The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, July 27, 1916, Image 5

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HARMONY LODCS N*-M; A ^:*Mt - / A rerular cammunication of A Harmpny Lode* No. 17, A. F. M., will be held In Masonic _ Temple on THURSDAY, T 18, at 7:80 o’dock. Visiting thren are cordially invited to at- . P. W. PRICE, W. M.' m- McNAB, Sec. The Barnwell regular il Lode meeting of >ge No. 16, K. of P., will be held at their Hall on First and Third Fri day nights at 8 o’clock. A full at tendance is requested. By order of R. A. ELLIS, C. C. Wm. McNab, K. R. A S. " Hr. and Mrs. Jim Ulmer visited friends in the city last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Key, of Meyer’s Mill, visited friends in the city last week. Mrs. Charlie Brown has returned from a pleasant stay on Sullivan’s Island. Misses Eva and Emifee Blanton are the guests of friends in Orangeburg this week. Miss Marie Settler has returned home after a pleasant visit to Miss Louise Porter. , D^. Eugene .Weissinger, of Black- ville, was in the city on business one day last week. Mr. E. T. Richardson, of Dayton, Ohio, is the guest of relatives in the Aty this week. f The Rev. Jonas Barclay, of Black- ville, attended the revival services here last week. The days lose nine minutes in sun shine this week. Miss Emma Bessinger is visiting in Columbia this week. Mr. Barney Owens, of Dunbarton, was in the city Tuesday. Mr. W. D. Gantt spent Sunday with relatives aU Boiling Springs. w Mr. Harold Buckingham, of Ellen- >n, spent the week-end in the city. Bafley- A marriage of interest to the peo ple of Barnwell was that of Miss Gladys K. Bailey and Mr. J. Norman Anderson, which occured in Green wood on Sunday. The bride was u member of the faculty of the Btiriiwdl* High School during Oh pa.-t session rfnd won many friends during her stav in this city. Mr. Anderson is the pop- plar agent for the Southern Railway at this place. The young couple have the best wishes of many friends for a long and happy life. ^Political Advertisement.) PLATFORM OF N. W. WEEKLEY. ■ L The Barnwell-Fairfax baseball game was called off Tuesday afterfioon on account of rain. • Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Rush, of Black- ville, were the guests of Mrs. Nellie Cave this week. Miss Annie Jackson will leave this week fdr Chicago, where she will take a course at the Moody Bible School. Ir. Nick Hutto has purchased a w 4rd for his transfer business. Mrs. T. E. Cummings has returned Halt a ■ ►# I. Private Haynl Hogg it home for a few days from Camp^ Moor* on fur lough. Mr. W. F. Baldwin, staff correspond ent of The State, was in the city Tuesday. The farthers of this section are still receiving good prices for their water melons. . ■ \ • Mrs. Anderson, of Savannah, is the guest of her sister, Mrs .E. H. Richardson. * The friends of Mrs. T. D. Creighton, who was quite sick last week, will learn with pleasure that she is improv ing. Miss daisy Free has returned home after spending several days with LftUe Evelyn Cook, of Blackville, who has been visiting her sunt. Miss Valeri* Johnson, returned home Mon day.—Bamberg Herald. Misa Marie Frierton, of Lynch burg, 8. C., and Miss Cora Cooper, of SpringlWId, are here the gueats of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Black. Quite a number of people from Barnwell went over to Williston Thursday to attend the initial meet ing of the county campaign. Introductory. ; N. W. Weekley, candidate for the House of Representatives; a fanner; was born and raised on a farm in Barnwell County. Has held public office before, being Magistrate at Ul mer for four 'years and county dis penser at Ulmer for two years. ? Not a candidate of any faction. ‘ Platform. An economical administration of both State and County government. Enforcement of all laws on our stat ute books. Extending the educational facilities of the common schools in pH directions for white childreu. Build ing up rural schools to the same high state of efficiency as the town schools have attained. Teaching agriculture in the schools. Improving the type o/ teachers wherever possible to do so. To strengthen and enforce all laws as to fre^ tuition and free scholarships in State colleges. Deal ing fairly and justly with all corpo rations. Equalization of taxes. 