2 m TO PLEA IKK HU BE NO INTIITENTION IT EDRDPE NOW IURKEY TO BE CRUSHED TBK 80UTIIKHN UAILWAY EXHI BIT AT THE FA IK. Sfc. Defeated Turks to Reform Be- hind the Last Line of Fortiflca- tions at Constantinople, But it in Not Believed That They Can Long Check the Allies. A London dispatch says the Turk ish ambassador there has been di rected by the Ottoman government to inform Great Britain of Turkey’s willingness to receive assistance In bringing about a suspension of hos tilities with a view of arriving at a peace settlement, but the Balkan na tions and Greece are persistent in their determination that Turkey must arrange directly with them the terms of peace without the Inter vention of the European powers. - The Turkish proposal of peace Is satisfactory In bo far as It shows a desire to prevent further bloodshed. As regards foreign Intervention, however, there seems to bo no chance of the Balkan states listening to any foreign counsels while treating for the arrangement of conditions ol peace. These must be settled be tween the Balkan states and Turkey direct. Those powers thus far consulted have responded to Turkey’s appeal for mediation by declaring they could make only proposals for pence and'^it could not apprbarh rnn Balkan na tions with a request for an armis tice. Thr* war must, fherefore, con tinue and the Turkish army, which the porte has at last admitted has been beaten, must keep on with its unequal struggle against the victor lous Invaders. The terms of peaeo themsep-es are a matter entirely for the hellrerents to settle. Bulgarin having ng iln af firmed that no Interference from the outside will be tolerat'd. In this she has the support of her allies, who settled the political »s well as the military aspect of the campaign be fore the war was undertaken. In the meantime tbo war Is volnc on and what was left of the T irklsh army after the defeat at I.ule Murgas Is rushing for supposed safety t« hind the line of forts at TchataIJa, with the Bulgarian lelt trying to cut them off While the number of troops encag ed In the series of battles fourbt be tween the Turkish and Bulgarian ar mies In Thrace during the last fort night was not so larse ns that of the armies that fought In the Husso-lao- unese war. yet this prohably waa the most savage and bloodv war ever fourht In Europe. _ The flghttng Is followed hr many Tnasaa^rea by tic T'l'-kNh soldiers the brutalltv of which Is hardly be- llevab'e The reports Issued hr the Bulgarians are p.-ohnMy exaeg* rate<| but the accounts of Inaepcmd'-nr wit nesaes show that tha situation In this respect Is very bid The loss's of the two a-ni'e® ar* mere guesswork, but that th<'\ have been extremely heavy goes without saying and It It. probable tint th< Bulgarians who attacked fortIPed positions, lost even more thin th. Turks One correspondent says tonne Turk* have fallen since the battle of j i a K I fk - K III Isseh end eeotlier (hat tb'vl lost rn nnn nt I uU Burgas At the I Bulgarian mln'sfrv of war. neco-d'o.