A € i « / _j. . I i Congestion and Coldt a* M uttar d pfastcr burned and blistered while it acted. Get the relief and help that mustard plasters gave, without* the plaster and without the blister, j Musterole does it. It is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mus tard. It is scientifically prepared; so that it works wonders. Gently massage Musterole in with the finger-tips. See how quickly it brings re lief- how speedily the pain disappears. Try Musterole for sore throat, bron chitis, tonsillitis, croup, stilt neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, conges tion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains artd aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chil blains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it may prevent pneumonia). To Mothtrt: MtuUrol* is now made in milder form for babies and small children* Ask for Children’s Musterole. 36c and 65c, jars and tubes; hos pital size, $3.00. 1 Better than a mustard plotter SPftINCLtSS SHADES last L on^c“r_Look Better The Tavern of the Seas Tape Town Is popularly known among maritime men as tlie Tavern of the Seas, principally because It Is tfie harbor of many strange crufts — probably more than any one port so far off the transoceanic paths. Re cently a tiny craft Mjriveil after a voy age of 17,0 miles. It was only a 27 ton yacht ami was manned by thnn* Danes. Wrt*ht'n Indian VoKidablr PUN contain only vi'KctabN InsrcdlcntM which net an a font In purKatlvc 372 Pearl St . N. Y. Adv Land of Little Value Tin* public domain amounts to (VMI.imhi acres, tin* great bulk of which, not yet allocated, lies in tin* states' of (’alifornia, Utah and Nevada. Some of it ha’s so little value It has not been surveved. ('an you improve your condition by whining? If not, whim* not. Aspirin Beware of Imitations! A [BAYER tty, i221. Weatnrn Newayaiier Lnlua.) All you- hava really to do la to keep your back.,aa straight aa you can, and not think about what la on It; above all not to- buaat of what Is on it The real meaning of virtue is In that atralghtneaa of the back.—Kuskln. HELPFUL HINTS The leather cushions of chairs nmj ouchCs may he treated with the or dinary tan or black shoe dressing, the cleanser and the-polishing wax. Hub It in with vigor aiyl scratches and stains will disappear, the leather be preserved. and made to look like new. A large pink-lined sea shell filled with earth will bold a hunch of pansies or violets, making n beautiful gift for n sick friend. Kven a small fern will^ find a pleasant home In such u receptacle. House ferns if set In a pan of quite warm water oftce a week will put forth new fronds very soon. Water ferns or any plant with water used to rinse meht—If that Is ever..done in your household. If a dump cloth is used, which Is the best method for wiping Tneaf, rinse It in soft water and Use the water on the plants. Use any small amounts of paint left over to paint the Inside of the gar bage can. It will keep It from rusting. To mend oilcloth, linoleum or coft- goleum that has become cracked, place a strip of adhesive (ape under the broken edges, bringing them together, then put umjer a weight to dry. When removing wall paper, wet with a ihln paste—It will not dry so quickly us clear water and the paper quickly peels when scraped. Rugs that turn up at the corners may he moistened with thick starch. When rugs slip and slide, sew strips of old rubber to the sides'or corners. Casters which drop out of furniture may he made to stay by pouring hot paraffin Into the socket and then re placing the caster while the pnrntfin is hot. Leftover pancake'** may he broken Into hits and added to the next day’s griddle cake butter. Improving the mix ture. Added to scrambled eggs It makes a good supper dish. Renew old brushes after washing by dipping them Into strong alum water. An old wire hairbrush is a fine tiling to use to comb tii* carpet sweeper brush. a' UTKR all there is Nothing that has I sible. Many of the new spring hats, /x