m TARIFF Bill VERT in IRUTIM IN USX FIIDAT Mill IS NOW UW OF THE LAND President Wilson ImpreMM Upon His Collengnts That the Legisistlve Journey is Only Half Accomplished and Urges Upon Them the Neces sity of Currency Reform. Surrounded by the leaders of a united Democracy President Wilson signed the Underwood-Slmmons tar iff bill at 9:09 o’clock Friday-night at the White House. Simultaneously telegrams were sent by the treasury department to customs collectors throughout the country putting Into actual operaton the first Democratllc tariff revision since 1 894. A happy group of legislators, mem bers of the Cabinet and friends en circled the President as he smilingly sat down and with two gold pens slowly affixed his slfinature. He presented to Representative Under wood the pen that had written the word “Woodrow”, and the one which had completed the name to Senator Simmons. Amid Impressive silence the Presi dent rose and delivered In easy, nat ural tones an extemporaneous speech that brought prolonged applaue The President declared that the Jour ney of legislative accomplishment had been only partly completed, that a great sert ce hsd been done for the rank ami flic of the country, ’ml that the second step In tiie emancipation of bustne** was rurren'-y reform He earnestlv called upon h!« colleague* to go the r<*t of t(ie poirn-y with fre«h Impulse 1 fee' a very peculiar I • '-e»| deflf. "In ' '. ' * a y i«f t ,i k S g r e 11 CONVICTS BUILD PidSON I NITKD fTTATWI NATCH MILLIONS BY THKIR LABOR “tientlemen plea* II re ' «.« 1 w hat I hm • u •' '• Inx p*ft ni' •• p|. , e i. ' I • • which It »cr> hard word* t>e t t r t «* t n ! nr t * a’ 1 hut - t* •• dar k an • It:* c. i u r ’ r ? a a r d 1 *> tpea a i ' th* apt * n d; d m * n »ho ha*** r*rr1*d It » a • i n ; U 4! • ** ’ A this th ng throuxh » : t h a t u d 1 o u a a ' .4 • t f n d c.« ♦ h a- »• m p 1*-1 : ..ti A tentlon and doing JuaMc* g!) round t 1 * •- ' r ' o rru » h V had ! *i I ahou! 1 bax* ha 1 art in **-r* ng th*' •r i n * • * ! n. r r r *» tin 1 *' I!, pax.p'.c of thla co i n I r * aa » *• ha**- ' * r r*. < *! • > n * a m. *' Vi r r h**o at rDtna to **r r* thvm er*r alnc# h »r»rt«-r 1 ran r**m*tr. h#r H»l P’ nr. ! i a ■ • ' h r 1 ►'a*" h a>1 the acromp’' ■ h men * of Something like thla at hea't 'er ■ttire I waa a boy an 1 kno« non Standli,g around me who ran »a* the SStr.e thing who hare been waiting to tee the th'ng* done which It w a* Be. eaaary to do In order that 'bere might be Jaatlrw Is the United Htatee and a<> H la a aolemn moment that brtnga auch a bu*lne#a to a mnrtu •ion I hope I w'll not b«' Hiought to he demanding too much of meeelf or of my rolleagtiea when ! »av that *h'« great a* It la l* the ar v c i« i t *' e prisoner* The p- S II '« of, r.'te M. • k* » It h n 11 T t r t f e 1 » I • h I c t r I c I g h t s t > r I ‘tl » en St, res T* ' re s i'-ur' im t *iat » I' scat ? , p . » J" r,„ .O; t 1 a* W !' I •e4» ' r i - t.e- Sn a"'*' • n - «* • ret err 'or t ’ «• ; n*"n stagr NABE AJIfi HAUl lANim tak rim thijani fill TIAII REVENUE OF NEW TAWF WAS VEIT OOLI HOLD UP on in r • a le tor I . * ,,f . i • U i ■ ' * an d I 1 » an ■ and | * o • a rn *• | pa n’lng j Th« Mail Clerk Telle How the Rob bers Did Their Work—They Cov ered