p-'- THE PEOPLE, BARNWELL, S. 0. I ' 1 i j •TflE ®. Mam LEGION (Copy f«T Thin 1 Sup^hKl- by tbo Ain^rlCMM P^nToii N»*^ h S#*rvlre.) AIDS DISABLED MEN AND THEIR FRIENDS A mlLlMC'rliij; iiiikvI Ih iutually of ns a Kod ('ross nurse*, a Sister of Mercy, or some woman who tflves unstluted service. Hut in J. CJ. JeckeriiiK, a Knight ff t'olumhus s«*c- rttary at the Nationnl Military home In I Riyton, Ohio, f|isal*h*d veterans of the World war helieve they have found the uiale variety. Jeeke/rin;;, who was a sergeant-ma jor of artillery durlm; the WorlU—wttr. tiiok uji K. off. work almost immedi ately following his return from serv ice. 'Much of that time he lias been stationed at the I'aytoti hoin*:, where scores of World war sohmaa< are now receivirm care. — His—work dirily Irriti^s’ him ‘bedside of difiihled men, to whom he adtninlUers-f-Lniforts and performs the little duties that lueini so much to the disabled man. In addition to these duties, Jeekerititf finds time to visit the unfortunate veterans in jails and penitentiaries, looking' after the burials and funeral anVinyeinentfe-of- | LEGION'S INFLUENCE J By \ S. SINNOTT, United V* Stites Representative From £ Oresjon. T 1—Gondola of new navy blimp .1 1 as stir* was starting’ a test flight. /-—I'rinceton university seniors In the overalls which the Class Is now wearing, ,'t—Princess Kavvnnanakoa, assoraite member of the Keputdiean nation al committee, who has come from Hawaii for the Cleveland convention. - ^ UK American Legion Is *;] here to stay. It has a pa- , •:< trii.tic mission in our private and V publfe life. It is fultiilinj;.-that ❖ mission well, and will ever he V« din important factor In inruloat- ♦ ing a deeper love for our conn- ^ 'try and Its institutions. Com- ♦ posed of tlu* best and most pa- .j. triotie of our young manhood, £ who demonstrated their patriot- ism amkwillingness to sacrifice £ ❖ their lives in war; in peace, the* * £ suifie promptings-of patriotism J ❖ vvitp ever make them zealous ❖ J for their, .country’s welfare. I $ ❖ know that congress gives careful ♦> ... consideration and vveiglit to the J views of the -Legion. This is + attested by the fact that much * *•;* of the legislation passed hv con- + V «|» gross for the ex-service men, ■ land lawsi care and Imspitailza- tmn lor the. disabled. ■ was passed in cojnjdiance with tlu* £ request of the American Le- i gion. J t V •> <• •t* ❖ ❖ ♦ ♦ ❖ * 1 v t ♦> ❖ ❖ ❖ teS? Summer Fmd You Miserable? It*» hard to do one’s work when every day brings morning lamcnef^ throbbing backache, and a dull, tired feeling. If you suffer thus, why not find the Cause? Likely it’s your kid neys. Headaches, dizziness and kidney irregularities may give further proof that your kidneys need help. Don’t risk neglect ! Use Doan's Pills—a. stim ulant diuretic tp the kidneys. Thousands have been helped by Doan's. ThejF should help you. Ask your neighborf A North Chrolina Case Mrs. C. F. Melton, South & Orchard Sts., Mt. Airy, N. C., says: "I suffered with pains in my back. Some mornings my back was so stiff and sore, I could hardly get out of bed. My kid neys acted much too ofjten. My husband recommended Doan's Pills and I got a box. Soon my back was %11 right and my kid neys act'ed O. . K. again.” DOAN’S p, iP STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS Foster-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chem., Buffalo, N. Y. ( Relatively O. K. The Hess—I irtteml to’ send you thl . nu ^ h Michigan. How’s your stand- ' ■ — J lug there? J. G. ■ Jeckerlng. those who die avvay from home, and cheering the bereaved ones by com-** forting w ords its to their loved ones atl.fj tiieir hist moments. In district work for the American Le gion,. .Jeekeriiig takes a prominent .part, lit* is a member of the Legion welfare eommitt.ee of the state, .and iR.serving a term on district Amerieali- izatlon committee. When the Knights of Columbus in Dayton recently unveiled a memorial tablet to World war veterans, :i« a World war memorial in that city, Na tional Commander John