i- — 9 « orro's, and aomethln _ be thrown Iwrk" I ' Utr* J «Hiultl tx» i«f->int)lltffn'(l, SISiANlO LN r01»Rl»JA MOVEtt AT GREAT SPEED I tn'iM'iluve.thaf bis n’: r «»''wi-it titA MACKENSEN CREAKS ALL RE- flank* wt te safe. T{.l* t .tln n, was tin* *ltiiatl(>n as (t apjn c* i t'» ml'itao* stuilonl* on, lbt» Riilo of U^a, j»ater, anil inada- tli'fin foci that wKwi-'ithe .main blow was strAick i'.K.»ln*.t-tl»o Rounianian tones u avbulu route, not from Trausylvania,-but In the Imb- rudja. ’ J It is apparfrlit. whiit happenea j wlH'ii the attack was tleUverci. Tlte ’ (.erfnans rmnenttHtod their main j sti emillion lhe. ttoiiniiuilan left 4tuhk ^ a loot' the sea. V\ ftii/ttTrJ'illc iforce i they struck the Koumanitiii line, bijH rtt batik, broke It, amt jrouuib*:^.}' . ; frouted the left wina. Hwwfnise Imitons YlTis tmcovnied the-centre,: which wair i for<,M ^ t0 bill- back,,- e t o-iin: M-eWe«*en. th rcTcTP. tnrd renstiW twterfaw with, hit nip ply nyetem jn New ’ i 11. Times K .port Kays tier- imdij H is Ite Moved Itouiiianin as Olfeitslve I'actoi fer Sonie Time to ( V ino—i i encle* nt. \'or(|itii ami iveoaptwu ( roiim). BETTIMi NOW EVEN MONEY; to ^ut thi» railroad In his r«*ar I DP TO ,11. S. SAYS GREY aver of IlcpuMhun t'aiyli- date* Aihonk IU*; ters. prder to ruin tbe >nn»palitn. Therwstov,^ nrcruT’ no ftnlicatloh that anything l.’.e this fiffliisn KfcStiM AlU UIVEN Now Vdrk !l«*m>its Itlsamieaiaiice of Is apt to bappon. It Is, hoa*cver, an ‘ _ evewpMiieot-denser to Macketmen j SHIPS BY DESTROYERS poHitton. , l olly as sensutier.nl anil even ninri- . # Mir pi Ishm than ' Miickemen's suecess In Polirndja was the Kudi'en renewal of the b»ule of Vrrtltin Ivy . the Kiondi,.' • >v» more e’oaucrtt • proof toti'.tl he given that' Ve d in Ih oiie of the great nst cf (lerman failures. In deed, as far as (lertri 'try'n part ini this battle was coiKermi''.. It was over early In April. * Aider t' at date all at »I per bus cleanest and beat that w« ir la.sAi auiui " *!»v« ey.., _ Oatet, Headlhod, ,Al^ ..osslbllily of suc.—.'s had se;l. Neverthelefct, the French stroke Ir exceedinj;ly dircaucer.tny. and from a fernian ohil of .view most dis- .eoitraging.**" ^ittoe April T, the’Ger- niuns, at an enormouH expenditure of men and shell, endeavored to break town the French’.defem'e-oH tlie ietlst batik of the Meuse and drive straight at the city. - For months this went on, the gains’ being recorded litera.’ly foot by foot. And in a few hours the Frenth re took at an almost ins^gnillcani cost, a <;ost measurable' with the n ,mber of prisoners captured, everything that the Germans were able to take fronPApril 1 lo July.”l. Nothing whieh has happened for some time has thrown open the gates of speculation so wide. The Ger mans were" cfiTtplit asleep.ghat much Is evident. Hut tHequestion pi, to what extent was the element of sur Foreign Sen ctuiy Ft Alnii/W Kye. il?».bu; Fulghuill Oats, grown by -C'lejrtjbon- ci*jAuli#t0# fl bu. Farm and gar-tfea -bought and sold. Above prlc o. b. Orangeburg. 