p The Barnwell People. m. W. HOLMES, Eiiitar i Prcp'r • loinifiAteO \ v the Afif \y\r.\ < largest ( OI NTY I I K ( hm !• n tmi n he uM if il ha i hor v.idi ita emX.i of ini *i ij'rinl. rierniiiaDy aeleet- id hvt'il H M'.Min. 1 hat the new eom- ern ijnie'tlv made tlieli warn into other Staten wlthont Mopping oh Carolina mdl I Tig enough In learn anllicient Kngd'li In return tliank. fot their tree passage iuvn>‘a the hrinv Atlmtio liaa ^ j )i i I no ilaiiipeniiig Inlluonee oa the Colon,|'h enIIiiisiasin. If has rather h id the opposite ell.'i t of making him more set in his de.lre and I'.ednivifit [ihilosophe' 1 c n\'* k* n-'ar »<> lining a* ant mnrta) mav . A< editor of th* ''arylinii Mp.rian henecupi-a it* easy eliair ttie rtr.t three work davs < f tin* week and thin swap* over for the I nt tliM-e into editorial cnnrrol of The Headlight. Moth plaeea are completely li Ped. There l« a.I" a\ * etimething to lie tliank/ol for. K\ 1’re-ident Tneodore Koosevell is now neari.ig the end of what he siv* will he his last, extensive speech making trip th r oug|i the Sooth determina- Hn ‘* "eat. No permanent good has Cirtt of pe ic found them a 1 run dou n | ; wnd crlpplid Htnl It rei|utred years of srot k mid reorgani/. ition to put them tr, safe and vatisf u'torV Condition Tim: work of restoration lias been com pleted. many miles <>f new roads have hten constructed mi 1 the State ha» hron gridironed with a thick spun net work of iron rail*. There i* now, we believe, only one court house town In the State iitivUlted hy the iron horse The pamenger and freight service*! f these highweys of tr.av< 1 and trade a-e q ilcker and safer than ever before anil there l* little if any complaint of ex cessive and extort! mate charges. I n this renaissance the »eparate and whort lengthed roads hsvcf their in- ilejie.udenee and In their steads have come three great systems Inn Sncth- orn. rite Almutle Coa-t Mne and The Seaboard, reaching over their own or allied line* from New York, the com •ncreh-tl and llnancial metrop. lis of the Veiled States to the wharves that fringe the coasts of the State* bnrdi r Ing on the South A 1 mtir and the (inlf of Mexico. Tit to the cheapness of their ser- xicjp. Kieh i0ty he a check on th* other* as prerenting .a niounpo'y of ( thin to til! Soutli (’nt'llna with immi- ^ | grantrt an*! investors. If (’• 1 \Vat,«on could amf wool I xealotivlv Inijttire into th* reasons w tiy *o m i* y S mtli ( aro l*nlanx an* cinlgratltig f rom this State !*f th'dr hlrch ami ance*tiy an ! suggest th. right remerttea fnr the prevention ami cure of this itihap, y condition lie would tind mil, 1 * occupation f > r eve' v instnut of his waking hours and do the State the greater service that it needs. W ith prof iiinde*t conrte*v we ‘i*g- gest to Col. Watson that if he wiF con sult tin* census Hguret or >r.