■ i to a dispatch from Sofia the namee of 4 nnft dea l Bulcnrlan t -l iters | have been Its’ed and It ts *nown tha* j during the last few data pit 0"" Bui [ garlans were wounded, half of them seriously A correspondent retreating with' the Turkish armv telegraphs t'-at for, SO miles he pa-sed woun lei men I either lying on the ground or belngl transported on bullock carta whllo'' others pft'nfuilv dragrert themselves) along. Thev had no food ani there was not a habitation uliMp hn milog The prospect thif a conslierat'le portion of th-- defeated Turk sh ar- llies of TchataIJa. the last fortifica tions before ('oust a n t-no pie, H no' altogether excluded, hut It ir doubted whether the Turks will be n'-le to maintain there any serious resistance to the I’nlearinn advance In the Struggle with the allies the Turks lost mor* 1 than half their artillery In fact, the Servians alone claim to heve cantured no less than Pdf’ cons This will certainly milltake against nny prolonged stand at TchataIJa. Home of the Things That,Are Taught the Ludicii and Others Who Will take Time to Learn. Tho Spartanburg Journal say* the best Exhibit at the county Fair was that of the Southern Railway. It was a great lesson for all house wives. Three young ladies made the visits of many ladies more pheasant and instructive and themselves en joyed tho stay in Spartanburg. They are loath to leave this city. When work is over, or when the attention of all visitors at the build ing Is attracted elsewhere, these la dles are among the Interested onlook ers and are always In the best of hu mor. Miss Tutt told a good joke on another member of the party. She said that a prominent -Spartanburg man introduced his wife to one of the young ladies and that little wifey did not do a thing but turn up her little nose and pass on. The young ladles had a jolly laugh at this. This is just one of the little Inci dents that make the exhibit so high ly inter'sting, instructive and enter- talnitn' It is an education for the illj-dallying house wife, who does not stop to think about how her kit chen should he kept. She does not knot• that there are a thousand and one tittle devices which will save no end of toil and trouhie. To teach the people about the labor and time saving methods the Southern Uail- n iv has provided .this excellent exhi lt Is In charge of J-h E Cole M Tutt, Miss M iller fihd Miss Wood ford aio in rliarg.- of the domestic sen nip (lepiirt merit I’rof Niven Is in charge < f th-- hor'i'-ul! ur.il depart merit wlile Mr Quiii.-lev lias control of the dairying department. Miss Tutt. who is a graduate of the I'ni- v rstty of Chicago and one of flu- roost able domestic science teachers in the country talked interestingly to a reporter for the Journal She said: “The object of this exhtbl* Is to teach the people how to accomplish the maximum amount of energy. We have a well arranged kitchen, small In order to save as many steps as possible and we aKo have the little labor saving devices whirl) make looking a pleasure rather than a drudgery. We save men work also, by showing |he flre|e»s ronker-v. thus reducing the amount of wood chopped. We also show the uses to he made of the k. stove, and gas stoves In towns gas la available. Our demonstrations are to the ladies how to prepare t to day foods and we do not pi\ atten'lon to the fancy d -do though w> want to teach how to tie dainty and uea’ \\ give talks on the drinking '-i teach the Indu s lin--. t,, ,av1 , e«1ng paper handkev, >,i WOODROW WILSON. Ol R NEXT I’RESIDENT. to b. in a n v respnc w here teach c\ erv much s, a I r v on*- •iNo v ami ROOSEVELT CONGRATULATES WILSON New York. November .”>.—Sluutly lx-fore midnight Roosevelt aent the following telegram to Wilson: “The Amrican people by a great plurality have conferred upon you tile highest honor in their gilt. 1 congratulate you thereon.” TIIEO. ROOSEVELT. At midnight the \sm M dated Press says President Taft concede* Covein.