8. C, _»oa depend on our seeds. F. M Crum and Co., -^Vholcsalt' aiiAl tall Seed Dealers. Half a mfHim”'dollars has been w igeied on the result of the election at the big hotels in New York during the past:, week* This estimate was made Saturday frbuutbe reports of the betting comhiissibhiers and s'^ako l.o.ideiK pjalclng their he.rdfUart'ers in i ors Tluft (ierm inv-H IMclvo t,n “ u btown betting district, v- ! . • / 1 ” T —r ”, •• . ** . Z .The odds which have’ favored firey'l-oxo.for .sale—) the ITtltcd States Gives No IHglit Hughes up to the pfesc'nT weie wipedf WllHap LokOBce, Fla-. out in the betting Saturday. All the ^ —-—■— to Knglaml,-But filust be Kept to Tells Protesting .FOB SALE - MISCELLANEOUS 5 each. R. E. Similar opinions have been ex pressed by'soma of the newspapers up for discussion by request., for in formal iqn from Foreign Secretary Grey regarding./the Amercaa policy the •right, so that in ,a/bort time the entire line was affecled, lliW Ger- innuM pressed their advantage, and Tj,i« week -jus.I closed has seen ttm the Itouiiiauian retreat beeante al- Tcuiotiu antes dj liyor a • staggering iii<,st. a rout-. With rilniost inciediblo Mow to Ifoumahia in* Dobrudja, the k|m*4m1, rivaled only by Iheln speatd in result of which, has been the dost rue-' going through Itussin, the Germans tion of the oniy means of crossing followed up their nuccohn, thejr llne toe DubuIhi fioiu th« Iron Galas td growing shorter a« Uiey arlvwnced, the liotvarubian frontisr - j limy took Coristr.nza, the main It is not difficult to understand Uouifraolan port on the Black Sea, what has happened. The difficulty and in a few days straightened out lies in understanding how It happen-; their line along the railroad and t*d. The mnia point seems to4>« that seized Cernavoda. The great bridge Itouniania and Itussia were outguess- was immediately. in danger, and old '**<1, out-msnouvred, and out-fought. Uouinania, as distinguished from VV« are a long way from the scone Dobrudja, was about to Im i nv * (le, t- of this fighting, we do not know Hart of the defenders retired what cdimidorallonsZed to this move acrosa the bridge, the’ rent'dnder Con or Hat, we have but the maps to tluued to'fall ha«*F into Northern guide us and can. study the military phases ui any silualion only from tlte ti.a|H, w it lit - ti t any knowledge w,;,ii poMical or other consider tioi.s do mo d a given ftiililary i>ol- ii t . ' . . Fiotn a n.ilitary viewpoint Itou- maliiu s et:'ire plan seems to have been ill • u e.v^l anil poorly M*t*cut- oil. Thw. c i o.fK-..l mist an e was Hie abortiv-- ti.fv.Tn •• inio Tr.insylvanta. 'I'hc fo» .ns ate eleat That por tb>n ot ti.o frontiei lioiu The Iron , —. , . . - . _ >, .i,™ n „ r . Uates to the soulhw«. k i ... n .rttis ti pan. tits bllity nime. There, Is a loach of ironyj | r< | a think of their powerful repre Charici Evan- H crushed beneath lit* j at. Oswego. N .Y . ■ Mrs. Hughes. M's. Charles Kami... tour manager, aud rt lluwlu ■ wsm * The caf Decaine wed jam -as la was.crossiMt the New Y'ork. Ontarh ;hes was almost >w n #pe«'tal train i l , e«iin T»■**■*—Easily grown. I proved xarieties suited to the C i..i ,, ■ * *„. I linas. Well cared for tree* Wgtn .. ii Beanna in three to IDe years alter transplanting, vou should grow these delicious nuts for your%eit. WTfTl 1 Thr ptliw —< iwfpr l. ta<-|i-s | in it* general feature*, it ia an The 1'ifc ,il step for Itoiigisnis tn open flmir. singM track st**el struc. ti' * f 'm ti i oiishleAni;. d, | 1 1 * ve Hire, the spans *>f which sre support- arnl ei i the military *)evi*nt*. id f*n lira** stone pier*. All of Jhe vc l cm*' im-' ii to (idiosr t .