.7 • A ;: e \' r’V: Tht Bamw«ll People. Batared at the post office at Barnwell, S. C., aa eecond-claw matter. ‘ JOHN W. HOLMBS I •40-1912 L P. DIVIES. Editor ind Nirlittr Sebacriptioe.—By the year 11.25; fix cripti months, 75 cents. All advance cents; three months, 50 subscriptions payable in Advertisements- Legal advertise ments at the rates allowed by law. Lo cal reading notices 10 cents a line each insertion. Wants and other advertise ments under special head. 1 cent a word each insertion. Liberal contracts made for three, six and twelve month. Write for rates. Obituaries, tributes of re- n resolutions, cards of thanks, and itices of a personal or political character fire charged for as regularfk” advertising. Contracts for adwestising not subject to cancellation after fii insertion. “ THURSDAY NOVEMBER 18. 1915. Th« Program for Dof.RM. The administration’s defense plans have been embodied in a program pre sented by the secretaries of war and the navy for discussion by the congres sional committees in advance of the regular session of Congress. The cam paign for the adoption of the program was opened by President Wilson in a speech before the Manhattan Club in New York a couple of weeks ago. The program for the first year of a five-year period of naval construction calls for two dread naughts, two battle cruisera, twenty-frve coast submarines, five sea-going submarines, twelve de stroyers, an increase of 8,000 in per sonnel and an augmentation by 250 of the naval academy student body. Secretary of War Garrison’s program calls for the recruiting, training and equipment before 1922 of the following forces: Regular or standing army, 125,- 000; standing army reserve. 160,000; ir regular or ‘‘continental" army of vol unteers of six months' training, 400,- 000; continental army reserve. 400,000; state national guard organizations. 125,- 000. Total, 1,200,000 men. Tbs estimated increases will cost about •160,000,000 more than was ex pended last year, and that with the cost of new tasks imposed on the state gov ernments sad other branches of the governaaeat by reason of the European war, the aasouat of expenditures will be augmented to 11,240,000,000 ■Ute-ef Ofcta City Loess Os—ty. so ef Tolede, Trank j. Cheney _ r Is sealer partner of the Arm . Cheney h Qn, deing business In ths City of Toledo. County end guts etore- said. and that said Arm will pay ths sum of ONI HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and avnry case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALLS CATARRH CURB. FRANK J. CHENBT ■worn to before me and eubecrlbad In my preeenca, this Ith deyof Decem ber, A. D. 1114. A. W. OLEAAON. ’ ■ (keel) Notary Public. Hell's Cstarrh Curs Is taken Intern ally and acta through tha Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENET A CO.. Toledo, O. Bold by ell druggists. 75c. . Hall's Family Pills for constipation? Master’s Sale. State of South Carolina, \ County of Barnwell. I Court of Common Pleas. Hattie Harrison, et al Plaintiffs, W. L. Harvey, Admr., et al., .' Defendants. By virtue of a decretal order to me directed^n the above entitled cause, I will sell aL Barnwell, in front of the Court House, on Monday, December 6, 1915; it being saleday in said month, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing described real property: All that certain piece, parcel or tract ot land situate, lying and being in the County of Barnwell, State aforesaid, containing fifty acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: North by Saltkehatchie River; East by lands of W.X. Harvey; South by lands of S. W. Woodward and West by Hurricane Branch. Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. H. L O’Bannon, Master for Barnwell County. Master’s office, Nov. 16th, 1915. Tha People frequently lengthy article* of an advertising nature from the United States Government, with the request that they be published provided no chaise is made, and we have ofter wondered why some pairin'- ic congressman with a little national pride doesn't take our wealthy Uncle Sam out of the category of a beggar and provide him with an appropnation out of which to pay the newspapers for publishing his advertisements. No contractor would be expected to erect a public building free of charge uor do the manufactures of iron and steel give their products to the government free. In fact, Uncle