The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, November 15, 1917, Image 3

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a -v ruff 40**]rrl(kt. HIT. WMtern N«raptp«r UalM.) ' ^Travel,” recommended Dr. Ludui Thorpe to Archer Wayne, not profes sionally consulted, but as an old-time friend and adrUer. “Not for my health, surely, N said Wayne. V I never was In better trim in my llfe. ,, “Physically, yes,” returned the med ico. M lientally and socially—a per verted nondescript.” “Thank you!” observed Wayne dryly- “Oh, don't get offended. We are real friends. It was a blighting destiny that chained yon down to a- desk and kept you there, a mere machine, for ten years. It sort of soured the of human kindness In your natural makeup. At twenty-five you are sud denly lifted from mediocre subsistence to opulence through an entirely ur.ev pected legacy. Ton are thrown on the * world surfeited with money and as unused to the opportunities for enjoy ing It as an author. Therefore. I say travel, get acquainted with the world, cultivate friendship, fellowship, and. If I right young lady comes along, c word fell upon dull hearing. It as a word, nothing more to the man whom all womankind represented mystical, dainty creatures, for whom he had not sultlvated even casual re gard. He felt this and other drflcioo- eftaa of knoJTtage. however, and de rided to aee the world at large. i 81i months later Arthur Wayne had naariy circumnavigated the globe. He a lonely tourist, for It was to care his settled the road. Too could rest there III morning. Go.” Wayne kept on. Hi was truly weary aa at the end of an hour. Finally ha crooned a plankway spanning n flow of sparkling surplus water* and, tracing its source, he made out n stone pa vilion on a knoll half hidden In a neat of luxuriant flowers and vine growth. “I shall wait until daylight,” he so liloquised, as fie ascended the steps of the pavilion, dropped to,a bench be side a marble , table and gave utter ance to a sigh 6t profound relief. Then with a violent start, almost a thrill, he stared wondering at the end of the long bench.' It held another occupant than himself, a woman, fair and comely. She was asleep, and her face with closed eyes and placid Ups was turned towards him. Her silken golden tresses formed a pillow for one arm. The pellucid moonlight clearly outlined the classic features. Archer Wayne sat spellbound. Who could she be—a ven turesome tourist, belated, lost, like himself? For the first time in his life he found the opportunity to study, to analyse the face of a woman. The lines of character and loveliness at tracted him, the strangeness of the occasion enchained fancy and satisfac tion. « • Abruptly the fair blunderer sighed, opened her eyes, and then, discovering that she had a companion, arose to her feet In some trepidation. Wayne followed her example, lifting his cap courteously, with the words: M I fear yon, like myself, are a ven turesome wanderer, out of your bear ings.” His dear voice, his utter manliness reassured the lady. • She hastened to smooth her disarranged tresses, smiled la a pleased way. “If that Is your trouble, like my own,” she said sweetly, "I am glad you have come. Tea, I have lest my way aad the paviHoo offered shelter, and 1 shall aot feel frightened Wayne bowed in pvssard confidence U him of the tlful stranger, and said: | we had better wait fee la the 'meeadaM.” tad he UfP ed te the stone table his tourist pack peaed It “If you are half fmm- as I am, you win sajey a ttttie SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. The State of South Carolina, County of Barnwell. Court of Common Pleat. ■ • • ■ . I ' -V . m " C. C. Spaulding, manager of the North Carolina Mutual and Provident As- cociation, corpora ted under the laws of the State of North Carolina, ^ Plaintiff, »m»»m»8i»m!;!iii!iiimii;iiiii!ii!!iii!iimiiii»ni»ii««a We Extend A Cordial Invitation 7 ^ against William Fogler, Defendant. TO THE DEFENDANT, WILLIAM FOGLER: ^ » i YOU ARE THEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the complaint In this action which is now on file in the office of Clerk of Court for Barn well County