- Ft- rSzL-fi l '. - 'W* -' • .. ■ ■ '• ., ■:' ■ ■■»■ ,.~ |H tX. nt .V.t.. - ’ ■ wT' 7 y . " 'T'i ?•:• •• ■vx. .4 . >* ' v * .vyfeT* * . ■ • •> • PERN FACILITIES sit.. . ^ Tlaib«r land*. Oar awo S*« Mill*. O ir own Oapltal. fmaterj wuh late«t Intpioved Equlpaicnt. Low Frcixbt P9?i. a./ i «Mt nw natarlal; no daahnx fbroach talddle man and It; ao borrowed money and high rata of Interest; no iwlt> oM worn out macliiuerv; 4io forced buvlng of price*. )-*Qaality and a Square Deal. With tbeae advant age* w# eel left yo«r order* for Saab, Door*, Blind* and mill Work of cverfv oeecrlptUn COIIPLKTE Hot'SK BILLd a Specialty If v*t y«« nothing to loveatlgate—Write for price*. =%- * ji >fvf• • AUGUSTA LUMBER CO. AUGKJ8TA. GEORGIA, 'i ■. • • B/ V OF THE MAH Fix' ♦ i’S A BIFFERETCE •w»!7w, ••r.-rV/'.-. •i^Si :OFi IATJ ile 8-fwcen really food hats and simply food looking hats, 't et most men buv their hah by the “looks”—-by the ippearance ot the surface. This isn’t always a safe way * ■> buy. For instance the appearance of ROELOF^ “frmxlt” HATS is ciu-elv imitated but the through and through quality, ':“A r See the new Fall Models—just arrived—every one t distinctive character. pmcEjBaoo 1 A'll.l . “THE QUALITY STORE” °lft r KVILLE. SOUTH CAROLINA k-eiu v ; ^r “Korrect Shape” Guaranteed Patent l eather Shoes Fanners' Union Warehouse 1 N'CORI’OR ATKD Capitalized ----- 510,000.00 Ready to receive your cotton for storage. ^Charges t cent per riav r'er half, wh'ch covers all charges and fives you protection. If you are not going to sell store your c«tton with the Farmers’ Union Warehouse, Barnwell, S. C. Kolit E. Woodward, J. Jenkin*, U»rry I) Calhoun, f*rr« rtoc. Treat. Fl^e Barnwell People. THURSDAY. UEcRMBER T. 1M1. IUTE8 OP 8UB8CRIPTIOH* in Ldvaaoe. par Annum fl.W >n Ti«M. |Sj * l The first rrctlon of (be ehain gaag I* at Fairfax thU week. The aecond aeetlon of the chain gang will oio(a nhiMit next MoikJhv or Tuea- o*y to the Pmteratin l»ld Mill on the Lower Three Run*. The third aeetion la at Greenland. W. V. Klohurdvon, J. B. Morria, Clerk. 8upr. HARMONY LOifOK NO. 17 A. F. M. , A /A rein I ar comma n I oat Ion °f Harmony Lo*n, balance In timber, every nerr available for cultl* vation; liea beautifully, red clay *ub- aoll in May reach of plow |»oint. The very beat cotton land In tbl* county, and well adapted to cantaloupe* and truck, which I* getting to be a leading and profitable Industry here. Thl* farm I* tituated on public road, one- half mil* from depot and buatne** part of the village of Elko on the old S. C, A Ga, R. K (noar Southern), 41 mile* from Auguat*, Ga. Church and new brick acboolhouee In light of dwelling. Labor abundant, eommr.nlfy of good, thrlftv and moral citixen*. Place ia healthy, ha* plenty of good wet] water Improvement* conalit of a meat* van room cottage In a beautiful pipe grove on public road, two frame barn*, wag on abed, Ac., and three tenant boose*, all improvement' In good condition. I offer this place at a price far balow the price *uch land abould bring In thia section. For (K) day* t will offar the above plane at 100 ngy acre, one* third caah, balance on long credit with annnal payment* at ft par eentlntoreat. Alan: I hart another farm of 220 acres well situated, otu and one*balf mile# from Elko, two nnlaa from Wl'llaton. This place ha* abona 30 acres ot •eody land, well adapted to aAparagtia, the balance of It good cotton laml with clay sub-aoll: about 110 acres open, balance In woods. This piece ia near enongb for one to take advantaga ot aebool at Elko nr Wllpaton. Improve ments consist* of two font room tenant booses and two b*rn*. Price made known upon application. Terms same a* above place. ; *— ~I>N.Gr*e«e, fay . FOR NALE-TiMhaoi ea land la De- uatur couty in four m*le* of Baln- brMige, the county; seat of .Decatur JK «e put in cultivation. Price *7 an «bplaynoem t»nM|/jtd' brWge, me county *e»( oi . uecai totintf. tbefa la a BMir boras farm •pen Und on this place,' tho b*ly *aa»l» put in cultivation. Price >7 The sun rite* todsv at 1:14. 