; /■' Wi '.«#• dMlrmi of of *na 17 mor handed smpt- )f the die ts was towlll, of were Boykin v re the grand rffRor Blease was in Court laf naioement was nano- Cooper. The In- f a warrant sworn ■WPtha ago by B. Frank Of the dispen- haeatetary »t wga ion, f-n A0, Hip*, lit; gift of practi ty, the ac- profits from the moat notorio«a4lTe Omaha, Neb., has wm brought out mor e reBtlrffeoi^W and caused more talk that ahy-wM^e treat in the M14- In former members of board sept before the dt lo nnderstood that i By Felder to Brans and v three counts. Ip Sad. 1906, offered H. Stats dispensary board, a ti( E±- Ti a eompaoy 'Felder, to InQiience^ sscure orders for 11- tfftfOy organised, charges that on the »r offered Brana ! dbs capital stock of this i nndsr the laws of i of the Dulted States, to the Jurors known. I charges Felder 9960,000 of the of this ooapany and ehargua the offer by i^t UmotUMdO In Of the United States, a repetition of the In 4 different form, r. B,” letter, address- waa asms time to the press by Governor a* latter wilttsn by Fei- mnvhMfp'date AUaata, 1>9V,'and the Indictment dsd u] , la this letter. rsooarened after the Judge Gage suggested Jury that If all the wtt- ifltd before them in 'ease could of Court. Court was jutting upon of the grand Jury on idtpaded them, that they eonsMeration of the Felder 'had disposed of ether in order that the Court kept busy. IX BARB. music hall went to the wall she wa^j without an engagement. In the emer gency ch,e took up with a noted ■‘square” gambler, Ifhn Allen, and be came his common law wli’e. This relation she sustained for 10 years until Allen died. Allen la said to have furnished the money with which Miss Wilson opened the most notori ous diVe'In tfie city. In the 40 years of Its existence, however, there were few arrests made there. When Allen died he left a «10,000 policy, made In favor of Miss Wilson. She notified his brothers that at her death the money would be handed over to them. Some years ago one of them asked Miss Wllsdn for a portion of the money and was given $1,000. In her will $9,000 is left to Dan Allen's brothers. Six years ago Miss Wilson leased home, purchased a glo.MO resi dence In Krountze place, an exclusive residential district, and went to live In her new home. With her. she brought one of the best Shakespear ian libraries in the West. Among her books Is an Illustrated Bible, which cost many thousands of dollars, and which Miss Wilson la said to have been fond of reading and studying. Her library ran Into thoua- auda of volumes, and pictures and works of art fairly filled her home. Her flower garden and home were the wonder of the town. Prevent Fires. Present Indications ate that the firs losses In the. United States and Can ada for 1911 will exceed 9290,000,- ooo. The flguree for the first seven months of tbej year sholw a total of 1164,992,9-Od?' lia--'coni paired with $126,076,800 during the same period last year. / The losses for 1910 were 4114,- 406,650, and if the present ratio of increase continue throughout the year, the 1911 losses may approach 4300,000.000. This will exceed any year In the history of the country, ex cept thos» of the San Francisco and Baltimore conflagrations. Government officials, underwriters and firemen agree that the majority of thesS fires are due to carelessness and are easily preventable. All of the recent fires, which have attracted public attention because of the heavy loss of life with which they were ac companied, were due to the careless ness and fttdiiIterance of the owners, occupants, or municipal authorities. New York has been spending $10,- 000,000 a year for fire extinguish ment and only $10,000 for fire pre vention. The recent shirt waist fac tory fire aroTised the public and the authorities, and fire prevention Is to .