The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, November 23, 1911, Image 3

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4-- iRN FACILITIES • b#r land*. Our «wn S*»f Mill*. O jr cvn C*pH*l. .Wllk l*U«t luptuved Kqulpotcat. Low Freight •••t r*w n*t«<rUl; no dealing through middle man and proftt; no borrowed money and high rata of lnter*«t; no »g with old worn out machinery; no foromi bmlng of Ifclgh price*. )TTO Quality and a Square Deal. W|ih tbeae advent It year order* for S«*h, l»o<*r.. Blind* and mill work of Iptien. COMPLETE HOUSE BILI^ a Specialty If ■•thlhgto Ineeatlgata-Wrlte for price*. A< GUSTA LUMBER CO. AUGUSTA. : : ;; GEORGIA. •Sir OF THE MAHER' THERE’S A DIFFERENCE - Between really pood hats and simply pood looking hats. Yet most men buy their hats by the "looks”—by the appearance of the surface. This isn’t always a safe way to buy. For instance the appearance of ROELOF’S “ftmife ’ HATS is closely imitated, but the through and through quality, never. See the new Fall Models—just arrived—every one of distinctive character. piuce ms.oo G. A. STILL, “THE QUA LIT V STORE” BLACKVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA Sole Agency for“‘ Korrect Shape” Guaranteed Patent Leather Shoes Farmers’ Union Warehouse INCORPORATED Capitalized - f! 0.000.00 Read? to receive your cotton tor storage. ^Charges l cent per day per bale, which covers all charges and gives you protection. If you arc not going to sell store your cotton with the Farmers’ Union Warehouse, Barnwell, S. C. Robt, K. Woodward, Pre*. J. A. J«nkio*, Harry D. Calhoun, Trea*. The People Printer Tf j MASTER’S SALE: MntP of South Carolina, County of Barnwell. C ourt of Common Plea*. W. T. Rllty, Sr v*. offers opportunity to particular people for selecting styles for their Stationery, Letter. Note and Bill Heads, Envelopes,w. t. Kiu*y, jr.,et *1., Dodgers, &c. During the Summer the plant was overhauled and put in ap ple pie order, new material bought and the office is better prepared than ever to give quick and satisfactory service. [f.^There are ready for you and use over ninety fonts of Job and Display Type Some of these are of sizes and faces no longer made and cannot be duplicated. Those who may wish dis tinctive stationery should come pefsott and' make choice of type and arrangement. Plaintiff, Defendant*. — — ■ V r rij. r 5 People. rHURBDAT, H0VBMBKII2S. INI. iiTtR or scMctimoi. la AdraaoB, par AaBaa tn Tim* ,*»,•««,»11 •*.< MMHkMi TIUNSMOltjjrG DAT. By b»Bg aattam Urn ha> Tbareday la Korambar I* Thanked y lag Dav, a Btam and MaUreutl bolMay. Iwalaaaa will ba caaerafly aB»paa4*»4 and pwad dlaaara tha ral* •ban eropa aad taw Tbit giving of own day Th* dm rectlnn of tb* chain gaag I* at Fairfax tbla waak. . Tba •eeond aeutlon of tire chain gaag wtQ mot* abnnt naxt Monday or Tuao> day to tba Pattoraon Old Mill oo tb* I^twar Thro* Run*. Toe third aretton ta at Oroentaad. W V. Kirtoardwni, J. B. Morna, Clark. Bapr. H AKMONT IXJUWS VO. IT ▲. F. M. nlaroommanteathm of Harmony t No. 17, A. F. M. will be betd laaonlc Temple on Tharaday ^ M 7.80 o’ckiek VWUnf taothreu an oordtai.r inrtted to attend. A. A. Lemon, W. M. Wm. McNab, 8or FOR SALK—HI* band red acre* of flno farming land, north of Blackvillt, In a very dealrabl* aoctlon. H. D. Still, niackvllle. S. C- th* Idag yaar to tbaakcalvlag dlvtn* maroiaa I* a baautiful fad la Amarlaan Ilf*, bat I* daawtl marred by th* m*ro|)aa* ilaifehtei bird*, tba farmsr* beat frtaade. araatad by tb* aam* power that mad* Before the war Barnwell County Seed Rro we* rreularly *hipp*-d to England to be planted on ibe river Thame* bot tom land* n*ar l/ondoo. lt’» the beat in the world and I have the genuine for aale. C. N. Bu^ckbalter. A LAPKOBK. Mr I W Remit roe** LOST, Lo»t between houae aud the Patteraoo Mill, one No - robe, one aide black and the other green. In one corner waa atamped the word “OH ASK ” Finder will pleaxe return same to Th* Piort* ofllce receive reward. Want«d. to employ a hu»t|ing mar ble and granite »ale«man. ono of ex (>eiieii<*e. A good proportion to the right pvrtv. Apply •‘mas.