BY THK nULGAIUAX GOVE1LN t ment for treason. GOTO DECIDES ABOUT TILLMAN CHILDREN fir ie Oovarnor BImm ad* ! a Uttar to tba Columbia cor- MUST SEE THEIR FATHER Mother Derlared Fit Person to ('are for Offsprinit, but Supreme Court i < a Ifolds Father, by Conduct of Pa?-t Three Yearn, Entitled to Keapeet anil Coiihitleration Mis. I.u y Du^us is ponnltted to re- taiu tlie cusioo^ of her two ^ uklre i pareuta, however, would not hear of Uousclika Pickens and Sarah Starko A Bulgarian woman’s love led her to betray her country and brought upon her awift retribution. A wo man of high aoctai standing, wife of a Bulgarian staff officer, was found guilty of betraying the Bulgarian j mobilization plans to the Turks, and was shot. A few years ago, when she was still a young girl, she fell in love with a dashing young oiilcer a:- , tached to the TurWish legation. Her It af The News and Courier dopy of one of tbe speech- W autde before the Hour# at Richmond last week * flora ofi) It ta all parts of tbwTonntry. srarnor atatad that ha bad pur* a copy from the Rlchm-iut -Dispatch aa«i bureau, and he juast that all of tbe news South Carolina print It. avery word I aaid,’’ be _ ' ttt bis letter. "I have abso- rio apologies to make to any in or set of men In this State, or itiide of It, and. as I said in Rlch- aond and repast now, I do not care of seeing one another •• rbat the Governor or Governors of The woman pointed out that they By State or States thought about It were both too poor to th.nk of elop CENSUS COHON REPORT AMOUNT Gl.V.VSD IP TO THE FIRST OF DECEMBER. TO R1SCTE CROOK FAILS WHIN OFFICERS SURPRISE GANG Triit k I artn< for Sale—L. B. Dial, Mt. Olive, N. C. Total Amount Ginned la Nearly Onej .Million leaa Than for tbe Same Period Last Year. NOTORIOUS CRIMINALS Sweet Orange*—$1.85 per box, 140 to 190 in box. J. W. Amerson, Wei- born. Fla. Prlre Winner*—Guernsey cattle and Berkshire pigs. Wyldwood,, Corn- well. S. C. W.E.GCRATT COMPLAINS AGAINST PARCELS POST LAI Tt,. .t,th cotloo glBBlBg report ol’ tYook , the Census Bureau for the season, la-j their murilage, and when the young Tillman, on the conditlonsttiat their officer was recalled to Constantino-;^^ „ u Tlllmani Jr . t have lhem pie the girl reluctantly married a. , wo mo , tUl|| ln the iU[nmer , half uf Bulgarian officer. Some time later ^ i:lirUuuuB hoUJ ;ina ono the Turkish ofl.cer returned, charg- in und a;go ^ pernilUl ,j ed with a special mission, und the , ' . , , , . , j u. v . ,. , ti seo them with reueonable rreiju- frtendshlp between the two was re- , ... ....... newed Finally It Is asserted the 1 ency un ' jer t ' ou■ r* and fe| | Tilled with l urk s i :h» p*tutoner • en In Fits I orn« for two months of t!.n " r er \ e’tt ,1:1 -on of enrn ye if p, half of the Chr! tn. ts h li! '< nd week during the p ,r'• e at su, h time as may bw found n. ot • n'enl, •oh ect to the o’her to have t h in » t: me* In c i»e of t *u lr eon light of tbo t h m r *t a I lines* \\ •• are • h 0> ’ position lorwrnor PAcssc sayi that he has ft for a stenographic report of the eh he mad* after the adoption of molutlon which Is known as the station of censure and that both the speecbee will be incorporated iA tneeaege to tho General Asternhly that body meets so thet they IT be made •*a part of the official rorda of *h!s State.