the Engineer and Fireman Willi Guns—Several Suspects Are A freaked for the Crime. Deputies from Birmingham and Mofitgumery and armed farmers of TuMwleusa County have bandoned the search for the three men who held ay nd robbed the express car of the Alabama Great Southern train near Bibbvllle, Ala., Friday night, and Ae case Is now entirely in the haadd ef the railroad special offleora. Five saeu have beeu arrested at Eu- taw, Ala , below Tuscaloosa, none of wham As over thirty years old, and five ethers have been landed In the Tuseoleesa County Jail by Special Ageot Ball. All of these men deny conaeeUAon with the hold-up. Mali Clerk Leander Poole Friday night eeid: "The robbery was com mitted by three masked men. only one ef whom appeared to mo to be at all experienced. The other two were yousg smd nervous. One of them did consHe ralile promiscuous shooting and ssriing in the mail car Bullets passing through the mail car nar rowly missed four men. 1 am confi dent tke robbeM doinc the shooting •'.er# drunk W hile i mu''o»d un the counter I ha 1 the presence of in nd to -.»ve a few regist* r* 1 "Tk# l.i-t .large ( .f lynamlte that blew the express s i*- w is \ • rv !.•• o \ it Jsrrcd us. I ae hundred vard* av*av fi'.ey bad tncid.-rn appliances c | . p ra^s * e i ' tnar « rs K9TDCATB8 ARB MADB FOR THE NBXT TWO TEARS Hmator Simmons Shows Whers Mon ey Will Com© From nnd Wh©r© It Will Probably Go. Senator Simmons, chairman of the Senate finance committee, Monday night gave out the first complete esti mates on federal revenues and expen ditures under the new tariff bill, as cemputed by experta of the treasury department, who have been work with the Joint tariff conference com mittee. For the year ending July 1, 1914: Receipt^ $1,029,000,000; expendl- tnres $T,Or3,OOO,0OO; surplus $10,- 000,O$0. For the year ending July 1, 1913: Receipts $1,020,000,000; expendi tures $1,008,000,000; surplus $18,- 000,000. The estimated receipts under the customs tariff, the Income tax and the corporation tax, embraced In the new tariff, are given ae follows: For 1014: Custom revenues, $$70,- 009,000; Income tsx (ten months), $00,000,000; corporation tax $SS,- 000,000. For 1015: Custon# revenues. $24 9,- 090,000; income tax, $83,000,000. corporation tsx. $39,000,000. "The customs revenues will be larger for the current fiscal year 1914," said Senator Simmone, ‘'be cause the rat^s of the Bayne-Aldrich law have been In ft>rce for the first quarter an 1 will continue In force on wool and woolen goods until Jan uary 1. and on sugar unMI March 1 'U h> n the next fiscal year befns 1 u'y !. in;* all tb<> rv-* ' " e n<• w law a 111 be In operation snd tLe new oa will b*' in opera"., n at. 1 'be • ar!* CLASSFTCD COLUMN I*—Poplar and ptae trow. Ad ds mee A. Clarkson. Hopkins. Easy Muaey raising stock. Valuable stock farm for sale. Write F. L Towneend. Summerfield, N. C. Notice—Two $300 pianos at $150 .each; sent on approval; examine be fore paying n cent. 3, L. Eos© Plano Co., Goldsboro, N. C. Play ROOK, the most popnlar cord game of the day. Price 56e post paid. Sima Book Store, Orange burg, S. C. Flinch 65e alee. ‘Carotlaa Reaaty" prise-winning sin gle comb Reds. Choice coekerele, $1 each until October 15. Satis faction