-r Wilson s election to the Presidency of the l nited St>it'« © 9 © O j) J j l) «) 9 0 9 9 J % 7 © C3 O V Q 9 9 9 e v © BATTLESHIP WEEK at CHARLESTON SOME COUNTIES MAY HAVE AS GOOD FAIRS AS OURS, BUT WHAT CIIARLTSTON WILL SHOW YOU DURING THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 18-23 1 * YOU CAN SEE NOWHERE ELSE IN THE SOUTH AND ONLY ONCE IN A GREA T WHILE IN THE LARGEST SEAEORT CITIES OF THE WORLD FORTY U. S. MEN OF WAR FROM THE MOST POWERFUL DREADNOUGHT AFLOAT TO THE LITTLE MISCHIEF-MAKING TORPEDO CRAFT. TEN THOUSAND MEN IN LINE OF MARCH COMPRISING THE COAST ARTILLERY, BLUE JACKETS FROM A SCORE OR MORE SHIPS, U. S. MARINE OPTS, CITADEL CADETS, PORTER MIL- pi ARY .ACADEMY CADETS, THE ENT!EE NATIONAL GUARD OF THE STATE, NAVAL RESERVES, CHAMPION OARSMEN OF THE UNITED STATES, El ELD ARTILLERY, RIGHT DRAGOONS. MORE MEN IN THE VAR IOUS UN I FORMS OF THE-TWO EKANCilKS OF THE SERVICE IN STATE AND NATION THAN WERE EVER EKEoRE TOGETHER ON PARADE. It Used to Be Said: u See Venice and Die. ,, The Slo gan Now Is: “See Charleston and Enjoy Yourself.’ , * ■ I s v • <<* n .i r* u .1 • t Ovs *i i\ i w.’!: lyHHtl IS IJtJItN , i TURKS MAIN ARMV IS D1SAS- OUSLV DtltAlEJ. IN A FOUR DAYS BATTLE - - Turkish Army Kclieattd Tuward ( o lotantiiK'ple \M < tU'lmig SINKING OF A CRUISER ^ © CHARLESTON FAIR ASSOCIATION •099d9 3909®®»C> i 5© t.BI I K Oi l It EK TELLS HOW III S \N K \ W \l! Mill*. - 'IC-I I - > the 1 II .1 I • I I’- l" IP-at and Sank durki li l.aill>->hlp * W it h u Tin pedo. 1 .1 111 r Vh- • -t t.i CLASSIFIED COLUMN \ c«*iir h— l tnr i t'liir* t HD’ O' *' ■ t ’ ' t j prl o * Defeat nt T tirm e. Ilulaut inns in it. t ’i. • • - " i; i - i .n ;n ’-ii!* n' :tr .J tf i ! , all ho » Hut I’ui'iiit aii'l I- N"xx \lui"'t at f li i m K ^ ‘ ‘ f 1 L»* the Dimit uf the t)ttuimi 11 t apital. " I am d, 1 it It'd to six tl it wotn.Mi m • \ » ! \ VN .1 1 r\ 1 U l ’ ti .1 \ e s’.u xx 1, A <1 I to J>»11 i ll !: t Hi I .. '1 h .1 • -x .1 lull' h lilt' r In , :r X ’ * , • I, • and ! i • a I tl »i ^ a i ■ i " 1." , XX, lu.r la x !i 11 ' :;i j* iiht t* J ill 1 i. *' If.. f Ir it " ., .i i.. i M .- ’ Me r * T r ; ;! V .• t h '' i re!' *S 1. ' ' “ * ■ n . . , 4 ' ’ , • • 1 ’ ■ t, * i a * I" 'i a . ,, i! * r ♦ ■ ' ’ U r,'.,* lit tu ., . . .. , ...... \' K: ! itd-,.. i, i, i ai, 1 ’ i;,!. i, • r; '' st Si a .i: 1 t.; ■ a kD fi f t > T f li ♦» s-.u’le 1 n Ra ixx.tv and .-hut tert ttll'l . . »* k j • .. . , ... VN . vi fix : g 1! 1 ! ! '* xv , ' K . I ’ !' h r , . • ' . .'l»" »ii r * i of »1 has h . . , ’ ' A . ' • rs H M ’ ' - ’ .1 ' * ' 1 • " ! . :u: t he peo; 1et i er. t ti it 'he has th: uwn aside .1 !, 1J , r lux e of d .inr* •*. ; artles , automo- ’'•'-.itl s r "XX the hi igh it r.ty of -t::i« 1 mm* r t’,' > HIT ni Ia'mDiv . <\ 1 t\. s , ; * •■ ..,! |... . « . - * ^ t .. t u . to an uitere*' ptl wo*; i n ! i! llv ;d .a! 1 x and In aroii' ii g D' r i n ’ i i ’ m s h !. ..I h L I .. I . ■ , . , '’1 matters H, r llOT-'c h "i i: ii." h .in i .'he is ff, in , :i L . u| i e Uh ,-st North ,4)i ; uii: i.; .♦«:.♦ 4 ( a nd 1 ti i f., n, \ ' •odfurd ts 1 lit t.'St .1 . • ,. . 11,,:u K chHi,it d atid I. d . i'o,l at . ,, u . i 1 v,. .. k «i «1Hi t»t ! t* hr KM 1 ( * ■ < huu! Site also - * 1 ^. d *; 1, 1!'. t • s l < > t» h ’ ’ i : , - h, XV to S i \ 1: , d . , : . .1 !, ' , 1 In"' , • 1 ;i 1 < r ;• d I t ;:: o .M; ! .75 w 1 u\ l d up It, 1 ti, 1 1 n.'l!., . ..t t •., i: i«: •h- lift xx "t k Turkish ar:i,x T,. ! x " • ;i: •: v !- The hiiir" t 'U\s t 1 > 5 > throe ladies defeat* ,1. 