*' Tbe following is the stenographic *ei*ort of the speech publication of bullcta. wb'-h '» asked by Goverror Blcase — The views of Governor Blease on corded by tlio respondent tho o p:irt marrisro and divorce were b-oug 1 t n'tr for such a«sr»ct ;Mon w ’h I * OV* foerlMy In sn address delivered chlllrin as the ruuit r> k ird*. under Sfor* the Governors’ Conference on •*'! c‘reumstnnens ren-ou 'hie snd Tbn**d ,, T afternoon, Oovernor W'n proper. H. M-rn of Vlrg'nia had Just f'n -h 1 | pu Tout t Is of the rv Inion tint h dt*"u*a!on of tnrnlrs the *r -id ; j (# petitioner ahou'd hnvo t*-e ch' 1 1 TW>—Bvton from tbe towns and les to the country and referred , > v<* gt«a« work b‘ t"g sceojrp I >1 c I bv *1* bor*'* corn club* giving atstlt «•« r* to the coee yMd scenmp!l«hc(t i r these rourg farmera Governor Blease said: •’Mr. Chairman I shall oot under take to dtecuee with the dia.ingdisl.m Oovenor of Virginia the queatlon of raidrg corn, because South Carolina holds the world a record, end aa to able freouency under condition* not tbe quality of h'.a corn. 1 would not unpleasant 'o him. fir a n.omrnt discuss .h*t. nevs ise Oil through piohlhltlon ‘’outh t’ar di- ba we ba/e example# of qutllty of bit rom. ahtpped from the canBsl of kls State by hie wholesale dealers •’Hut Mr. Vr> *Mrnt. the other ques tion la which South Carolina stand* elone , and In which In my opinion she is superior lo all o'her ■tile* of the America t'ulou, written m tn* • fundamental law* of my State by a cosa’it ut lonal Convention, compo-id of both rare*, tn ISM. and **v. ea more emphatically In 1899 by the white people of South f'arolina, are Ike words: ’No divorce from tbe bonds of matrimony shall ever ’>• granted.* It may be air. a hardship tn tome cases, and posa.bly l might refer to rases where other State* might think It was right, still 1 say to this audience this afternoon, and l say It with pleasure, that the only eor’ect rnl^. foltiiwtrc h uh t* . I; n- llcal injunction ant the Bijunction of iuivn. la that which South Carolina • m> * w ' ii •he s vs "Those whom God bnVh lolncd together, let no man put asunder.’ If there je one thing it. «hc A i.;c’ i "tn I ,'ii h. i a .1 «- cri'° to An’erlctn civilization, it la ihc r*it> of American whomanhood for weil'h; If there he another. It Is the wholesale an I unwarranted granting of (^voices because, forsooth, some womsn or aome man has got a* nuch money b» their marriage as they ex-j no thlng pected when the marriage ceremony was performed. I am glad that wo have no dlvotre law In South Carolina T*e-snmiHy. wnd if yon win look to tho rear of this ball nnd pick out the beat looking red-headed woman' In this Atatc. you will see why I ohh ct per- •^nally to divorce. Put, Mr. Chair- The Couil oiuits that the children he kept within Its Jiiri.-dlction and re- quiics iiolli tiiv f r,:.i r and tucGier to vi.h i u,!u of L’. 'Od each that tic > i airy oui l lie piovis.on* t.t tin* d. crer. It will lie lecallcd tti it il,« l... t IP... h.i, v* iic :i id O dallied a divorce iioin ..mi vv is slit^.i d oy ■ ouug 'Inui.aii in h e p.ea lor h;s rhildren. 1 he court says it cannot sny that the respondent has become unfit to* i ear In r ibildten because she obtain ed s dlvoice after this couit had a,l- Judged that her 8<‘,..ii trom In r husband was (fin- to ins f.niit. an I I.on.s that Mrs has been a mo*t loving and devoted mother to the t« >• little puls, and that she has disclifg ed her d tus as only a mother cou’d , Year. 1912. 1911. 1908. 1 It 1 2 . i.ou for i.' r pi i «e-1> tin* •’ e' ' , 'II li . .mt.'.l. I by pr .1. V t. u; i a In .n n'»o th 11 In the 11 t**r- • *’« the ueGtloner »hoti!d b*' allow* d . he wl'h his children with renson- \\ e make no order a: th's time a* v tile d> Gills, ill the confidence t h it 'he pR'tle* or the r .• r >u|i** , l will bn able to agree on the particular-, i r I ' v,i e.irlv date submit a p-oper tr fhs court These piovl-lon* *1" ’ •* si Meet to slteratl'in* Hi the eti | hi' • O . • i \ i .« 'n v eat « tn 11 v » hen t hw •• . e|. , * 'or them 'n be s.