The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, May 08, 1924, Image 3

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.•XT* -Vjr ? ’ THE PROPER, BARXWRU-.-SrT. Heed Nature's Warning Before It Is Too Late Pains in the Side, Back and Kidneys Show That Some thing Is Wrong With Your System — Nervousness, Loss of Appetite and Sleeplessness Are Ad vance Warnings That if Heeded Will Save Serioys Trouble Later On. (Kdlltd bjr O Pouglas. Wardrop. Editor of Radio Marchaadlaln* ) DCPROYfl) UNIFORM Mr TANLAC HAS HELPED THOUSANDS REGAIN NORMAL HEALTH Lesson (By. n E V I’ H KlT/.t' \ !KU 1 > 1 1 , T»»vhar lif KtiKllal> KibU- In th.- > H tute of l hl< a/to ) ' (?, UtMi-rn N>'u»pii| • r*l Lesson for May 11 JEHOIADA'S VICTORY OVER BAAL 30 DAYS* 12 Mofttiis to Pay 1 i. Rear, View of New Trirdyn Receiver—Simplicity of operation and construc tion make3. this new Trirdyn 3 R 3 the perfect receiver for all purposes. It will operate with any antenna and does not rertadiate when receiving broad cast signals. -Four important radio principles are employed in this circuit, which gives signal strength equal to five tubes, but only three are-necessary in the Trirdyn. JSO.n,’ TI'.XT—II Knib’s ll.l-is j C'ill >1 Tl'.XT—"T-i- Mi inig in .Uie Lord, anil In ti.v power or fl.s imu t. — Ll'di «. in.. riCIMAKY TOI’IC—A Kind Woman f5a\ < s i i ..itiy K intr. JL .MOU TOl’IC—The Ftory of a Hoy KillK- • -oxx^touiuiATJ.''. asp. i-ii-vtoa x°r IC—Hod's Hand In Human Affairs YOl XH I KdHI.K AM) Al'l'LT TOP- re—W’i.a Jt litnada'Mt ant to Judah. Practically every farmer at one time or other has wanted to try a SHARPLES Cream Separator. Mr. Sharpies has formulated a 30 Days’Free Trial Plan thatwill enahleyou to try the SFlARPLES Allsteel Separator without any cost to you whatsoever — T he even pays the transportation charges to your express office. Never before has a great-, nationally-krwun Separator manufacturer made such startling terms. A™,*. 4^ Money— Ju*t •«k u« to JSV loan you ■ /^> SHARPLES lor S/ • Free Trial Over 100,000 Persons Have Testified That TANLAC „ Has Corrected Stomach Trouble, Indigestion, Rheumatism, Nervousness c and Kindred Ailments— —It Builds Up the System and Starts Rich Red Blood Coursing Through Your Veins. All Good Drug- gists Sell TANLAC. Wild rn I it dts, whicli uvcrniti eiistcru Washington, a-ro -hoiivg traiipfd Jtnd shlppod to Alaska for food for foxes. The rapidly inrreasing popularity of ttined-radio frequency in receiving sets is Mearly Indicative of its extreme edi- cieney. A prominent radio corporation has used tuned radio frequency for the j it past two years, notwithstanding the great amount of publicity alroa-h given to tuned rfrdio frequency of the prevent osclllnth ns generated by th* 1 detector upon reaching the antenna. The primary or antenna circuit of! this set is aperiodic or untuned, making j possible to calibrate the secondary circuit and the tuned radio frequency ! amplifier in terms of wave length, thereby enabling the receiver to lie ae- it" is gratifying to the corporation to large and Inttuenttnh r ignals of any a enlihrntb WOMEN! DYE FADED THINGS NEW AGAIN Dy« or Tint Any Worn, Shabby Gar ment or Drapery. Diamond Dy es Each Dves" lo-cent package of "Diamond contains directions so simple tliat any woman <an dye or tint any -old, worn, faded thm$ new. even If she has never dyed before, (’boose any color at drug store.—Advertise ment. v - S'alt fields, in;Avestern rtah cover more than o<K* sipitire miles and run from two t" fifteen feet in thickness. Wu : V St .Joseph's LIVER REGULATOR for BLOOD-LIVER-KIDNEYS yie BIG CAN MOTHER! Baby s -Best Laxative is "California Fig Syrup’’ transformer type, the president of know that so many manufacturers are turning to tuned ra dio frequency’ ahipTTfieatToH In the de sign of the new'receiveYs. The newest addition to the line is the Trirdyn 3 K 3, announced.jon the third anniversary of the corporation. The Trirdyn. having passed through a thorough, test from every angle, and after practical use by. people in various parts of the T'nited States, was deemed ready to distribute to the public. Lab oratory tests are not always as prac tical as those given a receiver under the different circumstances encountered in actual 'operation and the reports re ceived bore out the excellent tests of the designers. / year has been given to perfecting rb.s receiver. Four imrortanf principles are accom- plDbed in receiver design in the Trlr- <<yn: tuned radio frequency amplifica tion with the first tube; Armstrong re generative detector action with ffie sec- ampllflrnllon-hy antenna, nains ploying the dirst, or radio frequency tul'e as an audio amplifier