1 uat e 1 x. ’ ! ’ < t n a h • i ■ ., 1 x- fm, i ,1- h,r and xx • re ut Goiistutit 1 m ' . • • . 1 ’ . I • ! '* US!" tl'llldl llllptlS' 'll XX 1 • ll l f; r They t re it xx ,t bin ’ • • ; ,1 ’ -x Dl \ ( i k ♦*u ’ \ .: • • r i...a ' i >: , • 'o j ’ E l. I h t I! r\ ’ ! . I • F • t:«-; !•..• n :. . tl l ' I . 4 1 1 *V . I * a * «1 < m 1 ' -I A ' • • " • :: w • r, • f .' » ! 1 : R * - ■ - • t Y-r-> rrtj;c|xf :? Tm f ft'Mr A W • 1 oa !; T! • ;i 't a 1 M ! I '; a a r 1 i*: I 1 u, k 1 ui Hi' I T Sale L. B Dul M (1 . . .■ N C. . i n l. lllll,* l 1 •ll" k' ( I'c .il': ) 1 ai III. 1 , , M in Nor .11.. 11 1.' , ,1 11 i-li | luhaii-. xx li 1: .■ , ,t ' -.1 . K. g or C E M d > r. Hat' * iti. 1 da: k tl*’ ! S boo IN 1 11 smi:« - r li,,- | ,i s.ili* — 1 1 a . n*' 1 X ., ! , at ! I'UC.d ,. m*s Write . • . •» and uti'raiu- ,' lull .V. I M 1. lra*x . « , s ! . • • ,4 ! ' 1 > I tl good t" ' 111 - • ' N.-'-s . d.-r of t)>x ,s l t , • . < ‘ 1 ' ' 1. .»;>L a 1 ’ . .’ s. f .1 d N V 1 . . ’ 4 l _ , - 1 x a < «1 ■ 1 * .1 «• In a ; • •- '' ..' B >, 1 IX ii" !.* 1 1 • 1 ’■ A •. \ C B E » • t * , > . , j 4. b , \ - • * I . \T 1 1 S ■ *m 1 • * r. P. to pvr . • : pLiimIi♦ s, »• t r -. > t ) 11 a. ':i iuH, .. ; i'o . K^y- FARM AND PECAN LANDS M/c fat m ii wish, near ruiltoad s, I- and < hill - In- l’tl<«*» fr,in M A tn S'.ti | cr u< r>\ *,ee me. h I i i i I,e< -liurg. t .a SAVED FRON WRECK CAPTAIN ALONE RESCCED AS VES SEL BRIAKS UP MASTER DROWN ASHORE L • n a ...'t • •• (« t* ^ k.I.M’J A . iUre O'K i. < i a II Uo .1. I.u 1' :. r * k i o ir Halt* •r 1 Co * * \ t of I ariii«. I* » ; i J VS 11 h , I . Iom ^»*I • i I i ti Jail , I ’ the master of t! b boon* r John M*i ♦' u -t «-k» d on th»* ► ’.oa ^ i \ C It the to!.* »ur .. v' f.Ted craft AP r c- • ! ’ bn rdxhl I * fur t w . u' he W .it gavel at 1 " forring He w c d - i r : .v-,. t.», r ., nr *» of rh- t 'on as he cam.* dr!’ 1 pi.-ce of wreckae**. f r k X imh.xcr’'—New hoimc targe rtew-t , , •,, -ti* ,| r.; - t d* • n , "11. n- ' , , j ,t. - re l-.iu ' !> • V'l'p *" ' i ^ 11 } 1 u xv e, I \\ u x tu*a * l..e, N , V11. -1an \v . l.- ■ 1 a:.>v h* r*■, wat. .• , - • i a ■ ! ! ' r resi- n. m ,ii,d irf. .••.xn JMTi.cfaetion gi. . a '• d V. It t cs \rtetian \. . .! ' * • • C ,a, «d Street, xx' ut fri'in S;m! t.iiil'.irg to Augus':i, 'vi'cre th.-v w I! h. this week giving . ,r he: in is ard d ninnstraf n>ns at r ox cr th. ie. N. \t xvi'.‘k th.* rn Uailw ix- Exh.itdt will he at t, 'h. (" • hiirg County Hair, and xx.* 1 ' I ur, t!:at it w :!I m• c . sf men ard 'dies. 11 i- a Vi rv v 11 a a tde ex h: hi' i» nen :s < . O l i Iv tin x a -t tl I, 1 ’ i am! w.x are clad ttie p Up to the prest rit hour there is noj |, aV( , t„. nt ,|it n f it. idgn thnt anvthln» h it. come of the porte'B ajipeal to the powe-s fir me d'ation. No replies hnve Ixeen receiv ed at Constantinople and there Is "d!i■ here w ill .MADE MIOUT WOKK OF IT little doubt that when they nre re-|| f imi Xof Take the Allies Ixtng to Cftved they will embody a deel’natlon j to consider the Idea of proposing an j Do up the Turks, armlstico. Apparently Bulgaria Is • , .... In no mood to nogorato peace now-.! ' 1 c ' ls H> ,uln , ' u> • • s tales and 11. ;tt! . a ii '. it p. d <> • • ' a i it I a e ( : i : u i m - n:u- 4 \ r S iKt' 1 •o’in f s )\ ♦•rn •i SUppliUvl war ht f'.Ni. u lln* liaiivail Ing on the Tchorlu serai line and, 1 h .. r s .. VonU . 