The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, January 12, 1911, Image 4

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SANK HER FOE . » i ' ' Hit At Holey, t Citfe^erite Sub ni* no, Pr»ve4 a Saccess. WAS FIRST OF ITS KIND >v? Operated by the Confederate* In and About Charleston Harbor, and Finally Went Out to Ben and Hank the Vnlted States Sloop of War Houm tonic. The submarine boat, according to the popular Idea. Is a most modern device, falling. Into the Hying ma chine, wireless telegraph age. Ag a -matter of-faetr lAa submarine of to * snWnrg other things: day has yet to demonatrste Us mer- Ita as a Hghtlng craft, though theo retically U could accomplish won ders. Though boats of this kind were owned by the United State*, Russia and 'span, not one went In'o action durlny either the Spanisj- Ame-lcm " the RitMO Japsneae wsr, whereas, S' long ego as I SCI. a sub marine torpedo boat did go Into ac- 1 tlon. attacking and sinking a man- of-war. ,A This distinction, saya Harpers Weekly, belonjca to the Con federate States submarine Hunley, and crude and Imperfect , aa waa that strange craft; Its general plan has been fol lowed In 'he most modern subma rines. The Hunley was constructed / )n the Iron work# of Parka A Lyons, at Mobile, Ala. For her bull the builders used what waa moat avalt- H b1e—an ordinary cylinder boiler, forty-eight Inches In diameter and twenty-five feet long The limited Interior space was still farther re stricted by partitioning off com.'a i- ments for water ballast, the tanks being filled and emptied by valves. Heavy pieces of Iron were bolted to the keel in such manner that they could be detached by the craw from the Inside in case It should become necessary to rise quickly to the sur face. The screw propeller was at tached to a shaft runnln? through the boat. On this shaft were set eight cranks at different angles These cranks were grasped and worked by the men, who s-t upon the port aide, the shaft being sup ported bv brackets on the starboard So confined was the space that when the men were In their places If was Impossible to move from one end of * ttw boat to the other The commanding officer's position was In the bow. whence he controlled ^ U»e rudder and the two Iron fins v whlch_sen». the boat up or down Tlx- . , officer^alto attended the torpe io. the total armament of the boat. This was a copper cylinder bolding about ninety pounda of eiploslvea. fastened upon the end of a boom twenty-one foet long, which extended from the nose of the craft. The only means 01 securing a fresh supply of air after the boat hid dived was to conic to (be surface and remove a batch cov er Upon the completion of the Hunley at Mobile. It was decl led th it Char lesion harbor offered the best field for operations, ond she was accord Ingly moved to that city by rail Tlx narrstlve of her subaequent rar**e: la brief, but the story glows witii heroism and devotlou Despite the strange nature of the craft. It was not found difficult to se cure a crew, and all was soon In readiness for an eipelltlon aga ust the blockading fleet The crew took their places, the hatch covers were ^about to be bolted In place, wlx-n ^Ahlle still alon?a!de the dock, tlx- boat wag swamped by a heavy aweli aod every man aboard was drowned Sh^ was raised, and another crew volirpteered. Again, and In almost the «ame manner, the boat wa> sw-amhed at the dock, alx men per ? Xj^lng \ After\th!s occurrence the boat w^ turned over to her builder. Capt Hunley, 4nd a volunteer crew fron Mobile, m^n who bad assisted in her building, were more or less familiar with the cri^ft, and who. hearing of the two dlias^ers at Charleston, had hastened to ofter tfcelr services. This time It seerael as though all things were to\ work satisfactorily The men took thtplr place*, the hatch covers were bolted down, the' line, were cast off, the'boat