The Barnwell TOL. BARNWELL. S. C.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER GREAT LANDSLIDE FOR GOV. WILSON HEAR W NEWS WILSON SEND MESSAGE 10 CHAIR MAN MCCOMBS iaui bt lit'vine in me. I sunnnon you tor die rest of your lives to \vr>:l: to • t tbic DEMOCRATIC VICTORY IS GREATER THAN WAS FIRST INDICATED CARRIED MANY STATES CHANGES IN THE house VICTORY OF THE PEOPLE PERSONNEL OF (OMMITTEES Ml ST PE DII I EUENT. Lever Slu rb! ;u <] P'-u!*Hes» Will Suceet j Ljjinib Utud of the Com- Wilson Will Have About Four Hun dred Votes in the Electoral C< )• lege, While Roosevelt ar.d Te r * Coinhiiied Will Have Something • Over One Hun - u: i.s co . • .... It is no>v | conced' d that W on :.nd Marshall j will hate at least four bun dr. d s new r b ;> re cr- tured tiy ;u:::o rvs in a - r • s i d •' n ’ m 1 election, the Wilson-Ma's! a’l : was sw• t tn’o o!re Tuesd v on the wate of a victory that carried with r sta'e offices, coucressional s ots an control of a number of legishuu-e tbs* w'lPhave the < bance to oust lie puldleiirs 'nun the i'n:’ed S'a’i Senate nr il nfd to 'he strength in that body. lor Wilson. imti I by i- on \ ■ i ba'P ui c, The President Elect Says the Great Cause Has Been Won and Now is the Time for Further W ork in the Interests of ail the People in the Country. .. la 11 1 If. Th ■ ■■ • v . t ■ f "d rua' nid ' g 'ha t O- s' ' r: ti- I' ri'Tt.’ r/('\ frnnu 4 nt f-rt wanl l >y pr^ ju k'Dce, » :.t 'll f, . ; I •Il SM. s< 1 ! b.ivi' nn r ,! i: i: .< • 1 i; 1 • -li 4 "fit. 1 1: 'i \ e :\ . !’< ' : ; 1 r: »> ( ? 4 ?! -;’r 'i'v. T k no .v tin* We i k :i h- .1'! Yf * \<' n as- ^ | ’ rU ( ‘ • \ ! 0 i r. 'Cff •‘('ro I li'iijk u non III!! ft 1 - i, • i.:> ■'i'D y > * : ’ k *. < ».r » r •* V pi . ml ID \ m<‘ r> • i » 1 Vt? *’. ... t, ‘ • 1 ( if t]’.•* ; 1 f l : < r tin n. i r- 1 l w v« , - r; v ;r r •" v \ .'i: r ., • • r rr',\ -n i* h\. 1 1 fi.tiliV V( •* fo " ' >?Y t’.D-t 1 : iDi-ive fl Oi V. your MADE CLEAN SWEEP DEMOCRATS WILL THE DEMOCRATIC VICTORY IS GREATEST ON RECORD CONTROL SENA CARRIED MANY STATES h*st in many years ite fron: your Twenty Governors Adorn the Demo-, Cheer after cheer mug fo’-th when ,(> irarerner fi’i'rta'd S "a'c : cg aur| 11 W’' i "h!n ^' rn ’ ’ ■ e : al o eo 1 I ' the - n of 1 :,U- . l'< . Res;:oi.d;ng to a tch gram from the HcitiOiicii C iin U. a t .,o .. Wiicoli i a.i.ju! slion.iLiiy w as a. .a, 1 lie i >. .il- oi.ii.liC i. .o.1.1 ia r ivl.l a u..' ; .aU .A at iias ho...e al 1'. 11.i. . i (ail, .>. J ., to .ia 1*. .. c oii. a., as io. ia w: ■ i i.a ,'.j ... e yor.r !• gram vt ay : jv’t111 and vvisa .o » u ...I to y- u a..u i-.« w "1 sh-.-.e h.eurbt a s »ii me i,..;:gii co.u.a.iiee ’ s o r th» m> wui'.o si c.u.f,. ..i ut.t.ioiis on me v ^ r: 1’e 1 pa. t \ ou *Aae ei, ,* A d iii t ite o. - A:;, i.... 1 ile-pn.'-ais *i n and eeiKluet of a e..m.’aiga \\ ' 1 1 e .) j*. . 