The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, November 18, 1915, Image 5

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f r * mu P Take G( Care of Yo«r Teelh ,4 As the twij is bent the tree will grow. Teach your ' children early how to use their toothbrushes thoroUgh- ly._ Set a good example your-: self.- We fell reliable tooth brushes and various sorts of tooth powder, paste and •liquids. . Ti. JL.. D E ^ S O 3ST n The dtezall Store, Main Street, Barnwell, S. C. HARMONY LODOE No. 17, A F. Vf. IS. rtsgmnr commnnicatiou of Hartpony Lodtre No. 17, A. F. M. will be held In Masonic Temple ‘on Thursday kNov IK 7.80 o’clock Visltiu,! brethren are cordiany invited to attend. J. E. Harley, W. M. Wm. McNaL. 8eo. MAn AA/i sk The repmar meeting ot Barnwd Lodge No. 18, Knights of Pvthias all be held at their Hall on First and Third Friday nights at 8 o’clock. A _ full attendance is reqneeted. By order of E. A. BROWN, C. C. Wm. McNAB. K. R. A 8. rcvtlvtits - / |^a' W w tt&txmxeisfi: iuxs&m®! Church of the Holy Apostles. (Protestant Episcopal) . Acavicss. Sanday: 11:80 A. M. on the fl^t. Lb Ini and fl*t)r Aundaya of the month. Aunday 'chool every Sunday at 10:30 A. M. Wedneadav: I Ala atternooa service, the hour adapted to the HUnging seaeons. Other wrvu-es a* may be announced. You will be welcome at all the wrvlcee. A. F.. EVIAttN. KatToa. PECANS. FOR SALE.—Choice Budded paper ahell Pecan treea, fifty cents each. Order direct, catalogue free. Empire Pecan Company, Parrott, Oa. 6-17-tf FOR SALE—Cow peas, per buahel. Apply to J. A. Porter, Barn well, S. C. FOR SALE.—Store lota in the town of Hilda, S. C., and alao in the town of Decatur, Oa. My lota in the latter town are near the Court Houae. Apply to * H. C. Hutto, ►7-tf. 10- Hilda. S. C. FOR SALE —A few hundred bushela of pureVed Fulghum Oats at 80 cents per buahel. Addreaa C. H. Mathis, 10-21-tf Blackville, S. C. FOR SALE.—Native Seed Wheat at 11.50 per buahel. J M. Farrell, 1028-41 . Blackville, S. C. milch cow with FOR SALE-Fine calf. Apply to J. S. Black, Barnwell, S. C. FOR SALE.-Milch old calf ip first class. W. F. holmes, Barnwell, S. C. cow with week Inspection can Remember that all stores close on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Novem ber 25th. C. A. Beat, Esq., and a party of friends motored over to Orangeburg Thursday to attend the fair. Hon. James E. Davis, of the Barnwell bar, was in the city this week attend ing court.—Bamberg Herald. Messrs. Ben Hammet, W. A. Owena and Sharfain, of Allendale, were in the city for a few hours Thursday. J. C. Load holt, of the Brunson sec tion, was in the city Thursday and called very cleverly at this office. Hon. John 0. Wooiey, L. L. D. orator, lecturer, author and reformer, and Rev. George W. Morrow, D. D., of Michigan, two of the most noted lead ers of the prohibition movement in America, will apeak at the Baptist Church on November 24. There were 28,871 bales of cotton ginned in Barnwell County prior to November 1 as compared with 44,128 bales to the same date in 1914, accord ing to a report oL, the department of commerce. The total for the State was 771,723 this year as compared with 910,- 568 in 1914. FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Jersey Bull,-16 months old; price 825. Apply to G. H. Bates, Barnwell, S. C. It *: LOST—Sunday night on Barnwell- Blackville road, one pocket ledger con taining accounts of farm hands; finder jll please return-to D. P. Johnson, ackville, S. C., and receive reward. ! ♦ I ♦ The days lose 10 minutes in sunshine this week. »>, D. P< Johnson, of Blackville, was in the city this week. S. R. Boylston, of Blackville, was in the city this week. J. B. Kitchings, of Elko, was in the ( city on business Monday. A. H. Ninestein, Esq., of Blackville, was in the city on professional business Saturday. Miss Lily Richardson, of Winthrop College, spent the week-end with rela tives here. . ;— 1 Approaching Marring*. Allendale, Nov. 13.