moved aw ,a\ from the dock and dived gracefulh amid the cheers of the spectators Minutes pissed, theA an hour, but the submarine did not reappear Upon Investigation It wAs found that the boat had driven her nose Into the soft mud of the bottolp with such — force as to render it Impoaslble for -the crew to back o# and fjse to the surface. All had died froxA auffoca tlon. - \ The Hunley was raised ahd pre pared for sacvlce again. Already she had claimed twenty-three victims, but a fourth crew stepped forward, In- - stantly when a can ror volunteers was made. No further trouble was expe enced. and this crew spent som , time In getting thoroughly acquain ad with the boat and her possibili ties. practicing and rising. It vvas - found that in comparatively em/oth water it waa possible to make a speed of four miles an hour,/but If ^ tH* water waa rotf^a not nrarly so . ood time could be made. At a test HW time n woald be p^salble to th# Scat tubttwgfea, she was .t- alto wed to lie upon the ^ottom until the men could endure th* lack of air ■O longer—for two-tpura sad thir- tr-flrtnilButes. .Aa the boat, I ©aly be it wma n Mtadt which the “A .SAFELY INVESTED WHERE THIEVES CANNOT BREAK Til ROL L II AM) STEAL. HOUSE FIRED KILLED BY BANDITS “('trcult Rlider'a Wife" Htetcs That "Major Portion of Wealth of Lun dy Harris Was In Heavenly Seeun- tlea. County Court Clerk Hunt, of Dav- 1 Ison county. Term , In calling upon Mra. Cora Harris (author of 'I he Circuit Rider's Wife”) to flirnrah TH Inventory yf her husband's entile, of which she had been ma !e execu trix. recelVed a most remarkable and unique reply from Mrs. Harris. Af ter saying tnat she did not know how to make the inventory and apologiz ing because she had not known it was her duty to do so, she says "It Is not with the Inten'lon of rhowlng an egregious sentimentality that I say 1 find it Impossible to kIm- you a complete and sutlsf.ic.or- -n ventory of the est.ito of Lundy II Harris. The part that I *.l»< t* small that Ir is tn-'lgn , (i''ant *» u misleading At the time of tiis death he had $2.".S In his purse, Jllfi in tbe Union Hank and Trust Uomponv of that city, about 400 boobs and the coTn ip which he was burled, which cost about |H5. The majoj m-rt of his ©state was Invested in heavenly securities, the va'up m which have been variously d.-eiared 'n this' world and highly taxed by t-hA various churckcs. but never. le In-estid every year not les i usually more) thin J 1.200 in char Ity. so secretly, #o Inoffenslv. ly and so honestlv that he was never sir [■ected of '>elng a ph lanthropls' nrix • ever praised for his generosity. Hi pensioned an old out-nst woman in Harron county, an o’d soldl-r it N’ashvlile. He S'-n,! two little negm boys to school, and supported for 'hree years a family of five who -ould not support themselves. lie ontrlbuted anonymously to every -harlty to Nashville;-every oil ma o interested 'n a btn -voient obie't r>- 'elved his aid: every child he l:n r ’ ■xac'ed and received pinny toil from his tenderness. He supporte ■he heart of every man wImi con flded In him with encouragement and iffection. "He lltoially dll forgive his e-e mlea and suffered mart} r !om h' : tember 19. 191". after 'hree years of persecution witho'' complaint. He considered bmiseli me of the chief survivors »• i v -- ever re’ognlrcd as one of tix- : .re bondholders In heaven. "You can see how largo his e-ot'. I \f c was and bow ilitlicult it v. oul I ' — i - -ompute Its value to a- i-i f irti s ; vou the hi-.cNorv jmii n riln- for > , record on voui books 1 liavc given | i ;d on faltbfullv eur-h t'- nis as huvi 'r o ■ome wlt' ln mv k .owle e j 'or t " ’llii erol > va ->i rs I leg By Police (o Smoke Oul Anarchists and S x of Tk(n Are Birntd. BATTLE IN THE STREET The (.’reatest Evcitement Spreads Throughout Oty of liOiidon an (be Trapped Men Resist Arrest and I'lre on Soldiers 111131 Police From the Windows of a House. One of the most remarkable crim inal outbreaks that h-8 ever oc- urred In Kngland t' ok plme In I.on- don In broad daylight Tuesday noi far from the heart of the ritv. A band oTSuspected anarch-sts- directed its deadly fusilade from a ixillding teniporardv r-unverted into a r o>-t--fs< against huc'lre it of .