'1 r*^. .. -L Tb* Barnwell People. :••••••••••••••••••• “| HERB AHD BERBABOUT8. • THURDAY. OCI'OBKR 3. 1»1* COX IRQ EVERTS. Examln«Uon RATES OP 8CB8CRIPTI0R. The general WMka off. •lection la jnat In Advance, per Aanum On Time »1.60 .M.0C The chain gang aectlona tbia week are: No. 1 at Long Branch Church, No 2 at WIHiaton, No. 3 at Kline. W. V. Rlchardaon, J. B. Morna, Clerk. Supr. HARMONY LODGE NO. 17 A. F. M. j Barnwell received 436 balea of new | cotton laat week. ; JHon. W. B. Deloach of Camden waa In town on Monday. The time la here for doaetlnf atraw bate and white ahoea. Thla la the beat month of the for aowlfif small grain. twelve Tomorrow — Teachers at Barnwell. Saturday next—Sale at Wllllaton of old reboot building and contents, con- elating of folding deaka, blackboard*, atovea, etc. The Charleston Convocation of the Episcopal Church will beheld In Barn well with the Church of the Holy, Apoatlea, Nov. 19-Jl. Presiding Elder-id. L. Banka of the Orangeburg Dlatrlct, M. R. Church. South, will hold Quarterly meetings at Barnwell, Oct. 18 14; Denmark, Oct. 26 27; Bamberg, Oct 27-28. Bnrckhalter’a Drug Store waa burg larised of 150 Monday night. Monday was quite a busy day A regular communication of Harmony I Ibe Supervisors of Registration Lodge No. 17, A. t. M. will be held in Masonic Temple on Thursday for Sept. 26, 7.90 o’clock Visiting brethren are cordially invited to attend. A. A. Lemon, W. M. Wm. McNab, Sec. The regular meeting ot Barnwell Lodge No. 16, Knights of Pythias will |be held at their Hall on Friday night fat * o’clock. A full attendance requested. By order of J. E. HARLEY, C. C. Wm. McNAB. K. R. A 6. Om two horse farm for sale, consist ing of about seventy acres, more or Iwm, about three and one half miles north of Blackvllle, S. C, For further particulars apply to M. K. Zelgler, Norway, S. C. FOR SALK, at Belfast plantation, Improved Appier Seed Oat*; also home raised rye that will not run on the ground, J. J. Walker, M illetieville. 8. C. NOTICE! Wlae farmers will save seed from the first picking of cotton for planting next year’s crop. Beeta, lettuce, muatard, onions and turnips may be safely planted thla month by vegetable lovlog people. MasterH. L O’Bannon held a refer euoe on Monday In the now famoua Hears case, which baa been In the courts for several years. The State Democratic Executive | Committees on Tuesday declared Go? Bleats the nominee for reelectlon as } the result of the first primary. If any Barnwell or Bamberg farmer meditates upon moving to Georgia, let blm read the advertisement of Mr. W E. Cralgnallea, of Thomasyllle, Ga. The most vivid electric display and heaviest rain of the year came on |Tburtdav night. Light sleepers re ported the wind as high and noisy. In Tuesday’s municipal primary elec tion Mr. F. W. Falkensteln was nomi nated for Alderman to All the vacancy caused by the resignation of Capt. C. B. Swan. Hammet & Mellichamp sell the famous Orange burg bread m Harnwell. Families wishing the best bread on tbe market are advised to buv from them. Orsogebilrg 8t«am Bakery. < NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. All permn* Itiilvhted to the sstate of I T. rink** | rorni-i payment of »o«-h In- >l. blt-dii«4S to the unilertlgrirt] •ml all l>er*oiii having claim* *c>lnit th« laid eatate will |ilca*e prearrit the tame proper |y attcati'd to na. L. P WIMam.. h ir oitor. Hattie B Staley Kaecutrli. .NOTH KOI- IT BMC SALE. The h >ir-l of truati-^a of tha Wlllla- ton Utah >.|l,.4.