(|ulre of the Sfati* Siiperintemh'ut of Kilucatlon he w ill lit (I the overlooked fact ever resulted ways. from such whirlwind ——— OI.U MOTHKI1S. with “A HAII.KOAH WIZ AKf).” That's w hal the South w orb! Cal s . ,T. Oliver, I he Western ermtxaetor who built the ('inlma Midlaml exteosiim from Rarnwel to A lomlale. Since that time tie has done manv anil great thing*. Ilootfered to d.g the I’anama Cmal for less money mo! in <|iiiekor time than aov other of the American bidder-, hut I're.ident Koosivelt barked.otlf and woubln’t give him a I s j us re deal. i I,a«t week he took a contract to build I a trolley pcid bed frum <*reen wood, via j Helton and (ircenville to Sparisntmrg thal I in 15 months The distanee Is about there are children enough growing up in South Carolina to occupy every ma Ide acre fr.nu mouiit*iii crest to low tide Fire. A 'til l tat 'y i f*>r thn present) as an in telligehi put Fc tcrvh'iit it is his duty, hIs ohiigation, to t* II his people that land is the one dirt, cheap thing in Smith ( af lina, and that they sliouid hold it foi th, ir children as their pa rents held it f IT them . MOKK STO h KOOIF A) miles an I he will be paid between 11)00,000 and f l.IMKI (K) fo' the work. ANOTHER DlaRKNSARY SENiA• TION. I h ve old mothers—mother* •oft w bite hair, And hind y eve* and lip* grown softly sweet With .nurmnrel hje»*|ng* oyer sleeping babe., There i* something Fa their quiet gr*eo ThHt speak* the calm i f Sibbulh aflernoon ; A knowledge In their deep, un- f tlreri ng eve* Th*t f*r outre*, hes u 1 philosophy rime, wiih c»re*«Uig touch. »hout lliem weaves The silver threaded fstr-Onkw I of H ge, V h 1* mF tno cchoe* of forgotten snllg. Seem j dned to lend * sweetne** to tllelf speocll. Old imitliers! as ihev pn** with *| iwti ned ■ [le-'ch, Their Meiiit,Fng hands ciing gently to y mt ti ’* strengt tv; Sweet mothers? a* they p*** «,n. one see* again 01(1 garden walks old ro«,s and old love< —Th ' Omit,try K()R SAFE Wanted, to >.,!1 F>.'» acres of land known a« the Mari**- d. O. t heoch (ilace, four mFe. and a h ,lf from Al lendale, ih r ec miba from ->eigli!*g and t h i ee mil'- from Sycamore, Seaboard Air Fine Ra'! r iiad "ill sill f.,r naif cash, balance on time II F. Creech, Agent Itarnwell. s (', c.ntrol and char; Im t f o a 1 practi- (iovernor ICeaso gave out for pul II cation m- Maturday :« copy of a letter alleged to have h-cn written on Octo her inn, I'.ttl.i, hv lawyer I . K Feld, r of Atlanta, (in , to II 11 Evms, thsn chairman of the It ant on Control of the d. (.'. Fi'pen-ary. I he letter was *-1goed T H an I pioposnl to Kv ms such a manipulation of the II quor bii'lneas as woul I give 1 s wr'te. - and (thalrman Ev an* a pndit of f.'itHI,- otsi f >r divi»i.iiv between the two. Ac cording to the letter the plan bad been worked out and all that was needed to make the deal go through was the eon- i * nrrenev sent and acceptance of Ev ans 'I lie 1 (Ml v 'er n,,| l original ot the letter is in a hank vault In Cnluuibi i I’h*• (t ivern r «atd there in the «atne ban I tv 1111tig a* tnat i f I', H Felder, and added that he has mai y other letters vvtiit*h vvimbl cause sensa lions an I whii h vvill he given out at ! the proper time | Evans said : • I swear on a rnM ion j *tack« < f Hit ]o* that I'om l-'etd''r w rote 1 rpe Uiat le!lc r ,” and t il aFelder tiad i v. ritt- ll him -evera 1 I Iters ,i|l ci. purposes tliey j'lill together as ami Cahly a» if a 1 ! were ow ned and operated hy (I,a same inas'ers For the pieaent raFruad oi'gani/atmn in this S ate is • •xypioteH an ! rests. The fiitur, m»y. • pr^hal)' y will, bring to pu-s furlhei «'nryi,diilations aid cnuihinat ion-, w ith on dor the larger sVstflm* of the N i r 11' :ipl W est Si