IEIICKATS 1SIEE M TillFf BILL CITTflN TAX IIIIPPEI < 'unou* of Upper Braach Votes for Delay ia Cotton Fatores Scheme aad the House is Expected to Fall Into Lim—Some Sharp Differences Smoothed Out. Disaffection among Democratic aenalors whiqh Wednesday prevented final action op the tariff bill was dis sipated under the influence of a heat ed caucus discussion and Wednesday evening the caucus approved the bill as reported by the conference com mittee of the House and Senate. Bat aix Democrats voted against approv ing the report. The caucus decided to abandon its position on the propo sition in the bill to tax dealings in cotton futures and leave the entire subject for later legislative action. Doth the amendment of Senator Clarke of Arkansas, written into the bill in flic Senate, and the less dras- ti • administration substitute pro se’ •. 1 i>y Mr. I'nderwood, House lea ;; 11 Thur«d»v He said uounui w o j: 1 be made first to agrr. o the ron'* r»n e r^p«'rt and tt.a’ FOR A SECOND DISTRICT PRESIDENT INDORSES PLAN FOR SOUTH CAROLINA. Doe* Not Wlah Undue Haute, But Thinks Duplication of Oflcera Should Couae in Regular Course. It became known at Washington Thursday that President Wilson is quite anxious to have the bill intro duced by Representative Aiken a few days ago providing for the creation of another judicial district in South Carolina, with additional court offi cials, or one similar to it, passed at an early date. The matter has gone so far that Representative Clayton, chairman of the House judiciary committee, passed the matter over to Attorney General McReynolds and the latter has given his thorough ap proval to the plan. Mr. McReynolds went deeply into all the bills that have been offered on this subject, di gested them carefully, and ascertain ed from members of congress and others who are in a position to know what the reasons were for the fail ure of these bills to pass in years gone by. That having been done, according to what was learned at Washington Thursday, the situation was presented to the president and he thinks that it might he well to have the new district authorized, but he, it is said, is oppos’ d to pr vid ing f ir sm h aut hori/ut i. n n or,.- ot tire *M! t rifeiK y bills, as ,s o'’en done The sugKeMl m w is mad" that the ma**er ■ are 1 f..r in one of *!i<* eni*Tg* nev tells, or as Is known a’ Washing* >n. < : of ti c "ileth icn. > " ‘ills t.u» *li s plan d 1 r.ot n.e.u w r'. IT HOSE ELECTlINSCIIinTEE VUCIIEUS TESTIMONY IF GIACE i ,ng'< ’ ti • • » 1 * t » T > # * b r • n. e • t. > mr* n. .*t 1 ' t. • ' ' 1 b * ■ (• ; r r r, • * • rm » rn»« e^ 1 1 » ' • r* * ’ • # ■ >. n f 1 ’ e ’ . ? ' r e* " • ■ • . • . • • • * VI fir ■ »• • i r • i' e 1 r I - • s , » I ' ■ t 1 .• pr*--! !. r.’ f ' i e n h e w ';11move?ndlMgre*tOfhe|'!.at t' e m- < n '. r•.*. irod ruttun •»! xmondiuent j urel i» *o to r«-'r Iw fr’un the Senate • mendr en> W Hi ; :.e » s *p<,.^.! c\f br th# S.T,*te tt.e Ho pruba* T • laid *gre» !■) tr-p 'be i-otten fjtj'e* tai pros • ’ r 'ef 11 *> 1 r t 11 1 r. ’ r r !.• *r t In ! • - ’ ■ r. k • •• J r • r. ■ • t « f k r n a! t t • Churlestou Mayor Rcturus to Wash- lug With Frieuda, Several of Wboai Take tike Stand Against Congress- mau Whaley, andT Tell of Money Al leged to Have Been Spent. The houae committee on elections reeumed its inquiry at Washington Wednesday to determine whether there shall be a regular investigation of the charges filed last week by May or John P. Grace of Charleston, against Representative Richard S. Whaley, in which the latter was charged with having used something like $00,000 to secure his seat in concross and with having made a number of false affidavits in conuec- tlon with such expenditures. When Mr. Grace readied Washing ton he bad with him Frank Hogan, Will am Wingate, Scully Sullivan, Mike Harry, Steve Sergeant and Leon !l. 1-ai ri'cy, by whom he expects to prove hd case ngainat Mr Whaley Ti, ’Se v