i V JL.XXX1Y ISAllXWKLL. S. C.. THURSDAY. DIX'H.MBKR 22. 1!)1U WANT BiG ARMY Sjys Ibi> C u :tiy is at the Mercy ol Any For iga E emy Says REPORT TO CONGRESS PUIS BULLET IN WAD WHEN HE IS CORNERED R\ POSSE OF FARMERS. MAY LOSE ONE NO FOOD FOR A WEEK (j^VE ’£M A TALKi 1 ™ 5 ELEGr 0fF1C£RS A Rtaira'grmert of Corgrrssional Dis- Ifids Will be Made, 0»-n('i;R Wood Coiillims StartliuK Dciails !io, in .-in Examination i of p arft(ll80> Kan., securing $2.Mm Before l!ou>e ('o;nmlttee. Points A Daring Rank Roi»ber Takes His ! Own Life When Escape is Impos- NSW CENSUS FIGURES slide. | Earl Ward, 3 0 years of age, w no THRILLING STORY OF A SUR VIVOR OF SEA TRAGEDY * A Breery Editor Id (be Senate Startle the Grave Senatois. After Stantug a Week. He ^ets Onl For tli*' Shore Pursued "ii> .''.;iii.\ Sharks. After drifting for six daxs w.' mu i HE CALLED THEM BOYS GRAND MHM.E <^>N(’LIDKS AN NUAL SESSION. (irand Master .lames R. Jolinson Re- elei te«i—O I Hart, of Columbia. Ch..s» u GruitM S- t retary. If <’ongre-s Iik reiisej*j*tiiei) Basis of I this morning robbed” the State liana, w food on a derelict, Theodore And. Representation, Ax Is \ ery Likely, -on. a Sxx. de. f-x\»tai 'o s'i : e o:. I Out Nation's Weakness—Hobson Proposes National Defense Coir.uil. A .•o'i,c;}t r . port from the wai lepartii .c s: e\ ni ; that tlie countrx *.5 lirid'o;" :(»-ti eioA.eteJ against n\;ix.( r. ft .•,* Wed : e. J d ly as ci.c -t of Ali-ti i li i. He told a tin illitu killed himself when surrounded ,»> \ < 'Iranges of DistiiMs in This State posse of farmers, fourteen miles i . V id Cut Oil' One of Our Congress- disaster that had hr.nn 'tu d.- lexerj other niemi.er of < . i eii. News of the t!"'g. , d> . a • b , , I hero hv the stc:. no r M>> t’.e f >>!!••-a 1 Yss' ni dv at ■I do ni." .: and, alt* r v num- . through his brain. north of that place, late today. Ward's sulci ie was a clim ax to i one of the most sensational ro. b. r •> committed_in Kansas in recent warn : He made a hard ride f ir line] ty hut a posse of farmers surrounded hu i at sundown. Tl»*n he turned Lue vun he had bought earlier- in the day upon bim.mlf and s* nt a buhl* i v. •.or of e-mlet'em e- ami huri.ed tele iirn' d to tli*‘ •es a - \ .s ■x a r d-: ■ a r: m ■ n: on the ground th, ii On the body the posse found tlm ; r r $2,f.00 stolen from the bank. \Varl. | "ho lives nv»dv*» tnles northeast.: ... . hi ho...-e »ou.d not rece.-ve a sec.ret j^ent to Paradise last night II.■ .c re i o M ■!.. - r fnr*. ■on i>t .. i; i ■ ''y is w ■* a w . I traded only *.