1 U .. g ii t out \i i L i I i. 111 i a 1 is. U. ho v. i \ er, A g i e.i t c,. has t: . a... jii;■ d. 'd t a *! o S of i*. V . ! f. tye. i ( ' a l a 1] d ' V r y till* p I O" I li lt nil c-V -1 1. O ]l * ]l ‘ I v.-erit 'Mi-f? i I i''a f el'nv; I t; -Cl: ; "I .- ’etr vnu. my chieftain, In all '"o'- ’■ d forward to* 1 d. Vv on th' 1 rovornor ‘ o t be eo-T'-e be f" m d : t'-legram from Cow! cratic Buttle Line, the House is 1 DemotTutie hy a Large Majority, and the Senate W ill Alsu be Con trolled by the Democrats. 1 ONCE MORE A SOI THERN MAN WILL BE PRESIDENT. Wilson Born and Raised In the Sout. and He Married a Southern Wo man. lev ■ a O'"! tl ’d 1 i.rV • -V d I ., tl, v" 1 mi rc’-ipcd: . ' nor S-oner-i N'om’ ."i"* in the c-im- i o < f CTr*•] f c* rpn O' ^ . o. o ^ fs. "-1 Vr^. Wilson r n- 1 i - r -i -•'« ;>t n bu *fef : n i, t The gov- - . • I to led S?'! n g be to sh • ;> nil': 1 noon to- The. net results of the general elec- lion heid on 'i uesuay wete 3ia»*er- uig to even tin- liiost s.mguiae of wv.not r;iis. i hey juenidt d: ,, , election Oi Wilma and Mar- 1 * 1, a southern Democrat will be ii.;i,.gni iitoil and occupy tho presi- Woodrow Wllbon’s election to tin presi, which is now assur.d. n.< ans that for the r:st time sine.*' NOW HAVE FORTY-EIGHT VOTES AND A VICE- PRESIDENT ih ovn-v *. i; i i«- of r..t- I »n H-- hut two 11 - ad h. i O l it V "1 . : ■ \ -i o 4 a , o, ■ j ■ - -v,' i , t . an 1 the fo!D a r 1 f of r n n- I • -i S -r * to-i-inh ’ ' he the o- he h -t I . ’ . • il .. Aa ty: i 1: An/"’ .i %* A r r i N IS - • • 9 Ca:u. : ! . :i . . . , ,-1;*:— i - <1' • 1 !-> r, r )■ t" *•• *! : '\ul J 1 '.vw an 3 f:-'-. 11 •'> l . 1 > • V 1 . ! 4 UHriu . H . . . . , A d ii. :... '-L L’ 9 I'V 1 J 1" • " :i ... i :■ K a n «. i f» 1 " K* nt - .. k v 1J 1 out? lam . 1" Ma -- f, Mark' .1 ^ <1 \ '• x-» - 4 Su«r*ri ] X ‘ ? . . 1 " A'D -1 r 1 ’ , M. i n ’ .x n a 4 N. * - r * » k * a Nevada *» N» w Hampshire 4 lerery . . 1 4 N'rw YD-xti) . Nr w Yo r k 4 '- Nor' h Carol:na . . 1 '.’ North Dakota O'- .« f4 Okl.xfi • 0 YTVE m a m a m w is g 1 ' ( >•• V n I" - •• » ! e ’ a n i C , • V, r a - W* * a <» Tr-r, ‘ ^4‘.* 1 • X >« V r • 1 V. '- «• -V - k . 4 V ^ e V ' * »1 \\ • c T 1 ll 41; |'(*r T*tf Mi!" 4 1 • G 4 V. ; : . • i.' 4 Ti : ;il 1 -' F 4»r 1mih< \t it. M • • ■ -■ ’ 1 ... • ’ V ' R n- \' \ yfi r ■ \V.t 1 r: \'i\ T ,• - - V -V ' vo ^ -i ♦ V' o • V . \vi r it . vim t* i:i-11 I L i U A ’ 1 * li iivi C 1 L i !i i . I .i.c Ii-A O. i L U \ -' O - ! Iac* i . it. i. i .• n :.ii 1.1 o 1 i .;»* j.l, so liial jvis -a»* aiici . I. . .0 iw. lid.’ I ti > V . \ . t . It iTil ri li. I 11 t' i r- ( ..a: cvi r i-!' r ...> ■1 11.• - f. pi rm ih .: he had I. . V. 1 - ..., . . 1: > ..i la -1 .. hi:.. .nat t d d.:. i.' : tab..- on returns b- gati to come Ip. il they w • I e i- \ p>v ' > a .