ii'.i.l^ 1 v wav of introductinn f >r *mr ! .smt iolk* n ivn littl • if tiny per. • 11...i and pork t atfecliiig int* rest in »*iIrnxtj, |>rop?rt i «. Wo give tin' foregoing resume of j*lln ad hutory to show the icadlness of t apikvl to t 'How aa (<• other protier- Vie* llif metlmd- t hat have been woi ked a« to tiie rsllroads. A 'ready the eott.m vn .Is are -titering upor. ex pev bo'i e* *1 ojlar to those throu gb will.'ll the railrfiads have run. I.a*t l*”ccmher v lie proate** of comid iiHtion ail consol idation of interest and managcmenT vtry. atti.o tol attention when the tin r- g* r (if nine great m 11s uiid, tiie c«| tairti v of J.ewis VT I'atkcr of (.rcen vjllr was made pnt|.'. 1 uder Mr. j'arker * niastfi'v management these j nine null* with an aggregile capital ,*l * t 'li million dod u » bad p i-scd s ift Iv | ’ !irouglt_* > n llie Infitdile disease* and j dangers of new cntei prists and vvirei vn hcillhy tmancial oonditiun, hut | vlieii com m ii n 11 v of inti rest promised n ! '.letter futuie through the , niildnatiori of th(ir sep,antic stl?ngi|i* ami tin merger deal vv as put thtoiig ■ without j liictiot: and with eiifhnjusm Fast week Hiiother merger of a doren f.nilla witlt a capital of a do/an million dollar* w*s aecemplished, with Capt. Ell sou A S nyth, uls > of (iveenville, a- lTcsldent . Tliat the several nthei I -.ores o| .S nth < uii'ilna cotton will, of voluntary , hdee or hu*inv-s j v ecc*» 11 v, fo | ,w the coursa' of the Vathliiidci s. F.iiket anal Smvlh, is as! i-eitsin to.he a fart x.s any tiling In the i fiitnr<' can he. The h> 1 pie,‘stic.s f the lingle, inde pendent cotton mill vans emphasued hy the pn g,t v c t In 1 ger, ,f th.'sale < f the Hliffalo Cotton Mi !', just across the North Carolina Flic from Cheroko Countv, In bank ruptcy proceedings. This properly, operating d, ‘lOu spindles, with m 1! huiblings. twenty oiierntlyc’s cottages. Smith Carolina farmers a r n groat spendet* rf cotton ninney for stock food — for work h<*rns, mulva. oxen and milk (ows. To raise mine >tn k fooii at imme might vloci case tiie num- lu*r id c.uteti liales, but it woul I tiriiig compensation in tiie the avay ( f send- | whs no doubt about the letter being ing )es, mmiev »hl'oad, if fecnling stock more Fhara'd v and incroasfng the sire and value osr. heap. A former A ork County fanner mm li vi ng i ii T-' x i«, t, 11«, i n list w eek’s Fori Mill I tine., how the farmers of the ].ine star Mtalo make a p, ut) lJ1 jwritt-ill*i , Usevt'ra , l Lier 1 'roaglvness.’ 1 Iisay - : A» the time is ticre f ir tti» farmer* to begin thinking about, what to ral'e ST ATE M ENT OF TIIR CON HI 1 ION —O F— THl-; R.VU OF WILLIST0N. located af H'dlistnn, S ' , at tliec.ose of business Mar Tit RESOCKCKk T.oans and IMsonunts | Overdraft* ! Furniture and Fixtures ^ Hue from lank* and Ha’ k ers ('ol n Tot. 1 >ttier Minor FIAHll.HTE.s. ! fra me fi |i n hig ,1t*h 1 F, I ler fur s;in k fee I n, xt w inter, an I as I re- cently i.eatd a nu.ntier of tlifin in Fort NFi! tiiwiistnp speak ot tno trouble , f so-iiitug rofgliiiis', I jiusi Vou w i I alow no* spue to tell w ti a t prouoonc d tit forgery, sit I that it ha l tie by t he («ov e rno r. lawyer Felder’s A ' I ill ta emploved hv tin winding up c mi in i nng letter n fnki a I ii[i (’aoi ta