1 long and medium, while we have a beautiful assortment in materials of plain and mixtures. You cannot afford to miss the chance to get a cloak or sportcoat at the prices we are offering. I . i ’ Our line is absolutely free of same ness, thereby insuring you against someone getting a cloak or sportcoat the same as you will purchase. A look is all we ask- Guaranteed. -Satisfaction ■ •> ■/ Special. Best 8c 40 inch wide Sea Island 3 at 4: • I w ■ Mens’ ■-! We guarantee you ^ saving of 33 1-3 per Satisfaction guaranteed. SEE OUR FREE WATCH OFFER. and Overcoats. t Your new Suit should be bought from us, for we have the largest assort ment that it has ever been our pleasure to show you. More than 450 up-to- date suits to pick from. The latest styles in alt colors of this season. A large line of Serges, Broadcloths, Ti- beths and Light and Dark Mixtures. The prices’are exceptionally low. Mr. Mazursky, who is now in the northern markets, is expressing us daily ship ments of suits and it is almost impossi ble for you not to be suited, as we have every style and color that is fashion fa vored. _ i An assortment of the snappiest Balmarues in all colors ever shown in Barnwell will be seen here, while for the more conservative dresser we have blacks, light and dark i mixtures, made ip long or short overcoats. You can not find a more complete line of Bal marues and Overcoats in Western Car olina than the ones we are showing cent in this department. IV V II mon*s raincoats. A largo portion going forward via e:> pre£s. Mark everything down cl^ap and let the people of Barnwell county know that I am still up North buying phe nomenal bargains and that we will sell them at except: onal ly low prices. I B. Mazursky 8:45 AM 21st ..IMIXXj A Tremendous Variety of Millinery at Greatly Re duced Prices. Scores and scores of Hats— Charming Specimens, representing every mode that is fashian favored, which will be found'here at great ly reduced prices. Over two hundred styles to select from. The greatest display of high-class millinery ever shown in Barnwell. Hats that will inake any woman look dressed up; Hats that are beautiful. Prices to suit any purse Hats like the ^ne illustrated are in the selection, and there are hundreds of others just as at tractive. We have secu *ed the services of an experienced milliner, of Bal timore, who will be glad to assist you in your selections in both our •Millinery and Ready-to Wear De partments. We guarantee a big saving in this department A “Lenox” 16 Size Open Face ■ Watch Absolutely Free. Aa an inducement for you to come and purchaae a Man’s suit from us, we are xoing to give absolutely free to every min buying a Mans Suit from aa A 16 SIZE NICKLE CASE, LENOX MOVEMENT WATCH, for ten daya or until November loth. Thia watch ia warranted to keep good time for one year with proper care. A printed guarantee cornea with each Lenox watch. Think of it! A “Lenox” watch 16 else, open face, nickle caee, engraved or plain back, lever escapement, stem wind and set; runs SO to 36 hours with one winding. This is a very rare inducement, and you should taka advantage of It right now. We want everv one of oar customers to own oi.e of these watches, and ft is up to you to get one now. Our prices on Men a Suita are from 33 14 to 50 per • than elsewhere. Don’t forget to get one of ABSOLUTELY FREE Tinware, Glassware, Crock- eryware, etc. Mr. Mazursky has purchased the largest line of » Glassware, Tinware, Enamel ware, Crockeryware, Cooking Utensils, etc. that we htfye ever had. Cus tomers who have bought anything in thia line al ready know that our prices are ffam 50 to 60 per cent lower than can be purchased elsewhere. We .are continually offering Extraordinary Specials in this department and it will pay ^ou to take advant age of the phenomenal values th$t we offer. Every day we offer an EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL in this department. Look for them while you are at our store. • ' * • ' a i EMU are now on ^ —3 ..» uf « f i '.w made a special trip markets to get* tne latest novelties. We invite you to come in and inspect our line. We are sure vou will like them. Prices*?.98, *9.98, *12.?0, *17* ?0, *21 ?0 and *2?.00. Don’t fail to s©| them—We have anything you warily We are Showing one of the classiest assortments of Boys’ Knee Suits this season than we have ever had. We have just received an immense line of suits in Blue Serges and Wool worsteds, and other fancy fabrics at the season’s most stunning colors, made in Norfolk and plain. The assortment we will show you will astonish you by its variety and beauty. We have* them in sizes from 2 to 20. Our line is the most extensive we have ever shown, land our prices are unmatchable. Remember, that we can save you money on Boys’ Suits. - f ■ **. * • Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ladies’ and Misses’ Skirts. Just received by express the prettiest assortment of Ladies’ and Misses’ Skirts that has ever beeh shown in Barnwell. Heavy all wool Brocaded Garbadine in Black and Navy, made with belt and pockets. Navy Corduroys made with pockets—this is exceptionally beautiful and you should see it. Black and Navy shirred and box plaited in Women’s and Misses’ sizes, and shirred and box plaited, trimmed with braid. Having bought these skirts at low prices, will enable* us to* save you at least 50 per cent on your purchases in this line. Come and look at them—We’ll be glad to show you just what we have. | Boys’ Knee Anassor $3.00 men at...... i of $2.50 & Hats for J