• * Harmony Lodge No. 17, A. | _ w .. .1- The great nerve .tonic—the famous F. M., will be held m Masonic: 5 tonoline tablets—that will put " Temple ^ on _ _ THURSUAY, I vigor^ vim 'and vitality into nervous, 'V. 9th, at 7:30 o clock. Vjajtmg tireetiiut, all in, despondent people in a fethren are cordially invited to at- fewdhys. nd. Anyone can buy a box, they are in- P. W. PRICE, W. M. j expensive, and C. N. Burckhalter is it. McNAB, Sec. ^ I authorized by the maker to refund the purchase price if anyone is dissatis- ' | fied ip accordance with guarantee in The regular meeting of each large box. Thousands praise them for genera) f Barnwell Lodge No. l6?' K* of P., will be held at their Hall on First and Third Fri day nights at 8 o’clock. A full at tendance is requested. By order of R. A. ELLIS, C. C. Wm. McNab, K. R. & S. The Chinese laundry is almost ready to begin work. Mr. R. A. Griffin, of Robbins, was in the city Monday. Dr. F. C. Brinkley, of Ellenton, was in the city Sunday. Mr. W. G.'Ruddell, of Fairfax, was in the city Tuesday. 1 R. C. Holman, Esq.j has purchasedT a Paige touring car. Mr. W. V. Richardson attended the State fair last week. Mr. B. P. Davies spent Friday in ^Hcndale on business. Mr. E. S. Henderson, of Aiken, was a visitor here Monday. The Misses Owens, of Dunbarton, pe in the city Tuesday. ^Mrs. J. G. Wooley visited friends in .-nmark Sunday afternoon. debility, nervous prostration, mental depression and unstrung' nerves caused by overindulgence in alcohol, tobacco, or overwork of any kind. As a brain food or for any affliction of the nervous system tonydine is un surpassed, while for hysteria, tremb ling and neuralgia they are simply splendid. Mail orders filled /or out of . town customers. Mr. C. W. Calhoun and family have inoved IhtO the house on Main Street formerly occupied by Mr. T. E. Cum mings. The many friends of^Dr. R. C. Kirk land are glad to see him out again after undergoing treatment in a Columbia hospital. , Under the efficient- management of Mr. Hart, the local telephone system is being brought up to an efficient standing. An interesting event of Monday was the marriage of Miss Leona Har ter and Mr. David J. Pailet, which took place in the office of Judge of Pro'bate at Barnwell at ,12:30 o’clock p. m.. Judge John K. Spelling offici ating. The marriage of this happy couple will be a surprise to numerous friends. Among those who witnessed the cere mony were Mrs. Cadle, aunt of the bride, Messrs. E. S. Henderson, of Ai ken, and Fred Manuel, of Sycamore. The couple left for Augusta, from which place they will go to Charles ton. . MASTER’S SALE. State of South Carolina, '• County of Barnwell. Court of Common Pleas. Q. A. Kennedy, Plaintiff, vs. at a .- • ■ Attorneys R. C. Holman, J. A. Wil lis and J. M. Kinloch went down to Estill one day last week on profession al business. The friends of Mr. Charlie Brown, Jr., are glad to see him home again, after a stay of several weeks in a hospital in Columbia. Mr..J. L. Augley, of Ulmer, was a business visitor here Tuesday. visited relatives here Tuesday. Mr. J. W Walker, of Cave, was a business visitor here Thursday. Miss Pearle White, of Hartsville, is the guest of Miss Nonie Best. Mr. Maurice Manning, of Columbia, was a visitor in the city this week. Miss Bertha Christie, of Hephzibah Ga., is visiting relatives ia the city. • Mr. Jake I.evy and the Misses Cohen motored up to Columbia one day last week. Mr. Carter Price is expected home within the next few days from Augus ta, where he has been in a hospital for the past two weeks. -Ih« Cirli«k Filling SchogLMtat: Jane Elizabeth Mixon, et al, Defendants. By virtue of decretal order to me di rected in the above entitled cause I will sell at Barnwell, in front of the Court House, on Monday, the 6th of Novem ber, 1916, it being salesday in said month, within the legal hours of sale, the following described real property: All that, certain tract of land, situated, lying and being in Bennett’s Springs J Township, Barnwell County, South Carolina, and containing twenty (20) acres, more or less, and funded North by lands of J. W. Mixon; East by lands of Hard Dunbar and Cleste Thompson; South by lands of C. L. Hiers and West by lands *f Rosa Snelling. ^ also; All that tract in Bennett's Spring Township, county and state aforesaid, and