PROVE FALSE REMEDY may be found In. ud Miss Hail Accused if Smuj- tiing Viioable NvcUacr. s(1k\(t: uim. vkt dkfi-^t in- IWTII.K I'iVKALVSIS. BAGGAGE IS SEARCHED IMm’HW*, ChummI !>)• (•cim, May lie TliinkN l>r. I'lfxiicr of Ho< kcfollor . , Dr Simon I'lcxnf'r of the Rocke- The Tip (■•von rustoin House Ollidals . . , , . „ , . * feller institute declared yesterday Turns Out to he I ntnic—Over | that it has now been thoroughly es- Zeulous Outturns Authorities , i B(( fal'Hshed that Infantile paralysis, the NlJnor l'n«l<*rvnluation of t lothiu^. { difjeasc which has brought so much harm among children in the last few ^flPhe Victims nre Very Indignant. 1 years, is a germ disease. The germ, t*- * i it is true, Is too small to be detected The wife and daughter of .lost pa | |V ))IIV niieroscope. but its presimce Hull of S avannah, (la., one of tie; nature lui\e iiccn estaldisbeil In ilthlest and most inflnential men‘oilier ways through animal ex|wri- mentat ion. Dr. Fle\m wt^nl ‘In the South. Were rtiiuired to dift- rol)e in their stateroom aboard the steamship Lusitania at New 'i ork on -Friday while a customs inspectress, adting on a mysterious tip. sub-st qttently found to be false, made a -vein search for a diamond necklace tlfbught to hau abroad. The search proving futile, Mrs. Hull and the daughter. Miss ICIi/.a Rgmar Hull, were allowed to proceed to ttwdr hotel, win re another daugii- ter. Miss Nina Hull, convalescing from an attack of typhoid fever, had preceded them without having het n subjected to search. /The m-ckla f rumor cflrionis iiispetTjriC fcarched the fam Ilf baggage, anu, charuim nnd'wv -1 ultion in the ca-e tif Mrs Hull and Miss Kliza 41nft.- sei/ed the article t nly liV question. Mother and daugh'er : clpimed they had acted in good faith win) Is, as a rule, si lent as to the discoveries made at the institule of whii li he is a di rector, eonsentc-d to make Hits stati- men I yc-ttnlny to thc“ New York Times in explanation of one of the argumi tils he brou-ht forward at a been pui'clia.-ed itiiaring at Albany last week in de fense of the use of animals in medi cal research. He then stat’d that tli" means of the prevention of infan- l.le paralysis has already been estab lished. and that it might eons’rva- ti\eiy he Haiti that the achievement of a nre is not far distant. 'infantile paralysis," said Dr. I'levner, "is a germ disease that ai tacks tli? spinal marrow and brain, and by merely tnluring or by totally d'Stroying the delicate tissues causes ■ itlicr a ti mporary or permanent Par is of the mus'drs. "Tbe germ of Hie disease has been known fur a litt'e more than a year \ but their explanations were not con If is so ■ xie ssively minute that tin* fIdered satisfactory to Collector Loeli most powerful microscope falls to r' - attd Vi id the articles were seized "hey consist entirely of wearing apparel and \iill he held until "Hie home value," that is the foreign cosl, plus duty, is paid. Joseph Hull, the husband and ffiber, was on Hie pier to erect his wife and daughter, as was a eon, DUnlel, a cotton broker in this cbv. All were indignant at the pro .’d- Ings anil threaten to carry th" mat to the courts if necessary g”tVe were inade To take off even other way veal it. and yet there are accurati methods throuch the emplov nieiit of which tlic nature and presume of the germ have been determined witn cer t Minty "The proof that Infantile paralysis is a germ disease, and almost all our accurate knowledge eon’erninc the nature of the <1 Dense Dr, i'iexncr went on. "has been secured through experiments on animals, and could probably have been obtained In