The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, February 14, 1924, Image 6

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4 . THE PEOPLE. BARNWELL. S. C I I mg' WBi t K » rtf; Iff If — I i - l.'j RISE UP IN WROTH ATLANTA AUTOMOBILE MAN AND WIFE BURNED ALIVE. KILLING -I OF SPECIAL - STATE CONSTABLE AROUSES IN DIGNATION. ARE LOOKING FOR OFFENDERS Moonshiner* Being Sought- By Law. 1 v '\f ( Ajaiding People of Hogback Green villo/ Mountain, l * H. by -The killing of J. Howard, special state constable, alleged moonshiners during a raid by officers on a still on Hogback moun tain in upper Greenville, precipitated such a storm of indignation among the law abiding citizens in that sec tion that a community-wide hunt for bootleggers, moonshiners and distil leries in which both men and women have participated has been in prog ress there for the past two or three days, according to federal prohibition officers who returned to the city from a raid. Agents Reuben Oosnell and E. N Austin, accompanied by Constables Henry Hell and G. C. Corn, were call ed to a point near Tigervillr itr *High ; land township to rai/i a still. Upon arrival in the vicinity of Tigerville Messrs. GosneU and Austin said they found a groupof about 15 men, most Uf t^em armed, who had been search ing for moonshiners and distilleries The citizens, among who were men of excellent the cdmmun- ity, told the offiders that the Howard hfcldent had precipitated community indignation in Highland and Glassy Mountain townships and that they •were determined to stop extensive il licit distilling in that region. The men had handed together to pre vent possible violence to individual citizens at the hands of bootleggers and moonshiners, in event they were turned up or rejmrted by only one or .so citizens. - v • / The officers said thta a group of (too pie numbering 24 men and four wo men had conducted a jjghoJesale raid on Hogback mountain in; Glassy Moun tain township, in the region where Constable Howard was shot to death by an unknown man wjien he and other officers raided a distillery. The prohibition agents declared that the sight of a band of citizens making wholesale search for stills was dis tinctly new in this section, but declar ed that they were gratified at the in terest being taken by the laity in en forcing prohibition. Atlanta,. Ga.—C/ W. Dupree, hn automobile dealer and his wife were burned to death and Mrs. Du pree's mother; Mrs. H. M. Cotting- Jiam, of Marietta, Ga.. was severely Injured when she Jumped from a second story window to escape lames whlcft, destroyed the Dupree residence here. J The charrdd bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Dupree were found by firemen. According to Mrs. W. A. Dupree, also a guest in the home, when the Are was discovered the entire In- erior of the residence was ablaze. She said'she Jumped from'the sec ond story window and was followed by Mrs. Cottingham. , t Just as Mr. and Mrs. ‘ Dupree reached the window, she said, the r«of of the hopse caved in.. Hospital authorities say Mrs. Cot tingham will recover. Mr. Dupree was a widely known Atlantlan, being president of a large automobile sales company. Mrs. Dupree was active In Red Cross work during the war, being in charge of recreation and hos pital work for the' American Red Cross at Brest. 4,300 REELS OF MOTION PICTURE CONSUMED IN CHARLOTTE FIRE. IE LOSS AT (400.000 'w Fire Was Difficult to Extinguish; Ex plosion Heard as Film Became v , I pry ted. Charlotte, N T . C.—Total loss in films, furnishings and building destroyed or damaged in the spectacular fire which completely gutted the film exchange of the Famous Players-Ijask'y corpora tion, at the intersection of Church and Fourth street, is estimated at approx imately $400,000. # The damage sus tained by the building, a two-story structure owned by the Robertson bstate, w-as placed by Fire Chief Mack Wallace at about $10,000, while offi cials of the Famous Players-I>asky corporation said that the loss to the film .company in films, office fixtures, projecting machines, advertising mat ter, etc., probably . will amount to , OFFICIAL. WASHiNGTCN AND NA-1 nearrlv S400.000. The very lowest esti- THREE KILLED WHEN CA^r PLUNGES FROM BRIDGE. Macon, Ga.