CARD OF THANKS. : We desire to thank all our employees, as well as the good hearted citizens of Barnwell County, who so courageously and heroically assisted in subduing the recent fire at our mill, and to whose un tiring effoks is due the fact that the loss was no greater. We await an op portunity to show our appreciation and reciprocate such kindness. ■{ V Barnwell Lumber If so, furnish us with your name and address, telling us briefly the kind of building you ex pect tp do as we have something for you which will prove of interest and cost you nothing. Augusta Lumber.Co / ’PHONE 275 Lumber and Mill Work AUGUSTA, GA Company, By A. E. Silverthorne, Gen. Mgr. * * * e **•*»**« ************ * * * * * Tne regular meeting ot Haniwtl Lodge No Iti, Knights of eythias wtl be held at their Hall on First and Third Friday nights at N o’clock. A (nil attendance is requested. By order of R. S. DICKS, C. C. Wm. McNAB. K. R. A 8, HARMONY LOOOE NO. 17 A. F. M A rogmar communication of llarmosy Lodge No. 17, A. Y. M. will be held *n Masonic Temple on Thnrsdsj April ‘29. 7 80 o’clock Vtsltlu# brethren are oordiany invited to attend. J. E. Harley, W. M. Wm. McNal. bee. Church of tho Holy A pottles. (Protestant Episcopal) . Scavicca. Sonday; IT:*) A. M. on-the flret, third amt fl'th Smnlays of the month. Sunday ehonl every Sundsy at 10:*l A. M. Wedne-ulsy: Ij,te «(ternoon sorrics, the hour aacious porch was arranged as a fine setting for the group and the refreshments served I were in full keeping with the occasion. | The revival services at jfie Baptist church, conducted by the Kneeling Evangelist. Rev. J. S. Jones, grow in interest. On next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock th^re will be a specia meeting for men. Boys from 12 to 100 years of age are cordially invited to come. Any man over 100 years of age is excused. Subject; “Heroes and Cowards.” This is the last service but one, as the meeting will close with the night service. Sunday morning Mr. Jones is to speak to children, boys and girla. General services every night this week at 8 o'clock. Municipal Tax Notice. Notice is hereby given that taxes on real and personal property in the town > of Barnwell for 1915 are now due and payable at the office of the town treas urer, without penalty until May 31 1915. the council, C. J. Hay, Town Treasurer. May 1, 1915.—2t. , rer, wunoui ilk. / By order of 1 Notice of Ejection. In accordance with section 193 of the statutes at large of South Carolina, passed the regular session of 19u9, notice is hereby given that an election I will lie held in the town of Elko on town I Saturday, May 15th, 1915, for the pur pose of electing three trustees for the^ Elko school District No 28. Said election shall be conducted ns is ore c ibed l^ r the General Statutes for holding general elections. The toHow- ing will act as Managers: F. N. Hair, B. O. Stansell, and J. P. Jones, and the polls will be opened at the store of W. « Wooley. ‘ Horace J. Crouch, V County Supt. of Education, Barnwell County 5-6-2t./ Barnwell, S. C., May 3rd, 1915. Notice of Election. btice is hereby given that an elec tion will be held in Williston on Satur day, May 15th, 1915, at the store of A. E. Owens for the purpose of electing two trustees for Williston High School District, No. 29, to fill the vacaneies caused by the expiration of the com missions of J. P. Lee, Jr., and J. W. Black. The two trustees elected will serve until the second Tuesday in May, 1919. The following are hereby appointed agers of election: T. C. Hair, R. J, untree, and A. Owens. .