and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his office over Peoples Drug Store, Beaufort, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof; exclusive of the day of such service; and if yon fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plain tiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. * Dated October 6th, A. D., 1917.' J. L WASHINGTON, Plaintiff's Attorney. £ .Wm. McNAB. Representing Fire. Health and Accident Insurance Companies. to the people of Barnwell County to visit our store and inspect the wonderful bargain values that we are now offering. Our f - ' ‘ v . . * • ' W . ■ buyer has just returned from the Northern markets, where he ' t. •J52 bought a complete new line of Id Personal attention given all business OfVloo In Harrison Block, Main St. Bah.vwkm,, S. C. Her bright ayaa twinkled ty aa ha brought Into evtdeae* aa UV tuba, praaaod Its button aad aot tfca array Traaaurar'a Notice. The tax books will be open for the collection of State, County and School taxes for the fiscal year of 1917 from thanks at the ax-[the 16th dap^olLOctober, iv!7 to the 11 1 *mh day of March, 191t. inclusive. January i v 1916, a penalty of 1 per will be added. February L 1916, a penalty of 1 per t. will be added, making a total of t per cent, for February. March 1st to the 16th. 1616, indua- tve a penalty of 6 par cent, will be added, making a penalty of 7 per cunt to March 16. at which time the tarn books will cioem Tam levy will be: For Slate pun>©*ee, •% mills LADIES 9 SWEATERS, FALL BLOUSES, SKIRTS, DRESSES, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, MEN'S AND BOYS 9 SUITS, HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR FOR BOTH SEXES, SHOES TO FIT THE ENTIRE FAMILY —in fact, everything that is to be found in the moet up- to-date city department store. In our SUIT DEPARTMENT, every article is of high standard and the most exclusive models. We posi tively know that we have the best Suits—the best values that we have ever shown. They are values you cannot hope to match elsewhere, for they are all in a class by themselves and are unmatchable hereabouts. We want every woman, not only in Barnwell, but in the entile county to visit our Suit Department and see the largest and best selected stock of charming Suits ever brought to this city. The prices are so very reasonable that a pleasant surphaa awaits you in these days of soaring vahaaa. Como in and lot us prove to you that our various de- • * partmenU are unsurpassed In this - M $ ■arr • 1 • party st tbu Mrtjrcd far to gmtbor with DOW sad vivid btm Um books ter culloe- brvsth swept tbs fluttering of the eouvr-mtloa Her bond bsd dropped Is tbs support of tbs bsach. Hs out tm- mormbio, tcsrcsly brsstblng. She to beautiful lu sleep. Her bead A DSI . Fisdnstsd Him. rutiemes. Rut be bsd brushed elbows with new people snd bsd lee rood to observe their wsyu, snd ever snd Anon « iod s congenial spirit It wss sll is day's companionship, however, snd tnsdt only casual acquaintance*. The great modern capitals did not attract him. The historic* held sll of compelling Interest. Egypt, India, the Ganges, the Euphrates, Asia Minor, the romance and reliquaries of oldem times held much of fascination for him. One day at an obscure town fringing on a wonderful sketch of greenery and mountain expanse, he left the tourists sojourning st some celebrated medicinal springs, shoul dered his traveling pack and strolled forth alone. The natives offered guide snd servant assistance, bufhe wished to be alone. Nature was at Its most glorious along the narrow paths. The hum of busy Insect life, the soft whis perings of the broad leaves seemed to say:. “I am nature—come into my workshop.” Wayne strolled for hours. He had traversed s beautiful valley when he found dusk just approaching. * His compass gave hhn no hint of the prox imity of settlement or hamlet. It guided hlnp north, however, and he knew that somewhere in that direction lay Mahdi. A full, glorious moon lighted his. way and enhanced the rare beauty and grandeur of his environment He had about decided to unpack, eat and spread his blankets for a full night rest