-et away I f-hool. he' the hope ir lint :B-' d 1 * ■ • (••*. • ' •hi’ nil f .re co • ■ c ' - • i \ ‘ ■n't 1 *. V * • ‘ r .' < ' ’ 1 I , o " ’* M 1 i r« v’.’e i ' II l • ' o' I i •• p.i! tl< * w pi n ’ lo I he Cou • t It Is or dei • d t ha' the >lni> 1 tem i.n .■• 1 1 > Go ’ .on of tie* ci .ii: i ar. 5 G r ner an 1 t!n> rerpci; ii i.i i. ni an .: inh I,. k .in ** ;' li ir• . to be a ; p: i \ ed bv i f Mils Court, In Me - in of ii In Ion. I Mi 11 'M> Will ■■o v e the i h ' b! ’ • ti l P ■ ■ n eval li. vi ml the jur. dl 'he Court "If tin* | wG >s to Mi is 1 r.r ; 'hunt ! b i d to respect an.I coitsidet at ion M • • • • m " s n > tbe Court. "t Ii t B R. Tillman, Jr . was not a format , . IAJ i..*4i , ik-fli i »i ^ ii 1 11 ♦: hiii'- ...' ♦ *. :iu ri.Ltiavi, hi.ii.iUfe ho on ti s own behalf, l/ut •>;; the ciaiin of lit-* fatiier and i.iog i i. 'o wlio'ti he hi* solemnly im .mu Cl h s rights and custody. G .« cl-ar that bv Miiv a i.on tie b* ca le !■ . • * i* r t II.!'" < 1 iti I io* I / t ; t that 1 r. ; i-e . \ 1. :n ir .1 in e w ,• , t l:i w . I Ir* 1 an a pin i- ma ie for in 'i.r g.* of smMi pr .. f of *>'. i • I as '. make such a step proper ' ll.** judge nil of Mo* C. uit as the custody of a child i* never tlmii, for the Co j i ' miiBl at an time* ■ fi -otu a. t u.on such a vi'.i! ctm , of coed.lions ..* I * , 111 es a clliliie C cuatody But It I* none tne le»* t u*- the father ha»lng been ad;mU’- e.l responaCGe for the s'.’.u.tMoli s n c required the court to gee custodv • j the molt i*r 1 *• canioo de ..and th f ihe children be t.ik n from tier t - o •■» he ghows lirl to have !.e. ..ine r. f 11 for t he: r custoday 11 :» .» e t !i; n . lie Im* (lot done There can be no doubt that (he mol tier i* giving to the ihi.d:*i. i ie most affret i,»n . •• ai,.1 a* . J ious i a 1 lo fa l t fiat »be l.a* .. u .’I SIM r ' .1 ' 1,1 : :: i n r an • •tii 1 908. 1906. 1912. 1911. 1 9 0 'i. 1 9«t6 1912 19 1! I 9' 8 1 '.oid I 9 ! 2 19 11 I90v 1 906 1911 I 9i. s 1 ‘nig I ! M g I 9 U K :i K 10 ,1. K" ,' I * g «•( I .-Gg i"us 1111 rd I hr C . ’ 19 I !o- r n >r .' *: i : . u r > It/ie Ml it n f I u> nc- 1 b h Mi 'a" ■ ■ ’ i 1 " 6 1912 19 11 1 9 0* 1 9 9 6 ' 9 ' 2 1 9' 1 1 ins I 9 • 6 1912 19 11 1 u i. v 1 9u6 .9 11 i - y i Glnnlnga PC. Alabama. 1,1 60,637 .... 1,436,076 84.7 1,1 75,629 Wi.3 1,018,955 82.1 Arkansas. 660,1 74 .... 680.434 7 4.5 .... 776,431 78.0 570,324 63.8 Florida. 4 8.5 9 3 74.056 7 8 4 , . . 58,6ii3 83 0 . . . . 5 0,0 2 8 81.4 Georgftw 5 6 3,443 2.339,354 83.7 1,739,65 7 8 8.0 1,391.2 4 85.2 l.oulsiana. 2 4 3.22 6 ii 13,624 8 2 4 •' ‘i 4 *4 ’ S x4 6. 6 7 2 s 7 3 7" 4 M i©s|svl|i|il. 81 S.s 6 2 892 495 7 r, n 1 ''.7' S" 1 1 f>n • y 7 <4 6 7 9 North Carolina. N v ’ ' •*. *' t ; ■ 1 t ; V C ■ 9 1 1 ' k n 7 7 ! ' ' 4 1 ... 5 7 i • 4 ' *j • ' South Carolina. 1 4 1 2 2d 1.3 1 ".963 - - 1.*i51/50 7 6'/.: v. *■ 4 T «-n n r«e*oe. jo x 7 1 . . 319.97'.' 7 4 279.6 -4 \ < , 1'1 242 »; j : Texas. 4 3 ti x. 7 2 1 . . . 3.747.93 2 91 : 3.19" 9 .s > 1 1 3,257." 0 l x 2: Other Stat«-a ^ - 4 •* »>4 1 r ,1 1 *1 ~ • G ( Bank Bobber and Escaped Con vict, I/ead* Band to Bescue I’iIn- oner En Boute from Sa.auiiaii.— One 4>f Number Killed. Hart ford'* Koupe (Nire—Guaranteed 50c delivered. Poultry Remedy Co., Sneads, Fla. Duroc-.Jerseys—Rich breeding, high quality. Moderate prices. C. G. Oakes, Assumption, 111. That Frank Holloway, bank rob ber and escaped convict, was In Mem phis, Teuu., with several of his fol lowers to intercept deputy United ■Slates marshalls en route from Sav annah, Ga., to Omaha, Neb., with i/rggs Nolen, accused of misuse of ,he mails, and free Nolen at all haz ards, developed Tuesday night onnectiou with the raiding of a col lage on the outskirts of Memphis early Tuesday , the capture of Hollo way and several of his followers