(r 1 ' .-' .'ol-•» 1 ne*n rdn'oi -eil by troops an 1 cuar 'so’'ll monti'ed and on foot v lx> had be-si -u, d ts,. •■•■mi’ia's. tin.a 1 v sett rig tiie 1 1 their fort r<-:--es and demolishing It. Pi\ <if the ('erpe rn- ’o°s were burned to death in the rc'ns of t!’>dr improv s-d c : t.a-le|.- A T.on lon disnateh says t tie east m 4 was- thro-vtt in'o rettt - ©ve-R©- ment by a pitched battia iietuecu ^r-ve-, ) hundred pn'-iee and a baiul of men s-ispecie<l of lodne the inur terers an I Itie friends of the mur- \YHO HELD IP TRAIN AND ROBBED THE PASSENGERS. txrx-p t.f three polic ti vv ho W (*'. t‘ - iilcj renci: h iiv j lllU'i k irii ■ir. T! p. u px 11* ' rlir ■s. the tntni '■ITS Of w h i, !i It is imt kin"'. n. O' ■i-ld,. 1 a ’.oip,* in : CV 'tp 0* . 'A narrow thoroighfar (*. Thn i )()! Or B-cov i-rl • , -r , h r fi. ».?'}' •irOM-* . Silt -on tided ' lie [du e an (I v t m n; r : w if- 1 - H V 01 1, V of shots f rom v. i ? ■ i A M v -h• nof s h • To' 1 r\ v 'l”•|ne v ! 1'ii two (j,,., ■ t i v * s \\ or shot, OIK • SIT ■ • ■ :!■-' V The t oM <■ aftxr 1 '•n^ ’n ^ * V ^ nif • and intii •1 :> 0 : rn r t ri>' y,] n: • ! n* One of the Colored Porters on the Train Shot and Killed and Wound ed Another. Southern Pacific train No. 1, the ovet land limited, westbound, was I held up by two masked bandits at an early hour Tuesday morning a.t Reese, nine miles west of Ogden. Utah. One ne.-ro porter, William Davis, was shot and Instantly klllel rind another porter, A. W. Davis, was moftnlly wot.r.del. A passenger was slightly wounded. O-io hundred passengers on the train were relieved of their valu ables The robbers did not attempt to et er the express ear but devoted their entire attention to the Pull mans, wb«re they ma le a rich baul imonv •’« Ua'lfornia bound pas- ,,,11.,, u ■ci. ug t ti-* r un for -not - than an hpur The tnl-i nroeee led westward. No -nesti-eer es aped the robbers and 'be trainmin also lost their monev aid jewelry. At 12:20 Tuesdav nrtm'ng Uondtictor Uunningbam ad vised ti-.e super'nten 'ent’s office at Me en of 'he hohlrp. The sheriff and potfrn department were imtnedi- at, Iv notiflci and i>osses left the city f ,»r the “ceor- of the holdup in auto mobiles and on a spe'ial train ■'os^-es front the ne .rity to.vns are c-i ing toward Reese. Tan ma-keid men atoppe 1 the train t th» li’Me wat-ring station by -’■rn-.-irc (be red Hg’-t on the signal -'and towari the apitrnach'ng lo’o- t ve As It came to a standUilt 1 e '.and covered the engineer ami 'fi ••enTrtTvv rH'”"tbei r revolvers an! held ’'■m until the conduetor rushed up v in-rw'tg t,» t'-e delay. He. too v ■- I ’a -ed and g"ar *. One of 'he rob'-ers left the train- THEY All LEFT A Household Remedy A Trifdy (f ike Old Ocean Tbat H.s Rcmaiifd a Dead Secret. Which Worki From Outside WHAT BECAME OF THLIH? ; he tot fcuR in the 1 o-hond vac 1 fed be 111 rt, -v i n g 1 1 n, n f u r 1 r»‘. pPo^Ofl rn ; m : for. viHUn .1 ’ * t ’ e ix Inc* ha 1 as 1 c", O'lfe be d ''t :r. ^ ‘i ■ 1 • t f. 4 , »* f v T - e' - 1 1 n ’C u r 1 t a ■ ■! tan: if! t h y -cl . ee t at l f'.e as .a„ !k : r It on>e an i we r tiumb.r of .1: da Win - r ' ‘ - fo- IC'.g i' ’ at n ' t I’P' a t ' t T pi a - -it- c • r. t: in citarue of T, d t lie f .’o p'f»ri .Y ,'.1 ■ U i! ■ is '-ompan on and tir'ed through the train from the forward et.d. lie encountered two '■rt rs on tils wav and when they ! : r'-canb d his comman is he sh 't ■ >• 'own acd vxour- led another A tx lo ts a.•'-a nger a', o was wounded ! " (• ,b<i-s a■ o 11 si •! the oc ipatt-y f : ix- cars tod when t'-'o holdup ap ,•.