-suits Die gov. i t.or g-i Me and LM ' >::i ... at w a y i in ou i g : g IP M l V IN TMPIR ST \TES. n Car*b’d states of All the Can- di-'afes Tuesday. . ',t > • i ' shall, tiie Deuiociatic eiAiidiaaies lor 1 resl .cut and \ ici-.'i c-sidetit. hy Ui-: i..i gvsl elecuiral tuajoiuy ever re in i ned, the final 1; .nes being: Wil son, -l--; lloosc Vi k , ITT; Taft, Id. \\ its jn s mammy, ;i. n. An assured ma ot.ty of the I'nited Stales S> nate coincident with the in- aiicurulion of ITcsideiit-elec't Wil son. A majority of 14^ In the next i-1 it- ;>i'■oeiuaih t s. The election Of la Pl.uioi ratio f'.ov- el nors to replace Hi ,-a* fn ai s. 'J he conticd, by the D. ...ocrats of New It-rsey and N- a Voik, of t'a-' .slat.', e bi.ineh , t fn mo.-e .'tales, w l.i.di tnsur. s i Denioetattc s .c. • s- sor to Pi i sideiu-.-l-el W. "ti m lo.- t n.or of N'-w Jer.-ey and W iiliiitu hughes ( Democrat ( as ITiited States ha t V iison did no' on- y l.i- ow i, s’a'e. but he earri'--i • Dr. - of th-- mher candi- t'-r l’i e- ,d nt and \Tcc-Pres!- :l '' '' *' 11 ’' ir ‘ in an '' * rogres- i;,. n , llor ltJ b ucteeil Bntgs (Kepubli Debits, wh.cli is ono of the tEVEN states in noit -ibonld Republic* na Wta State* Now Considered Democrats, with Vtce-PreeideM U Cast Deriding Vote In Cnae of W’ouhl Still Control Upper her of Congrer*. Control of the Senate In the fSr4 I'.oigims now Is praetfcelly ciat. ID- was born m North Caro- t,. Die Democrats. Conceding to nn i and circle 1 from Tennessee, lie p, publicans th«yMt>pRlslature« of all w . s iiiaiigu'a'ed in St-itcs still in the doubtful COltiMh, Wc'diow Wilson will be the twcn- ff. ir.- i d'*v rcetht the Democrats • t> ei-bt pr-s d'-nt •ml ih>* firs' ...dc oi or one naif of the entlro 'on:hei n Democrat in that position, herphlp of the Senate, with • 'he lore in this gen- ration. ; « ^n raMc Vice President In tho There ba..- he, n t no Sou herners .Kut to cast the deciding bsllot hi .-l.eled to Hie presidency since Pn;.nu--d to come , ri m M as? i- huse ts. Conti.• •' :> ut. ! .' < a \ ,i; k a 1 ! a . er- 1 W . .s - n 1 1:»- patty about tin* d.nnet t.,bi.- •i • -I . ■ s p'e is .: e ih- rov.: r was not overronf;- t: • W I • n -h iw n t h>> r. ' u rm-, t: * York i :tv be s:n. led "I'm su;; esc I to carry the rl’y ' v •« ■ ' o it.- . n o: d, r to w t: tie ! - • a ! as he i , -1 1: - ■ . , »• 1 v ■ '' s' c t:- ii icnts pal 1 him by the • ' - J,. in T t sd a y's elect ion New Jer . v, Wilson's own s'ate, • e him a lurality of same r>n."ne • -til s the Demo’rats won two ald'- on.-il congTs-nmn wnu carried both •at'it.-A o' the lev'slat ure, which • - s 'he ,de -tlnn of Hughes. Dem- r ', t i * 1.*• I'tilted States Senate - -1 s :• v ;| e'.