•:**•• ual notice. Th.s , ho saw' th- document | morning he went to a hard war*, st \\ v ! t : a a w : a lid bought a r,-' i' er re”'! r v O f ; ,nd ;t .'oil oT ro*)f v \ .:r •'o ; 1 ♦ hu liark, w fu-re ; ’ In! t'u- ! rt t> Hr Sen .at- '»f i. ♦* n. u;' , with the weapon f? n..i : t hi? i j A! H».r t!te -afe ! ■♦"1 a T" (\ th a ! t’l t* ca-n er at \Y • r *’Jl bf 4 . v* : th five U'l-n were m t its 4 i ■ A i, ret*!! and for. ■ * i •/rr^A t; :.•* H j .. ‘ ‘'A-t !• ,.e Pandit t! w Fi. h v\ «• * v-;: h k , n n v l, ' r I ' h \: " e r t ■ k i ru: t! 0*1: 1 *a ) a tl- 1 vat.' *. Ward walk 1: • • .1 ni” !' t* a'nr* ■. p.i .a ha.-ln : i • :i in ■'' •- n a :u 1 .er of c t rt r . 1 * ’ i 23 ’ •o . ) . so ro 1*. r; T‘- a! Co: t tune the n o Wa rd s d i "*•'! ion. and gnu:: , i 1. ii . - s < and m vi’ 1 s ! ! a' - ' h; d r*.'** iS' d A ns o! these (pntkly formed and s’ rted in p -uit • • • io- y b"- , ::e me At ! 1 - u - a * • d t ■■ ,• i I d.-f. ' -*“. I RIDING ill (\D R \l.(. Y(,r. - *. - \*'ting Man Run ()\*.r lo Timiii m. Dies I'lum Injury W U Fr t. * v a voccc c .p, ».•• *. ars of a -e. u li.. < e ... • V (* i s ’ 1 ne I SIM-;. 'i I" *“.• • iauc. I The !, :.dlc* was a p. ' u >u. ... State l jUntit tit .oti, reap- ' ot 'dt*** tons, tiie lluch Norn. ' *• 1: • :.' I’r.-' :: p o! t ::*• 1 i (I.i-e • w T s sailing down **:«• ((>.-• t 1 u u :’ tile l.Iii- I!| , onie *o Ereem:• n''•*, : :i si :st t u i K a r.f Tiie li’i , :.-v was hn'.’’ '> d 1 a members of the -r. w . x • • \ . s . . son and tli** teat l. d he. The little boat drifted awu> and "a - A.amped. All her o cupau!.-. wei tl row ned. The captain or lered teinji in after the din-mv. .• >- three sha-ks craixln: in th*- v: m* r* fixed, i 1.ater th.- Inuior dr:’''cd o'T re* f .and the , a;”' b e t board and tried to sw !•:: a-' was at' a. ked and de.i. ;r--d s'." rks Next d 'V hr. *,.••■ all in an eitort .> .a • • o k him one hour to - ' : ml h.- was pursue! by sbatk-, is< aped them. Many Are Drooped. 7 lie (PTman steal: er I';i!or*'0 'o'al v re. k off Cape <’b* r ■ ■ h ^ ' b.. west coast of (; . 1 r , .i. S , . *• | .-seiigcrs and . u *■ a .V t, *.. •mu. ro l.st. A d v ! .-s re . . ■ ; the \ eSS.-l - I ! ■: ' k .'ltd A ' ' • ■ c* s during a fl* r.-e e Ce lax! ! (• . : n O’l t ,. I-Ia it ' •'ll.' *, r : (it .•pends upon v^iie 1, : » h >.t i . .o p-esenr fe.‘S.-to« w »or ■ i ni!) out lit!! a- to * n .* i !' i a n aelnent of the Con- tl « !; t : ; (■ . S ’ .v HI be m tde St vk ;! ! Vr e e'F F' 1 r. t) be I* • V i*‘ O re t he elect :on of 1 t* 1 2 a * tin * 11 1 ■ 1 1 or tlie 1912 fcf- i ' i! M'f ra. > i > at the 1911 se.-- • V , * 1) ■> . o t repr* Fen; at ioa !, l! i 11 ■•iiS< ■ h- then k no a i. ... ' . L 1 ♦ •n ■~r.n : dis a.-s on t,..4 1' : tv . 4 ; t * r t .j> the ('.iluat (j! 1 it e N • v. - a.l I vv . , . 1 It* ' 1 [ ea 1 with interest . t > : , ix 1 ■' iS Is one lepte I u .... If I.