and one stage of audio frequency with the third tube. These factors combined in the particular arrangement of this re ceiver give signal strength of a receiv er utilizing five tubes. The Trirdyn will not reradiate when receiving broadcasting stations' signals : but will due to the fact that tire antenna is very loosely coupled to the secondary circuit and a nonoscillating radio-fre quency amplifier is employed before the regenerative detector, as a .barrier to How to Build Your Own Series-Parallel Switch By S. STARR WALBRIDGE | | In constructing a honeycomb coil set, the dlfigram of which calls-fnr n ! series parallel switch to put the pri mary condenser in either series or parallel with the primary coil, a very neat job can tie done by using a four- spring, two closed-contact Jack. The ! Jack should be connected as shown in i the accompanying diagram. The change from series to parallel is made i by Inserting a wooden plug where the I ‘phone plug .would ordinarily go. .If you have an old violin key. this may T>e cut off and will suit the purpose very well. Another method of making the plug-is to cut it small spoyl in half, shape the cut end of one-half to suit yourself, and insert a short, round stick jtt'-f the size of the hole in the spool. The I'lug tymy. be'enameled black. This arrangement not only .works well, but requires a very short time for . installation, add takes up very curatidy adjusted to tin broadcasting station fn-tf a calibration fable or curvV -been This arrangemcnl greatly simplifies tuning, making it pos sible for the-operuLir after huung once located given broadcasting sta'tion, to again-return to it by adjusting the two tuning dials at the numbers previously logged. This makes it the ideal re ceiver. The set Is very selective because it employs tuned radio frequency, loose coupled antenna and a tuned second ary. It is possible to receive the dis tant stations despite local Int-erferenoe. For example. In .Cincinnati it is pns sible to tune in KDKA which Is only 17 meters higher in wave length than \VL\V, whtte the latter station is in operation. The operation of the Trirdyn is very- simple and will give excellent results with any type of antenna. It oper- areii satisfactorily with a small indoor antenna, which provides loud-speaker volume, even on long distance stations and good results have been obtained •nly a ground connection. It requires a detector and two ampli fier tubes <>f standard type and satis- factory 4 results are obtained when dry cells are employed for lighting the fila ment, but tlie volume will be greater with d-volt tubes. Tne ttoplifier (ir- cuit employs ;h» v<4its of ‘‘pNsJtattery, perate satisfactorily with volts. A "C” battery, may be employed if desired. The Trirdyn is enclosed in a beatuitful solid'mahogany cabinet and.a cabinet to match may be used for_ the dry cell, batteries. j ■H Body Capacity May Be Obviated by This Plan By E. G. MAHONEY It is well known that the general practice of shielding panels is not as efficient as tf- might he. While tinfoil or sheet metal elindnates the body capacity, it also lias a tendency to nb- Vrrmtr kmt ftor Ptntf imuikting strip V wire rivet When baby is constipated, has wind- colic, feverish breath, epated-tongue. or diarrhea, a half teaspoonful of genuine “California Fig Syrup" promptly moves the poisons, gases, Idle, souring food and waste right out. Never cramps or overacts. Rabies love Its delicious taste. Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali fornia Fig Syrup" which has full direr tlons for Infants In arms, and children of all ages, plainly printed on bottle. Mother f You must say "California” or you may get an Imitation fig syrup. 7- LU zi'or coni Cot! A Neat and Efficient Series-Parallel Switch Can Be Made by Employing a Jack of the Type Shown. little panel room. Only one hole need be drilled several as in- the panel Instead for the ordimnr of series- parallel switch, and the- result is' much nicer in appearance.—Radio News. If the Metallic Shafts of a Variable Condenser Are Insulated From the Knob and Dial by Small Strips of Insulating'Material as Shown, Body Capacitx Is Eliminated. sorb energy from the apparatus which it is shielding. - r~ I present herewith a novel and effi cient method of eliminating this nui sance, us per sketch, which Is prac tically .self-explanatory. When mount ing a variable ^condenser with a ver nier, the connecting link between the two vernier shafts should be a flat piece of bone or any good Insulating uiatenal, the same being fitted ihto the saw slit and a hole drilled with a No. 30 drill and a copper rivet In serted. The one-fourth Inch shaft upon which the dial Is mounted should he of hollow brass in which the smaller rod fits. This method may also he applied to varlocouplers; no rear, panel Is neces sary with a va'rlocoupler, as the aver age coupler on the market today- la self-supporting-.