j-fVrj Lvtf 11^ Jij When You Goto Build Get Our Estimate on Your Lumber Requirements V Complete Mouse Bilh out specialty. An immense stock of sash, doors, blinds, screens, interior finish, columns, newel pogts, grilles, mouldings, etc., to select from. Our facilities for handling your order promptly and with satisfaction, are un excelled. We oWn ourovVn sturUpage—operate our own saw and planing mills, and we know cjr product is right from A to Z. CaH, phone or write. Get our estimate before you buy. AUGUSTA LUMBER CO, AUGUSTA. GA. HELP WANTED! T »pp«*,«l to e^ery farmer, and every friend of every farmer, to assl.t in the cotton acreage reduction movement. "The Koch Hill Plan,” owing: to the late start, could not be perfectly o^gan'/ed in every cc-inty. and where tc was organized, some farmer* have, per- hape, been overlooked. J. 0. Anderanh, Rock Hill, S. C. “TUP ROCK HILL PLAN M We agree to reduce our cotton acreage for 101J as noted brio V : N iime Planted IP' Acte* Tn be Planted 1 '.il A._re» I'avtr on extra sbeeta if more room is needed, i Help in till, light ua ilns’ tl;o Hear* by cutting thi* pledge out and clrc ilatlng it. Dim f let the recent advmce in price fool von. Reduced acreage in cotton nnwi* better prire*, diver.itieaiion and g.suJ time*. Another big or.ap, nr even an average crop, mean* bard time* and biiMtie** stagnation. Report «ent in by . ...... of all the Signet a you can and mail thi* to J, («. Auder»0n, Rook Hill, >. f. fcan. tag (»>•** (•) 1 I (pv#fc5dionuf Carbe. I LL. >m *■*.«■<•'***'• 1 *•* »'» t.j..»**«...a ^ V. SEYMOUR OWENS Attorncij 3ii!i CoilHsellor at Law 11(Vice over The lUrnwell S'titinel IlAP.N WKI.l., SOITH DAROI.I.NA Will practice in ;tu the ('oiirta. Col-' j lection* a specialty. l oans negotiated I w acceptable .security. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. All per'nn* Indebted to (he e«tatfl of Wm. Dolphin, deceased, are requested to make prompt payment of atich in debtednesa to the undersigned and all porsnns having elaitns against the said estate will please present the aaim pro'perly attested to me (Jhas R dolphin, Chla 1 itied i'.xecutor. Dunbarton, S. C 1 , Mardt IP, Mtt J. Wheelwright and Black smith Work Done Here, ivnpq Tf F'l’miner » Spalatly; also tines n. ra.tiling, rcluiri „ sr „ bbcr ,j ra | b „ i , gic5i M. W. HITT, ATTORNEY at I.aw, iringfield, - - - S. C. ‘ill practice in all Court* of the :e and United State*, 31-1 — At Jehntcm’a Old Stand,— Blackvilie. S. C I Calhoun & Co. yilFUE. Life, Accident, CYCLOrdE l. W, C. MILHOUS, LIGHTNING ®enti0b ’. J. M, E, MILHOUS DEN UAL ?UK(iEON BlackviHe, S. C. [TCK DAYS) Thursday, Ttidays afid Satuiday*. ,unwell, s. Carolina, i Ifllce hours: “ :'■'<) n. m. to 0 p. in. J j craons living nway from Rnrnwell j please make, appointment* before j dng By so doing they Will be Mire immediate service and avoid dis- ointnaents. R.B.F.STORNE UBNTAL SURGtOM ACftVILLE, - ' N. Ij dental office will ho open In ckville each day in the week. J I ans.vet call* from any point in the ri?6 Barnwell People. THURSDAY. ADfUl. U. 1014 &ATEH OP SUBSCRIPT!OK. In Advance, per Annum On Time . .Itl.OC One sectiona>f tiie chain galig ia at Meyer’s Mill. I he other near tbe place of Mr. W. 1, Joint*. w. V RlehariDon, Ulerk. Jlnrrts, Supr. HARMONY LonoE N4) 17 A. F. M. A nyulnr communication of Harmony Lodge No. 17, A. K. M. will lie ti’-td in Masonic Temple on Thursday Apr. ”5 7.W) ^’ol.tbk ViaUitig brethren are eordiany invited to attend. A. A. Lemon, W. M. Wm. MtNab, gi-e FOK8AI.E.