-ufacturer’’ • are of thi* paper. ad. 8t. THE MOON THIS MONTH. November:— Fir«t Quarter Fnil Moon. .., Leat Quarter New Moon .. The aun rlae* today 6ri4. at 6:44, aet* at •••••••••••••••••••• • • • HERB AND HEREABOUTS. • •••••••••••••••••••• Thirty day* after date Santa Claua will b* due ic arrive. Court at Barnwell next Monday, and three following Monday*. A p««t»l aavlnga bank la to ba opened at Allendale oc December IKtb. Mr. Wallaee D. Sheridan la now handaotnely SIMog the poaitlon of Hoa- pltal Steward on the U. S. S. Franklin •tatloned at Portsmouth. Va. Make It a rule to kill every hon»e fly that coma* Iota your dining roam thi* winter, and spare none that Im- pudently light* on you elaawhara. The flrat fa.nter In Barnwell County to sign a pledge to hold cotton for av advance In prloe I* Mr. J. I.. Kill* Ha wPl withhold 41 bale* from the market. A* practically all of Barnwell'* hu*|. nes* houaea wPl be ctn««d next Thura. day. Thanksgiving Day, hou»*keeper* •bould make alt necasaary purchase* beforehand. H. K. Bulat. Kaq., bm* been appoint ed by Qav. Blea.e a delegate to the Good Roads Convention which meeta in Washington In December. Hi* at tendance at court will prevent bla ac- cep tan re. Col Adam MIU»r. a solid Penn.y!- vanla Democrat of sterling qualltle*. wa» In town on Monday after an ab- aenca oftwnyeara. He will apend at least a month In this aection, with headquarter* at Denmark. Mr*. Dr. J. A. Scott, of Montleello, after a pleasant stay of aevcral day, Ith her aon Prinolpal W. F. Scott, of the Barnwell Graded School, left on Monday morning lovlait her daughter, Mra. McDonell at ibhrhardt. Prealdent Taft and the editor of The Pboplb were alike last week In being mnflneU to their room* with colds. They were unlike in that the Presi dent waa excused from work while the editor had to use pencil and scissor*. Thera will be a “ Thanksgiving Ser vice’’at Pierces Chapel (now Green land School House) on Nov. 80. at eleven o'clock a. m Rev. K H Clark of Angnata, Ga., Ill conduct services. The public Is cordially Invited. Bi*l op W A. Guerry paid bl* an nual visit to the Episcopal churches at Barnwell and Blackville and Allendale on Sunday and Monday, preaching and administering the right* of onra flrmatlon and baptism. Thi* visit waa to these churches th* chief event of th* year and waa greatly enjoyed by good congregations. We Can Please Yon! ">* 8 * i V£rsr- , vsr- tba ooaaty real of Dooakav Bv v|r:ue of a decretal order to me directed In the aoeve entitled cense, 1 Will *eTI7- BaFHWIdr, In front of the Court II •u,*-, on Monday, December -ith, litll. it being xalesiuy In said month, within the legal hours of sale, the following tlexcnhed real property: Ail that piece, parcel or tract of l»’4d situate, lying and being In above State and Conntv, nnar the Town of Ulmer, containing two hundred acre* (200) more or lexa, and hounded North by the Limber Bridge Public Road. East by lands of W. M Ulmer and William Tordray; South by land* of Emma Boynton and West, ny landa of Mary Boynton and taml* <d Brabham. Also: One lot In the Town of Ulmer, ahoy* State and County, situate, lying and being next to lot of Jones A. William* and J O. Grifflc, containing one-half of on* acre. Term* of