f # # *• • . M A % 4 a "s Orrui CominK. > » • Elbert Hubbard ‘ once wrote, "M^n whose souls are corrddinjr with care wgiHTHwr iwtii U'liii imnw tBfl'gffflr for speech—are often those w(io set the table in a roar.” ■> It is a fact that the circus clown is often a very serious-minded individ ual, we are informed by the press ap- ent of John Robinson’s Ten Bitf Shows, which will appear in Harnwell Satur day afternoon and evenipK, Nov. 11. The press a^ent says that he has talked with every one of the fifty-one clowns of the John Robinson's Ten Rijr Shows and that he |inds that two of them are taking.correspondence school courses in mechanical engineering; one is an omnivorous reader of classic lit erature; another is a violinist who plays the DeBefiot concertos in a high ly creditable manner; two are.splend idly .versed in the history of the world, from the day of our Aryan ancestors to the current events of the European war; one is a lawyer who is traveling for his health; one is a clever si^n painter; another is a man who., until he suffered a nervous breakdown, four yearsago, was a prominent politician in an Eastern state; eight High School iuau'e» aiwl mu 1 "IW'II 1 cessful. actors. Six are married , and one is sending a brother through Cor nell University. Only one we are in formed, is a clown when he has his “mak^-up"" removed—“and then he is just naturally a comedian,” says the press agent. To quote him further: “All of John Robinson’s Ten Big Shows’ clowns are men oT intelligence and all‘of them, except the natural comedian f) men tioned, talk sensibly and soberr-" adv. eves Dr. J. W. • ^ Dentist In office last Week of each month. Barnwell, South Carolina * «• Ofilce In Harrison Building. oct.n-12-lvr SEND US YOUR JOB WORK. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Policies issued covering losses from Fire, Theft,"Property Dain- j sure sind Collisions. CALHOUN & CO. Office at Bank of Weatern Carolina. n-T?, A TTsT IDIRIIjXjS isnr We have on.hand several Grain Drills and Fertilizer Broadcasters which we wish to place at once.*' In order to do this we are offering them at a sacrifice. Note the bargain prices. "*l-8 Disc Plain Drills at $55.00 each 2-8‘Disc Fertilizer Drills at $70.00 each 1- 16 Disc Plain Drills at $75.00 each 2- 8 Ft. Fertilizer Broadcasters at $35.00 each. * *> These are the famous Superior Implements manu factured by the American Seeding Machine Co. This is a bargain. These goods are being offered at 20 per cent less than factory cost to us today. Lightsey Bros. Hdw. Co., • Fairfax, S. C. _ « «t -i* r '-w- ' * ."i , / * '» Owing to a contemplated change of residence, I otter my COLONIAL RESIDENCE FOR SALE. AH modern conveniences; Flowing Artesian Well, Barns, Stables, all kinds of Fruit Trees. Desirable location «en- taining three acres of land. J?. J*. BARNWELL, 5. C. HUSBAND RESCUED . DESPAIRING WIFE* After A MAN of family ha* a big mpcntibility. He not only mn«t c*3. •enre the moral* and education ot hit wife and loved one*, bat ke matt tee to it that THET SHALL HOT WANT, I* there a bet ter way of helping hi* dear one* than by adding to hit BANK ACCOUNT! It will provide againat ticknet* and miifortune. Every man of fam^j SHOULD HAVE A BANK ACCOUNT. Ba,riTc of W illiston. WILLISTON, S. C. ital Advances Made ON ALL fONSJGNMENTS OK STAPLE AND UPLAND COTTON ■“ WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF HANDLING Conditions, Mrs. Bollock Cato Up in Despair. Husband Came to Rescue. Catron, Ky.—In an interesting letter from Una place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as follows: **l suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and during this time, I could only^sit up for a little while, and could not walk anywhere at all. At times, I would have severe pains in my left side. The doctor was called in, and his treat ment relieved me for a while, but I was soon confined to my bed again. After that, nothing seemed to po me any good. 1 had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave vp in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman’s tonic, and I com menced taking it From the very first dose, I could ten it was helping me. I can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing all my work." If you are aU run down from womanly troubles, don’t give up in despair. Try 1 Cardui, the woman’s tooic It has helped more than a million women, in its M years of continuous success, and should I surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He wiU recom mend it Begin taking Cardui today. W’nl* to - M*4VHW Cm.. AJvivvy tv*« . ChAtijiMOta. T«an . lor >p«uii JnffntrttOMjMM >>*ir (M* on4S4>pof« bra*, tt-ar Iraotowni lor W «a*n." MM la *U>* •topw. 14* EXTRA STAPLE COTTON k * * - % AND SECURE BEST RESULTS FOR (H R CUSTOMERS. CONSIGNMENTS HANDLED ON COMMISSION ONLY. Porter wm COTTON. FACTORS .Wl) COMMISSION MERtH \NTS. Charleston, S. C. We're The Doctor Why is it the prudent man always consults hi^ banker regarding his pend ing business Transaction? For the same reason he consults his doctor when he is sick and his lawyer when he is in litigation. Your banker, is a professional business man. 'He knows whether yoyr prdposed adventure will pay or not. That’s his exclusive line. This bank takes pleasure in advising its customers along all business lines and we invite you to consult us freely whenever desired. v ’ Bank of Western Carolina Head OScc AikM, S. C. Barnwell, S. C. Office Supplies FIXTURES FIRNTTFRE TYPEWRITERS. a . j 81 . ■ ... Writing-machines repair wtrrk a specialty Rodgers 0(I*r apply Co. 57 Broad Street,* Charleston, S. C ^Exclusive Deulers L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewrirers. i Xoi'iV > 11 t. / • - ■ * • * • F"i^iiit Oo. 'Barnwell, S. C. the se?: KAUSTINE i ?r u-u ~"v- ^ ^ Farmer’i Home equipped with Kauatint Closet Ckanlineu—C oiryfoit— CMnvtnkntt 10-19-11L. ^CLOSET SYSTEM! Not • mere chemir.il commode—but a practical, i manenl lank installation and the most sanitary md ' ■r r * — ot aewage disposal in existence. Endorsed by I laulboritiea all over ibe countrjrtnd extensively used in public service. fc No cesspool odor -water sewer—plumbing! Costs oily a (faction over a cent a day to E ate. Any one can put it JB—no attention required after except to empty tank twice a year.J i all germs protects your health. Ideal for farms and village homes, schools, churches, fac-f lories, etc. We ere the originators and patentees of the Kauatiae underground tank system^—doo t accept a substitute or imitation. IK tile/or particular*. KAUSTINE CO., Buffalo, N. Y., also, Toronto, Canada. TOBIN & MORRIS, Barnwell, S. C. m