—TtireC hundred pounds of clean,, sound Watson watermelon seed selected from large, wtell ‘ shaped melons. Will tiHthe pi Ice on retjnest. R. Yv. Wittiams. Fairfak, S. C. Jersey Apply to FOR SALK cows with young Calves. Butler Hagood, Pt. Barnwell, S. C. THE MOON THIS MONTH. A pril:— First QiiartCr 21 Full Moon Last Quarter New Moon .1 Asparagus price* are satisfactory. The rural schools are closing gradu ally. The printer’s reliance, the dew and Hack berry eroi\ is blooming beauti fully. More people from rtltroftd Were In tow n tlie lest three weeks than at any tet m of court in a long while. Col. Leroy Molatr left on Monday to attend file great Drainage (’onveiiiion that meet* in New Orleans this wet k. Muclt corn was planted last week, but not too much. More should be planted toward the beginning of May. Judge Copes refused to grant new that* In all cases in which motion* for them were made. He reduced the Her* long verdict about $137. Rev. George A. Wright of New berry hill preach in the Uttnwcli BaptDt Church at the usual morning and even ing hours on n*si Sunday. Merchant C. F. Molair tia* in thi* l«* ueaHelpsliealili and H •m*'-k> r pi rig adverlifCmcn*. that every housekeeper shott’id read. It is on a new tne Dr. L. C Duncan, who died itl New York on Fridav, Mh inst., was the old est reader i>l Tmk. I’Kort.K. Ill* love for Ins birthplace htmie lived to the last. At a hot snppef on Friday night on the plantation ol Mr T. O. riamjer* t.ear Allendale, Dennis Williams, col or.,I, «i/ot and killed Theo Best, »l*o colored. I'.etit jurors fof tiie first week of the special term of the General Se»sioii* tn be in Id for two week* beginning on the fir*t Monday m May will be drawn on April 15th, Farmer B. L. Easterling kindlv give* u* a free [.ass into bis hundred sere water melon patch but, a|n«, Its t w o rn i le* from t m\i i and the walking rough, and (he summer *un will be a» l ot as potilic* . On S*'urdav next, 13th in*t, a Damp of the Sons of Confederate \ eteran* will be organ ized at M eyer’s Mill. A fit I attendance of all entitled to this hon ored assoolst mn Is earnest ly ufged, A barbecue will be prepared for them. Work has commenced on the new brick hotel to tie erected for Mr. John KtDrell on the coiner we*t of the post office at Blackvide The hlllltfing i* to MEMORIAI. DAY. Tfte River* Bridge Memorial Associ ation will obaerve Friday, April SAih, as Memorial Day. Gen. U. K. Brooks of Columbia, N. 0., and Dr. Lee DavU Lodge, l‘r»»idvnt of LlmealoneCollege, Gaffney, 8. (' , will deliver memorial addreaae*. To these service* the pub lic Is cordiallv Invited and the ladle* are earnestly requested to bring flow er*. The Committee on Ground* and Or der of the Day. .1. 1). jenny, j. C. Ki- nnrd, II. W. Chltty, J. A. 1‘uter*, W. D. f'ease, W. II. Ritter and j. O. Kearse. On Music: Rev. D B. Groacl.ae, J. C. Kinard and J. F Kearse. Dr. N. F. Kit Viand, J. W. Jenny, Brea. Sectr. Arnir, bridaLb. A happy surprise to thblr rtiany friend* was the marriage In Spartan burg on the 4th in«t of Mis* Jennie, eldest daughter of Mr and Mr*. W. M. Bostic*, formerly of Allot.dale- anti Mr C. B. Bias of AGievlile, N C. On the previous nHbrnoon Mrs Paul DUu bar had ehtertained with lovely eourt- e-y the bride elect and a number of her select friends. Among thorp fi-nm Barnwell attend ing Hie marriage in the Washington Street Methodist Church, Columbia, on Tuesday afternoon, of Mis* t'orrie BolneHu, formerly of Allendale, and Mr Harry (;_ Wilson were tne bride'* grandmother, Mrs. A ’ W, Calhoun, and her uncle*, Messrs Harry 1). and Lonnie M Calhoun. Many exquisite entertainment* were given MU* Roi- neau by her admiring friend* last week. cohtnin al’oit date In every pleietl by the : tittv mums, to be up to piriieoltr and to tie coin- middle «>f September. a good meeting. The quarterly meeting hell on Sat urdrv and Sunday with the Idlackville Methodist Church was well attended and the services