—A touring car con taining flvfe persons plunged from a bridge and turned over into two feet of water, near Blakeley, Ga., causing the death of three persons and minor injuries to two others, according to word received here. Jackson Davis, 34, married and the fdther of several children, was killed instantly, he was drivihg the car. ' Misses Mamie and Docla Hutch ins, daughters of W. A. Hutchins, well-to-do Early county farmer, were stunned by the fall and drown ed ia the shallow water before as sistance reached them. Grace Shef field. IS. and a boy of 12 years es caped with slight injuries. Davis was taking the young peo ple toTFTeir homed when the ac cident happened. FOURTEEN DRIFT ON AN ICE CAKE ARE CAUGHT WHEN ICE BRIDGE BREAKS UP IN ST. LAWRENCE RIVER. . ' ' " ' t:"' L LEVIS Rescue Parties Set Out For Quebeck Bridge to Rescue People With Rop&. „ PRESIDENT COOLIDGE PRESENT TION PAY TRIBUTE TO EX- PRESIDENT. Thousands Line the Way From Home ^ to Cathedral to View Simple Fu* neral Cortag'e Pass. mate of the loss of the film company was more than $300,000, * with the 42 PERISH IN FLOODED MINE ONLY SEVEN OF CREW OF 49 AT WORK WERE ABLE ^TO^ GAIN SAFETY. ' Many Die Suffocated By the Slimy Mud and Water That Gushed Through the Workings. - Quebeck.—Fodrteen persons were adrift on cakes of ice in the swelling - waters of the St. I^awrence river and efforts to reach them were futile. «The 14 were members Of a party of 17 who were standing on an ice bridge be tween Quebec and Levis when it snap ped and broke away. Hurjiedly formed rescue parties set out for Quebec bridge, toward which the ice floes were drifting in the hope that they could rescue the victims with ropes as they passed beneath them. Frdm -points along the shore it was reported as many as nine or 10 persons had been seen on one cake of the floating ice. . The ice bridge, the first formed here Trosby, Minn.—FdVjy-two ml perished when the bottom fell out of a hundreds of persons flocked to wit- St .Joseph’s LIVER REGULATOR for BIOOD-UVER -KIDNEYS She BIG 25< CAN. probability -that it would total nearer small pond and flooded the working of $400,000. The fire, which started about 12:30 the Milford iron mine near here. • Caught in. tlie lower levels of the o’clock, burned fiercely for about small mine, only seven of the crew o( Washington-—Woodrow Wilson has passed forever from the World stage where,once he towered, a command- three hours,, and firemen fought the flames steadily for about four hours. The origin of the fire is said to have I been in a pile of old advertising post ers lying . behind a radiator which ignited them. The fire started in the shipping room of the film exchange, "ng figure 7 " ' , : . .. , I on the first floor, and spread quickly In the sacred privacy of the home,' ... , , , .. . , a 1 to the reels of film. The film ignited last rites were .said—as simple tra 49 at work were 'able to gain the safety of a skip and ascend to the surface. Like rats in a trap their comrades ness it. ' The persons who were - car ried away when it broke were stand ing at about the middle of the stream, making efforts at rescue all the more difficult. Woman Candidate For Mayor Killed. New Orleans.—‘Mrs. Roland Clark, died suffocated by the slimy mud and 1 candidate for mayor of Palmetto, in NEW Y1F0R WEAK, THDi, PALE WOMEN T O enjoy your work and have your shard of the pleasures of life get rid of that run down feeling and enrich your thin blood. Begin right now to take Gude’s Pepto-Mangan. It will help- you wonderfully. At your drug gist’s, in both liquid and tablets. Free Trial Tablets the health-building value of Gude'a Pcpto-Mangan^jvrita today no' “mon^’^Vuft ^name^iW VditfW-ta - IL J. Dreitenbach Co., 63 Warren SL, W. *• Gude’s peptO'M an ^ ai v Tonic and Blood Enrichei^J water that gushed through the work ings, rising in the shaft within a few feet of the top within 15 minutes. There was no extended warning; instantly, so quickly, in fact, that the just a rumble like a thousand auto- he faith of the man himself in the , ; . . , > , . .. - , , , ,, , . r, i rw i *u combustion amounted U> an explo- mobiles roaring down a distant road,’ goodness of God. Only the presence of the President and a few whq were his colleagues in