■ r■ d w'h an open sack an I a tyren- :'.g p.-fo'. th' pH'-S'ti era wrrir per “• • H- v. .il'r.g "o contribute /fo his db t on He went thr ugtr the en :••• • r.itn. .-to.'i-tng at every herfh o.! ::: a!; 1 "Mf i d d t,. r ate rfe t rch Af • - r p|- • ing tbeir w/>rk ti.e ro.,- j- • d ro v •• aw a v in a At b'.-ie \'o :f f. ur ■ V-s ^t-om R->*se they tv.1 g'rls w y. wcr.- n-f nrnitie i •r /■ ■ ■/•' f- 1: .-d he ) il in. ■ ’/ - ■ /- I • ' r I ’) vl > 11. .* M • :i : o . ’ 1). n »* ! 8 t' ;• ! 1 li. -I > * • t i<» r- Dr I.un 1v v as "Tiie U ' • r retn s rk .1 til lahed in tiie "to Ha i . Hit li de , .- f o r v . ■ •a' , rd ’v e -s t 11 > ■t l- V. I -I' The Mysterious Disappearance of the Officers and Crew of a Schooner Found Sailing Along Which Has Never Been Satisfactorily Ex plained or Accounted For. The mystery of what became of the master and crew of the British bark Inverneshlre, which sailed from Hamburg for Santa Rosalia, Cal., and waa found at anchor and aban doned off the Falkland Islands re calls vividly to the nautical minds he i of H ' t-r'g M i--- ''ete , \>w York. f oi nearly forty years the prize riddle of the sea. The Mary Celeste sailed from New York for Genoa with a cargo of pe tro'eum and alcohol. She was com manded by Capt. < Benjamin S Briggs of Marlon, Mass., with Albert G. Richardson of Stockton, Mr, as first mate; Andrew GrIPng of New York as set-on 1 mate arpd; E.dwgrd, William Head of New Yofk. VolkWt ’.orenzer, Arlen Harbehs. B. X-d-. renzer and Gottlieb Geodshood, all of Germany, as the crew. The cap- t-'ln's wife and small child ykere al on bbard. -/ The brig was In flrst-/la«s condi -Ion, well manned and/well equlppe.' n every way, and ynen she saile' 'rom New York ort November IT ’272. tbe whole lyhlp's company w - '’appy and con’ented Yet none o' ! hem w as eveX again seen, dead or alive. The ^st'k was found on O' oniber 4 .dff the Azores, driftin. aimlessly/about In light winds, with her head sails set and all her othc ccnvu^/dow n. re was nothing to show why e/nad been aban'oned or what ha! ^orrte of 'rer peosde Site was th - bund lay th<- brl r L>e1 Grat,a f'ou New- Yo'k for the Med;’*' ran. a ■nd atfcr n caref il eran-.lra: on Ui • 'In M lorebou^e of the lie' Gratl •'lit a prize crew on board an 1 see her I’-to Gibraltar where sh, arrlv- 1 on De'emfcer 12. Ik72. an! »a turned over to the almlr.a'ty co ; • Iter ow tiers ref :s>'d to pay the heav -.slvage demanded and let the salvor, • ako her Among the officers' eTe'"» wh-- b were sent home w as the ;::,V •'» ! g i" ! this, w 1-h other art:, ',-a v .1- r* Mtrr., >1 ’<> the father of t il'o- t ^ e 1 :■ t e The"!<»'e A* R : " , ui of St o 'k t on O’i e -'g'-'.tV .ir • a ■ -< 1 g,-. ti.e bis' w ritten. a; >->• i - w e log: " Fat-nv my dear w : fe Whether 'iiese w ords w w -!•-• • ■ v t'- e mate merely as an , - . CHESTOL {(Chest Ointment) Will Relieve Quickly Croup. Coughs, Colds, Pneumonia .and all (ections of Ch^si and Throat Its sSslaacy has b««a sstsBllsfis* »t« sraitl»*i> ssw- * ibs large asm Mr sf uasgllclts© tastinaoBls’s fi»*» * T 'a*»> *»» used this ratusdy Use Freely and RUB! RUB! RUB Now sold hV all medicine dealers Should be in every Mont 25c Everywhere. Man wanild oats cussifx- column BIT HE GOT FIVE THOUSAND BUSHELS OF FUSSY CATS. iil stitutlon of Wrong letter In an Advei tlseuienl Causes Trouble ami I loods a Town. Tbe sub'll'ution of a lower-ca<t) etter "c" for the letter "o" in an 1! v erthemynt in the Sioux City, tn aiia an 1 local newtpapsrs ha'i , s> d .1 vhn C Trotbers. a grain o-pr'hant of Nellgh, Neb , all kin is of trouble. T rot hors, wishing to replenish hU ■ p v f )Hs. concluded to adver-, Writ ng hla adve-t!rement on , t-. r - r ‘j.- r , he manifolded It and o; b-s 'o the newspapers aa fol- | 1 ru„lied (I'oTei 'le I - r.,r t miHry - One nun re . u ., » v j » flvs &uu,-,ret, 141u.iid.s F ■ '' B'v»- iHUcr. I.nhtco'i. v 't nve-'v Mill* g* U t BUe Flour, 1'Hi 'ox*, Ric.