U. Quinn of the American Legion was present tp deliver the .principal address. He was secured principally through the'efforts of Jeckerlng, who hahdlcd many of the arrangements for the unveiling cere mony. Interesting Relics in-. Pennsy. Post Library The lihrury of the Frankfort (I'a.i post rff the American Legion is one of the most interesting collections to he found in tin* state. More than 1.4 ' - ” - nine who voted in the negative were all Mel|o> plan supporters, and-rrll He publicans. They were; Fenn (t’onn.), Tllsort <('onn,), Merrit (t’onn.L Mills (N Y.). Wainw right (N. Y ). MeFad- den (Pad. Philips (Pa.). Hill (Md.).- and Moores (Ind.). Talk of n big deficit due to fbe bo nus lavv and tbe tax reduction provid ed for by the bill faded away. Repre sentative Green fold tbe hotise: “The actuary of the treasury assured me that there would be a sufficient surplus for tho fiscal year Ib'J-Uto pay the bo- •nmounting ‘ up to .TL’L’O for average route... *— Posttntistert*r no djjuvge in first c!:iss salaries betvve.n kILLUO and SS.ttOO; second class increased from $2,300 to $2,400. Atwehed as a rider to this bill was tin amemlmer.t offjKrcd by Senator Bo rah which reipiires, full puftlicity of pr all in commercial employ ment. The fight on I>r. Harry Kniiner- son Fosdick was renewed, with Wil liam Jennings Bryan as its leader. Tiie Methodist conference; by a de cisive vote, lifted the ban upon amuse ments, except “those which cannot be used in tLe name of the-+jord Jesus.” The definltionsUiven in the special ad vices in the discipline were altered to read: . “We lift up a solemn note of warn ing and entreaty particularly against attendance upon immoral, quostibna- Ide and misleading theatrical and mo tion-picture performances. 1 * A proposal to change the Apostles' creed, substituting the words ■''Qhrisi’s Holy Chupch" for "the Holy (.’atliolic t'hurch,” was rejected by a close vote. The trial hoard' of the Protestant Episcopal church met in (’leveiand and began hearing the charges against Ht. Rev. William Montgomery Brown, former bishop of Arkansas, w ho- is ac cused of teaching doctrines Contrary to those held by the Episcopa-l ciiwreh. Red tape confronting members of tin* American Legion in Great Bend. Kan . may defer erection of u meniu riiil to Ailwyn Htirrlson, a Barton coitnty va*tcrati for it short time.- hut the Legion will build :t monument to this man vvb<> lost his life in ' the, World war. Under the Kanstis bonus law, Har- rhoii's heirs are entitled to his bonus. IPs parents are dead, and bT* bad no brothers and sisters; only sev eral uncles and aunt's are living, all of whom are entitled to a share of fin* compensation. These heirs suggested that a mon- timeni l*e erected in tin* hoy's mem ory, and till made assignments, of their slmre to the Legion. This was agree able until the Kansas hoard got the ea>e. The lavv specifically says that tin* bonus cannot be assigned t<> any purpose except, for support of wife or The New Salesman—-The very best. I've been all over that state and there are only four towns 1 don't dare t.o go back to. MOTHER! Clean Child’s Bowels California Fig Syrup" is Dependable Laxative for Sick fhildren L-v vv I bliildreif. As board wTIT be diriYre:.: c!a*;*] I ••irs tiii* s:u; they are to re must arrange (Toi'sejl and pa memorial for a result tie* r«‘qnir.‘d to make ks to pa-y e.tch dl sjrnre of the • ■ive. Then the to get these / lie ud into a fund flu* young man. boh u s' out 13 * f the 1 elaini Legion rks i.n- :'i>r the mis twice over. The actuary's figures | ^ tv 0()nrllI(h , d „ fi( . ry ad ,j r es.s with the also show that the 11)2." surplus, with out including the bonus, which can be taken enfe of out <»f the -previous sur plus will be $13^.000.000 The differ ence between the present hiil and tTTe Mellon iJrin is only the very slight sum of S22.00ri.n00. of which Sio.orirt.