-ffiei . * ( « ?»! * x u * h t ■ * 0 Bar* .], v . 4 . ,c . * L t 1 i.l 4 l ■ ' •" T • * • • t niai y • ect i w \ t * I - ’ r B";.r > s.. . ■ GI t » , 1 « — t . 1 hi n-by an:.' ui.t t my *e * a t.inili- oat'i f--r t hi i tl ici i f t or- Bain- we : t\>mity. *ut‘.ii'-,-t ti thi ule,* and*' n-guiatti n* of t ne I i met ! ‘tic P«i- mary * at ct ion. . S. A, Hair. Barnwell. S. C.. June 9 1924. 1 hi reby annouiu e myself a tandi- date fi i the office ot t "orone! t or Barn- well County., subject to the lules and regulations of the .* DemiK'f itic pri- rnttiT .e.ection. l J M. Diamond. Yshlelirh. S t \. June 16. 1924. 1 hireby announce myself a eandi- date for the office of t'oronvr of Barn- well t'ounty. subject to the rules and j regulations of thi i’errfoaratic pri- mary el evt Urn-. > ' D P. Lan ’ii S tt T*. For Magistrate at Kline. Kiir.e. S. ( . Ypril 29 192*4. I hereby announce myself a tandi- date for the off: f Magi* trati at Kline, subject to -thi rule* art regula- tioT.s of tr.t- Dtrre-e’e. -ic primr TV. - A Or:* S; "di Kirr.t. S. C . May 1924. 1 h'ert'bv' arn "Urh e* my seif 1* caivli- dati for the effic, .> f Magi* trate K!in<. subne t v ‘ t r u , * - i latte-",* of tht Dim, rub * a ecrat .t*’ 1 nd ri g”- 1 1 ! ' pr mary 1 - : t i t .on. . . 1 K. B. H ■;» vc t r.-. , j. For’Magistraji Goovl’i '* ■ ^ I rt t k i hi rrby annuur. • :ry-e.f ^ c n,ii i * i;«tti fi r iv-t lee: i ’ to-thi •Ti t . ❖ f X you 'will never go back to a car without ❖ ♦♦♦ them a. Standard on CL Buickp- Models V ❖ 4> ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ A ❖ t ♦t* V ❖ ❖ at only 12Vs cents per ih.—Farmers homes in S l’rikm Mercantile < o.. Barr.well, S. C. 6-1‘J-tf. ' ' - ant visit to The man FOR SALE.—Queen’* Wreath, 10 ‘Mrs. Emmi cents the plant, j cents postage.— : regret to 1< Mrs. L. H. Christie, Barmveil, S. C. Wr, Annice, hospital Su FOR SALE.— I have some good ear corn for sale.—D. H. Dyches, Hilda, 1 ^xC. _ (5-19-tf ‘ ' ) berg Thurs FOR SALE.— 1 have some g-iK.d ear j dates («rn for sirttn—I). H. Dyches. Hilda,' “deer peep S. C. 6-19-tf. the meet in] tie interest voters of t t o the fact FOR RENT—-Two ci>nni*cting.rooms convenient to hatn. furnisthgil -or urp furnished. Rent leasoname.-xATfdy busy “killii at The People's office. i party read jthis week, BIGGEST CAR BARGAIN of the {) f t . ouri season, Cadillac Touring Model No. | ( , n ^ . )t l 5; DENMARK BUICK CO., DENMARK, S. C. J ♦% !V WHEN BLUER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK W ILL BUILD THEM * A / ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ “Yes, Sir, I Like Your Policy” That i Why net join our large li*t of will what \ou will *a% ot our hank. weil pleased patron of this Park *a>* ot us. phased Customers. That is This bank is the horr.i of SAFETY. >FRV|( b and >\T1SF \( riON. ti (iive uis a trial. - •% * Y Y PIT Y(tl R MONEY IN A SArF WB’SDIM INSTITFTION V Mh RESPECTFl LLY SOLICIT Y o l R UtOlNT. ❖ ❖ ❖ *:* Y f Y ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ V ❖ THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock, $50,000.00 Make This Bank Your Best Servant. f Y Y v f 1. ❖ ♦♦♦ ::: ♦♦♦ ❖ ❖ i # J. E. HARLEY. PRES. S. E. MOORE, VICE PRES, N. G. W M -\I KFR VK E PRES. RALPH SMITH CASHIER ;~x-:*<~x->x-x-x-x~x~x-x-x~x-x-x* A date fo it wi 11 C< urtj sul ji * to : ft regui-at-n n* of—Demccrat c B. Mil •d n. *ut n*ct to tlo! t hi “tjmr gt * (twk towr* —u't < and i . gula- *v eitH'V.or.. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine !i primary. T A Mi rri*-. Trees and Plants FOR SALE! Dyches’ Bathing Pool f | Will be open every day this week X I r.o.v w :io are :n a "run cow n , or.di* tin will notice that I'aiurih bilhtr, t.’iru muiti more than when they ar* if. fioil health This ;»i t proves that wh * y'j.tarrh is a local disease, it '.s greativ influenced bv i onstitutlonal , oi dit.i : s HALl.S c'ATaKKH \n;i;K'lNK .in sets of an O.niment whati vu sl> Ki lieves by locai as pbcatiei ard. the Ir,leri ai Medliine. a Ti'tin whu ': st.sts in imprm init the General Hi with iX-ld by druggists for ov.r a Yeas*. K. J. Cheney & Co, Toledo,ctiiy'. 