*. Flour H».> Gi vin Bran Chops C. S Meal and etc Albert Bl* choff and Co 3 1 FIGa'.etl, -4trs-t Ubarlesti'ii S U Uollirli ,ell muu ante, ,I lxi»«- ! V* ^er d-n r., h l ” Vt»ke 12b dall) Full or xart fmi Hegu.iisrx Is- vestlgft't '’loti* H s’- r> Box 4 0 2 X W-St )'•: 1 ' telpti :a I’t Girl or \Yu:i no. • 1 h pay -X le. t -ft -g as A ’dr- .-a (.lute f-e*- K- d o I, i!;.; a- t Go ) 1 'illative. :a!l r r- ■ roirhe d .. I.on- k t,d el ■■ d De’ivered on track at The Big > •'-"ui t 1 o bushels of cats. Will' s’ market price " ■ -'nr the error he awaited j \ l -' t, 1 n w wre» ,• .. i » hu 1 descriptions com | 1 arr vc consigned to Troth ^ t tv r \i-< u- ) Gul u ill ’ ’ i l'»« • v. * * ■'( e -iB • bus u- V\ '. ■ r r.; ‘ •■> ,jred d# SKltvr* at > i: on v ru *B,-* \V r « It V\ ' Uoluri: k S (’ >me w e-e sent prepaid and V. . r v II A'111 IN ■ U; I \ f't U.I K I \K. m w )i: !e » i; p k u IN. A 1 >i: 11 g I.e-!) 111 11, r Homo But 1, Routed. a , n a rt-orr et.t of ; a" en a' 011 ’ to a in!' ■ : on 1 \ (,. • con J,■ t u re hlf g else •,bo ;» ’ h» 1 1 KIM » 1» ms (.1 | ST Mlsttvok Him f<>i u Biiglur und Nlmt Him l><nd. M •nd.a 1 T at b | ft-e -fix stair of min I ;"--v .r ' .ir * i . , ■ r 1 -v fixn s 1 ' • was a ‘ • *i ” : (* h ' r* t " r ! 1 •-rift ia a - ,V ' • r v .J ♦ • f!S f**'J t ' V WHS Nov ,' ■xbxr 2 t ■ ;r. r" i ru a' ' d v s I , t i-r 'hi* w as boarded “ }’i:. s "i s | t',. IH-’ fl r ft f a I r s - V- Uv-Sherlff K T Hbk 1 ! • ht t hot ,1 ml k ' Bed Jon \\ t '» gitest. ndi-tak'ng-h:m for a -urc ar The 'ragedy occurreil at lllrk- 'arm. four m.les from |),, I u. i',i •Vvatt got up during tix ni-’tit an 1 'eft the room while l'*^ks u ij 1 -sleep. The ex-sheriff awoke a shot t ! 1 !me after and called several finx’sl 0 the man whose dim out'ine aw Upon r Tetv ng no an wer, hot Hie unknown W), n Hi, ougiit to aw aken Wvat:, Ixmi t ought still In I •ed. he ’is over •,! had killed : is friend The d.-a 1 in Ivel on an adjoin tig plantaU. licks Is prostrated ov, r t'-e tiTa.r ■ r ■ « .n 1 no s- w .1 - s, I a: | ■, X ■ • ■a tv Vs f 1 e s • our I iiu I!,,/ ' ■ v, • n ft y/k ,"v ■!/,■, 'e .l/i ■ ' ■ d i /S ' , t '/ .• V -I ! W ‘ 8 t ■ r ■ v, n nn a"• \r ■ f was . til -■ ' Al ’ ‘'•T tll'Jl c d »v y• ' jerk, I • • in , i :ru atx: ’ n r , T ‘ '' r ' ll n a !c a r> ' it *' ■ r 'f|! V. -a :g,- 1 m e- her he n.a-le ' v x h. Sh ■ cq v 1' a f: a ’ r : t r ■ t •'.) n < v d 1 v» d h it. I -u* txalf ( h w as done u;, on p. ,1 >,./ m ,/Hv Ousliexl in Utinic. j F're an I panic, w hile a New Y*' ./\ •eliglous '-piebrati 'n was 11 pnerri n a church on a haclcnd.i. n ar .uls Uo’oso, Mexico, cost the ilyfs o' eventeen and serious i-ju-v 0/mo r - ’an eighty, chiefly women a/d ciii! Iren. The church, who-ly w is a mall affair, was ;a-Ved/t.n its ui -ost i-.apa iiv. In the ci/ir:e ef -he eremonies. a c,audit* /< 11 from i:, 'ocket and ignited a n/:anti v of ,iiv noss. with which tbfi bud 'lug w.m ecorated. / Remorse i’rompt. Suicide. Stricken wl'h/ro:;io>>e after he had 'hot and kiibyi Henry G lbr-ath. Ins neighbor ne,yr Ufnirle. Miss . IDs r Tonea, a .Xa/mer. fired a liu'.iet Ini - his own h/xd today. He is nrl ix !>ected to/r.-edver. d t -i 1 U! t r , r "it 'th " od (v • t )u v :r e r t ’ row n \s ’he u. ■ it'ie v -ig-d ! o-t-t-.inv ,-r ’ ■ ! er ' o •;' , ■ 11 f." n' • >- NTT’ t ' > *• • ‘ 1 «n •h ' / v ' * • * • f f .0 !. f *' a Hov e only nhrt necessary to bring the sun-face for sn observation, would he observed on a fairly dark nigh:, where,ip the officer of tlx* submarine ciyiild readily distinguish a man-of- ar. Many attempts were made to reach the blockading veiseis of the har bor, but as the nearest lay twelve dies away, U wits found that only under the most propitious conditions wout!d It be possible to go so far out ana, get back under the shelter of the fort* before dawn. CoVidltlong seemed, ^favorable on j upon the p >:x, the lyth of February, lSfi4, how-!low. ever, and late in the afternoon the As the 2ie Hunley\ slipped silently toward the harbor tipouth, never to return. It wa*\ not until tne ciose of the **. >• i-x ’ O d • ■ V ’ ’ .