more distinction than the combi-1 designed especiaLly-for them, differ nation of black and while. It fakes an 1 veiT little, from those made, for their artist*to strike Just the. right balance ehi^rs. In fact quite a few youthful- when these two extremes arc brought <'looking grandmothers find huts to their together, but every season discloses new triumphs In black and white com position. It Is In gre;it demand In mil linery and every summer j*ees this crisp and cool substitute for color among the belongings of tkeJsinartly dressed. The handsome afternoon frock liking .in the groups set aside for debutantes, and those for younger girls are chic enough to please the most exacting young person. Five 'exponents of the mode for younger girls are presented In the group pictured here, which starts out with a pretty cloche with creased^ Shown hero Is, of black crepe de chin** crown and harrow, brim rolling up In with plaited skirt split a little way tip front. It Is of Philippine braid in the at each side and finished with a plp- new slimle called “Mexico"—a sort of Ing of white crepe de° chine. A box - rosy henna. Narrow ribbon la tiM > x . V. CARPENTERS & BUILDERS k JUST READY! |lnside Trade Informa- 'tion for Carpenters, Builders, Joiners, Build ing Mechanics and all Woodworkers on—Care and ) Use of Tools—How to Use l the Steel Square—FileSawr |—Make All Kinds of Joints —Draw and Read Plana— Write Specifications— Make Estimates—How to * Frame Roofs and Houses —-j- — _ „ . —Lay Out Work—Put In Foundations —Full Instruction on In and Out- aide Buildmg Work-Stair Building-Saw Mill Work —Pract ica 1 Pa jnt in g—Thousands of Short- Cuts that save time and money—information usually obtained only by hard experience. AUDELS CARPENTERS & BUILDERS GUIDES 1600 Pages-3700 Illustrations Audel's New Guides consist of four handy pocket size volumes of tover 1.600 pages of practical data, thor- £ otighly illustrated with 00 charts, diagrams, eluding calculations for every job from making the excava- w* tion to constructing AParMMtfc—CatiraS*tO the complete bunding Examine books free. —— SHIPPED FREE Not a cent to pay until you gee the books. No obligation to btiy unless you are satisfied. Fill In coupon in prncil. Send now—today—get this SEND NO MONEY \ \ Lesson (By REV P. B KITZWATER. D D.. Teacher of Englith Bible In the Moody Bible Ineti- tute of Chicago,,) ( £>. 1924. Wpatern Newapaper Union.) — , “ , r Lesson for. April 20 ELISHA: TEACHER AND STATES MAN * • LESSON TEXT—II Kings 8:15-23. GOLDEN TEXT—"Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evfl with Good.” —Rom. 12:21. PRIMARY TOPIC—God Caring ,for Elisha. JUNIOR TOPIC—EllsRa's Goodness to His. Enemies. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP- IC—How to Turn Enemies Into Friends. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP IC—What Elisha Meant to Ills Nation. i ~ I. Elisha, Elijah’s Successor (I Kings 19:15-21; II Kings 2:2-15.) 1. His Anointing (I Kings 19:15-21). In obedience to the Lord’s command, *• Elijah went forth from ills hiding place in Horeb to anoint F.lisha as prophet. While Elisha was plowing with oxen Elijah passed by and cast his mantle upon him. 2. His Training ^11 Kings 2:2-8). Elisha came into the life of Elijah in the field, where lie called him forth from tire ptowr amT there was theueeH forth real friendship between them, such that Elisha clung tojiis master to the very last, In spite of three urgent requests for him to remain behind. 3. Elisha’s Double Portion (II Kings 2:12-15). (1) Elisha’s cry (v. 12). “The chariot ' s nf Israel, and the horsemen thereof.” Tills implies that Elijah was the true national -defense. (2) Elisha rakes h!s place (v. 13). The taking of Elijah's mantle indicates his assumption of his place as a prophet. * j . (3) Elijah’s spirit upon Elisha (n*. 14, 15)1 This is proven by the use of his power to divide the Jordan. Also It Is proven by the testimony of the sons of the prophets. II. Elisha’s Ministry (fl Kings 3:10). TOMATO PLANTS 1. I he Trenches 1 illed IV 1th V\ ater Eirliana, Slone, Ke, I5r; 50. L’.bc; 100J4(V; .1)0. $! 