-—-Horace J. Crouch, County Supt. of Education, Barnwell County, 5-6.2t. Barnwell, S. C., May 3rd, 19) J)5. r the for Notice. •All parties holding claims against Barnwell County Dispensary Board expenses incurred in holding the elec tion on the Question of the re-establ- ishmept of the county dispensary in 1913 are re-quested to file them oroper- ly approved by the State and County Election Commissioners with the under signed. C. H. Mathis, Members Barnwell Co Dispensary Bd April 380, 191k. $8.70 to ThamomNA. June 1915 CONFEDERATE o VETERAKS REUTilON Tickets on Sole May 23th to June 2nd, inc, limited to June 10th. Extension and stop-over privileges. For rates, schedules, reser- rations, etc, call on J. A. SnYoak, (§f^lAHT\Q) Agent i Barnwell, S. C \^\ ATLANTIC COAST LINE STANDARD RAILROAD OP THE SOUTH llNE ASK FOR CASH eOWPONS Given by the following merchants: BamwelL J. A- Porter, General Merchandise; E. C. Cave, Groceries; Lane’s Soda Fount; Lemon Bros., Hardware. Allendale: Oswald's, Dry Goods; Ellis, Groceries. Blackville: Weissinj^er’s Drug Stores; Lyric Thea tre; Simon Brown’s Sons, General Merchandise; J. L. Buist, Groceries. They REPRESENT MONEY YOUR OWN BROTHER WOULDN’T l/ TRAVEL SUP MERCHANT BLAME YQU FOR CHANGING —TO A- The following Merchants give ^ Travel Slips: IN BARNWELL: ' ■ S. B. Moseley, Dry Goods and Shoes. Barnwell Fruit Co., Fruit and Oysters. The Lyric Theatre, the Best in Pictures. Black’-s Quality Market, Fresh Meats. Huggins’ Drug Store, “Satisfactory Service.” Tobin’s Millinery Emporium, Hats and Dress Goods. Lemon Bros., Hardware and Groceries. The Barnwell People, Newspaper and Job Printing. , IN BLACKVILLE: . ' J. L. Buist, Groceries. Blackville Hardware Co., Hardware. The Lyric Theatre, Moving Pictures. E. D. F. Pharmacy, Drugs. IN ALLENDALE: The R. P. Searson Drug Co., Drugs. ' Allendale Hardware Co., Hardware. The R. P. Searson Drug Co., Branch Drugs. , I. D. Ellis, Grocery Sundries, Etc. Searson Furniture Co., Furniture. - - Sharfsin Sc Oswald, Dry Goods and millinery. Funds on deposit for redemption of Travel Slips at Home Bank of Barnwell; Bank of Western Carolina, Black ville; and the Allendale Bank, Allendale. 40 miles or over redeemed at the bank—less than that amount good for picture show tickets. WASH GOODS YOU WASH" MADE UP AND IN BOLT WHEN WE TELL YOU OUR WASH GOODS WONT FADE THEY WILL HOLD THEIR COLOR. JUST COME IN AND SEE OUR BREEZY. BEAUTIFUL WASH GOODS—BOTH IN PIECE GOODS AND MADE UP. THEY WILL DELIGHT YOU AND YOU WILL BUY THEM. WHEN YOU WEAR THEM YOU’LL FIND THEY GIUE GOOD SERVICE. OUR WASH GOODS WILL PLEASE YOU SO WELLTHATYOU WILL BUY EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR EVERY MEMBER OF YOUR HOUSE HOLD. Only the most exclusive metropohUn styles ilnnm hi “MAY MANTON” SHOES for W< J. A. P0RTER, BARNWELL, 8. 0. * V / Buy from C. H. Mathis Cantaloupe and Cucumber Seed —Grown at— Rocky Ford, Colo. Watson Melon Seed Grown, at Blackville, S. C. All grown by him on his own farm. Address C. H. MATHIS, Blackville, S. C. \ 7 OT HOW CHEAP BUT HOW l is whaCyou should consider when having repair work on that Car of Your*. Mr. OTOnNTCR* We have our garage well-equipped with the right kind of ma chinery for a first-clasa job and are in position to make repairs T QUICKLY. We employ only reliable Workmen and every job MUST BE RIGHT before it leaves the shop. We handle A FULL UNE OF SUPPLIES. ' — I Try us on that next order for Urea, spark plugs, ate* < THE BARNWELL GARA4 T.K CRENSHAW, &C