The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, May 06, 1915, Image 4

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)W«11 Ptopl* JOHN W. MOLMM I MO—1912 P. D1VIK8, Editor lid Pnpriitor — ■ «Maw—By the year 91.26; aix laontha, 76 cents; three months, 60 feats. All subscriptions payable in advance. dvertis—ut»—L e g a 1 advertise- its at the rates allowed by law. Lo- aal reading notices 10 cents a line each insertion. Wants and other advertise ments under special head. 1 cent a word ch insertion. Liberal contracts made ' three, six and twelve month. Write 'rates. Obituaries, tributes of re set, resolutions, cards of thanks, and notices of a personal or political tracter are charged for as regular ivertising. Contracts for advestising subject to cancellation after first srtion. Comainnication*—Wc are always glad to publish news letters or those per- r * taining to matters of public interest. We reouire the name and address of the writer in every case, not for publi cation but for our protection. No arti cle which is defamatory any offensively personal can find place in our columns at any price, and we are not respon sible for the opinions expressed in our communication Letters remaining la the Poet Office and advertised May 9rd 1916. - NS LB R. Adner, A. J. Boboloski, EUe Brax ton, Will Ourantie, Anderson Sabb, Laurence White. ranALS. Miss Annie Oantt. FROM DB4D LETT BE OrriCR. ‘ Addie Nicks. Persons calling for these letters will please say advertised. Chas. E. Falkenstein, P. M. Feed the Young Chicks. Farmers should not make the mistake of leaving their young chicks to shift for themselves for the first few months. The chicks should be well fed and cared for and everything done to make them grow rapidly. In this wav, the chicks hatched in early spring will be laying in the fall and early winter. Where the fowls are stunted, on the on the other hand, it will be difficult to tf e t eggs from them while egg prices are high. F. C. Hare, poultry husband man at Clemson College, will be glad to help any one with his poultry feed ing problems. THE GOOD V> A ' OLD QUAKER * Once aeid to his boy: — - • - “Nathan, it ia not what ✓ thee read* that make* thee smart; it is not what . ry thee eats that makes ♦hee fat; nor what thee earni that makes thee rich, but what thee Saves.” This saving-habit may be acquired through the steady use of a sayings account in our bank. « ■ V;- se V ■ : ■ ' ' " '-V 4 per cent. Paid in Savings Department. I Bank of- Western Carolina Barnwell, S. C. H<-ad Office Alkeu, 8. O. 1 STOMACH TROUBLE FOR FIVE YEARS THURSDAY MAY 6, 1915. Issued 1 WVshingt Weather Forecast. , by the U. S. Weather Bureau, ington, D. C., for the week be ginning Wednesday, May 5: The weather will be fair the greater portion of the time, with somewat lower tempemturei for a day or two over the interior districts. There is some pros- of showers in a day or so over the Blit Oulf States. proper care of these the largest work>*^ it *1 regard the 1,700 unfortunsti our State. Humanity demands Money spent to give them the best owe end treatment will be well spent. I do not propose to disregard the Con- stftution and the law. I stand for them, •ad if thia increase of salary for serv ice to be done is forbidden I will pay • It myself rather than that these pa Meats under the care of the State •beuld not have the best treatment that Can be secured.'’ ^he above paragraph is taken from the statement of Governor Manning in raters nee to the increase in the pay of theeuponntendeut of the State Hos pital for the Insane and shows what manner of man the people of South CaroNna have elected for Chief Execu tive. Elected on • platform pledged to the eapport of law *and order. Gov ernor Manning declares again that he mill not diaregard the Constitution, but than see the unfortunates of the suffer willing to go to his own pocket an appropriate $3,000 his entire salary for one year.) Ha has bean criticised for this and . tor some other acta since his inaugura Ir- This waa to be expected and we him for the enemies he has We believe that in all that he done he h^a had only one subject in view—to give the people of his State jbdr administration, tempering justice , with equal rights to all and vileges to none. Notice. Property owners are reminded ^that all trash MUST be