no ofr stockings." said Mrs Hull Kv ely stitch of our clothing was sArched and even our hair did not ee. I consider this treatmunt an oMnme and 1 had no idea such a thing could happen on Amerhun soH." It was explained for th'> famil' that the report concerning Hie nei k lace had probably enme from Sa\an nah, where there was jealousy over the fto t that the Hills were form nate enouvh to afford luxur e iynd flnbry Xs to the undervaluation charges. Daniel Hull said “My sister Kliza was the mi'' one of the three who had (ireviousl' he*n abroad, so ! and mv fitther sent witless to he very cautious and par "Where does the t lie doctor w as ask> known to reside anv w 1 germ reside"" d. "It is not ere in mat ure. lie replied, "exeept in connection with human beings, who either liv'e tiad or have l.reti in eontait with some one wlio lias had Infantile par al'sis. or in relation with some ob ject in close association with patients suffe'riug from the disease " "How is tile disease the next question. ' ID w it ii the d ise a si or h\ s has been iln i ontact w suffer ng from tlie dise. deuce at present a\ a ia the fai t that the germ i can tie carried ov who have eome in siek and t hem se| \ e: pr. ad " pers n .me om ill a p w as S s | e k e Who at b lit 'to e\ i lints ti til dis. healtliv peg- out a. t w it ti n ’ll t a si 1 ons ' tie a t ■ no more than lue to ignorani sister and was < As to the alb totfl can I that was mdlher am no malicious intent “Mv sister Kliza lias a Tie Cklace w liii h slie pun Ii years ago in Savannah. \ inapeitor there In aid of tlii the mistaken impression bought the trinket in I’ari' lirlnglti'- it with tier on this course she had no sm h Jew It w as point ed ont at t in parfment. of tin- custom 1 ni «tet thut fevlcriil uulhorii full power to search passen pected of having dutiable artiebs concealed about them, and it was added that there has m ver been a suit brought as file result of sm h a search. Joseph Hull came on here from Savannah to meet his n turning w ife and daughter it ion th’ Infant 1 li para ly si' it \s ho nia> • ■ x ;>! ai ti t to- m \ sf * r \ f 1 , 11 and t ra nxt r r 1 II- g- rill t o ot In r lo ; M »i v «> of Ml V 1 h* r so ti s, Wild will < * • \ ’ lop Mi” ills ‘Mllciiles \fl rr 1 i\ r lone witn * •; i i • \ IIart for 1. ( ”11 - M rs S: 1 >r 1 'IrxinT u* n t ( »! 1 to ♦ \ , • lain \sll ..-1! tro d r ,, j r t to k ill i moii d that Ho n ♦ * r;. i <»f i ti t a nil< j . i r. i 1> >ls s »* I t and on lie r tif ii t r , 1 1 w d li\ ♦•huts t lie 111.III! A ml spit nil lord ( OSS Mil I'h i r-d i y She ! ri-'d r 1st Oil IS iii. ti'. if not e X ’ l 1 \ » L. ii' \s ' of in* iml lor 1 us ■ i n t s.C up a I tn got l he nas. 1 |»a>s.i • s 1 u t lie i our ’ of to k »•< p watt Ii o \ «r tor U Hi at sin 1 the (lise (Se, he sail ! Mi • mi i l is also do/’ .1 Mrs \sh ■el 1 il r. n k t A ni v\ IS Mir "a off from li it iiu t tin »ugh el and ' !o il u st(. n i ' f l of the IK)'* and niouili lUT d” id cl' Hem • pl ot ’ ’' t i( n i 11 ^ I n t (ie w nti-i tin i, W to i H>1 S« (., tin s♦ m• r •t ion *> ot f' le in IS. an i m >11t tl • as* arisos. w lo-t o r in s’ ! iu lnt \ of t lid'C ■ ill of the ( •,i> ’ . am pro- ^ ini ♦ •r. it > ‘ i I'll. s 1 a t s HUS- ' ell t i II g the rout an it at on of 1 rt*r sons ’ r- a I’d w i Ml i; r»u t Hr mi : COCA-COLA CASE LIST YOUR LAND l)H. KKItLKIt (1IVKH KVIDKNCK II Y<>1 HA \ H ANY lot WISH To A(«AIN8T THK DRINK. SHU, TO SKTTM RS. Serious \\ It ness in Ciovernment Suit Many letters I'rom the North anti Makes (liarKes Against Reverhlge ! West are Flooding the Office of and Its Manufacture. Secretary Watson for