and the killing of another, "Kinney’ Bergen, ex-convict. Holloway, according to Chief ofi itetectives James Roper, has admit- u d that such was his plan, frustrated because of the circuitous route tak en by the officers having Nolen in ustody. As a sequel, Detective Er- m-st Nolen, of the local force Is un- er suspension because of failure to ake known his alleged knowledge >f the presence of Holloway In Utpi Sty. Diggs Nolen Is u brother of (lie detective, Holloway is a cousin i "Jack” Mundy, alleged to be aj ■i. ti ber of the gang but who was not in the house at the time of the raid. ; s being searched for. Holloway, Brantley Mitchell, John ■f.'f'i y, alias "Tex" Wallace and Mrs 'rhn McCoy, were anested when a : iRd nf police and detectives swoop- ! down on the McCoy residence uesday morning. The men were sb ep when tin* officers gained en- •1'ice to the dwelling and were nd.'tiffed before they were su:1c- ' v ■! w i’ i* to o"er resistance \l re 1 •"•. .%*, who admitted tbe r»*’rert> -r.-vkire the only o’-.e fn sie re could give an alarm. 1 ut It . - «f-ui’p|e* she overturned som* i-nlture which awakened B* rgen :....• . g.i.g G a window on ti.* .. 1 mV. IO tile TO •(. I v . gl'ti l'l.l I , * .*!.■ >S • \* h.n.j '‘d re .'•• * .' . ; .*• .. : • t hi :» e.ipe.l t • g- 9:. : a J Gin '. of .'i * i and li* win „ W .•II .*■ I* • • d ' e b I. n . .. It. ■ l.g al.d O,.- 1 I. e I. e . 9 '* * I Wild mg Mid at the house. \ 1 :.g I t .. i f I .eteC 1 1 v H Go, i!o,.o * ,iy h,i» coa:*■ *s ■ i t;.at in .v.,» ; j riscue Diggs No.e a . .il.,e was laiug U.ade fro: *• !r.,.n to ai.o'.iir at .vi<.ni, L. A en the officer* in cha'g** ot No *ii w*..’ rou'.*- t.e pan* I . 1 t h t O Ug .. and Mon lay M.e I 'l. 1 ol.* .**►*■ ticp' d -o M.e ; r. •.-ne* ' HoM/Wli. f Ie:*i t:iu Nolen Je .1!** he knew 'loth.tig ill w.iy li* Cabbage and l/(‘ttuce I'iuiit*—$1 per thousand. Beading varieties Oak- Itn Farm. Salisbury, N C. For Sale—Fresh Carolina Rice, meal, the lust stock food .West Point Mill Company, CharlestoTr-jS-. C. Ci>Miisii Indians, white and dark stock for sale. Egg orders hooked now. C. T. Miller, Hartsvllle, S. C. iooi. i i',o, I'uii'/ii .Wt ed.»—Fields more lint than any other variety. ’ Write for prices. G. L. Toole. Aiken, S. C. I Pay Highest Price* for cow peas Send sample. J. Lockwood Murphy Charleston. S. C. For Side—Standard bred horses Thoroughbted Jersey cattle and Du rock J-rsey bogs D. A. Coleman Fountain Inn, S. C For Sale—Two farms of 200 and 305 nen 8, near ihr.ving town on D. & S. Gy. Good land. Flasy terms. Ad. box 292, Coats, N. C. Marry — Barge li“t wealthy members wishing early marriage. Conflden- tl;d di sci iplion free Reliable club UNFAIR SAYS TILLMAN Younge’s Island Cabbage rtum Breeders Complain Aiacit Dis crimination in Defusing Ti ins[»or- tation for ITan.a—Tillmau I’rgea that Words be Stricken from Law. A letter from Washington says Senator Tillman has been in corres pondence with the Foil master Gen- exal with reference to the complaint of the Wm. C. Geraty Company, of Younge’s Island, J. C., that under the postoffice department j Interpre tation of the parcels post law, cab bage plants, wlfvvh thr Geraty Com pany produces, are not ullowou to be sent through the mails on equal terms with other meichaudise. Mr. ti.fch- cock having demonstrated that the trouble is with the law and not with the department's Interpretation of it, the Senator wrote the 1 ootmaster General as follows: ‘•My dear Mr. Hitchcock: Yoits of December 5 Just Received, and 1 see that I was in error In my pre vious letter In supposing that the postofflee department had presu tud to change the law admitting | bage plants to tbe parcels post. i want to ask you now without having read your report to Congress knowing what you say in or it on ihB Mrs Wrub»*l Box 26. Oakland. Cal. j if y0 u'say any thing at all ~ that T would be glad if vou would 1 him > |rt* Dream and ( andies for the 1 B wedding or par'y Anything in col- Hahn and Makers of < r s. Co tbe everyt- ng to Chari- stop. 8 C. "Purity ' kind i*r wai,.