1 AW- . THE PEOPLE. BARNWETX. S. C. Doctors escribe. Says for Rheumatism, Sprains, r Sore Threat, Chilblains, Etc. Dr. S # Wood, Jackton, Mo.—"Mexican _ _ Muetanir Liniment U'm moat excellent In my practice I' hare need It for Kheumatlam. Sprain. etc and I. never/ailed to ifftot a cure." ’ Dr. J L. Conn, Ashland, Nr On—"After » i eara- experience I sri l aay thaT Mexican y lusUng Laniment Is the 6eit rtmsdv for 1 UV0 Dr. W. A. Proctor, Homer, Ky.—“It poeeesees Hke U The mor * 1 ““ U tb^tur PR FT Write for beaatifnfsOUVKNIR PfcN- * .“*^.C-IL,8enta6*oluteIp/r«e with complete directions for using Mustang Liniment for family a.1 Imente, ami for I i veetock and poultry. Lyon Mfg. Co., South Fifth St., Brooklyn, Nj Y. ... 2 Sc - SOc - $1.00 Sold^by Drag and General Stores MEXICAN IS4S MUSTANG LINIMENT Avoid & Relieve COLDS INFLUENZA MALARIA BY TAKING T£RSM] ChillTonic I is a Reliable General Invigorating Tonle TREATED ONE WEEK FREE - , ^ Short hreathkic redeved In ■ ST ■trongthena the entire mrstem. Write for free trial treat ment. COU.UM DROpSv RSMIDy CO., Dent. C ATLAMTA, OCORSIA. | (Eetablilhed 1896- 28 yeare of euccete in treating Dropey.) tSid.tea tiy >j. UuUg'iAi. vVarurop. hidilur ol Hadio Merchandiatng.) w ;‘ * T* Tumi C Before /iffer CHESTEB PUNS CELEBRATION “Chester County Patriotic Day” to B« Big Ev$rnt Under Auspices of.» . * American Legiorv CALUMET The Eco omy BiUUNO POWBCK -By MERRILL C. ORSWELL The faJHowinK simple change in your single clfctiit receiver will: 1. Increase the selectivity. 2. Widen the wave-length range. Prevent interference from radia- •tlon. 4. fncrease the receiving distance. 5. Make clearer reception possible. With only a few changes in the con nections of your 'present set you can receive through Interference from nearhy stations, and cun reach wave lengths even as high as 800 meters. Your neighbor will not be unnoyefl^Ty the radiation which your present re ceiver-now causes, a slight increase in, "receiving distance-will he noted and, what is better, the programs will come in much clearer than before. Wind 15 turns of No. 22 P. ,S. C. wire directly over the winding of the main 3ft ITCH! Money bhc.'i without question if HUNT’S SALVE falls In thf treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, RING WORM,TETTER orother Itching skin dIncases. Price 75r at druggists, or direct from II. Ill chart i Mttlclne Co'thannaa.Tu. * His Decision ‘‘Listen to this, (lap,” said Mrs. Johnson, in the miiM of her reading. ‘‘.\Nfeller says, here in the paper, that ‘millions - now living will never die,’ and—” “rii-huh!’’ responded (Jap Johnson of Rumpus Ridge. ‘‘If that's the case, what's the use of fussing all up to go to church today? I’m going to sleep ag'in.” » inductance, starting at the antenna end of the coil, and taking cate that the turns are wound in the same direc tion as this coil. Connect one -end to the binding post on the * ground wire and the other end/to the antenna binding, post. Now discon nect the antenna side of the variable condenser frorfi Its present position and connect to the main switch arm, which heretofore has been used' to tune the antenna circuit in coarse steps, the variable. condenser doing the fine tuning. This is all there is to be done. The rest of the circuit is left as it Is. As'the circuit is now, the main wind ing Is now the secondary, and the 15 turns is a fixed primary, a untuned antenna circuit, and In close inductive relation with the secondary. The switch and condenser are used ex actly as before in tuning.—New Y'ork Globe. ^ , Cuticura for Sore Hands. Soak bjinds on retiring in the hot suds of Cuticura Soap, dry and rub in Cu ticura .Ointment. Remove surplus -Oi«4ment-wltk-'• Easy to Make Universal Joint Crystal Detector This idea for a good detector is one with which a -fene..adjustment may be made on any point of .the crystal. Tlie detector described here has a form of universal ^pint which allows such an adjustment. It is mounted on a wood base, 0 by 8 by *4 Inches. The materials re quired are, a base, two binding posts, a strip of spring brass "2Vi by V4 inches, a wooden pot-lid •’knob, three small lock washers, and several pieces from a structural toy set such as ‘‘Erector’’ or “Meccano.” To make the universal Joint first get a"24-.lhc}i strip, three small angle pieces, and several nuts and holts from the toy set. These are assembled as shown In the diagram with lof>k washers under the, puts, at the points E and C. A round-head wood screw with a lock washer under the head .Is used to hold the joint to the base at A. A plain washer is placed between the wood and the angle-piece to make It turn easily. The knob is put on one arm and the cat- ■I 1 I 1' h-h-H-H-H-H-I 1 1 1 I 1 I W • • The Fan's Lament :: only one of the things Cuticura will do If Soap. Ointment and Talcum are used for all toilet purposes.