—RadUrNews. OLD SORES, PILES ^ AND ECZEMA VANISH Good, Old, Reliable Peterson’s Ointment a Favorite Remedy. "Had 51 ulcers on my legs Doctors wanted to cut off leg- Peterson's oint ment cured me.”—Wm. J. Niches. 40 Wilder Street, Rochester. N. Y. Get a large box for 35 cents at any druggist, says Peterson, of Buffalo, N. Y.. and money back If It Isn't the best you ever used. Always keep Pe terson's Ointment In the house. Fine for burns, scalds, bruises, sunburn, and the purest remedy for Itching eczema and piles the world has ever known Tinning Soldering Iron to Make Solder Stick Radio set builders and experiment ers who have trouble with their s<d- "dering ironswill find 10 cents' worth of sal ampioniac a good investment. It Is a white powder. When the iron gets refractory about holding solder, file It clean and bright, heat it a trifle above soldering temperature. Plunge It In the sal ammoniac and then apply solder and rosin, or use rosin cored polder. Coat the point half way up the iron. Let the Iron cool and then use It as before. Care In not getting It too hot will prevent burning off the “tinning," as It is called. Loud-Speaking Crystal Set Not Yet in Sight Reware of the man who offers to tell you how to build a b>u^ speaking crystal set. It cannot be done with out the addition of one or two bulbs, and most of the “plans” advertised prove to h'e nothing but hook-ups of standard audio-amplifiers. There Is a mechanical amplifier made In Kngland for use with crystal receivers, but the price of the device Is staggering. But taken by itself It is absolutely Impos sible to work a loud speaker on a crystal set unless the set Is located within MX) feet of a broadcasting sta tions-The only energy present In such a radio receptor Is what Is picked up t>y the aerial,-and its actual value Is infinitesimally small. Jonsh, viewed in the light of his an cestors. \\;o a poor prospect for a king. His grahdmother was the wicked Atlmliah and bis great grand parents were Almb and Jezebel. There vviis < noiigh bad blood in bis veins to assure his doom. 1 >ospin»jhis fact, he brought about some noble reforms and turned the people back to God. I. Athaliah Usurps the Throne, (vv. 1-3), 1. Her Attempt to Destroy the Seed Itoya| (\. l). in order to remove any rightful claimant to the throne she trird tn kill all the royal male chil dren. The act was not of sudden im pulse,, but o( deliberate purpose! 2. Joash Preserved by Jehosheba (vv. 2, 3). Though Athaliah was keen eyed, she was checkmated by another woman. This woman, the wife of the priest, stole away this child and hid him away In a bedchamber for six years. God bad promised that through the Dayldic line the Messiah should come. In order that this line be un broken Joash must be preserved. No purpose of God can fall. II.- Joash Crowned King (vv. 4-12). 1. Jehoiada’s Preparations (vv. 4- li). The high priest and his wife were strong characters. As the high priest, Jehoiada felt that it was his duty to thwart the heathen project of Athaliah. His ^wife's co-operation made possible the saving of Joash. (1) Seeks the aid of the military lead ers (v. 4). He knew somehow that thes% men were not loyal to Ath- allah. , • w. (2) He took an oath? of them In the house of the Lord (v. 4). He bound them to their agreement by every avail able means. (3) He incited their spirit of pa triotism (v. 4). He gave them a sight of the king’s son. This*no .doubt, was a great surprise. Now, having seen the heir to the throne, they would risk everything, even their lives, In order to set him on the throne. . ■ , „ (4) He co-ordinates all matters (vv. 5-11). The soldiers were divided Into companies and arms were dis tributed to them. Each group was as signed to specific duties. 2. The Coronation (v. 12). (1) The king's son brought forth., This was a great day in Jerusalem. (2) PutMhe crown- upon him. This was the formal Induction into office. (3) Gave him the testimony. Thls- was a copy of the law Indicating that the king was to rule according to the law of God The act of putting the law on his bend showed that the king himself would be under control of the law. (4) Made him king- Tips shows that he had been made king by the choice of-thh people. (.*>) Anointed JJ-ni They poured oIL upon bis bead. T - was the usual method of consecrating prophets, priests and kings. (0) Clapped their hands. This was n token, of Joy.