I Str.ek 1'aid in . . . Sir; Pis Fund l IldlV bled Froiits, ) •«« ( nr rent Kx penso' hi.c! Taxe* paid 1 nd i v idn <1 I V uiisit* Suh jee' (.» (heek S , v 11 gs 1 leyeisi*s < asfii, i ’* Cnci k« rt r m w a * recently removed lop to unearth and r x no 'eft and w n the chief worker Tov I •State of 'soiii h Ca n li na , ; C n nt ( f Ha r n w , [j , IF fore me came \Y F. I'ri f a«hier ' f the above named blink Fill KS a 7i {,) r.'i :i • '.107 11 4 b -j, i as «> 7 5(1 •X) 1 -' i 7 <♦0 41 HI *;a» 7‘i '-'5 (K k) i m 0 CO 1 ,. 7.7.) 10 fsl ’. . *’»( • 1 1 7 U 0! g'.IJ 41U t.ai 7f. f h ’ w to v\ <• U • ’ f o f ■e ’ ii; 1 c X s *, VN | h t be i n r»*u< . V • *! 1 1 lie - \ 11 IlH g \ w on P A ' t* w h. i ii g . 1: i 1 V * « i > I n. ** y If) .1 lh-- al.iiV t hum* ( h if 4*11 .■ . f m V "’Ultl (. i*». lllia in it c t< ( i i ^ r ^ t u I *1 • P C U *• H ! y a .id f. ircg ing - atcinc )t 1 - a lru>- c.i 1 . lull i - w 1 f IV l >. 1 o: r » n two • — <1 ri.>u Ilf s a III h 4 11 k * , 1* X. VA a t' y tti( (•» !» \ :t< ‘ r< - l t 1 t i i la tl 1 n 1 t ) N\ tn it )\V 111 (OOK \ K i 1 A HI KS tl.Xlks of -aid liank if * m hup i ; i Hi* .’*»*»! i . f l 'III two t» t w K Fr. t II ro, hu -Ii •Iw p -* r h r ** 1 *4 tile | I lid ir. 1 V n i ■ 1 [ VN ii u r «* t 'l P\ 11)4 t V I| 0 ick v rr i H »l> IC - .|‘i1 rt 11 i!' ” Mi 1-4 M • , pot ate • u: 1 n,i r •«! f >. l h- I 1 » | rv il V O r * t, i r cook * > vn o in to n n f i • 11 *' •ribi'd lef if, HI. Ini-h ]‘ p« *r i 11 It 1 na i 11> a 1 fn; i n g H f 1 ( i 40 ! V 1 s' \ ♦* h, ‘' 4 1 Ic, 1\ i I U thi- 1 1 h day . f M- h , HH I H O 'A h/. >( • a .iu i i0 v (ot 1 1.n p .111 tl " g I o ■ i. .1 \ ♦* ^ 1 » Tl 1 v h» f n ► t I M 1 -C VV f»* : K M M i V -or , w H*0 II Nil A t <* ll H T V ‘ - l \N 1 1 lit ti i r* ! .y X * p h r H -! - *- W aw f in t,: i nd Ic-. N ol < r > 1’ul 1 fnr fi it v r Ol f AUlu »1. nj , on r >• ii..' H 1 d fit 1 •) '» * • m i nu t *• h >c: v a plain ( ,,i •t attet . f,r , •r n .) : -1\ u t . i ^ o v n j' dgH \\ : *, 4U - •ul or • 11 1 t'M w ith w m y m Ki n. d ■ , | • f th * 1 »n I 1 * li w*’»-0w fl' ' 1 'I • .I »’ Vk l S m 11 tl, r D r»*t To-s ton til 1 II, ii«' )l f o VN 1 ^ ro.% (Ml 1 *4 ' g 1 C l M • * I w - i /ill .1 pi aiv i nr 11 .1 E K -1111.' U, 1 In thi* . on ■ If V • u nr** ally w it. r I i »! i 1 1 I O •I 11! (’ - S^rvi* on v' i r t'\ * IC u.i in A'‘’.I l.ui£ . C 1 pi 1 A l 1 l I '' l \ i • • tl i f : r •ill 1 w , A w > it ,\ nil .1 in < W ri h n i i 1 H N r '4 k ' * w h., dll i ;i e r>T \ 1 EM EM l)t-' 1 H « » \ 1 ' l 1 ' o X the c Ittlh il f >r ?l - •> nr ?1 *n I” r H V v’ . r i' i l » * '1 ’'** S • i H f 4 ( .,,f ; h on i . III E liicv cut ill.’ ( Hill (i ri it t H ^ im :» nut Hi > 1 ! )•. ! i > •n nil n •>M , V • * l»i 410 l w o ,|a V a. I lien ef I \\ i p rake a l ii vv i n I rc w s F ip ii lb' cam ill put 10.0 goo I -.III; l.s ti.r I'll, « et k «, a 11 ei w , i I s to pi g put the li*f n or in liar ri k-. I I a W a V in f the I >ep ,rtm Ii Ing 'on seii«i i! I'Ci'.lon in the daily paper- that j ' ihe first new s of the Amvih mer-< 1 \ iveer.t bulletin o I A gr ien F i' e at U .»