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Colding Flowers have issued cards of inviution to the marriage of their daughter. Nina Edwards, to John Stoney Sanders, of Allendale, at 8:30 o'clock, on the evening of November 25, at the Methodist Church. A recep tion will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Flowers immediately after the ceremony. Mr*. M. E. Bryan. Mrs. Martha Elizabeth Bryan, widow of the late Charles Edward Bryan, died suddenly at her home near Allendale at 8 o’clock, p. m., November 13th, in the 69th year of her age. The funeral services were conducted at her late residence at 11 o’clock Sunday morn ing, interment being made in the Swallow Savannah cemetery. •Mrs. Bryan is survived by the follow ing children: Messrs. W. Z., Goo'. H., A. Buist and Henry G Bryan, ai d Mesdames J. L. Oswald and C. C. Chavous. L Treasurer’s Notice. The treasurer's office will be open for the collection of State, County School and Com mutation Road taxes levied for the fiscal year commencinsr Januarv 1st, 1915 from ’ 15th day of October, 11115, to the 15th March, 1916 inclusive. A penalty otysrheptr cent, will be added from January Uf, 191K to January 81st, inclusive. Kroni.-Febmary 1st to February 28th, inclusive a^ualty of' one per cent, will be added nvykfiig a total of two per cent, on all taxeirpaid in Februarv. From March 10th t^March 15 h a penalty of five per cent. wiR-tSe added niakint; a penalty of seven per cM. on all taxes paid in March. Books close March 15, 1916. LEVY. Sate purposes ; 7 Mills fn- Ordinary County purposes 5V Mills For Constitutional eichool 3 Mills Mrs. C. E. Simmons, of BUckvillr, spent last wook in the city with Mrs. U. O. Simmoos.—Bamberg Herald Sheriffs Sale. State of South Carolina, \ • County of Barnwell. I Southern Fertilizer k Chemical Com pany, . Plaintiff, against Henry B. Cave, Defendant. By virtue of an execution to me di rected in the above entitled action, I have levied upon and will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at iBarnwch Court House, on Monday, December 6, 1915, it being salesday in said month, at twelve o’clock noon, the interest of the defendant Henry B. ’Chve in the following described property to satisfy said execution: All thatjract or plantation of land, situate, lying and being in Great Cy press Township, Barnwell County. South Carohna, containing 226 acres, more or Iqss^nd known as the ^nep- ton Place, and bounded North by lands of H. B. Cave, khpwn as Post place; East by lands of A. nL Harrison and A. I. Best; South by landVqf A. V. tJave, and West by lands of Cfmeik Harden: J : Also: All of that tract or plantation oLJand, situate, ying and being in Grea press Township, Barnwell € South Carolina, containing 135 acres, more or less, known as the Post place, and bounded North by lands of Lot Sanders, estate of W. R. Hogg; East, bv • lands of A. M. Harrison; South by lands of H. B. Cave, known as the Knepton Place, and West by lauds of Carrie Harden. Also: I * All that tract or plantation of land, situate, lying a d being in Great Cy press and Red Oak townships, Barn well County, South Carolina, known as the Dorch Place and containing 240 acres, more or less, and bounded North by lands of G. P. Morris; East by estate of W. M. Harden; South by lands of F M Harley, and West by lauds of Lina Lamar. Also; Those two tracts of land, situate, ly ing and being in Great Cypress Town ship, Barnwell County, South Carolina^ containing 56.39 acres, and bounded by lands of John Harden, the homestead of Henry B. Cave and Charlie Kirkland, as ahown on a plat made by H. R. Er win, Surveyor, and dated November 2nd, 1915, as tracts E. k D., said plat being filed in the homestead proceed- Total. Mills V J. Emile Harley, Esqr; - spent a few days in Bamberg last week on profes sional business. M e w v E. A. Brown, Esq., who has been st anding court at Bamberg, spent the eex-end here. L. G. Richardson, Miss Pauline Rich ardson* and Messrs. J. Emile Harley and W. D. Richardson returned Friday from Raleigh, N. C., where they went to attend the Fountain-Richardson wed ding. ing of H. B. Cave. Levied upon and sold to satisfy above execution and coats. J. B. Morris, Sheriff of Barnwell County. Notica of Election. A petition having been filad in accor dance with sect too 1742, general school laws of 1912, notice la hereby given that an election will be held in the Dun barton school district No. 12, Saturday, Nov. 27, 1715, for the purpose of de termining whether or not a special achooi tax of two (2) additional milla shall be levied in the above named •chool district. The said election shall be conducted as is provided by law for the holding of general electiona. The polls will b« opened at the store of B. F. Anderson, and the following are