~ r T l ftr deed being xb'ne, they were ready t<> publicly proclaim It. They shouted "Long live the, king.” III. AltKaliah Slam (vv. 13-17). 1. The Noise of ibe Coronation of Joash Brought Athaliah to the Temple (v. 15). Up to this time she thought her place on the throne wa$. secure and that her heathen religion had free course. ” 2. Her Doom (v. 14). Upon her ar rival at the temple she saw the l<lng wearing the crown and surrounded by guards so that she could do nothing. In her .despair she exclaimed "Trea son, treason:” This was not treason, but the triumph of right over wrong—. the defeat of conspiracy and plot ting. 3. Athaliah Executed (vv. 15, 10). The orders were that she should not be killed in the tXrtfple. They led her' out by the_way of the horses’ entrance to the king’s pr.laco and slew her. What a tragic end for the sinner. Sin can only prosper for a time. IV. Worship of the People (vy. 17, 18). Joash was seven years old when he was made king. The high priest made a covenant between the Lord, the king and the people that they would he fhe Lord’s people. In carrying out thl» covenant they broke down the temple of Baal and slew the priests of Baal. Sharpies Aimed Separator □ Why not get the world’s best while you are auit. The ShARTLES AlLsteel Cream Separator is a Super-Separator. Turn it with one finger and skim over 600 lbs. of milk per hcuir. The whole frame and stand are of forged steel. Every part is constructed with, the greatest skill. Have the wonderful Automatic Variable Feed at any speed. Send at once for details of the Free Trial on your farm. - The Sharpies Separator Company, west Chester, Pa. Couldn't Be Expected to Get Same Results ThentJnre Roosevelt's sudden burst info the limelight in connection with the oil inquiries, bYings to mind the fact that us a youngster be showed many of the traits of bis Illustrious daddy. For one'thing, he was a real boy. Family friends recall a morning at Oyster Ray when Teddy, Jr.,’came to breakfn-t with a dirty face. "Why. Teddy,” exeblimed Ills moth er. "you didn't wash your face this morning.” _ \ “oITT’yt's I did.” maintained the boy. “Well, it doesn’t look as it 'doe* when I wash it." "No wonder! If I rubbed as liaTd as you' do. I’d push myself over.’’—- Los Angeles Times. Heroic Early Texant Although Texans and Mexicans ar# now on friendly terms, as are states ol (lie original thirteen American col on lei with the mother country, England, there .wav a time when fighting was to tire death and with little or no quartet given. Blood, hunger and suffering fraci heroic tales over Hie pages of Texai history. Col. James Bowie was ill an< had to be carried across the mark ini cot when, at the Alamo, Col. Willian Barret Travers drew a line with hll sword and saftl, "Whoever is willing t< die like a hero, let him cross,” sayi the Detroit News. M-p/if Help , “Money makes the tun re go.” “I wDh thaL mare knew I have $J on her." Louisville Courier-Journal. When Success Fails There is r- failure more hpartbrenk- r Ing and disastrous than success which leaves God out of the bargain. If you are simply setting out In life to amass mere material success, fama creqted or position gained, then suc cess w ill Te the most dismal and dis astrous failure.—G. Campbell Morgan. The Extent of Usefulness Our duty is to he useful, not accord ing to our desires, but to our powers. —Evangelical Visitor. t HoL BISCUITS • In Eight Minutes "T WOULDN’T think of doing without seif- 1 rising flour. . . . Use it practically every meat: ... In the morning when every one’s in a hurry, or when I want a quick meal, I can have a heaping plate of the fluffiest, most delightful biscuits you ever tasted in eight minutes! . . . Anybody who has never used self-rising flour can’t realize what they are miss ing in convenience, economy and tastiness. . . . } $11 Tl Just examine a biscuit made with self-rising flour and you will see why this Tennessee housewife finds pleasure in using self-rising flour every meaL Note the golden crust. Break it open. What a sweet, wholesome freshness! Taste the dainty, snowy-white texture. See how per- feedy the pure phosphate baking powder has leavened it. When you buy self-rising flour with the Blue Shield on the bag you may be sure that it’s wholesome, healthful and nourishing. It com plies with all pure food laws. FOLIOS' THESE FITE RULES For Makmg Perfect Buev itv with Self Ruing Flour. (1) See that your oven u hot; (2) Alwayt ute iweet milk or cold water; (3) Herer add baking powder, %oda or tails 14) Ute good ihortentng—lard, vegetable fat or butter; (S) Make iofl dough bake quickly. - SOFT WHEAT MILLERS’ ASS'N, Inc. fOII-« lt f $ Healthful—‘Dependable—Economical O IM4 311 HA t d