00; 600. tl 60; 1 00 $ 25; S.Uoiupat $2.00. F () B Sumraerville—500 for $1. 25; 1.010 up at $1.75;'5,000 upl at $1 50 Satisfarti4*n Tuarantood. D. T. JAMISON. SUMMERVILLE. S. C. Traffic Fines for Streets ' Ah'-irt ST.'iH.ihni woftli of sireet i'on- structimi altd repairs will la* dmie in I.os Angeles, ('al.. next year a> a re Itor was about to make bondmen of .|-snli of violations of the .motor vehicle law b\ speeders.-and others. The law now in effect- provides that all traffic lines edlJiM tei! must g«» into a sj iai fund to in--in.etl.:<»r -ttvet work rand m-tliing eisc. her two sons. Elisha caused the scant supply of the widow's oil to he so In creased that site sold enough to pay the debt 3. The ShunamTTe’s Son Restored (Chap. 4:8-37). Because of hospitality shown Elisha, he sought to help his Millinery patent leather, or silk, will-j hostess by promising that the-Lord serve for the hat at the center of the group with undorbrim facing of tagal braid. Heavy silk is used for the hut- tonludc stitching about the brim edge and bright red or pure .white are ef fective on bats of Mack patent leatluT. There is n cellar and bow at ribbon in tije color of the stitching and a flower motif -applied on_ the front crown. ♦ Craves, flowers and foliage trim the milnn shape at the lower-left. Milans are shown in niany colors and WJt / 444 ok tlu SalicylicachL C) BOSCHEE'S SYRUP Allays irritation, soothes and heals tliroat and lung inflammation. The constant Irritation of a cough keeps the detictitc mucus membrane of the throat and lungs in a congested condition, which BOSCHEE'S SYRUP gently and quickly heals. For this reason it has been a favorite household remedy for colds, coughs, bronchitis and especially for lung troubles in millions of homes all over the world for the last fifty- seven years, enabling the patien* to obtain a good night's rest, free from coughing with easy expectoration in the morning. You can buy BOSCHEE'S SYRUP wherever medicines are sold. In soft brood crumbs, beaten egg' * tl itemed w it I: -u- t:il»le*q»i-)*>nful of wnterr and again in crumb* and fry in deep Servo with a sauce ma'de froti; tie* broth and cream or tomato puree, half and half, v fuls of macaroni in plenty of boiling ! water, well salted. Drain ami pour I cold water through it. I’lnce in rrtrrrr- | tenuTTetking dish. Rut one * npfu! of boiled hath through jhe meat grinder ■ and heat, jn jt hot frying [tan with two onpfuls of buttermilk and turn table- j spoonfuls of flour: when well mixed and smooth pour this, over tin* maca roni. add one-half oitjvful of grated ! choose and bake in a hot oven for fif- i teem,minutes Kill AH Flies ! T ?ms?™? AD 1 | Del.e*us Muffins. I’put twa and Pt^.jywh^, DAtSY ELY K.U.ER mo.cn an.t . one half ttipfuls of milk over three ,rhe«p i^ti.iT«eC7| eupluls of bread ( rumhs, lt*t stand c of metal. . ., , . , until soft, then heat.- with an egg heater, add the yolks of three eggs, one cupful of Hour, two tenspoonfub of baking- powder, and one-half tea spoonful of salt. Beat well, add on* tnbfespoonfwi- of melted butter and fold In tlrr stifitly-beaten egg whites Bake in buttered, muffin tins about twenty nilnutes. ---- Cabbage and Pineapr'e Salad. S!ired_a small head of cabbage and ltd stand in Ice water to’hee+uiie/Tisp. Drain and add n few Alices of finely minced canned plreqpple and n gen emus nmount_of rdeely seasoned salad dressing. Cabbage is another g.^x' source of vitt.niines. A wl & m \ \ f-Uai» Cut would give her, a child. The joy brought by the fulfillment of- the prophets .announcement was short lived, for while yet- but a lad he was taken away by death. In her sorrow site went to Elisha and he restored the child’s life. 4. Heals Deadly'Uottage (Chap. 4: 38-41), In time of famine they made n vegetable soup from whatever grow ing plants they could find. By mistake a poisonous plant had been gathered. By putting meal info the pot, the soup ; was made healthful. 