Information. In the hearing of the case of the United States against a certain num ber of barrels and kegs of coca-cola In the federal court at Chattanooga, Tenm, Wednesday, some of the moat Interesting testimoby.yet brought out was given by Dr. Lyman F Kohler, chief of the drug department of the bureau of chemistry, Washington, D. C Dr Kelder is the chemist who made a test of coea-cola and he testi fied that coca cola contains caffeine, declaring that to each eight ounce glass there were one and one-fourth grains of caffeine, which he says is poison. Dr Kebler cited many authorities in proof of his statement, that caf fein’’ is a poison and cited a number of deaths reported as being caused by Its use. One of these writers had "reported a case where four and om - half grains of the drug had produc d death and he deelandd that about three glasses of coca-cola contained this amount of caffeine. Dr. Kelder testified as to Hie finding of vermin and hugs in Hie vats as the result of his inspection of the coca-cola plant In Atlanta He a is o testified that caramel and brown sugar were added becaus of their opaqueness tended to conceal Impurities in the coca-cola syrup. Hr. Kusby, for the government, testified along the line of the name of the drink coca cola and stat'd that no other product bore the name oi either "coca" or ‘'koi.i " (loverntmiit chemists stated that coca-i ola contained neither coca nor kola and the effort of the governin’ nt will he to prove thut the drink is misbranded Fleet ric luvinps < !iert|M’r. \s the first dir>ct result of the (iovernment s anti tru.~t suit against the so-called "KlecfrP Lamp Trust." the department of justice has roren ed intimations that the prii's of d! elect ric l)ii His w;ii i.e red in ’■’! : I .: per cent all over the Fnit’d Stati s Mv such a cut in present prices, folks who ! uy the electric lamps will -a' more than $ c, n" u mi a ye i r department continms to r< word that the various pools i so a I led trust are break mg ant Icipat ion of suits. I ti t 1 The department of agriculture is receiving hundreds of letters from investors and business men in tin west and north relative to Hie farm lands of this state and as a result a revise list of lands for sale will he Issued. Commissioner Watson lias made the following statement which shows the tide of 1mmigrat’on is turning sout hw ard : Watson's Statement. "In v-iew of tiie provisions of Sec tion C’, of the act creating this de partment and in view of the hun dreds of Inquiring prospective pur chasers of agricultural lands farm people in other states of tin- south, in the east, middle west, and even m the northwest, the department has determined to immediaC ly issue a,- comfilete a revised list of availa le properties as cast be colli cted. We are now prepar'd to furnish to all land owners, real estate concerns and real estate agents, blanks upon which to list properties with the depart ment for publication in tie- 1I I, land list and enter upon tin 1^-u 1 l:-t hooks of the department, tin ko. a !»g of such hooks hi mg r'-qini' d ••> law. Tiie blanks ref. rr* d to i 1 • . i 1 designate tiie intomi .t ioa de-i: e,| and should he promptlv filbd u ml sent to tiie commissioner of agricul ture without dehiy. I• i- mv p ir 1(1 issue t lie published land Is' mediately and a pos' ■ ard from uii' one asking for blinks, nidi aMtig th nnmtier of pieces of prou rtl ■> it desired to list, will bri11g to him ime ess,i ry n ii m tier of k -. "It. has been utter!' impos-:bb • adequatel' answer all of Me s;,, , : i nquiri'S that ti a\ •• i, on n < during the past few months w . • I great deal of ixtra work and Hi is ID' is to iss'e d a' lie est poS - i i ’ I e niOICen’ In accord a m e " i' ii ft..