guaranteed. Carlton Farms, Kernersvllle, N. C. Bay Load Aa tbe Ptedaseak, while ©heap; 310 acres near rUlage, school and sharchee. for sale at $2,5fi0 If taksa qalck. Particulars given. R. E. Jeter, ftentuc, S. C. Will NEET IB PUN BLEAK VAWT3 TB CAP PAITTIACIINU1 CALL FACTION TO HOT j A Conference of the Governor’s Fol lowers Called for Fair Week la Colnmbla to Map Oat Campaign to Captor© the Clabs and County and State Conventions. Leaders of tke Blease faction In the Democratic party in :South Caro lina will meet In a conference in Co lumbia during Fair Week, to map out plans for capturing the next Demo cratic Convention and controlling the election machinery of the Democrat ic party. This announcement waa made Tuesday by Governor Blease, in eonversatlon with The News and Courier representative at Colnmbla. The cenference will be participated in by the Bless© leaders from every •ounty in the State. The call for the leaders to corns to the conference has already gone oat. Admlnistra- ■a^aved Tlsittag Cards snd Wed- <>•* leaders at every county seat snd ding Invitation orders promptly ' n svery sestloa of the State have Far gale--One ef the beet small Urate Is Albermarle eounty. Spe cial prise if sold before Deeeraber 1. Mitchell Aides Co., Mechura River, Ta. filled Write for styles of engrav ing Visiting cards engravtxl In been summoned to gather In Colum bia for an important meeting during script $1 50 per ]u u uostpsld Sims ’h* week of th# Stats Fa r The con- Book Store, Orangeburg, S <\ frrenoe may last two da's Ulan* fi*r a full aften Un'’* ■ f tlie lx>ct*ir youra^lf —Six formula# -L,\- I”*.i« '** a; F fFTT I *en:o ra’it- dub er Kidneys. Stutnai li, Toothai ! '■ rr < v : g r.*x' Ml. W be-l l 4 - * •• 111 - Fa! * * I .t.lr:.* ::t cost you otil* or.*- 1 . r • ! • ^ ^ A ' d 'Uar for tbr*- • ■ atan trad r*-:n* ' \ c ,, • Hi-, . % ■■ er ^a** thla a 1 A idr^s* F,rtio Sp.- r rh r■ r H.*- •) . :..*•*t riga U- 1 U 11 • r 1: M ' T* , I . 11*T 1 «.r ’ i\x ' « r. 1. p* d wltii llxht* t! i.it thr* a Hu ihc* * • .: i v. i • i; s but u i. t a*a th • •:u A* t h<-. » r*- ' g a* ' . 4 tn H,.- ; i--. i ■ r I 'n • ,4 C.»" •• g . a - ! n -i ! • •! h* ank !** (in** r* ...•*• v> x ■ isb ti.lar y**ar r.-ci t-> r.,, | ' r iui v ten n in" » ' t V * f ». ! r« j « • * r ' . w * - *••«•' .1 ’ ' • • 4 ' t ' . 'Ml' I ■ f C«t m at • I 'r I»f ii | t 1 rl! Vs ■ir f*' "r>w men and 1 rl>’ t'■ T'-.-i . :.*!t. J an i IT e • I d • r' n an » *!• ng ' r fu \\ h. n fi n a n. . -i.« .i 11. ft', r >! mu If tsaxo f »-r..by «• • » , r • » • x I a ‘ rig • i the iU •ar t ti«» S« ti ate Hou*** » 1 T» .ail> a- rl ■ ed » S* inhered i e folio » ed f It# ra" ' 7 ns fir *r" t off » 11 My loipr< *< K ■•kf : . •'t man • t at •• 1 •I l . *4. • » >n I* tt.*-> :. • i: fore w# r- ached \ an ••ngtse run wild t* r < 'ff tbs t r a, I I *-i!<•> «• 1 1 .*« nU b.-r* I th*- car t>e letting tb*- | the an !• titifi 'ah * • > » $' f ^ r ' 1 • ‘ 1- < r |. 1 ’ . ' ’' *t • tn 4 • r F f ; f 5! • m ' • ! f r t ‘ r a- rr.» »■. ! • 9 e*» h a oe» | • ' e ru a - 1 > 4'- T s * * ,* 4 **.