containing twenty-eight and one- half (28^4) acres, more or less, and bounded North by lands of E. A: Mix on; East by lands of C. L. Hiers; South by lands of J. W. Mixon; and West by lands of Carrie J. Ashley. also: ed the Barnwell High School in a one sided game of football at Bamberg Friday afternoon, 30 to 0. Mr. W. L. Cave, who purchased the home place at the recent sale of the Aldrich property, is making exten sive improvements on this handsome old home. E. A. Brown. Esq., who purchased the lot on Main Street between the res idence of Mrs. B. T. Rice and Dr. C. N. Burckhalter, wilt begin work on a handsome home in the near future. Mr and Mrs. A. have returned from York. Citation Notice. The State of South Carolina,* County of Barnwell. trip to New j gy j„h n k Snelling, Esquire, Probate Judge. ship, county and state aforesaid, and containing twenty-seven and one-half (27H) acres, more or less, and bound ed North by estate lands of Jdhn Kill* ingsworth; East by the lands of Lo- raine Jones; South by lands of I. W. Rountree and West by the estate lands of W. R. Owens. Terma of sale, cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. H. U O'BANNON, Master. Master's Office, October 14, 1913. C. H. MATHIS Silvcrthornc offers for sale 1,500 bushels Fulghum Oats at $1.00 per bushel of his own growing. Address C. II. Mathis, Black* ville, S. C. 10-5-tf. MEN’S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. We now have ready to show you the greatest display of Suits and Over coats for the ^Fall and Winter Season of 1916 to be found in this section. Notwithstanding the big advance in woolens we were fortunate in pur^. chasing early n a large part of our stock, before the rise in prices. Hence we are able to offer you Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Overcoats at less prices than now prevail in many stores. MEN'S SUITS. In big assoftment of all the popu lar shades'and weaves and in sizes to fit everybody. Regulars, slims and stouts. A wj^e range of prices—from $10.00 up. You will also find here a-great line of overcoats at ^most reasonable prices. , BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS. Bring your boy here and we can fit 4nd please him and you both in styles and prices. We bought many of these sbits several months ago, - when the prices were low, so we now have some real bargains to offer. All sixes-here, from the little tot of 3 years to the big bWf. WOMEN’S AND MISSES COAT SUITS. The woman who admires smart styles in a suit, especially the woman who has hunted, in vailv for just the fall suit she wants, will find a pleas ant surprise here. She' will find as wide a choice of good stylish fabrics as ever—no signs of the scarcity that is talked of in some quarters. In ma- ~ terials she has the choice of all the fa vored fabrics. . And in coats, too, she will find an_ equal freedom of choice—both suits ‘ and coats from a house' with a na tional ruputation, whose ideas of style, material and tailoring stand second to none in this ftuntry. Of the hundreds who have seen our showing of merchandise all have ex pressed surprise to find them so low in price. GROCERIES. And don't forget that our Grocery Department is just as complete as any other department m our store. You will find here at all times a complete line of staple and fancy groceries— fresh, pure and wholesome. Farmers Union Merc. Co. Barnwell, S. C. Whereas, Ti»»uc Wallace made suit , I FOR SALE.—Cheap to quick buyer, two large desirable lots on lairtigue M,«s Be Bee Patterson has returned I fe-V Utters ofAdm.^. j hurrh; BUckville. home after a visit to relatives in ro- l , rHnt(n of tht . Krtnt „ of mnd arecti! S5 F " r furth " r -I'e'* M lu,n,,,:, • j of Allen Wallace. These are, therefore; to rite ami ad- Mrs. Irene Rush. Denmark, 8. t'., K. No. _\ in-191.'t Mr. J. H v Laneasier has pur. based i a lot on Main Street from Mr. J. M Caldwell. Messrs. Warren and A. son, of Columbia, were Tuesday. A. Ri.hard- iii iW city Messrs. Vicfbr Lewis and G. C. Best. Jr., of Kline, were in the city on busi; - Thursday Mr. B. T. Rice went over to Orange- rg Friday on business for the Barn- Ill Lumlier Co. Miss Lily Richardson came down | from Winthrop last week for a short i visit to relatives. , monish all and singular the ktndrrl md creditor* of the said Allen Wallace deceased, that they be and appear be fore me. in the Cotirt of Probate, to la* held at Barnwvll-oh Saturday, the 11th of NovemU-r hext. after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not lie * granted. - rrneh-Tinffff WT Han.TTms of October, Anno Domini 1916. John K. Snelling,' Judge of Probate. Published on the 2nd day of Novem- j her, 1916, in The Barnwell People. ATTENTION SAWMILL MEN.