Sam pays a great deal more than the individual, if ail reports are true. We pass this suggeston on to Con gressman “Jimmie” Byrnes, who is a former newspaper man. Surely he realizes that free space doesn’t "make the ghost walk” on Saturday nightr. Stop th« Sale. - Medical authorities are agreed that the toy cap pistol is a deadly, weapon to a low a child to play with, being a pro lific source of that most tehriWe of dis eases—tetanus. There is a law in this State which prohibits the sale of such pistols and*caps, but last week the writer aaw several boys using them on the streets. The officers—town and county—who are charged with the en forcement of the laws, should promptly put a atop to their sale. One little life is worth all of the profit to be made on every one that can be manufactured. We notice that one or two of our ex changes have reproduced an article by W. P. Beard, the Bull Moose editor of The Scimitar, a little two-by-twice pa per published in the Piedmont section, which virtually accuses Governor Man ning of trying to filch 12,000 from the SUte treasury with which to pay his campaign manager. Governor Man ning is too big a man to notice such un warranted attacks, which do about as much damage and cause as much' con cern as a gnat on a cow^s horn. Send us y—r job work. 7 Master’s Sale. State of South Carolina, ) County of Barnwell. 4 Court of Common Pleas. , Daisy A. Bonham, et al., Plaintiffs, vs. Marcella Cave, et al., Defendants. By virtue of a decretal order to me directed in the above entitled cause, I ill sell at Barnwell, in front of the Court House, on Monday, December 6, 1915, it being saleday in said month, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing described real property: All that piece, parcel or tract of land, con sisting of one hundred seres, more or leas, set Slide by the decree of the Court of Common Pleas in Barnwell County, South Carolina, to Mrs. Daisy A. Bonham for life, wita remainder to M. L. Bonham, Jr* P- A. Bonham akd Martha A. Bonham, aa under sad by the terms of the will of Mrs. Martha A. Aldrich, 4sMSMd; said lands being btuaded by laads of Robert Aldrich, Mrs. Mart E- Allen, the residue of the tract of land of Mrs. M. A. Aldrich, and by Cava, et al. • • * Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pey for papers H. L. O’Bannon, v Master for Barnwell County. Master s office. Nov. Ifi, 1916. Master's SaW State of South Carolina, I Barnwell County. ( Court of Common Pitas. Laura Turner. Pla.atifT, against . D. T. Grubbs, et al., Defendants. By virtue of a decretal order to me directed in the above entitled cause, I will sell at Barnwell, in front of the Court House, on Monday, December 6, 1916, it being salesday in said month, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing described real property: All that tract or parcel of land situate, ly ing and being m the County of Barn well, State aforesaid, containing thirty (30) acres more or less, bounded on the North by lands of Jane Hartzog; East by lands of H. E. Creech; South by lands of J. H. Morris, and West by lands of J. G. Hutto, the same being a part of lands mortgaged to said Laura furner by said Grubbs. Also: — . All that tract or parcel of land con taining one hundred and sixteen (116) acres, more or less, bounded on the North by lands of C. F. Carter; East and South by lands of J. O. Sanders, and on the West by lands of H, E. Creech: same situate in Barnwell Coun ty and State aforesaid, and being part of lands mortgaged as aforesaid to Laura Turner. Also: All that tract or parcel of land situ ate, lying and being in,the County and State aforesaid, containing one hun dred and fifty acres, more or lessi bounded North by lands of E. Lizzie Still; East uy J. D. Miles; South bv C. J. H. Still and West by run of Saltke hatchie River. Re-sold at risk of former purchasers. ’ Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. _ H. L. O’Bannon, ~ Master for Barnwell County. Master’s office, November . 15th, 1915. Notice—Sale of Land. Notice is hereby given that I will sell at public suction in front of the Court House in the town of Barnwell during the legal hours of sale, upon Monday the 6th day of December next, the same being salesday in said month, the fol lowing real property, known as the late residence an^ lauds of Mait'isE Baxley, deceased.