—-Advertisement. It’s a Secret J le—I hear that the,people who' have bought the manor-house are keen collectors of, anticpies. She—Yes. I saw tlfeiu in their car today. Rut did lie collect her, or did slje add hinj to her collection? Joint Crystal, Detector Is Simple to Construct. *Y toilay as In 1S37, iJ rnnipouml-'.l In Wriuht’s Initlun V.'*rntabl«—I’lfls. They r.-RUlat^ the Stomach, liver and bowels. Adv. on the other. A 'wire is - «. Lifers chief coinpensnlions do not come in pay envelopes. 'Running a restaurant is attention to fletail—and then some. SO WEAK, WAS LIKE A SHADOW Oklahoma Woman, After Much Suffering, Began to Take Cardui —Says She Was ^Strengtttened and Universal Which whisker soidered^near the’ middle of the arm and a pig-ta.il lead is made over to one binding post. The screws at points A, B. and C should .he adjusted to give the desired stiffness of operation. . , The 1 crystal holder is shaped Jrom the strip of spring brass. This is bent hair-pin shaped as shown and an angle piece Is soldered on one side. A, wood screw is used to fasten it sol idly to the base. This holder Is con nected to the other binding post. The holder should he made so that it closes-all-the way when the crystal Is* not in It. . , ‘ If lock washers are not to he had. srpajl stiff sptdnL’S may 'be used in their place. By careful workmanship this may he made a very neat and efficient In strument. * By Robert S. Swtliffe. - “This, is terrible! Radio may broadcast congress speeches ail over nation. Many people of the United States are living in dread of radio’s future.”—News Item. I Chester.- One of the biggest patrio tic celebrations that Chester county ha^ ever known will he put ori by the James Hemphill post, American legion, Friday, February 22. It wil Ibe coun ty-wide, and will be known as the’ “Chester county patriotic day." A -speaker of note will be secured for the occasion. * The parade will form at 11 o'clock at Five. Points heading the parade will J)e the mayor and city oopm ib with the ministers of the city neitt ito line/ Then will eftme the .Spanish- American war vetwahs, led by Col. A. L.’ Gaston. Next in line will be the negro veterans of the “world war, with Jerry Alexander, as chief mar shal and Prof; S. L. Finley, Prof. A. A. Affair. Fred I,. Lander, and Joe P. Clinton, as assistant marshals. Next, will come the Confederate veterans of the county, who will be followed-'by the Chaster chapter, U. D. C:, the Mary Adair chapter, D. A. R., and the civic league. The James Hemphill post. Aemrican legion will come next. The parade will move up Gadsden street to the CorriinefcTaUbahlf, thence into Wylie street .and into Main street and on to the opera house. The exercises will he opened with prayer, followed by a few remarks from Mayor S. C. Carter, who will present Capt. J. L. Glenn, Jr, who in -frurn paakiltvw ha will deliver an address .that will be within keeping with the occasion. At 6 o’clock the members of the James Hemphill post. American le gion, will gather at Hardin’s hall for a smoker, and at 7:30 o’clock pro ceed in a body to the opera house, ■where a program of boxing atld wrest ling. including a battle royal will be enjoyed. At 6 o’clock the negro veterans will have a smoker served them by Ameri can legion at the K. of P. hall on Co lumbia street, and at 7:30 o’clock they will form in ai body and go fo the opera house for the exercises. Sales times asmuch as that of any other brand t Foods— Better. Bakings —for over one third of a sen* tury Pyramid of Cheops Is Still in Good Condition * Save for one surviving pyramid, the seven wonders of the nncient world have passed on. Not only have they disappeared, but their menjory is mbst- ly confined-tcr thu page* of old books. Strangely enough, the one surviving wonder Is .the oldest. It dates back almost 4.000 years before Christ, and It Is still In good ’condition. It is the pyramid of Cheops at Ghlzeh, in Egypt. The most notable thing about the pyramid was the care taken to ^ . . Insult to Nature , . Forks were not introduced Into Eng> land- until the year 1032, while In France at that time they had been in use for two centuries and In Italy for 000 years. It is interesting to note that ac- Curdlcig lo . Venetian annals Princess Agtla used a silver fork and a golden spoon In 995, at the time of her mar riage with Doge, and the Idea was rapidly adopted by the Venetian no billty, in spite of the church’s dlsni* proval, certain priests declaring that the use of the fork was an Insult to protect It from grave robbers. AH the) Providence, who, having provided us entrances were sealed. There were | with fingers,' did Intend that several largf chambers near the base! * hou pi | )e used.