The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, November 18, 1915, Image 8

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¥ , Mr. Sandman Comes Quick when You Drive Away Jack Frost The kiddies need no coax- dan^nees and cold out of fog at bedtime — for the all the house. Gives glow- Perfection Heater ing warmth in five minutes had made the room nice —ten hours comfort on a and cozy. " gallon of kerosene. Smoke- The Perfection keeps less, odorless, safe. Look for the Triangle Trademark. Sold at all hardware and general stores, Mid wherever you see the Perfection Cozy Cat Poster. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. ^ STANDARD OIL CO. (New Jer»ey) ~ 1 - -IMORB BALTIMORL ^■ c ' ' ogaavre Chari.>to*. S. C. Wa.hin|tpn, NortelkTV*. Richmond, Va. JfrW award fmaii KtHrEtpmiHM h-rO Ladies, Come and See Our Most of Coat Suits, Cloaks and Sport Coats. H. R. ERWIN -» , Va Civil Engineer and Surveyor ALLENDALE, S.'C. march 1916 John j. Jones a. h. ninestein iMrctij Hi coiiistior n uw HERBERT E. GILES Practice in all the State and Federa Courta of South Carolina and Georgia Prompt attention given to Coliectiona Office 413 Dyer Bldg. AUGUSTA. - - GEORGIA. Bell ’Phone 3237. Attorneys-*t-Law BLACKVILLE. - - S. C. Will practice in all Courts. Money to loan on Farming Lands. AUTOMOBILE RACES! ON THE * * * Sherwood Race Course * V’ jj •„,,. AT BARNWELL _ 2. At 3:00 O’Clock P. M. Three Events: 1, 5 and 10 Miles. / • • - . ' . . 4 Cars ——— ^d^ission: - - 25 and 50 Cents Grand display of this seasons styles of Coat Suits Cloaks, Sport Coats, will be an evfent as has never been shown in Barnwell before. It is the rare exhibition of the supreme in Woman’s Wear. It wift be a great opportunity to seek the one of your particular fancy. No matter what you need or want in this department, we have it. Women’s and Misses’ Tailored Suits in which refinement, smartness and distinction character ize the style, fabric and trimming are being Shown in assortments that meet the requiremens of every individual taste, whether conservative or extreme, at exceptionally low pricesr A most exceptional offering specially prepared for Fair Week Selling—Suits with Character and dignity fashioned of the richest fabrics now in vogue. Some are fathful copies of imported models and others are clever creations of our own American designers. Fine all wool cloths of Garbadine, Broadcloth, Poplin, Diagonals, Men\h Wear Serge, Velvet and mixtures. Colors, Navy Blue, African Brown, Green, Gray Black, and fancy mixtures. A most wonderful collection of hand some fur, and fur and braid trimmed suits—dis tinctive new models that will apoeal to the feminine sense of artistic beauty, and you will ouickly grasp the superior designs and unusual features combined in the suits. Be it known to everyone that the Western Carolina Department Store is unquestionably now the Coat Suit Store of tl\p entire county. * Cloaks and Sport Coats. Cloaks of all colon in Broadcloths, Plushes, mixtures, etc., are to be had here. Our assortment is very large, and you are sure to get exactly what you want if you are looking for a top coat. A saving of 30 per cent is guiranteed you on a Cloak. Sportcoats are to be teen here in ail the latest atylea in cloths of Black and White Plaids, Tweeds, and varioua other fancy mixtures. The prices are right—come and look at them—They are real beauties. Don't fail to inspect this department while in the city.—we’U be only too glad to ahow you, even if you don’t care to purchase. Western ^Carolina Dept Store, Everything in Up-to-Dste Wear for Ladies and Gentlemen.” _ B. Mazursky, Propr., ... Barnwell, S. C Dodee Brothers motorcar Everyone who rides in it recognizes the per- ■formnnce of thr curairdtsTtTTCtlve ftfid unusual: It is the quality revealed in this performance which makes the price impressive. J'eople are attracted by something more than price or^t-hey would not wait for deliveries as thousands nave waited. The production is large, but it is still inade quate to supply the demand of those w'ho want this particular car at this particular price. The wheelbase is 110 inches The price of the roadster or touring car complete is $785 (f. o. b. Detroit . L ■* • \ ' DODGE BROTHERS, DETROIT B. B. EASTERUNG Barnwell, S. C. ’ y ••'V t I - \ (