- ' • i 5?. •••ion r. of the i t • ■ -1 pa rMnetit i n for u i' .o:, - " from l it d o" i . rs ,p - • ■. lands i ' ■ ■ e ad'or'i- ] -hr’, .. I. CLASSIFIED COLUMN For Kitle—f>ure King Cotton Seed at Poultry Yard, Jarllngton, S. S. For Sale—Pure King Cotton Seed at Si .00 per bushel. Address, J. J. Littlejohn, Jonesville. S. C. Money Maker Cotton improved and selected by T. J. Kirven is the best. Seed at $1 per bushel. T. J. Kirvi n. Providence, S. C. For Sale—l.snii acres fine farm land m ar Macon, Ha., for less than $ 1 per acre. Address J. L. Ilragdon, Sumter, S Huff Wynilottes; S. C. White and Luff Leghorns, Stock and eggs at bargain prices also O. I C. hogs, \Y. F. Carroll, Normandy, Tenn., Route No. t. For Sale—dig Saw, cost $90.00, will . sell for $ six inch*Moulder, cost $:uu.ihi j will sell for JNO.OO. L'st iimdition. J. H. Cole, R m- dleman, N. C. LEE'S HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA REMEDY. Safely Surely Speedily •or (,»uick Sale—Six million feet fine unlil' d long leaf timber. Prices and terms right to party meaning i'ltsinc-s. McCallum Realty Co., Sumter, S. C. I or Sale S C R. I. Reds, White and Lrnwn Leghorns, Llack Lar.g- shung, I'I? inimt t^jj^ocks. Fg-’s for .'■et t i n j , 1fur $ 1. M. Ii. Hrant. I i.irlington, S. (’. I ggs in in u ator lots or single sit- t ' n : •'”ni S C Reds, $ i . .'i u per ! • j s e ■ ; hundred. Nice CO' k i ;• is. ' .' e i .uch. Hagen la I! am mo ir 1 h A ;i . u.-t a, S. ('. HilMlittg '.genis wanted to S'dl ae t • - '••!' i’.!:.- -a ie to all auto- m -d I• * ii t: r- ; very li icral terms W •■ ’• - for pu r ;c\:!;i rs I! ■ n.-zo . i' \ ; b Tm'.. x. v. • d ( abliagc Plant'—’Ibc tiiousiml, for : • iiu > • thi.' - e,t so ri, o id est grower here F do 1 Whi-e K I. k c-gs. J 1 i •u lb: ion be MU iful bird' Thus W Lbb > X' una s Island S C Cures Headache and Neuralgia no matter what the cause. Numer ous testimonials on file in our office hear as out in this statement. q Read the following: I have been a constant sufferer from headache for 12 years an could not get any relief until it had run its course or take morphine I tried Lee’s Headache and Neuralgia Remedy and found permanent re lief. I heartily endorse it as the best thing I have ever tried. (Signed) H. A. GANDY, 11 art svi He, S. C. Sold everywhere. Price 25c and 50c. Manufactured by Burwell & Dunn Co., Charlotte, N. C. No. 14 McWhorter Horse Fertilizer Distributer will distribute in two furrows fron 3 up to 3 feet or more wide, side and top dre?s growing crops, or broadcast perfectly 6 feet wide I 'if --a! ! irg*' or Price f. (i h. Factory tjcf.Vnit. Hopper (ivpai it) •J.->() III', fertilizer. , r _ 'i s , (Other machines bo"b larger and smaller. They soon pay for them* i • k R ,i p 111 ** i a ,i a, N selves in the savin’ of labor. Il you use ferti izer you cant affoid to do without this dis nbuter. Older today. Ad.ress, W. M. Patrick, Woodward, S. C. ind . ’ liters < : NbiuiI” r . v. i,. . .f i lie little Tell Tale which tells th<‘ | A • ' !• te egg , ( curd of j ’' i . ’ !.*• w *■!.. : he inuirand : • u r Price 1 ie Address. I i; "rs M H Rob-rts. Dade Cltv, ] liisi tins ' a Fla III 'H )Ri >1 ’ r; illil Skcletcll g ( t \\ ork men \\ ■ rk men i ri't a 111 n g .ystem at A I vah S Lrai i \l M'S d i Inn, •d and " (■III nr \\ ”111.1 11 • N”V , 1uI ■, $: p. r b .si ml j •: $ V j v tis. I. Ihiar. (.1 M. h nb' a mar Hazardville In an old fastii”! mg a tinman 'keleOm. well those of a ( tl i id I’ft hut Hie I.