fb* Barnwell People. latand at the po«t office at Barnwell, . 8, C., m Mcond-clas* matter. ODD BUS OF NEWS FftOfl AU OVER THE COUimtT JOMN W. MOLMItA ia*o-itia B. P^DXVIKS, Editor and Prapriator S«lMcriptiow.-Uy the year 11.25; aix months, 75 cents; three months, 50 cents. All aubacriptioni payable in advance. , .. , AtartiMMraU-L e g a 1 advertiae- menta at the rates allowed by law. Lo cal reading notices 10 cents a line each insertion. Wants and other advertise ments under special head, 1 cent a word each insertion. Liberal contracts made for three, six and twelve month. Write for rates. Obituaries, Jributes of re spect, resolutions, cards of thanks, and all notices of a personal Or political character are charged for as regular advertising. Contracts for advestising not subject to cancellation after first insertion. • -- Communication*—We are always glad to publish news etters or those per- tafning to mattel of public interest. We reouire the rs the writer in evename and address of cation but for oury case, not for publi- de which is defar protection. No arti- personal flan finmatory any offensively at any price, and place in our columns ■ibie for the opid we are not respon- communication nions expressed in our THURSDAY OCTOBER 28, 1915. 12 IPages. Weather Forecast Issued by the U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C., for the week be ginning Oct. 27: With the exception of local showers Wednesday, generally fair weather will prevail during the week, with able temoeratures. A Thrift Day. The corporations, the liquor interests and the multimillionaires are not the owners of the earth, deepite the shout- tog of the yellow press. The world bekmga to the thrifty man. We all real tie that no talent, no circumstances, na opportunities will make a man a success is life without the virtue of thrift, hoooo the movement for a at Thrift Day to receiving it to prep need by the la Thrift that the svernors of the i a day, the Sunday be fore Lobar Day, as Thrift Day. The Mai to a worthy ooe, sod the labor is gpalielliwa of the country are sup porting it The constant application of thrift will make the world e better place to tiro in. There win he fewer inmates of charitable institutions, fewer applicants for alms, lees poverty sad more happiness It to proposed to establish state as well as national headquarters for the association and an active campaign undertaken fbr educating the easy going and thought Never again! We were foolish enough to start out to Augusta last Wednesday morning, via automobile, to “take tn“ the circus, sod after about four hours’ driving over slippery roads, with a hole about every two feet, we arrived in the Geor gia city. For fear, however, that a commission in lunacy might be appoint ed to inquire into eur sanity, we refuse to tell our experience at the circus grounds. The return trip was made by Aiken and took more than four hours time. With the exception of the post road in Aiken County, the Barnwell roads are in much better condition, but at that some stretches are sadly in need of repair, especially from Williston to Barnwell. In loving memory of Mrs. M. A. Me Clsndon, who dsporlod this Mi i September 21, 1915, at the home of her BOO, C. D. McClennon, in Fairfax. Her death came as a sod shock to her many friends, aa the was ill only a short while. Although the was aged—being eighty-one—ws did not expect her to Move us is yssra, perhaps. She was always interested is religious societies and was permitted by the hand of God to attend her church at Healing Springs until a few days before her death. Early in life she gave her heart to Oed and became a consistent member of that church Her kindness and piety won for her deserved honor and esteem among her many friends. The writer never saw her otherwise than cheer ful. She left one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth McCludon, and five sons, C. D., G. 8 , J. M , W. and M. McClendon, and nine grandchildren. The loss of such a woman is’grievous, but her crown is glorious and ber memory blessed. Granddaughter. Our opinion of a man tor woman) who “takes” a paper until the publish er sends him a statement with a polite request for settlement and then “re fuses” it at the post office cannot be printed for the reason that The