deposited in a box or barrel in a place convenient to the street where it will be called for by the town cart. If the driver is neglectful, kindly notify the undersigned immedi ately. By order of council. W. A. Hayes, Chief of Police. May 5, 1915. CloseTburDoer on the TfiieL ne s 5 1 ^ ' iL “* Caretegui Notice of Election. A petition having been filed in ac- cordrance with section 1742, general :hool law of 1912, notice is hereby en that an election will be held in River Side school district No. 56 on Tuesday May 11, 1916, for the purpose of determining whether or not a special^ school tax of two (2) mi Its shall befein'ed in the above named school district. Thh said election shall he conddcted aa is provided by law for the holding of general elections. The polls will be opened at the store of E. S. McLin, and the following are hereby appointed managers of election: W. T. Mims, J Belton Bagnall, E. S. McLin- Those favoring the proposed lew shall cast a ballot with the word “Yes' written or printed thereon, and those opposing the proposed levy shall cast k ballot with the word "Np“ written or printed thereon. Horace J. Crouch, Sec. Co. Board of Education Barnwell,'S. C\, April 20th, 1915. 4-29-21. Notice of Election. A lot of maudlin sympathy is wasted by many people and some newspapers en convicted criminals in this country. .Take the case of Leo M. Frank, for in stance. He was convicted of the mur der of a little 14-year old girl in Atlanta and although he he has lo&t in every court, including the Supreme Court of uiWtUnited States, some of Georgia's -■•••Papers hysterically declare that his execution trill be an outrage in the name of justice arid about 15,000 letters 1 have been written to Governor Slaton, asking executive clen dney. While we are not (prepared to pass Judgment on the casi, it does seem that tile courts of the land should be relied •a. Mob justice is just as dangerous in alcquitting a man as it is in convicting him. We deplore lynching—surely this other practice ia nearly as bad. Wiathrop Colkf*. SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. Tb« examination for the award of ya- cant scholarships in Winthrop College 1 for the admission of new students I be Leld At the County Court House os Friday, July £ at 9 a. tn. Appli cants must not be less than sixteen yean of age. When Scholarships are vaieint after Juhr 2 they will he sward- •d to thoee making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Appitoents for Scholarships should ' •rite to President Johnson before the for Schotarahip examine-1 A petition having been filed in accor dance with section 1742, general school laws of 1912, notice is nereby given that an election will be held in the Hilda school district No 9, Saturday May 15th, 1916, for the purpose of down I determining whether or not a special school tax two ia additional mills shall be levied in \hv above named school district. The said election shall be conducted as ia provided by law for the holding of general elections. The polls will be opened at the school house and the following are hereby appointed mana gers of election: S. J. Collins, Aiken P. Collins, A. D. Hutto. Those favoring the proposed levy shall cast a ballot with the word "Yes'’ written or printed thereon, and those opposing tne proposed lew shall cast a ballot with the word “No 1, written or printed thereon. Horace J. Crouch. Sec. Co. Board of Education. Barnwell, S. C., May 6th, 1915.—2t. Notice. State of South Carolina,) County of Barnwell, f Court of Common Picas. S. W. Blanton, in behalf of himself and all other members and Stockholders Etc. \ / iVn/iff, Barnwell and BamBerg Mutual Benefit Association, Defendants. Pursuant to an order made by his Honor, Judge Mauldin, in the above entitled cause. Artftice is hereby given to all creditors, members, stockholders or other other persons holding claims against the defendant corporation to file the same with the undersigned receiver on or before the 24th day of May 1915. Wm McNaK Receiver 2t—Barnwell, S. C., May 4, 1916. tfRREHCY PANDS in the pocket DEPTECIATES. • In the bark it EX- A person with a $100 check in his pocket likely will go | all day without cashing it With a tiailar amount of currency i there is a tendency to SPEND A LITTLE. The check remnns intact. So it is with a bank account. A person likes to KEEP IT INTACT. I Ba.