bo •• -> 1 at W' dio-sday s • -n n were Hogan, Harry, Ser t< .n' and l.arhsev II’ -an a policeman, designated by Mr Whaley as a political follow er of tbe miv ’ b. a* t o i Ad M ' 1 ! * ws . r . . ; ; •» » AtNTDICNTAL KNIFE WOUNDE MAY OAUHE DEATH. Is Perfonnlag Operutiout For Otkcn Health They Receive Poluoaona VmU. Two New York surgeons were at the point of death Wednesday night from bjood poisoning as a result of infection incurred in the performing of operations. One was Dr. Robert Morrison, o£ No. 354 Tompkins ave nue, Brooklyn, head of the faculty of Williamsburg Hospital, the other, Dr. Emil Roehm head of the second sur gical division at Bellevue. Dr. Boehm is twenty-seven years old and a grad uate of last year from John Hopkins* University. I^ast Tuesday Dr. Boehm operated on a patient at Bellevue for the re moval of a carbuncle. In the course of his work he laid his knife aside. A piece of gauze chahced to cover it. and when Hr. Boehm had occa- s.on to roach for another instrument tlio infected point of the knife prick ed the ball of his left thumb, he be ing left-handed. Dospito the pain Dr. Boehm fin ished liis operation. In his room he took what seemed sufficient antisep- tir riUDUl IDT1IH AS IT AT- PEAIS TI SATITAII SAYS fi. I. P. IS IEAI Vetera* PolltAcal Writer Tells of Re- publican Rejoicings Over Recent Maine Election and Then Proceeds to Show That the Party is Dead— A Few Worda on Teddy. By a reduced majority the Repub licans carried the old Jamea G. Blaine -district in Maine the other day, and t » it 0 * !i i"—* dial.-'t • 1 ■. a V ' ' : •• •> ; »<• » 'n'-e*. 1 •• * " r. ig f ■ T F. W ) IllgheB <•[> . g \\ la'' a tid v . 1 ."d a "am • . .4 * X • it 1 2 » ' T v * * ff * r % »n ! a • i •:t l ' 1 : n * * * Mr \\ t t 1 1 t an ►« t Hi-njamin J. Lee. visiting surgeon. .«. <• perform" 1 an opi-ration The *■ .filing slopped at the wris*. but t‘a’ night there wire evidences ’hat tin- " ,t the young man s system Te’et-r itns ni-re sent Si’urday Hr S re to At father an 1 brother, » ho i- :> ph' In S’ l»uts. and k r from that, city Wcd- h m 'a tern pi ra- n ght Hr Hi pat M ' i * L 1 » X ml •” «» ■ h ! :« «up r ‘ ’»r » '»-« • ; H »»n 1 1 »»• k 11 . g h c • s ry * *»*•*•'»>» • k i: A • * • • f rf X I t > 1 - \ t It Is so lone 1nce they have had anything to rejoice over that we are glad they have emerged without annihilation from a conflict which all mukt agree po-.son had‘spread through- |Wa8 a (irawn battle If the RepuMicans had chosen the eround for this little tryout, they '*oul 1 have selected the Third Maine district For many years James r, Blaine « as 'ta representative It has long been as Intensely Republican s community as I^ncaster county. Bennsylvsnts. or ths Western Ra- rve of Ohio Nor !« that all the new tar'ff puta < n the * r e« Mat three rriat products of Maine vli lum ter p<.’a''wa. fl»h And vet they rarr'el the Third Ma'ne d «tr1ct by a bersar!? 'on plurality when they had • ilura'.lty the year before v • » n an who ha* tse»n about this ’■■P to! 'or a third of a century as I • »>«■ W ': be slow to charge I if War- rm with unwarranted llcenwe of ro- i'» ' at art en to : m degreei. and • wa« feared 'Lst be would not r«- • • r He ! «* t’o.-n In t..s present » -I'l-in onlv »;nce Julv 1 W rr »- n er' -ru.ixl an opera • >.n on tm.< yrar U r.’eee * N, >Vand w.i. • jeering 'rom a rup of Oop In Sontk 71 Per cent.—-California First Wltk 10« Par Gent. The condition of the cotton crop of the United Statee on Thursday, September 25, waa 14.1 per cent, of a normal, compared with 88.2 per cent, on August 25, 1913; 89.2 per cent, on September 25, 1912, 7l.l per cent, on September 25, 1911, 66.9 per cent, on September 25, 1910, and . 68.