People would be debarred from the mails. We have had two or three to treat ifs' that and we expect to collect those accounts' if the “due process of the law” can ac complish anything. Even post masters have a sense of humor, grim though it may be. Last week The People received notice from an up-State office to stop a paper, the reason for which was that the subecrib- er was “deceased; removed—left no A Curious Exporionos. Lombroso, the famous Italian crimi nologist. ouce bad a curious experi ence. He was In a printing office cor recting the proofs In his “Delinquent Man" with the chief reader when on reaching a page which dealt with a young man who, im|>elled by jealousy, bad stabbed his fiancee be made a sur prising discovery. The proofreader was this man. “Suddenly,** Lombroso said in telling the story, “he threw himself at my feet, declaring that he would commit suicide if I published this story with his name. His face, before very gen tle, was completely altered and almost terrifying, and I was really afraid that he would kill himself or me on the spot I tore up the proofs and for several editions omitted his story." Thunder. Winter thunder is considered through out Europe to be of very 111 omen, but April thunder Is considered to be very beneficial. In Devonshire and other cider counties of England there Is a saying that “when It thunders In April you must clean up the barrels'*—in readiness, that to, for a plentiful crop of applce. The French consider April thunder to be Indicative of a good yield from vineyards and cornfields. ‘Tommy Atkins" having Anglicized France, ifcould now ant In thentias fan *> Getting It Straight. It was In the Elyslan fields. “I am gratified to sea that Bbake- ■pcare to more sought after than tha declared a highbrow the pearefsl arts." Tt-ton’tJhat *° aMC *‘” * if imm§ of iMoroOT oocioo i/own for i oo People'* Readers. Los Angeles, Cal.—Samuel Pockos- vewaky has grown tired of the efforts of hia American associates to pronounce his name,, and has been on the lookout for a chance to change it. The change came when he became engaged to a Miss Parker. Judge Thomas, on ap plication, allowed the groom to take hia wife'a name and now he is the proud possessor of the handle Of Samuel Parker. Chillicothe, 0 —C. W> Cravens and W. B. Cravens are brothers and both are engineers on the B. A 0. Their wives are sisters. Both families live in the same house. The other day, six hours apart, both the Mrs. Cravens gave birth to children—one a boy and the other a girl. New York N. Y.-"Safety First,” said Mrs. Arthur Maclean as she put two diamond earrings into her pillov case and went to sleep. The next day there were clean slips on the pillows. Mrs. Maclean was frantic. She besieged the laundry, but the pillow slips had heed washed and ironed. Finally one earring was found gleaming in the bottom of the washtub and the other about to enter the drain pipe. They are valued at 92000 Newcastle, Ind,—Moab Turner, 77, is dead. Thirty years ago he suffered his first stroke of phralysis and made his funeral plans. A walnut chesKwas turned into a coffin and given to the local undertaker to care for. He will be buried in the walnut casket. Cleveland, O.—“Enclosed find 50c for abed sheet which I took/rom your house when I roomed with you,'* read a note received by Mrs. M. Holzmao. The signer of the note roomed at the the Hoizman home eight years ago. Sharooviile, O.—“Howdy, John!” “Howdy, Jim!" Thus John and James Stewart of Kansas and Tennessee re spectively, met here after a lapse of forty-seven years. Both believed the other dead aed speet several hours in a room together before they found out their relationship. * Pewishes, Wla.—Here's the toteet fish story. Robert Nichols and E. F. Schssotzier weet fishing Arriving at the favorite spot, they foued to their horror they had brought a cea of gras paint last sad of a cea of bait But, listen! Nichols to aa artist. He pilot ed pictures of a worm oo the hook sod they had a record catch. COMPANY JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE l GREENSBORO* NORTH CAROUHAf* Largest and strongest regular Life Insurance office in the South. ..... Over $45,000,000 insurance in force. ■ \ Over $ 1,000,000 Surplus. Operates under the rigid North Gurolma Laws. Loans its money in the section from which it collects its premiums—making it a Home Company in every section in whiclt it operates. k.