-i t t*eniocrat gov- : i ■ r n [i' - o' W itson IV 'n P * e - dent Taft a «'a'e went r W.lson h. 1 uu lien plursIHr or m11. e t| i e D ’ . "• •' ' e at: I '! can ). the ri>:nb mi;ion of a tw lftb hihI .Southern ha? not been ri/peat'd /. ichary T'> lor. the twelfth pitHl- detit, was a South' ! ner, born In \'ii - gima. He was Inaugurated in 1Mb, i he Slates carried hy Wilson and *' il w ' lS a Louislapft Whig. Andrew Johnson, vio.n tn Raleigh, V f, and eleit'd rrom Tenm sse< was tlie surenteenth president. a - out hei tyrr. bet be w as a Republican Grover Cleveland, the IMth pr> »i- d. nt, was a D niocra-. tiut he was born In New Ji-r», y W'eo tow Wtln.n *T.e ?sth pres! the I eg ■ «| .l* U re ■ g o v • r n o r a n I i a' ■ fits n A \ a S -, t c gill e' e. ,r s hro' lo-r. >n . t w i ' I' a ; ' .11. > a Pri.r a: d r. t ,rr s ..t a e • r 1 of ■ way . I. V . a-.t.s H M .. 1 J W - r. !.e W ' g ’ < - « N-.-k I-i •; it, a''y also won ad Ji nr. 1 -e-ame near I <.ns w ot t h. Uoose f I • { o g - . « S «' l'. in ut n • a • gt. g l k' \ s ii: -O’, f- -1 , f> , w h ' • ' ire ar- -s *P - i 1 I ■ 1: * a > Marshall wete as follows. Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Cali fornia, Colorado. Connecticut. Dela ware, Florida, Georgia, In Tuna, I'-wa. Kentucky, Louisiana, vfaine, Maryland, Massai bus-t's, M.aelsalp-, I MDsrnrl. Montana. Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire. New J.-r-' 'ey. New Mexico. New York. North 'Virollna. North Dakota. Ohio, Okia- ! 1:11.1, Oregon. Rhode Island. Souih Garohna, Tenn.frxuM. Virginia. W est Virginia, W ieconafn. and W yo- 1 g Tti.'e Sfa'.s b«\t a total elec toral VO'e of t.'l'J. The m.Gorily of WT!«nn over both Taft an-1 HooaWvelt is the largest n a Prr-s'den’ In !?- 4 Roo«e ■ (j.-, j a major''v ever 1’irk. r o' 1V t. ? In I'en Tafts ma,or:'» - \ er Hr> .in win 1 , Th nuni b. r of ' ,i t e * enrret f,\ W t' »• n ';» -is al« 1 t 1 .,t g- .' n -i 'ri dent to he. wa? Ine n in Virginia and • i.eted from N. w I.tney lie k.,i.-* orn a South, rner re ired a South rt.. r married a Southern wom.nn. I r. 1 " ',1 law in the Sou'll, and wil. • 1 1 f i <• a So,it t e - tier Mr. Woodrow * 'he dtil-h ■ ■ • .1: ,1 d 1 •' 1 g 111> 1 d 1 ,e, m t m:n - w . . I !e the P ' Dio A .1 ii • -u »*• ' 1 ? ,k. r be-'n fn's'.r.js of ' W 1 l'- H.-u«* ( HRisTiww m;»: m\ss\chkd. 1 ■ -it. -T 1 .1 r 1 !> d • 1 « ! • 1 k ' pi.' . b- fore In : ■ ' • > t. as a 1 1 1 ■ • ' '.I.-- a p • - w 1 h In t s - • • . d x 1 ' b i' i; • 1 . r r- ‘ >r, . k eg to t 1 by a c it. I .•«• ? • 0 - V .rr. «|e .mlenl Write* of the Cruel tie* of th.' Tlirkn. 1 I • t Go ' 11. ' . n " r me ■ O'- 1e| e f t.t w h- e n t tee . . ea !• a ’ 1 -oi' - ' u «1 ■ • | o' » ’ ! ’ V ,. •., r , (’ e , 1 ' It! ■> ' t • w Scvi n State* are yet to b« h««H from definitely. A Senator from M? o th< ?.» woul'd give the Democrats • ' .-hr maicr ’y, and It Is po—lbl> • strength will be even furthor ■m -i ;i*. d by winning In ■ipsas inn t.een ad .ed to the - r.