The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, November 15, 1917, Image 1

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PART TWO l 'Just Llk« « Member of the Family" ■*<r VOLUME XLL BARNWELL, SOUTH CABOUNA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, MIT. NUM BEyfl y Y OUHO people, tkii it meant for yon. Don't laugh at fate. Prepare now for the “rainy day,” when life is not all rosy sunshine. Save your pennies now. WOU, WORK, WORK! SAVE, SAVE, SAVE! This picture may change your whole life if you give it EARNEST THOUGHT for just Are minutes. Concentrate your mind on it Suppose you RESOLVE to he one of the few who will REALLY PO THIS Then— OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US. euoJsL of 'WilllstorL WILLISTON. s. c. A Real Man It !o pewity hafd %o »awri y—y In* ;rfvirfw* an4 *Wf> ihr « >rwi. vImsi yon hov# HU empty stomnHi and an empty Sooh. If yone MnN la The pendant am M nho hoe aawod a lit lie. who hoe a rweerv* ot the booh to tide him ever a amnth ee two. ien^ aa of raid mi twhneoo nay ewrh a cow ard ohowt being ant a# a >eh A hand orrewat la a etsmoioat la roai moo- he«d The iorgwr the occownl the Ann* ay the footing It haaoda aaftf-wanA* denre. la a pr^-^f ad etfwrieory. and an rroy-preoent foaoorco In t* ~’-m ad aaad. It's nat ohot a mea entwa m a yanr. that gtwaa hem a anrphm at the bank, it s what he eavoo Bank of Wentern Carolina Barnwell. S. G. Like Mellow Sunlight Specs were for old folks when grandma was young. She wears specs now but often forgets to use them in the mellow sun- tfit of YO LAMPS Rayo Lamps can be lighted as easily as a gas jet, without tak ing off either the chimney or the shade. Of strong, simple construction—artistic in design --they give bright flickerless light that saves eye-strain. Ask for theinVy name. If your dealer does not have them write to our nearest station, x Aladdin Security Oil guaran tees beat reMiha from buiips, stoves and bcata* STANDARD OIL COMPANY RED CROSS -I- DEPARTMENT «. .»* * • * ^ ■ - BARNWELL COUNTY CHAPTER, AMERICAN RED CROSS. EDGAR A. BROWN, Chm’ib MRS. W. M. ANDREWS. V-Chmn MRS. G. M. GREENE, Sec. P. M. BUCKINGHAM, Treas. It is remarkable to see the number of people in our town and county who seem to think that because-they are “busy” with their own affairs that they are excused from doing their duty when it comes to our Red Cross work. Our Work Room is open each df^ in the week and every lady in our town as well as fndh all parts of our county is not only invited but urged to come and help us in this gueat work which we are undertaking. But, if one should happen to go to the Work Room through curiosity or oth erwise, he is very apt to And the Chairman for the day alone—like the V * sentinel on the watch tower—waiting for those ladies who “forgot”#to come and take part in the work assigned them for that particular day. Friends, we cannot remain neutral now that we art engaged in this world war; we art either for or against our boyi now inarching to the trenches in France. If we cannot sew we can give our dollars, as our dollars cannot remain neutral. Our success depends upon sending an army fully equipped, and we dare not take chances. There are eo many ways of helping the Kaiser, and whdB we refute to take pail in this ee dear to us for* this tre- coautct wo are siding Kaiser Bill and not our boys. Had you looked el it in that light * Thureday. the l&tk met, has set apart aa Bad Cross Dsy and If you have set visited ear work room before I fool that you wtH ho amply repaid by a ekut to Block's Psruitare Blare, which has been aa gaaevoualy gtvea over la as far that day. We want to lake this means of shewing to the people of oar county Just what wo are doing far this work. W# unit have ttm store diked . ee a work room and hnve Bod Cruse serves m charge am* king bnadsgss. knitting, eir. and I feel sufo that mete lateeoet wtU ha taken la the work after yea tee the ladies actually at work for our hoys. Come in on that day and let us tell you all about our work and how you can do your “bit,” be it ever so small. The manager of the carnival now in our town has entered into the spirit of the times and has stated that he will donate 5 per cent of the gross profits of Thursday to the Red Cross fund. We feel that Mr. Turner’s heart is in the right place and this kindness will not be forgotten by our people. The Town Council, not wish ing to hs outdone by Mr. Turner, has likewise