days of greatness, and the quiet thousands waiting out side under Wintry skies for a humble the recent primary, is dead, her son and daughter, wounded, and Louis Meyer ie in a hospital here probably mortally wounded as a result of a gun battle in which all of the parties concerned participated, according to sion, or several of them. one survivor said. Then the leaping information received here Several persons narro\yly escaped black wave of death engulfed J them, I Mrs. Clark was opposed for election death in the burning building, and- battering its victims against the walls. ; hy a man named Isaacson and they two or three >:th‘e employes suf- Night found the , ... fered signed hair, and tfvebrows; wMk* crowded with scores of wives and share in the last leave-taking, mark- ,7, 4 , • , .. , u-,, , . , J . . . one of them.small negro bov. was mothers and children who stood, some ed this as the funeral of- a great ,, , i jm , .u , . .. , v . , ,! forced to-juliu' from the second story.' in frantic tears, others dry-eyed and Th^ 'hlaXe was the most spectacular staring, as helpless as were the men man There was more formal tone to . . , , , . ,«- to -the ,history of Charlotte, firemen about them to snatch from the murky There in the chapel that'gives en (ranee to the vault of entombment were gathered the dignitaries of gov ernments and many men of place and arfir onJrokers agreed. It was next to waters the bodies of their loved ones, impossible to extinguish the burning Most of the victlms were young men. celluloid film, and firemen were fore- many of them married, and most of ed to fight-hard tfo keep the flames the children that took up the sorrow- shaft* opening polled a tie vote. According to a version of the shooting received from Opelousas, near Palmetto, Mrs. Clark acccmpartied by her daughter, met Meyer on the street and .accused him ofHTfaying brought a brother-in-law from Texas to vote for Isaacson and break a tie. After some words Mrs. Cliirk drew a pistol and shot down Meyers*. ' * ' Meyer, after being wounded, drew A cafe, dependable and effective remedy for Coughs, Colds, Distemper, Influenza, Heaves and Worms among horses and mules. Absolutely harm less, and as safe for colts asMt is for stallions, mares or gildings. Give “Spohn’s” occasionally as a preventive. Sold at all drug stores. Swan,s.a. , / > . ’ , , and building “cool'/ with* the streams ful vigil with their mothers were tiny .Meyer, after oeing woumieo, drew power in . menca. rgan no es an ^ water until the fire burned itself lots, clutching in wonderment at their his own -pistol and shot Mrs. ( lark e pea ng voices o u < loir ai < e, ^ rpj, e highly Inflammable film, mother's skirts. . to death: Mrs, Clarks daughter took f. > ..° Uf ° * emon y 0 1 ,r ' , ignited with such rapidity that thrive The shaft of the Milford mine is possession of her mother-s w eapon ligious exercises. But, at the very — Chester Societies Win Trip.—:—— Chester — Solicitor J. Lyles Glenn Jr, was formally notified by the Near East relief of New York that the Golden Rule *Sunday committee of young people's societies had carefully considered the reports of the societies cooperating in the’Golden Buie cam paign for the Near East relief and had unanimously the so cieties cooperating in Chester the grand national prize of a trip to Palestine. This formal notification brought much happiness in Chester, us Lex W. Kluttz of the Columbia office, who was prominently connected with the drive in South Carolina, is a Ches-' <er man. John R. Vor|s of New York, repre senting the national Golden Rule Sun day committee, will be the speaker here when the formal announcement will be made to the young people of Chester This will he a national j event and sfs the honor won hy Chester is the highest in America on work in getting the people of the country to eat Golden Rule dinners last Decem ber 2. ignited with such rapidity t fh 1 1 " ■ *h* * (r^in int ' th<> explosions w;ere distinctly heard, and 123 feet deep and the main level of and -fired at Meyer, who shot and e ea< passe again 1 o several lessor opes probably occurred, the mine is 100 feet beneath the sur- wounded her. At this juncture Mrs ' -L— face of the earth, running northeast Clark's son took up the battle and Warships Ordered 'to Honduras. “ahd~souTHttY*sT. Er fiTlft l:$O0~fPet lung. a l Sf) —w***—mwadiuL-hy—AJeyex. Washington.