1 hen ty late fi-r th of Ban.wt era c grin Tutt’s Pills 1 herd r Clerk of Court. f i r 1 1 ht T we;’. S. y . Mi V. 11. 1924- t* irnweli,' S. C.. Apr; >. 1924. -1 hr C . June 9. 192 J. V I .* * SA'i . A . .M.ig.rtrate a the rules am of the Democratic pr. r the office ton. ■ subject t it ction. L. All. FK IT AND SH \DF TRELS, PEt AN TREES. ROSES. SHRl'BS. EVERGREENS, HEIHiF: PLANTS, and VINES. CATALOG ON REQUEST Lome and enjoy a swim. Evt rythinp arranged for your comfort and pleasure. We havt iprepared a place lor the little jots, so bring them along with you. I f i The pool will not be open Sunday until live o'clock in the afternoon, so do not come UTun- that hour. •I: 4. 1.924. ry announci TH* first dot* aatoniak** the iaralid. (■rum imm*d>*l* relief, ressilatiBg howeb and dif*aCiT* organ*, inducing ai # A . < LI i ^ i.itt,' lo sucAttii rr.yst 1 f tk f .nrK>uncc myst.! a uand:- The C. C. Dorn Co. ? GOOD DIGESTION <-:~x~>xx*<-x^xx*vx~:~x~:~x*v*x*'> Send Us Your Job Work. t curt for Ran w» ;• ( . _ to tre-ru.e* and ' igul.it iwratic- Prtfnary?"' v r a. i tv. * ut ie / Dt m 4 m • Frcr.^cr., Magistrate for • Bennett Sp::hg,<. an Fi ur M'. e Township?, sur ji ct to th ru.t * arc. rt gulutio;v> of the iV-nti crat e rr - mary e.ect'.vn. B W Pet-pies. 109 Ninth St., AUGUST A. GEORGIA. v * SOTli. h htco ist of tin toi t that inn' liKhtitif] sustfin ha* not [at b> > a install*.I, th, fool u'ill nut l>c upon at night*. 5: i I » For Sta*o Senate. MAKE BARNWELL (TH'NTV'S BEST and LARGEST SWIMMING ro(!L VOLRHot weather *- HEADQUARTERS. t t I he' \A .'.*ti't'i S. G.. April 9. 1924. I hereby announci mysei'f 'date hr the office of State Senator turns i! from Bi.rr.wt’.! Ccunty,. subject to the card;- ship .,r.r.< unce my*t t a candt- .iatt ft r the- . ffve of Magistrate cf Hi nnett Springs and Four M:!e Town- ubject t<> the rale* and regula- * t ht Democratic primary. W. F “Duncan. DR. CECIL RAY, Physician and Surgeon. Office at Mace Drug Company.. Barnwell. S. C. ? x | Advertise in THE PEOPLE. D. A. DYCHES, Hilda, S. C. V •t* <-x«c-:-K-x-x-x-x*<-x~x~x~x*<^*>x-x~xnt*x*^*x-5.x~x~X"X~x-:-*>i engine, good tnidy, f\v.; g '• u . y i ,..i < . - • HERE AND HEF.F A BOUTS • • • Fu l-O-lv.i We. the * >: i uii- fer ourselvi in ICO *; fiee of Ma; r. $2.20 n lively. „f t Gra - - in 1 do prenioi - .* .i<'t; j thi enfon e i* rti i \ i hose ee j at mo* phi i . i -■ Wi id.-o tl- give t m • ’ ess-liki ‘Up- ot irr.i-n v-*- \s .: J l »\V 4 w a* L, K. DAV .1 M. BRO ‘.l/./.e t♦'. Mr . Y.-r PKKRY A. Mil. Y» *. v,i an gt.ir.g ti thi “-A'iiii.gi I . tf, ,. 1 hereby f *.11 at ( atnoun p,.i *> t riday om.n. date for th well.sutijei Comi aneCosU o’clock. primary e Dr. A B. Patterson and J. 0. Pat terson. Fsq.. have returned Irom a j business trip to Atlanta. i 1 here * i : M.t, w - - , f t* date tor .utl e viiss .Mattie wuiiT'. ot j.am- ! the towr ; rules of [primary berg., is visiting hiT : aunt.- Mr.*. Lat- V ’n Wi ather-bei this wei k. .Magistrate 1. -F. Stid. < f Blackvii'i. was in thi city Monday to file his ' pledgt' as a candidate fpr re-dection. ! I here date for , , r. i r* I r Tj; - , 1 , w. 11 * 1111,1 [ 1 Mis* Sarah rogkman. ot Hurling- (on. N. is exi-ected this wei k .as • |t '' the guest of hor aunt, Mr*. B, G'*' 1 T , | election. Davies. ' . i . — \ largi numbe’ of the-younger « of Barnwell enj< veil a swimming par- hert (y a J I . tt « * . X V v. .. f — • ., , -», , , date to J\ l ne.*day eveu.r j at-- ttyche-s swim- •* mihg poo YTr. Clay Creech