* e>- span* were probably not blown up. an. •• t urn.shod by It.tly nautralK- The destfructlon of two or lhr**e spans-io the fact that, while the Sontme ■ esl i rstis) IranU •by i losing ' thn would have accomplished the led fighting was at it* hetgM. th-re was! j^ 0 |j fl , ^ ,,•!,! ' , , ilM ( hhfnvw 1 ***' K. *' F*H*k. manager of Ira pt.- . s. and then to hnvn tamed purp**se. and at the anine time li.m* ntlll enotigh force la the French com-1 ",pis rme of Ame-ii- .n wsr l«>rtnton fonghl hi* wsy franttehtl *• i*.> nvatisliic tone into an Inva- given tfie Itoumanl.ins the niiniinum mand to strike such n Mow at Ver-! h |,jp. Lord Hydenham fwek ti e po-, tbr*> - : the sluoitlng ery%d a:i»i i eiou of liulgaiia thmngh thn only amoent of work (*? do ahouM the dan Itself. France, In order to •' ptg«cii*e of AeieftvnM down tlie track toward the J *.,»u gut* wav tu>o that county. (time mme ^hen.they wished to re - t;nue the Somme offensive at Rui v»*r*hlw» mwaiaUy en:, filed G a *nv • , *' n Thla. aa we well know, wag--the phice it unit r* ne* the «r**s»itig at. pr*‘sent rate..Is fneced to keep n[, 0 ,j p f v »t. a i |,. 1»he hn*|t*-*-were ihr«»wn »»n w .th a Gasis of Hie it.ittan plan of campaign, this point. hCfevy fAnrsnfrallnn on that fmnt. j pilJ| jj,,! ail ,, , aill j | n violence that mil mra and I . T h« Italian* sfrugcl**! and fought ll h» not vet known to what extent t;< re • nj to m**«*t it. mu«t be C'lUally. ,|,| e ru y ,,f mt. rn.tlonal law v’opiM*! | i-t twenty feel away* their way into the Irentipo piaaea the Uoumanlan defeat has hem < ;*r- strong. Turon Here ford extreme d • f , ' 1 i *oJ**r la wMh Mr. and 1 until th.-y were eff«* tually blockotf, rl**d. Few repnrtn have ivncli.-d u* When we see France, in spite of I opinion thaf UetOnrny Intended to , Mn* lluahe* were sluing. . ml drove tt.efr main offenan nt the from any sortree as to the number* **f ,| ltv j„.| n g ; ,b1e to administer *u* h a t i m , v-... nc* into l' e wsr ro c- to I ♦ ♦ » 11 —- ls..n»i. line Tlie aituatinua ware prlaonera taken. The Berlin repdrta ioo;,! defeat in another section, a de-i be able to *ay she c.m*1.| not li*tit t ie, lill I FR -MTO liractically Identical. lint the an- have mention*-*! taking a gieat *tuan- f,. nl m ),| r || cermnny Is not strotjg{ *-» —d -•— * — — *•-- ■ vWvfc nifitjtr Mv >•% iw sn.iwn |j.i..rs, »liHinver n.ev ».ire, tity uf mlliiary store*, xgirtirtilaflv enough to check, la It not a natunilj le. td.-d I.. . at., pa i*,n a.f.ag otber aiif g the line of the railroad from query. Which ha* l>eeii hied white | line- , t Gonstnnxa. Itut little claim Jtra been France nf Oertnany? 'It. n-vl* if i "as the ,< t*ii» of the, mnde «s RT prlstinefli. i ~ • .u ted tin* Uiiiiiii.im ns of (t entlnncd from p'g'' o ,e I 1‘iiH.i.irt atuk ItnMmanian force* are J. It. Wight, Cairo. Ga. Iwmf for Kale—Will sell -tin acres of. Mad in Troup County, right nt UabhettsviSW. In tracts irom *• to leu acres, rut to »utt pur rhgMr. Good graded school and rharches grit bin a tulle. Well improved and high grade soil. Gome and see fur yourself. L II. Traylor. Uabbetts- vilie, Ga. PLKSONYL Fur rvpevkUced •uperioieadent a Buena Vista. Ga. ot whut under way Before the| situation had realFy developed it was t'»iil*.nt ili k tt the Teutonic allies pro-j |.n * .I ifi.tkinK ikihrudja Hie. main. batUeK'olind. Maekeusen, the greatest drivingj fort’f* in ti e Gernian army, lha iiian ! who more titan any toiler was the! a.