> li I ng o n seu-i nl v ad v i sc- I lie pi.inti ■ g ol pen n n i s a« npi'e proliiahle (tian col.oii growing, p-pcci a by in tern orv where tin lio! 1 w \ , I is master of I Im slt’iateoi Tuese M a-lnngii n wisea. re- -end out the Hi " s that thiie aie in the himin til iitsHiuls ot sen - of w a - h land, that would t>roti f ah) v nrodnee rmmgh peanut* to slioit stop the Costly nu- portat in i of 11 • o,| f om i d her c in n r t i, s and till th ' home to.ros witli ie.'t!'r forage tha n lhe g i .i - s lieid < can v iei,1. I nl it is u n r, a »on a id v mlly ‘o -hv tha' waste laud' will make pioritafie crops. Fair land Is needed and it neii!* the appropriate |iUiit food j i«t as any ot bet c top does. There is no better fattening food for woik animals than w ui m ’ - -1«1 < 1 f'.MM w 1 tlv-O . 1 I W W si \ J W » Ol i H h I • 1 ; f* 11 r.| ’»U - QflfIK OF UiESTEfin [fiHOLinfl toes' V V X t" -d t 1.1 F K I > F w M till' (1l "U — K t I oil) live III (til I n 1 II n t • i. i d) i u e 1 1 i ''I, a ii I s'-r ve er. <*;», pepper and mi k • tv - I',-el iil''b-r water H . i! It.nl f om ’<) w itli pepper and Il-Ht m i n- --H son - ed egg *. a! perk of I m u ' to ' i in l r u ti < -se r ve witli but , -a 1 ', t'epper and e r. a m less - \S i • 11 and to pi miu n tes >ci v - a | ■. hi d hotter i o e re i m S j i i n a e 11 . — 'V a -11 thoroughly -1 i w I v vao.noiil water Hml ten utes Fr- ss in colander and - ing and giroi-li vv id, IihtI iidle It Oidv 1 with salt pork or b te ' low ona iHipfcl of water to one sp nact) So miner S pi*«li —I'eei, sties and re mo,seeds it ol for hi minute* in ,i voiv 1 tti, w iter, Ma-h and season. loniatoes —Idp in bnil'tig water vnd remove skins. ('ut Into ipiarters ( ook K> to g!) minutes witlmut water S '* son wdti popper, salt and »ngar rortllps —Fare and -Fee Allow one tablespoon of sugar to one ipi ,rt < f wh. ter. Hull »5 muiiues to an tioiir. Ma-lv an I season with butter, pepper and salt — Hostnu H - raid 1 UHU. (Ivor ! It . d Fur m Hank! Ill her I III*' f d I* t T e a g H ni t; • ks ^Fixtun f. - ! a ' e > c k - a id c :! i 11 11' C on im y <>■11 -lilver Xtld ('mn t ’.ee.s ahd F v |U lses l | and inter, l n Ti an • it Tot .1, other Mi 1 .Cl :»i it ir i 715 HI Y>7 ; : t' a.h tie i wd 11 est pa 1 'e ns i £ l n \ * I he aw , et potato is another fond j crop that cannot he overpltnted ami produced In Mirnwell and Bamberg j-Counties. vvlmre'the tuber* are cf sii- j pertor cxcilletKC. Tliev are a good ( ltn> l\ be ti ne that figure* do nat lie i hut you eannov make a fashtcnahl, dressmaker believe it SI II AHIEITI KS Capital ''urnl * Cndiv ided Profits, I >1 V tde '.d* ii n pa: t l>i to It a " k < and hankers I ml l v n I n n 1 I )ep"- i t a -u I'ject to t heek Savings I »epo«i;s Heiiiand Certificates of lb - po.it Tim*'Certificates i f Deposit Certified Clierks (.'ashler’s ( lie, ks i ■t .'15 go v*l H I ."I ■ n Id FS - t I.'I 771 t)t7 in I Is ’id l t 1 5.15 fa i IF) 15.) 70 1 5 i 1 to -(id J.. Total. State "f South Carol ns, County of Aik, n $1 ) T VI. I fond for every also f.