when he noted a flag waving In the near distance. He kept it In sight and came to a board enclosure, when the tinkling of a bell attracted him. Beyond the spiked fence he made out s man. Ha wore a bell strapped to kis knee. you take me In for the night" Wayne acroes the fence but the man inside waved his anus dlssentlaq- ly, almost threateningly. % « “Do you not see the color of the fiag, yellow, the signal of and the warning ball? Il infection In the vary air. This Is the passed the sweet night away, and by stages his own senses stole late a slum ber, and be awoke to find the rising sun of n new glorious day coming up over the hill tops. - There was enough and to spare for am early morning refection. Hilda Broughton was bright sod sparkling under the Influence of gratitude for the care and companionship of the (foe gentleman who had rescued her from the fears and discomfort of a night of loneliness. “Did you know,” she asked ss they started on to locate the town, “that these natives about here declare that all this country around here Is the original location of the Garden of Eden?” He had heard of lt7 and his heart beat fast at the trustful .contrast of the small gloved hand on his arm. Not now the time, but later on, he resolved 1 g _ on that, he should tell her that hs hoped he had found his Eve. B«g Fork. Healing kery Hill, WL flEn Rich land Calvary, Springs, Hercules, Hilda, asary, Ready Branch, 1 Five Mills— Flko. 2 mills for ordi nary expenses; 6 mills for bands. Six Mills Kltnv. 2 W&k tor ordi nary expenses; 4 mills tor bonds. Seres ■ Ms—Dunbarton, 4 mills for ordinary expenses; 6 mills for bonds. Eight mills—Blockrille, 6 mills for onlmsry expenses; 6 mills for bonds. Fsirfsx, 6Vi mills for ordinary ex penses; tVfc mills tor bonds. •h Mills— Allendale—6 for ordi nary expenses; 2H anils lor bonds. Nine MUIo—Wiltiston. 6 for ordi nary expenses; 4 mills for bonds. IflVi Mills—Barnwell, 6 mills for or dinary expenses; 4Vt mills for bonds. Drafts and checks will not be accep ted for taxes "except at taxpayers risk. County and school claims prop erly approved will be accepted taxes. J. B. Armstrong, County Treasurer. for Comforted Departing Soldier. He wax as straight a young cor-1 poral aa you over wax lu khaki. And be waa telling the woman who sat next in the car that he wished the war could be over In time to cut and shock the corn. • “ify father Is a good farmer, but he Is nearly nfxtj and that's too old for a man to be working when ha has a son to do for him. And my mother Is so little she can walk under my out stretched arm, but-—here's what I keep studying over up here—dad cried and begged me to coipe home the first chance I got, but mother said: *Bnb* you know how I hate to have you go, hut you are fighting our fight for qs, and though It Is only a day's ride prom here to Washington dty I want you to come back by woj of France—' ” . Thera was nothing to It, of course, except for the comfort It gave the youngster to talk of his bravery and bis father's corn. And comfort moons a whole Star. RUB OUT PAIN with good oil Kniment That’, the •weft wav to stop them. The heft rubbing liniment ie MUSTANG LINIMENT Good ft* the A ibnenlt qf Hones, Mules, Cattle, Etc. GooJ fi* your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. AtallDeaW Western Carolina Department Store, | k vtrytking m Up-to-Date Wear for Lodim and GenUamen BARNWELL. S. C. RED CROSS You Are In food Company WHEN YOU 4 ADVERTISE III THIS PAPBJL No. Six-Sixty-Six Thin b o prascfigdoa prnporod especially lor MALARIA or CHILLS A FEVER. F»v« or nix doses will break any case, sad if takas tbaa as a toaie tka Fever will sot It acts on the liver better the* 26* Thursday, NOV. 15th Thursday, NOV. 15th Every man, woman and child in Barnwell County is invited and urged to come to Barnwell on Thurs day, Nov. 15th, and enjoy the pleasures of the Carnival and Merchants’ Trade Week. That day has been set aside as “Red Cross Day,” the city council and the management of the carnival having agreed to give a liberal donation out of Thursday’s receipts to the local Red Cross Chapter. Come! _ " l ■ -V SS> ' '• • • Special Attractions!