^ade much more prominent here- **¥b© most Important eonsideratlon- 1s tti£ da|elopmeht of a sense of per- 8f*t1wP«fe8ponBlbnity on the part of property owners for the excessive/flre S \ which is dainlng the resources l,e country and weakening its ance capital. A score of fire Insnrhnce companies have retired from t^ e field already this year, be cause of the heavy lessen last year and the unfavorable outlook. Disaster a like the recent factory fire at Newark, N. J., In which 20 girls were killed and 50 seriously In jured, are chiefly due to carelessness. In this case both municipality and owner afe responsible. The city had not seen to the proper fire escapes and exits, although the owners had been frequently warned by the haz ards by the Insurance nten. The public should be brought to realize the excessive danger Involve . In the handling ot gasoline and the fact that the greatest cafe Is re quired at alt times. Its Increasing domestic use renders more Important the education of the public In this regard, as there arc hundreds of dis tressing fatalities each year In the smaller cltlea and towns which never get headlines In the papers, because only one or two persons were burned to death. CONDITIONS ABE APPALLING. People in Asiatic Hnssta Suffer From Fam’ne. A dispatch from ^t. Petersburg. Ruaslk. vays the sufferings experi- bn-tbu famine of 1891 are be ing repeated in thw province of Oren burg and Tural territory, Aslat.o Russia, Is famine str.cken. The In habitants of these '•-gtons are flock ing to towns, preparing for death and begging for the adm u'stratlon of th<« isat communion. The crop? In the province of Orenburg are per cent below the average, and Bishop T. C. Helyablnsk has Issued an appeal to the government asking aid lor peas ants. DRINK TOO MUCH LIQUOR. Remarkable Statement Made by the Commission. WOMAN CLOTHES CHICKEN. of Oconee County of a young 16 year-old fr. Bice, who live* sev- from Walhalla, was found the end of a rope In Mr. Rice's place Satur- Yomg Rice nad nhv- meT'tally, and It is tin a temporary fit of la- oaded hi* life. ; Hie body <1 by hie brother, who went Into la the afternoon and gtiH warm, though life Mtflnet. The body Wae taken the autaianoe of neigh- were called in. ^The rope a long one. and when found fortunate youth’s feet were th* floor, Xl. JU r —■■I i» Thief Ate Too Much. ini wae; killed in auctions of Hunta animal raided the • of WilMam Fletcher and en- mm ttir» wgra ateLall of the ptg- ■everal chickens, and aft< unable (Mo It had ent Puts Coats and Pajamas on Fowls to “Keep Them Warm.” Royal E. Cabell, United States Commissioner of Internal Revenue, has made some remarkable state ments In his annual report showing that the Internal revenue receipts last year were the best In the history of the Government, amounting to $322,526,299. Another very remark able statement of Mr. Cabell Is that last year the production of distilled spirits In the United States was 175,- 402,395 gallons, or nearly 7,000,000 gallons more than In 1907, the prev ious banner year. The production of beer, ale, etc., | aggregated 63,21 6,851 barrels, or i nearly 4,000,000 barrels more than in j the previous banner year, 1910. There are now in the bonded ware houses of the United States, ripen ing for use, 249,2741,346 gallons of in toxicating liquors. Still another very remarkable statement In Mr. Cabell's report is that there has been a very large Increase in the illicit manufac ture of liquor in North Carolina, Speak er, Replying to Bryan’s Criticism, Efforts of Himself and Other era Have Entirely Eliminated Dls\ cussion Within Party’s Ranks. Speaker Champ Clark, who is in Washington,vdeclared Monday that he had devoted the last three years chiefly to getting the House Demo crats together and holding them to gether, and that, after seventeen years of factional fighting, the Dem- ofcrats are “united, and, by the bless ings of God, will remain so.” ‘T did not do it alj by a long shot,” he a.ided. ‘T had lots of help, and every Democrat who participated In that