The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, November 02, 1916, Image 4

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.V ! Entered at the post office at Barnwell, S. C., as seeond-etasa matter. JOHN W. HOLMES 1840-1912 B. P. DAVIES, Editor and Proprietor. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER-2D, 1916. We may be fooled, but somehow it is hard to believe that there will be ’a bolt from the Democratic party in this State .next Tuesday, in spile of the alleged fact that tickets hearing the name of Cole I- Blease for Governor are being distributed in the' counties. However, State Chairman Evans ap parently views the prospect of such a bolt in a serious light, as will be seen from his open letter in this issue. Whether his fears are groundless or not, it behooves every loyal Demo crat in South Carolina to go to the polls and give the party nominees the biggest majority in the history of the State. Remember, there are some 12,- 000 or 15,000 negroes qualified to vote in the general election, and even if there is "no organized bolt, the result might be humiliating, to say the least, to the Democratig.joonpnec8 unless the ers turn out in a body. Then, too, we have an opportunity to endorse the administration of President Wilson, the greatest man the country has pro duced, -• . U *■ • —0— ’ y We see by the papers that the new ten-cent pieces are out. Here’s hop ing that we are more successful In get ting them “in” than we have been with the old ones. Former Governor l.Utle, of Arkan sas, who died Sunday, began his poli tical career at the age of 21 years and enjoyed the. distinction of never haw, mg been beaten in any campaign He was 65 years of age at the time of his death. “Straws show the way the wind is blowing.” Each year the New York Herald takes a straw vote in the Pres idential campaign, and for the past few weeks there has been a derided drift towards the President, so great in fact, that we venture the prediction that Mr Wilson will be returned for another four years To defeat him at this time would be a national calami- iy Prohibition went into effect in Vir ginia this week The legislature has oqc good way to get results. SPECIALIST SAYS EVERYONE SHOULD DRINK HOT WATER IN THE MORNING. Wash Away All The Stomach, Liver and Howell Poisons Before Breakfast. To feel your best," day in and day out, to feel clean inside, no «our Idle to coat your tongue and sicken your breath or dull your head; no constipa tion, bilious attacks, sick headache, colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid s»<>m ach, you must bathe on the inside like you bathe outside. This is vastly more important, because the skin pores do not absorb impurities into the blood, while the bowel pores do, says a well- known kidney specialist. To keep these poisons and toxins well flushed from the stomach, liver, kidneys' and bowels, drink, before breakfast each day, a glass of hot wat er with a kidneco tablet then take it before dinner ami supper with a glass of cold water. This will cleanse, puri fy and freshen the entirealimentary tract, before putting more food into the stomach get a dozen kidneco tab lets for a quarter from any druggist, they are inexpensive ami act quickly. Dripk hot water every morning with kidneco to rid your system of these vile pojr ?.* ' iv^iiis; also pre vent their formation. To feel like young folks feel, like you felt before your blood, nerves and muscles became saturated with an ac cumulation of body poisons, begin this treatment and, above all, keep it up! As soap and hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening and purifying, so kidneco and hot water, before breakfast, act on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. RUB OUT PAIN witK good oil liniment. That* the aureft way to atop them. The best rubbing liniment is I] MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Good for your own A ches. Pains, Rheunurtism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. pOc. $1. At all Dealers. MILDREDINA HAIR REMEDY. Grows Hair and We Can Prove It by Hundreds of Testimonials. It never fails to produce the desired restfltir 'Ir eiitlisiiB and iwetguiniee the hair glands and tissues of the scalp, resulting in a continuous and increasing growth of the hair. let ters of praise are continually coming in from nearly all parts of the coun try stating that Mildredina Hair Rem edy has renewed the