— lUack Mitiocru young an*. ..Id stork. J.'.c to $1 50 White Or- [dni'ton Pt.llet*. fl 50 to J2, Cork- •Tels. $1.5o io J3. Cocks, $.’ to $5. Pol.ert I. Shirley, I.anonla. Ga. I, ive millions of frost pr iof cab- > pGin's Grown under Blue i! 've foo'hllls they are hardy, '* a* tr' C " I g '* a' .on auggestlona and • I D \S akeffeld F'arms, Char- ! o 111-. \ r -•a 11- communicate with the postal com mittee of each house and recommend that these words be stricken from .. . O l t.' at!on in M1JdIe | • :- o;i Right ad■ | t H r.k"'g towns.| • I'' l it ’.* s per-1 \\ H. Thom, »on. i ii-* < h ! I. I he do -oC • h** $ i n er I lent I'ierk 1, ’ !f- c I !te,r tan. of d* p’ora onMovtutiv will th r.k h s.s i f tii** ci ■ 1 ( l'" ' tit of t’le'r b-i'.ll lie' ' ' *1 HI 1 more of the forelu •lance iitul G'wri - TV vv 11! c It peison.t 1 d gn:t>. to nothing of llm C'iiristlaU chxt TV vv hb'h both prof< requlrt s Mint t!o y should exi-reDe !n (m-i n inn 1 out ti!'' s;drlt of this decree, there wt 1 G be 10 need for furtlier I ;t 'g it 'on Sure'.v, nothing ci>' Id so alleviate the m-sfor- egret ’a9^ to tie !: • n I ti c t*t o 1 v e • !>** i:n Ir l. K m itG w hit h she is not :u tv , * e i' .• t i .tnt.ot s.t * oil :* ut 11 s beiu .*• u 1 t . Gii. i n b* . ,,se t*.i.* ,/ i I i * . f » r M: la i mi ! I i Mat Im rs e* p. rat ...ti tie:, ban 1 was do** I * * h ** t a i Mat d: v oi e is ag-Glist :’,*■ ; oln v ul ’.h.jt S:„u, as *■ * t in* proiil n o' i In ( I ut In the faee of tlo* op, r ent of tbe v aat nuijo: ;.v ■Mit : K*< i':i i. /el erorM. . K .11 Ml t a: ; him 9 '>r. i ut ph s or o: Me i i a- ai be.i'ing b* b s pans *• mad;- r** Mayi'r i m . : • ' h a' tf a .it w .1 * * b. d a It' d ' Mm w t h i • ia • afte: ::o m Mitchell :* charg* d h k ti w i \ 'ohh.-ry an :.t* nt to rdl 9'i.i s - • ' . h r. i 1 :v • ■ i u 11 K OKAM.FIU Ut. < < 'l l Ft.I d • ! .1 M t ' 1* I.*' * ■' l pat bv t M.e i ■* 1 to real li • ■ I a .: U i Io I .11,. I . . S U . t o e, - .ii •* • i d i>. .*: it Ui .o i e *>•'.! . : ' lie peo- I vi 11111.1 ,e The (.real tlirl.stian Jvilinol of South orn Soutli Caridina. this s ho. for this Court to Mine of these children ns courte-'v, forbearance and charity of thi.r par •■nts toward each other ” Blryrce i'ourt Crowded The Savannah Morning News s;iva unty divorce ruses on the doeke ari ogaut Me Ho I *• }.*■• i ! "9 .. long A dr. o: : o is so p id as to show v f:ttie/** tor m ■ ternal dutici and ohi.gntiorS. Not .'.III the infereio e of unf,tries* tie tliawn from the* n .Gi*al to acee io to i he pout(t>nei's re'im st tor a recon- . .G;it:on A real reunion in life and sent in ent is mo.-t-do M,r:ih9\ and It is .'on.ttM rdiMro ’ In Mi** pet ' oner that in h s le'ters he frank'.y .t know’edges his err.vs and exprevses his desire fur a reunMn but It woiild be most harsii judgment to hold Jhat the condition} i 'uring the jast y* ar 1 * hi en born again. We ban b,et. .'u:te a fl arid so me sum dur.tig t. -u.nmer on the grounds and bull lugs We now have a new audlto: ii in, new parlor, n*-w equipmeirs ar, all dormitories and ciats room i> to wed Inside and out We h away Honour present site F’pon th new land we hope soon to erect \ large modern boy s dormitory, whi- i will be surrounded by parks and folds for all kinds of athletic s; or:. 