(1 per cent., the average of the p&at ten years on September 25. This announcement waa made at noon Thursday by the crop reporting board, bureau of etatlatlcs, United States department of agriculture, In its final condition report of the sea son, the condtion being estimated from reports of Its correspondent# and agents throughout the cotton belt. During the early part of the grow ing season this year conditions were favorable In the Western cotton states ond unfavorable in the East ern cotton state^; as the season ad vanced, however, prospects declined in the West and improved somewhat In the East. Until the latter part of the month, which Thursday's report covered, there was severe drought in Texa*, Oklahoma and Southern Missouri, hut this was broken very generally) during the third week of the period, the heory rains at points in those states as well aa in portions of Ar kansas were thought to have caused some damage to the open cotton. During the eeeond week of the period high winds and heavy rains were thought to have caused some damage In Eastern North Carolina In that week the drought was reported as severe over much of Tenneeeee and portions of South Carolina, while the drought In Arkansas was consider able relieved of conditions by * < " e sjh 1 i t' *• 1 • ■ • n "'ter » '• • • ' •• a hr fi v k r r f * a ! *. • * • '* i 9 » r \\ hen sew r Morrs-m * ’ e f. i*. ■ f e ' '« • i m m e r » ’■••*an • r . ' I h e {I re •. < • e < ■ n t! < > t'otnpartsona alate« follow Kept • a ’ ’ * (p r t r » e ' t 4 i . • * • s Mr. a . • • • - ee , - * t w • - % » e, ■ e• - • , « * e • # * * e S’ a* * » a - *e r, r • —* - - - I W x I r , ' ) ' - ! X » • • ' X - . • i I • M • r r' *< r. <• x f * 1 n * n * * " B ’t ■ - X X • X ' - ’ • i ' » x-1 ' X ■ '1 " X- ! » " h x • ’ n;! v t. ” ( ( X f r * J • V> . X n. 1 * ■' x' i>«-"xi o i tz> X !. ,»1 r eti t ’ T"\ •V *■ a » x J ,e* - x ’ 1<- t x r A A * ' • A • t » ’ ' • 1 - X • ' X ' • • t. f r t . - ' f" tr. • o t> rona' Hu#r » - » r » , , , t ■ * ar. v ' "t. g‘ • * *«■ ►-t t ; ^ • • at in 1 1» T ft * ' * ft ' ' ff 1 1 ’ U- f ' T h r * * ! * * * * ' ft * r a • L • ’ ' c ’ ft ft^ I . * ■ t • * * •'ft *2 . 9 • » • ft 3 * ft * • ’ff . . # ■ v • » v a \ • » ! • • Ji a ‘ £« ’ ’ ••• D ' j “ • n ff t • ff # ^ff» • r • W ft » ft *7 * ’ • A •'ftvffw 9* ff ai * ■ *: ft f * e* ^ t • r # - r fh” - - g' * - •' # • * • S ** * »*.a V * ft 9 0 - r • ' r v g * * • . • * t #•*•' • • •# ^ .• • • * ** 0 • * 0 V 4 t* ftf^ pl * ft ^ % r * • Sft* ; ; a * ' ) •; ••• • k ' ff ft * f ft * • * ff ; * ♦ • ft * ff XX. _ # • X • • a • "i ’at ’ • • 1 r'«en -in'l' *• kt r !*t hr• <■ t. • r. . «-•! .n C affe^'e-l r M >r rts-m • e paseet !n*r» hgh* f 1 m nfi • ex ’ a ' we; « 1 H i r h -• r e - r n t * ‘ • h X- r 4 1 * ^ 8» . • 'Ml \ »w te'«e» »• ' e pe-ag’ap* sit ra x r ’ * e t f h ’ ff 'or i, ^ !* e- | 1 f ••• ere- e x.. 1 u ’ r ' r e.- M r g > i • a k • • h 1 r. • > xiter the*# pr; v •! •>ns ■r Slmm >t.a In charge o' v 1 a* a BubxM'u-e that j • en • re;.or» be acre; ’e.) [ i 4 • l fk tEA f # ' • k ff ft ‘ • ' ff ^ ff i * • ff ff e ’ \ rr y« km* iksin < h» w • rWVier I *. e light ff tie-e Tl^y I le- fuee» tn i erry I gw s r< e re; . rt he xer.t -e co m m ’ t ’ ee » - V . t: l x A e It lx m * IS circle t bv a v ite ' *' h - 6 Si-r vfors Reel ihirnerene , Var'i'-m. U>ll;« fflorman and! Hugbce voted agn'nst the mot'on t.a* rs w’ o supported the Clarke amen In-oiit t-xlnr cottogj futures ev pro^B' 1 strorsp opposition to Die ad Trlr.Dtration “ ihstl’ute asd declared they wuiild pr"'er to a'low the entire matter to co over for ppeclal leglsla- tion r.i'her D an accept the Under wood substltu'e. This plan was final ly adopted without a vote. • i r' i 'rr e-a.»e - e , x X w I rx’ 1-e * r -e ’ > *• me I’x" !■ « at 1 1 x r r ** e ev ^ 1 %) r.- • lay afte-t; n kn •• k t .It. t J. t r T VS true and lex r a:. 