| mill aril at public aiirtton to the tilghcat blihlcr, for caab mi >atiir-1ay. < tel &(h L'lJ at li o', lock a in , the i | | m-IiimiI hiilhllnK and con trol.. Saiil builnlof twin* a 'tao-atorv frame hoil.llog t-onlrnla '-«>n»lallng of foliting (le>l>a Clai k l.oa r il • •tnvra. anC I-ell which will t.c ••■ll aaparata from I lie tniiMirif .w s |e wi|l be tivl4 on the ptemlaea In the towrn of VS llllatna. W fi Black, Meet, of board. KwTATK MALE. Hr virtue of an order of the Probate l* oi r t lor Barnwell Count) wa will •ell at the lite rralileiire of I. T. WU- Iiam*. ileecaac.1 im Ba r n w el I to w aahlp, two imlea aoiithweaf of Klko oti Tnura -I • v", the ITtii -Ur of (Mober, IblJ, <-oiiiiiie,n Ihk at l-i o « lock a in ami cont i ii ii mg < mil llie aa|e la tomplaiad ail tbe t»er»oiial prn|»rrly of tli< aaltf I. T Wiilianii. deveaae-C. ooualalliig of one mule one buggy, a (wo horae wag on, t-arf. harneaa numeroua farm Ina- plemenia hoiiaebol-l and kitchen fur niture, hivra of beet and aondry other peraonal giHMla. rertu* of aale raih. Mian P. William*, Executor, Hattie K. William. StaUy. Kxecutrlx. September .mth, l'Jl2. KINK F A KM FOR SALK. One of the be»t located farma In Barnwell rounty, contain* 2f>9 acres, Iu mother. Mrs. Lula Christie, and aunt, Mr* Charlie Brown, of Barnwell, and sister, Mrs. A. M. Wrty, of Memphis, Tenn., were preeent when his body was laid to rest. Mr. Ben F. Baker. anolh*r buslnes* men of Auguata, who wae In the bug gy with Mr. Dorn and wounded, died from ble Injuries on Saturday. Fifteen militiamen were placed un der street for the shooting to be tried by court martial. or HERK’d PROOF. Thi Pkofli ha* said time and again that given a fair chance tbe good wife of a sensible farmer can make more Clear moo*? raising ch lcksna than her husband can In making cotton . Here’s proof that Thi Pbopli was right in that preachment: Mrs. Mattie Harden, better half of Mr. John R. Harden, of Red Oak township, has just completed her sales of surplus chlokons. During the past nine months she has sold 390 head, at prices ranging from 85 to 60 cents apieee. an average of certainly 40 or more cents. Besides the family has fared sumptuously and she haa reserved e plenty to supply hearty home appe tltes until sausage weather arrives A BANK AT HOME. A bona fide farmer tells ns this good experience: ‘‘For severe) years my wife and I bad the same pocket book. Then she got tired of asking me for money whenever she wanted It and told me so I said, ‘You take for your own the chicken, egg and butter mon ey and I’ll take the field crop money. 8be was quite willing and soon had her own pocket book. When ehe could not sell for cash tbe chickens, eggs and butter she carried to town she would barter them for erticlee for home use. I get field money In the Spring for asparagoa ao4 la Use fall for cotton, she get* moooy all Uk» year round, and sometime* I have to bor row from her. She hoe customers now to pey cash for all she can spare. And we have a plenty of friend chicken from March to ChiMfimea IXX AL RAILROAD HlhTORY. 1 hsve shown how Harnwell lost two golden chance* to aecure a railroad mat each would have vaitly beneflttrd her If It eouid have hewn built as the projector* desired I (hall now show bow the ran loee a third op|>ortunlty to appropriate a railroad that would argrlv offset her loaae* by tbe blun der* mentioned. The elllsens of Roee- mary lownthlp, (he onlv township In Barnwell counry antirely cut off from railway eervlce, together with two (ownttilpa In Alhcn county In like dr cumttancea, are doing what they rea sonably can to accomplish the building f an electric railway from Aiken through Rosemary to Harnwrll. They 111 succeed Id (bit If Harnwell wld do her part Competent and •ooeervatlve railroad men aa y that tbe acheme it not only feaelble and practicable but cer tain of accoaipliabment if In a •perified time all of tba right ot wav can ba ae cured and moderate subscription* made by tboae on the line according to tbelr mean* If thl* Hue of 3u mile* between Ai ken and Harnwell I* bullr, In !*•* than welvs months thereafter we thall tee the extension from Barnwell to barlseton. through Olsr, follow. Thl* a as certain to come a* followed the extension of the < arollna Midland I'rom Barnwell to ('olumbls and to S* vannab Of course, there are p**'l mlat* »ho will exclaim, ‘too good to ba true," as there were the same cleat to sneer st Wbtlden Woodward'* acheme to hare the Barnwell tramway Ironed and operatedTiy the South C aro, lint HR.