-itic column In the past twenty- '• nr hours Th* Btetee In which the'wyton of the I-eglslatarM U 'it to be decided are: lll'nots. Mtrhlgan. New Hamphbtrn, ,)rr*on. South Dakota, a- 1 W vomit,it Ordinarily "'id b» relied upon to help the ' inoe-nt.r party, but tbe factional ' - it 'lure may prevent In thla erMa. ylti |lllnola them are compllcatiaas -rowing out of thw multiplicity af arti.-s rendering It naeertate >’ h.-ttoT there wtU be a Senatorial . 'loo In tha* State there • - > n a aucressor to the ] oetor l.ontner aa well ea to Sena- -- Giil'orn. w hoa« term expiree an ‘ - Gti of next March. w hxt. xer the ouveom* la any of ' -'t.xtfs mentioned, there caa he no •-.iibt aa to Democratic control Of tho - > nx.u*e largtly IVemocrwtte. ; a'- «' r-tlirns show tb* Hoeae to 1 1 - *, D f’»• vio.vatle The « r’lv.d nhout forty now •« n "-e late . iertlon The will atand aeont ae followe: .< • : Ts* Rrpublicans, lit; • ■ •« M Twenty-flee In doubt DRY \\ 4.IIKFTTJI WILSON. v I ■1 V, II MI ' .1 I « : t • n. nils nf. I T> Ir-gram < oagretelnUnt tho President-elect. T’ • k n ■ • * • an 1 ,1. , -irt- r? i" i 'Dll 1" V > D v t b it ': i ■ 1. • . v : T’: 1 ' r. t t »• r *.; Hip ?'x 'r • q n r » > \ ' f : t r 1 n' ? n 1 ! . w • v r * h r of t' ■ ' p - I]-'/ ry N" x < "' > rt n v •'TO T " ' HlP T" ' * 1 j r y iN * { i f i ■' C.Ml'liit ‘‘ s. In r y : ' Ft ! t PS, I'" YU t Yt f “ V' H.'o rtt n ” Y PRY \ N lv \ I HY II YPPY. S ml* T. 1 'I'rnm of ( oniyrnfninth>n to (...vornor WTDon. H l - ..1 J r, Yk' I ' t o - V-, - \ M i ■ r, 1 I ,.1^,-tion. end t t'O r n'* I r*‘D' i'V f V nctu.'il n-iv'D-.r of l-Gt . a ens-t fn- throo CXtr’i'lGcs ;3 CXiHD'Cll to Cl" ds 'PhD G .ho f--oo*p*t y t o. *x — V ovo' won tw tho ncmncrnts.^r.d tho r.lvar ccs cr" ft-ov oyn tn r- f TTiftn V vox*-- to 0O’"P'o* V. j Icon v, "1 hovp ho’-ind tl 1 "1 1 r- -O* ]v stro"r 1 '’TM mxlorltv In *^p w .ocr pnd on D-o m-tv r o turns fbo po-.o- ertt's anvxrorttv h X vo X chxnco to Foottro covt-o 1 of tbo T T n|tod Stxto- jto-x.o. Tills would give them full power. T'hTn’t Tote for Hirntn. A (tfeontch fro-o Socrnmenfo. Cil.. savs Grovo I,. .Johnson, father of 'h > Prorri""Mo oxnd’da.p for Vic^-Proc- Idfrt. Hira-n W’. Johnson, (Pd no' cnef tils hx 1 'of for h's son when be xvent to tho rolls. J»p votod for W’il- mr and Yfarshall. "My con is on the xv-onr -ido of the political fenca,' said Mr. Johnson. Purples Cause a Tragedy. Following a row over the owner ship of a litter of puppies, Fre’ Barer, of t ottisvllle. was shot and In stantly killed hy William Zlrnheld Bauer had leveled a gun at the seed mother of Zlrnheld, when the latter fired from an upstairs window. Socialist Congressman Defeated. Congressman Victor L. Oerger, of Milwaukee, the only Socialist In Con gress. was defeated for re-election by former Congresaman William H. Staf ford. who ran as a fusion ChO^idtte on tbe Democratic Uekht* t*Y 1 . f . 1 -. f - MiV. n 1 ■ < ] VA 1 ] ■ t »• 1 ’!i » n* s - i - Lil t- u u c t 1 (lay afternoon, v. V <} )\y " rt n ’ n ^ t r> ?v • i } dlvrov- M * ' r ex n n - •" r.