-n ~kr of W ±11 istozCL, WJLUSTON. SOUTH CAROLINA. IL^ritj «f Friend* Tkoafb Ur. H*fb> Would Die, B* 0m Helped Him to Recovery. -1 Pomeroyton, Ky.—In interesting ad vices from this place, Mr. A. J. Hughes writes as follows: “I was down with stomach trouble for five (5) years, and would have sick headache so had, at times, that I thought surely I would die. I tried different treatments, but they did not seem to do me any good. -J got so bad, I could not eat or sleep, and ail my friends, except one, thought I would die. He advised me to try Thedford’s Black-Draught, and quiti taking otherNnedidaee.^ ( decided to take his advice, although I did not here any confidence in it. I have now been taking Black-Draught for three months, and it has cured me— haven’: had those awful sick headaches since I began using it. I am so thankful for what Black- Draught has done for me.” Thedford’s Black-Draught has been found a very valuable medicine for de- i * rangements of the stomach and liver. It is composed of pure, vegetable herbs, contains no dangerous ingredients, and acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely used by young and old, and should be kept in every family chest. »• , ' » - Get a package today. Only a quarter. 141 Y FIRSTT "C^AFETY FIRST!" What a splendid slogan of th; hour! What a O striking WARNING against SIIIFTLESSNTSS in our dtih | life! HEED IT. It'i a warning, among other tilings, against WASTEFULNESS and CARELESSNESS in MONEY MATTERS. Friend. ' play SAFE with your INCOME Don't live BEYOND your means Put something away for the COMFORT of the FUTURE. Put it where it will be SAF( and EARN you INTEREST BANK IT WITH US 17 l-2c Per Gallon. -O' ' % For the convenience of our many custnm- ers we have moved our gasoline tank, and have placed it on Main Street-in. front of our store. The next time you need a supply of gaso line drive your car up in front of our store on Main Street and we will do the rest. r Farmers Union Mercantile Company Main Street, Barnwell, S. C. JVL E 13 .A- 3NT IKI BARNWELL. S. C. HARRY D. CALHOUN, Pr««d« B i. N. C. W. WALKER. C«*h»*c. Wm. McNAB. Ait't. Ca*ht*r. Registration Notice. Notice is hereby given that the books of regiatration for Barnwell county will by open on salesday in each month un til Auguat 1916. All persons desiring to vote in the election to’ be held in September must be registered. M J. Staff Halford, Chrm., G. M. Shepherd, J. J. Ray, Board of Registration Barnwell county 4-6. tf. THZBAJLKT-LEBBYCO , an worth 9100 and free | The aext session will address Pres. D- 8. C. MAKE YOUR OWN PAINT You yirtll save 56 cts. per gaL' 8.41 2.49 THIS IS HOW f§) Buy4gals.L.AM.Semi-Mixed Real Paint, 5^7 at $2.10 per gal • - S 8. And 3gals. Linseed Oil to mix with it at estimated cost of a a You then make 7 gals, of pure paint for 818l89 ■to fltofr IU4 per oaL , *- Anybody'can mix the OIL with the PAINT. Whereas, if you buy 7 gals, of rcady-for-usc painl ifl CANS, you pay $2.10 a gal or $14.70. The L At M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT fe PURE WHITE LEAD, ZINC *nd LINSEED OIL, d* boi-lnxra print aMritb for 100 run ]Cse a gal. out of any LAM. PAINT yon buy and If not file best paint made, return the paint and get ALL your money back. LEMON BROS., Barnwell UGHTSEY BROS. HARDWARE CO, Fairfax. SEND US YOUR JOB WORK idging the distance ’twixl you and “anywhere.” The Bell Telephone, with its 16,000,000 mile wire, brings millions of people within earshoi your voice. Many thousand of them, living within fifty < hundred miles, can be reached for a small toll cha Are you making use of this vast bridge on y farm, in your home or in your business. There profit of time, money or convenience for you in Bell Telephone if you will use it.. Grasp the Opportunity! Call or write the manager to-day. ' - SOUTHER^. BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY BOX 52, COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA. DR. J. P. O’NEILL 1 —SPECIALIST — - 202 King St. Charleston, S. C. Call hr write for information regard ing my advanced method of treating Stomach, Liver, - Nerve, Blood. Skin Diseases, Piles, Contracted Trouble*, Kidney, Bladder and Private Diseases of men and women. Consultation free. Hours: ,9 A. M. to 7 P. M. Sundays IS tot.