Tbt Barnwell People. tt th« post office at Barnwell, S. C., aa aecond-claaa matter. JOMH W. MOLMeS 1840—1912 B. P. DIVIKS. EdlHriBd Proprietor •—By the year 11.25; »ix montha, '75 cent*; three months, 50 cents. AH subscriptions payable in advance. Advertisements—L e g a 1 advertise ments at the rates allowed by law. Lo cal reading notices 10 cents a line each insertion. Wants and other advertise ments under special head, 1 cent a word each insertion. Liberal contracts made for three, six and twelve month. Write for rates. Obituaries, tributes of re spect, resolutions, cards of thanks, and all notices of a personal or political character are charged for as regular advertising. Contracts for advestising not subject to cancellation after first insertion. Communications'—We are always glad to publish news letters or those per taining to matters of public interest. We require the name and address of the writer in every case, not for publi cation but for our protection. No arti cle which is defamatory or offensively personal can find place in our columns at any price, and we are not respon sible for the opinions expressed in any communication. THURSDAY. JULY 10.1913. MuszW Th« Docs. During the hot summer months many dogs go mad. Almost every day now the daily newspapers carry accounts of persons who are bitten by dogs suf fering with rabies. Would it be ask ing too much of the owners of dogs that they put muxzles on their pets during the danger months 9 There was once an ordinance to this effect in Barnwell and ao far as we know it has never been repealed, but it is not rn forced. With so much at stake, it seems to us that it should be made ef fective and if K has been repesled it should bi re-enacted and enforced to to the limit. But for the bravery of a young man in Athurta last week several children would have been bitten by a mad dog Not kmg ago an anti re family was bit tea at White Pond by a dog with rabies Don't wait until it is too iate "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure ” Surely the lives of human beings should be protected Let the city fathers pass an ordi nance requiring the owners of dogs to keep them tied at home. or. if they must roam the streets, see that they are properly muzzled The People publiabea this week an article on the repair and maintenance of earth roads. It is readable and should prove beneficial to thoae inter ested in good roads. In Mecklenburg County, North Caro lina, thousands of dollars have been spent in building macadamized roads, but they are said to be unsatisfactory, considering the amount of money in vested. They cost more to build and to keep in repair. On account of this fact the sand-clay road has come into favor in that county. This makes an excel lent road when properly maintained, as it is smoother than the macadamized road. But they require proper atten tion. Tobacco will bring 1200,000 into Horry county in the next sixty days.—Conway Field. And how much will old John Barley corn take out of the county in the same length of time? Whoever says that the heat of the past week was a state of mind is a fit subject for the insane asylum. When a man marries and settles down he finds that at the end of each month he is expected to settle up. HAS REACHED MTH MILESTONE. H*U SUCCUMB TO PISTOL WOUNDS w. c. Dim im S. C Hospital. Savannah, Ga., July 6 —W. C. Mears, of Tar boro, S. C., died in a local hos pital this morning as t he result of a pis tol duel with William Barnhill, of Till man, S. C., at Tillman, Saturday even ing. The cause of the shooting is not known. Mears is survived by his wife and two sons. His body was sent to Tarboro to-night. Barnhill is in the Tillman jail under arrest. A SUNDAY HOMICIDE. Willie Hayes, a Negro, Killed Edward Jackson, Another Negro. Edward Jackson, a negro, was shot and killed about three o’clock Sunday morning by Willie Hayes, also colored. The homicide occurred on the place of Dr. Weekley, near Ulmer, and was the aftermath, it is said, of a darktown frolic the night before. Magistrate L. H. Williams, of Ulmer, held the inquest and the verdict of the coroner’s jury was that the deceased came to his death by gunshot