-tive lu* d of the gieat Gernian | *1 nt* auaiiist Russia a year ago, wta* I a* •>! in citmtnand of tho Dobrudja fun e, it.- is too gi ud a man o-l>e pl it i d at a f post unless eV-*ntS of jiufryrlaiiyc art* Jnteiidod, ' I —--*-** the *i*l»« •'‘lutitil.—.Falkan. L h*vn an e‘x-eh*ef nt »4t«» bad' put lii-cii in active i'•'I serv-bw and • »»as dtqioseil 'n favor of von I linden-' liur.". 'was t!;<* German cumtii ndcr in' T 'svHanii. . Was il not evident pi s< ti* airy’iutm t. If Mtch |»e the ca*e. it mesns I lint t.erniany lia* •iiithinit to fear fr**m tlie Itooman* iaa* foe Mtiuc time lo come, hut it ihie* m.t mean that I ton man I a Im* yet Im-vi* e|imloal**l to any tiling like the extent of ^erhla. I for i> I'.-a - to he •t. \* It * ..'It fr 'tit w *iic cft.irt ;• t' e more im- i to fu-irk the ; fin t i''f» newt I tin. It; ii"' --‘i •.> .*. bls- V; ,m :i ( eru.an p* iu- k t lertuauy i* detl- *f| tn Ho* ; rinc'ipie, aud •niAtH*rated ti.ino iinil tliia war tlial the lievt ■,s .;i* e fottn hmt t ’.!• 1 if! t‘ alia \ I'l.at is, the n.. ry t ,f >"*;• ( » fit'll t' in to conccn- tr ’i • ;» 1 " V !i 1 1 t if tn nous over ;v 1 " t r i' , M t > V- ' l f ’’a; il and ‘f* : ' ly r.i! I- r ! ! m i 1» .. • - ; *r licr »*f- I ” ITT' > v. • » ]* O'- • •r a \\ -Fcr area. f 1 i ’' )., * : l or i? ii. oru of less U \ l il \v . i ; Mi IM . . < -111 ,ir ]i«, u i'll ;ii 1- 'If 1 "to sucli ta. i I'V l! * »pi»: t:-.; 1 1 limit a- ti-’ s «' !' 1 n)h:i :.! l.i. c.-t't* i t My speaks i i. 1 ’l l ! ‘ r-: * ’ ,i 1 . '• ’in ti i ■'a j fiour K' *'• s. !i i rrovv -? iT»» :.s I ii* center. 'l M: lit !•' Of • 'cl h i* I'.ii (km- St 8 7.\. I !;i • iiv ' 1 nut a i inii Jf ('tills. ' i ..M q'mi.i a iK’ui al. his right | v - im; M ! : * I’fl.n'k S‘*:l . 1'is left cm t 1 f ' \ if.* i lit’ • lin»'. w 11 i i 1 1)0 hail to } | j-r and Ms '■oiu.'pn- I r i s 11. !:;?«* v,l 1 .I'll tl.(‘ miinher of n t i; - pc i'”' mil of- Uu>, necessarily hca ’ i i* r a'ml lioa V lor” . IvvtTjTfrfng lent ■If. tic ti rman tactics. Otic* Dohrudja ha* licen completely oecupied hy the t.eriuanJ the Kou- tn m sn position will be on tld* front purely defonsiye In character. Ii»>ld- ln« a line back **f the Danube I ^ dcfeuil. afiTT FP.Tnr^e or-Itcr-tnirrlm ; pi.f ition v. ith resfect to the encir- ■ ding tjertnans, itouniania can quick ly reinforce any- threatened sector. {-This will releasa a number of troops for tite operations in Tranr.ylvroTa, . r tl:*< Dsnube line cr.n, of course, be [.! f'd ' itfi less n i*i then it took toj ! i, l the Une in the oped country toj ■ t'.'e uast. • . . j 'Flu* value rf tho Roumanian ' troops is. however, a questionable ; asset They are not seasoned and are presumably in a diforgnnizei! and , l pajiU/itrieken comliiiqn. 'I'ltey b.ive' I qh mo-, proved bttf a poor n-alcb 1 ir fbe yot- , eran trooits of t'vrr.auy, eml,need i'*a.s..iiing more than anyt.bfn^ e’se. 'This they will probably g-/t before . n.tjirers have coached tho point where llqj'.mania is actively .lireatened by the Ceftnan dTT?Psel / ' »• . This point lias not b"" , i reached ! yet. The Roumanian oll'onSe his Ifccn de^tioycd.