- The sale being for the purpose of a division among the heirs at law: All that cectain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the town of Dunbarton and said to contain Ninety Three i93) acres, more or less, and bounded on the North by ' the A. C. L. Railroad right-of-way and lot-of-Denson Dicks; on the East by lot of Denson Dicks, R. F. Tisdall and Hickory Street; on the South by Mr* F- H. Cater and on the West by lands of T. A. Green. Walter L. Baxley, - ' Agent Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to TffiBSW of November, 1915. j JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 7- ^7 GREENSBORO^ NORTH CAROLINA. , - Largest and strongest regular Life Insurance office in the South. Over $45,000,000 insurance ia force* Over_ $ 1,000,000 Surplus. "•■•••;-' ^ • '7 Operates under the rigid North Carolina Laws. ^ * ; / >- Loans its money in the section from which it collects its premiums—i Home Company in every section in which it operates. A it a db T ii1es f IMCgrrs., Your Check is Ybtir Surest / Y OU PAID that bill. Yon are SURE of it. And your wife remem bers that you RID too. But here is a NEW BILL with ths words “PLEASE REMIT!" Rather unpleasant. What are you going to do about it? YOU CANT FIND THE RECEIPT. Well, the •nly sure way ia to PAY BY CHECK, I\en you can show you. VOUCHERS AS RECEIPTS. The CHECK WAY is the SAFE WAY PAY YOUR BILLS BY CHECK. BanJk: of 'W illisfon. WILLISTON. S. C. Wa ara ready to aerre our customers with a full line of "Fancy Fruits, • e Fancy wd Home Made Candies We receive them daily Barnwell Fruit Company, —Agrat* far— *Nunna//y s 3ine CZanc/ies % Barnwell. S. C — II. II— I - M'-' I. H ■! I I—I. II —— H— The Only Exclusive Fruit Store in arnwell County Are foil (joinff to If so,,furnish us with your name and address, telling us briefly the kind of building you ex pect to do as we have something for you which will prove of interest and cost you nothing. ■ --V Augusta Lumber Co Lumber and Mill Work ’PHONE 275 AUGUSTA, GA HUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFI§ After Four Tears el Dbceureging * CwJfthUB, t-hy. BJtffc (r*v Up m Despair. Husband Cum to Catron, Ky.—la aa interesting letter tram this place, Mia. Bettie Bullock writes as follows; "I suffered tor lour yean, with womanly troubles, and during this time, I could only sit up tor a DtUe while, and COidd not walk anywhere at alL At times, I would have severe pains la my leftside. The doctor was caned in, and his treat ment relieved me for a while, bid I was soon confined to my bed again. After that, nothing teemed to do me any good. —j ■ -i. — ■ — I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my huskand got me a bottle ot Cardui, the woman’s tonic, and I com menced taking it From the very first dose, I oould tefi it was helping me. I can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing all my work." If you are aO run down from womanly troubles, don’t give up la despair. Try Cardui, the woman's tonic. It has helped more than a minion women, in its 50 years ot continuous success, and should surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui lor years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He win recom mend tt. Begin taking Cardui today. Writs lo: CXattaMant *USkt— Co.. LoStfo* AJvimt, D**l . CMIUIWUCO. Tonii . lor .‘•podcl /■ufnMViontoa ratf com aoSM-ooa* book. ' Hmm Twill—* Hi W—."mi ■—-9 , Ur. and MreNewlywed,. Save up For a Home I J UST a word,to the NEWLYWEDS. Dear friends, we don’t want to PREACH to yon, bnt we do wish to say SIMPLY and EMPHAT ICALLY: “BEGIN SAVING FOR YOUR HOME NOW?” It’s not EASY, we know. The first years of your new life require most of your money, which perhaps does not tome to yon as plentifully as it will later. Bnt save NOW. DON’T WAIT. It’ll make you HAPPY.. " ZEE O HVC IE ZB _A. ZNT ZKZ BARNWBJL ft CL v - HARRY D. CALHOUN, Pwwdt*. N. G W WALKER, Csskimu Was. McNAB. Aas’L Csakisr. - ‘ Telephones on Farms at Low Rate * If there is no telephone on your farm write for our Free Booklet telling how you may get Service at 50 cents per month and up. ' A postal wilt do! v ... Address:- 7*^. *- X. • . r ; • •’ '' A * *• .. ■ ; - Farmers’ Line Department. w * SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY BOX 52, COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA. \ t I \ THE BAILEY-LEYBB COMPANY and . Catalog CHARLESTON, S. C, ___