hereby appointed managers of election: B. P. Anderson, B. F/Tlsdsll, W. A. Dicks Those favoring the proposed levy shall cast a ballot with the * ord “Yes f ’ written or printed thereon, and tnuse opposing the proposed levy shall east a ballot with the word “No’' written or printed thereon. Horace J. Crouch, Sec. Co. Board of Education. Barnwell, S. C., Nov. 16, 1915. The Rayo Lights LikeaGasJet npO light the Rayo * lamp you don’t have to remove the shade or the chim ney. Just }ift the gal lery and touch a match. It is just as easy to light as a gas burner and it requires little effort to keep it clean. are the modern lamps for the farm. . Simple in design — yet an ornament to any room in the house. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves % Lamps and Heaters. The Rayo is only on* of our many products that are known in the household and on the farm for their quality and economy. Aik for them by name and you are aurc of tatnfactioa Standard House hoM Lubncznt Matchless L^wid does * . Standard Hand Satu rator Oil Parowax Eureka Harness Ofl Mies Axle Grease If your dealer docs not have them, write 10 our nearest sution STANDARD Oil. COMPART BALTIMORE BARNWELL AUTO REPAIR CO. ' • > AUTOMOBILE OWNERS: Have your work done at the New Shopr in the Michaelson Building, opposite The Barnwell People Office.* , , Try me and you will become n>y customer. I served my apprenticeship "in the best shops in Savannah. Overhauling a Specialty. A. E. Hartin, Manager. •X m\n\ n n* i HP r . * n HP1 Ht/lluuJ [1 1 m m . m rCI Although all galvanized products are much higher we are able to name prices &! Wire Fence in line with the best figures obtain able, we call your especial attention To 28, M and 40 inch Fence with 6 in. stay. Barbed Wire and Staples. FURNISHING GOODS FOR All THE FAMLY GLOVES TOO InHPtR***! S f ■ _ COME (N AND SEE CCR DLLICBTFUL UNDER WEAR. HOSIERY. GLOUES. AND OTHER FURNISH ING GOODS. BUY THEM AND YOU WILL ENJOY WEARING THEM. 1 WE BUY OUR FURNISHING GOODS IN BIG QUANTITIES AND. THEREFORE. CAN SELL FOR LITTLE PRICES. WHENEVER YOU NEED ANYTHING COME IN AND LOOK AT OUk gSods. OUR PRICES WILL URGE YOU TO BUY. Only the moat exclusive metropolitan style* shown in “MAY MANTON” SHOES J. A. P0RTER, BARNWELL, 5. e. x / *3, LET US DO YOUR REPAIR WORKIH We take pleasure in announcing to the automobile owners that we have been ex tremely fortunate in securing the services of Mr. W. C. Gunn, of Augusta, who is »n expert mechanic and one who has made • specialty of repairing electric starters, etc. We also have the agency for the “DIA MOND” and “KELLEY-SPRINGFIELD” automobile tires, tKan which there are no better on the market. No matter what the trouble may be with your car, we can fix it. THE BARNWELL GARAGE. W. D. HARLEY. Manager. 4 Barnwell, S. C • V* • - \ * I; v>y 4 SPECIAL SCHOOL LEVY. Ashleljiti, Haldoc, Barbary Branch, Cedar (irove, Columbia, Edisto. Kltenton, Friend ship. (.teens, Kline. Meyer* Mill, MoitW, Mt. calvary, New Forest, Oak Grove, Kiverside, .Sand Hill, Seiriingville. feven Pines, syca more No. 3 and Tinker’* cieek, 2 mills. Bart<Mi, Bloominedale, care, Hickory Hill, Owen, cross Koa-ls. Reedv Branch.' Shad v Groye and L'pper Rich Land, tt mills. Appleton Bin Fork. Double Pond, Healing Sprimrs, ' Hercules, Hilda, L-es. Rcwnpry, Sycamore, *No. 51 and l lmers, 4 mill*. Dunbarton and ^Iko ,....'5 Milla BUckviile « Mills Fairfax H Milla 1 Allendale and Barnwell . s- Mills WiUiatoo Mills J. B. ARMSTRONG, ' ~ Trt*a. B. c. Barnwell, 8. C., Bept. JOUi. One and Two Horse Wagons ■* • . • . 1 . t , We are stocked on the popular sizes in One and Two Horse Wagons and will give good prices and terms on either. Harness, Bridles and Team Collars. . c Barnwell, S C. Money in Bank: Check Book in Pockets It is dangerous to carry money in your peeket any time; especially so just now when cotton is moving freely. The highway robber, the fire bug, and the fakir avoid people known to their money. Because you may not have suffered losses at the hands of any of these three is no reason why your time may not come next If in town come and see us and we will start you' right with a checking account. If more conven ient mail us all checks you get and we will collect them without cost to you. 4 per cent. Paid in Savings Department Bank ‘of ^ Western Carolina I'S-’X BirnweB, S.C I irblii HmSOAm AlhM, * c. - 4 , t