sale: One-third caah a • d th* balance In an* or tm* equal pay moot*. Thaavetftt portion to bt aMfured hr bond af th* purchaser with mort- gaga of tba premia** sold. Purahaaer having th* option of paying all amah. Purahaaar to pay for paper*. H. L. O'Ban non, , .. tlaalar. Maatar'a offlee. Novambar 10th. 1911. MoXBTTOLAXDk saw -waa* 4 mm# •w*/hm#Mrm arm m# MUCH DONE. Two weeks special term of the Court of Common Pleas held to relieve the congested civil docket closed on Hatnr day. It waa a quiet yet busy term. Spooled Judge DaLoacb preaided yrlth genuine ability, admirable courtesy, helpful clearness and untiring Indua try. The Camion peopln should see to it that Judge DeLoach should be given a permanent place on the Circuit Bench when the next vacancy occur*. He U worthy of and would adorn the position. So Barnwell thinks. NEW SCHEDULES. between Columbia into afreet on next FALL COURT. ''a/. Jurors f.»r th* third waak af th* regular Fall tana of eourt ware draw* on Monday: AHauOala—P 8 Duke*, B W Dowling, J G ntoiwy Willie Hair. Baldno—W Ashe. Barnwell—K K Beasley, Charlie An. deraon, T K Turner, J 6 Biaua, C B Laser. Bennett Spring*—T, R Duncan. Blackville—G J Ctoltty, G W Modl- ford. Bull Pond-J S Rica. Four Mile—L A Rush. George* Creek-W B Black, C C Zorn. B N Still, R P Bandera. Great Cypress—J L All, O U Dl* mond. C D Fowke. Red Oak—W D Cook, T J Ready. Rich Laud—G W Anderson, Q R Rountree. Koeemary—A P Mitchell, S J Pow- ell, W J Green. Sycamore—J M Mlxson, A R Tuten, C M Croft, G C Croft. Wlllision—Basel* Bate*, W A Soott, P B Port*r. BARNWELL BAPTIST ASSOCIA TION. The following delegate* were ap pointed at Association to attend the State Convention at Greenwood: R. M. Mix-son, W. M Jonet. J. K Goode. J. D PUt*, B. K. Allen, Geo. Hnpkina. .1 B. Black, K. G. May Held, G. F. Hair, O J Frier, K A. McDowell, K. R. Johnston, G. W Bovl«lon, W C. Bax ley, J A. Jenkin*, W. T. Cava, W. O. Britton. Any other* desiring to attend write J. A. Jenkins, Kline, for appointment. W. G. Britton. Clerk. A BANANA CRIPPLE. Last week In Greenville a banana peeling was dropped on a sidewalk. A happy cltUen passing stepped upon the peeling, tell and received injuries ma king him a cripple for Hfe. Tne fruit dealer wko made perhaps a cent on the sale was unhurt. 8o was tha fellow wbo at* the banana. TWO AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS. Monday morning the Navannah Au tomobile course waa thrown open for practice preparatory to next week’s speed races. The driver* of several oar* became confused, a collision fol (••wed and oae *e badiy hurt that he may not be able to race next w*^k. A little later J . D. McNay of Texas, who had made a record at (ha Bouth Caro lina Fair, lost control of his ear which went off the track, turned ever aud killed McNav. There changes and Savannah go Sunday: Train No 81 will leave Columbia at 8:30 a. m a* at present, Blackville » Barn well 9:57, Allendale 10:80, savan nah 11:4» central time Train No. 32 will leave Savanr.ah 1:35 p. m., Allendale 4:22, Barnwell 4 $1, Black villa 1:11, arrives at Colum bia 6:45. Trains Nos. 19 and 20 stopping at all local points between Columbia and Savannah will ba restored on about the same schedule aa last year No. 19 will leap* Columbia at 7 a. m., arrive* at Savannah 11:11 a. m. No 20 will leave Savannah at 8»J p. m., arrives at Columbia 9t25 p. m. Tha abort train aervioa between Black villa aad Augoata, la oonneetloa with trains 31 and S, will jrfao ha ti. stored, on abaat ttf same kchedule a* Immt ■»*> stanntmiw at AI kan snM WaVJ A BIG OVER GUESS The fo'lowlng dispatch sent from Columbia oo Satnnlav is enough, with the lights we