-exy -r. T! T e :"V ‘'1 <■ in th ■ - ho i? f: 1 : -•> xvd s * cc v - ’ :i g- i Dr. Id ■- ,i » .1. h ti G, "r'-n ■' ’( :i tl"! ■ • " i'y d f i 'y a h vitTiy. T’ e • ■ " ra ’: 1 • - ? a 1 \ : 1 ' 1 f ( v< ring :-t th-- \Y V l -«»tn'h tl:« n-1 u> n- c ,x < ■ g it vx ' hx" I lo r ; h . f TT~u x ' “o’ i'L J IT" 1, ji* .1 to be I!:' - i-r-Otverv* " t tor of re urn^. b t! th,- 1 " n; - 'c 11- n i] '; * n 11 f-' ’. : ('"1 the s'-tdials who haiV-lVi io'"c r ore aa they to f'- nr Vi’i’von." In rdd’f'siug tho student? W | ]con «M i e! i "Gcnt!i'n:rn, 1 am sincerely glad to ?c" you. I cot tin on n chair so ti nt 'oii con'd s c the tn'ch on my hir'd. But when I see this great crat’ - i ring areuni no it carrH-s me ba r 'k At a mcc"'nc -of P'-rlin '-'edi- 'o many hanpv and laborious d'lvs cal Fed-’'. I"'. F c "-‘' 'I'-nn ah- -vd I can't hc'n thinl-une this cvi-n- nounc'-d th d ; -r '.v. ’v cf v hat he h"- insr that ?omctldng has only : usf bc- lleved t-o ho a n-acth al cur.- fo- ev- i-nn which yotr men will-hare a great n-v fnr"i or tiihf>--ulos's. Ho c'-' i- nxrt In carrvfng out. Therefore mv hl'e ' cored n-t-v-tc and de-'aned wish to-niebt Is to say to you what 1 that he hxj t.*xxted r ^ r) . exers hv Ms would say to myself. The lesson of -"cthod wl'h inv-rjxr,: ■ ima-ovement this election is a lesson of responsi- X n d n'sn j " V-i h'.. enmn'ete C!l r CS. EdlitV. Prominent pAivsh-iaos tc=Mfied to sue- •■] believe very heart’ly that a ci cepx by Mils mtohod In .tludr ojyn c-pat cause has triunii'Ped. that the American people know.-what they Ine tnhercnlo hxc lM. which have been «ant and that when thev know what \V. l: Go: d.on No -.a ••a. V. .. « li Da k odi , At 1. ,s 1 B > a •n } ■ a ■ l ^ ! j • o v,.; \? ,i DVIlT.t It .r^i: Line a In 11. N* b.. W. • !.i > l. r!. t ..-j ng it It].. t - , t Ion of (.o. - n 'I,:!.a ’ I; !! in. lo mas . id 1 tv \ \ Y 'A \V. CLVA’S Tl t •• j> < -• i m S 'S CF BE. Dorter An not: *•'•<•* f»i c. very aril F\- 1'ib't' Rcsi'ps. w.ot i d i .JLliit . Pielei i..t-vl LoJiiUvfi A.V i.M! AV U vj« Than t!.r I'u’.l MoO'O. Kv< ti in ti e l. O’u nt? w lo ti it lye- - a .e ; p : • at l imt (i-i - rror W i 1 ti ...... go.t 1 o in, i’,-.--id m Ta D did not fo:g'd h.s ptiiloso; hy and good humor. Here is a story of bow the President looked at the situation 1 -t about that time, to! 1 hy n 1 triend: "We've got to find s'-m*' t ■o i!o;t in tliis,’’ the President is r- - 1 mi: FROM I I MI S OF <; \H. l uinily of Five Found Dead in Tlicii Home at T dedo. a : < o i r h'-'t’in rt:e -am; av-n tl.D.k ''i : the Hto i o - - n.y f • t •':e dav 1 1 natt peer! hy on. .-1 am jn ti- : a nu: ii. r III u 1 c r. t o i ' • •TT.,s i.' 1 cp.,.. pr ‘An.J ooDiined because 1 found il From Lincoln. Neb , W. J. Hro u> night sem th* following . < io Gok. Wilton: T heartily rongratulat# yon na4 " entry upon your elertton. To«r . t did victory haa boro* frutt- I i cure y..ur adiulnlstratloA WtU " n > leaalnr 'o tho cooatfT m4 ne of itrength to our party.