1 xogfifiy Inlu'r'. Kn* tieer iD er >,v x stray hui et ..r t j: »■ f 1 ::t. ( 'b*-r ae Tra.n N > It of D.e ^ uDn-rn Kx !» av puli. 1 ;t of Ha r r >!."alv f'>r CoIu:ii‘’al The conduc tor la sal 1 to have been b t across the head w th a piece of w >od and Is painfully bruised It Is thought that Engineer Orr was Tilt bv a bullet fir *-'l bv some members of the crowd but this Is uncertain He was only slightly wounded The negro porter was knocked down and bruised. i jne» - X ' » XX • - B * » • • . < » t;. • - • xi ix' rg x i - * ~ • x: r.» u. r i e • e, • • • x' J * n * x r X ' r * 'A ’ X - » n >e ’ t e > ml , | ‘ ! •■ I . e ' • r X k X ' i and ft—dav ♦♦ was ^**eve«t ' » »«x 'I'-.r The v » on whom he • ■ •■« , era' n died ‘htn x •• • • • r r ' h e r ea '• er * w n t a« t-een c,>nneci^d x‘ .rg If xp ta! ' >r n-v ant ’ aa t-e-n aclia tn all kt Ms Tonipk’na avenue r w • * ’A 1 • • ex • ’ x "x r -ce w*en he - res'el the character T’-te**' Tl' ni*”j*e In Ten Thog • x V-xr Herr ar# g'x»e aelnaa ’■n v prn'r«x to believe hut •o hr eve that In a fudg • ounced aralnat *he tienm * b» a v ng’.e HepublVan v In Vain# tnora than a *»' re t waa p<>#e!b!e for that tr. rax j r e to l-erome the law of '►■e 'x-1 Ix ’'ndtng on the entire vrr.e-tcxn e'er» 0 rate the autumn of '»'« tVter the new tariff shall have been ’a for e tr.ora lhaa a twaivn m "« Di * **- me of ern have come up to me »"h aral'e# nearly aa t road aa that t' te James wears when he haarw of X 1 -e •]. rx n c victory but n >t quite. X ’ 1 1 x r v * ff ! 7 **ff ;iV ▼ t • •• a n • n H u • . u Is ililTU SI. si TI %Tlo\ 8-ept ? r ., 4ug ?S. Ten rr. 1*11 1 >11 1*11 Av Virginia * f t 1 0 TO 71 N t arollna :•) — 9 . > TO 71 S Dar»lln% m ,:i 7 7 <« 7 2 <1eo r g'a • a :« 4 j 71 Florida ■ * • i 4 \ 71 A >a Sara a t: •: 4 X 89 Mlxalxx'pp’ «i «« 41 • 7 1 a>utelan a «o 47 4 > 61 T *iaa « 4 7 4 <« Arkanaaa 71 44 69 Tftonft—iR • t S> 4 4 14 M Mourl <4 71 7! 7 * Ok lahoma «! 41 4 * <9 California 01 M 70 F S «i : 81 1 61.6 PI-\N A (t»NnrDKR.\nx •»£ \< < nraulatr Daily. t^j-lnxce W WTS RACES SEPARATED. Haiti more County Asks Legislature to Pass Ijvw. In accordance with a resolution adopted at a mass meeting of resi dents of Baltimore county to protest against the location in the suburb of Mount Washington, of Morgan Col lege, a negro institution, the next session of the Maryland legislature will be asked to pass a race segre- the county is to be divided into plats of Baltimore county, Identical in principal with the segregation ordi nance of Baltimore city. According to the plan decided on, the county is to be divided into plats, corresponding to city blocks for seg regation purposes and the same rules of occupancy applied to them as are now applied to city blocks, thus an entire plat will be occupied by mem- rs of only one race, i — # Makes Counterfeit Cash. Prison officials, after an Investiga tion, found remains of plaster of parls molds for small coins In the cell of Sam Howerton, serving a sen tence for murder, at Nashville, Tenn. Howerton, It is said, melted the met*/ by means of a wire attached to thy fflectrtc light In hia eaQ. Needed No Treatment. When the ambulance arrived at a Washington hospital Wednesday It turned out that Willie W. Mickle, of Camden, S. €., was not as much in need of first aid as the policeman who had called for it thought. Mikle threw both the young Interne and the driver out of the ambulance, and when he was finally subdued with the assis tance of part of the crowd which gathered about, he was in no more need of the hospital treatment than were those who had come for the "patient.” • Fatal Fall From Horse. Mrs. George Getty, wife of a wealthy stock farmer of Silver Spring, Md., and one of the best known women n the Unted States, was killed Monday In front of her home when she was thrown from a road wagon while breaking a saddle horse to harness. Steamer Burns at Sea. Fifty four shipwrecked persons from the British freight steamer Templemore, which was burned at sea eight hundred miles east of the Virginia capes, Thursday night were brought into Baltimore by the steam er Arcadia. No Uvea were lost. Tbe bulk of the burned vessel now 1« be- 1 lieved to have sunk. * fa-i • • H* »a 1 D.e • \ 1 ' n* fxtl.l r t ' r Mi ••• Tl,-- • • • 1 ! 