have before u*. to destroy forever and a dav, every bit of canfl- dence in any estimate coming from the United States census bureau. There are many corn crop* yet un gathered and there are many farmer* wbo have not made any report of their yield*. But here la th* provoking dis patch : Tb* ptellminary census report received by Ceuimlasloner Wat son to-day abowa the corn crep this rear for Sautb Carolina to be 41122.000 bushels, aa compared with 44.738 0U0 bushels last year. The average yield per acre wa« 18.1, aa compared with 18 5 last year. Mouth Carolina ranks among the llrst of Southern tHatea la corn production. COHN AT COLUMBIA. The South A Untie Corn Exposition, with exhibits fnun Georgia, Mouth and North Carolina will be held In Craven Hall, ColuiuhU, l>*c*mb«r 11—16. Every corn grower, man and boy. Is cordlallr invited to aid in making tb* expo-ltion a great suoo**s Every ax Dibit of corn will be carefully tcored and every one can see wherein every exhibit excels or fall* shou. lecture* on corn growing and kindred subjects will be delivered every afternoon and night. Thera will be a large exhibit of labor alving machinery which will ba demonstrated by tb* exhibitor. AH entries of exhlhlta should he made before 9 p. m. Friday, December 8, with Superintendent C. C. Porter, Columbia Exhibitors must prepay freight and express ebargea to Colum bia, and pay an entrance fee of 21 cent* on each entry Boya will not b« required to pay the entrance fee. The priioa to be distributed amount to 18,000 Superintendent C. C. Porter of Columbia will on application aend proper ahlppiug tags, Ac. The exhibits are to be 50 ear*. 10 ear*, 1 ear. Oapt. W T. Walker of Blackville Is Vice-Prealdent for this Congressional District and wi'] see to Barnwell farm ers getting a square deal. A pamplet giving full particulars la at this office for axamlnatlou by any one Interested. SOME NEWS NOTES. = tsaks mo. W.Jo r - p: % A notable event took place Sunday a week ago at St. Paul's Lutheran Ctltircfh tn Nesrharry Coen tv. Rav. J,. A. Sllgh completed the 40th year of bla pastorate, realgned and was pr« sonted a purse of over $100. In New berry town on the same day th* con gregation of th* Flrat Bap'Ht Chqjeh accepted by a majority of oue vote the resignation of Rev. G. A. Wright to take effect at the end o! bl* 21at year of savio*. At Aikea on Friday officer Wside Patterson, wbo had been on tnenallhB force for 30 years, was shot and killed by James Belgler, a prominent young fanner. Tb* evidance at Ibe Inquest was that the trouble started over ptsv with Patterson*• little dog that fol lowed iu master *M Mis rounds, bulg ier waa not hurt by tb* dog. He had been drinking gpd ww cursing on tha •treut. bad given Patterson a M forfeit for appearance to avoid Lelng locked up and continued to swear. Patterson mad* no attaaapt to shoot. baml- Tha Oasrtta a Httla over (war years s—a- -w t ' with a deal of pleasure at I la af paafda, and It* praaa af tha 8 worthy af rapreduattws*. might at thi* Mare add re what _ then written hut Mm article Is her* re- prod need )n full without addition or subtraatioa: “WHITHER RUbHINOr •lathi* day of Program, are Pitch ing our Teat* toward Modomf "How time* and renditions and men and have and things have changed! Th* writer Is not an o| I man, not In th* strictest sanae; make more than If- ty year* all told of being a hundred, and yet, what changes have taken place since w* were a on* ga las, onpera* breach, peralmiwon-aaed button boyt Then was th* day. at tha old country school, of mu mb la peg and sky ball and bull-pen and ablmner, hid* and sack and foot races and ha>* and ant* ever, here she