** Y dliam J Bryan expreaalag bla " '■ure at the aelectlon of !?on. »ald: "A? a rellglou* hymn i h'ouirht into the campaign by omm #f 'he parties. I think tnat 1 am Juatl- f‘ 1 In us-lng the linea of *iirtHtr hymn 'o » xpresa my feollnga: " ‘This is the day I long baeo sought " 'And mourned because I foua4 It . not.’ . _ „ . “I am happier than Oorornor WII- son. for his Joy la repreaaed by • ; «. nse of responsibility, whlla I ui n.g have hapny and free. » "My confidence In Goremor on has grown with ^egnalntnae* aa4 O no’-' _ i I ft el sure that he will !!▼• ap to «s> "I an i "'It'er t’.iiin gov- roor Wil- pr-ci it ions. I believa he liatena to big d for h.s joy is r*'i>r- - "d l-y a • fenacience.’* A Tar-uly ut ..t v is t.f; ,i> \- .' io.i ui ..k* . r l.«. , a Toi"»!o, g , at no .-.i V. <• it< 1 :>. i 1. • ill ad ai : G' OI - W . i!:- i •• .-Mv-lour, an auto.t.oniie v ?'.-r . wife, t a. nty-lw o. and 1 b'-ir tin . liililr.-n, \\ iliiam, teree and a hai Dirt thy, two, and Mary, six months, i he bodies were all in tli?ir nigh' !o:hes, tbe man in a kneeling aiii- :e beside the bed. The youngest ild was clasped in the mother's •■'Uisibiiiy, while 1 am :*0 of r "vly con: 11 - ti Cf, in (Tnci-ito,' Wil- *,n iias gr-.-,' u w Mb in '1,i' tn and 1 an: sere 1-,. wil in - n i . t \ c eta- ' !,.;. I • : - vc be lis'eus to liii con- sience." j l ater Mr. Bryan sent a leter ofcon- -tatulalion to Governor Wilson. ported to h ve said. “1TI tie \ct> -ir - ; -i i to r 'e down Ben nsy! vania a'-- a ■ u vTih Pr my dent Wilson It wo-iD! 'it have 1^. n so e-'S/ tf thi' es had ' if (Ffe'ent. but I would have tak- . ly U;e i id.- just the satin.:." :s. The discovery was ma le wli-n s is'.* :• of Hassyn Called at the Mice and could not a m »- ni-'o. ST:e failed ibe pol:.-", who >if-id an ititrar.C". The fatal fumes ames from two stoves. Illinois Judge Badly Hurt. At Elgin, 1J1., while judge Ilenrv M. Willis, presiding jurist of the northern division of the Appell t,- Negroes V oted for Teddy. Thfe State says a surprising feature n 'Richland county wa* that practi- i ally till the negro electors in that - minty voted for Roosevelt. The fact ■h it f, ol. Roosevelt was supported by l e th cro vote jg considered remark able in view of the stand he took in Chicago. The Pro- cn-ssive party in South Caroli na s*arted out with the avowal that was to he a white man’s party. RAN THEM ALti OUT. "rnctlce. Dr. Fr^dmaox IrGexfx Hv Ine ttihercnlo hxc'Bi, rendered berevolert A Dlxtrossing Accident. While visiting her sister, Mrs J. J Sharp, who lives near the Rose HT1 Green House, about one-h:i!f mile le low Golumhia, Mrs. Sliarp t'ourf, was standing on a railroad » issed her little 1 ii-months-old son track xln front of a n-wspam r olit .