troublesome, laudable work de serves his full share of the honor. WMle there was once despair in Democratic hearts, there Is high hope now.” In this way the titular head of the Democratic lower house of Congress made indirect reply to criticisms of format* Presidential Candidate VVT1- liany Jennings Bryan, as to the £wak- ershlp no longer carrying the leader ship of (he House. Mr. Clark referr ed to the great Importance of unity AmLwj.adom. amomK the Democrats to t draw* voters not belonging to the Democratic party. “The most important feature of the I extraordinary session of Congress j from apolitical standpoint,” sa ; d h° ; ‘‘was the fact that we pulled togeth er, worked together, fought together and won together. We replaced the ! old habit of defeat with the new habit j of victory, the bad fashion of quar relling among ourselves with the bet- j ter fashion of taking counsel together and then presenting a solid front to astonished enemy. “The trend of public opinion Is to ward the Democrats. President Taft's long trip seems to have left things In statu quo.” The speaker says the recent elec tion proved that, wherever the tariff was the sole or (he principal Issue, be Democrats won, and that whan Mr. Taft vetoed the tariff bills, It was THevltsbTe that the tariff wcmlj be the leading Issue next year. “One of the most preposterous canards put Into print since Gutten- berg "invented movable type," added the speaker, "is the charge that I am In favor of the forcible annexa tion of Canada.’ There Is not a fact in the universe on which to base such a slander. I never at any time or place stated, or even hinted, such a wicked and kuixotlc scheme to any human being. I have never dreamed of such a thing, and would oppose it to the uttermost. ‘T have frequently for years ex pressed the hope that there might be a union of the two countries by mu tual consent and for the good of tmth. It always seemed to me a friendly suggestion, because we arc neighbors, of the same blood and speaking the same language, but as the Canadians do not seem to want that, there is an end to it.” Fob Sale—Two-year old roses. HeatM eiRy blue violet plants and Azal- easVAzalea Gardens, Bax 85, Sum- For Sale—\Buff Plymouth Rocks, one cock $2.\o, two cockerels, $1.50 each. Positively the last chance. J. R. Dean, Spartanburg, S. C. Established I7f)i. D. A. Walker. 152 Meeting St., Charleston, S. C. Mar- " ble and granite tyorks, Iron and Wire fencing. Send for prices. cooiU and oppos- sum Hounds, Red Bort^ Fox and ters and For Sale—Trained rte J Cat Hounds, trained Pofp Setters. M. L. Crawford, Ga. Tiger, Bookkeeping or Shorthand 435. Combined Course, $65. Subjects taught by Specialists. Address the Greensboro Commercial School; Greensboro N. C. for literature. Southwest Georgia Farm, and pecan lands. Any sized tracts. Best coun try in the world. Write for illus trated booklet today. Flowers- Parker Realty Co. Thomasville, Ga. Fine Farm I.and* for sale—Write C. M. Simmona, Blakeley, Ga., for best locations and prices on Ideal farms; laige and small In Early and joining countie*; soutuweet Georgia. NOAH’S LINIMENT five* relief for all Nerve, Bom and Muscle Aches and Pams more quickly than any other remedy known. * IT PENE TRATES It is triple strength and a powerful, speedy and sure PAIN REMEDY. Sold by all dealers in medicine at 25c per bottle and money back if not satisfactory WHAT OTHERS SAY! Cured of Rheumatism a “I had been suffering with rheumatism for three years. Have been using Noah’s UaP m.nt, and will say that It cured me com pletely. Can walk better than 1 have to two yean. Rev. 8. E. Cyrua, Donald, 8. C ” For Cut* and Bruiae* Cured ot! “For five yean I aoteed with neuralgia and pain in dda. Could not sleep. I tried Noah’s I fall—I, and the first application made me led better. Xre. Martha A. Sets Richmond,Va - and heals the wound Immediately. Edward Ryan, 8wan*boro, Va.” RhwumaHsm 4n Nwck *•1 