comae, M* hickory berk whistle, th* flying lawny, th* grap* vine swing and th* Mae beck spelling hook Now Is th* day of baseball, football, patent leather shoes, atenm laundered collar*, sod* fountains, cig arette* and cuaa word*, fnen was the day of th* old wooden axle, tar greased wagon with It* big uraacent-ahaped body, always or nearly alwnv* painted red; the o.d musil* loading shotgun, tha single shot rifle, the squirrel bark Ing In tbe beck y*nl, the wild inrke\, of which tbe writer killed four or tire; the day of bom* knit aocks, the home- woven aud home-made cloth**, th- homespun frock and th* hood, tbe rib bed bonnet and the sundown hat for women, the tanned and home made peg shoe*, the old dinner born and oainpmeeting and score* of ether ap- pliaaoes and things now extinct or luarly so, while now la the dav of rap id transit, lbs Iron axle, tbe spring t, the breech-loader, tbe tailor made clothes for men. women and children, the flaming hat, the oxford, tha t-'e- phone, the electric lights, 'h- farm bell and the goo goo church nioalc, more operatic than reilglou*. “Tb* grand old hymns we used t<> hear have passed away and gone for ever, and the frisky play house songs take their place, wy truly b-lieve to tb- eurnal detriment and hurt <,f religious fervor and truly Christian such a* In th* good old dev* mad* the welkin ring and led mans a w tnderei back to the fold. “The music of the oi l dinner horn waa sweet to the eer of both man and beast. It gave fortn hut one lone "Home, sweet horn-,” and I in '•* ' waa th* hors* or mu|e thai f«i e<l to catch th* joyful sound an t ‘whlrker’ or bray a glad reapooae Many times have we *-*n the faithful, hdilng, p-r- spiring mule, aa h* tugged at tbe -oil turning plow, stop abort, prick hw acute rare aa the old Instrument at home told th* glad hour of refreshment and rest. It told the sturdy plowman of tba “dona’* col lard and tba tracked meat, aud tb* bmwa corn poor. ' It heralded the glad tiding* to the eager ear* of old ’Pete’ and ’Iflke’ and ’Faa’ and ‘Jole* that tba corn la th* any awaitad their coming aad tha rark with th* crisp, yellow /adder w»* lulLi Tbe old dinner horn sung a note of fioeh, cool water I ram the deep old w«|i ( the rock walled well, a« sweet t* the Uste as aa hoaayresub and aa ra- 'reahlng as classed sleep. “Now Is tbe day of rapidity and sar and tear and wreck and waaaw and ruin. The oM dinner and lu ooai- panton thing* are laid aside and moths corrupt thee* reflet that In thalr day gave more genuine joy and pleasure to tba hungry and limb-sore and weary than enn now be f-uiod at th* most popular resort. “Now, area are always “too huay for anything." Tb* hti-ycj* has “out out" ibe evening stroll and th* pleasure walk Tha auUHo<-bl1* ta gradually inpplanilng tbe tlm—honored carriage and buggy and gig and sulky that onr athera us* to erj V a* a luxury. Then people often walked five ui lea Pi cbnrcb Tnen, wltola families would go to church or to tb* barbecue or to tit* circus or to th* courthouse In the old wooden axle wagon Now It must ba a atylleh turnout or alay at home, ridel “Now, are we progressing or are wa retrograding, I* tbe question. W* take the witnea* stand to affirm that w* are aa a people forming a great nation, progressing progressing raphily toward ihe culmination of recklessness and fast dissipation leads often to ut ter Babylonian despair and destruc tion. The world Is In a giddy whirl of nervous dlaalpeti-m— uahlig reck lessly to—wheref W* are living too fast tn live long. What may ws ex pect will be added unto theae Ibinga within to many year* aa have already taken their flight unon tbe burning all sweeping wings of Time