— Wanted, to buy two inch Sweet Gum and Poplar Lumber in lots of 46,000 feet, or more of each kind. We pay cash when loaded. Bo*entitle Lum ber Co.. Ro»e»tille, S. C. 10-19-31 FOR SALK.—One fivC-room house and one-acre lot in the town of Barn well, store house am) all necessary outtiuildlngs. Also one thousand uoi- ! lar stock of general merchandise. The | above w ill he sold at a reasonable I price for cash. Sale must be made by December 4st. Apply to C. F. Baker, Barnwell, S. C. 10-J6-3t. S\YS \ GLASS OF HOT WATER EVERY , MORNING BEFORE | BREAKFAST WILL TAKE Miss Louva Freer left lust week for DFF F \ I IF >OI (.El Manton, Mich., after an extended vis it to friends here. I The friends of Miss Edna Cave will learn with regret that she is quite ill at her borne here. Messrs. J. M. Patterson and J. M. Hewlett, of Allendale, were in the'city .Tuesday afternoon. FOR SALE.—One hundred and fif ty acres of good level land, dwelling house and two tenant houses on same; wood land, well timbered. J. C. Mix- Mr. Billie .Holmes has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hol- 'fnes, for several days. ,, .. , M j m . E F,tES | , J V,l{ . .. . | son, Fairfax. S. C , R. F. D. No. 1.— Be Moderate in lour Diet and Reduce, Your Weight witKTassccv" i ‘ Lack/of fresh air tfeWffns the oxy- , , , , , gen-oarrving power of the blood, the I OR k RENT.—M\ home place of 200 liver becomes sluggish, fat ;u'«.'umu- I avres .{-horse farm cleared, one mile kites and the action of many of the ' f, ' l,r " K - «• ,ll, .P ot ” f M’lletts. one mile vital organs are hindered thereby. The j. 0 ' ,UI . * one-half mile of good school heart action bbcomes weak, Work i s ' «*'"• residence of .six large rooms and an effort and the beauty of the figure ! slx «,'••‘-place.-, ""d '-•> feet of porches Is destroyed. . i partly mosquito-screened; a good bored ..Fat put on by indoor life is un- i w< *' : ' n< ^ t’oropl 'I good tenant houses, healthv and if nature is not assisted V01 ^ oarn and stables, commis- in throwing it off by ‘ increasing the- buggy house, good peach and $ ONE DOLLAR $ MADE TO DO THE WORK OF FIVE! a "I Wst* Mv*d my ciMlomsrs mors tkaa a million dollars during aaC'—W. A. Vtrdisr. M D. W e ate going lo aciv* out many ihomand rnalomcta in South Carolina uusrt potublc. ) out Comtmssiunci ol Agn< ultur*_ mad* it nocoaaary the past ten yean, «n stock . >adi- I'aical Post mads It is the only drug that doe*. jmma . lively and oxygen-carrying power of the blood, a serious case of obesity may result. apple orchard and grape arbor. Would rent for term of 1,2 or 3 years to ap- When you feel that vt\u are getting : proved tenant reasonably, M ill n\tW take the matter in hand at on ‘‘ H ) prime young mule also . too sfout, take the matter in hand at ~. j once. Don’t wait until your figure has 1 Mrs. Mozelle Furman will leave this ! become a joke and your health ruined week for Hickory, N. C., after a pleas- j through carrying around a burden of ant visit to friends here. - - ! unsightly and unhealthy fat \ • , ' Spend as much time as you pqssibly ! can- in the open air; breathe deeply,' Mr. C. E. Brown has returned from and get from any druggist a box of Savannah and accepted a position with tassco, take a glass of hot water every Dr. C. N. Burckhalter J morning before breakfast then take , ’ ' | tassce afttr each meal and at bed time. rent j if tie- ! Mr. jind Mi^. E. H. Henderson, and! Weigh yourself'every few days and jjarn ami stables; three awtus'of as- jrr? r •- ••• Miss Bessie McManus motbrod over keep up the treatment untH you gT from Bamberg Monday • •* sadly jm \tF wrXnwa MBHO tllDQft ■ v* * taa taa* I«*< Piaa*aai*> azn*iKT**• *%^a* *** *c« i- mu n «g*ijn«i*. fw*w« mv s»na • <*-• a**-**! TllJt 1 11.» —Xafc Avs !**• wmni paragus on place. Price reasonable and terms easy. Reason for selling, have moved away. Apply to-M. T. Willis, Denmark, S. C. 7-20-tf. C . . F’OR RENT.