■ :< d :! .* b-i ■! : •d> to di''o ’g, In "ix fa*-,- ' r ■ pxi'd jxi n resis• fiin e -ind. [icpre ! nt Hie in m r gun? n t : flamtiiowev- the !>ni! !ing to the top Mo 'xrroritxe kept 2 o'clock the w'l’ole , , iut'd:-i dimes and the d, sp -: ado, k. tfrl'ot] to 'he roof He--e t 1 ■ " and tjie so ni. a\ s > \ r > ':i '' ! S ( i ’ir-rv ■fi tic w n ’ O V h* -- , . T ., rj , ■, r f ■' -■ d f hr f > r r 0 r* r r! V \m ."p: : * ‘-cots O : :\ i S \v u; ’ to In ’ ‘ ' n »♦ ; n ■ v TJ dr *1 * 1 s’ • t r,' A t V th • = v ... « ‘ ’ - * . ir i X ■ ■ •■ • xrfflWI • ,-* r - v] •n ! - ot .!• A • r; , \ . : , ’* , ( . 1 ] x 1 fie '• It if* !, •fie , ’•■fen ! r- fa ! t. of t. rrit H’ M- t fi K • >n o ’ 1 nl .• .u fi- T ' : r r \ « r ,'W ’■ IV AS a-: ■! •ui:; y' t ■ , 1 !iV <'M in s - r ' r \S' . , . r. ■•Pt ;> i K r, ’ 'k ■ i: ; v ' -1 t! K in ' :i ' U ' ' y • !! ard ix 1 : !vc up ? '•» ^ a* r: ri , > f At Vis 1 ' n on then fain' • 1 . 1 ,1 1 ■ r-o • •• of he' f i'l a ’ t ra ' 1 her • "•1 r w ’ov ran info the room. T 1 ■• )■ ru' 1 r 'll"'- e 1 out f .r w'n- ow end .-<<• i ••ed It is !Kdl°vel t'mt “ 'as on til- fa e tna'ks of tiie h'lr ' bv Miss U n ' -n The art!- :rten 'ed to take away were found onfsTie the w 'n 'ow b V| xv I”, 1 ud■',] a 1 i r :e n 1 -ii'ie- of w d- 1 n : 1 ■- n’° l.e’on'i n g to a sl-ter ■ , s tr 1 r r : * ' o eh x V IT ''ni a c’u-' not in' h s as y t devel- is to vho t'>e l)"rg , ' , r wots or in what Hrert on he has fled. ,-d ’a f T 1, irsd iv. \)- 'o t ' as !;e -n ma 'e t>' l.lve Stock lj«->t Yx-nr, T'x-re was shixpe t info Uhicsgo Hr 'ng ibid, t 1.920.20/* head of live ' h acmrding to the ai-.mial ro- -nre-of the Un’nn '’fo'k Ya r ds com- ■ r \ lost ss-ied Tiie report sl ow s ■ n iniff-xe of 14 1.000 rattle 90,- >"ii c■ * 1 ve.s rpfi-.oon sh-ep and a de- 1 re i'.-e of 1’,! 7 700 ho s and S2.00O ' 'r-x' as ompired with the previ ous year It fo.-k 2ftt7,700 ears 'fo '.x 1 the Mve s’oek. which Is valued it f2■/b.o00 0Of,.o00. g was n 1 in 1 lx*. - h< > fV e ! !,ers be l oi-nd in Sivamp. T'-e mrUatlv decomposed iiody of | 'ohn Owens, of Amer'cus, Ga., who j r- xntly iisapnrared from his hom-i, ■s found Mxii ’ay afternoon In Mm k j'.'e Swamp, lb: ex mile* from that i td x-e. It is t'eBfved tie w andered itToni home while temporarily out of j ‘ ! s mind and died'from exposure. ane a ' d it a p • > a -ed : r :■ 1 ’y ranne ] y ■ k .-n i ro-n a !,, k e- • ( ! tl i I' ? v> as n s e tii but f >r ' h >- 1 • s' , r:t ry in the !o- . t' * * men cor 11 ave swor 1 at y 1 < Th.-y catne from the the North and South lie Sort K w e»te-n r uu ed He » h* be'tig B .■ s cais Bnd wire I itie n !,-nt for instruction* Th«' Nottli ■'Ih>, ■ >• knowing what el»e to - vs 1 b u k ■ j i’t’'-' i-e a ’ .•*•* not accepted " 1 ’ n a-a con’ nuel to arrive and • o' *- • r,-'used to act ept the * , 1 s , ro p'rs did not end • » r* ’ x s a .1! town ha ! learne ! ■ -s In ’ 4 -e ma r ket for cats e"■ ed to eaten the »trav* • 'm-m to h's p’are of !,u I- ■ ■•: ,- uvs l''»t * ex|i he re n v as five hundr*! cats n by ,ov» and th'ee and . 1- m 'iiv coming by rai! -• m ,','■! tlia' 'ully five tho *-■ ‘xsv,* ben shipped into N'e- •' c end it md yet Thev i.rui- As :■ '■ c a nr since «nd the cl-v ■ : — a •<■,,( to take tel'on and s’a ghte-ofthean!tn»* ' 3"c ss Dotit,*' *»U* 1- If* ( 4 III p 1; . ‘i 1». t a ( Hull 1 • ,1 t ■ r < a A ■ . ■ 1 - , i n < f ’ A u fi' ^ .1 *'•».. I'hft't f*l ft • ■ / - • ♦ *+tJ * for i c S - V ( I.