\.. ^ Use Your Whole House this Winter D ON’T let cold weather lock you up in one room., A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater will bring glowing warmth and cheer to every room of the housp. With the. Perfection Heater neAr, you can dress in comfort, clean in com fort, set the table in comfort, and live in comfort generally. The Perfection gives 10 hours of glowing warmth on one gallon of oil Clean—quick-x; convenient Ute Aladdin Security Oil or DbxaonSr~ White Oil %o obtain best results in Ofl Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. * STANDARD OIL COMPANY (N*w Jvvmt) BALTIMORE Wnsi.p.i, a.c Tv7 Look for the Tri angle Trademark. In many styles and sues at hardware and general stores everywhere. The Best Pharmacy, Opposite The Circle Barnwell, S. C. « In calling the attention of the public to our new drug store (opening date to be announced later), we wish to lay special stress on our prescription department. Purity in drugs is vastly more important than even purity in foods, because when sjekness comes the full effect of the medicine must be had. We warrant absolutely that our drugs will be thoroughly up to the standard. No adulteration here. In filling prescriptions, our two licensed pharmacists will use the utmost care {p follow the doctor's directions. No guess work. No substitution of other medicines in place of those he orders for his patients. OUR SODA FOUNT will be a model of cleanliness and sanitation. Only the highest class fruits and syrups will be used. Hot and cold drinks at all hours. Specialties: Cut Glass, Silverware, Toilet Articles and Rubber Goods. The Best Pharmacy. COULD SCARCELY - WALK ABOUT it PR - PUR - PER P*RF*CTION. mi 4a4 Far Tlraa Sum Mrs. Via. caat Was UaaUc It Attaad to Art at Her Pleasant HOI. N. C—“I suflered lor Btree suauaert," writes Mrs. Walter Viacent, ot this Iowa, “sad the third and tost time, was my worst I-had dreadful nervous headaches and prostration, and was scarcely able to walk about Could not do any ot my bouse work. ** • I also had dreadfu! pains in my back and sides and when one ot those-weak, •inking - spells would come on me, 1 would have to give up and lie down, until it wore off. I was certainly in a dreadful state of health, when 1 finally decided to try C*rdui. the woman’s tonic, and 1 firmly Cantu i, | was three bottles ra- I would hero Aed It I hadn’t takes*. After I begs greatly helped, and lieved me entirely. I tattened up, sad grew so much stronger to three months, I kit like an other person altogether. ** Cardui to purely vegetable and gntle- acting. Its ingredients have a mild, ,Oaic effect, on the womanly constitution Cardui makes for increased strength, improves the appetite, tones up the ner- voys system, and helps to make pale, sallow cheeks, fresh and rosy. Cardui has Iplped morn than a nt«kn»-k- weak women, during the past 50 yc It will surely do for you, what it done for them. Try Cardui today. WriU to: ChatUJM«a M*4)cIim Cj* Ujw, A4- Vtoory Dw.. Ch.tt.nooj*, Tm,*.. far Special h+ rorixtofi* “ 4 ttructiont on vnur c***~*nd 64-p^« book. Woo TraaMoent tar ' ' Mat la »Ula arapptr. ,H S3 SMOKELESjSJDjFl HEATERS ClosefeurDeor onfhe Tfiief, Money in Bank: Check Book in Pocket. It is dangerous to carry money in your pocket any time; especially so just now when cotton is moving freely^ The highway robber, the fire bug, and the fakir avoid people known to bank their money. Because you may not have suffered losses at the hands of any of these three is no reason why your time may hot come next: IT' in town come and see us and we will start you right with a checking account. If more conven ient mail us all checks yougetand we will collect them without cost to you. 4 per cent Paid in Savings Department C UMKHCT in the pocket DEPRECIATES. la the bank it IX- RAIDS. A person with a $100 check in his pocket likely will go all day withont cashing it With a similar amount of enrrency there is a tendency to SPUD A LITTLE. The check remains intact lo it is with a bank aooomnt A person likes to IIEP IT UTACT Bank of Western Carolina 1^- ^ ^ -A- 1ST IKI Barnwell, S. G BARNWELL S. C. --.v HAMBY D. < M r W wrai www