- u r I V *- ■»* •• • • • 1 at "; a n • •• room i rro ip >o at> n 'he r#t>oer » ' rurslsg I got The ©da: :• r r ' •ear e©1 o' the -1 perl rr * ad »o > * ac e • According to trs:e errw ) firemen w •• r •> e r » of e and an! ii. *ar • 1 o.».ti. " ee e ’t lco-i'r»atdent Marsheil Into the Ur* aiden* « < * hv Speaker « lark Keprea^nikti*.a t n derenod and n)eni* *r» •>' the i it r and CongreiMilonal com mltt«*«-a and thetr friends No phot, ttrnptwr- »ere a Iniltteil as the F*res lent * ho U git l I! • ' ■ ri too a< )|e mtl In k«- disturbe.J t) fi.»»h:ubt appuratu* J tie gu<»t« c r n a d**d atiout the l‘re* dent s deak, oxer whlcti an ele.'trb lamp thre» a brlchl glow \4 by Nine < ft lock \\ a* < Tm >een ' 1 choose 9 o clock, ' • xplalned th* President slowly on the advne of the \rtorny-(!*• nem!. In order that the hill mlpht !>•• Mgned after f>tu*l ness transactM-n* evt.rywher*' in. lud Ino-San h'rancisco I \kill tint say an'thitu: atiout th bill, ' tie a'bled with a smile "until ! ha\e alitned it I don t t;*-! aw ay from me did ’he ,1... .ting an 1 a g'".<1 in«>k at l.lrn ’•e ' »'.o a .arlel t !. e e 4 i r eaa ar »eV u.e 1 ... r k pfe^t mrarr riger j t h'mSe'f statements of th* deer I 'ar. n- s ar. 1 t i . e fed » V h r e i * e ' i whs* the train was stopped on the I block danger sign vl at lUbbv'.. e * o * en ue re. e 1 [ • s p . * 1 'a . 1 s* -• ' 'e ’era’ 1n<- me * I • • • • 'ver*. • s' F*1re«en was forced to un'-.ojp e 't.e eipreee mail and bagxar** na's and they ware run dawn the track e-.me distaste from the pa*ar. wim struck on the bead by another of the gang Late Friday night conference* were held by Sheriff Palmer, hi* deputies want It to) engaged In the chase, railroad detec tlves express company official*, prl- Promptly at 9 09 o'clock the Pre*i- vat# detectives nnd detectives from dent began writing and at 9 10 Ue national agencies It Is estimated had written the words "Approved that fifty thousand dollars were Btol- 9-10 p m . 3rd October. 1911. W ood- eo. Including a heavy shipment of row Wilson," on the one hundred and currency from the Hast to New Or decenth page of parchment contain loan Ing the engrossed bill. The entire train was taken to Meri- As the President rose ami handed dian, Miss., the Southern terminus of the pens to the men who had steered the division. The baggage car had a the measure successfully through large hole torn through the roof by both houses of Congress, there was the explosions, which blew the safes an enthusiastic outburst of handclap- and the mail car showed bullet holes ping. The President had not intend- The negro porter, who was removing ed to make a long speech and had not a velocipede usually used to' flag even prepared a statement on the trains, when ordered to halt by one spur of the moment but was moved to of the robbers, pushed the pistol express his gratification. away from his face and grappled with The small audience crowded about the highwayman, throwing him and him offering congratulations. Leal- holding him securely until another Ing figures of the Democratic party - masked man stepped up and hit him Speaker Clark. Secretary Bryan, and over the head. The negro then ran Representative Underwood, stood to- under the baggage car. gethor, sponsors with the President for the first business piece of leslsla- Murdered in Wanon. tion that had been accomplished in the Democratic pisiform of reform. Tl “> ° f Ceor B‘' Hamilton They