- OOo i«j in tbe imlividua! income and cor poration taxes and the balance In the excise taxes One-half of the 2." per cent reduction comes out of the fiscal : year 11*24. tin* other half out of the. fiscal year 1 f*2. r >. The-.present bill re duces taxes S22.000.000 more than the Mellon plan would have done.” Later estimates by members of the house committee on appropriations In dicated that the financial status of the government .with the enactment of these two- measures would lie even more favorable than had been thought. Tln^j>_ jn part due to the probability that aggregate appropriations by con gross this session for purposi s iri'diid ed in tin*' oricin.il budget reeomnn !v'a tion will umonjnt tm. about less limn tin total, reconmiehdtnl by the ..budget. ^ ' . ^T* resident «' watrds: “A storm, is coming;, prepare.” Pomments in the Japanese press are ’hitter and inflammatory pamphlets are numerous. —_—. . - Premier Klyoura told the cabinet be would recommend Viscount Kato as i), next premier. The.present govern ment will resign about June (5. t; * BRING tin* navy up to the f»-r»-3 atio. the house passed a bill au thorizing eonstnietion of eight scout cruisers and six riyer gunboats and'ex tensive improvements titted to t from tin* .veterans’ prfiprianon of $127 S17. w Ps to defray t! c custs ot—Hie sid~ dices' bonus until July 1. 11)2"-. <*f this total. jJl.Ivs.riQjijjtouid be •■ftrr ad ruinistrative expenses. ^ a long floor' of. the sen- debate and a vote.—anil last they succeeded, although the majrtrify of the agriculture committee J was firm!v opposed to the Ford offer afid had twice rejected a motion that the hill accepting it he reported out S enators horah. and Wil- ™ fis cast the only votes in the nega tive—when they postal salary increase bill was passed by the senate Hy this measure; which then went to the house, the salaries (if 300.oDo postal employees would he'increased by an average of $200 each annually, the to tal heing estimated at $00,000,000. Tills Is the schedule of Salaries provided for hv the hill ; ' ‘ Clerks nmt carriers, $1,700 to $2.- 100; special blerks at first and second Class offices. $2,200 to $2 300; substi tute tiffd temporary clerks, (\~> cents [>er hour;, watchmen, laborers and mes sengers. $1,430 to SEboti; marine car riers. $2,400 Railway mall service; clerks 1 (seven grades). $1,1*00 to $2,700; gupervisory officials. $2,800 to $4,300; substitute clerks, $1,850 ’Rural delivery;, no change in sala ries, but allowance of 4 cents a mile a day for maintenance of equipment, favi.raldy. Hy a bit of parliamentary higgling It was brought'about that‘the Norris bill for government ownership u m»w Needy German Soldier ^Cared for by Legion At Chateau Thierry, with Americans too i Ibse for comfort, Herman s-limidt. a German soldier, sufferetl a shattered leg from the explosiop of. a shell. A few months ago Schmidt-went, to Chi; c;igo. where -relatives ubtained work for him in a grocery, but the old wound gave him-oonsiderable. pain. ■ Selitnidt kejit Ids trouble to himself. Imagining if it Were ‘known that he hail.been a German siildi(*r members of the American Legion would have him deported. Infection set in and the man's life was endangered, so despite His protests a brother tohi a neigh bor. ti member of tin* American Le gion." The next day members of tHe Le gion ; gain surrounded Schmidt, but tlijs time their presence was a copi- fort to him, its they carried him to ii.n~ymbi'i!ar:ce ahd ^sent him tn'a hos pital. Now Schmidt regards his fur- liter enemies its men n.f luiiaan~«ltlall- ties. and the Legion as a ministering angel. ; Iowa Flag Decoration Plan Given Approval Ti.e SUenandoiih plitn of unildrni fij'.g ifi cnra 1 inn. originated ill bvwn liy a member of fin* American Legion amiliary. is tiipidly spreailiug to - all secti(ins of- the .country. This plan calls for .placing of an iron receptacle l in the sidewalks of tin* business dis tricts of cities at regular intervals in ! w bh h -Hagsfafi's of equal height are | in-cfie,! and (nam which emldems of | exact si/,, an- ilmvn. The pian w:is ! firs! tried, in Slientindoah.IoWa. tind re- [■or!