** .nii nd • uti- r.-. an i on t ...- c •: o', ii a has seven *•• ; ! ” a ; 'p ' 1.0 .on of 1 - 1 . ' Ti.o S ate w i h * U t l - ; 11:.: 11 . si'...' • t on s Verta. ' ■.d in Wash- t. ,s.s ... :n. re.*-. ! S • u' h ' '.r o m • more th in [ 1 ' re ’ ! i * l: men ■ti * . • • if a :. t i . . e f t W ' "l I. M ■H il u . I , O' I 1 1 ' . TT < i' Y U1 N * i (.'ill i: ;m i i i .1 f t'.r.-r w. ; * I* ■ .,*:* U .v I ri i I . r. I'. O' .f r ■ t l : -- I l\ e ( . eni I ■ *■' h. r i; i Di; J\N YDI’ \\ I I I I'll \ -' : * I • I 11 ■ r D * i t • I \ ed I ■ \ I o ' o 11 ; - - 1 - e e \\ atiii on t orn Di -ph- \ veal i i r. i t 1 u■ : i asi I i.i.i' — 4 b — VI1 ( , ill,' i It. -1 h un ('ono: ii i <.l\ IN FOR (.OOD (WISE. .. . p. ,, j ."hex of th. j on? to tmp ‘ueato - ' • s"! ' t ■ m ,,f :*>.* ;; :■ a . i | '■ :'Ud-A.. tn e. ■ 2 " ' ■■ ’ I".I*, and this v 1 ' Is' a ; ■ • cnee: (he fake*' — . j trii'.ta. The dm*: h 1 hi. .i.l '-t mi I 2d dis- ■ ji Carnp.ip Wed'ie-d a v i ru " > o, ferfed $i o.nnn.noti in ;> p. r i e. '’ortgaee bonds, valued at ? t f .hon. hn ;si* tiie ap ■ he .e ’ ■ i i■* 1 report a ’' eo- • i, Med ' ’.e on! t 1 matte: and r>:8u:i omitti::g the in- l ' ’ '"'fi. to he devote I primarily to th- establishment of unTversal pe c e h . i i". aliol'tlon of war Ivetween imGous a*t er. aged 12. son of j nml such friction ns nny im.ui:"; •. ” cs run over and killer! "the progress and hapnines« of 1 i r ir-day morning at j man ” When wars between na’i *nst. ■ ■'*• Sout s **rn switching shall have cease I the fund is ’to k-.f 1 *:: i Di-tri (—Seven Counties. an f ed so ’ha’ i il I'.ii I i'.ix l on Rail. new a ran '.v'e),.., * of t . • ., .. 2''h2''| form th.- s:\ r s*", ,n d. • . ■ 1 p, 1 I 2 I t h“ ut-e I!, ay he 27.V* 1 j Tlr* e-nvl’e and Hp >r''it-h tra. • • . r 2 '.>, s 7 u ! hot h 'ti * thf< i * h ( ) ,• r ,* c 1 e'V: 17,7! N! '’bad ’o »•«.* !n:o : i.j*d ' While these two r o in'!* s a >• Torn' ’ P1 n . > . .. . 2!2.k"b !n not'Ula'ion attd *■• ■>:: < jd •[o'.:! I'.'iei . tpri.Rij rix.alrv between :h* n . ,:*• 1 t-heys* | re?[>eet 1 v*! v tfte *h*• *i .r •! ■ .■ < •a , ] ] 7 , mo • t tu.ou'ous conn »’ •* t* i >*. s siieak'ng on Rul«> R<‘liitiv«‘ to I!e- v u .1 of TarltT 1>> I’lecompul, .New -eii Du' ly His Rii'e/y Mannii .ami I jiiiiiliar lone. Gaiihes Sena- :..is in ( iisji for RiphIIi. ’ ..!••' 1C • it'.' I I* »*. f' f 1(1 V . : " ‘ i b.'.'l: a member e\ a 1 ’ ’ ' . ” ' if.* Si; ’ * -e rf -' - , - I.' a : d d to :: The 1 '; ! h .1 t tie I : : *,., :’ii r i I it ii r .■■! * v : e,., 1.1 ■ ! . i.i! Communication i,.■ i ; :e of Masons of ms brought to a w-iiu the viecUuu of it, * .d a as taken . a!' tt.e Mu - o is .n uie election, the . r'.