> Then* is no ques tion of this. Rut Rcumania proper has imt been seriously in vailed. In ; .ft, except for Dbbrudia,- which ia really not a,part of Rounuinia pH)T>-1 ' ' • da a lt**l> of Toung Man Fonml t nilcr K*»< k«. The both' «f * youth., apparently seventeen year* old. believe*! to f he that *»f J, It. Gliritgiian. of Tallabas-t IK*#*, Fla., v. as found in -the.niail nr of . a train* arriving'nf Montgomery from Atlanta Sunday night. .A coro ner's jury retr* »**d a Verdict of death by suffocation. ... The body was found'under the pile whole world and also be* au«e the I t’nited State* would M* a valuable s**et to her at thc-pea.* r**nfef«*n e ' _ ife continued; "Ttve t etted J*Vn*e* ere rr iWv I ■ rnilim nidlna atul *>li cliiut t’.i* r !i tlft j j,- **ibinnmnt* nf aflNt*>. If I’te Foit-T !”•«*•» itl.i"; ml States And not sent thefr Rblp** which for aome ex’raordina; v rea- son happene*! to be « n the fcpot.do save life, the German v. world- n«* doubt have broken»f*^^qedn to Opelika but was refused. It Js believed- Hi boy hid In the car anti was I. tried under Hte pile of,.tpail matter’tbrowa back by the clerks^ . NEW FDIES IN USE . ( ent l*ie< esH’iit Into (’li'fiilatlon dn—Hast.. MLt. AH ;| matfon, for ourselvc** " from suc.i sonrre* as are open to r.s. and these sauri csi in titi* ra: e I 1 mein** are ofiieers in chnfg^ of th-* -Jiierthant vessels sunk, ot*'pau*ertgrtrs. In one case nt any rate, r.lmard the nief chant vessel*. "That Is what 1 ■ being done on the other side, I understand. .Full rt j ports. I. trust, will rop'h the nd-j nikuUy in due course as to Hie state j ments of survivors, rml v h/-n the?* j reports r.re rceeiveii I cannot imeginei ativ reason whv they ■ shi.ivld not be i FRENCH ATTACK AT VERDIN Appaii-ntl) It Timk tlie t.erm*n» h> *» g- - ,*rfe, Freh^h attaek at ly by sirrprisejtnd not at one ifoiln* did they succeed In stopping the im- tetqous rush. In three hour* the French recap!urel roc opr Siv- r^d to Lmgibl* RfU mem—vh* lastini* appicciatl of suprCK)S'-y of ten*, touch and cotvstruevipn. " U< •' Easy ‘ pi Ttei wrnath, denoting peace. M O.MEirf eS" in flames 11- Tuo Hilled in diinipint; Tipm Burii- iivg Uuihling. * , circuniSf/nces which were apparently not in Accordance -with that'pledge which included firing torpedoes at South Carolina. Rembert, S. Q. delivered anywhere \Y. A. .-4, ui* The Marcliant Music Co. Orangeburg, S. C. .. f rJ. V' KST,\IU.ISlli:i>* IH82. •- cl'-ntly' nroviding for the ' safety'of the crews or passengers xyhon^the ships were sunk. • • ■ "I am sure the admiraltv (indeed, I think it has been made public), c-.m' miiU.iC.ly Jjoatances which -have pe er. the Go; in an a have not .mao great dual oi headway toward a rest. i- . .-. .k..'. . ”1 No one at this distance can fpre-4— . . cast the German plans w ith, accuracy.' Two young ^oiiifiiT wore killed in',a Get nuftiy is pursfripg tlie Koiinmn- p r p which wreejeodat sevf'ri story loft pans-in tha north of .tite Doht’mUa. ,:iu-| i ; u tory huiiiiiiijt.lnThi.st jloust inj. cuVred since the middle of Augitsf nmj in all probability has-stiff i«'i<*nt. at roe'..at New York N^dnesday aiight, | and are cccurring.. e\ ery wcej^," of- ‘foti rf fit MiPd ttC'drive *h’enr still fur- /rig t rorfcrty dasnitge^eslkuatf/l Allied or ' tu:m-ral .-iireccba.flt^r'vkaaas. ^itjver nortlw-and probably seize the .- t abt ui one huftdred thou.'ctndcTol-! hiving torpedoes fifed at them-with- wj^ofs'onrsv; .