1; , 0 Although frhfine is still nroceml on correspondents nre ^ending reports war against Turkey. of Bulgarian and Turkish successesj o ( .j () i H , r In that neighborhood according t0 Tarahosch v/hlch side they d r, "» mspiratlonj from, the official aniionncoment from Constantinople that the Turks are withdrawing to the Trlntal.la 'line of, of forts Is not to be doubted, and It Is evident that this lightley is merely an extensive ro-tr guard action to cover the movement of tne Turks to wards Constantinople. 1 14 declares Montenegrins iufest MonUiuegrins take Hill.: U r!- ha has been, • • d In- y'.ix- i.: tl tnrtiitiL' ' S**:* cols’ i :v !> lilt . I: cmimand- iftny to tli* Massacre and Burn Bulgarian^. Before evacuating Bnrnarhtssar. the 'I'urkish troOps shut up two hun dred Bulgarians .in the barracks and Bet fire to the building, according to the newspaper Mir. All the Bulgar ians perished. The Turkish troops, according to the same newspapers, al- ao are massacring Bulgarian resi dents in the Struma Valley. Turco-Itallan .'orvla and Greece Host Turkoy. Turkey pi.iist Servla and Bul- OcLoher Timhi, (Viol), r 1 ends. 1 October 17 j (Vclare war aa declares war a garia. October 1 h—Bulgarians capture Mustapha Pasha. October 1! C—Bulgarians attack at'clanonle. October 21—Turkish squadron j homl'tirds B ii arian ports. October 7 2—Servians take Pris tina. . October ' 3- Bazar. October I town of Servia. October 25—Servians take Ku- manova and other Turkish cities. October 2F>—Servians capture -Servians take Novi -Bulgarians capture Cowgirls ITold np Couple. Two girls, d^sed in the most ap proved cowgirl rtyle,. wearing khaki I'skup; Montenegrins Infest Scutari, gnits, booted and spurred, sombreros' October 27—Bulgarians capture *nd gauntlets, sttacked and robbed, E^i.^ab^ near Adrianopie. August. Peterson and his wife of Fort) October 30—Bulgarians capture Worth Tex. They got $50 from Pet- Luleburgas. erson’s pockets. Bor of Nine Beets His Wsy, Wayne, More, a nine-year-old boy tinfton. 111., a distance of 2.- Hla parents moved to from Bloominffton and home and pined for his old _ o.- .*-*■», November 1—Bulgaria occupies Pcmotlca, cutting communication be tween Adrianopie and Constantino ple; Greek torpedo sinks Turkish cruiser. November 2—Turks driven back ir three-day battle at Tchors. | November S—Turk* in full retreat on Constantinople. Porte asks for, mediation by the Power*. roil III !)''t'll l • .• , x , * s|hvi.i1i\ : > .-ingle xx .ir'. i low,d ; of the ami i nst Thus no :m! ' rati vt'S of the ; ! been possi ’, Ie, :•: to dep, ml * 'ii b ov iih d hy 11 . i’ (Mi 4 s or ct*M : • * Lv \v(>un'W-'i* vo'mm x i 1 Ml,* fur'll-! a:..I :hc v-s, | . . : ’■ rw .ir ! ! \ ’' " I i • « I • *..* iu f- P'in, xx h I’h. i . : 'a Tiix' had • *1 , -> 1 o' ’Ii" ,'X, ut (■ mi Si!"., ■ • 1 - • r11 * ss hiazt d w i: h a II it s s* a' < h l.t ; .* a promise prcximi-lv rra ! ■ m.x "'s W" passed unrintic,-,! I rirr . 1 ■nriTs ami fir,',! a shot it th" to-- t ss from a rang** of Ui'i ui^i t>-s ' -, i. DINED \\ ITH (OI.OBIJD IOLKS. Hooxxcvcit At,* Dinner With Two Ne groes Itoccntly. Tl.e Providence, R I., Bulletin, of August 17, says: "Despite Colonel Roosevelt's stand against the neyroes in the Progressive Convention, two ii'groes at,; w ith him last night a' ■".'•eting in the Providence Opera ■ions.*. They were dtilius I*. MitrlteB T this city, on,, of the delegates to •he l‘rogr,ssiv(> Com ention, and Hr. Mattlu'ws of Newport. The co'mu'.lt- "•e in cltarg'* of tlie dinner decide 1 that in addition to the .members ot G e exeeutive committee of the Rhode Island Progressive sthe delegates to 'he Progressive Convention should also be present. Accordingly. Mit chell was invited, and he was accom- t ante 1 by Matthews.’’ • \ ,,xs," s, w a lit nio’-,' lot , - v.> u d• - x >• i 1 . , ■ ir , pi t uti11y . send P«1- | H' ulars. Bui ton Co., Hex - : t a h. la,, Large ^ opug Ja< Ls for Nale , I,, ap—On, lined vear-old stallion Agent - \\ .• 1.1 • ,1- A I .r ;. o i want to : - to. tile age.1- ’ :i,< dm..e j !"r tlo-y g’xc d, Uix ate l ‘n !' 11 the Cot 'el \ . -. 1 'oiiulds, c l —1)|,, nne a \ ea r-om si a o ,. ’ ...... ..i,, , Bull I >rpi ngt, 'ii Du, ks.ee thegreat- ,.i " pounds. One pair .•-xeai oN, . . ' , , , rc • \ l .2 , ,, ,. r i I rt V »-) H}i*‘***D. ljU.lti.TS. 1",' pounds. A. J. spent er, * . !i Point. N C. New Beaut it til Hugs, woven trom our old worn carpets, superior to ti 11 * lame cor .- t he e"tn .ng , Eggs for hat ir.ng. heeding stock and day old ilucldinc for sale at,all !; ard vigorous, lux, tigate them. ‘Sedan!” at concerning not only the victorious al lies, but also Russia. Austria, Rou- mat ia and possibly other Powers. The campaign of the other Balkan ‘.tales continues with the success which throughout has attended ttv-m. Scutari has not yet been capturi'l. hut Ipek has fallen to the Monteue- erltis. The Servians have tak'‘n I’risrend and Greece is occupying the "-land In Aegean, In addition to many 'owns In Macedonia. The Powers, 'earing disorders and massacres in Turkey, are hurrying warships to the various ports of the country to pro tect foreign residents. A noticeable feature of the war Is » v ° Insignificant parts played by the Fcrkish and Greek fleets. Killed Treated Patient. At Jacksonville, Fla., Dr. .T. p. Palmer, prominent physician was ac- cldcn'any shot and killed In his of fice Monday when a loaded revolver dtopped from a table. The revolver had been laid on the table by a na- t'ert whom the doctor was tresPng at the time It exploded. The bullet i entered the ebdomen. .ii a i litucs. J. II. UVudl'-r, Lakeland, am in service; pliin or designed. any size Catalogue tree. Oriental | a - ^ |(rjsiul White Oipington coekere's T*T rrmTTi and pullets, lat, i.it v and I’ebrtn r v ... . I hatch, f:om unielafed parents; l.irrcd ‘dc s. rf'h* P •' 1 ‘ '' ’ j wonderful winter h.vers and all- tun and 1!. 12 hatched. $1. Man- n (i( ., ltv 0 „ e pulut nmth luonze turkejs. Mrs. h:lt( . h(1(1 Jan!1;l .- V L , Si H .t2. brought Weottcn, rignall, Ga. | o , T , ( , r (iu , of r , lirkg Tu , v , fi . Have Enlargements made from yourj es tor single birls " , and trios vl -n Irgh cla«s of stock lavonto Vos for Christmas.; . ,'n„5 dei 'loiii'd nee any ',l,..l » ' • «• U M k«,ll«.. Prints !-e up. Write Geo. G. Mon-i 1 arn "‘ '' S C ' roe Co., Jamestown, N. Y. I ifty Fann> for Sale—Aggregating over 15,000 acres of finest cotton, corn, tobacco and- all kinds truck lands found in this section. War saw Realty Co.. Warsaw, N. C. For Salt—100 Barred Plymouth Bock pullets and cockerels. “Ring- ]et” strain, from prize-winning stock. $5 per trio, special price on quantities. C. G. Hill, Thomasville, N. C. Apples—No. 1 Winesaps, $.1 barrel; No. 2 Winesaps. $2.50 barrel, Drop ped Winesaps. $1.75. Fancy Wine- saps bushel boxes wrapped, $1.50. W. K. Hall, grower, Mediums Riv er, Ya. , We have millions of frost proof cab- bnee plants. Grown under Blue Ridge foothills they are hardy, tough. Cultivation suggestions and price list. Wakefield Farms, Charlotte. N. C. I nr Sale—3 3 4 acres of land, four guns and six mountain guns whet, miles from Jackson Spring*. 