* Box 11 ,1 ■ Mu 111 n,oi li R1 ■ ■ n I x t t,, \ > \\ o' ' ' . ft n ! • - , ' ' - H i-M * ' ' ’ » r ’ v 1 ' ■ I . » - to. of miy m ■» u m e II • • 1V A. t. t 1 ,1 »» e o fair lamp g ’ on* 1 - i) ;<-e ■ ,-r I C. a Bi \t K BEI T OF < Kl KLTY. K e.v ,8*nl ‘-.r. 1 been abandon'd w 1 ;*:i hear Her running rig • Kg w : - I -■ rope'!v mad,- fist and six’, li’e,) n»it'y on deck or over ' ; ns The , ompan'onw avs were a''- ■ •: r x e t m . s c la. ir on t 1 e r 1 of 'he ilfle rii.lret ore.ill n til a’-’n and -hildre’Us' toys w er.- s >’ -,rel upon the floor In the .r •in's p'lU-room his go! I wn'-h h.r/ it the heed of his i.erth and in h ■- I'e .ft room the Impress of a chl' i - 1 e.ftd wit. dlsflnet upon the piliow In the cook's xa'ley the copper were on the stove, and meat In x-" ess of prepxrat on w-as on the ’al,', In the forecastle t K e nien htl no* ■ilMurbed Ihelr cho*'!*. no efi,thin- ■ as mlss'ng. an 1 even money h , I been left he'-ind It was pla n tha •he crew- had left her very f iildeniv That the boat was lowered away ,v a h irrv and with some eonfi sion w ir !n Meted by a broken davit. In the 2k year* tha" have e'a: sc 1 since the Mary fi-leste. was a'anj 'oned 'ountles* Ftoriev all more n\ lee* fanciful, have Ireen written aboxE ' er. and numerou* tlteorde*Uiave !• 'ey. advanced In explanation of . this greafe*! of s< a riddles. MutTny. dis- etfe and piracy have been sugece'e 1 In 1S77 a story was 0! cuRtcl to the effect that Mate Richardson had been seen hiding in the West IndT*.' and that he and member* of the crew had murdered the capta'n and stolen many thousand* of dollars that tU,-> v r-s'cl wa* carrying. As a'er of fact, the Mary CVir*te carried no money of Any amount. Tho oryly rrxsonaiile oxpl.anat'on t* that htyr master and crew fiecam,- Rut tile* ft ‘Han J.trr of Bird* in the South for Millinery. •1 »< J,.c • ’lift #0 t I C 1 I » ' ♦ V,, ’ V 8 ' - * 4 f - - Hi' | i " ! f r » • A r’ * r 1 .o< ,<l 1 1 V ft > 1 ' • \ , ! • r. .. ] tl vrUons of the Soutfier: * OV. T| ' (I • * • H t ' , ■•ft due o 'a , s a " eiHed "the bla k belt of m, d . i- • * + \ ’ 1 ’ . c r t Ue • ,* f :n the magazine of an Ainer Up' 1 ■* U . ft , r , f . ft-.d , an >■,:,■!> for tfie I’rxven'lon of t h © «f t 1 ♦» V . * '•• ’'v ’o Anlmaia iasued fr m New ’ . n 11 v r r • C M ! orr V..ndiy The bulletin take- ni i k • « , 4 , , , ' * ^ fii ’ n n ’ ;. :!,e ; laughter of blr la for nillII- for pric /m 1 • yi B Uftr’i’ <•: . I• h >> a In [tart: Box I 1 u UI v r .. V fi "Tfi“ strut l.| r d laws of the Nortn an txvir (ount for much If our • n oulrr to l ri 1 r• '< 1 mi • b f fi r r i ‘ <■ itfiiT* d neighbors hive to face an Si'rex ii , ' I " 4 ’ , - d vt 4 rd,• 1 ! o’ si. it and unmerciful cruel- fle d t’8 ^ : *■ O - * » v in the'r winter abode* In Geor- h t v# no* ■ I ... ’» ! - a c.n 1 t 1 e t'.irollnaa the wholeaa'o % 1 . © •% ' • W * •» * 1 '• : of songbird*, protected in h"u•’» r■ <! 1 ^ ■ fi < © <■ v orth, i* widely practice 1. !*r » « r t 8 ,,f ..f .4 •J i ■ © n <1 On » > "It is in ordinary »ight to ace ne- l' - • 1 «(■» •' '. 1 ' V , !t B k ro ’o s conilnv Into the town* in 1 ’' 8 Tl f ‘ - . r l , • M r « t Hu* early morning carrying long • t ■!;: - ; of de’d ro'-iin* Some of our er' ie 1 son. bird* are netted at v\aMt<-,1- ■ >. ( ■ H-ri' roosting ground* and thousands re « Hietirne* secure! In a night, Viflv tt'x c 'b-e !drd« be'ng used ana 11a <>•’.»' * t v row u away. " VourTiing dove* which In North- -n States are preserved by corumen ui' -nt bv sportsmen and repay the our: sy by diligent work against inset ts, are tr'-p|ied by thouaan's in - 1 k* Mith. F’lorida has been for g ■a-a t'-e sceno of the barbirtc v’a 1;g tor of the snowy heron* and •re's, tin'll the beautiful hlrdft are Sotitlivveftt /,«><,: uiu's t ,i v * C h ; : d 11 • h a r * )i« » IVoor* and l'> «''d six : xX .. I -irr-hcr C'n -’• 4 • • ft *■-- «. * >... re ■ ■ v e : v "1! •- * ; , l.oruSar » , MIHwork und w|,o“e watchword b Qua Mr . ,v , , 4 1 her "x ix; . u v v a '. for price, m ,,, > , , «>,’ ■, 11 ow the verge of extinction ■it,-'I l.and 0 '.rx«< flu.'ti farm inr band -n »he s'a’o | no acre. B*r"-- in.