1 * tn short, we are determined to rna’ a the Orangeburg College the great Christian school of lower Fouth i •"• olina. Our motto Is. “to give the : t ;i ^ i v s.i ' to I b •■ '«n when vou lay down the law vou 1 for one term of superior iaim t is j Ara aa thaugfixi ilbat. resgioudont i a< ^ -ri" fbe harvest that the distin- tonlshlng. The Question of the ma- not fit for the custody of the chi! - '^ n ,lc, * a **. *'^‘ ^ . . . • ^rwrvror of Nevada hai pic- fv ono* of th» ini/- r»*n boonuso bImv refuse's to onter into 0 i .--r,, ♦/> »h!* conference. ! xling with which our soclaloglsts have a lovelevs reur.l< tr ttm nnmbi r of tailed diccufislfn, we acquit the rr- IDo'ces; we recognize no divorces divorces Increases at 1 the riow ih is s; or.dent of aatv'h charges as render 11 a man leaves the State of South M’.>nflned to no pn tir tilar race or sec- per unfit for 1 he custody of Iter chllu- i- r.-d’.na. or a woman, and goes Into'Mon end Is equally as pervalcnt In the reu. mother State and obtains a divorcej eountry as the el’v I ''But there are some features o « man < >: ii p M >n da > i* whir t» " ' h < om :nan 1 . t ■ banc*' i . v * . > ::. 111 I - .ii ng ’'*• ’:* :' as B.;- g> n is —f, 9 n Holloway .s well known In t 1 >* •" 9 Ml 1 S 19 hvvi*-t ||e i — *>' g.i : • : *.i ' * ii * ty w he n he st.o: a.,d k i i .*• ; i Dm.: ! i r. :i l.ann ruho* r a: Fu ■ * i i 'k a . in i 9'. s. He was hc jt: 1 ed Next tie engaged in a fight w.g, •vo of his companioi.s In itkiatioi: .» Gty Ail were wounded. Hid;,,way es-caped from a hospital and ■ ime !o Memphis, where be opened a bo:*-, bi.t whs compelled to Iihv« the eiiy when his establishment was closed lie* a raid. - Next tv* w as arr> *: ■ ,| at Claremore, Okla , In 191" for Hie mh’.ery of a hank at Harold. T^xas. and taken to F'ort ttorih for trial. He !»*'l Texas and his bond of $13.- onO was declared forfeited, but later he was arrested at Chicago, return ed to Texas and sentenced to seven years In the penitentiary. He escap ed from the pen at Huntsville last' -"nimer and since has hern at large, i When he was arre,«e<1 In Chicago.) Holloway confessed that he had tak-( •n part in the robbery of the branch; of the Bank of Montreal, at Wesr- '"ir ster, B. C., of $545,04)0, and o f a Hank In Panama of $85.onn. \ '■*'**-j.iii Mills G .* .1 nil wheie 'a ■'* r *• v . ■ m ■ siailed for re*i- • ■ , h n ! : rig..- Sa:isfa*t.on i '•!*•. * . ■ •• 11 ,g‘i* * A r:**a an V. i ' , .■ bapel Street, v. .n -• < X it, woman all or • .-• ■ ;• formation for * x a' • or travel El ; r * i. •• i,"' ■.■ . --a; y Nothing to sid! Hood pay Send *tamp for ■ i i !•■ '.I a r* \ d d re** Vl 8 1 A .’ -1 1. Build ng Ind anapolls. Ind ( t’i*«|i i arming land-—Near Char- C Two tract* of about ! a* r* * en h desirably located near radroad llialtby location. • v-.v dia.i age Addn ks Owners, Box Suntmervl’.le, s C V., i. .— G • i >-a . s. $ 3 barrel, i c $ “'.arrel 3 Wine- - . « • I. i r ■ • Fancy WI resaps, : .•: b'lhbi I b ixes. $1 7 5 Sat- t •) rv I sn'.-ed kt \t* ' G r « R'.vrr.. I tu f < the law: 'That this Act shall not in any way eJTect the postage rate on seeds, cuttings, bulbs, root*, fc'ctt* and plants as fixed by Section 4-2 of tbe F’oital l aws and Regulatioi s ' This would permit such aiGc'es to go In the parcels post the same at anything else "It seems to me ou'rngeous that ’he express companies sm uld he *o far favored by tne Cytigtiss as to have these things ex.