—Detroit News, of the structure built to mislead any : ’VE listened in to the rag-time •{• din, I've ketohed an o’pra grand,,a whole blame show, by J radio, I’ve gof from o’er the land. I’ve heard the. talk of some babbling hawk who's lec tured the poor old ♦fan, but the end ain’t yet, for we've got to got, the gal) of the congressman. Fer years galore on that there floor where hot air flows, all day. the ones there sent, have been hell-bent to talk the time away. But though they roared, there was none there bored, amt no guy seemed to care, cause each wise chap would jha-ve a nap while he drank In the gab- -nrtrm\Tf: —- But the poor old fai.vthat con gressman has cornered now fer sure, when the guys orate he must take his fate, he lias got to just v endUre. Lie must take the clack, fer he can't'talk back, and his good old time is past, hut at his set he'll swear you bet, when speeches Is broadcast. 4* b. , (.< S.-W'ti.-o and Indention ) F-H-H-H-H-H-H-1 i I-H-I-H-l-I-K Two Killed in'Wreck. Charleston.—Mrs. W. F. Mallard, 44, is dead, Louise Chinnis, six. is believ ed to be dying and four others were dangerously injured when train No. 87 of the Atlantic Coast Line, Florida hound, was in collision with a touring car at the Rantowles grade crossing, near the railroad's 19 mile post on the Charleston-Savannah line. All six were brought by mot,or ambulance, which was hurried from a local hos pital. : , ' The injured are V. F.‘ Lafourcade, Jr., who was driving the motor car, VI F. Lafourcade, Sr., Mrg. V.’F. La- fourcade and Betty Wayne, a girl of seven years. • / T*ie trahn- was held up for about an t nour’lih a nir; two giftamiMi. wgg Were- passengers on Ihe train, and a physician from Ravenel -paw* v such treatment as they could. one seeking the sepulchral chamber. Tills was 138 feet above the ground, and could he reached only by tortu ous passages, cleverly concealed. The walls of Babylon were the sec ond wonder. The third wonder was the statue of Zeus in the temple at Ephesus.' The fifth was the mausoleum of Halicarnassus, In Carla. The sixth was the' Colossus of Rhodes, and the seventh was the lighthouse of Alexan dria at Pharos. It was Antipater of Palestine, the Baedecker of the an cient world, who selected the seven wonders about" 200 years before the birth of Christ.—Detroit News. Others Find Relief In Allcock’s Plnjters from local aches and pains. So can you. One trial tvlll convince you of their merits.—Adr. Attachment for Vernier Can Be Had for Nickel' ,• . • Any number of vernier attachments have been described In various radio periodical^, birt most of them are either too’complicated In constrnction or have a mechanical drawback. The | the" Camp- Manufacturing company of vernier attachment described costs five this city, and has lived here for'sever- Woman Killed bn Marion Street. Marion.—Mrs. Charles II. Myers of Dillon was struck on south Main street by a card riven by Norman SjUvoV of this city and instantly kill-/ , ‘ av ' I) K hbre today. ed. Mrs. Myers had alighted from a —r — car and was walking around from’the rear of it out into the road when she \,vas struck., A large crowd of people gathered and medical aid was IjtHned- lately summoned, but Mrs. Myers was badly < rushed and mangled and “had apparently expired before the car cleared her. Mr. Spivey, who. is an employe of Playing Safe A man who was in the-habit of din ing regularly .a^ a pertain restaurant said to the waiter: “John, Instead of tipping you every day. I'm going to give It to you. In a lump sum. at thtv end of every.-month.” —“Thank you, sir,” replied the waiter, “trrrt T Tvrmdrr“tf you’d mind paying me lji advance?” “Well, it's rather strange," re marked the patron. “However, here's five shillings. I suppose you art' in want of money, or is If that you dis trust me?” “Oh, no, sir,” smiled John, slipping the money in his pocket. “Only I'm cents and. as can he seen from the Built Up. Fort Towson, Okla.