5. Fed One Hundred Men (Chap 4: 42-44). To the astonishment of his at- | tendnntr he fed one hundred men with' twenty barley rakes and a sack of un- ; cooked grain. f>. He Healed Naaman, the Leper (Chap. 5:1-19). At the Instance tif a captive Jewish maid, Naiiman, the great Syrian general, was brought I into tonr>li with Elisha. Without even coming to see Naaman Elisha, through Ms Servant, hade him dip seven times in the Jordan. He obeyed and was In stantly healed. ■*> 7. Recovers the. Lost Axe (Chap. 0:1-7). Willie t fie -spits of the pmjiliets were cutting timber to enlarge their quarters, the head of a borrowed axe flew from the handh*‘ and was lost in the muddy waters. When shown the place Elisha east-a stick into the wit ter and the axe floated to the sur- ' face. HI. Elisha’s Heavenly Defenders | (II Kings t>;S-23). • • • This- shows tlue secret of Eihhn’g power. l.Jl'Iie SyrinTT'KIng Sorely Troubled (vv. S-12). The king directing war fare agiiinsfTsraetf^Ile located camps so as to intercept Israel's army. HTHER! f . Child’s Bsst Laxat ; ve is irnia Fig Syrup” iA- f loifi's you hi;\u :i well, playful ain. Iflven if cross, feverish, Hurry Mother! A tetispoonful of ‘California i'ig Syrup” now will ubor- pugdily clriUY' tin* little bowels aiitLin ft Trw chib bilious, constipated or full .of cold, children love fts jileasant tast<*. Toll your druggist you want only the genuine “CitUfoniia l- : ig Syruj)’’ whieli has directions’ for bailies and <“hihlren offftta ges [liuiiteii on ii < uTT * * T M i tf i. ; >r, you must say “t ■anforaia.” Refuse uity In.ilation, . • . Trec to Decorate Wirli iriivnfidn hi m & e* > M, A- V Hats for Suhdcbx and Flapper*. Through Elisha God made known the enemy's movements (v. 9). 2. - The ,^syr!;rn lying Trieg -to Trap Elisha, but, Though sufroimded by the Syrian army, a mightier, host of heav enly 1 defenders were round about hint. 3. The Syrian Army Trapped. Elisha led the Syrian army into Samaria. He orderetj. that they should be fed anti sent back to their land. | ,-M ! i II pt'l •’ 1 troii of -null will Ciriv,. in sm:i!| 1 p:d‘he< of voR .. whi-i'c larger trees, | wiih llieir • sitrt"Hliug root -\stoni-. ! , “i“!d languisfij s;• •. > ,t)i;* Anien*',an . In e is-oeiation 1>f \\;.‘i- ; lnngtun. 1*. C. i I in- *'0**et ++t- ti;t*4t* tonally prune.t | tret s is dignilie«l and deeoriitiie, and j 5 es ;i til;.' toin-^. of -gree-n to a st reef inrd WjUlt^tg^’.-.-s shops Foine houses in sot'nj i-ow s. or hand on a w-hite ground, are being made up into afternoon gov.ms for midsummer. They are very liglft in wing fit and as coot as Uiey look and sometimes these printed- silks- lhav'e tirnies or ~t)ver-. drapes, tlmt partly conceal them. The samp idea Is .carried out in colors when sheer fabrics are used to veil slips of printed silk in high colors. For once fashion is kind to the sulnlebs and flappers, who always aspire to look as grown-up ua pos- llowers look well on all of itheru. There is a band of narrow rli.bpn on rhla liat, tied In a “little how at the back, rin* last hat is tt plain leghorn in a poke shape* \yith square, crown. The brim Is bound with l black grosgraln iilib*'!! and a sash of wider ribbdt completes the sort of hat Unit is sure to meet with approval whenever 4t b worn. ’ • 7-- JULIA BOTTOM LEY <£, 1924. Wtslem N«T>*p*f«r FiUa^) He Came to Save Sinner* When a prominent man dies, we are anxious to get his last words and acts. The InstHict-of the Son of God was to save a sinner. That was a part of the glory of His death. He commenced Ills ministry by Saving sinners, and ended It “by saving this poor thief.— f). L. Moody. Inexcusable Most people will excuse anything quicker than an apology.—Christian Herald. Men mere tere-q-i Ilian easily rcymnYee 'hei;' lastes. their in- Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION CO Xlj 'V ro» INDIGESTION, CENTS J/ 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief and 754; PACKAGES EVERYWHERE