—One two-horse farm with new three-room house, barn and stables; two miles from Barnwell. For terms apply to Mr*.. Lucy A. Tison, UJcndaW, S. r . B uc M n 2-th . :y an • * or i-nu. Ten ■ »ui;- i' v nm-ssary «Aitng« •• *am 1 horiT fsyn unoer cultivaiRi tand wfl! t.mkiered J. C. F'Mrfax. 8v C, B Xs (. - ' -at I Hi- EAW' i.\ iOCllt C.VHOUNA »••>•. M«nuf.«laiers ol t.ondin.rnlal Stock food* (tat k •* the most stock |.owd««s o*«*j most ttmy yoar V o«wn«si*sisf • lr cn*e ol $S0 00 pei year lo market their powder* ihi Ju^h retail r-arvllaiua. ^out) -in Stock Rowan"* i* a nieoitme and m l m that • las*, but )oui CommiMioaei inaisls thet we pay the *..me la*. We could only do ibis by redui my the quality o( out rood* .u.d in that way make the lonsumer boor tbc burden. 1 Hi* we h\ye rrtuaed to do, a* it wouldbc di»bone«t to ou. cuatomci*. 1 bcreioie, wa ate going to aerve you direct—by mad—postage f f f "' ,, -F.K+^Sfe LAW-w.'^o omL . 1UJ 1 ii' ", tmea ooUocted ata spent by hi* department: nor- e of it yoe* ti reftevi fixed c.iliyation* of the ^tAe. 'TUil IR BUT my* to bo*e you*- stock medi< me taxed. Your Uw makers ahouid rorrret tbi* imDoxiticn. YOUR HORSE, COW AND HOG r.'ed a tonic sometimi*. vl'ben they da. buy tbr be*r Co;idiment«l ■loci: powder* do not cure disease; it take* drug*, and thnt i» wbat we give you in SOLTI HLRN STOCK. POWDERS. We print the formula on tbc back of eve y package so you can-se- v.Kul drugs ws uss. Wv give it lieie for your considerations SOUTHERN STOCK POWDER FORMULA. SLUHATE OF IRON—S imulate* the reproduction of Rr d Flood ( ells -It takes seven C.-ys for one Rr d Bio,id Cell to tn.*k~ another. % ARSENIC Arouses glandular »ec*etion*. Iiquidi/:ng food, nn appeti.-er, and odd* firrh tc tn NL X \ OMK A—A heart, -nerve and.liver tonic. Aids digestion, makes »hinc like any healthy animal should. ANTIMONY—Internal antiseptic, promotes digestion, deodorizes d.gritive tract. Opporec to any gernv disease. Adds flesh. x • . . . ^ * ALOES--A vegetable laxative, acts principally in the large bpwel. . • SALTPETRE—A kidney stimulant, to clear up thick water. We have !«l*o added bicarbonate of Soda to allay fe: mentation, and salt to make them ^at it. lbs. to a 50-cent package. Each ta.blespoonful is a tonic dose for a horse or cow. ’ - - EGGS WORTH MONEY NOW—Why not feed your hens material that Will hu’d e K gs> You know the i.vide of an e-g is principally ALBUMIN'. There is about three-quarters of an ounce of Albumin in a norma! cgj£. The hen can never lay until she finds in her food a sufficient amount of Albumin to make the eiur. - , , , — . SOUTHERN POULTRY POWDER FORMULA: A complete egg food and tonic. FED ALBUMIN—Supplies the material to make the inside of the egg, OYSTER SHELLS—Material for the EGG SHELL. CiAPS+OUM—‘Simulates the appetite. Ai/ls digestion. ^ NUX VOMICA—The most reliable tonic known to medical science. A heart, nerVe and liver tonic. Heips -poultry in molting season. Stimulates the EGG GLAND. Kills the hawk if it eats the small chick. SULPHATE OF IRON—For the blood, especially indicated when hens set, or when molting, rich Red Blood., , . ’ . F.very package lias the formula on it. One tablespoonful is a feed for ten head. It TEED. 3J-lb. package for 30 cents. \ DOCTOR VERDIER has ‘given this subject special *ti dy and every time you buy a package of his goods yrfu get hi* prescription FREE. Not all slock powdery on the market are made by Physicians; in fact, yhe most of them are not, and, instead of being tonic medicipe, contain condiments that only stimu late the appetite, like < atsun will stimulate your appetite. — WE SAVE YOU" MONEY—If you ask your Doctor for a treatment for your stock, he would have to charge you at least one dollar for the prescription, th’en you would take it to a drug store to have it filled, and we know it "would 1 cost you at Feast one dollar and a half v for three and a b a lf pounds, such as we give you for 50 cents. That would make a total cost of $2.50 for our 50-cryfit package, of SOUTHERN STOCK POWDERS It i* the same thing with our 50-cent-package of SOUTHERN POULTRY POWDERS This is why we claim to give you for It.,00 what it> would cost you $5 00 to procure through your Physician and Druggist. Makes is GUARAN TY si i mi r\ry ■ at« «. *» **». ■; REMIT BY MONEY ORDER ADDRESS 2Uu Southern Stock Food Co. ATLANTA. GA. „ • 4