wounds, the gun being in the hands of Hayes. Jesse Moore, colored, was held as an accessory. The two men and two negro women, who were in the house at the time of the alleged murder, were arrested and brought to Barnwell Sunday afternoon and lodged in the county jail. The women, who are being held as State witnesses, are also charged with va grancy. Few men are better than they seem to be Adverttsement The People believes in praising county officials when they deaerve it and in erlbrumg them when they are derelict in the preformance of their duty. By giving publicity to their acts wg are assured of better service for 1 the monej expended We are. there fore, going to giv« SupcP i*or Diamond what's coming to him this week Not long ago we had occasion to nde over the Steel Creek road and were most Sgrtesbly surprised to fiud it in ex cellent condition. For years it has been one of the worst sand-beds in the county. Mr. Diamond has also done some good work on other roads, but there are still miles of road in crying need of attention, and we feel sure that he will work these in good time. CoL T. J. Counts, of Bamborg, is and Hanrtv nt that Aga. Bamberg, July-b—Mrs S. H. Counts entertained at dinner on the Fourth in honor of Col T J Counts', b.rthday CHALLENGE FROM Col. Counts has armed at the ripe old age of 86 years, and his many friends . C. N. BURCKHALTER throughout the State will be glad to know that he retains that mental vigor ^ ^ , .... . . Offer* to Refund Money ti Dr Howard • for which he has slwsvs been remark- 1 able, and is unusually well and strong W.ll Not C-re Any C.m of for this age Only a few friends were Cnnstiyntinn oe Dyspepeta present to enjoy Mrs, Counts's delight- C N HurrWhalter i« seeking the ful viands and gracious hospitality and t worst case of dytpc;**ia or ronititwfion to offer heartiest congratulations to, in Barnwell or \ictmu to t«-M hr him many for thr Howard s new %[>ecific thoae disease* So confident is he that this rems r k able medicine will effect a lasting Carr in • short time, thst he offer* to refund the money should it not t*e »uccr»sfu In order to secure the quickest j-x sible introduction l' S Hurrkha.ter ill sell s regular fifty cents j«a< sage of Col Counts and wish for happy returns of the day Mr and Mrs H J Brabham and fam ily left for a trip to the Island Thors day Mr and Mrs klauber. Mtaaes Le macks. Rutledge and Free and Mr Laune McMillan went to the Island for the Fourth Mias Kate Felder is y tailing ('apt and this medK-ine at half price enfs Mrs IMvkJ Felder, at 44 l har.ottr St . This sfvecifir of hr Howard t Char lesion cure sick headache dins feefing Miss Ottie Simmons yisited relatnes in Hranchvillr Monday Misses Ottawa and \anis Fastening are visiting their sister, Mrs VS' / Bryan, in Allendale pnday afternoon Mr and Mrs Thomas Black entertained the friends tt![»atMin d>*i>e{»*ia and malaria and lurr trouble I* simply gl> e rrlirf for the tsmr permanent and complete cu^e* It will regulate the boeels tone the whcle intestinal tract g >e >ou apt*rtite. make food taste good and • m» r «-» n •! •n* k r* up • n of little Hamette Wiggina. the occasion gest well and increase y igor Jo* and being her ttth birthday Delightful re- ( happiness will take the place of that freshments were served and an en- don t care whether 1 Ii*e or die fcei joysble party it was to the little folk* mg Popular Excursion Wednesday, July 23, 1913 Southern Railway Premier Carrier of the South T( Governor Blease evidently hasn’t a Very high opinion of the people of South Carolina. Under a Gastonia dateline, the Charlotte Observer of Sunday print ed the following extract from a speech delivered by the governor at the Red Men’s celebration at Dallas: “Since we have nothing but Demo crats and niggers in South Carolina, I could say almost anything down there; but up here in North Carolina the peo ple might not appreciate everything I would say. “ That is a rather significant remark. We take it that he considers his consti tuency as below the average in intelli gence and that, in their ignorance, they are ready and willing to swallow what ever he tells them. At tka Seashore. My, but it’s grand to sit on the sand When the tide rolls in from the lee, And watch the galoots in their bathing suits, And the girls avoiding the sea. —New York Mail. But it’s better tp go in the rolling turf, Where the breakers break with glee, ‘ntaa to sit on the sand—and get Savannah, Georgia, Jacksonville Tampa, Florida. and Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa $2.50 $5.00 $7 00 2.50 4 90 6.90 2.00 4.00 6.