"T- ii ^ V -*T«fci->-''»l*<»> »V-. i % mu MKHVELL. & t OCTOBER 28 1915 VEirnttLOQUISM. SHAVINQ THE HO. ^MaiM® fey'tii® fen A srant OmI or r«Dtrlloqntem to not "BbtoKpOm at alL la fact, tfe® mod* ®n» wonder la tbto tto® of pi®®—at mad flacep***® art aeeds to feat® non® of the old ttm® rentrUoqnlata' ability at all B® may—and often doe®—aland on tbe oppoalte side of tbe atage from his ■malWji and pair a cigar quite con tentedly, to tbe amaaement of tbe au- dtonce. The dommy answer® with a ready line of repartee, delivered in sttfctorian tones. Nor la that all. for be tarns and twists bis bead, waves bis arms, kicks np his feet and otherwise acta In a very Hfellke manner. The secret of the dummy’s voice Is tbe load speaking telephone and of his actions various electro magnets. As may be guessed, both are operated by some one off tbe stage. In order to produce all the desired effects the dum my figure Is lifted Inside with a loud speaking tQli*t»booe receiver, with the born or large mouthpiece pointing to ward tbe audience. The receiver I* connected with a special transmitter In an anteroom some distance away An ordinary operator’s breast trans mltter Is also concealed In the body of tbe dummy, so that whatever la said by the ventriloquist on tbe stage Is transmitted to the operator In tbe ante room. enabling him to speak for tbe dummy at the proper time.—Argonaut. WDERS OF THE ALPS. .if 5 " ^Mgae Nature WreegM te Uplift Their Tewering Peeke. Nothing In the world’s history Is more Imprveelre than tbe story of the Alps. Ten or twelve million years ago, po* •Ibiy far more, a long unseen line of wee knee*, a crack of fissure In tbe earth's crust, stretched away from France eastward hundreds of mile*. On this line followed bugs volcanic out bn rats. Neat ensued a rest alow anhafeleoce wbkh went on through geologic epoch* until where Moot Blnoc now rears Its summit 1.V7N0 feet wsa a sea fringing an old coo linen I. L«rge Hr era emptied Into It Deposits of mud. sand, gravel were laid one on another as tbe sink tng went oa until tbe la yen became 00.000 feet nearly ten mltea. thick. Then at last commenced a ggeat np fitting the struggling subterranean forces raised a bogs load. Far age* | this went on until tbe nek*, crumbled, crushed, contorted, rose above the wa ten and continued to rtoe. forming line* of aaountala chains and making fiwlt terlaud a tableland Every boor Nace then rain and snow, river, glacier and avalanche have been sculpturing Into peaks and carving Into taka* and valleys that vast platform with Its recent sedimentary covering and primeval granite core. Tbe result Is a land of tmeqiialed grandeur.—Dmdon Telegraph The Old Turnpike*. Tbe Unit great American highway, that between New York and Pblladel pbla. was long known as "tbe okl York tuad.** Ita countru< Don In 1711 was an example which led tbe col on lata at other points along tbe Atlantic sea board to conatrurt similar roads where there were no water route*. They were usually built by chartered companies and werfe called turnpike* or toll road* Pennsylvania. Connecticut and New Jersey bad mnuy roeda of the kind. The trwt macadam road In America In 1702 Iietwecu Philadelphia amM^itvcaatcr In INI I there were be 4.800 mile* of chartered turn pikes Id New England and New York. During tbe next twenty yean the na tional government spent many millions of dollars In constructing great high ways, but tbe panic of 1837 and tbe building of railroads and cauals put an end to that branch of government work. A Financier. “Look here. Jlmiwou,’’ said Brockle- bank, “Pm terribly mortified about not having paid back that dollar I borrow ed of you last June, but honestly, old man”— "Oh, that's all right Brock,” said Jlmpson. "Don't speak of It’’ “Ob. but 1 must speak of It, old man.*’ said Brocklebank. “I can’t treat a friend that way, you know, and I—I want to pay you, and I will. Jimp— sure thing. If you’ll lend me $2 1’H pay off that dollar right now, and we can start fresh again.” — New York Timet. A Swimming Grindstone. Some of the fishermen on the river Tyne, In England, are not only Igno rant but stupid. On one occasion two of these fishermen were caught by a heavy freshet god driven out of the river to sea. As the story goes, one of the men saw in the dusk a hoop float- tog by. The hoop waa foil of foam. “Wa are saved!” exclaimed the man. “Hare’s a grindstone swimming r—St Leal® Globe-Democrat A Reporter's * -Ajorter—I've got ■ good piece of ” n^Bbere this morning. I’ve found a who has been coaflsed to oae hto entire Ilf®. Editor—Good! Wld to It7 neporter—Why. • three-day-old baby at oar ® Philadelphia Hecocd. u* yeur ®«®t order for >ofe ideal