much enjoyed OH lections for Salaiie* of the Presiding Elder and pastor for me quarter wen- *att«factory, Rockville contributing #43, SiIohiii fJo, Barnwell IldC. Ttie next quartei ly'meeting for the circuit will bu held with Mioarn Church. ’the reason Why. Complaint* continue that urtmi* Dmei Tmk PkoiM.k dobs not reach subscribers on R F. I). Route No I from F.lko tin til Friday We have lnVe»t!gat^d anc find that packages of Thk PicithL* for Elko, Willlston, Ac leave BarniVcil at 4:— p m. on northbound train No. 32 on Wedn-sday*. They are transferred at Blackville to train No. 17 from Charleston to Augusta, which passe* after night. A* no mail* are taken off at Elko after night the packag* for Elko and Its two K F. D's go to An gusta on train No 17, and are brought back next morning on train 1? for Charleston, dtib at Elko at S 42 a. m W hen train it* is an hour late In rea h lug Elko the carriers d<> not wait long er. hut go hut on their routes, and the papers arriving alter their departure rsniain tn the ILko post office until Fliduv. The blame rest* on the liarlcston —August* Division of the Southern Railway. THE COM MON PLEAS O.Jy two jury case* were di«F n * e d f’f last week In thti case of Herlong vs Southern State* Lumber Co.; com mencing on Monday a verdict for $1,- ft'H) damage* wa* returned on Tue»d*y afternonn The plaintiff had been »m- I loveil for a year at monthly salary of but wa* dDchnrged Ht the end of the t1r*t tlx moniti*. Ills action w a* brought for tire tiayruent of salary for ttie second six months. The suit of Section Master Ker-t* against the Atlantic Coast Line Hall way continued from Tuesday after noon ttntl! Friday morning, when lie was given a verdict for $10,000. In hi* complaint he alleged physical In- jiiri.'-a austained In the set vice of the Atlantic Coast Line just east of Barn well a couple of year* ago and a»ked for $ si tHHi damages The attorney* in thiaea-e tor plaintiff Keels Were K J Best, of Cobimbia, H C. Holman, Bates A Simms mid J. O; Pittleraon. The delendant railw ay w a* tepreaen- ted tiy it* Ideal counsel, Harley A Best, assisted by S, U. Mafffeldu^ Bamberg god L \Y. McLornore of Columbia. The juror* net engaged in the Keel* case were discharged on TtteadaV alter noon. Friday wa* given to hearing equity case*, motion*. Ac. DR. LA KG DOR CHimcfe DUKCAR * At hood on Good Frldfcy akothar yaU •ran of two graat wari laid down the border!* rtf hi* itiany year* and entered the eternal peaurt. A itt*n of aplendid j personality, ttfong tn character. glft*d with Intellect of wide ranged grasp and force, po»ae*«lng a magnetism tbet won for him lasting friendship* wherever be moved* Melt In hla itn.e of reading* and ex per ten cel h* wa* Indeed tltted for wor|il citizenship *nd In nrt gather ing of ntert at hbttje or abroad could lie pata unnoticed. For nature had moul I- e l his braltt and htart and tmirag* for ! great ajhlbverttents and had nut thh service he rendCrel his country In the conflict that added the lone *t*r «tate of Texas to the galaxy of the II tilted Mutes Impaired hi* physical health be fond *11 remedy he would have clitrtbed by his own Strength to highest rank Among the olost dUtluAtUshed son* < f his Stale. Dr. Langddn Cheve* Duncan, son of 'Vtllls j Duncin and Eil nor P*r:ow Bel Inger brtrn In the George* Creek lection. BArnwelt Dlstflct, September Xrtth, 1SJI, and died |rt th* city rtf New York, A pril fl:h. l!»li. Dir. Dunean llyol In Alabama when the Mexican War commence I and et. listed from that State, serving through- odtthe war a* surgeon, receiving puy *lcal injuries froul wh : ch he never fut.y recovered. In the war between th- Btate*, from t*l!l to lAti Dr t)iim *ii Was In the comtriD*al‘v •leparirtleiit, b-* Ing