received the bottle of Noah’s Lfchaawt, and think It has helped me greatly. I have rheukiatlsm in my neck and It remwed tt right much. Mrs. Martha A. Lambert, Bea ver Data, Va.” . Pain* ha the Beck “ I suffered ten years with a dreadfuDy •orepain in my back, and tried different i mediea LeM than 'half a bottle of Nosh's Stilts from Noah's Ununaat tin “My son has been suffering wtth bronchitis and asthma and a eery bad cough. Waa confined to his bed. Bosne one recommended Naeh’sLhrfeaaet, and I robbed hia cheat and •5.00 Remedlee "We have obtained at good if not better than we did from bottle Norfolk For Sale—Pure Breed Pekia Ducks. White Sherwood Chickens, Rhode Island Reds. Plymouth Rocks (Barred) at $4.00 for trio of eith er. Address Mrs Mary E. Little john, Jonesville, S. C. Eggs to Set from my beautiful Rhode Island Reds. 15 for $2.00, have some cheaper. Chicks, 25c each. Orders received now for future de livery. Address W. W. Moyle, Charlotte. N. C. 11-10-3 Apple* for Sale—Strictly fancy hand picked Ben Davis, Wlnesap and Stajman Wlnesap. largest size $5.15 per barrel. Second site $4.40. Third size $1.85. Bolling Hall, Waynesville, N. C. Mr. Buyer! --- Mr. Broker! GET IN TOUCH WITH US FOR YOUR FRUITS and PRODUCE F. W. Meyer & Son, CHARLESTON. SOUTH CAROLINA WANTED crmnhr 1 PSTTl *1 RSh i D & YOUNfi MEN AND W01EN , ADMITS CRIME TO PlUFST. .South Carolina, Rather than see her chickens, HIK i Virginia, which had molted late In the season | Th e first four of these States are aad were running about featherless supposed to be prohibition and ip theso frosty mornings, suffer, Mrs. Virginia the stuff is sold only In In- Had Kllletl Hi* Wife and the Man He Found With Her. Tortured by the mental picture of his heedless wife and her paramour, whom he had slew, I’usquale Mar ches!, 2 7 years old, a merchant of Kenasha, Wis., confessed to a priest the double eripje leretofore not dis covered. He was turned o.t-r to the police who are closely guarding him for fear of possible mob violence. According to Marches!, he went home and found Ins wife, Rosari, and Georgia, Tennessee ' cousin an(1 namesake making love 1 Without allowing his presence to be come known, Marcesi wont to a woodshed, procured a hand axe, crept E. Stocker of Colorado City, Col., has made neatly fitting red coats, which button under the wings, and soft Flannel pajamas and caps tastily fas tened with ribbons under the beak, and now her flock gives “Jack Frost” the laugh. The chickens strut about, apparently proud of their clothes. Mra. Stoker says that the Ijens, to ■how their gratitude, Tying e£gs every day. Frozen to Death. A flock of ducks, their feet frozen to the ground, was found in a field near William*, Ind., during the re cent blizzard. It is believed the ducks had alighted in the field to spend the night and that the sudden change in temperature caused the wet ground to freeze holding them prisoners. Many of the birds were caught by farmers in the vicinity, who cut them loose from the ground with axes. 'A-m. - ' tiBm bgriw wno ran* Mo., la dead. the _ Fatal Fight in Chorch. F. M. Snowden waa shot and Ttllled and hie aon, William Snell, waa ta- tally wouaded during a fight at ntch service at Orangeville, La., Sunday night. W. R. Dowden, who la alleged to have shot the Snowdens George Dowden and William Sim- were placed In JalL All the ore formers. % corporated cities and towns and then only in towns in which the question of the sale of the stuff has been sub mitted to the qualified voters. ✓ Shipwrecked Sailors Saved. Six shipwrecked sailors of the •chooner James W. Maxwell, Jr., bound from Brunswick, Ga , to New York reached port Friday on the Mor gan liner El Rio. They were picked up off Cape Charles Wednesday after •pending seventeen hours In a small boat. What He Might Expect. ’Trlmmlas has a first rate voice,” aald the erltic at the concert; “but he- always comes in behind time.” "Yes,” replied the man who lends money. “I guess It’s force of habit. Trlmmlnz’ notes are always overdue.”