7 :(13, acta at METHODIST MINIbTRRS K The appolntmanta made at Bennett* vllle Monday night to charges In this tectlon for next rear are: Chaileaton DUtrlc*: J. W Daniel, Presiding Elder; Allendale, .f W WnL Hng; Apple tori, K. Z. James; Khr hard', H W Whltaser. Orangeburg Diatrlut: M. L Banks, Presiding Elder; Bamberg, W. H. H»<1gea; fUrnwi-il, W. J. Snyder; I)cn. mark, T F, Morris; Olar to be tup plied, TO TKACHKRtL On Saturday next December 9th the Barnwell County Teacher*’ A*socta> tion will be reorganized for the next rear. Tbe meeting will be held at U> e Barnwell High Snbcol Building, com mencing at 11 o'clock a m. Addressee will be delivered, by Prof. W J. McGsrity of thr Allendale High Ncbuol on “Edunittim tbe Corner Ntone of the South, and Dra. W M Jouea of Wtl.Dton and S C Mitchell • >f the State University on subjects sure to Instruct and interest. Let every teacher In the county who can possibly attend be present. Don’t be absent or tartly. •••••••••••••••••••• • • • HERB AND HEREABOUTS. • •••••••••••••••••••• Next year the South Csrollna Meth odist Ooaferenea will meet at Ander son. Tbs gunner* had glorious weather and tatlafaatory success on Thanks giving Day. Tba census bureau will issue another glnner’s report tomorrow, and the gov ernment crop estimate will be given out on Monday. Good progress In the trial of Seaalona oases baa been made In thl* tacond week of the term, but there sre case* enough on the calendar to occupy all tb* week. Another authorltv tav* that Jerry Moore made tbie year on his a umn. served during the w*r In Coni, pan v C . I at B. O. V.» one ssf the iDat/ organized In tbl* State. Of that com mand only throe member* set vivo. Wound* received at Hull Run and Uhan.elloravllle made him a life long invalid Hla pailsnoo and ferttaide during these weary year* of suffering were tha wondar and admiration of hla friends. He waa never heard to murmur. A few day* before hla death he wa* reeeired into mam berth) p of the Catholic Church. MR. LUNSFORD HARLEY. t at hla home hi Wit- earn* to another Cun. hla bsava spirit id tha rlvor to reel In the eternal wIlh'tKa comrades go»e PRESENTMENT OF GRAND JURY To hi* Honor, the Presiding Judge : We have p*s*ed upon all bill* handed us by the {Solicitor and beg to make the follow ing report: The committee appointed from this body to examine book* of the county hp\e br.en unable to complete (heir Work and committee continues to re port at March term of Court. We recommend that In future all juror* and wltm-saes be required to he present when ('our', conyenes, thereby saving the county ronsiderar.le money and tlms We are g’ad to notice that lonner recommendation* of this body Have been compiled with / Thanking hi* Honor and officers of thi* Honorable Court for courtesies ex tended Respectfully submitted, F. T. Merritt, Foreman. •'The newspaper that help* the pie has a right to expect help from people ” That waa the doMn, sen tence In the valedictory of a Win boro editor who bad sold hla paper o ■ promicent teacher LOST, A LAPR1 Loat between Mr. I. W. Rountroe’s boaae and the Pettereon Mill, one lao- rob% one aide black and the other green. In one corner waa' stamped the word "CHANB.” Finder wit) please return same to Tee Peerix oiloe and raeeive reward. MON BY TO LEND. SmKftdl rehl eetate. « per cent Int*rest amonnw under fUXiO.OO. T 'on amoonrs over $1,000 00. At lleton faderate oViweed before He Was tbe son of Dr. Harlsv, a dle- tlnguUhed physician of tha old South, and Inherited the oourage and devwtfou to family end friends that ao w«t! 41*- tlngulahed hla even Hf*. A* a Unnfederate soldier be gave