• Otto. 1'i'on a searchiyidng instituted Tuesday night watching the election hr was found in the/D-'ck yard lying return?, he was strueic hv an engh e thev w-ant tl ev have the men and head downward In a'tub. drowned. and s-oiously in'iiinx. Boih his legs iU/pwirS “.«% if. Cl — i f .re rut off tli. anklfs II' .Is, One Man K»il* Two. 'they can’t get what they want thro’ Austrian Armv Aviator Killed. sustained serious Injuries about the At Ton’? T."-’:e. Fla . f F'nr- th« ac'lvltles of a s’ngte man, a sin- 1 An Austrian military airman was head. stone of Newt-firry, shot and killed trie session of congress or a single kMled Wednesday morning. While :— * • * Jo* and Dav' 1 or e brn'i’e-s. who group of men. They must get It hv *ytr.v around the army aerodome at ^ ncle Joe (annon Beaten. operated a s'v mitt. T.lvtngs'one a long, tedious effort. In which this the military station of Goerz he fell After a long service In Congress ___ claims self-dr •■''. He E -a j-ifx generstlon will take an Important from ? considerable height, owtng^o Uncle -Toe Cannon has been defeated Milne vHl send six Democratic elee- Long drew a revolver on him and he nart. I feel like summoning you fe’- th* collapse of one of the wings of for re-e'ectlon hy F’-ank T O'Hair, i ( ,- s to thjs national electoral eollege mnlled with his repeating shotgun, lows to do what you have more than h’s aeroplane, dying shortly after- Dr-cr-nt in ‘he M'h Illlrols d:s- xrxf. r( 4i n * to We‘neaday’s rerieed. re- kllllBg b«th men. | generously done by voting for me. ward. trlct by 611 plurality. , turns from Tuwday'f electiigi. Democrat Rucoeexls Wilson. A Democratic administration will succeed Governor Wilson in New Jer sey. Democrats ele.cted four of New .Icrpgy's state senators, thereby dis- ! ring a Republican ma'ority of one vith a sin liar Democratic majority which will elect Wilson’s successor as governor. Bee* Cause the DIamtw—1 el a Mm«I In California. At Santa Monica, Cal., a swam of hoes which had been Bring an41a- turbed between the walla of tka J«i* ferson grammar school for ssrarnl years gained entrance to tke sekeei rooms and routed tbe pupils firm their lessons. J. M. Lonsn, s bee «• pert, who was called to drive tke bees from the class rooma, was ae badly stung that he is confined to hie tied. Superintendent H. M. Rebok, after being stung on the ear and tke nose, put the dtatnrbers to aloep wttk sulphur. Inside the walla combs were feund stored that ?ix feet In height, the children from tbeir shortly after the cli called to order. The children sad teachers, panic striektm. 'he building. :~rl Maine Breaks Record. For the first time to Its history Crawled Ont, At Chicago, Elmer raped Federal prisoner* who 9re block! through a ll-tnch' ■ewer pipe to get free and be tied, was started back to Fart enworth penitentiary In won of ' tectlres. after hn.*1n| from whom ho bad criminal