—Stray Sto ries." German Soldiers Are Swimmers. All German soldiers must learn tt swim. Some of them are so expert that, with their clothing on the!) heads and carrying guns and ammuni tk>n. they can swim rivers eevera hundred yards In width. Wanted—Men to take thirty day's practical course In our machine shops and learn automobile busl- ne«s*. Positions secured graduates $25 per week and up. Charlotte Auto School, Charlotte, N. C. Pillow* Free—Mail us $10.on for 36- pound Feather Bed and recei\te 6- pound puir Pillows, freight pre paid. New feathers, best ticking, satisfaction guaranteed. Agents wanted. Turner Cornwell. Feather Dealers, Charlotte, N. C. - Hardwood l*’g* and Lunil>er wanted, j We are cash buyers of poplar, Ash. ! Cypress and Gum Lumber. Also j want Poplar, Hickory. Cedar and | Walnut Logs. Insyrection at your i point Write for prices. Savan nah Valley Lumber Company, Au gusta. Ga. liost-l'ioef Cabbage and Lettuce Plants, tied in bunches, s’eleete!. Delivered in South Carolina and Georgia. One thirty-five per thou sand. The Urges! earliest heads, are grown from our plants. Sea Island Plant and Seed Company, Meggetts, S. C. To begin at once preparing for Book keeping, Banking, Typewriting, Tele graphy. Salesmanship and Civil Service position* now awaiting them in banks, busin?s8 and railroad offices, and In th* gov ernment service. Write or call^at once for special Christmas rate* with positions guaranteed. Worthy young people unab’e to pay tui tion may learn and pay after position Is secure!- Lessons by mail If de but d. SOUTHERN COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Charleston and Greenwood, S. C. Chattanooga and Johnson City, Tenn Rome, Ga.; W inston-Salem, Wilmington, Salisburg, and Durham, N. C. Th, South’s Highest Endorsed and Fastest Growing IlirsmeM College. Opens In Bristol, Va., and Lcatur. Ala., Jan. 1\1912. WE CARRY THE LARGEST BELTS IN STOCK IN SOUTH CARLOINA. We have the 14 in 6-ply and the 1 6 and 18-ln 8-ply Gandy Belt. It Is the Original Red Stitched Canvas Belt. There are a great many Imitations on the market, but you can always tell the Gandy, for It is stamped ev ery 10 feet (Gandy). We also have the 14-lnrh fi-ply Giant Stitched. This belt has a national reputation. It is the Original Seamless and Stit ched belt. Write for prices.. OOL UMHIA SUPPLY COMPANY, M2S West GervnU Street. CohimMa. S. C. Bull Terriers, Poodles, Spaniels, Collies. St. Bernards, Newfound lands, Croat Danes. As represent ed or money refunded Harry Reeder, Thorndale, Pa. into the house and chopped oil the j Complete Course In Automobile con- THIS CniUEGHCOM SAT DOWN heads of the two lovers. Taking his baby, two months old, from the arms of his slain w .'V, Mar- j chesi washed the blood from its face, j carried it to the home of his brother j anl said that his wife was ill. He! returned to the house, drocked his t daughter, Josephine, four years old, i and took her to his. brother's. Marches! then mamnni to the r house, concealed the hatchet and wandered about the city. As morn ing begun to dawn, the spectres so haunted Marches!, so he said, that he was forced to confess. -Dally Reminder. No b*tter day than this on which to follow Walt Whitman’s examplo In loaf and invite your soul, provided fom soul will accept the Invitation. ; At least you can loaf. f - U’-U --— —v -— - - - *“ Evidently He Wae Jealous. A- ftrange jMa for divorce wee Mi- forward i JR More Deaths Than Births. The serious attention of the public 'has again been called to the popula tion question In Branch, by the pub lication of official statistics. These cover the first six months in JO j 1 and*show an excess of death over births of 18,279. The figures are all the more discouraging from the fact that for the same period In 1910 the births exceeded the death by 21,184. Leg Cut