incapacitate I physlcallv frtr ac'lve. Held lorkine. But in the death throe of the Oonf-* l- ferncy He again came to th6 fron and he ami thrt late Dr W. B. Rice served a* surgeons of the battalion of r Serves organized at OrahamVllle after the bat tie of Honejf Hill and commaHded by his brother. Co|. W. Il Dut.can. After the war he thoVed tfl New York and wa* connected with the Civile Mteamshlp Line and While with them heJiVed itl different par's of the » old —Washlhglon, D 0 , Rio de jani lro. Braid) Biieboa AvreS, Montevideo, Antwerp. ParD, Havre ami 1 iOtidoii. The later ye*fa of his life were spent In New York with hi* daughter and sort-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R L Harri son, of No. 20 Wo«t Hth Street. IDs wHe. who was Mi*s Mary Gidrotl ol Augusta, Ua. t died In t8MI In 'Va*Hiiig- ton and vta* liurleil there He I* S'tr vlved hy hi* daughter-, Mrs H L Har rison; a *l*ter; Miss Paiilih- Dun can, two nephew*, M*‘»*r4 Willi* J and W. II Duncan, and two ncices, Mr*. P M. Buckingham and Mr*. fV. r . Holme*. He wa* a membpr rtf the Catholic Church and was hurled In Mt Calvary ce tn c te r y, New York, A SUDDEN SUM M<'.VS, Mr James Lutz.) a native of Barn well, hut for itianv ye*r* a »iic2<‘»*'ul farmer In IterJ Oak township, died sttd- denlv nu the Erst Inst, rtf heart failure at his t-eSldencB In A Ugttsta, whete be had llvtd fnr several years. On the day following his body w«s Interred in the family plat in the old Bapt’*t fctiurch yard at Rabnwell. In the pres ence of a largb as*enib age of tvlatlv.-* Md friend*. THE War is over. - An aMoclated press dlspatib front Sprlngfleldj Illinois, state* that oh Friday Candidate Woodrow Wilson visited the old homestead of Abraham Lincoln In that city, stood for some mouietUs bllre headed by his totnli and placed a Btldtjuet rtf American I'eadty rrt*es on the s*re«phag*t* w h^re the remains of the tlrst Ketinb ilcan I’revldent are Wept. -- — HOG CHOLERA. This dfadly dljea*e has be*fl bne rtf tils chief causes for the keeping of the smoke lioUse* nf thfe people of the South In the \Vest. It come* without ttartting, drwl l.s destructive work with biltle rapidity and hits hard the pocket* of tho*t wtio afrt artcii*t«thed to *ud remilre heat and mtl»Cla making food The »clentl*te ahd practical Uieh r ironOuncO It InCurUMIe and th# work ng World know* no ntorf rf It* tianSe and cttl-e than It did a generation ago All are agreed that prevention D bett’-r than th« gdSssiVork nr giving remedies that may cure »omb tv oh* of #wln8 sickness but prove ineffective In others That there is a remedy Sortie where In Hit future of discovery cannot be doubted, wlsan due cOtitlders the pre vention of malaria, chill and feVer, ami yellow fever hy protection froth differ ent specie* of mostjultoe*. Id old time* In this sfetlcn whert bogs bad thC rhn of the range Instinct may hate taught them to eat »uoh growth* and nmi* rt* would keep th in in good health. They were fond of the charcoal that wits then fihumtaut In the tZodd*. When hogs were penned for fattening Ivfore the. wkr some farmer* Would supply wood coal to them and to make them oat it freely would pour Cheap mdlassea on the rtoal The remedies we rflmemher having puhtlshel a* rCco.nmrtnded Co he good WCfe old fasliionCtl lye soap; a product noW utiknowrt or a* a substitute for It Concentrated iy« fhlXed with lard * llberalty that It* caUstlc,- btirniUrf eff ct would he Ueutraliz-d tine tts-r of tills combination told its that hog* were ftftid of lt| Wodld adt It willingly, ami that if the per efint rtf lye' w a* too gt eat ahd would burn theiri they would squeal with path. He then \trtujd Increase the ptiqirtrtlort rtf Urd. Several yeatS ago a Colleton county