35 ac- Turks Massacre Christians. Before their fl ght from Slat; to the southwest of Kosani, the Tusks pillaged a monastery. They cut a monk to pieces, impa.es a three-year- old ihild and massacred many Inhab itants of ’he toWn. The Greeks pur sued and killed manv of them. I < ng Ptl->.ii T nn for Abductor. Albert H. Bitter wag sentenced to 15 year* at hard labor in the »tate ref n cultivation; good building: penitentiary of Wlfconsin, when he er* aster Term* ra*h Apply to pleaded rullty to 'having aybducted W. L. Holiday, Jackson Sprlnga, N. jM'ss Frieda Norman, aged 16, at MIL, C. waukee, two yaan a*«. I The Mate and Five Hewnien of the Schooner John Maxwell, T.M.k to the Llfelxoata, Which Waa Over turned and All the Men In It Lout Their Five*. ('apt Fred Godfrey of V.llbrldge. three-masted . xx hlrh w a* ft .sew Inh-t. w of that Hi ring Incredl- i -fo'tr hou-s. ' i k M o n I i y < ,! ;i“h or** by n. » Inlet p’a- lt«'|el t() a ■•"ieh the tur- moil of the foam -re-ted wave* VII of the ot ti‘T niern hers of the crew. s* ven It) Ti .mher. P« r shed In iT.e storm-whipped wa’crs off the In let after the schooner s'rurk ’he tnr • ■arly Paturday mornl r 'c Onlv tho r'.'nes of *he no'e and the «'ewn-d xx ere known to the cni tn’n, the five senmen having signed on the sh!n r,>- em11x’. The mate was named \V ||- llck end c.inie from Boston. Tho steward wag Alexander Bllltnos of Long Island, where he had a wife and two children. Darkness shut down PafiiMav w'*h Cnpt, Golfrey clinging to th- one re maining mast, his tna'e, tdi'ward a* d crew having perished. Ahout m l- nlght the mast to which the b r avo mariner was clinging began to tof’er and sway before the attack of wind and water. Peeing that it wonhi «or,n follow the other sticks, (’ant GoVn y lowered himself to what was loft of the wave-swept deck Just n a the mast fell he reached the crane on the stern Of the vessel. Before that was swept over the side he lashcl himself to Jf with two turns of rope which had held him to the mast. Through the whirlpool of water the soar hobbled and *oe®rd. Asho-e the lifeguards got a gl!m'«o of the cantaln ns he started on Ms nerllotis vovage. Thev rushed Into 'he surf nn to their armrdts and as the soar eome hurtling through the hreokers tl ey threw a life line to the rnnto'n. He. half drowned and barely con- se'ons, grasped the rooe and was hauled ashore. The ’xattteeh'n Mlch- l°an stood hy the schooner hnt was unable to rescue Gant. Godfrev. According to the s*o-v told t»*n licp-n-uards hv Cant ctod'oev. M->to M'allleV and five seamen nerlsheq early Saturday morn'nir. Peon after 'he schooner struck *no imfo and hx'o men lanncho-t the one ll'e-hoof. Cant rodf r ev tried to nc'-enodo t h r"n to stick to the shin un*tl the coast guard could make an effort to ro«e*ne ftxom. Panic stricken nt the raw'd rote the old re««el was going to n'pnes then refused. Uefo-p the frstl e-rft ua^ none 1 Ofi feet from the stranded ver^nt T W’sve, twice as high ns anv nrepodine o->e. unset the Rfehost In tho w-xter tv,e n'en Btrnggled va!n!v.for a few min- - "ten. soma trvlnr to swirn txarV to the NfsTwell snd other* mating for the distant nhore Th» csnfitn and • ♦sward, peering from their nerrh on the mast, saw the men disannesr rm* hv one below the wsvea. Soon the a»ew*rd met hi* -’eath in the water, leaving the captain alone on the wreck. Void of Roonevelt’a adherehta in thia Bute thloka he will be elected. Why, we oea’t tee.