growth of hair in rases that were considered abso lutely hopelosa A lade from Olios go writes: “After a abort trial my hair stopped falling and 1 now have a lovely hfrad of hair, very heavy and over one and a half yards long ” A I-oa(. Thick Growth of Hair. “After using two bottles of Mildred ma Hair Remedy, I have a long, thick growth of hair and free from itching.” writes Mrs T. A. Fslsrdesn, Jrffrrao.i City, Mn. Msil orders Ailed by Mildred Ixmjim- Co.. Huston. Msss. SOc snd fl.00 at druggists. BARNWELL SATURDAY O V. 11. THE STORE OF PRESENTS • If you think you want to pur chase a present, i or a wedding, a personal gift, or for your own use, our very large selection of DIAMONDS, STERUNG SILVER, WATCHES, PLAIN AND FANCY JEWELRY are at your service. If you sannot come in, let us se lect for you, put your card in, and ship to you or who ever you want it to go. We prepay all charges for~»Mpping. imi grorimw to select the proper thing, at the lowest competitive price* that this class of goods can be sold for. You will be perfectly safe in style, beauty and quality, as we only handle the high grade, all solid, genuine, and everlasting kind. $690 $690 OVERLAND 5 Passenger Tour ing cars. Cantilever Springs, 31 x4 Tires, 60 inch tread, $690, deliv ered. Car load just received. Ask for demonstration. LEMON BROS., Inc. BARNWELL, S. C. Agents for Willys Overland Cars. I $690 ,,5 $690 o tr\ r? SYLVAN BROS., < OLI MBIA. 8. C. Phone 1045. Cor. Msin snd Hampton Sts. PERFECTION SHOHXlEi/EOifr MRATERi JOHN ROBINSON’S To the last drop ^MAXWELL & HOUSE COFFEE Is Perfect 0 Ask Your Grocer Presenting a Program of Stupendous Feats of Agility, Superb Horsemanship, Clever Acrobatics, Wonderful Aerial Novel ties, Exciting Races. Real Western Pastimes, Repro ductions of Indian Massacres, Educated E!o» phaots. Female Bareback Riding Acts, Gathered From the Four Cor ners of the Earth.-. FOR BEST RESULTS SHIP YOUR Ung Staple Cotton TO Charleston. S. C. . Oiiginal promoter* of Stapl Cotton in the Southeatt. The Fortunes of Generations, the Experience of Many Years A Real Wild West—Trained Wild Ecast Show, In Steel Arena, the Costliest, Most Complete Zoological Collection Ever Offered. Iq Pure White Giant Polar Bears. Three Herds of Enormous Wise Elephants. Expert Saddle Riders in Beautiful Menage Numbers, Everything Hew and.Nrvel in Eques- ( Irian Art. A WORLD OF FUN FOR OLD AND YOUNG Worlds Oldest and Greatest Show. r .NOTICE. Write me and I will explain how 1 was cured in 4 days of a severe case of Piles of 40 years standing, without pain, knife, or detention from busi ness. No one need surfer from this disease when this humane'* cure can be had ri^ht here in South Carolina. R...M. JOSKY, Lamar, S. C. Route 4. \ Wherever You Go Anywhere about the house that extrahgpt is needed, you're sure of comfort if you have a Perfection Heater. It means preparedness against sudden changes in the weather, corn- fart insurance when the fires are oat At **»y t" ra*rv ■ w->rk-baakvt. Clean. It‘a cheap tnevpenwve to buy and coets (at lets to use than any o-al tut. There’* a Perfection dn«-ina away every chill Irom earh < crf Z.UOO.OCS homes today A»k y>uf dealer. l't+ Altdhn 5ecurtrv Oil — tor heir reav/M , STANDARD OIL COMPANY Newr Jernry i Buying State of Ohio, City of Toledo. Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of. the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the_ City of Toledo. County and St^te afore said. and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH*CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber.-A. D. 1886. A. W GLEASON, •* (Seal) Notary Public. HaH's Catarrh Cure isTakcn intern ally and acts throdgli the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for'testi*nonials. free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledq, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. . - Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. .Win. McNAB. Representing fire. Jwlth -a#4 Aaideal BIG TRIPLE ZOO AND MENAGERIE - IWtfrl tn mw- ..ij Mammoth Free Street Parade, l^urani e Companies. . • % # ' '" ' 4 Reserved seats and general admission tickets on sale at Burckhalter s Drug Store Circus Day iuiuwei Horses, Mules, Buggies, V “ agons. Harness, and SAVE MONEY. We have just shipped in our third car of Horses and Mules, and have, some of the finest the West affords. Prices ithd Tmns Uua.sonat)]e. ^rlSimon Browns Sons, Biackvilie,s.c.