That Chief Justice Cham Wanted t® Forget. Salmon P. ChMto. governor of Ofeta, senator of tbe United State®, secretary of tbe United States treasury and chief Justice of tbe supreme court of tbe United State®, one® bad An encounter with a pig that to worth tetUng. When a hoy be attended a private boarding school kept by bis uncle, tbe Episcopal bishop of Ohio. He did tbe chores for bte uncle during tbe school term and worked on tbe farm during tbe summer. One day bis uncle told bis nephew that be sbonld kill and drees a pig at tbe close of tbe school that day. With no little difficulty tbe boy caught tbe pig and killed It. And now tbe question was bow to get the bris tles off. . He bed beard of fanners scalding bogs, so be soused tbe pig into g barrel of hot water. He either held the pig In tbe water too long, or did not have It hot enough, for tn spite of all bis scrlplng tbe bristles would not come off. He then thought of his uncle's razors, and getting tbem be shaved the pig from nose to tall When the bishop returned be con gratulated his nephew on tbe splendid appearance of the pork. But when he tried to shave tbe next day be dis covered that tbe rasors would not “work.” What be sakl and did we may Imagine, but we do not know. Cbief Justice Chase was a very dig nified man. His private secretary. Mr. Did lev. says that be bad little humor la bis composition. President IJncoln once related tbe foregoing story at a meeting of tbe cabinet btit Mr. Chase did not like It very well, and the pres ident never referred to It again. LECJAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Barnwell County. Court of Luke and fir mint. Plaintiffs, ,r-> , against T. B. Harley, YWfWnawtmm* By virtue of • decretal order to ■ directed in tbe above entitled cense, I will sell at Barnwell, in (rout of the Court House, on Monday, November 1st, 1915. it being salesday in said month, within the legal hour* of sale, »wing described the following All that certai land situate, lyin! Springs To aforemid, real property: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of ng and beingia Bennett State and County [ one hundred ana thirty three (133) acres, more dr leas, and bounded a® follows: North by lands of J. B. Harden; Bast by lands of the estate of Rosier; South by tends of J. A. Fume and West by lands of J. B. Harden. Terms of sale cash Purchaser to p«y for papers. H. L. O’Bannon, Master for Bar* well County. Master’s office, October 7th, 1915. State of South i County af Barnwell. Court i W. L. Davies, J. B. Kirkland, at. ah, Pleas. Plaintiff, Defendants order to n SWAMPED WITH PROFITS. •Vary af tha Patent an th* feocaw Wktfc tha Gimtet Fata*. Prrhap* the short fat patent applka- tton extant la tha ooa on Ilia In tbe patent odk-e st Washington, which raada. “I claim a patent on a aervw with a gimlet point.” Prevkxia to that all acrvwa used la woodwork bad baen of tbe blunt end variety, and the carpenter had to care fully twee a bote with a gimlet or ea ger before Inserting bis screw and forcing it home. The advent af the screw with a gimlet point which would bora Itself tn revoluttontaad this. This parent waa held by the A meet can Screw company of I’roTtdoure, R. I-. and before tha patent ran out and It was Impossible for others to factor* It without damage aulta this company made tremendous profits Tha demand for the gimlet pointed •craw was. of course Immense, and the company dkl not know what to do with Ita profit*. All of Ita dray borae* were carefully •elected Mack*, a ml tretneodon* price* were p*M for gnml stork. Tbe harness wa* of iMtent leather trimmed with red. while tbe *agot>* Hying leek and forth between tbe factory and the docks or tbe railroad bad red under gear to match tbe barnea* trimmings, and tbe wheel* were decorated with gold leaf, 14 carat fine. Bui this la all past Today the pointed arrew can be purchased at any corner store for a few cents a package.-Wall Street Journal. front iy, November ia said month, within the legal houra of tale, the l lowing described real property: that tract of toad known as the Willi By virtue af a decretal directed ia the above ca wilt sell at Barawen, ia Court House, an Mao da 1st, 191 fit it to! All lag ham or Maars tract of toad, containing eighteen hundred (1800) acres, more or leas, and bounded North fey toads of the estate af W. R. Owens and lands of the estate of Sellie Rountree, East by toads of W. J. Bfeftoar and toads of Harley. South by toads of E —<- H. L. O’BANNON, Master. Master’s office. Sept. 28th, 1915. Probate Coort Sale. State of South Carolina, ) County of Barnwell. | In the Probate Court B. H. Cave, Administrator of the in testate estate