1 * h« ’ 1 * V * 1 •• ‘-a *;>• r ’ $« ‘ : n 1 !. " x^ron 1 r :i.a r v In D. * r. It.’ h w rd a- 1 D:at bi-t»•‘•-n he of 1! w .rk- ra a, 1 ■ and $' Harry tf-Hfl* 1 that s' one tm* •an a blind tlcer and the city rhar’.-ton fin* 1 him every thro* tnonD.s Tbe efforts of the commit tee «.-re directed towards an inD-s tigation of the character of the wit nesses produced as well as to what they knew direct concerning the buv- Ir.g of votes In the First district. A great deal was told, but much of It was hearsay, and this made little If any impression upon the members of the committee. While at Intervals something was said which would In dicate that Mr. Whaley’s friends had spent large amounts of money for him, summing it all up, there was al most as much testimony against the Hughes supporters as there was against those of Mr. Whaley. While the witnesses testified to cer tain money having been passed about which had the Whaley tag on It, and while much was said about Whaley’s tremehdous "swag” and how It might be gotten, testimony was of an indi rect kind and few instances of direct vote buying were brought out which seemed to impress the committee. Summing the whole day’s proceed ings up, it Is narrowed down to the faet that $13,000 is the amount said to have been expended in the ninth Uharleston city ward for Whaley and Hughes—about $8,000 'by Whaley and the remainder by Hughes. Mr. Whaley was a guest of Cpeaker Clark at an elegant luncheon served In the capitol. • Rc 1 ’j’ 'Inn Do ' the refuse. ■ I. Mamr Harrison early Wednesday -t.H.g < • "d a ape* lal meeting of D.e ouru SI to determine some meth ■l of of the city garbage *t n.l inlgtit D.e plar.t < f the DMcago 1 »h:ch baa taken care waa i lotted, folio* Ing the Ignoring of the company a ultl- ma'uin, sened Tuesday upon city of ficials. that unless It was pa! 1 $492.- oi'h'i In cash by 12 o’clock, “we will U t the garbage rot In Chicago's al leys". Aroused by the menace of TOO tons of garbage accumulating dally In Chicago, many aldermen asserted Wednesday that the city would be justified In exercising Us police pow er and seize the plant. A settlement with the company could be made lat er tfiey said. As alternates the etly can duhurTfie gorbage In clay holes, considered a health menacing pro cess or deodorizing the refuse zy sprinkling it with some solution. Auto Victim Dies. B. J. Wilson, a stock broker, died Thursday at Binghamton, N. Y., from a broken spine, the result of an auto mobile accident Sunday night. With two companions Wilson drove his ear Fatal Explosion. An explosion and fire in a paint room on hoard the new Argentine battleship Rivadavlo, while at Quin cy, Mass., Tuesday, resulted in the death of James 8. Laidlaw, a draughtsman. The battleship was not damaged. It is believed that Laidlew lighted a cigar and acciden tally ignited a quantity of gas, • Fish Causes Death. Herman Berlin, a Milwaukee mer chant and banker, was drowned Wednesday in an effort to land a large fish. While tugging with the fish, Berlin stood erett in the boat, which was overturned. Policeman Hurdles Bullet. Call Officer Lum Wood, of Colum bus, Oa., owes his life to his ability as a hurdler. As he entered the yard at the home of Frank Andrew* to make au arrest, Andrews fired. Wood juipped Into the air, the ball passing between his legs. Wood escaped without Injury and arrested bis man. xrd xa' 1 ' It'a all o?