—The cruiser Roches- - keeping of his nearest and dearest, who alone might- wateh- over the ^en-1 tombment and hdar the resigned faith of the committal service uttered. The OLD SORES, PILES l . AND ECZEMA VANISH Good, Old, Reliable Peterson’s Ointment a Favorite Remedy. v ■ 1 ■ 1 ■■■': “Had 51 ulcers on my letr.-c Doctors '■ wanted to. cut tiff lep. Peterson's Oint ment cured me''—-\\"m. J. Nichos, 40 Wilder Street, Rochester, N. Y. Get a large box for 35 cents at any • -druggist; reiy-t—P»-irr*on-,——: ter, of the special service squadrotr. Rebel Forces Quit Vera Cruz. Tokio Alarmed by Policy of America, now at Colon, has been ordered to La Washington.—Th’ Mexican embassy Tokio.—Viewing with apparent anx outside while-'the tomb r,-reived the Ceibj, H.ndurae, In response to an up- issued the following statement on the l««>_the_ tyr^., MwirWtoh. peal to the State Department from military in Mexico. Japanese residents in the l mted ‘American residents, who fear that "Federal forces are now at Fortin, Statens and the proposals now During the funeral service, the busy revo iutionary developments will jeopi six miles from the rebel fortifications Congress for further exclusion of Jap- Nation’s share in that Jast moment was only to sthnd in silent reverence outside while'the tomb received keeping of an honored American N. Y.. and money back-Jf It Isn't the best you ever used. Alvyays k«-i p P** tf-rs'in s Olntmen^ in the house. Fine for ‘burns, scalds, bruises, sunburn, and the surest remedy for itching. eczema and plies the world has,ever know n. life, of the Nation’s capital stood at pause as elsewhere nver America men did,last honor to the dead. The drum ming guns of sorrow echped dully from the distant hills, where Fort Meyer lies, guns that had heralded the dark, cloud-wrapped coming of- day with the somber clamor of salute to a dead commander. Wherever the flag! I lew above shi^or fort, half-masted in token of the Nation's loss .the guns 1 proclaimed the sorrow of a people. • j About the stricken home and at the ■! cathedral were massed the flowers and I wreaths that came pouring in from every nearby city and town.* There were formal pieces and+m&ny simple ardize their interesjs. Ideal Examination When was the War of.]Sll‘? Who is the author of Wells' ‘‘Out line of History?” % in Cordoba and expect to reach that anese,’' Foreign Minister K. Matsut, No actual outbreak has been re- city shortly and continue their ud- in an exclusive statement to The As-, ported, but Americans in Honduras vance on Vera\Cruz. The rebels in ; soc i ate d Dre'ss, appealed to the l nit- believe the prospects for an arnica- this sector are deserting, so that city ed States to heed .Japan s cherished ble adjustment of the Honduran elec- will be taken without struggle. desire “to be treated on the same ion tangle are not good and that "Orders to advance upon 'Guadh- footing with other independent na- fighting may break out at any time, lajara have been issued. The trdops : ttons.” - - . ; • will go- forward in an effort to over- Defending Japans attitude toward Average Weight of Cotton^ower. take tfie retreating rebels A spe- the question as “conciliatory and well ff (ill’s New Orleans—The statement of dal unit has been assigned to take meaning the statement expressed weights of 6,093.265 bales of cotton Guadalajara so that the troops for- readiness to discuss anew the prob- handled at outports and across the merly in this sector could continue lem °i restrictions and exclusion.. fn n-liat. season of the year do vve have winter? 7 . - What is the niune of the state in which Indiana is located? Medicine "l do f : r h *' Mississippi, Ohio and Potomac Rivers their .pursuit of General Estrada's overland to“Hmerican manufacturers fleeing army in the state of Michoa- outside of the cotton belt during the t' a n perjod from August‘to January, inclu , sive' issued by H. G Hester, secre London Holds Memorial. Service. Ivondon.