-r of choos ng a 'va,ter .d Whitehead, of "a.le ton. under " appointment ol , ,tr i Master J djnson, the ofllce .. at: oei-n I.-:'! vacant upon the e: I d'l J ' Sell ■ : w ■ o m eh s pus-n ge j>: .rent res hiT'on chanong tl e- of the Mouse .anil Semite rll-j , ■o ; erati* pie emea! rev isiott of D.f, i.e Yidr! h t trill law. fir.a d'.'. a ml n o' e " thug h s toga when be arose h ' t to t '••« gr tve an I dignified S-t. Tom a -laudp*dnf of an id.to: | he :s la private life. '• Senate gjtsnml and tm-ni • d u !i* : n Mr Vo an g told t trit mo: \ V* *>':'.1 fee! T IleM tl W e; e ■ i ’o ad bm rn a!’ oget her f o• of t. BUT ONE ALIVE Gas ExpUsiai ia a Virfiaia Caal ■ Eataabs Maaj Workaca. TWELVE WERE RUED ot Gr*-eno MIim*. on Norfolk nM era Rnllway, Scene of Horrible Dinaater — Report of Heard Mile« Around—Reecae ty EuUm Shaft and Rodke Recov ered. As a rebult of an explosion in the mlueH of the Bond Co«TCtrarpnay, nt Groeno, plx miles eagt of Norton. ii-t .'secretary J T Bar- Va * ^P^nesday morning, twelve p , U !. le Mr Whl’1- ■bet their I1v«b. Thirteen were in the minen at the time of the plosion and only two escaped, one of whom died shortly after being takes out. On account of atmosphere and otfc* er conditions the rescue work had to-be stopped after nine bodlM had been recovered and the other two bodies will not be brought oat fore morning The dead wero Idea- tilled as follows: • i, ,t (it t -1 ion as "iu. cn i w 2 ■ '*••"' ir«.f ti . ! • * d '. and nut Coti-rcrs ruletl tie i*i: * ' rv ■•".'or Y' -ting's speech, which o* ■ t" • ! less than an hour, command ■ d -’'ri< ’p-1 attention h*. otl'u e mest efllcletUiy, it proved ^be the opinion of a majority of d••!eg ITS to the Grand LoOge '.iliat the position should be held by t matt living somewhere in the tn- •tior and *'on-euuently 0 F. Hart, jof r dumiet. was elected by a small i.'ortT Tiie voG- steoi 330 -to 7. AH other Grand Lodge officers re elected. Including Grand •er .lames R. Johnson W H. mb a t of f’harleston. who was • • t , * ed t * rin of the p. t •• w a -*.••.■. *: 1 d I • tsurer The Dl-trlct De’p- . Gr.-ml Mist era are the same, Roily of M i• « ( , 11:.■ I • 111, I i;i Rain N e ir III ( t \ n f*• r*■ ii e to e ! i tore .ami pr a ’ - . k as th ■* ri nl direitors of th. V of - ration w-.s foiluw* 1 - a v ow al if any Intent to of *'n tie called 1 his coHeacti*-- he v • T ■ 1 ■ I if with i ., <■ ». ' , ,, t 7 1 * '" H 1 ... ■ f ' "• J- tv f i ' n si . ’ 1( „ 1 ,. .. . : (i ’ i * ‘M’ f -■I " for W a ,1 • ■, ! i . i a eons.!.’ .»e: • . ♦ • ‘ . 