stated that it will donate 5 per cent, of it’s day’s income from permits to the carnival. This will mean a great deal to us as we hope to make Thursday a Red Letter Day in tfie history of our old town. The Christmas packets spoken of in last week's issue are being prepared in the Work Room today, twenty of which will have to be forwarded to Atlanta not later than thy 16th inst. in order that our hoys abroad will have them in tiase for Christmas. We are undertaking to famish sixty of these packets from this Chapter and its Auxiliaries, which will mean that we « ;i hsvr to raise m the neighborhood of $100.0# on Thursday in order to pay far the artiriee already purchased fee three perkefs. the ref ere, when a demure little rad cross nurse approach es you an Thursday please da nat turn away aa ahg only wishes la sea haw strongly your pulse heats far the 0 ranee, and any danattan haworsr wtB aid us materially and help mnhe ear hays happy at Chnetmae Ferhaps year hay has never been away fvum yen at Chnetmae bafere and when we thflak ef the pangs ef regret hs wtB suNor m thm veepnrt I feel that we wtB net turn a deaf ear to ear little nurses hat wtB ge ta meet them half way and glee dad far aa hy ear at TO THE FARMERS of BARNWELL It U important to the •ucceaaful prosecution of the war that you not only grow enough food- •tuffs for your own use but that you help feed our boys who are now in France fighting the Ger mans ! To show the absolute necessity of increas ing our food production, the U. S. Department of Agriculture and Clemson College will provide ex cellent speakers for this county at the following places and on the dates named: Allendale, Nov. 19, at II o'clock a. m. Fairfax. Nov. 19, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Appleton, Nov. 20, at I I o’clock a. m. Kline, Nov. 20, at 7:00 o'clock p. m. Ulmers, Nov. 21, at II o’clock a. m. Hilda, Nov. 21, at 7:00 o’clock p. m. Barnwell, Nov. 22, at 11 o’clock a. m. . Dunbarton, Nov. 22, at 3:30 o’clock p. m. Hercules, Nov. 22, at 7:00 o’clock p. m. Blackville, Nov. 23, at 11 o’clock a. m. Healing Springs, Nov. 23, at 3:30 p. m. ^Pleasant Hill, Nov. 23, at 7 o’clock p. m. SCHOOL GIRL SAVED FROM CRUEL BLOOD ' DISEASE IN TIME X Oklahoma Girl of Eleven Saved from Terrible Suffering by Mineral Discovery. About the moat grateful parents in this country today are the parents of Tittle Beulah Moore, of Salisaw, Okla homa. t ^ritten to say “we were tjmmfed Vh«fT we found that Beulah’s disease waa pronounced pel lagra. • “We had seen so much terrible suf fering with this disease and it seemed •o awful to think of a little girl hav ing it. “But Heaves wee good to us. for “In a month we could see that it was going to heal all her disease and after a few months steady treatment with this most wonderful mineral remedy sfye is well and sound and go ing to school every day. All her aw ful stomach trouble, which was a part of the disease, has Isft her and she is as well and strong again as she can be. “No words can tell what we think of this wonderful SULFERltO-SOL, for it has surely saved Beulah from a most terrible disease.” Sulferro-Sol is sold and recommend ed by R. A. Deason Drug Co. and all other Druggists. The Murray Drug Co., wholesale distributors. EDGAR A. BROWN. JAB. JULiEN BUM. Music with your -meals With a Victrola you can have music with your meals at home just as you can in the big hotels and restaurants. And you can have better and more varied music, un less they too use a Victor-Victrola, as many of them da Music helps along the meal as well as conversation, a^d when you have company it makes everything so much more enjoyable. Come in snd get acquainted with the Victor snd Victrols ($10 to $900). We ll gladly play any music you wish to bear, snd explain our easy-pay- ment plan. J. C. CREECH, Agent, Gaffney, S. C. GARRETT A CALHOUN COTTON WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. When desirous of information concerning Cotton Markets, write, wire or call us, AUGUST A, GA. • • •t i • r Nor-folLc Oyster's P' relit BARNWELL S. C. BARNWELL BANKING COMPANY LIBERTY BONDS AND OTHER VALU ABLE PAPERS CAN BE SAFELY KEPT IN THE NEWLY COM PLETED VAULT OF THE Barnwell Banking Company WE OFFER YOU ROOM FREE OF CHARGE FOR SUCH VALUABLES THAT OUGHT NOT TO BE KEPT AT HOME. DEPOSITS OCTOBER 29TH $5103&32 DEPOSITS SEPTEMBER 29, $41388.05 Increase for one month $9650.27 4. X HARLBT, N <. W WALKER. - ' A. M. l. r. s c