>r p animal 'll It TV. that has teeth, rv tino water power and KM acres nj Find brought only fk’O.Obd! M her« wi|! this ootisoltdation r»f the j cotton nulla infvtTstx and cot.trol end? ■\Vill not the foreigo, northern and j tniddj' s’ates, stockholder* continue j the proof*** until there i» a great tex- j ^°'l' each other in ease of war M ONE V TU LOAN. I.fans madron improved farm lands in Aiken, Hiirnw-eli, Harnh/rg and i County of Aiken j Hampton t onnti.'s No del iv. B> f.,ro nm came W. W Mucs tifus. J ame.s A. ^ i li s, A tt v , j a * 11 i e r of the a no ye iiam-d ‘>a •. k, vv ii No 'Jl-ldt Harh wr'l S C. I fieing duly sworn, says that the ab ac nod foregoing statement Is n true ,u»u NOTICE OF FINAL DISCHARGE. (litlon of said bank, as shown fiv the ; books of said funk TUKOI GII ENGFIS'I Cl. \SsES. As (treat Britain and dnyaan are great friends, alliea in f ie', linind by trea.y vx Ith tlie tnisf, chartered under the liws () f , an ad'eisarv nr ad^rrsatlea too power- jug judge of •'rohalc, her final r^turu | March, 1911. Muno Si'ate north of Mason and Iiixon’s f"' for * ln - , n res,-tanre, the Mexican a-t.iiardi.m of Alice V. Seaae, (’ I. line, with iieadqnailer* in Boston o r Mtoaticm ns .eon hy i wo leading J S ase. A H S a-e and Annie Marie New Yolk, that aliall eommand king 11,11 dailie- is threatening a mighty 1 ’ r ' i ' u '* l) ' 7 1 Jr '* Notice I* hereby given that th# un dersigned wi 1 on Friday, A|vril 7th, 'll til' wpli tiie Hon -lotin K. H e 1- \V \V. Muek-nf is-, t a « a i»- r. Sworn to before me, tills loth d . v rotton and his price as the taikmaster j k 'rtiggle. Sliouid the I'nited State* ot of a dcepolUtn does the peon* Uiat ilo ,,ow ,)r s»>f"i the great , Jus Iridding <' power* of Europe would likely repeat! Tire contagion of combination is not | ^ 1,rir l |H,| d*'Ml poltcy during tins war' to bo limited to mch grevt utiliiies h* iietw'uen Japan and Kusaia. Here i* lailroads and cotton mill*, f,-rtili/er!'- ,!, *ll r i t l li * l ^' ,r,>, ‘ a '‘ t: ifiahuf utoijoa or ilectrie power plant* ! Lmidon.—The Standard and liailv' There 1* hardly a husinex.* ton sutail o ; | Telegraph mtimale that the presence; , , |td Uiousnnas of Japanese tn Mexico ion M-lfindeiw ndent to escape the grasp-' al ,d Ihe attitude of the T .km govern- | iuggrea d of the small .r and more ! ipent toward the Southern neighbor of I « hwse paring, rerkl*-.** promoter. 1 o ^ lr 1 111 ^'d Htaro* i* rc*ponsiPle for the | him the .Houtl» i, to be the theatre in 1 l,00,M tl,e i Mhteb he will play 111* game. Tlie Mandard, in an alarmist edltori* 1 a 1 , refet« to the possibility of M- xIco fieing oceupte ! bv'.fapanpte as a bavo ! of opciatioos sgain-t the I'nited States 1 in the event of war, and hints that inch a war is possible. The Telegraph *av* U i* rl-ar from! l’rt**i(lent T .ft's action tfiat ilie-e are! expl.v.ive po*sihili.tes in tiie situation and dilates on the reported statement ! hv Seenr Iiimantour that intcrve' tiun would mean war. i Sp>t> | sorv. * ; March 4th, E. It 15)11. Sea go , Guardian. K A Gardner, Notary I’u I Fe, > t Correet- \ Oi.lding ( '• i all man ) li C. II ilin, - Rirectora. w j net, ) • • • • S-l & T n i -■■^1 •) ♦ hi Vast* “Ortjaniztd by th* Ibujjde for the 1*^0pie" i NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND ITORS. . t AF person* indebted to the estate of i.lames |) 1'iesse, are hereby not tied :o make pav merit, and creditors to present their < I tim., dui v attested, to K A Ellis, A'loilnlstraior i Barnwell, S < ., Maru.'i 7, 1911. 