% - r^. r «X AGENTS ACTIVmBS IN BARNWELL COUNTY At this time the hoys of the county 5»re invited to join the clubs which are being organized in the county. Four Boys’ Clubs are being organized, one at Hercules, one at Mt. Calvary, one at Long Branch and one at Pleasant Hill. Sign up cards are being receiv ed daily. As the time is drawing near to close the enrollment, ajj^boys in terested in joining one of these clubs in growing an acre of cotton, an acre of cam or an acre of peanuts, or growing a pig. will immediately get in touch with the County Agent. Wc" expect to have a large number of prizes, and prize money is now being collected, some $40 or $f>0 having al- leady been given and the enrollment will close the last of the present week. Last week County Agent Boylston ordered four spray outfits to be used in spraying of melon crops and cu cumbers, and also made arrangements to assist in the purchase of a large quantity of blue stone at a very reasonable price. I want particular ly to call attention at this time to the necessity of immediately purchasing apray machinery and material in or der that we will be ready when the time comes to spray; also those who expect.to use dust instead of the liquid will do well to take the matter up with the County Agent in order that they might get the proper dust ing machinery and also dust at the most reasonable price, at the same time getting the proper kind. The main factor in the control of disease which we will work to control is to apply properly and to begin at the proper time. If this is not done why the results that are gotten are some times veryjjiscouraging. Blue stone should not cost more than (5 to 8 cts. a pound even in small quantities, and the dust, if dust is used, should not cost over 9 to 10 cts. a |K»und, deliver ed at the different stations. The final estimate of the amount of seed that were treated with bichloride of mercury has not yet been made up, .but the rVsults of the campaign that we carried on recently with the treat ment of cucumber, cantaloupe and melon seed were exceedingly satis factory. The probability is that the majority of the seed in the county were treated in the. aobve manner. Let me call the farmers’ attention to this matter, that this treatment was only precautionary, and let no one bl under the impression that with the use of the seed treatment alone that the proper control of gummy stain blight and anthracnose will be gotten, but it is necessary to go further and spray or dust. We recommend th'* spray instead of the dust, as there is not sufficient data at the present time to warrant us recommending dust, although we believe that there are great possibilities to it. At the same time we will be glad to assist anyone who goes ahead and uses dust in the purchase of the proper kind and ad vise him in the proper- application of it. H. (J. Boylston, _______ County Agent. QUARTERLY REPORT Of th* Board of County Directors for Quarter Ending March 3t, 1924. (CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK) ^Carolina Road Supply Co. ,3:5.50 W. D. Harley Motor Co .48.25 Cation Don Works 425.00 Gallon Iron Works ... 069.00 Thos». W. Weeks 48.64 E. F. Woodward . ..326.79 Henry Hartzog .05 00 R. E. Creech .. 40.92 A. M. Anderson 55.00 W. E. Anderson -^..29 90 G. T. Boylston i.d.YO*) W/*C. Bell C 10 J. S. Still .6.75 A. ft. Dunbar ..31.23 H. M. Cassels ?&4.71 The Best Pharmacy tr; 68.25 Lemon Bros. ... 62.46 C. F. Molair 71.59 J. R. Cheek and Son 1400 Allen J. Owens 41 Cl Easterling and Co. 18.28 Rescue Orphanage 15 M W. P. Sanders .‘...2).':5 I. F. Still 25.30 R. L. Wooley ’ _25.L’) J. W., Sanders 47.50 J. W. Folk 13.33 W. L. Baxley ._.8.33 R. L. Bronson ..123.00 E. C. Matthews 18.33 J. Staff Halford - 41.06 J. S. Still ...... 150.00 J. B. Morris 8.33 J. B. Morris .5,202.10 W. H. Manning —66.66 W. H. Manning --------66.55 McMillan and Watson .-‘u^r.. 1,562.75 H. C. done's 353.65 B. F. Anderson ... 6.00 A. B. Still ----- -3.73 Jas. M. Caldwell, Treas. 33.80 Send Us Your Job Work. C. S. Anderson ...14.58 B. W. Peeples 24.98 J. A. Morris • 12.50 J. F. Rountree 15.83 Bill Creech ... 38.39 N. A. Hiers .... 12.50 P. O. Beasley ..... .