m * S«J Mm' ^11 People. mm, liittri Pnn’r «lwireeo«nfTT awmirwa jjgM.sa 1 n i f—• •■•* rHDMai>A^ t 3KlVKM»eil m. m\. . ,^ Trr . — w. }4"- HE thscuarlabton LKHSON. NorenibfrTth, 'W1, will i or o r*d InMor <)*y for tfc* t * ,e ' ^*1, for Ott CbM «kr Ci»«rt«*- t«»n WM U.iochocHa hlatnry, wlinthor rfar futur* |treport:• .L.. Edward W.TInghe*. Inwrer <»nd the heat of the three candidate.) had re ceived leia than ala acore votaa, Trtatram T. Hrde, candidate of the hualneaa mon, heir to the Induence and etatnpl* and aehlrvmaent of the brll- •|iam, building Kh*tt admlnUtratlon had goae down to defeat, with only a heggariy need of 104 rote, gapiied be- t ween hlia end tale life’* crowning aoi 4Ulon. And tba new atar of Jobn P. Grace roe* above the amokea of the government otbolal# aod other giteaaera. - Tba uneaampled rcceipta np to th* latret eenana bureau report are to be in part accounted for by the following fact* that have been overlooked; let. The crop w«a two week, earlier than the average and opened all at once. The picker* were weil reeled and fully ready ‘.for rapid gathering They had done Util* hoe work during tlm-eky weather of the Spring and Summer. Money waa a acarce com modlty emong them and they were anxlotitfor the doliara that were need ad to.gratify their tmmeroua wii«hea and neceaaitlei. They worked early and late and broke gathering re. orda In the wide open Held*. 2nd. AU the crop la not gathered and from preaent condition, and ap pearances a telling per eentage of it will rot and become fertilizer for next year 1 * crop*. ' BE RIGHT. / 60 YEARS AGO. — During the war between the States, *1801 to 1806.. all the world was praotl- .••Uy united against the solitary South which, hemmed in by blockading fleet, and armlea recruited from many land., waa solid to It* patriotism. Tbe oot.- glct continued again.t auch uneven odd* so long * lime because the gallant men were able to atay at the front while tbe splendid women of Dixie ’ kept tbe fcomes and managed tbe farm, on which were made the bread and - meat that fed th* rank* of gray and > ^ spun and wove th* clothing that gave ™ -them aome protection against tb* wind. ^ and *oowa of tbe Ine of haul* States. These time* of peace gt home the ^ -outer world is a« It was then, united to bring to pitiful market value tb* white «roi> tlmt bring* the gold of the old - world kingdoms to the coffers of tbe ^ '■millionaire* of the new. lu the South there la not the union -of tbe etxtie*, (or tbe over rich who ’fled life easy beeauae of the protlta of *muufaetory-Md trad* tre Juet as hun- gig fua hMeup euliou aa th* moat dU~ • t%nt buyer of • cotton gartuenr, he bd Hottentot or "Hindoo. A* the South held eo long He appeal -to arms oo trltri baceuae Ha -people et home. •• |o w|u buck the -eov? of king cotton through e fair South must resort to like fort of it* en- of lu egrl* oo plot- FfNh • BE GIN MSG TO Governor JBiea.e laat week deci'ned to conalder the reqne.l of a tnaa* meet Ing of Marlboro citlcene for an Inter flew with him looking to the calling of a apeclal .e.aion tf the i.egl4«ture for considering the cotton crl*la The ex- pen.e rf an extra aea.ion of th* Gen- ersi Aancmtly would be too/gi<*at In the present heavi'y taxed coiidlllon of the people. The Governor attributed to the merger of the mil a. fn taking that p«»»ltlon he placed himself on the edge of one plunk of thia paper’s plat form, 1 f he had read all Thk Pkoplk hat said on this line, which he ha* n«t done, he mlglit have taken a full and d.tfoored etarid on our fdtnk charging’ the cotton tn4nefncturei. of the woiM a. the oon.p’rator. planning the crime and the money nia-ter. if Wall Street A Go. acce.aorSea before, may be after, the fact. The fiicnda of and bellnyer. in Gov ernor Jndson