1IIIUSO. P. LEE. JK Idcplljictl yyill; lljc F'arnjcr.i’ Uijlo)) , Or:. . . . Deposit your Money and receive 4 per cent in Savings Department O F F I C C R S Harrv I). Calho,;n, Pres iiknt William L Cave, Vice [’resilient r,. Mi X. G W W t!S v't , A' ('ashier Carroll, >t C ashier .er fi ta ■ e n c, \ttornev • ! * I :j ; :i • ♦ ! Dentist W 11.IT'S TON. - - £» Oftl-e over liatiU >f ^ i 1 Haton. finr rect i' o cm 11* ’ii the country, •». will make aptiotn'men's at ofllo*. A. il. MESTEir ATIIIHNET AT LAW VT/ o • ^ I • • • (Jraml <)|)Fiiiiu>: A( (lie I'eonle's Slope’ 1 tr March 18th to M a roll 2Sih lVu n e Cpeni g up ut Co,, t! .Yeiv Store! !re,v Goods! BLA(aK\ -RLE, £>. w DR.J.H. E.MILHOUS, DKN'I'lbT BE ».< K V IlTTC. o. e Ofliee dtiyH 'I'liiinstlay, rtf d;iY :int, S (,\ yvill i eeeiye |»i oinpt attention. M’-N KY TO I K 'D. M ■v t- toe. end on flr.t mortgage ml a f., r eril Inlsrest dei 4 11*k. i*i 7 per n«a( i v, r JI d *Kt is) J (t Fat tersou A So*. s-.fraxt-" The \ • luahle latitlw ol :r»« late -1. 1 t n ill Smith of Wil« ii-ti.M, i le ’ t^etl hy him t# fT Time Ma\\rt 11 ()i jihanage, ue now oth red foi sale ud- .»n 111 o'l a 1 to] mis. For jut! tu'darn oil her t < 1 >i M . ( hedtei Smith. W illes’oii, or Orlmid* s ne|)|)ai d, 1'. lot-field, or A 1 . J ami", ti. < * reen a t»od. i > >. Mt i 1 ! 1 In Webb B'.n: mug. K. ilic nd Avenue XjDl OjK. ’S7X.?_aHxim m s. o. udioaa. F. 1 BDCklU&Ul wid. uesa. Calhoun & (jo # Life, Accident. CYCLOhJE LIGHTNINP Li v c Stock INSURANCE. -At Lowest Rates in- Strongest Companeis -oFFIHKh at THF RANK OF MARNWFI I Special Offer to Suhseriber.s!! '.T'lT IT, COLONEL Under the bemi line “List Your Land’' is published in the fourth «oltnnn of the fourth ( age of thi* issue of Tn* PitoPLK, over the mrne o f E J 1 W»f.*nn. Coui oiaiiioripr.'rtn article chock full ofTSf^sent short aighte.lne** and { overrtot* ing; with fhe yea*t < f )ong fu- lur* r®gr«t and Miter vain repentance ,4 re»din|f of thi* artldi sbovr* that REAL-ESTATE If you have Heal Estate, e’ther country, town or city to dispone of,— ( otmnnnicate With V*. If you prefer to iiivc-t your money in attractive Realty propositions that are continually enhancing tn value, rather than realize onlv h small interest from Saving* Links, — Inve.stlgale I’ropoaiUons I Hate. I have prominent connections in several Htates and Mirpas-ed ftjiUtit* for h indtiog Ri-al Estate u t). two places at one and tiie fame time, ii l. Wjilauu t* uav fully pps«c»5cd uBd I Imt Lapt.'TiHrlcj Tctfj, the vctcjau m . It I* impossible for anv body to be in Columbia, S. C. 401 Skyscraper. Bc-nn&tt&ville, S. C . Anollier C.ir Isoatl Arriyed Sat urday, Ft'bniary 4lh 25 MULES AND 4 HORSES! I’crsonally select cl by me in the best market of the West, They will not stay on hand lone, for they are so strong, sound, well made, active and tractable that they will advertise and sell themselves. come at once and don't miss the best opptrtunity of last year thi'. year and next year. HI have the Wagons. Buggies. Surreys, Harness, etc. to £o with these eclipsers. Prices will be as always at the lowest possible figure. We have decided to make the fol lowing liberal of- (cr, tor a limited ’ime only, to all -SUBSCRIBERS to Tm. People;— icX) Notcheads iOo P.nvelopes With your name and address neatly printed thereon. CHARLIE BROWN BARNWELL, Smith Caro I inf ^ hen answering this advertistnent please mention “Special Ofrer.” THE PEOPLE PRINTER! Barp^ll, S. C.