V u - - i I THE BARNWELL PEOPLE Entered at the post office at.Barnwell, S. C., as second-class matter. JOHN W. HOLMES 1840-1912 B. P. DAVIES, Editor and Proprietor. THURSDAY’, JUNE 5TH, 1924. Blinding automobile hoadlighs were responsible for two accidents in ( ha.'- leston Sunday night, in one of which a negro man was killed. The other resulted in a 'Ford t..umg ear turning over in a ditch, but . fortunately the occupants escaped injury. In neither instance did the owner of the offendr ing car stop. Everybody who has driven a car at night knows the dan ger of meeting another machine with /blinding lights. In many instances drivers of'automobiles refuse to dim their lights in meecting other ears.. With the increasing number of ears on the highways of this State, it is high time to take some action in uie matter of glaring headlights. A certain popular priced car is perhaps the worst offender along this line. One of the most horrible murders over commtted in the United States was the slaying of a 13-year old schoolboy, the son of a Chicago mil lionaire, by two young college gradu ates, themselves the sons of million aires. No motive has been given for the crime, other than “the spirit of adventure.” Of course, the parents of the accused young men will pour out their millions, in an attempt to cheat .the gallows, but stern and speedy justice should be meted out to the self-confessed murderers. Our good friend, Rion .McKissick, pf The (Ireenville PM-dmont, in reviling the recent State Convention for its action in instructing the South Caro- .ina delegates for McAdoo, makes allusion to the old nii.Nirfi that “Those "whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.” Inasmuch as Rion •seems somewhat peeved about said instruction, we wonder if he has been slated for th'* gods’ next victim. Some of the delegates to the State Convention have been accused of (limbing on the McAdoo band-wagon. Well, it’s much better to ride on the band-wagon than to be run down by the steam-roller. “Hand-outs, Honkum and Ford.” — Editorial caption in The State. In the interest of aliiteration. we re spectfully submit that “Hand-outs, Hokum and Hank ’ would have been much better. All hail the marry month of June! i; “LIKE MOTHER t <: USED TO MAKE” ♦ ;; By ETHEL A. LYONS | « (♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ (4>. 1124, by MeClure N« wtpiaiitr Syndic nt* ) /"'LARISSA leaned forward In the ^ rosy light of the candles, a so licitous expression on her round Utile face. “.No, Mot her-Karnes, you're not to do one thing about Roger's birthday din ner this year. “Hut. my dear. I'd love to do it,’’ Mother Knines protested. “You- must let me make the njke, anyway." "Indeed, no!" Clarissa gave a little gesture of finality. “It's uM planned, and I rn going to do every single thing by myself." The bride of six months looked very wise and determined. "Come on, Roger, we'll be late for the concert if we don't hurry.” Roger rose obediently, hut his face was troubled as he bestowed a good night kiss on his mother's cheek. He could * guess the sacrifice it might mean to her to give up all the happy fussing over his hlrthdav. On the other hand, he couldn't tell Clarissa that he'd rather let his mother do this for him. Oh. well, it was one of the things that were hound to happen, and he soon dismissed it from his mind, ^ Not so’Trot her Fames. She respond ed cheerfully enough to the good night kiss, hut she sat for a long time star ing at the candles after the outer door had closed. Here It was Sunday; the birthday would he Tuesday, and already the Ice «Team had been ordered from Rissi's— Roger’s favorite—vanilla with pow dered almonds and a very wonderful caramel sauce. Monday passed. 'Wiesday morning found Mother Fames In the kitchen Just as* the maid wa« building the fire In the range. “Hilda," me said, "take the day off. 1 want the kitchen to myself.” ^ Nothing loth, Hilda obeyed. And a few doors down the street Clarissa was saying: “Anna, this Is Mr. F.ames’ birthday, and 1 want to get the whole dinner by myself.” At 5:30 Mother Fames, mindful of her promise to appear early at Clar issa's, cautioned father not to be late to the dinner, and went swiftly down the street. The winter twilight had deepened into darkness, but there wa* pp sign of a light at Roger's. Strange! Clarissa must‘be putting's few finish ing touches to the dinner. She'd go around to the kitchen door.. No light In the kitchen, either! After a preliminary knock she opened the door and stepped jn. In the faint glow from the range she could make out the form of Clarissa, apron clad, sobbing convnlfilvel.v at the r kitchen table. "Why, dear child, what's the mat ter?" Mother Fames’ arms were around the woe begone little figure In stantly. “Oli, Mother, Mother Fames!" Clar issa spoke with difficulty. “It's dread ful! It's almost dinner time, and there Isn't arn dinner. I’ve spoiled Just everything! Kven the cake! Look!” Tragically she led the way to the pantry. The cake was Indeed a sorry elgh’t ! Rough, hard lumps of Icing covered Its uneven surface, with here and there a ragged burned edge showing through. Dumbly she point ed to the Ice box. A few anemic pieces of chicken were floating abnut^ In a liquid, presumably meant for aspic Jelly. This was flanked by a dish of curdled mayonnaise, and the offered evidence of ga7bage pail scorched cream soup. “Stop crying. Clarissa. (Jo bathe your face and powder your nose Rut on your prettiest dress and a Mg apron, and come back to the kitch en.” Mother Fames’ voice was brisk now. Clarissa was only too glad to do as she was bade. As she reappeared Mother Karnes was just entering the hack door, a huge market basket on her arm. Laving aside the vvhite cloth cover, site deftly removed the contents of the basket to the table. A thick. Juicy steak, a hag of Rermuda onions (steak smothdci’d iu onions, she ex plained, Roger's best dish), lettuce, washed and crisp, all ready for the table, and, last of all a cake, four tiers high, its Icing smooth, glisten Ing. perfect ! “Ob, Mother Karnes, this is wonder ful, perfectly wonderful!” Clarissa cried. “Rut I don't deserve It. 1 must confess. I wasn’t nearly so much con cerned with your being tired as 1 was with showing Roger that I could do everything Just exactly as well as Ms mother could. He's always boasting about your cooking, you know:.” , Mother Fames smiled a dry little smile. "Since confessions are In or der. I must make one myself. I'm afrnfiI In' niy wicked heuyt I've been Dinner was over. Rogefi leaned hack In his chair with a contented sigh. “With all respect to your abilities. Mom," he began br/.ily, "I’d like to see this dinner beaten anywhere. And / must confess.”, he grinned,’ looking slyly toward Clarissa, “that I expected something entirely different—chicken iix aspic, or some such fol-de rot” - . And' if Clarissa Mushed, he attrib uted it to pleasure at his whole- hearted compliment to the dinner. Worse Than Losing the Ring. The bridegroom and the best mar were at the altar awaiting the bride. The former became ..very white and I*' neemed about to faint. ' v "What's wrong wi’ ye, Jock?" ateked the best man. "Y’er face Is like chalk. Mae ye lost onything? Ha’e ye lost the ring?” “No,” cameJiie reply, "hut 1 (loot I've lost ma >niiiisiasm.” Professional Tendencies. Mr«. Smibix Henry, t really believe Freddy is going l<> lie a doctor when he grows up. 1 heard him tell Mary that she must be careful of her health, and that pie was considered hurtful. Mr Smllax- It looks to me as though he i« more likely to become a lawyer. 1 neticed that he had two pieces of me at supper last evening.- Boston/Tran script. Vanishing Hitchcfig Post. A mmi got out oLa'iiuggy in front of a store in Woo^cer, (>., recently, and. after I ioking/in vain for a hitching post, tnok/rt long rope out of the buggy, tiedvopc end of It to the horse's bridle, carrfed the other end with him into ho sfo’-e. and transacted his business, ’while the pedestrians on the sidewalk Jumped the rojie, , — — t"" " Advertise in The People. C »•*•-•*»«*•«**«*•«*♦•**•*♦**• *04^0****#«****»«*# Reduced Summer Fares Beginning May 15th, 1924 Rouhd trip tickets to principal summer tourist resorts, in the United States and Canada. Tickets good for return to original starting point until Octo ber 31st, 1924. There are many recreation opportunities in the gloriouis moun tains of Western North Carolina. “THE LAND OF THE SKY” Let us help you plan your summer vacation. CONSULT TICKET AGENTS Southern Railway System W. E. McGEE, Division I’ass. Agent, Columbia, S. C. A. H. ACKER, District Pass. Agent, Charleston, S. C. -ysi A. Pain In Back & Sides wi “pOR A LONG TIME,” -F says Mrs. Dora Payne, of Hunti|igton, Tenn., “I felt listless, tired and worn-out I did not feel like doing my work, visiting or* anything. r ‘l suffered much pain in my back and sides. My limbs hurt, my knees would tremble without apparent cause and I would have to sit down. “1 was very nervous. . I would have a tired, dull headache. ^ “1 had read so much about Cardui 1 asked my husband to get it for me. The very first bottle seemed to help me. After the second ... I was better than I had been in months. I certainly can praise Cardui. “1 have taken three bot r ties. Now I hardly wait, when the sun shines, to garden. I am feeling fine.” Similar results to those de scribed above have been re ported by thousands of other women. Cardui’s 40 years of success should encourage you to give it a thorough trial for the relief of any common female ailments. _ For sale everywhere. CARDUI - The Woman’s Tonic n t El NIEY TO LEND Farm Loans 6 per cent., large amounts. Town prop erty in Barnwell, residential and business, 7 per cent. Loans procured promptly at lowest cost. Allendale, Bamberg and Barnwell Counties., THOMAS M. BOULWARE Attorney-at-law - Barnwell, S. C. hoping and hoping that aotnethlng like thlf would happen. That's why I made a. the cake and ordered Roger’s favorite dinner and the ice cream. Don't dare breathe a word of this to him. I’m ao ashamed, and now we’re—” “Quits!" riaris'Ka a laugh was actu ally merry, her cares forgotten. “It’s worth i.\" site added ‘“We'll always understand now, won’t we, mother?” * bulbil ;; Ml Vb'l 1 x x ■& i> in does Buick use * i iii. 1 provide test safety 'Hi M' for tit and hi family owner ip!b, in -i j 1 rj 1 m p! Imi.- t A DENMARK BUICK CO., DENMARK, S. C. t . ' i « WHEN BETTER. AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM X There IS such a difference in Ranking \Ieth«*ds that we take natural pride in the announcement that the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT is a depositor in Ol R RANK. It is an endorsement as irrefutable as is the statement v • • * . ' • 4 that night will follow day. :: WE RESPECTFULLY SO UK IT YOUR ACCOUNT. Capital Stock, $50,000.00 Make This Bank Your Best Servant. X. X J. E. HARLEY, PRES. S. E. MOORE, VICE PRES. >. r ' , N. G W' WALKER. VICE PRES. RALPH SMITH CASHIER *1 ->d**x*<-x~>*-x~x- - A j •X~X~X~X"X-X-X"X~X~X"X"X'\~X~X~X~X~X~X~X-X-X~X~X-X~X*v*vr ■-'1 I