fonr year* of terries to bis eouotry, ao brave and unaetflah as to win the last ing confidence and affection of those with whom he stood on the battle line nr bore the privations of army life du ring those year* that so tried men's souls. Ill health resulting from tbe hardships of that service prevented hi* larger activity In later rears, hut added to hi* devotion to hi* family and bit love for hi* friends. He passed through life making no enemies and winning ■ any friends and giving wherever ba ooeld the sunshine of hi* heart to make better the dvet with which be came in touch. \ He is survived by his devoted wife, three sons and four daughters, who have in their beieavement the warmest sympathies of a host of friends. HI* body rests In tbe village ceme tery. while his memory shall live in the loving hearts of his wife and ehiUreo and friends that ao mlsa him from their live*. MISS AUGUSTA C. HAGOOD. On Thursday last, in the 89th year af at the residence of her nephew, Mr. Daniel H. Mran*, In Columbia, where she hsd made her home since 1887. Miss Augusta C. Hsgood depart parted this life, and nn that fair morn ing there was thanksgiving among the spirit* ot bar loved one* gone before as her beautiful amil passed through the gates of pearl to Aod again and foraver tbe happiness that shall know no touch of pain or sting of sorrow and parting In the Father’s averlaating keeping Her parents were tbe late Dr. James O. Hsgood and Mrs Indiana Allen Hsgood, name* houorHd and love! In the beat year* «>f the mother Slate, Of her brother* Gen. Johnson Hsgood, on* of the best and greatest Carolinian/ of all the State’s proudest centuries. Col James R Hsgood, the gallant boy Colonel ef the Confederacy, and Col. Lee Hsgood of wel loved memory bays passed over tbe last river. •* bare ber four sisters, MIsa Mary E. Hsgood of Barnwell, Mr*. Caroline Dunwodv of Walterboro, Mrs AUoe Meant of Pair field and Mr* Sarab Anne Oakman of Barawell. Tb* memories ef her life, so boautl ful In lu ever* period from childhood to tha final moment, ao tender and gee lie In Ha service to humanity, wl|> he cherished until God gives them reunion again In the city of HU taint* by ber only surviving brothe*, Mr Gordon. A. Hsgood, and her nephewa and niece*. Cola. Butler and Joboaoa Hagood. Messrs D H. and J. H. Meant, Mr, Lee Hagood, Mr*. C A. Savage and Mrs Dmia- Lee CAPT. L. F. DICKS. After a long Hlnoss commencing In February of last year. Oapt. Leonidas Franklin Dleka of Rllonton departed this life on Snodsy at the home of hla sister, Mrs. Homer C. Casaols In Au gusta, aged Oft years. H* was a native of Barnwell Dletrlet, being tbe eldest son of Cept James Dleks sod Mrs. Sarah Drummond Dicks. When of auffii-ienl age ha laid down hla achool books In Rich Land Academy and entered tb* Confederate army, serving first io artillery on Jamas Island and afterward In the Third, Cojcafk’*. Regiment of Cavalry until tbe end of tbe condict He acted with conspicuous gallantry at tbe bat tle of Honey Hill and wherever duty called during the eloeing days of tba Confederacy’s struggle for Indepen denoe and the latar restoration and re demption of the prostrate State no son of tbe State waa truer into be. He fol lowed planting with algnal success through all tha years of peaoe and with the passing years grew larger in the love and confidence of all that knew the goodness of hia true heart and the wle- dom of bl* aount) judgment He I* survived bv one brother, Mr- J J Dicks and two brothers and four sisters of hi* father’s second marriage. His bodv wa« laid to rest In the Au^ gusts cemetery en Monday after fu neral services conducted by tbe Key. Howard T. Cree. The p*H bearers were: Dr* R C. Brabham and A. R Walden and Messrs. Cbss. T. Ballev, W. I. Bush, F. A TimberUke, JC. L. Timber ake and Mr Blakeley He had never