—29.16 J. S. Blume 28.92 G. R. Peeples __ ... 28.68 J. M. Scott 39.16 R. B. Pickling _Sv-.- 33.00 L. P. Blume -_X---- 3 6-0 0 W. S. Creech X_.36.00 A. M. Sanders • ..9.00 J. E. Lain 27.60 S. A. Hair -12.00 I. W. Rountree 9.00 R. R. Johnston 12.00 T. M. Willis — 12,00 Capt. J. A. Meyer 12.00 C. M. Turner .18.00 J. M. Weathersbee ...121.00 R. R. Moore ..9.00 The Barnwell People j, __n23.75 Baylis Office Equipment Co. 55.00 J. F. Cleckley 2,419.69 City Ice and Coal Co. 23.90 S. H. Jester L 2fT5 J. B. Armstrong .1,268.00 Elma Cave 109.08 H. G. Boylston 91.67 R. L. Bronson 10.23 John Eve ....1,570.00 C. K. Sanders 100.00 C. K. Sanders 68.00 J. B. Armstrong - — —2,368.40 Sara C. Armstrong 100.00 Carolina Road Supply Vo. . 496.50 J. B. Morris 1,000.00 Williston Motor Co. 500.00 Epp’s Pharmacy 5.25 Blackville Motor Co. 831.00 E. C. Matthews 71.51 Williston Motor Co. 831.00 E. W. Black 35.00 P. 1'. Parker 49.00 J. B. Armstrong ... 73.80 E. M. Kirkland 119.2.’. Chas. A. Hensley, M. D. 41.66 C. M. Turner ...34.93 C. K. Sanders .... — 193.31 John K,- Snell in j: A 39.10 Horace J. Crouch ... — — 125.00 CANDIDATE CARDS. For Congrea*. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Congress from the Second Congressional District, under the Rules and regulations of the Demo cratic Primary, and pledge myself to support the nominees thereof. Robert L. Gunter. For Master. Barnwell, S. C., March 27, 1924. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Master for Barnwell County, subject to the rules i» a preHcriptiotr for Matariav Chills *mf Fe^er, Dengue or Bib- iota* Fever, ft kilt* the germs. • • . . > WANTED! to know that we have several slightly used Ford trucks. Thoroughly recondi tioned and at a price that will move them. Denmark Buick Co. Denmark, S. C. MONEY TO LOAN Loans made same day application received. No Red Tape. E Get the Radio Programs for a -j —-In — The Pittsburg Post Send $-1.00 for a year’a subscription to the Wednesday ‘edi tion of The-’Pittsburg Pbet, which baa a special radiof supplement, in which will be found programs of the leading broadcasting stations for » week in advance, together with interesting inform ation. concerning this wonderful invention. Send remittance to B.P. DAVIES f BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA. | and regulations of the Democratic primary election. G. M. Greene. Barnwell, S. C- March 28, 1924. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the .Office of Master for BarnweM County, subject to the rules and regulations jf the Democratic primary election. V. S. Owens. For Coroner. Barnwell, S. C., March 27, 1924. -1 hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Cor oner of Barnwell County, subject to the rules and regulations of the Dem ocratic primary election. J. Staff Halford. For Sheriff. Blackville, S. C., Meh. 10, 1924' I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriffxof Barn well County, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic ^i- mary election. Boncil H. Dyches. Barnwell, S. C., March 4, 1924. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Barn well County, subject to the rules and regulations ♦> t T T 1 & WILLYS I ? T T ❖ f x I 1 ? f ❖ f T x Y ♦I* For Clerk of Court. Barnwell. S. C-., Mch. 11, 1924. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Clerk of Court of Barnwell Conty, subject to the rules and regulations of the Demo cratic primary election. „ C. Keys Sanders. Barnwell, S. C. t April 8. 1924. . 1 hereby announce myself a candi date to Succeed myself as Clerk of Court for Barnwell County, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic Pr-imary. - fr RrdTVsdn. For Sta»e Senate. Williston. S. ('.. April 9, 1924. The friends of Dr. W. C. Smith, Sr., hereby announce him asa candidate for the office of State Senate, subject to the rules and regulations ofi the Democratic primary election. HARTEY & BLA’ Attomeys-at-Law BamwelL S. C. Wm. McNAB Representing FIRB, HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES. Penwnal attention given all basineas Office in Harrison Block, Main St BARNWELL. S. C. BOILER FLUES ^ MILL CASTINGS AND SUPPLIES BELTING, PACKING AND LACING WOOD, INON AND 8TCEI. Brion tONOINB RHKAIRS In anto for quick work. LQM1ARD IRON WORKS, AUGUSTA, GA. CATARR1 DEAFNESS ia often caused by anrtnflamed condition of the mucous lining of\the Eustachian Tube. When this tube iaxpiflamed you have a rumbling sound or. imperfect hearing. Unless the inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be de stroyed forever. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL S CATARRH MEDICINE has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over Forty Years. Sold by all druggists F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. . ECZEMA! Money back without question if HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt’s Salve and Soapl.Isil in the treatment ofltch, Eczema, Ringworni.Tetterorotherltcb- ing akin diseases. Try this treatment at our risk. SEE ME FOR PRICES i a complete stock of all; at all times. Kainii and Soda. The old reliable Virginia-Carolirta Chemical Co.’s Brands. | W. E. McNAB, Barnwell, S. C. I ? X Chills. & Stomach Trouble M R. N. 'BL SMITH, «f Shaw, Hiaa., say* ha can’t remember being 1 without Thedford’s Black-Draught liver med icine since he and Mrs. Smith began keeping house, many years ago. ‘‘When we have chills,” says Mr. Smith, “Black- Draught ia what we nae and we find it just splen did. T bad » bad ease of stomach trouble. 1 couldn't eet enough and was aery week,. Everything I ate hurt me,.foaned gee and I apit up my~ flood. 1 would feel stupid er staggery. 1 didn't reel like doing any work. T knew what Bleek- Draught had done inoold* and f began taking small Got a doses. I certainly got >fg lief. It did me lota of good. “When I go to town, I look first to see bow near out of Black-Draught we are, and then get more. Wehirte a good way from the doctor and keep our home remedies and the maifi one is Black- Draught.” Ib bund rods of th—sends of bernea, fcousokoopora koop Hock-Draught «o tan shelf, handy for usa whoa aoodsd, as a household remedy to relieve constipation, bflioureeos, indi- fsotioa, and ma^ ether ample era WM.*f A do— of Mask* Draught eosts only eat cant. H mar save yea a Ug bill for modteiaa later on. Keep it oa year shelf. Buy it st your today. BLACK-DRAUGHT Aforel] iMe Liver Medicine Renew Your Subscription WHllst At the request of many voters in Williston and Rosemary townships, I bejs to announce that 1 am a candi date for the Statti Senate, subject to the rules of the Democratic Party. <* R. M. Mixson. Barnwell. S. C.. Aprjl 15, 1924. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of State Senator from Barnwell County, subject to the rules and regulations of the Demo cratic primary election. A. B. Patterson. _ , For House of Representatives. Barnwell, S. C.. April 12, 1924. I hereby anounce myself a candi date for reelect ion ..to the House of Representatives 'from Barnwell Coun- rty. subject to the rules and regula tions of the Democratic primary elec tion. Edgar A. Brown. J —- Johnson Motor Co. Blackville, S. C. Blackville. S. C.. April 12. 1924. 1 hereby anounce myself a candi date for reelection to the House of Representatives from Barnwell Coun ty, subject to the rules and regula tions of the Democratic primary elec^ tion. sa. G. L. Weissinger. I PREVENTION 1 I hotter this eve. Tatt’e Pin* taken ia I I tUae. are aot only a remedy (or bat proreit I I SICK MEADACHK I I Uimmm. cea—erien and kiaM dueaiea | Tutt's Pills The New ESSEX A Six—built by Hudson under Hudson Patents 2500 New Buyers EVERY WEEK Ask About Our Easy Payment Plan A 1 closed car selling records in this price field are broken by the Coach sales. Twenty-five hundred new Essex owners each week through out the country tell the success of value. Thousands daily are learning ot qualities and advantages never expected in a car at such low cost. Priced M70 lower, the New Eissex Coach provides a larger, handsomer bqdy with even greater passenger comfort than the former CoachT ***** f And its 6-cylinder motor, built by Hudson, gives the smoothness of performance for which the S u per-Si xJ:Uamous. Take a 30 minute ride to learn the facts. You too will agree th^ New Essexis “the car for everyone.” i i