Harmon are losing no time In putting hla character and record before the. Ocuiocraty with the view of in.king him It. c.ndidate for V’resident next ye.r. A booklet of 125 page* from an Ohio •upporter of tlm Governor is on our ta ble and makes a atrong showing of hi* ability to know what I* right and the m.nlliie.a to do the right Our Recoil‘ctlona. Ac, were side tracked for the County Fair attractlona to pi»« ami In the <>|J new .paper life there were no carnival di.tractlon* In worry one. In one more bilcf artld) we expect to keep the promise ef "oon tinned” and address ourself afterward to something better. •ROME NEWS NOTES. Mr. John T. Dunnan of C< lumhla has announced himself n candidal* for Governor next year All the Southern State* have through their commissioner, of agriculture and farmers organicntlons gone into the cotton holding movement. Governor O. B Colquitt of Texas ha. appointed 117 m»n to push the movement for holding cotton In 147 countio* of the great I me star state. Joseph I’uRitzer, the latclv deceased editor of the New York World. g.V" a million dn'lnra to CatabM-h, sf.er hi. death, a school of journalism In New York city. Andrew Carnegie opened his heart and purse Inst week and give twenty- Uvo million d< ltar. “to promote the ad vancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding stnong the people of the United S ate».” Henry Clay Beattie Jr., the young Richmond man who was convicted of murdering his young wife las*, July haw been refused a new trial by the Virginia Supreme Court and must die In the electric ohalr on November 21th unless the Governor exercises clemen cy. CONCERNING COTTON. A The fourth report for tbla season of the censua bureau waa Issued on the 8th Inat. According to It there had been ginned up to November 1st 9.969,- 172 bale, of cotton, breaking all past records. A* compared with reports to the same date, November 1st. for the three preylou* crop years these figure* were given : In 1910 ther* were 7,345,953 bales ginned, ini 5 per cent of the entire crop. In 1009 there were 7,017.#49, or 60 per cent of the eulire crop ginned to November l«t. In 1908 there were 8,101.657 bale, ginned, or (i'i 6 per cent of the entire crop to aame month date. For the same three year period the ginning. In thl* State up to November 1st were 1,021,972 this year, 719,117 or 60 i per cent last year, 791,629 or 69 6 4per cent I*. 1909 and 821,608 or. 07 6 par cent In 1908. Upon these figures and precedents the bureau puts the rough climate of this year’, crop as at least fourteen million bales, while commercial experts estimate the total above fifteen million bales. On the same date. November 8th, a report of the mills of the Pled moot or hill section of North and South Carolina to their overlords in Boston was published. These mills operate 1.200.000 .plndlea. They estimate that this year’, crop will be between four teen and fourteen and a h.lf million bales, aod that cotton will not sell be low 8} cents, and Cher fix II cents a* th* highest probable price. -According to the editorial comment of theBocton Tranacript-most of these mills report their busintee for tbe past •lx months the worst for many year*, and In th* eery next sentence the mBls making heavy goods for export report the best order, for severe) years. Many mlUs are aold months ehfied at a f«tr P»IU-- Withoat exception rhe mills stated that they went into th* new cotton sea son with pmeticeilT no good* on band and -with none of Hat eeoeen’e high priced co:too. To keep their macblneiy busy many mill* had to bur cotton lu Aognat and September. The opening Of the crop two weok* earlier thap usual enabled (hem to do till* |o ad vantage. Tb* gancrel opinion la that the mill* and wnulesal* and retail mer chants Are ■•bare of - cotton good* A tor good* I* expected i.ast yneEtrs election*. Elections were held in a number of States oo tho«th lost, with tbe follow lug results; 'MassHuhusetta — Eugene N. Fo*\ Democrat, will he G»verner another year hat other State Officials wNI be Republican . N*w Nork—The Beat* 8««at* hold* ovvr a Demnuratln majority, but Re- puhllcatis eapturod the lower house by * large tnejoflty. In Nev York city the Republican* had tbe beet of the ba*)|c of the ballot*. New Jersey: Democrats lost aniHte- pubilcafis gained control of the-Jewer legislative branch. I’ennsylvanla: An Independent re form candidate wn* td^cted Mayor *# Pbtladelplr’a over the Republican oan. dldate. Maryland: Gnld«Hnroi»gb, Repttbli can, was elected Governor over State Senator A. |* Gorman, Democrat. Tn* Legislature la Democratic In both house.. ^ / Mentuukv: JAm.s B. McCreary, Democrat, 79 years old, who was Goy ernor of Kentucky 32 year* ago, was effected to th* same office on the 7ch. .The (.eglajature is Democratic. Ohio: Democrats gained ground In municipal pnlltle*, electing Mayoi» In Clucinhati. I're.ident T*f'’» home town, Cieveltad and other eonslderatle cities. New Mrxlco: The Dcmocrst. won but In tiie flr»t elections held in thl new Mtato M!«.l..ippl: The Democratic eandl dale for Gurernor had over his social i.t opporent a majeritv of about three thousand out of a total of abou: thirty thousand. Out of this off year hsttle of the bsl lot. Governor Juilson H.irmon of Ohio oome. out »tronger a* a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Presi dent next year, while Woodrow Wilson, the New Jersey Governor, t. weakened in that rare by the loss of the lower branch of Us general a**emt>fy probate sale MASTER’S SALE. State of South Carolina, | County of Barnwell, f Court rf Common Pitas. W. T. Hiley. sir., Plaintiff. Pursuant to a Decree of the Probate Court for Barnwell Coantr. dated tb* flth day rtf November, A. D. 1*11, the use* of T. R. Erwin. Executor, vs F. A. Erwin. «t al, I will seArfirth highest blddor, before th* Court House In Bemwel on Monday, theHth day of December,-1911. during rhe legal hours for sale tbe ItffiowtqjfAetcrlbed r «al M fate: TRACT No^, kwown -a* Dr Er win’* Hem* Piter, sUuate. lying and being in the County and State afure said, Containing 194 49 100 acres, and bnrindrd on the North hv Dads ef D. Bara.; Ka«t by land* of J II. Hewlett: Smith by estate of J. D. and Joaephtne Erwin and West by lands ef D Bams end Willingham. TRACT No. *, containing IW acres, more or Ins., bounded North bv Duds of A. L Oswald hu.I M. I, Mlddeton; East by isnda of T R Erwin; South hv lands known a« C »ckrnft idace, and West by land* formerly belongi g to K II. Bennett, known a. Oak Urov* Place TRACT No 3, known a* Lawton place, containing Alii sore*, and hounded North by lands of M L Mil ffieton andj L Oswald; Ka«t b\ C " k- roft place and M I. Midulo'oi,; S<"i h hv land, of Rrvan Broth r-. snd W^-t by Bryan Brother, and J H Hi wl-t' TRACT No. 4, known s. ( horch Tract, containing 100 a-TH*, mid hound ed o» the North by land* of 'h»* o.tHi of Joseph Erwin; East hi H C K > » er«; South bv Estate of J D E , and West by lands of P w K wim TRACT No 6. known a. Sd'ie Owen* Place, containing 16i acr*-. snd bounded on the N >rth bv land, of th- estate of J |). Erwin; Kart bv Isa i. of H C Flower.; South hv T R. Erwin, and Wet bv P A Erwin. TRACT No. 6 All thst tract of land In the towit of A'lendale, containing 14 acre, ami bounded on the North bv lot of M r* J B Cave; East ny a Street; South by a Street, and We-t b\ the Methodist Parsonage f.ot Term* cash. Purchasers to pay for papers. John K Snelling, Judge of Probate for Barnwell County. * vs. W. T. Riley, Jr., et al Defend.ntt. Bv virtue of a decretal order to me directed In the above entitled can.