- ia>w'inujeafi* f j7at it is*-in ipse in I iot i'..:. <'aHfonii;i. Mil l;:g;Tu Minue- PoUi,,.Ncbrasj;ii. tin* Difkotas'amU other j st;?, ; ,s wa ll as in tl:e stall* of itt* Hurry, Mother! A tea spoonful ot ‘‘California Fig Syrup” now w ill sweet en the stomach and thoroughly -clean the liftle' J Kbwels .and in a few hours you have a well; playful child again. Even if cross, feverisll, bilious, con stipated or full of cold, children love its pleasant taste. It never cramps or overacts. Contains no narcotics or soothing drugs.. • Tell your druggist you want only the genuine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all trees printed on the bot tle. Mother, you must say "Cali- fo-fnia." Refuse,any imitation. Their Condition "How an* Acre children coming-on?" asked an acquaintance - from over U*- | yond <'IdekNianzy. “Hav< they all hud tie* mmupsV" "Not. yet,’ replied Gap Johnson of Rumpus Ridge. ‘‘Some • have done mumped, -sou.*; of 'ejn ar< still mump Ing. and the rest are -low hit: to tiipmp pruty soon,” — . Stearns* Electric Paste The Quality Product or t is regarded as a move' to ofi'set ru- mo’rs linking McAdoo with the Ku Klux. Klan. Mr. Phelan is one of fhe lea*Iing Roman Cat hoi i rs -of tin* Pacific coast. C hancellor marx o.£„xierman ; v and his caldru-k iesigncd on Mon- to open. President Ebert invited Herr Hergt. nationalist leader, to form a government, with the proviso that he pledge himself to support the Dawes plan. This he declined to do, so Marx was asked tp undertake the task again and accepted. The opening session of the relchstag was turned Into a farce by the boisterous attacks of the Coni; munlsts and Nationalists on each ojj)- ers’ leaders frnd pets. Ludcndorff was the special butt of the jibing. Texas Post Offers to Help Houston Mayor Sen ices (if members of I tjsnuike post df the American Legion in Hous ton. Tex., ^tiave been proffered to Mayor Holcombe of. Uiat city by post x'flicials to aid in (Tgifting tires or in helping to apprehend “firebugs.” The offer was made following an epidemic of fires in the city, many of which are suspected to have bee*t of Incendiary origin. Firemen have been kept busy answering these calls. Sure Death to Cockroaches, Anta, Waterbugs, Rata, Mice, Etc. Greatest known destroyers of food and property; 1 -1*0 carriers of diseisc. Does not blow into food like powders.' Ready for use. Money ba.k if it falls. 35c and $1.30. Enough to kill thousands of roaches and ants. Sold bv ail druggists. Refuse substitutes. - U. S. Government Buys It Stops Eczenja leothei and soltani th« skin and leavat It amooth and spotless. ERINE B i >TH t.l.u ■Pi-jj.sJigterian general as sembly, at Grand Rapids, ‘Mich., "and the; Mejkodjkt general confeCeuce. Sir Springfield; Mass., took important ncthm last week. The former adopted: a resolution - "pledging all Its ene-gies to the outlawing of war.” but r,jc-eted amendments pledging loyalty 10 the EMORIAL DAY, with all its heaw- ^ * tfTuI and Imposing ceremonies and its poignanj memories, was cele brated Friday. Business was, suspend-^ ed tbrouglMnit the land and ;vl! the people did honor to the memories of those who -have given their lives to their country. Splash Pool Is Donated to City by Idaho Post A splash .pool for the children of Emmett, Idaho, has been donated to tfie city by the local American Le gion post. . Tim ppo|i was constructeil in-a vity park, hut all expense wn-s- liorm* hy tin*'Legion members,'who-exr |i(*ct return of some funds .from oiier- -ntlon of park concessions during sum mer mnJKhs. 1- irsi work Was done iiy u group of Legionnaires, to whom - luncheon was served by women of the s axillary. _LhB cowpt4»l«n'« belt friend. 60c at your drup- Siat’e or from tbe SHUPTRINE CO.. SAVANNAH, OA. •n’t Negli inflamed eyelids or other eye irritations. "You will And a soothing and safe remedy In MITCHELL _JLY£ SALVE. HALL A RUCKEL a t all New York City druggist* Use Guticura Soap And Ointment To Heal Sore Hands BOVS AND BIKl-S fc^rn extra vacation monny In a pi* ananf, pioftlabie manner. Writ*- today for particu lars. 6 J. WHATLEY CO, MarncsvUle, Us.