since their in oeplton—not so long ago? Bbsll this spirit, this material body of progrea alva prid* and reckless living g» on tin halted, unabated and without endf Common sanae would answer nay ! "Rome had her season of vainglory. Herculaneum aad Pompeii and 8<>d<>m and Gomorah and Nineveh had their day of sensuality and wreck and ruin. Jsrlcho waa and« Is not. Babvlon I* long fallen. The ow|« and bat* have their place of rooetlng, where one* stood proudly tbeee boastful strong holds of folly, and our country, our people, our generation, might proflt by tbsea examples." a " ■ V.; 4 /' ' > ' vK - Sts-'- 1 -/ ■ p j J i 1 . . - J Vf:- -'/ v. m g&rs*-' S.' *’ ■£: - /!«** .1' r-H ‘ : /• ■aasw * , Christmas is comwgl Sa if Now is the sensible time, to begin Nothing could be better or more appro priate for the coming season than a nice suit or ov a serviceable and stylish dress or coat suit, a pair of those "nifty, long- ' - - shoes, a stove or a range than whidr no better made, chinaware, crockery, etc~ etc. Our space prevents a full enumeration of all the goods that we have for your inspection- A visit to our stores will convince you that no where else will a dollar do fuller duty. The Bute Supreme Court having denied tbe ajppaal for a new trial In th* ease of John T. Garlingtwu, who was prealdent of tba wreck ad nole Securities Company ba cam last waak fram Chicago, whun ha bean living far som# tlm*. Th* re mittitur wllfr b* sent down fram tba Supreme Court today ar tomorrow Unlraehla lawyer* can 4a 0- F. MOLAIR PMuney kept at bos fram Are or theft fHf yaw should gat a thing ala* draw* on present Urem In parw g*tjh*m caahed Briny ar mall thorn ta wagwg wF S5f Com and see in or write in. 4 °|o Paid on Savings BARNWELL, S.C. CAPITAL A SURPLUS $! 1 LOCAL DIRECTORS GeorgeH.Bates. J.M.Ee^tei Butler Hagootf''. CAR LOADS READY FOR SALE SE A Car Load of Horses and Mules of the Standard •] hanoled by me and that hare made best market iu Lower Carolina lately rec«irs<| ready for moat seasonable sale. ‘ COST OF AUTOMOBfLING. Washington Spooial to Baltimore American. It Is estimated that antomohlllng has already <*o«t th* United States more than $1,000,000,000, or,,a* statisticians Mgure, enough to wipe euttb* nation al debt, or to pay twlea orar for Mi the dreadnoughts avar built or building for tbe navies of th* world. Tb* num ber of macblna owners, as everyone knows, la increasing at an astonishing rate. Tan year* ago (bar* were only S $00 ears owned tn tb* United dtata*. At the end of I90A there war* $$0 000, and now the flgures ar* 400,000. In 1906 toera were anlv 56,000 ear* mana- factored In tbla oauntry, and tha fal lowing yaar the number are* Increased to 80,000 During 10 months of 1910 to Novambar 1, 176.000 machines war* prod need. Automobile* were exported to th* vain* af $11,190,220,000. Of tb* IS dreadnoughts built by Gammny, Great Britain, Huerta, Brasil, Spain, Argon tine. Italy, France, Japan and tba United State* at a eo*t of $10 000,- 000 each gtvaa a total at ••20,000.000. But tbla grand total 4naa art large whan plaead beetda tba total Aamrlcan axpawdtture for antomobllas and their main tone no* dorlag tb* Mms — Ma •Moms, ecu Id have balh the anUre aavtaa of tha world for what It areoM aoat to rua and maintain of genuine Red Rust Proof Seed ObIb, own places and the best of thld kind that soil and seasons can produce. / . A Car Load _ of the splendid Bancroft Oa^ made places, B real 1 v unequalled grain for all first favorite wherever known. •? Only s < I can spare from my ^ two ear loads, The quantHv is limited, the * low, so the wise fkmer will ... -- , y ,... j ■Ltry'+mggVf.. ■« D- ht. 1 - >' m