*, I wii] sell at Barnwell, in front of the Court House, on Monday, December 4tb, 1911. It being sxlesujy in said month, within the leg*! hour* of sale, the following described real protjerty : All that piece. parcH or tract of 'and situate, lying and being In above State and County, near the Town of Ulmer, containing two hundred acre* (2«0) more or le.., an.l bounded North by the Limber Bridge Public Road. Ka»i hyUnd»ofW,M Ulmer and William Cordray; South by land* of Emma Boynton and We.t by lands of Mary Boynton and lands of Brabham, AI«o: One lot in the Town of Ulmer, above State and County, situate, lying and being next to lot of Jonea A. ^ illlam. and J. O Grlfll.', containing one half of one acre <• Term* of sale: One-tMrd cash and the balance In one or two equal pay ment*. The credit portion lobe aecared by bond of the purchaser with mort gage of the premise, sold. Parcha.er having tbe option of paying alt cash. Purchaser to pay f«r paper*. H L. O’Bannon, Master. Master's office, November 10th, 1911, MASTER'S SALE. State of South Carolina, I County of Barnwell j Court of C unmon Pleas. W. II. Rountree, at si.. Reuben J v*. Rountree, Plaintiffs, Defendant. By virtue of a decretsl order to me directed in the above entitled cause. I will sell at Barnwell. In front of the Court llou«e. on Monday, December 4th, 1911, It being salesdsy In g*id month, within the legal hour, of sale, the following described real property AH that tract, piece, parcel of land »U uate, lying snd being In above Btat* and Countr and containing two hun •grad and fortv-*ve (215) acres, mor* or le**, consisting of two (2) adjacent tracts, the one being a portion of th* stringfellow freer, ion* of ibs smaller tract* into which the large tract lately belonging to Joshua Ashley, d*ceas*d ha* been subdivided) said portion «on taining two hundred (200) acres, more or lew, snd bounded now or forroerlv by the Willi* and O’Dorn tract, and land* of A J. Weather.bee, C Dunn and J A Mtiler; anri the other being a tract of forty five (45) acres, more or leas, bounded now nr formerly by C*l- vln Dunn, A J. Weather.bee, Mr. B A*hley and J. A Miller snd conveyed on January 8th, A, D 1872, by J. A. Miller. The above tract being known a« th# land* cf the late Emma Martha Roun tree. Terms of sal) c*»b. Purohassr to pay for papers. U L. O’Bannon, Master. Master’s office, Nov 10th, 1911 H^LEight White Orpington Cockerels, full brothers to the First Prize Cockerel exhibited at the County Fjir, Direct descendants of the famous 510,000 Hen '‘Peggy.’' Price, 5$ each. P. M. Buckingham, Barnwell, S. C. -I am payings—- Cash for Timber Leases, STILL’S - SHOE - STORE, BLAGKVILLE.S C. Continues the— T * low mm /U Cost apd Below! Until the clearance is complete and room made ready for Full Stocks of Best FaH and Winter Foot Wear, There are many money saving and comfort giv ing bargains waiting for fortunate*buyers. All ages, occupations and occasions suited. ESTATE SALK. Pursuant to authority and direction given in the last WIB and Testament of J A. Boyt.ton, deceased, we wi | »-H on Monday, the 4th day of December, 1911, in front of the Court Rouse at Barnwell in the County of Barnwell, at pubtke .notion the following de. .ertbed tract of land: AU that tract or plantation of li-.d, situate, lying and being In Great <’> pre«» township In the County South bv lands <-f R M Ul mer, and W-)St bv Public Road, leading from Ulmer* to Batnwi|l Court (louae. Term*"'of sale cash. Purchaser* to pay for paper*. George S B ivnmn. In hit own right and a* Executor, Virginia fioyntoa -Can us* Any Quantity lsr(* eucugb for Saw Mill purposes John E. All, - Allendale, 8. C. HONEY TO LEND. ^ J Mon*rt« l*Bd on flrat mortgage at real estate. 