'Ru ral credits. Good roads. A State cotton warehouse system that will en able all fanners to hold snd market their' cotton to best advantage. To increase the jurisdiction of Magis trates in criminal cases, thereby re lieving the congestion of and decreas ing expenses of our Circuit Courts. Increasing pensions of our Confeder ate Veterans snd their widows. Bi ennial aessions of the Legislature. A four-year term for all State and county officers. And for any other legislation that will decrease the ex penses of our government without in jury and benefit the farmers and other laboring, white citizens of ou: State and county. To discourage fac tionalism and unite our people. Respectfully, N. W. Weekley. Fairfax, S. C. Mr. J. C. Patterson has returned af ter a pleasant visit to relatives Walterboro. in CandidaUs* 8. R. Boylston, R. B Pickling and P. E. Allen, of Blackville. were ia the city a short while Tuee- <lay morning, en route to Dunberton for the campaign meeting. Miss Marie Baxley has returned home after a pleasant visit to friends j at Beech Island. Miss Florrie Howell has returned home after a pleasant visit to rela tives in Augusta. Miss Edna Ulmer, of Savannah, spent a few days with Mrs. E. H. Richardson-last week# _ - Mrs. I. W. Rountree, of Dunbarton, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. T. Beard, |a*t week. Mrs. Francis Shipes, aged 68 years, died at her home near Blackville on the 30th ult. Interment was made at Double Pond Churchyard. She is sur vived by two brothers, Messrs. H. G. Delk, of Blackville, and M. J. Delk, of Jjflrnwpll _ Miss Valerie Johnson is spending her vacation with her mother at Black- ville.—Bamberg Herald. It, r. L. P. Tobin, of Greer, was the est of his mother, Mrs. L. C. Tobin, on Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Harry D. Calhoun and child ren returned home last week after a stay on Sullivan’s Island. Miss Madge Bowen, of Rowesville, is spending some time in the city as the guest of Miss Louise Porter. Mr. J. Bunyan Black is still quite sick with fever, but his early recov ery is hoped for by his friends. The People is indebted to Messrs A. M. Sanders and J. W. Bates for water melon gifts during the past week. The friends of Supervisor G. J. Diamond will learn with regret that he was confined to his bed last week. Mrs. Norman Walker and a party of friends motored over from Bam berg last week to attend the revival services. Miss Salome Brabham, of Olar, is spending some time in the city with her sister, Mrs. M. T. Johnson,— BanpbergAHerald. Mrs. Mozelle Furman returned to ‘ her home in Hickory, N. C., Monday ^-Afternoon after a pleasant visit to friends in this city. ;• ' ^ r. A. T. Beard has returned home ^Pter a trip to the northern markets, mWe he Jr*"* new Stdcka Mr. Walter G. Ruddell, of Fairfax, candidate for County Commissioner, was in the city for a short while Thursday afternoon, en route home from the campaign meeting at Wil liston. Mrs. C. F. Molair and children, Mas ter Leroy and Miss Ella Louise, re turned home Thursday after a two weeks' visit to relatives in Washing ton, D. C. On account of the recent floods they were compelled to take a round-about way to reach home. Miss Nellie Ray, of Healing Springs, and Mr. H. G. Boylston, of Blackville will hold a Rally Day at Barnwell on August 4th. It is es pecially for the girl and boy club members, but there will be an inter esting program and everybody is in vited to attend. Come, bring lunch and spend an enjoyable day. Advertised Letters. Letters remaining in the Barnwell, South Carolina Post Office and adver tised July 24 1916. Male C. S. Bartley, Sam Cohen, John Eddwards, Trunp Garvin, M. L. Hut to, M. C. D. Hankinson, J. L. Hoyd, F. S. Mixon, R. L. Nix, Hollis Ones, Toby Sanders. Female Mrs. Fannie Jones Bonepart, Miss Henrietta Carter, Mrs. Carrie Chal- lon, Mrs. R. E. Davis, Mrs, F. V. Dun can, Miss /fee Daniels, Miss Eliza beth Daniels^ Mrs. Ina Freeman, Georgia Hays, Mrs. J. N. Hutto, Miss Rachel Rpnetter Hentrson, Mrs. Bes sie Jackson (3), Mrs. E. S. James, Mrs. Emma Johnson, (2), Miss Mjn nie Morris,-Mrs. Phepe Sanders. Persons calling for these letters will please say mdvertiMd- and give dafe.'' __ : ‘... Chas. E. Falkenstein, Postmaster. Call for (Tub Enrollment Books. Under the rules of the Democratic ’■rty, the Club Enrollment Books close on Tuesday. July 25th., which is the last day of enrollment, aqd each Secretary is required, within three days thereafter, to transmit the orig inal roll to the County Chairman. All Secretaries and Enrollment Com mittees will please take notice of this announcement,'and see that their Club Books are transmitted to Mr. W. A. All, County Chairman, Allendale, S. C., within three days after the clos ing of such books on July 25th., the last day of enrollment. W. A. All, Chairman. J. Hgnry John«on | Secretary. July 22nd., 1916. NOTICE. *■ • Write me and I will explain • how I was cured in 4 days of • a severe case of Piles' of 40 • years standing, without pain, * knife, or detention from busi- * ness. No one need suffer from * this disease when this humane * cure can be had right here in • South Carolina. * R. M. JOSEY, Lamar, S. C. * \ ^ Route 4. • Save Time and Money! Try This Service to ^ fiwasy A ^ . _ City of Toledo, County aoM, end that oald fl _ earn of OlOi HUNDRED 1 each and ovary caoe of _ cannot bo ourod by the nee CATARRH CURE. FRANK X . •worn to before me and a In my proooaco, this 4th dor of Dooom w Wa> D > im - * "kSufelEfito. ’• Catarrh Cura to token latent* Ball’s Family The two-number method of making Long Dis tance telephone calls enables you to get quicker serv ice to Augusta at reduced rates. You give the local operator the telephone num ber in Augusta, then you hold the linq until the called party answers or the operator reports. Two number service is rendered to Augusta on a no delay basis at reduced rates. - The Manager’s office wfll gladly furnish a list of telephone numbers in any Of all two number points. Particular party service at the regular rates can be had by calling Long Distance and placing the call in the usual manner. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY BOX 52, COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA. Southern Railway Mto through the Blood ou tko Surfaces of the System. Sewd for testimonials, free. _ r x cheney a co., Touds, a Sold b£su druggists. Tie. PiUs for const! patioto G. C. Matthews Undertaker \ Williston, - S. C. THE ONLY AUTOMOBILE HEARSE IN THE COUNTY. A FULL LINE OF ( CASKET WILL ACCEPT CAL , . RADIUS QF 25 WILLISTC a a CHARGES REASONABLE BEST SERVICE ***+&>+++***+ Premier Carrier of the Sooth. PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULES Effective January 28, 1916 . " „ Traias ran dally unless otherwise speeilsd Arrive Barnwell From N*. 184 Allendale and intermediate sta tions .7:45 a. re 85 Columbia, Blackville and inter mediate stations.. 11:19 a. m. •67 Blackville ... 12:80 p. m. 80 Savannah, Allendale and inter mediate stations 2:07 p. re. *68, Hardeevflle, Allendale and intcr- madiate stations. 2:50 p. re. 183 Columbia, Blackville and intar- mediate stations 6:28 p. m. •Daily except Sunday. N. B. Schedules published as information only. Not guaranteed, f Trajn No. SO connects at Columbia with ths “^agwata Sportal," which ia a through train, affording Pullman sleeping car service and drain/ ear service, from Columbia to Washington and New York. For information, tickets, etc., call on J. N. ANDERSON. Tkket Agent THE SOI THERN SERVES THE SOLTH.- Leave Barnwell Far He. 184 Blackville, Columbia and inter-' mediate stations......7:45 a. re. 85 Allendale, Savannah and inter mediate stations..i..1^:19 a. m •67 Allsndale, Hardeeville and inter mediate station^.12:t0 p. m 80 Blackville,. Columbia and inter mediate stations......2:07 p. m •68 Blackville............2:50 p. m 183 Allendale and intermediata sta tions I. .6:28 p. a j4 Dodge Brothers motor CAR ? A Nice Lot of Extra 4T *e Fine Mules and Horses at my Stables. Will sell cheap for cash and on ; easy terms. Me Bimn, » mu lop jnk Barnwell, • S. C. a i H. R. ERWIN/ Civil Engineer en ALLENDALE 8. C mafeh ‘16 Good Looks are Easy with Magnolia Balm. Look as good as your city cousins. No matter if you do Tan or Freckle Magnolia I wish to remind prospective automobile purchasers that it will be pos sible to secure 60-inch tread cars for only a very limited time, after which the manufacturers will make all cars 56-inch. If you contemplate purchas ing an automobile in the near future it will be to your advantage to see me at once. B. B. EASTERLING BARNWELL, S. C. Balm will surely dear your skin instantly. Heals Sunburn, too. Just put a little on your face and rub it off again before dry. Simple and sure to please. Try a bottle to-day and begin the improvement at once. White, Pink and Rose-Red Colors. 75 cents at Druggtoto or by mail dirsA. SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFC. CO..40Se.8thSt..BnaHrw.M.Y. | Quick _ Relief For FORD REPAIR WORK PRICES. * We wiah to announce that our ga rage is making a specialty of repair ing Ford automobiles and until further notice the following very reasonable prices will prevail: Colds I —- A The sooner yon take-care of your cold in the bead or throat the better. Delay may lead to aeriona compticationa. This drug store carries vari ous remedies for colds, ua about thepa. A cold ia a Dr. HA&BY E HAUL t>—tht, WILLISTON. 8. C Office open every day in ths j EDGAR A. BROWN, JA8. JULIEN BUSH. Attorney s-at-Law. Money to Loan in any Amount for any Length of Time Walker Building, , Barnwell, 8. C. DR. W. C. MILHOUS, > , Dentist ( Office hours:. 8:30 a. m. to6 p. m. Persons living away from Barnwell will please make appointments before coming. By so doing they wQl be sure of immediate service. 4 A. H. N1NESTEIN, HERBERT E GYLES# i Attorn eys-at-Law, BLACKVILLE • • - -EC Will practice in all Courts. Money to loan on Farming Lands. Dr. J. W. Reeves Dentist In office last week of each momtb. Barnwell, South Carolina Offles In Harrisoa Bnilding. oct31-l*-ljr w - .Wm. ; McNAB. Representing^ Fire, lultk u4