of W. B. Cave, de ceased, Plaintiff, less, and bounded .iiX T Walker; East by I of Jack Johnson; South by land Willie Johnston and West by tom John Pender and lands of Isaac beaks. (Also.) that tract or piece of land situate ■BtoekvfflBfl^H State of Soutli OaroUna, \ County of Bfernwifl: f Court of Common Pleas. W. L Jowara, at al., Ptaiotffh, M. Jowara, Defendant By virtue of a decretal order to me directed in the above entitled causa, I will sell at Barnwell, in front of the Court House, on Monday, November atodayinsaid month, ■ala, tha fol- ^ property: All that certain tract piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in tha County of Barnwell, State aforeaaid, containing and measuring forty six (46) acre*, more or less, and bounded aa follows: On the North by lands of J. M. Farrell: on tha East by Turkey Creek; on the South by lands of O. E. Birt and on tha West by lands of Clara Johnson ahd lands of J. S. Birt. Also. ^. ibat certain tenet pjere or Con con (47) as folio' Mrs. Ja ... ... East by Cmhptanr; South by toads of D. M. Johnson aad Want by lands of & N. Green, J. M. Ashley and other® Tarma of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. H. L. O’Bannon, Master for Barnwell County. Master’s office, Oct. 7th, 1915. State of South Carolina,) Barnwell County. { Court of Cununoo Pleas. Laura Tamar, Plaintiff, against D. T. Or®bte, at at, Defendants. By virtue of a decretal order to me directed to the above entitled cause, I will aril at Barnwell, to front of tha Court Home, on Monday, November lot 1915, H being aaleaday in said month, within tha tagnlfeoura ef sale, the tot- towtog daacrinad reef property: All that tenet or parcel of toadritoato. I v- . . eca or parcel situate, lying; and being la the of J.H. inf J. 0. Hutto, tha i An that tract aa tainiag on North bv I and on tha bei pany, Al Brothers v«- British and American Mortgage Com- Annie Booth Cave, Lemon and J. A. Porter, creditors of the estate of W. B. Cave, Carrie e, sins Mo- ileen Caitiff, .ubry Price, heirs at law and distributees ot the estate of W. B. Cave, deceased, Defendants. Pursuant, to an order of the Probate Court in the above entitled cause, 1 will sell at public auction ia the town of Barnwell, in front of tbe Court House upon Monday, the first day of November, 1915, the same being sales day in said month, within the legal hours of sale, the following described real property: Ail that tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in said county and State, containing one hundred and seventy-four (174) acres, more or less, bounded North by lands of Mrs. Sins liotoir and Mra. An nie H. Moye; East by lands of F. W. Wagener k Company and Aubrey Price; South by buds of J. O. Patter son's estate and other®, and West by lands-of estate of J. O. Patterson. Terms of aato cate; purchaser to pay for paperg. 1 Jok. K. Snelling, Oct 12th. 1915. Setd Os Imt Jab Work bb ta uiackvtiie Township, County of Barnwell, State aforesaid, containing twenty five i26) acres, more or leas, sod bounded North by lands of Willie Johnston; East by lands of Willie Johnston; South by Clark Brown and West by Right-Of-Way of Southern Rsilwsy Company, formerly Carolina Midland Railway Com pany. Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pey for papers. H. L. O'Bannoa, Master for Barnwell County. Master’s office, Oct. 7th. 1915. Master's Sale. State of South Carolina, County of Barnwell. af C. F to of J. by lam Creech: soma situate in Be* ty aad State aforesaid, and being part of lands asortgaged as aforesaidto Laura Turner. (j All that tract or parcel of atiu- Stat ^'foreaiLkL* 1 "* ^ ^ Co V ot}r * n< ? } Court of Common Pleas. Esther Haxel, et al., Plaintiffs, against J. L. Hazel, et al., Defendanta, By virtue of a decretal order to me directed in tbe above entitled cause, ! J will sell at Barnwell, in front of tne Court House, on Monday, November 1st, 1915, it being saleday in said month, within the legal noun of leaenbi sale, the fol lowing described real property: All that certain lot of land situate, lying and being in the county and State above named, within the incorporate limita of the Town of Kline, said to contain one acre, more or leas, with the buildings thereon, and bounded North tor lands of W. H Johnson and R. L. Johnson; East by lands of W. Riley All and col ored sdiool lot and South by Public Road from Southern Railway. Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. H. L O’Bannon, Master for Barnwell County. Master’s office, Oct. 7th, 1915. M. C. Kitchi chings. . 