8 por cent lotar**t *■ Mr mm Fine Farm For Sale. One of the finest and best looauni farm* In B«rowa|l County, ennuin* 209 acre*, 160 acre* oi>eo, balano* In timber, every arrr available for cultl vation; list beautiful y, red clay sub •oil In easy reach of plow point The very be.t cotton land In thl. count* and well adapted to cantaloupe, and truck, which i* getting to be a leading and profitable Industry here. This farm is situated on public road, one half mil* from depot and bn.ine.* part of tbe village of Elko on the old S. C. A Ga, R. R (now Southern), 41 mlie» from Angust., Ga. Church and new brick *eb**olbou*e In »lght of dwelling l^tbor abundant, eommitnltj of good, thrlftv and moral citizen.. Place D healthy, ha. plenty of good well water I mprovemenl* consist of a mees-ven room cottage in a beautiful pine grove on public road, two frame barns, wag on shed, Ac . and three tenant houses, all improvement* in good condition I offer this place at a price fir below the price such |.nd should bring In thl* section. For *0 riar* I will offer th* above plane at 190 per acre ■»» e- tbird cash, balance on long credit with annual payment* at 8 per cent Interest A l.o: I have another farm of 290 onrea well situated, on; and one half miles from Elko, two mile* from WVlialon. Thl* p| ice has about 30 acres of sandy land, well adapted to asparagus, the balance of H good cotton land with clay sub-sol): about 160 acres open, balance In woods This place i* near enough for one to take advantage of school at Elko or VVl!|i.ton, Improve merit, consist* of two four room ten.nt house* and two barns. Price made known upon application T;rm* same as above place. S. N. Green- Blackvipe S C. The People Printery offers opportunity to particular people for selecting styles for their Stationery, Letter. Note and Bill Heads, Envelopes, Dodgers, &c, , < During the Summer the plant was overhauled and put in ap ple pie order, new materLtf bought and the office is better prepared than ever to give quick and satisfactory se/Vice. OSF"There are ready ;or you and use over ninety fonts of Job and Display Typi. Some of these are of sizes and faces no longer made and cannot be duplicated. Those who trtay wish dis- ome flaak of P unwell (The Farmers’ Union Bank) Out of town check* and drift* accepted for deposit without exchange. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ 4 ♦ e ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ i ♦ i ♦ ♦ I » r ♦ » ♦ ♦ f t Ve pay 4 per cent is Satings Department OFFICERS: Harry D. Calhoun, Prwrdfnt William L. Cave, V4ce-Pres, N. G. W. Walker, Cashier G. Miller Greene, Attorney R. C- Carroll, Asst. Cashier J. J. Cochran Tarlton S Cave Dr Tom J**, Hogg G. Miller Greene DIRECTORS: T Jeff Grubbs William L. Cave Winton T. Walker B. Lee Easterling “WatcH the Hoipe Paijk GroW” FACTS FOR THE 4’ALL Acclimated Mules for ffnishing crop gathering a*J best wagons in America for hading the yields of the fields. All right horses for driving purposes and unequalled buggies and surreys, the easiest riding and longest lasting in the world. Harness—single and double, separate pieces, strongest leathers and most thoroughly dependable making, Saddles, Bridles, Whips Lap Robes and all horse efdpment. Prices as alwrys in favor of buyers. More so than ever in shortening days. Charlie Brown Barnwell, S. C. NOTICE or FOUL MSCUI6I. Notice l* hervbv given that on Fri day, 16th day of November. 1911, the undersigned will file with Hon. John K dneHing. Judge of Prebat fer Barnwell Countr, her final return as Rx'cptrix of the estate of Chirtes K. Bu.b: d**ce*«ed and apply for Letter* Disunity. Mrs Lydlt G. Smith, Executrix. Octi tober Ifith. 