ewe the President their per- ‘ >la “ ler 0 ' near Gran ' 1 Ril1 ^- Jack sonal congratulations and reiterated ' on ' Cou " ,y . fia " was fol,ml ln hls promises of support. aa «» n ' Tll ° ,"' am near ••We'll be comins here strain in a hl8 bom,! - V ''" 1 "" da >', '*" rit 10 short time to see the currency bill ,he '' oUon * ,n some m, es awa >' ? n,, signed." said Secretary Pry.n. Sec- a °; «?' "J 11 L l 8 retary McAdoo spoke with equal con- ran - la ‘hat he was fl( j enre murdered for the money which he re- Whlle the President was surround- ce,ved for hla ed by members of hls official family, there was none happier than Joseph I of newspaper men crowded Into the R. Wilson, younger brother of the | President's office There was an In Q «-• l*viak •»L»»a T ‘» -e *•••• „ | a >' t s s • ' fe • v - •* • - i r' - a » t *. • r i m l - M a * -c'. aaal laooi* «•*'* * as • a ’aa'Sstk k * • • * » ‘ •'; > a a•a t •j ' ' ’ ak "r* r | -• «**a-i ' ^r. § S**k»a •**# f it a !••«• .rs a fa a * *s s' a 5 breast na f i .a a" r •»* r -a^L*! t a see*’. 4 • *. •• >’ it. a I »r W • ntr.•! » t ! • y t .m up i>’r**d n,an an 1 ain't b*- au*** th tl ■ i'an :jrn:* ** JacoMna. nn-r an 1 o’ prustratf S n. •ral h* stb-d by Iht bitt**r h-n*-- ujth gave cit- ' ••*1 >• FrW S Pr*l«i*ea »»**'• M'rr’.ann ©'aatlaa' of tha V9 t.,iainaSurs Hi apl'e at Sa» Trrk ' tv. » ho f k ad h a ir.§er sf r.tlectsi'y w'th a need:# fia! jrday af tern'von, la frltlfsi'y PI of Hood s©t aoalng Tka seedls did sot draw blood Sat s'S'-ed is hla v«:bs tka Is ferttos from wklcb a be by Sad bees • uffarteg >' a v ^ Mint li I N I <>r hi >rt' ( 11 p to tin* latfiy *• mar.i :pat.-d *! aft.T tb*• War P*'t-v. en tl *■ Ni rtb a to! South, tln-y pt-r-uailed t h •• r '* ’ low part i.'an- - ‘hat by tbit nr’ t'.ry guaranteed th-dr poa r. Sm:i i < r nnd his follow ion*; afors u. • n • 11.o w 1. to prop 1 ■ i f H h i v * * d.ad for thirty yoars. but. as t!** World s;iys, th** poor ri mnnulH ftf tin ir liod's nro in no mort* pronounced demy nt thi‘ in- stmt thnn tlicir theory that racial an I ; 'ci.il ili.-t’netIons could bo wiped out by iogihIntion. The decision of the New York Re publicans to restrict representation in their national conventions to votes actually cast amounts to approval of tho nullification by the Southern states of tho fourteenth and fifteenth amendments, two war measures. The N«'w York Republicans say the dis- frunch' -'-’ored man of the South ir to ’ ■ dre even in the grand cot: 1 e ; rty which boasts that it con: 1 uren him freedom and the b .l '.v hat will thfc negroes who in normal times give the Repub : Means their majorities in various Im portant Northern States say to this proposition? asks the World. 0" ‘ , M 1 )Pw r * N04NSIINIMENT Kprtr - - ». .-mn'm ■* *. r C o*d», SirBin' Chief ExeeutiTe, who Friday night went to Washington from Baltimore to witness tha signing Mrs. Wilson and daughters still ore at Cornlah, N. H. tha officials a large n amber formal reception for a few minutes sad then the Underwood-Blmmons tariff law was carried away to the de partment ef 'Plate and deposited in the arehlTee slohg with other historic pieces of Safe Dynamited. The safe of the Southern railway at Thills Gap, Tenn., 60 miles south of Bristol, waa dynafnited early Wednesday. About $3 00 was taken Authorities have been unable to trace the robbers. Nash » Limarnt is th* b«* 7 far RhMMiisni. *. : sera Back. Ft.f! >r* na. S;n* f ut*. Bru.ass. ( 4 it. ri«Bps. Nsur^fia. T rjlhschs an' all .’