10-21-3 Tax Sale. State of South Carolina, \ County of Barnwell. f By Virtue of a tax execution to me directed by J B. Armstrong, treasurer of Barnwell County, I have levied upon the following property for taxes for the year 1914 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash at Barnwell Court House on Monday, November 1st, 191&, it being salesday in said month, at 12 o’clock M., the following described property, to wit: One tract of land in BiackviUe town ship, containing seventy iTO) acres, more or leas, in G. W Bodiford’s name as trustee, and bounded as follows: On the North by the Templeton place; oa tha East bythe Lancaster place Williaton, S. C., Oct. 15th. 1915 Land Sale. I will offer for tale to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Court House st Barnwell, S. C., immediately after the legal sales, on Monday, Nov ember 1, 1915, it being salesday tn said month, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: 195 acres, more or less, bounded on the North-east and North-west by lands of Mrs. H. W. Richardson; on tne South east by water® of Cedar Branch; on the South-west by water* of Lower Three Runs; being the aame lands conveyed by R. A. Ellis to Benjamin Graham, March 2nd, 1896. All parties desiring a good four-horse, clay loam farmers invited to investigate this property. Terms of sale cash; purchaser to pay for papen. H. L. Creech, Barnwell, S. C. October 5th, 1915.-4L West by L the property of to pay taxes and Levi Rfias to b« said J B ■watt, S. C , Oct. 12. 1915. R C. the ftrat Mowday in certain tract of ingtothe 114> BeytotM. Thls tond to toasted a tea. About cunmrao®; S*i two-thirds in M three good 3 to good stream of C. R. Black villa, 3. C., Oct 18, The treasurer’* office will be open tor tfee ’ 1 Com tei of Barnwell, State riSreaaid, ng and measuring forty-seven sore or leas, and bounded On the North by lands of and H. J. Crouch; collection of State, County School and i mutation Bond taxes levied forth* fiscal i ««me»cta* Jon nary Irt, |«U from tbs l? h 1W», totb* Wtb day of March, 1UW tnerastvs. A penalty of ooa par rent wifi be added hum Jaanary let, unfit* January SlstlMhulve. From February 1st to Febrasry Mb, todustvs a penalty of oas per cent, will be added making ■ total of two per cent oa all taxes pstd to February. From March 10th to March 15th a penalty of five per ceeC will be added making a penalty of aerea p*r east, on oil taxes paid ta March, dose March 15,1M6. For State purpose*. LEVY. r Mm* For Ordinary County purpows Ml ForOoosUtutkmal doted..... fi Mm* Total......... Mfito SPECIAL SCHOOL LEVY. Cedar Luotumm*, mmo, KUestou, Frimd- •blp, Orasas, KtetTisyeri Mai, Monte, ML i sad Uppsr Rteh Load, 5 min*. I Hi n tenon i Block nil* . Fairfax.... terawsfi ... ^ J. R AIMSTOONO, Trias, fi. c. , A Sept. tath. and feast fey NOTICE. Write bm aad I wifi exptota haw fwas cured to 4 days a# a sewers ease of Pitot af 49 from this difesse wbea this bwmaae cure caa bs had right ib joules l arono R. M. JOtEY Lamar, t. C., R. K. D. 4 <1M) Caftan Boat 0. ‘ ‘ • of H. lining ooa hundred or toss, bounded E. Uxxto Stil ; East .. coatainic sod fifty North by Ififite by J. D. Miles; Saute by C. J. H. Still ind West by run of Seltkehatciue River. Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pey for papers. H. L. O’Boa oow. Master for Barnwell Cottoty. Master s office, October, 7th, 1916. Notice of Land SaJu. State of South Carolina,! County of BurnwoU. f I will offer for sale to tha highest bidder for cash, in the town of Willis- ton, S. C.. on Saturday, Novsmbet A. D. 1915, the frilowing deac property: All that tract of land, ate, lying and being in the County of Barnwell and State aforesaid, contain ing 90 1-2 acres, more or less, sod bounded as follows: On the Nortn by G. W. Green, Jr., formerly Jacob Weeks; West by Robert Tarrant: South by Laura Porter, and on the East by estate of Robert Johnson, known as the S. W. Porter place, deceased. Said property is sold for division; all heira of legal age have consented to sale. Sato will be made at 2 o’clock p. m. Terms of sale cosh; purchaser to pay for papers. M.B. CALHOUN Faneratl Director First-doss Undertaking. Hearse for both White and Black. Offices: Allendale: Home Furni ture Co., Barnwell and BiackviUe. All calls given prompt attention. 9-2-15 (ptofWfiwiAf Carb*. iXfetl »9»»99999i99999linl Dr. J. W. Reeves Dentist In office last week of each month. Barnwell, South Carolina Offlcs In Harrison Building, oct31-12-lyr H. R. ERWIN Civil Engineer and' Surveyor ALLENDALE, S. C. march 1916 DB. W. C. MILHOUS, tfimfiM. Office houra: 8 JO a. m. to 6 p. m. Parsons living sway from Barewad will please mska appatomeeta briers earning.. By aa doing they will ha ansa of immadtsto tarries and EDGAE A. BRO JAS. JULIAN B Haney to 1DYE1T1SE ■