1911. tinctive in person type and should come 'make choice of :nt. We Can Please You! James H. Fanning, ATTORNEY at law, Springfield, - - - S. C. Will practice in til Courts of the 8Ute snd United Rtate*. |( 4 DE. 4. n X MILHOUS PE. A. B.MA1X Milhotis A Hair . DENTISTS , nWMfie. S. C OFFICE OP^ll EVERY DAT. Wkeelvriglit ud Black- — SBitb fork Done Hera The Best Goods and The Lowest Prices St can be found at I m Elko, S. C. FOR ^ALE-1346 acre* hod id De catur edufy An four ml las of Bain- brldgf/tfe*. County seat of Decatur eoumy, there U a row p hor»a farm of thA pat to oeUlcffitffiB. A4- Horseshoeing a Specialty; also repairing robber tired buggies W. HITT, e-At Jekeeea’a OM Btaaff,— a Just received direct from the leading Northern markets, a fully complete, oarefally chosen sroa OF GElERil HEECHUBISE that Is.gttaramsed to plea set he best tostes and to satisfy the ■o*t careful pnrehaser*. 'They were bought right and will be sold right, and I pledge wyeelf to wake the FaH and Winter bneieesa campaign en thstsennd platform. Ceme and eee the heentffnl ©ry and Dress Goods, Vottone, Hosiery that the good ladles of oar county so natnrvl ly desire and so Hebly deserve. ' -Nothing requisite for their Me for aey pnrpbm or oeoeeloa hoc been omitted from ay - par- ShTjgfellnw, THE Et tOK- •ingla book. Tb# o*ir Dh Sew Divided _ 4< XoOTn«tratt OM? Ooet hMurly I a million dollars. 1 Let no teU you about thl* moot] remartt*bie oIaeU volma*. wme iore*n*p*e 1 peqeMeapim- 4 e : 4 e 4 e 4 e 4 e 4 4 e TREASURER S NOTICE. The Treaznrer’s office will be open for the collection of taxes I'-vied lor the fiscal rear commencing Januarv l*r, 101 J, from tba 15tb ff»y <>• October, 1911, to the 15th day of March. 10 2, Inclusive. From the 1st to the *lst of Ja* nary, 1912..inclusive, a penalty of one per cent will b** added. From the 1st to the 28tb of February. 1912, inclusive a penal y ol two per cent will he a<)d*u to all taxes paid In February. From the 1st to the 15th of Mar 1912, Inclusive, a penalty of seven /per cent will be added to ail unpaid Uxes LETT. For State purpose* ... . '* ordinary countr purooi * back ludebtedne**, cou pu rposea / . ‘ oonsiltiitiooal school tax Total / 161 ’* There will be an rxtr* lew of 2 m II* In Blaekvllte Township f >r public rosd*. Commutation tax will be-fl 60 and will he collected at tbe same time *nd In the same manner a* other taxes. All persons liable for road duty will he re quited to pay a commutation tax SracizL school lxyt. UedarOrev* 1 mil Barbary Branch. Calvary. Edls- te. Friendship. Hilda Heeling Soring*, Kline, Morri*. New Forest, Usk Grove. Old Co>um bis, Pleasant 111.I, San HID Seigilugville, Seven Pluer- Tinker* Creak 2m’ Barton, Big Folk, Bl*ckvi|-> ('are. Hlrkory H I , Oweue X Roads. Ready Hrancb, '\ • • • mere No fit. Upper Rtrn l.srr, and Ulmers ... .1 | Alleedsl', Double Pond, H - «u|e# and Lee, t ) Barnwell 4; *• Elko fi * Fairfax « *• Wllll.ton f-j United State* Cnrrencv. Gold and Milvcr Cel", coonty and school claim* properly approved wlp he receive.< f .r taxes Chf$^s and draft - I L- > < • v fat taxes at tax pay- J H A Treasurer It, A I Barnwell, S C , fiept i s Off. B. F. STORiit DENTAL SURGEON Barnwell A Black n/e I will be in mv office In The Seotirr*- Buihllng at Barn well on KI-imI-., ,. Tuesday, and at mv rUni-kw!*- rfis the remaining davs in <-,> ■ • < JT Min sits Ha es DiobartoH, S. C. MzNrrzcTUKKRs or-— YELLOW PINK AND P . L ‘ ROUGH & DRESSED L MB-; Flooring, Celling. HI li i^, M . ing*. Lath, er,-. Can furnish complete 1 s . 1 Saw fills, Dry liln) n Planing fill DR. W. C. XIIH.1 khiis;. laniell, - - - - OFFICE II«Uo 8.tJO a. m. to o p. Person, living awav from - will please make aptmii mr coming By so doiog m>-< of Immedlato service appointments. Calhoun & * • Life, A ecu: CYCLO LIOHnsn — * am Li v e Stfi/"* mw —At Lowes Strohoi te> io