—The. memorial service for “Sonora troops/have been sent-to WoodVow Wilson in St. Margaret^ Paralell to co-operate with a unit W'estmiMt«r'. was attended hy a large clusters of the’fragrant blossoms. A ' of the New Orleans Cotton Ex- which has been sent to Torreon' to delegation $ British and American' Uc story of the'greatness’ of the, m*n j change ' 8hows an average pe’r bale open a campaign against the-Villista notables, including the entire staff .pf A teacher o whose late earthly -moment th,ey mark- r 0fi ’ 8Q . w .„ n . u q p. n in^t for kroun. the American Ehmassy and Consulate was trying to rid your system of Catarrh or Deafi caused by Catarrh. Sold by druggiili for orrr 40 ytari F. J. CHENEY Si CO., Toledo, Ohio Doubling Up Campaign in Richland County. The anti-rat campaign,. lieheduled ■■i ^ , of 526.89 pounds, against 518.89 fpr group. ,"l ... written on the card,.. There the Mme pprloJ yMr be(orp De . we^e ureal names among them, those la(led a , „ are: Texas porta ot Kings and Presidents and of others ^ a 532 M Ia „ ,, ou|g . and three members of the British Cab- Deaci Of Poisoning. . ’ inet, J. Thomas, Ivord Haldane,, and Albany, Oregon.—-Five persons are Lord Par moor. The eulogy was deliv- a I- at t.u lag i, • uiuuit u ; in whose keeping today is the destiny iana p ’ ort8 507 19. against 513.19; Ala- dead and six others, all members of .er.ed by Cahon Carnegie Ijjuivi, <97 f7. ( 1 ni l ’i'’t iigjMH; Cre-nr<a same family, are seriously ill from The King and Queen. — ... „ ill from ' llle Kln K ana uueen, the Prince of of March 3, will bt? conducted and j Among the offerings were some p ort3 498.26, against U 498.70T South poisoning. District Attorney L. u W-alcs, and the Dow ager Queen Aid- supervised by the bureau of biological f ro , n comrades' who served - in the- caj-oHria ports, 49tj, against 492; North I^ewellyn announced he is investigat- andra were represented at the service^ sur\e> of W"tt«iiingtou in cooperation ^ rea t war under the fallen chieftian,: Carolina parts, 4s7, against 494; Vir-1 ing the circumstances of the death as was Prime Minister MacDonald with the county agricultural agent, nerved In the fighting ranks—of the-gtnta portsr 49fl, againstTennes-*'-wave of determining l-whether f music in a public school Impress upon her pupils the nienning of f and ff in a song that they were about to learn. After ex plaining the first sign, she. said': “Now, children, what do yoy say; if f niefini} iorte, w hut does ff means?”- f “Eighty shouted - one enthusiastic the home demonstration agent and the Civic leagTTe of Columbia. According to information from the county agricultural agent the YVaslf- ington bureau selects only ope or two counties in each state to take the Nation. They bore such legends as see> elC i 5 10 .19, against 500.88. "To Our Comraile - ," “To Our Chief,” ' and "From His Comrades." The love- j. Hul | P | an8 t0 Lease shoals, liness of the blooms will not fade tin Washington —A bill pupil. Pto- s maine poisoning was the causer- The . Episcopal Bishop is Dead. > Victims, he learned, did not partake Reno, Nev.—The Right Reverend of the.same meals at’ the same place, George Coolidge Hunting, fourth tilsh- His Mistake "M.v boy, where did jot) g*-t that .terrible black eye?" ’ ' , w-.t-L was s-s-sittjng on -Willie Brooks, noted, for the syief-bowed widow has thl , i ease “pf -.Hust le willed that these tributes to Woodrow ooo.OOO corporation to be formed hy ill providing for nor o’f provisions .purchased "^aT the- op of the Protestant Episcopal church ipn’ 1 forgot Mo liold, iij^s f-fd^et.^— Shoals to a $15^- same store. hr Nevada, died at his home in Reno^i.ondon Weekly Telegraph. A Raw, Sgre Throat after an illness of but a few days. paign for South. Carolina. Being in j ^ of remembrance from th?.x;bi«fUan Th ^ bil i differs in hut one respect erejd jme-third .fro;nV t.he r top . of - the and Virginia. City* Nev., before being the center of the stale and with a who has passed on into eternity. from a measure introduced earlier in staff rather than haj-f way’down, naval named bishop in 1914.’