Ctpeflrtienter rCjioftcd »uC'cC*af,i| treat ment with rt drench of strong, cold wa ter melon seed tea. Recently Mr E J. HanFin*»n, who baa perfected al good a strain of hoyi a* there IS In the State, combining the good qUaMtiea of the Durnc Jersey, Berklhfra and Poland (tblna breed*, told (f* Ufa experience. A tal ted beau ty Waa Seized with the iHsense. H-* e treatiffent hi* herd ha* not ht*d a Cg*e of sickness, fn Mr. Ilahklnsmi’s o|i1cfori tbe disease 1* at- rrfrtxpherfc. Whert a bog le frtdml stek with cholera, not too far gone, he would adtlse that I' be takffri by the fofe teg* and raDerf to stand on the Mod frtet. Then another person shonl I o'pftn It* iff nth witn « >tiCk sttil dr i< o ! It w ith spirit* of niriictittn- dil te 1 o i ffiddOC** fZfth water. He Amil I rec j rtermrend that aome turpenttrte »lm i J ; brt poured on the Meek juft behind the ] ear* Xnd between them FartffCf J. 0 Sander* told n* that ch« d » aft? rtthef ahirtfaD gnu gfte* B to i» regularly. Now, If any of out feadfr* cafi givt more light let them taken their candW friun under the buahet of alienee artfl shin* k oo us. OUR FOLK tepre- siou of to In Vice '1 the best vegetable *eied*. Irish ,to and ye seed at Moiaira., alao and white onion sets. Live Stock mumcE, —At Lowest Rates In— Strongest Compands -OFFICES AT-*- THE BANK OF BaKNWELL MuNEY I’O LE > D Monet |o lend O' - !Ir*t rrrorrgagf real e*tate. 8 pm cent intere*' aoMuints tinder $l(XX).00. 7 per oer» rtjhmoup'* over $1,000 (K). rf. U. Fatteffon St 8o«* Barnwell County fflll be we'.l Sented at ttie fortieth annua! *e* the State Teat her*’ Convention hold in CluirU-ston April 2.7 -27. Prof Ilonr't’J. Cront-h U ffr*t Uresidentof tLe A **< eiation. Mr* Dhra De« Walker the Vice Pre* Mont of the School Improvement A*- soelation. Editor W, IL Jones, of Columbia (low, i* Corresponding Secretary rtf the Association, Prof. C. V. Neuffe-, o f Bennettaville now, l< Treamirer, Col. Lew|» 1V. Parker; of Greenville now, i* to deliver an addre** on A Few Sdbjeets Alfedtlng Our Welfare. CANDIDATE CARDS; Capt, Ji Staff Halford aMfirtunee* bimst-lf a candidate for Coroner in thi* t**ue Hi* father, the late \V. R. Hal ford 9r , waa SlterilTof Rarnw'ell Di* trie.t from L**!* to ISVJ. On Heptemtier 7, left!, he Cnliatetldn Hagood’* Regi ment itt which be served (tntil the SptIng of 1802, when at the reofgani- latioti he feenlisted for the War in the Second Regiment, Heavy Artillery, S C. V., Col. A. II. Frederick, h’ntll tlie evacuation of Charleston be *erve(i with hi* comrade* in holding the Coast defences. Hi* command surrendered at. Oreensbdrn; N. C ,- about May 1st I8C.5. The war oCer he engaged in farming, tncrchafuiislng and other hon orable ocenpatinn*,- always hopeful and cheefHil. He i< novt setting out the rtnexplred ternf of the late" Corovier f.ewta P Creech, having been appoint ed ro that Iit.sfflon hy the Goterqor I Hi* |)re«em candidacy i* the (T *t fav i and eoryfirtem.e he ha* a*ke,l f out li « fellovV Citiz* n«. j Chief Ju*tice T. ff. Ituotiar a" | ftounceS his canuidScy for MagDtrate for Four Mile Township. A* a soldier of the Confederacy try wa* gallant and true from the tiring nf tne tlrst gun t<> the furling of ttie ln»t flag, as a citizen and official wi*ft In leadership and fenr- le»s imact he ha* given all bis Ifte to the pufvlfe g"Oif and tn hi* rtpe'nlng year* he grows richer in 1 the eonffdwnce ami affection <.f hi* people. In length and m.efitlnes* of judteial service Ire I* (he Nest-’r of the State and long rtiav fate spare tifm strength and bealtb and ^happlnea*. 8111 PIT NG FERTILISERS IN BULK. 