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 Excursion Train Schedule and Round Trip Rates as Follows: Special Train Round trip Excursion Fare to Schedule Lv. Augusta 7:30 a. m. Lv. Aiken 8:40 a. m. Lv. Blackville 10:10 a. m. Lv. Barnwell 10:28 a. m. Ar. Savannah 12:30 p. m. Lv. Savannah 12:35 p. m. Ar. Jacksonville 4:40 p. m. Connection at Jacksonville with night trains arriving Tampa early next morning Proportionately reduced fares from intermediate stations Augusta to Tillman. Tickets sold to Savannah will be good returning to reach original starting point on or before midnight July 26th, to Jacksonville July 28th and to Tampa July 30th. See hand bills for other information or call on ALEX H. ACKER, T. P. A., W\ E. McGEE, A. G. P. A., Augusta, Ga. Columbia, S. C. H. F. CARY, G. P. A., S. H. HARDWICK, P. T. M., Washington, D. C. Visit the National Conservation Exposition, Knoxville, Tenn., Sept-Oct., 1913. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of Barnwell Court of Common Pleas THE EQUITABLE HOME COMPANY, a corporation duly organized and ex isting under the laws of the State of South Carolina, Plaintiff against Sam Parker, J. W. Townsend, and Eliza Green, Defendants. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. (Complaint served.) TO THE DEFENDANTS, Sam Par ker andJ. W. Townsend. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to answer the com plaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his of fice in the Town of Barnwell, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanefed in the complaint. R. C. Holman, Croft & Croft, Plaintiff's Attorneys Dated: Barnwell, S. C., May 6th. A. D. 1913. Attest: W. H. Duncan; (SEAL) C. C. P. & G. S. NOTICE. TO THE NON-RESIDENT DEFEN DANTS; Sam Parker and J. W. Town send: TAKE NOTICE: That the complaint in this action was filed in the office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for Barnwell county, in State of South Carolina, at Barnwell, in the Countv of Barnwell, in the State of South Caro lina, on the 18th day of June, 1913, and is still on file in said office R C. Holman, Croft 4- Croft, Plaintiff s Attorneys Barnwell, S C June 18th. 1913 Notice to Dobtoc* and Creditor* All persons indebted to the estate of Jas H Rivers, deceased, are requested to make prompt pament of such indebt ednevs to the undersigned and all ;*-r sons basing claims against the said e* tate will please present the same pro peris attested to me 11 (’ VS a»hington June l'.M3 K\r*utor Notic* o4 Final DsecKorg* 8 .ti i«- i* hrrvh* -itm that 'hr u n dr-*i k ’ Ti«-d »iil «>n rn,!** Ju■ * !Mh I'M l ! 'ilr » th Hun J,.hn h v -nr! mg J J'lj.’r >>f 1‘rofiatr f,>r iWmmn Iou•t* h . » f 1 na re-turn a» »<1min.*t-»tr, ,r ,• th. r s t j f r •'( I***, H jt* >5r, r**,-M end a i> ; . ' r Lerttrrx Ih»miev.ri l( U -•i J U nr . 11 I'M 3 \drr..r, »• For Sale. 1 V Vf **!r rr > ( ant*’ n % * U • * r <1 in Heir TI **11 I ovjnw . t'-r T , • ,? H*"' • r r >fi ’*. ;i „• r, f a r r * • n,J f*>u • !n! — ' f.• > > V 1 b» * n 1» J 11 ) it,-* *f 1 ' F r r«*t t i* .limit of ' i t Mirt on thr »<>uth t>> land* of J K i *rTu. and r. thr • 1 -*t t>> land* »f J K i arro Thr piarr .» in • high «t*!r of cu.t i* a Iron h*a ofi it • good d»elitn|j hov» •< with fou r n *>fn» and a nr* trnant he. u W )«*rn a nd ttabir and a ^ » r of » atr r n».e ran be bought cheap and i* a barga.n to an* amah farmer or one • ho want* to engage in »pe> u la t ion in real pr >f«ert* For term*, appiv lo M D ( orlr* Wnmark, < (’ or Jam*-* 1 Daw*. m\ alt urn e * Barn »» II. S (' 1785 1913 {n Wrightsville Beach K C. Wilmington N. C. WMb tb* ffcrte IM avoid the la try to mB |Jo»y Tickets sold each Thursday—June 5th to and indodine September 11th, 1913, limited to reach Barnwell