. tow n- the size of Columbia as the. An hour before the service, at the tk' session by Mr. Hull and m-filtary officers announced here, i *4-- »— county seat, the Cenital City is a home was to begin', several thousand The old HfiH bi,H provides for two The reason is that flags lowered a full | “Flq," JStrikes England, more nr less ideal nlare for a can}- persons were gathered . in the street companies, one- to be capitalized at half of the length* of the pole are in Londom—There is no sign as yet ol -Ease* Quickly When You pign of th's nature. j which was lined on .either side by ma $10,000,000 Tor the production of pow- The Work is Columbia will be in rines and infantrymen They had P r, the other ! fo be capitalized at $5. charge of a committee selected from Jhe Civic league Stolen Gun Returns After Years. Lexington.—About four yegrs- ago thieves'broke into the store' of E. B. Roof A Sons and among other things stole a shotgun. At the time no ar rests were made and no clue to the identity of the party or parties was established. Last week L. B. Roof located the.gnn at police heidquarters In Columbia, and found Rpa it had beo given to the Colurnh'.a chief of police by a necro men win told the chief tbit another n pro had left 1* «rlth 1 im, and he feaxed it was stolen. come to get a fleeting glimpse of the 000.000 for fertilizer production. The start of the funeral prbcesslon to present bill creates one company for Mount "St. Albans. - - ' both. * O’Connor la Head of Shipping BoarH. Washington.—T. V. , O'Connor, of Buffalo, N. Y., former president of the International Longshoremen’s ' ITnlon and present member of the Shipping Board, raa designated by President Coolidge to be chairman of the board. Mr. O’Connor succeeds t*~the va cancy in the chairmanship caused by the resignation of Edward P. Farley of Chicago after the Senate Commerce Committee h?.d refused to approve his nomination on the grounds that he was geographically disqualified' under the law \ Asks >100,000 For Loss of Foot.. Atlanta. Ga—Lee Roy Denny has filed suit in the Fulton Superior Court for $100,000 damages against the Southern Railway Company for alleg ed injuries received last June when he was thrown under a train at Sene ca, S. C. In the petition filed, Denny states It was necessary to have his left foot amputated because of the Injury. Denny wes returning to . Atlanta frotf.* a Shrine convention at washing ton, he stated, when the accident oc curred.' danger of dragging, or heceming eh- an abatement of the epidemic of In-j tangled. The correct ceremony for placing Apply a Little Mutterole And-,Musterole won’t blister like the -old-fashioned mustard plaster. Just spread it on with your fingers.- It penetrates to the sore spot with a gentle tingle, loosens the congestion and draws out the soreness and pain, i: Musterole is a clean, white ointment flags at half-staff, is to raise the flag from influenza last week numbered to the top and then to lower slowly. 367 fluenza which is sweeping over the made with oil of mustord/ k iTfinef^ United Kingdom. The deaths reported | , quickrelief from sore throat, bronchitis, tonsillitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma,’ neuralgia, headqcjje, congestion, pleu Two Desperadoes Are Killed, Little Rock. Ark —Emory Connell and Eulos Sullivan were shot t(f death in a gun battle with & posses near Redfield. Joe Sullivan, third member of the trio which fled the state prison here last Friday morning, is In a local hos pital;'believed, in a serious condition tion for the control of the ^tnerna from loss of blood %»d exposure. Fred SnodgrassMa newspaper man, accompanying the posse, suffered a slight wound, in to® toot during tho battle in which the two men were killed. -.. *' ' ' V Commission Confer Next at Paris. Geneva—The Disarmament Com mission of the League of "''Nations, which has been in session Imre the past few days, decided to hold a sub sequent meeting in Paris, beg’nn'ng March 24, to draft a definite conven- Uner tlonal'traffic in arms. The work has been entrusled to a subcommittee of which J.venh C Crew, American minister to Switzer- lafid, who has been the commission’s session, is a member. risy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and „ aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet colds on the chest. Keep it handy for instant use. ToMothert: Mustsrole is now *n*ds in mildsr form for babias and small children* Ask for Children's Musterolo* 35c and 65c, jars and tubes; hos- pital size, $3.00. Better than a mustard platter