(Plies i II d The Hranurd fainil' is Uia • ’-r I. s’ a :i: ps f u t i i • x Mailing \ gene v mar. .' < 'I t .■ r. u nns Noffniig was I ”r s il ’""••.' ll p.-as, I' M.X" ! p. Is. ( 1 " • r M 1 Pea>. 1 ”i sstli \\ r'■ »• f f ■ r I . • b-s F A Hiisti \\ i • #■ ira h • k- I r”p' ' • 11 ed- •r objects with these secretions Ks- pecjal pains should be taken to mam tain In a state' of cb .mimes.s tiie hands, nose and mouth of all i hd- dian exposed to the disease, either direct 1 \ or indireitiy l-dr how long a tiiio is a patient tlPeat He da. ’ I c ; t () 5 \UBtell • 1 • V' n a La I I ” I' I •' s 111 g I e ' ” II l' i IF O ! e I - . •. 1 [ ■ I . W ’ • " •>.('! •a: . " n H.d ( . g.s for sale. S’ ml & \\ .mo"I . 11 o, ( j a. II o i s presii 1. lit of in dart T r > f s p 1 • •atl i n l' tin* i ti f»*( - t i tin* ft r aimost National tiank of that t ion Dr. i Tixm-i \s as ask nd in \ «■ r\ rare lust. of t ho hoa rd of V orse plow. We admit all this. What we wish tp impress upon our r, h . present." he replied, "hut it lieved tliat during the first tlirc or four weeks of the di'e.ise tiie danger atest, and lienee pa tient should he i an full' isolated during this period and the discharges from the nose and mouth c ireful'.' disinfected or destroyed for the pe riod, and. if possible, L>r man ntterward. " I'here is reason for believing that even after the acute symptoms of the disease have passed, the inflation may m some instances he still trans- mitteij by the patient Hy im ans of thp nasal seenuions. It is for this reason that the se 1 returns should Its. cared for over a longer period than is embraced in the acute stages uf Hie malady.” "WhaLi^re the main sources of in fection ?" “Infantile paralysis is chiefly a disease of children, hut it sometimes attacks, adults," Dr Floxner said. 4 readers Is that it will pay a man to \ grow D«*s and save Hiem for seed; ^ that should get two horses and .then aitwo-horse plow will follow: lhat he tan make money hy keeping ive stock, and that when he gets fhe livestock he can afford to buy ianur®»preaders and creum separu- build silos. In short, we Since the germ causing it is carried ispirc him with high Ideals, '’. v those who have been ill, as well as Lhim ambitious to do better by persons who have been in immed- ito get more work stack and ItMe contact with the patients, it is |chinrrv, and thus to make n °f surprising to find that the hegin- >ney and live more comfort- Dings of ipany epidemics have been he possibly can while fie ' traced to schools where many chii- Uy one horse and uses only dren are assembled; but any consul the more inefficient tools, erahle gathering of persons, which luld only convince our one includes many children who are pners, however, of (lie value brought ( together during the [ireva- )f three tools, we should he lence of the disease, may be the |em a •.wonderful service, means of spreading it widely, iiese, too, any energetic termer can "Thus it has been observed tlru ire; and if he will manage to have country fairs, Fourth of July cele- land broken and harrowed with j hrations and like events have all good two-horse machinery, he can do i proved to he such centres of distrfbu- Jttat ai good cultivatliif with..them tion of the infection.” aa anyone can do, although It will The period of greatest prevalence y. Inevitably 1 cost him more than it | of the'disease. Dr. Flexnet explained, would with more team power. The jia in the summer. As an epidemic Implement* we refer to are: (1) a it la a summer disease; that Is, al- m weeder.