*r old man. the u-Tr hax xvBtgbvd th* Item'xriM' x frrlnlatratlon and found It want I tr. r ’ ’’ovV The day a'ter ihla hy-el^c tl n In Main* th# Fnited Statea f4*n at* pa»**1 Die I»vmorra'.lc tariff by rr.or* than th* fiamocratlc majority :n tha' body and It waa a malarial r*<1»jrt!on In the rat*« of the Fnder- w.x.d bill The very r*it day bual- nexx rav* op'nlon of that reault by adianrlng tha prlrea of all the lagltl- mate x*rur1tt*a of our vaat corporate ent* rprlwa Mark you, tha etand patters la congress bad predicted wo* to bun'.nesi”. The following ‘Lit ur lav the great concerna of Dun and Bradstreet came out with roseate p'etures of the situation The bill Is not yet a law, but doubtless it will he ere thin stuff la printed. Then there will come out of bonded wir»house* some $ 1 T)O,fi00.flon worth of merchandise, mostly raw mate rials. which will go Into our shops and mills to be fashioned Into fin ished product. That will give em ployment to labor, and before the present administration expires by lapse of time, March 4, 1917, I confi dently predict that the American manufacturer will be as much of a free trader as is the British manu facturer. Mr. Redfleld, secretary of commerce in Wilson’s cabinet, is one of the most successful manufacturers in the country, and he Is as nearly a free trader as any man in public life. A year from now his tribe will be legion In New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Ohio. In 1911 when Oscar Underwood and Champ Clark were "projeckln’ ” with those “pop-gun” tariff bills of the Sixty-second congress a manufactur er was here from Illinois and he made declaration that if they would give him free wool he cared not a rap if they put his woolens pn the free list also. So it Just amounts to this—if the country is prosperous the fall of 1914 the Sixty-fourth congress will be ov erwhelmingly Democratic and the Wilson administration universally popular. On the contrary, If Indus try languishes the Republicans, or Bull Moosers, pr whatever name they take, will come In; but even If they do, they will not dare rehabilitate that sbameleea robbery, that arrant knavery, “protection,” which la aa dead aa African slavery. Ita twin relto. Five Me«U-aa Matea IVnffoaa ta #»- cade Fw>xa the RepaMtr. At a ecu fer *nr# held at Hermoll)- !o five Northern fttatea of Mexico d*cdl*d to ae<-#de from tbe federal government to form tha Confederate rtta'ee of M*xlro. according to Ameti- rana arriving at El Paao. Texas. Wed- neaday. from Hermoelllo The atatea whoee repreaen tat Ivan agreed to the aeceaelon plan are: Sonora. Durongo, Coahulla. Rtnalao, and ( Mhuahua Oily the rebel gov ernment In Chihuahua Joined In tbe movement Venuatlano Carranza Is to be prealdent of the new confed eracy. the Americana say. and In his cabinet will be Gen. Angelea, a for mer federal commander, as minister of war; Augustin I^abansst, minister of haciendas, and Juan Sanchez Azzo- cana. mtniater of foreign relation!. Eduardo Hay, It ta aald, also will be given a cabinet place. Lower Cali fornia is not included in the new gov ernment. as its promoters aay the revolution has not succeeded there. Tne dar after the election in Maine there was printed a manifesto from Col. Roosevelt, in which he served notice on the G. O. P. that it had tn surrender to him at discretion, that it must abandon even the name "Re publican” and accept what he calls his principles. If the standpatters agree to this, he will accept them, condone their wickedness and lead them In a charge next_time. And Teddy—he’s a polltlclon, and don’t you forget It. He knows that the G. O. P. can never be anything' other than what It alwayfc was, a sec tional party. He knows that the South long ago forgave Appomattox, the march through Georgia, the van dalism at Columbia, but he also knows that the South wili never for give the humiliation of reconstruc tion when the proudest race in the world was made politically subject to the most abject race in the world. Hence, If under the name Republi can that party honestly proposed uni versal beneficence and the Democrat ic party promised universal malevol ence, the cotton South would go Dem ocratic "hell-bent” as Maine went In 1840. Teddy knows that, and nnleM Woodrow Wilson be bit master la tha art, Teddy Is the best poHtlelan In tha land, and he haa the ken te aaa that nndar tha nama party haa aaewat |fc too » b >ow*