Off by Box Car. While standing on a passenger track at Spartanburg Junction Tues day afternoon, watching a south- bound train pull out, General Fore man J. W. Rideout, of the Southern Railway, waa atruck by a box car, which waa backed up against him He waajl dragged ten or fifteen feet and his left leg completely severed from hie body. -~ struction driving, repairing. Grad uates assisted in getting employ- mint. Best equipped auto school in South. Graduates getting $15 tc $4u weekly. Write for partic ulars. Automobile School, 108- 110 Liberty St., Savannah, Ga. I’m Sale—A carriage and buggy * shop, full line of up-to-date ma chinery for manufacturing bug gies: good trade established, both row* and repair work. No better place in the South for a buggy fac tory. The demand for new bug gies greater than the supply. C. .Julius Johnson, McGregor. Texas. For Sale—430 acres fine level farm land. 150 acres cleared. ElghJ;- room, two story house, large barn and stables. Good water. Fine neighborhood, good schools aad churches, healthy locality. On ac count owner’s health this place will be sold at a bargain. Write to John A. Cook, Real Estate Dealer, Dunn, N. C. Farms for Sale—3 75 acres fine land. 350 In cultivation; all stumped; 5 miles of Camilla, Ga., 3 miles of Flint. Good" d-wclllng, 8 tenant houses, deep well, good water, healthy location; at Intersection of two good public roffds. $30,00 per acres; $5,000 cash, balance to suit. If you eee this farm it means you will buy. G. A. Ware, Flint, Ga. a Kills His Wife and Self. While his five Children, the eldest aged 11, lay asleep in an adjoining farmer'lion* Well Broken Beagles and large Rab bit Honnds, Fox Hounds, Coon Dogs, Setterr and Pointers; young wife and shot dogs of above breeds trained; also papa. / ; F4X, SUek and Ta4 Terriers Didn’t See Why He Should Stand j While the Bride Plighted Her Troth at the Altar. They stnvjpil into the parsonage of a Bubuibon town in New Jersey and asked to pel n a-rted They were from tack Pi V.e country and both seemed anxious to get tec ceremony * over ar<| don* vlth and get back to ! their work Thrifty ;oung people of ! German blood, rhry were’ with no j time to waste on footiHhness The minister called in his wife and servant to witm ss the ceremony and proceeded rrmrrptty He had the couple stand before him, asked the usual nrelfc-ina v q- '■‘sMnns, and then got from the bridegr-pm the pledge that tie 1 him ftU the bride He had Just spirted with “Do you take this mr.n.'' when he was aston ished to sre ’he h-ldr-r-^,^ vv-ilk over to a so** "" ’ '-ntr sit down “What von p v t (, n r>" asked the mlmp'n- ''Don't you want to fin Ish th ^ Ofrprvnr) V r> ” Sure, pnvj the briflp^rootn. “Hut vou're through wtth me I've stild my part, and I’ll sit here until she says hers I’m tired ” "Yon’ll come bank Ve-e and stand ’ip until It is over." said the pirspn Id some bent The mar got un and came back H!s bride had not minded his action In the least Afte- they had gone tb. minister spoke his mind: ‘The woman Is going . 0 get the worst of that natrtmonM hargnln” ^And for one,. Ms wife agreed with NOAH 5 wmm Every Horse Owner draada that moat dangarous dla—aa. Co lie. Be Prepared for an Merger eg bg haring a bottle of Noth’* Colic Ro»edg oc head. More animate die from Colic than all other non-eoatagieoa disease* eombln-d. Nine out of evorg ton csso* would hav* boon em-od If Noah’s Colic Romodg had be*» given in time. Jt Ira’t a drench or dop% hut is a remedg gi«pA on the tongue, to simple that • woman or child can give it *f it faila to caret gear moneg wlU be refunded. If gour dealer cannot sepplg ] ou eend We fat stampa and we will mail i bottle. g Noah Remedg Co,. Ine.. RloHmoad, Va. r. ’ THXBAILEY.LEBBTCO Aluminum Pressed in Place of Paper, sheet* of aluminum are osod for wail covering in place of UBBER ROOFINO-’ CHARLESTON, S.& Da ly Thought If what you have dona biff to yov tot^ajr, ■“ tot