- There have always been pessimists; there always will t^. They have their use. I’rovldsnes dacraed tham for ev ery cansiderable community in order that by comparison the men who do things might shine with brighter lut- trs and be accorded the greater honor by their appreciative fellow citizens .coking into the future just s little way. lee* than a twelvemonth, sav, It s a pleasant prospect to contemplate our women folk being able to take a seal in an electric car, free of dust and Indera, warm and comfortable in win ter and redolent of wild llo srers in summer, and In less than an hour snd half land In Augusta or In two hours n Charleston, returning at such time a* they may desire, tbe trip a delight all the way going and coming, even whet aeeompenied by children. And bouse It eepsrs will give the vision and the fancy play and revel In the antici pation of being able to order by tele phone or le,tt*r fish, fruit, confection or any cold storage dainty from either city and meet them at the car steps In time for dinner, expresl charges elimi nated. For a few cent* a mother might take her Infant In hot weather for ♦ ten rolh» fide lo - either direction and return on the incoming train, at city mothers now use the belt lines for an airing. Why should our women and children be denied such pleasure and comfort when- they may be ob tained at ao little comparative cost? Why should Barnwell be utterly differ ent from a live, progressive town? Why should we be completely helpless nd unable to learn wisdom from our blunders and be incompetent to profit by the lessona of experience? Why should tbe citizens of Barnwell be be hind the wool hat farmers of Rose mary, Sleepy Hollow and Millbrook township* In bettering their commer- ctsl and *oclal conditions? Why can’t we develop In Barn well a modicum of the Greenwood, Anderson, Spartsn- burg and Greenville spirit of assisting nature to make of a small town splen didly located for the purpose a grow ing city where health and pleasure seekers would delight to spend their winters and their money among us? Given this electric line betWMia Aiken and Charleston, via PlefillnT Hill, Barnwell, Olar, Smojtkt, Suthmervllle, along tbe old original stage coach route from Charleston to Augusts, and such aa Impetus to prosperity would follow aa would bear us upward ahd onward like a great tidal wave. And only thiak that Jnat to will It Is to aobteve It,—that to accomplish so •mefc so little by oomparleoo need be *•••• % A. NOTICE OF SECOND PRIMARY ELECTION Executive Committee De mocratic Party Barnwell County. Barnwell, S C. / October 2,1912. I Notice ie hereby given that a second primary election of the Democratic par ty will be held on Tuesday October 15th 1912 to nominate a candidate for At torney General. The following managers are hereby appointed to serve at both elections: Allendale—W. O. Kearte, J. L. Har ley, H. M. Goodson. Barnwell—S. J. Halford, 1). J. Zorn. E. E. Morris. Blackvllle—W. A Gyles, C. S. Wil son, C. C. Storne. Baldoc—E. 8, McLin. U,P. Johns, Jimjl’ender. Bennett Springs—W. A. Meyer, W. F. Bates, D. P. Key, Bull Pond—J. L Box, J. H. Harley, W. 0 Gray. Double Pond—W. 1J. Hutto, L. G. Croft, Jacob Delk. Dunbarton—H. P. Anderson, B. F. Davis, B. F. Anderson. Elko—R. N. Grubbs. W. H. Wooley, C. W. Hair. Fairfax—W. G. Kearse, W, G. Speaks J. M. Buckner. Friendship—H. E. Creech, J. M. Sanders, Jas. Ray Four Mile— F, M. Youngblood, U. A. Griffin, M. L. McEthenny. Hilda—J. H. Delk, J. B. Grubbs, P, G. Eubanks. Hercules—L. S. Still, J. A. Creech. J. A. Morris. Kline—T. F. Hogg, J. A, Jenkins, Jr, W. H. Moody, Jr. Reedy Branch—W. S. Grubbs. F. W. Black. M. 0. Creech. Ked Oak-W. L. Baxley. T. O. Davis, W. B. Parker. Rosemarv—B. O. Mitchell, P. F. Parker, A. I. McLemore. Siloam —H. \V. Sanders. B. () Morris 0. H. Owens. Spurr Branch—Jas. J. Ray. C. H Dyches, H. Jeff Hair. Sycamore No 1 —\V C, Manuel, S, E Bailey. W. II Mix«on Sycamore No 2—B. F. Loadholt, Dal la* Deer, J. A Lighttey. Ulmer—J.C. Griffin, J. W. Blount. T. J Folk. Willi*ton—A Owens, M. F. Weath- ersbee, F T. Merritt Zouave—Jim Duncan, B, W Peoples W . K Sease The attention of election manages i* called to the following rules: Rule 5 The managers of election •hall open the polls at H o’clock a m. and close them at 4 p m. After tab ulating the result*, the managers shall eertifv the same and forward the ballot box. poll bat and all other papers re lating to such election, bv one of their number to the County Supervisor with in forty-eight hours after the close of the pollf. Rule 6 The county Democratic ex ecutive committee thall •sarmhle at their reap^ctive court house on the morning of the second day after the elrctiiui on or before 1J o’cli>ck m , to tabulate the returns sod declare the result* of the primary, to far a* the ••me relate* to member* of the general assembly and county offices, and ahall forward immediately to the chairman of tlir Mate executive committee at Columbia. S, C , the result of the elec tion m their revpective counties for I'niud State* senator, State officer*. CongreMinen and •eilicilor* Rule 7 The prolaat* and Content* for county officer* ahall filed within two day* after the election with the chairman of the County I lecutive Com mittee I: C Kirkland. County Chairman. Th# VowMaln ftosvc* of Pisa. Tba Metropolitan club—usually sallsd Tbs Mum nalrs"- sxpsrv Kisnted for a half dozen yesrs w|is psatry Try as :oe* mlgbt. Ibis lua- portant brat< h of tbs culinary ssrvlcs vs* not satisfactory Tbs cakaa, or tMrtM. were not up to tbs standaLTfi. Tbs plsa war* Imposslbls 8otn* rto.ntDa ago, a natlv* of Nsw England be>an,e chairman of tbs bouts cornrulttes VS ben tbs pastry ghost again waiksd. bs said: “Lsavs that to ms." H« went up to Winatsd. Conn., and after mucb persuasion brought back with blm two maiden ladles sbota bs bad known for years Hs turned then loose In tbe Metropolitan kltcben with tbs direr tb n that they should take arders from no one but himself. Today the ‘girls'' are putting a hundred dollars a week In tbe Wla- stsd bank, and tbe millionaires ere alighting tbe other courasa to get down to pis —New Y.-rk Sun. IlMIfitBlMHOTlf MEW V. SEYMOUR OWENS Jltt(irDt!i and Codnullor it Liw Office over The Barnwell Sentinel BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA Will practice in all the Ceurts. Col Lactlons a specialty. Leans negotiated on acceptable security/'^ James H. Fanning, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Springfield, - - - S. C. Will practice In all Courts of the State and United State*. 81-4 DR. W. C. MILHOUS, SentUf, BARNWELL, S, CAROLINA. Office hours: 9 * m. to 6 p. m. Persons living away from Barnwell will please make appoh.tment* he for* ooming. By so doing they will be sure of immediate service and avoid dis appointments. DR. B.F. STORNE DENTAL SURGEON BLACKVILLF, - - S. C. My dental office will he open In Blackvllle each day In the week. I will answer call* from any point in the county AT HALF PRICE! Needing a larger plant I of fer fortitude sale at half price my complete and up to date ginning outfit, consisting of - 2 Seventy Saw I. u m m u s (ims, Suction System. 25 Horse Power Knginc. Self-Pack mg Texas Cotton Press. Shafting, Belts. Pulleys, all complete and in good condition. My only reason for selling is that I need and my business requires 1 larger system Call on or correspond wnh me Here is an opportunity that knocks at the door u| the live man who wants a sure paying investment. T. W. SCOTT WILLISTON. S C. •Prayer* for Suicides. On All Souls Day.every good Cath ollc goes to sone cemetery to -lay flowers on the graves of loved enea Owing 1 he number of suicides by drowning in tbe Danube there are many dead to whom this rite cannot be paid, and In honor of these a touching ceremony haa been held In Budapest. Several thousand persons walked In solemn procession to the bank of the Danuta by the Franx Josef bridge, and a wreath made of leather was *unk lu the water, while the attendants uncovered their heade and kald prayer* On one side oTTEe wreath the word* were emboased. “For the salvation of those who died In the Danube." and on the other side. “Do not take thla out. hut leave It In the water.'' A layman then gave an address, In which he extolled tbe virtues of many of three who bad been driven to eulclde, and con demned the church for refusing Ha bleastne to tbelr bodies. HERMITS U.S.MMY SERVICE ILUCHER In Tan Willow Calf or Oun Metal. A hand some.snappy shoe on the Orthoped 1 c f laat, deaignt-d by army surgeon*. You never *aw a ahoe like it for wear, com-., fort and style. Single sole of Toxan un- ' scon redoak. box toe, aole leather .