‘most aN eager artae In the sunimer tii.i” t< i' ’•a'.'" It i tier sal Hi w t” a risen I all 11 nut \\ ant. .1- IlcW ill.' Dr FI .n r Ii iii’ll M’ this count r'. The dis in this connt r\ fmm PM • h i le N (' •r un a e . tin I til 111 U .ml. I n r i ' - ■ i; •. . t PWH )rae farmer who has these will soou able to v»o h«vsee; tljd man »o U without them should not rest -Raleigh (X. C ) by far- tftr greatest or four years. The pr> sent epidemic first peared around Loston and New X a bout three years luio. and lias vr ually. con l in iionsl > and insiduu; cxtiiuled o'er North America fr ocean to ocean and from Canada (’iihit.* I’rior to this period the • demies were limited to Norway : Sweden, where they lia\e een ] 'ailiiti regular!' for more than quarter of a century. The pre.- epnlemic in America is part of general epidemic, or pandemic called, of the disease affecting a larg- part of the civilized world The dis ease is-prevailing in many Kuropean countries at the present time, as in 'hiy United States And Canada. Then Dr. Flexner went on ta> de- scritie the available means of com bating the disease: "At the present time," he said, "there is no specific remedy or cur ■ tor infantile paralysis. The disease once established ran not, thereto!e. he controlled hy the application of any remedy known to medical sci ence. Luckily, the disease is not a highly fatal one, although it is one of the saddest of diseases because ot the large amount of crippling H causes. On the other hand, the out look has been greatly brightened hy reason of the recent knowledge which has been acquired concernin': the nature of the cause of the disease and the mode of its transmission. "This knowledge permits the ap plication of intelligent preventive measures, which, If effectively em- . ployed, will serve to diminish the number of persons affected with it. The most scientific, as well as the most humane, method of dealing with any disease, is to prevent rather* than to atiempt to cure It. Hence, th* effort to control this terrible dis- ‘ ease should be In the direction of a p t it : 1 a r. • sij• : 1 is • it • -1. v>i k tra-'s ”f I " ■ a. (•”• ’-r ad- i ii ii 1 a r 1 v dc'i r..I I: 'om i > | > n Mo- ti a lid s of a 1 r t 1 • >’ run note Mi” fa t ia ('’'!■ :n: ’■ 1 to : an.';:iv sti- . f 1 I! ' | i ' • t Dpi- of (to- a g ”ii i and Lrn'P” ■ i' • ' pur- i I- i . .fr a s k r»1 to ( m in ii n i■ a 1 d i i a ov\ nors or a i * n t s . nt F J \\ Hie Louimi ’ v l T l > H m;Kh i h »* K r,nl i ' •. n r \\ fu n M* «!i' im > I ml. A . T ; l\ * hi t I»«’h : I > M 111 o i i >. (’ ru! <' number In July, August and Septem-1 prevention. The various States are (her. However, tlxe disease does not making a determined effort to deal wholly disappear at other seasons, but a small ntynber of case* Mdse in tin spring and tali months, and even with the malady throualyprevention, since they have reguffaikiotMcatlnn ■g pt thedisease." • ,y’ 4 and quarantining Wanted a I ine ( liiti i It. Great preaetpers like Wesley a ; 1 wtiiteti. Id did no' fe 1 Hie me! i, splendid lions's of w rs'iip i' t :'.'• 1 especial use. They earned on their work of rHiMnns and rt'ori! tracr in u w it limit t liop uht of tin ri i- • o' the ed 1 lice.- in " h h h Hi y . In : c.-d to take Hie pulpit, Thev \v, r” s :’:- tied to spread the no . s me o'’ salv a Hen among men in iliivc.p.n (odds • under humble roofs. Laildirc funds ind questions of an liii ect a> e ■ Hie least of tlodr eolO'eniR A popular rc'ivali-’ like Mood-, would speak night after night, if need he. in any available iial! or oid storage warehouse or freight ^ ia 1 i n Others like Torr.ey. whose eliiqq"!.-. .