— ’ S«n submerged, by de*d rock- >ry that any !• should be de>, when she could lit, dive end then with th* obeer* probability enveloped U-e ho,iso heavy explosions occurr,- i^ T l e>e an- parently w-ere of ar - iini'trvri w-iih which the terrori-ts seemed to have war, wbitn divers examined the! been well supplied. The fire im- wreck of \he United States man-of-! Perilled the neigbl; irimcd. U Tfi the war Housatyinlc that the fate of the | besieged hoi| 0 e In flame r i!,e besleg- ■submarine was surely known. Then **fs temporarily suspend-'d the tiom- It was (JlseovWed that, when it last • f'ardnient and set to work to rescue the Hurley hid-re*ch«d h*r foe, de-| w <’nien and children from the ad- stroy©d *ad dektroyer had gone down , joining buildings. The zoxe of dan- together, the \ little ‘ craft being ««r had widened so rapidly that many dragged down *- v - ^ “ * " - Kiiltd by Explosion. HuhTt Schulz, aged nlncfeer, alarme'd by the ntmbiinr of the r.,r-| , v'’s l-Bied Monday at Yatkum. Tei., 1 go am!, fearing that her deck* -voul 1 ! w i,;!, firing Anvils In celebration bo blown off by the accumulation of 1 New Yct’s day. An Iron ring whicn copAned i-as frotn the potroleum and j’.e p'aced between two anvils filled fi/cncol. got out of her In a hurry. I-v ith powder tnirst when the explo-, /it I* well known that oil cargoes i enm recurred, a piece of tbe ring ronfined under tightly battered !--''riking Schulz In thb, stomach ano fi '*che« will generate gases, espec-1 p.isHne entirely through the body. witv the firemen had made no a’ icmpts to clay the flames, but whep ■'ally when the vegael is pilchlng a"'! it was seen tlfat cremation onlv . tolling In heavy . weather, and tnat ! gases to escape, as Is often done. ! i awaited tho occupants of the lyouio. 1 th P R P gases, thus confined, will enure j Assuming that the Mary Celeste's 1 Uollce loappcfor 1 McCarthy crent 1 a" loud rumbling noise like distant 1 people left her in a great hurry I alarmed at the danger of an explo- under hi.-fi -'■-•/■ wllh good fiuiidir e'e 4 :.0 1 r,. s r yellow U)n*- tfiai enough h.r: "n' in • to mot e 1 h u. , ■, poeerty, I 12 n-M, R. R I * X f.|.x .4, I tn S'elB o! id::,, OlltfU 1 |Mc; q ,,, f to mirs 'f von iv Urine t'hl per h..;, rash and bafi'ip. pivnmnt* at fi per ,, n' T A A ant..\ t 1 u of cpltivatlo- * * d" p w el. r ' n- ntia lea' ''■IB turn ou i hi xx year* f i I h. en • I r, s f -om A. G 1. m's an 1 rollng. Bcter ar' r -"x •> [Kopert- '• n* a .a . y i It '•' I’ h one bal' In *•;.ree year)' intere«i h . th* suction of the I n * rfnn * w, * r * '*"ue ht wtthtn tf* tt m Dp to til© tin© that the roof gavts Inspeclorj McCarthy crept ‘ through the narrow street and forced thunder. •he front d-'or. There no sign | The log of The Mary CelostA con-jKlon, the n-iestion arises. "What be- | from within. The- last spot of tiie tains numerous allusions to rum'.)- came of them?" The theory gen- idetopders had been fired. Firemen Pngs below decks, and Indlcu’es a ; rr,Hv a-ccpteri by seafarln? men is ■ brought up a hose and presebilj f- ar amort? her officers and crew tea' ' H-ey tried to make a iandKg or. ;were enabled to' enter the ground an explosion would take place. Fvi-;tbc Azores, and that the boat was floor. The place was flooded and benty. If .his theory holds, Captain capsized In the heavy surf, although search for its occupants fie.-un. Boon Brtggs did not know that the dan- there Is no record of either the boai it was diso^rered that six bodie* had f«r might h«v* been averted by re- ( or any of the bodies ©ver having b*«n | 5.MS BOOK. S I ORF. ‘mowing th* hatch** snd ellowing th* found. I Orangeburg, 8, c. POST CAf-.n hFALFRS Write its for pr: ■* on T> ' Cards — Eas'er, d'jl’-a ino^.i 1 totmc. Non* 'heaper.