-rp;* d 1* ih' -c any good reason why but'er and egr* and even beef can enter tbe parcel* posts, while seed*. bu:‘v cabbage plant*, etc . be omitted’’ 1 do not believe that you : -.ic-.e th*se exc--p- ’b>n* ought to be made or tiiat r');ht thinking people The parcel* p* s'. i» I unde, stand it. wa» enacted largely to enable the farmers to iV poee of their surplus products to 'he p* op'e of the tewns at a fair prme rather than hive 'hem r n th « reducing the cost of living 8'ireM 'he farmers ought to be ni'i.wid ' get auch things In returi f-om v'i one who haa them fn sell » cause the parcels post to h im'' them as much at It do<*a the p-o-de In the cltle# "If you can see your wav cl, ar to recrommend this ching- to th** pos- •*! committees I woiilt he r'•• d t.) hsve a copy of vour le"er To mv m'nd If la a prepos'e-ous con '(f, » 'hat ex'sia and ii't<' r 'v u'* ■ii«' , *.x‘.9> H would 'ake a PVtade' b a ' 1 v*- ft dozen Of them to conv'rv * •' ,• ' - m'*rs that the cfthhar*. I'«e!f sbn i'' be admitted to the par . - while the cabbage p ant. wh'■' g-ows the cai-bage, is r -t aM. w <■ 1 "• w ithout pay ing the o'd rate i>f * age U hy shou'd cab'cige pm's 1 ** charged at the rate of one cen* '■ each two ounce,, M e I I'd ;• Bse’f 1* admlt'ed at pane:* <* rates’ Very respectf- llv. "H R Tillma’i Representative I tv r n is n. . working on the same mat-.-r a ' other end of Congns* a: 1 b*-' ,• •- are the grg-a'- that the necessaty ili.nae n th* li small eater*, .-an he effected at the p. es* n* . and vlgoroos. sesaion. E Hall- \ a , - o-i grab this •a •] g, ' rich wl’h it Just ftbo* It '.■■de 1 "" per -ent ag r.t w: ;i send for '•ephen Parish. ■■ ’ c- i, F la r . .-"■■Gi g dock Invest'ga'e them.I G ■ ■ t * * 'n- !> i • i h. 1 it g. breed ng stork and day old duckling for sale at all • 1 "o*s J. H Weedier. Gakeland. Fla. .1, • ••■•'•- * iii»t-' , roof ( abliage I'’ '■ h» ’• " tn be had anv- •,■ hi*r„ j i I,,-r i ■'«o0; f> ono nd i■ »■ r * ’ "< r 1 90:0 lotiannen a I •'•* A C teiill \SJiat agaa • ,.•*/ ft 1 ty,,. b/’Ot Mfred louannet. Box K. Mt. Pleas bp 1 s r. Wanted — F’in** [ieces of very old sol id o.-ihcg iiv or veneered furniture, s'de'boards bede. see-etarles, ehalrs, f00*bt""Is. mirrors, etc : old pistols, r'dles, «tnmp*, pewter, brass Fur niture don't have to be In good con dition Address E. f{. Gllgour. 118 Wes* «alnt flair. Indiana; oils. Ind IBs $ 1 25,000 for the entire year and we declarations were not taken ser'.ous- nmke a special price of $75,000 from 1 17 vi M* w'fe. he may come back In-! •'*>,.th firollna and lly», but If h« again marries and moveit*-t of ?o>i*h fafollna has stated Efe In-their or’n'an th/t they are Hlegl- (tnyete *nd esnnot/Inherit the nronsr- tf Cff-Mjvn pa rent y That I say, may fteem *0 en-oe of/-on * ha-ffaNi-i; b- t wv frlends, 1» \ff far better that In a K*ne rood woman may /man may he catit.»d ‘0 1»t dowrn a Law which Bed which la brlnrln* *wn*e th» aoleosn hnnda ■ ■ ■ the respondent’s conduct towards the Tho British Parliament has Just petitioner which the Court cannot a'- passed a law to Inflict flogging upon prove and which It will by Its order every i> hlte slaver convlnnd of a see- correct / Whatever may have been end offence That may seem to some the fylns of the senMnientalists rather an extreme agalnrt/hls wife, he has suffered for punishment, hut to pe-sons lost to a’l them Severe penalties, the Court pa-- wh'te slaver rer- not dpu'd, and It sen* no reason for totber of hi* eblldren to doubt 1 tnly that he has deeply repented talnlv Is. perbanw flogging Is the only the effeel Ive punishment. It will hen - not called how effec'lve flogging wa* In putting an end to a gsrotting so prov ■ alent nearly a half century nro. Christmas to end of session. We make the claim that we have a schno a* ^ood as the’best and at the same Hme the price Is in reach not only rf the rich hut of those of small means With the price the Orangeburg Col lego offers no arnbittous hoy need he denrlved of a college education. W« ask all who contemplate going off to pc PO ]] r . ?e to InvesMgate tho merits o our school. Wo expect to enro’l