■.****. Bone ar.4 Me*c'* Achaa aad Paias. Tha graa.aa hits N\*k'a Ark on er-ry yactue and looks like tki* cc;. bu*. kai RLD Ljaad on f- rt of pac k»|e and "Noak's Lircmant ’ alwaya in RED ink. Sawar* of imitations. fia'd by all Saalais, Me., tSc., and lljDO. Oaarar.taad or money ra- fnndad by Soah aeaaatly Co., lac., gichsKiad, Vg. Saaapla fraa oa rwjsMO. r-'-'-jrrt-- POSTMASTEK ABSCONDS. Four Flremea Hart. Four Bremen were eerloasly burn ed while fighting a fire In the Asbee- toe and Roofing notarial plant at New Orleans. Officials Are Seeking Man and Cash Which Disappeared Together. Two registered packages, together making- $1 1,000, are missing from the post office at Pocahontas, Va., and detectives ormed with federal war rants are searching for I^dwin M. Silberger, assistant postmaster. The missing official went east Tuesday morning on an early"traln. He board ed the cars at Bluestone Junction, near Pocahontas, and paid a caah fare to Roanoke, according to the conduc tor. The registered packages were locked In a pouch and left In Sllber- ger’s care to be tent east to deposi tories. One contained $10,000 and was mailed by a Pocahontas bank. The other contained tha postmaster'! remittances. Silberger is a Honga- rlsa. Hs hss been employed in tbs poet office three years. ' -l 'r ' r - * ► » r » *;>;•*: •> jl I • «* **'*•» • ' •*.«-• r 'if. * > t ' * * »a'buiS • • r, 1 pt* * ! *. *> • . If 1 a- •.!''* " • B **•• * ’*•'* to St t*Ld H.rtr «•:.* r-vetlDfs t. ' r * \S • *•* n t solng t * ‘ psuffct r.xf; Ir.r •• » ** ths #*•. y**Ar * • si! ii< x»rr.t I .*#••• re'«rr'. r to th** ov#rwhv.m r.* n.noner In '. anil adn. ir.lstrst.i n pe.*;.;# csptur«-«i rlub rr^vtin^a f.'in'y r,.L.f**tiH. me and Hs Stst* utr .I the o m v••nt ion* ..nd election m tchinery n* xt year wore formed !g!.t t ti t!.*' b Is of the re eleetlon r Blrase last summer, that 'action of the party wor'-ing on the details >n 1 :ney have called the for Fair Week to put !i»se pla’is in action, and oerfect such other dotails as will ho deemod advisable to carry the matter to a snccessful conclusion. >f Govern ! < ader^ o; have been o’, i r s 1 nee '•onr* renre t h SENDS COTTON PRICES UP Advent of Independent Buyer Stirs Spartanburg Mar he A R. H. Barry created excitement in the Spartanburg Cotton market Mon day morning by announcing hls in tention to buy for export. As a result between the opening of the market and two o’clock, the price of cotton jumped from 13 3-8c a pound to 14c, or $3.12 1-2 for a 500-pound bale. It is a matter of Spartanburg history that an “Independent buyer”—that is, a buyer not connected with one ofj the cotton mills for the county— 4 never haa been able to enter the Spar>jj|^ tanburg market and “get away wlth^V It”. Spartanburg county’s cotton be* longs to the county’s mills, Is the way the mill people loo kat It, and they have a way of making things exceedingly hot and intereeting for any man who goes Into the market against them. It has not been at tempted for several yean. Aa a ra-