return ing prior to midnight of the second Monday following date of sale. -EXCURSION RATES NORTH AND EAST- For«n)r T. C. WHITE, Agent, N. C. J. A. SMOAK, Ticket Agent COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON South Carolina s Oldest College l—dh Year begins September >'>th Entrance examinations at all the eoun t» seats on Friday, Jui> 11th, at a m Full four year course lead to the B A and B S Degrees A free tuition scholarship is assigned to each countv of the State Spacious buildings and athletic grounds, w ell equipped laboratories.un excelled library facilities, and the finest Museum of natural History in the South Expenses reasonable. For terms and catalogue, address Harrison Randolph, iycs. TOMATO CLUB GIRLS Send us your orders -for— 2 & 3-lb. Cans. Canners, Capping Irons, Fluid, Solder. LEMON BROS BamweU, S. C SEK1 US T0U1 JOB YOU Saved Girl’s Life “I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford’s Black-Draught, writes Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. “It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, _ liver and stomach troubles. 1 firmly believe Black-Draught J saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles, _ J they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford s _ J Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no Jjj more trouble. L shall never be without ^ BUck-BgHT 2 in my home.” For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzl- 2 ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ^ ailments, Thedford’s Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, ^ reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. 4) If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- ® Draught It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five 2 years of splendid success proves its value. Good for ^ young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. CO L CO \\ hen it comes to net results, (profits) our I OP DRESS ER 4-7 I -2-4 leads them all. M* *«•**. t M r W* <%> t Southern Cotton Oil Co., Barnwell, S. C. Wm t_ Me.NAB. Manager ? Strongest State Bank in So- Ca. WHY? ( a 'itul ‘■'ur Hu* «nJ k hold*-r* i lahiliti (NMl (Hi Safest of the Safe. In .•Mr » 1 i f z ’b* f f-f * 8* * u *t» •.;) r* »»^nS»-ib* <»i'' - * • 'i 1 ^ j r i' j« n f*li • r •orJ« lb* B \ 8 h S i»W s M < > 8 FT •ttm »hi'-a ,-'**• w mr U' l*l»^.l f* In tr t F I K"' 1 »tnnOf lb* fcO 8*’ »• 'n S- u: h < •r-i| n* , •*f-tv 4r.l • • .1 •ct-ef' th* .-of 1 » t * i*li*n »tj Ivh * you U> b*bk • lit u*. 4 y er cent Paid on Savings BANKofWESTERN CAROLINA BARNWELL , S. C. C APITAL & SURPLUS S500,0CD°P 1 LOCAL DIRECTORS I George M Bates J M Easterling Butler Hagood P.M.Buckingham THE CLEMSON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Enrollment over 800—Value of property over a million and a third—over 90 teachera and officera DEfiREF COURSES- A C ricul ture, (seven courses), Chemistry; WUlVO£a3. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Textile Industry; Architectural Engineering. SHORT COURSES* 0ne -y ear Course in Agriculture; Two , year Course in Textile Industry; Four- weeks Winter Course in Cotton Grading, Four-weeks Course for Farmers. fOST* ^' os ^ P er sess * on °f nine months, including all fees, heat, light, water, board, laundry, and two complete uniforms, $133.45. Tuition, if able to pay, $40.00. Total cost per session for one year Agricul tural Courses, $117.55; Four-weeks Course, all expenses, $10d5b SCHOLARSHIP AND EN FRANCE EXAMINA- TION* College maintains 167 four-year Agricultural and Textile u- ch< ^ a ,r^! ps ’ and 51 one -year Agricultural Scholarships. Value of Scholarships $100.00 per session and Free Tuition. (Stuoeats who nave attended Cleason College, or any other College or University, are not eligible for the Scholarships unless there are no other eligible applicants.) Scholarship and Entrance Examinations will be held by tne County Superintendent of Education on July 11th, at 9 a m NEXT SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 10, 1913. WRITE AT ONCE TO W. M. RIGGS, PRESIDENT Clc*i-M»n Ollege. S. C.. for Catalog, Schotarmhip Blanlu. etc. 1/ vo« delay you may be crowded out.