•ount«*r»,ev«*r)' part Inspected. Lining of ■pecially tested drill. A solid leather Mhoe that will grivethe wear of the civilian fdioe that sella for$G. This In one of the shoes Uncle Nam huyvi for hie soldier*. IT’S A WOKLD BEATER. Seethe Army line. e. F. M O L A I R. FOR SALK TIACI la Bara well tw heaaa la Bans well — Frtfiajr, Pet 4, 1912, bMtaalacaltr~ J * Ing at 4 p. ai. The examination will bn baaed upon the following anbjeeta: Anneal in re. History. English, Atfobrn, Arithmetic, Phyelology and Hygiene, Civic, nod Current EvenU, Pedagogy nod Oeog. rai l y Pedagogy win be baeqd upon the Elementary and HlgltSebool Man ual* ftirnlfthed by the SUM 8upt. cf Education, Colombia, 8, O. The County Board of Education la anthorued to renew oertlffcatee of all persons holding Hirst or second grade certificates who attended a summer •chni'l, do satisfactory work and pass the final examination. Horace J. Crouch, C. 8 K., \ Barnwell County. Parnwt ll. 8. C., Bept. 19, 1912. 8t MONEY TO LEND. Money to lend or first mortgage of real estate. 8 per cent Interest on amounts under $1000.00. 7 per cent on amount* ever 91.t00.00. J. 0. Patterson. LIQ] •AVI INSURANCE. —At Lowest Rites In— >i Strongest Companies —OFFICES AT- THE BASK OF Bi M The Farmers Union Warehouse Co* Incorporated for #10,000.00 Will store your COTTON at 30c per bale per month. Robert E. Woodward, J. A. Jenkins, Harry U. Calhoun, President Sacretary Treasurer DIHKCTOKS — R. K Woodward J. A. Jenkins J. A. Porter E. H, Richardson Harry I). Calhoun October Oooortuiiities H w t v'iTVI I have added to my up to date hardware store lines of the choicest WIULI1E&SNIE — and — NY NIL UTTUBt To my pure food offerings new est and nicest delightful ^ Miff CUES My two stores are both tilled from doors to ceilings with the very best and most needed lines of (General Merchandise and my prices will please all prudent pur chasers. F. MOLAIR HUV A t.OOU PxkM OU A T1MBKK 1 HAt T IN gol'TH (iKOHlilA. Write tV'dny for mv l>o'>kl**r °f “one hundred Farm* and Timber Tract* for *ale,' , in the banner counties of Thom as, Brock*. Grady, Decatur and Mltoh- elL Large tract*, email iraett, Im proved or onimoroved, fine Dvel sandy loam and red pebbly land with red day Mibeoil, labor abundant, beat TTCWi UULbO II IHiltlH In the South, good neighborhoods, school* and churche-q pure free stone and ar tesian water, pleniy hog and hominy, *aw mill timber, turpentine locations, cut over lands, colonization land*, fine. *tock raising section, city property paving 10 per cent and over. Write mt what you want and I will answer by early mail describing the property which you want. Your* to serve, W. K Oraigmilea, Thomasville. Ga. Wheelwright and Black smith Work Done Here. Horse shoeing a Specialty; also repairing rubber tired buggies, m. w. HITT, 1 - At Johnson’! Old 8taod,— Blackvllle. 8. C " , S.C. manl vac-turkrm or YELLOW PINK AND POPLAR ROUGH & DRESSED LDIBEB Flooring, Celling. Siding, Moafd- ^ Inga, Lath, etc. , ... Carl furniab complete'House Bills. Saw Kills, Dry Kilns an* Planing Kill Strongest State Bank in So. Ca. WHY? Ca dtal, Surplus and Stockholders Liability $830,000.00 Safest of the Safe. \ In estimating tbe safety of a Bank It ;is well to re member that Capital and Surplus, in other words, the BANK’S OWN MONEY, is that which gives security to depositors. In this respect we stand FIR8T among the 300 state banks in South Carolina. Seek safety firal and accept tbe cordlill invitation which^we extend you to bank with us. 4 per cent'Paid'orf Savings BANKofWESTERN •BARNWELL, S.C. CAPITAL & SURPLUS SSOO.OOOSffj — ■ i LOCAL DIRECTORS^ George H.Bates J.M.Easterl Butler Hagood P.M.Bt