*>ne negativ^^ou them banks of'the lover Dannie p.,, .j ot! .r persons had” not 1 ont. v arnintf, pnd in some c;*se* loss It does hot 3e-tih.poi-dlile that t nis h('"p account id for. | Of life occurring from crews being J'S'l'AniYlSi-IKD 1877. iijBES Machinery Co. Tllf'Ff ronsidcraHon. The entire scheme of invasion Of Dphrulia a I'f'lllfi: I .TIHTST tn ti i* assum’f'Yi'yn'.' first, that the Black .Sea was safe anil that no troops voith! Lina i o*ai«l.!a a,nd-threaten the rear bjAMljs :fllT rt”tfofnrn ami a. numKN- the Russians who' are fighting* n of ‘^ :>0na g , !VerH , of tlwm fin-inen. r.uktrwma would seem' pr.u'tn.'l.y ■ - , nP i iv he landed -behiTfilriiim so as Jo cut fiis, fqipoasible, even were the line of ike* s ' - . “ line of ffimmimication-:'second. Hiat Disnitl'* open. Except for- this, it } the ; Danuhe was equally y safe and : would teem that -Germany has al- | ready accomplished all ot. which the situation la capable. ' • Af the same time, Mackcnaen’s position as lie move* north i* not without It* element* of danger..' I that’no troops could cross in suffi cient force end wHh sufficient artil- Ifcry to infli.-l damage to his rear. ■'These assuifiptions were reason ably sure On the Black Sea the only port available Is* Varna, nnd bertmse vif the nature of the country aur- . rounding this city It i* almost use- .have already spoken of the assump tion -that be that tha Danube a port of. debarkation for j la form Id hit XprpajvjdnKwt entirely aur- ♦ an la from the part to fha Interior pa**e*,' dtcate that It la and If It ahaald way forced to make— be 'rpuld not be crosaed -It waa proved attwniPtH. of the Danube had) that t*# siitiontfl rescues wefe eifected placed, in open boaJs. “• .‘'These Instances are occurring in different. parts of the world.' Jf he asks whether they occurred off the i'nited State!! coast the otli”er day that is a Tnatter on which l cannot pronqnnee any opinion -until we get .. . the facts: hot, Up wishes to know. I whether thev are occurring elsewhere ” ’'It I* Undoubtedly a'/aefc- '■ ^ "I see no nse at this moment of. discussing the question.” The pledge which passed fietween the SAYS .MISSION IS SECRET Austrian Minister Gi .Mexico , ,K:i Roate to Wa-'liington. ■Admitting hit mt*«!on wa**ecret.' ptiveromeef »f <'.rrai»»r srwlthe gov and that ba epuld not disc as* H atlemmetit 01. the Intted State*., It I* thla time, rownt Kalmaa Kaata Vq|- not a ptadge nf givea t«r y. ,1 dd kanya, iusfro Hungarian muUater to' not ttJpV that at the pre^litTftriuien' 4o a«r daad wbateaw route to Waihing-’ ranvlng tW n!M**t)oa”^*F*r aid ba ia IbaJ icy of the FaTeJ fltatra is. or ought a moptb A*fe; to ba. tdvard tba Ormra” goYerm fa Hasim tba mewl la ra«*rd (a that *ub*ftrt That fb'.te a ti ftstea tt mi £ *■ Steam and .Gasoline Ijnuines, Ginning Machineryi. Saw >UBs and AVoodvvoVkiiig . Mactiinery tlcnerally, Gililis Fillers. Gibbs Shin-gle Mu- cliineriy etc*. Forn Mills, Feed Mill*, GHts ami >l**al Separator^j Flour Mills and llrick Machinery, Threshing Machine*, Htiy, Presses,. Beit laicers end - MACHINERY GENERALLY Automobile and Accessories Tires, Oils, Etc. §: MODERN’ MACHINE SHOP AND FOFNTtRT. AND KM ALL. JOBS OF ANT IiFjSGB4PTIOX mow ok. DAY, CAPACITY.FOB LAfeJ TANK AND ROILI t. SI*- a »»». [TI V^gX" ~£ Jf*. * a