>• and earnestness have d: il.' sw a;. ed thousands, were cont*nt it times, r no other shelter offered, t > hold tie ir religious meetings in a tent on some 'scant city lots. Their ' • rr iiimiing' were of little importance if only ti. ••. reached the people in tl: ir minis: i \ of the Gospel. The New X’ork World! sa? s in set ting so great store upon a magnili rent temple on th» avenue ] i r . .\k i took different grounds. Ilf has pa,-:- ed with the congregation in New York city which brought him from Rngland, because it dis^, pointed his hopes of erecting a huge tabernacle where every Sunday he abould preach to crowded audiences The trustees did not feel justified in undertaking the task of providing a iL',000,000 church building. \ I Red'. R”t!i ( ’mills—Uir-t "Inm rs ." 1 . t'i it’-' shows in tiie United St•:! s, I si co kerel in ( lass, I 2 7 IF Ms. Sil'er cup for best cockerei, in . M da! for ' est rocket fd j ”f ii hr. • .N. 19 1 Tenm ssce and i I loii a na S t -ii *. lairs. ( rital’igue. I Fruity CitiFo^, UorttnTuL. Tenn I aticy ' ImpiM'ed Col'ton Seed—Riant t ! the hnrt. Won first prize from ! I I’la lifers’ Rltosphate Company, of | <’•: irl.- ’(tn, s (’., and State Fair \ :, ii ion for largest yiel 1. Small I vu r.. ’ >. \ cry early. 4 0 pi r cent Ln' $l.ioi per hu.; Fa Im., 99c. U. L l. uiey, Rt. I, Choraw,, S. C. '('\cn per cent prime cotton se» <1 meal, ar ! Mil lift’on ton minimum • -t a’ per ton c,IT* Augusta, Savannah or C’aarleston. X eve any quantity from one to i a 'lit '• cars. Let us-quo'e you lull!;' delivered yo’ur staTion. The FI Hi Huntir Com. Co., Atlanta, La. Good l ive Agents wanted in every town to sell a meritorious line of. medicines extensively advertised and used by ever family and In tiii- stable. An exceptional oppor tunity for the right parties to make good money. Write at once for proposition to L. B. Martin, Box 1 Dt, Richmond, Va. DON’T SUFFER WITH Neuralgia when a 25 cent L.ctlr of Noah’» Liniment is puara .(< rd to drive thn* terroi' away of mcncy re funded. At the ’ • t twinge, applied ..s m- ', Noah's Liniment will give immediate and effectual rciief. It quicU the nerves and sc ..tiers the con gestion, penetrate ; and requites very little rabbin”- Noah'n Liniment Ft ' ''viy ter Rh’Mmciti*!!!, Srintir.i. t .-'X’” Pack. StitY Joints and MiimU's, r d',Colds Sir-dll', Sjnaiie;. Cu' Itraisi 1 ', ( (tiie, ( ramp , Ncunilgiii, Ti’i'th.'iche, 1 and all Nerve, Honi' a' 1 Muscle Aeliesant P.ii , . The genuine ha • N-jah s Ark on every piickage 1 Hi 1 looks like this eu", but lias KK 1> b ind . .| front of package and 'Noah's Liniment” ..1- " .1 > ' In K KI > ink. H •- ware of imitation-'. Large. tH.llle, C. eenis, htkI sold by alt (leatcrs tn J'.iediiflr* . Guarantee i cr money refiiiidey Noah Komeut no. 1 In y wouldn’t li-dp him make it go. Ahd so ids heart was fill’d with worn Lnt the world went on revolving just the same. And so it is we come to grief, Hut the world goes on revolving just Hie same. Our ship runs on a jagged reef Lnt the world goes on revolving just, the same. If you want more money {qt your cotton crop, plant “Acme Upland Long Staple. Very productive superior staple. Two bales (1023 Rescued Hive. \t Kansas City for iiLeen minutes Thursday F.rnest Loldin.ger, a labor er. was buried und.r right feet of dirt in a well, but he was rescued And when at last. In 'course of years alive and physicians - i> he suffered There comes an end to hopes ind no serious injury. lit- was at th” fears. bottom of a sixteen foot well w h-n And we nmst leave this vale of tears the wall caved in. Workmln hoard. It will go right on revolving just his cries and dug him out. He was] the same. unconscious. • ^ —Sommerville Journal.