'Inquiring rtf Beftator Oeotge H; Bate* a* he prrtcedeed from the post nttU-e toward the court house if he had any news he banded u* a Copy of the recent Act, publteKed below, allowing the shipment of commercial fertilizer* in bulk. Tbi* economy will he of interest nm! profit to planter* bu>lng large quantities of cotiunerriitl plant food and we give It publication for their betted'..; An Act to sffow fertilizer crttnpanles nr linn* dealing in commercial terlil i/.ing matet la 1 to shlti lertllizer In tnt’k, and to provide for collecting a f.-rtilizer tax S'Otion I Be it enacted by tpe Gen eral Aasemtdy of the State of boutb CarolliiH. th.it after the approval of this Act It shall be lawful for anv fer- t'oZer ctitnp.iny or ll'tu dealing in commercial fertilizer or ferliUzIng material*, to sell acid, phosphate; kx- nit or dny rt’t.'ef fertilizer nraterial In bulk, that i* Un*Kcked That any fer- tiltz-r company or drm ilealing in fer tilizing material in bulk, shall place upon thenar in Which SUch fertilizing material I* shipped a crtrtitlcate or cir- t i tlvate.*; herein sifter provided for, allowing number rtf tort* upon tfhlch *hai! be stamped or printed, the an a!y*i« of shell fertilizef art IS ertrt- tained in fivery Cat- «rt shipped. Section 2, That the fertiliser fle- partinent of Clemson Agricultural (’ollege shall furnish Upon application; to any and all fertiliser companies cf tlrtp* dealing In commercial fertilisers or fertilizing material*, rtertiffcates Of the following denomination, to wit? Due ton, two ton*, five ton*, tee tons, at the fate of twefny-flve cents per ton, ft* now provided hy law. Said certificate shall be printed In stfch form and *lzo «* said eoT-ge should *ee dry provided A Sufficient blank j-pace be left on eafcb certitlcato to allow th shipper space to stamp the rtnalv- *ii of stfch Ifefttlizar represented by eft-'li CfirtitlCate. The shti'per shall fffaCe, In a conapfcuffits place Iff eaCh and cZcfy c.tr of frtrililzer so shipped, a certlffeate Or fertitlcatetf correctly rep reseiiting tbs fHJirrhef of trtn* In eaffh car, and s If all stamp or H flnt On suffh certitlcftte or certificates the analysi* of such fpitiUzer. Section d. Tha* arry company, firm or person falling to comply with the recppreme’i'* of thi* Act shall be deetmo gm. f i ini»neineanoZ, and upon corrfh . ii-ii Snail be pifntshed a* now pr Di le l by Iv’*/. Wee ion 4. An Acts "* part rt) Act* Inconsistent with tnis Act are hereby repealed. Provided that thi* Act Shall fn no waV litvalidate the law now ex- f*'ing, relative to the sale of said for-’ | llli/.er in bags, barrel* or o her |»ack age*; or labeling rtommOn f rtihZer Fn tilts State. Provided that nottifog herein Contained shall Interfere with fertilizer* pa»*tng tbroogb thfC Sx« e fnUan«it: nor shall apply to tbrt de livery of fertilizing nfatAriat* of bu k i K ood* to fertilizer factories for manu- facturing pur Approved the 1 day ol 191J. . asiii>-| i aisi ^ I dual* £ Spring Is on tti& Way al ±as and Rre the Prettiest and the Best cf ihc thirty year* of nly mercantiU expefidrtce. In White eGoods, G'nghams, Percales aild Madras I have tlie first choice of the best houses in the leading dry goods centres. ; * t FOR MEN My Spring Stock of " MAKES-UFE’S WALK. EAST* CROSSETT SHOES T*ADt mark. is Superb. > A Lovely line of Children’s Oxford’s for the little folks. All Fall and Winter Goods Greatly Re duced in price to make room for Sweet Spring's Surprises ! mean business. If ydu mean business come and you wiJl go no farther, for i will sat isfy you. . F. MOLAIR BARNWELL, 8. Q, ' - ■ »i i ' ri- i fi Hank the Proceeds. HFN yen market vnnr rcRrtn ybo fhould bank the proceed*—')p«*n an accuunt with u*—In stead of carrvltijf tlie money lr. your pocket Of keeping It In your tirnke. VMoney kept at hofbe or in youf pocket* U tubject U> l><** frnfil ffrt 1