married hut he bad the love of a multitude of frleqda to brlgbton bl* life. I’esce to you forever, good friend. V ^ NOTICE. The Barnwell Connty Farmers Union will have a called meeting on Friday before tbe third Hunday at 11 o’clock •, m at the Home Bank. All Union* are requested to send In their delegates as we will have important business to at land to. R. E. Woodward, President. CRIME IN CALIFORNIA In Lo« Ang. |e», California, on Octo ber 1st. 1910, the prin'lng houae of The Time* was blown up with dynamltu, and burned. Twenty-one peraon* em ployed.on the paper lost their live*. On Christmas night la«t In the same city the Llewellyn Iron Works were turned. For these crimes two brothers, Jamea B. and John J. McNamara, were ar rested lu Indiana and carried bank to OaHfomhi — For about two months tbe court had been selecting a Jurr. On Prtdsv the trial occupied lass than 1ft minutes, both the above named brothers plead ing guilty to the chargee above stated They were to be sentenced on Tues day, James B to life Imprisonment, John J. to 14 year*. A full account Is gi ven on first page. Cotigrea* met on Monday. This I* what la called tbe lung eesslBn, a* It could ooatlnuo without recess or ad Jnurmnent all next year, until the first Monday In December. lOlfi, when tbe abort session begins, which cannot ex tend beyond March 4tb, whan a hcw|v elected Bouse of Representative* comes In. As these long eeselon* rlwaye •erne in campaign years Senators and Representatives tire of Washington when midsummer beat err)re*. NOTICE OF FINAL BUSCIABOI. _ lit* en m K Notice te .hereby given that deraigned wilt wo Wesfinesdsy twr 17 h. iffli, Hie wu* Son John Wnelllng, Judge of Frobalo for Bern Kami rv mm *1! n -r-'-.r . V WSm ■ -HGhrotmas i5 coming So is cokf Now is the sensible time to begin thii what you are going to give Him Molair’s is the sensible place io bin , goods at all seasons of the year, but now we • are especially well fixed to supply all of your wants, large or srrtall. 7^ . • , Nothing could be better ^ or more appro priate for the comingseason than a nice suit overcoat, a serviceable and stylish dress or coat suit, a pair of those “nifty, long-wearing shoes, a stove or arrange than which there is no better made, chinaware, crockery, etc,, ett- Our space prevents a full enumeration of all the goods that we have for iA visit to our stores will convince jou mat no where else will a dollar do futter 1 MOLA Bank the Proceeds. HBN yon marfcot year settee yee eheeM I tbo proceeds-wpee ee acenu ‘toad of carrying tb* meeey I keeping It In year braae. ¥ Money kept at bom* er le yoer poefeel i'>*s from fire or thofi Nlf you should get ebooks or drefu fee thing olao drawn on other bowks, yog present tbotn In person te the bank eh t got them rnehed. Bring or mall them te M had w* eolloct the meeey asd pieee It te year nrngh as ear haohe •nbjoct to cheek. Come and see us or write us. w ' fie net hew drawn 1$ 4 o|o Paid ou Savings BANKwVESTEWI BARNWELL, S.C. CAPITAL A SURPLUS $50(5,. 3 LOCAL DIRECTORS & George H. Bates . J.M.Eostcrllng Butler Hagood P.M.Bucklngwom Auo well County her Keel rvturo n* liaintrntrlx of ih* astern of John I fieewsnfi, naM apply fey LeUere I Dewry ^ EurpNr-wn, 4dnjlni«tr*»rig CAR LOADS ■rK'- READY FOR SALE A Car Load ofllfirses and Mules of thn Standard exoeUffRM hanuled by rae and that hare nude Black 1 heat market in Lower Carolina lately ready for moat Reasonable sale. ■: J A Car Load ■— of genuine Red Rnet Proof Seed Oats own places and tbe beet of tbie Und that •oil and seasons can prodace. Only 75 eemte a ' V J A Car ■ '>■. . of the splendid Bancroft Gets, places, a really unequalled grain j first favorite wherever known. Onlyo ( t o*n »p*re from wy two car loada. The low, to tbe wise ! from my Won will b« quick to L E&i k v' 1 J’ii i ? BLACKY ILLS, fe