rulfn -! targe number of new students after Christmas. Why not you be among the list. Write for Catalogue or for Information to W. W. Rivers B. M. Bergen, whore age Is given as 19 xears, was recently liberated from' the Louisiana penitentiary at Baton < mco. after serving a two-year sen-j fence for housebreaking. Mitchell, it Iso a cousin of Detective Nolen, has!. 1 \ local police record for petty tlncv- I -y, but of the others little Is known. , Mrs "McCoy is detained as a witness ' McCoy is formally he’d on a charge t •' vagrancy. His photo was sent , b-ofidrast Tuesday night to t^e pollen ; af other cities. Fcu* f. r H;i*< liuig—8 C. Witlte Leg horn. $1 per 15 $5 per lAO F'awn and White Indian Runner Duck*, eg - $•’ per 12. $12 per 100. We *> '1 veu eggs from prt/.e winners. V o win wherever we show. Agent for 'Dray Incubators. W. F. Pun-? " u •'•>!'. Augu>-''a. fla , Route 2, Box 1 2. of ^bo wrongs he has done, but that, president. Orangeburg, S C.; ijnder severe temtpation to fall,he has Foreman Financial agent, left off drinking and become a sober , T m n^d earnest man. Romo of his let- rs to the respondent are no doubt napt In sentiment and unfortunate 'n Carolinians for a moment set itself mean for a moment to condemn vou, -or would South Carolina or Sonth/'"'^*'™. but certainly noneofthem un as th© otidv or th© proner guardian/ " r * RO R * ,r) warrant 8 af th© morality of the American na/, h,ni '^^msilon dlrer'- - whieh only under any M« n: w* sr© glad of th© di«Mn^ ,v hl8 Tb »' record or anw p|»enmatane©« ) Mpp that w© hold: w© are proud t e©*»fr*e4©<4 ©or lor», aano- TMwf«© •»oar»r. t nnd brotb«rtt«w apply to year States It to '* Is written In onr fundamental so that no Legislature, elected elbly by a wage of evcltement or Mhee earaeg, e*p change It; Of written that It la Impoealb *. nnd of that we ere 1 Women Jury Convict Woman At Twin Falls. Ia., the first Jttrv of women In Idaho found one of th cr own sex guilty of threatening a man with a revolver, but recomended her to th© mercy of th© court. The ’..r v:,.,| f —G!7 •iew-R, 2 1-2 mile* of I'lnicr. Barnwell County, on public road 2i)0 acres open. 100 timbered, loamy soil, good dwelling, large barn, stables, other outbuildings. 7 tenant honves: near school and chttr-h. PDce and terms reason able. A. W. Fogle & Co., Colum- h'.a, S. 0. Planter Gored to Death. J. A. Rmith, ared 80 years, a prom inent planter living rlx miles front Athens. Ca . wa* go-ed bv a Jersey hull In h'R lot late Saturday evening' ind died InsfanMy from the two fear , ■i ’ wounds In. Ms ahdemon and stom-' ach. * 1 Plant© from Hlglt-Grade See l Only— P ;me ,as used for my owm -10;)* The verv host that can be produced "B ■nde’-si n's Ritccesgla-i ’ c.ab'i vg,*., IMg Boston” leptuce. "Wn" * Ber* muila" onion, and ‘‘Early Eclipse" beet. $1 25 per 1.000; 1 0,000 for $’ 0 Write for catalogue.- Win M •rkien. Dlnsmdre. F'la. 1 uiiiiage I'lmit** tor »ali I’Bui's groan Tt th- '.. g h Bed".Hi’ xt-ctina of N’o'Mi (’aio'ina tvi'.l g.xt b ' ter rem,It* tl .an if grown un the low coast ■*• 1 u,.!i. (). t» air large Bto kv Ulls, V guli'll- .1 till he.G'Ill and vviil g.rirantee s.iit tmnhle for th© country *s a r<- ■>»- he accorded resnovtfnl. consider Arthnr Reona. Th© hearing was ad- «ult of th© D©mocratie vdefo-v Mr otn at© treatment at th© hands of tha JonrnwJ whll© th© Jnrora pr©par©d th© Merger wa# defeated hy a Dem'v'rr* so mother of hla children, at leaat with mtddaw bi^lI for their famll©#. and n Mt rae© for re-election ,0 Eon to re*n©et t« them: and It la n©t locally srh©n th© vaa In they reach gre«a and no doubt that 1© why th mfTwtted that h© hae not h«©n ao #4 their sw«rk loam, rod rlnv ‘<»|t»««i'l. 3nv sl/e farm vmi vv1*tv. n