—"I used Chrdul for years,” says, Mrs. M. C. Ragsdale, of this place, “aiufl know it did me more good than any -medicine I ever -used. “I used to suffer with womanly tnoHhlo that weakened me until 1 was a* mere shadow, nervous, add could not eat or ^eep. I did not feel that ~T~ could live. i - ^ ■■ K “It seemed that nothing I took helped me till I heard of Cardui and began to use it. It strengthened me as it was recommended to do. It reg- filated and built me up till I was like another woman.” Cardui is a safe, mild-acting ex tract-of medicinal herbs and contains no htrmfuj or deleterious Ingredients, one of its chief ingredients has been In use for hundreds of years for the treatment of certain female troubles. It is a scientific medicine, (mu}e Jn a Verner Can. Be Added to Variable Condenser He're is a vernier that can he added to Hie variable condenser of-your set very easily. Drill a hole in the panel near the condenser and mount .an old switch lever after breaking off the 0/0/ - Brass strip ’—ft/Sarr eraser al years, was held for the coroner’s inquest. After some deliberation the jury exonerated Mr: Spivey, declar ing that Mrs. Myers had come to her death as a result of an-unavoidable accident. - <% scientific way. M, fo Thousands of women have written . |tot describe how Cardui has Relieved them hf pain and suffering, am! helped "them r. Charles H. Livermore*-a noted auothrlty on inter national reflations,-to the conference. *TX) many people it may seem in- X credible that a habit so common as coSee-drinking can be harmfuL Yet if your doctor were to enumerate the common causes of indigestion, head ache, and run-down condition, he would be likely to mention xoSee. -> If you are troubled with insomnia, nervousness, or are inclined to be high-strung, try Postum in place of coSee for thirty days, and note the dif ference in the way you feel, and how much better you sleep. Postum is a pure cereal beverage, absolutely free from caSeine, or any harmful drug. ) *v vx-* they - Bitter Chocolate The Grocer’s Encyclopedia says that according to the United States .stand-- ards, bitter chocolate Is a mass ob tained by grinding cocoa nibs without the removal of any constituent except the gum.' WRen this ground bean. In cocoa form, is sweetened and flavored it Is known as sweet chocolate. -Cocoa is the ground bean from which part of-tlT? oil or fat has been extracted. Cocoa cannot be made Into chocolate. What Is Electricity? The exact nature (ft electricity is not known. The definition commbnIjF ac cepted is: “A material'agency which, when In motion, exhibits magnetic and thermal effects, and which, whether in inoHou or at rest, is of such nature that when it is present in two or more localities within certain limits of as- soMutlon, a mutual interaction of force between such localities Is observed.” The practice of balancing out of a neutrodvne receiver consists of excit ing the coupled receiver-fire comparatively strong signal neutral izing’capacities or neutrodomt, as they arc'cal lei# to a point where that sig nal becomes inaudible: The-fact that this adjustment • of the neutralizing capacities' is made toward a minimum Carolinian Representing America. WRlterhoro^—The New, York Times reuits with ’ shows a picture in the Sunday edition of. January ^27. of a groujr of eight mounted officers who haye'been se : lectedr as the “pick qf the United States cavalry.” Theie ■ officers are now assembled at Fort Meyer, Va., where they are practicing to repre- for Health “There’s a Reason” can,fire's ac- ! sent America in the Olympic games at .jr I * V, •>? . or Inaudible signal and cordingly made, very exact, jffves .us j Paris. Among the mimber Is Capt. proof that the n’lethod of ni'qtraliza- j Vernon Padfeett,* a 'hative of South tion isji true process of actual-circuit ! Carolina. Captain Padgett, who is a capacity neutralization and ' not a method of preventing dr reducing re generation. World War-veteran, Walterboro. was born in Your grocer sella Postum ia two iorms. Instant Posnfin-j {ic tins} prepared instantly, in the cup by the addition oi boiling water Postum Cereal [in packages} for those who prefec rhe flavor brought out by boiling Sully 20 minutes. The cost of either form is about one-half cent a cup. . ng vERA OB Without Training “lie never .completed his education, did he?” “No; he died a bachelor." t