4 t . . f ^ . * 1 ' ' 1 h ■ m Sea ito- " ‘ . ' 1 '. ‘ i ’ i! for 1 (it , i • , a V. t fi r the , c Y g sail ,t, . -i ‘ *. • ! : ; i. • I ' •*(*• f ■vi'h the exoption that Kenneth ■’akcr o' Greenwood was chosen for he six'll d -trlet, Y'lce J B Hughey, T <;r‘ w ood re-tgned Im- m*-Ii ttely after the election, the of- ht'ion cert iionv was beautiful and ol.-mn A’ 2 ■ h0 o'clock the Instal- ' •••on r.-re itun es were concluded ! the • * "tiers of the Grand Lodge ad o rm 1 to the Isle of Palms, * her., tt ev enioved an oyster roast, 1 for them by the Masona of I * • T D u n ers for 1t)11 ' 1'.. w : It are tie officer* of • : 1.0 Ice f r 1 ?! 1 : ' v *••• Tan.os R Johnson. ! ’ “' 'll • G- ift ! M ts'er Georg*- S .,■ Von ‘ ..rr* i' i;' nd U a rdefi - George T • >: t; • i • i ■ p v' R *• 1 ! r 1 Warden —R A ■ '*3 t.. : . r.,! w I U . *,, r Of .'.IV 'A : | ‘ • f ,4 : !M . - ! h it * r he t j •"I " e and di I James Barrowman, superintend- ent; William Ritchie, mine fora- mtrn P.owland, Charles WIW iiauis, Jt sie Ritchie. Charles Whip aker, John Rodan, Arch Leslie end John Ritchie. The last named and Charles Ros enbaum were rescued alive, bat Ritchie succumbed to hit Injuries. The explosion came without a mo> ment's warning, and It la believed . r. vi. r .- In-tailed. The lnstal-|to have been caused by sn accumu lation of gas set off by "blowlig* coal. The air shaft was thoqght to be In good condition and notkiaf of the kind was expected. The sea# mine, however, had a similar so- ^ plosion three years ago, la whleh Stl men were killed As soon as the newt of tho ex plosion had 1 spread to other aoarby mining operations, of which tiers are a number In the vicinity. reaCOS parties were formed and coavr tho scene by special trains vate conveyances, but nothing ooald- l>e done, except bring out the < bodies. Only slight damage was - done to the mine. The Groeno mine employes a! 3 5 men. V7 The wives and children and relatives of the missing men attracted to the scene of death h? ** the loud report of the exploatoo, and. weeping and praying they havo kept up ceaseless begging for hslg Is save their loved onea. When Superintendent Barrowmas and bis party entered tbs mIDS SB hour after the explosion they gatosd >*ome distance within the mala spaa ing before they slrnalley ’.s ssgf- r : ii '! r»■ r t ■ 9 , » I t r . * tr.T -\V H Prloleau, r.t:iry--0. F Hart, of • 1 “ .1 'r» * n ‘ n.i T'» u h!' 1 4 1 ' t 1 S *- /< % • r' • *»- ♦ | 1 ”* 4 * ) ' y y '■ < ’ '<•?•'- 1 S ,. i• h *>• > t. • • -o'. 11 -r 1 :' i'• !v - *• •• H. I M p . • ’ v ! • In' v v : •> ’ T'.'.'- 1! . r \* V H.T Mr • v- V' V . J." 11 ' I • < w . ' V t • l ' . i ’ *♦* f v ■ . 1 r r ■" v .- • -l pj, i;v, ,. . *. ,... ^ • J rj 4. v 4 # f •...*1 rh * \ < • r v a' ’" t * »t ■ »* f • r h,in ! * ■ tv! ’ ♦ a r t ■ e on —• iti*'|" •M * ’ f * ri D: ;9 0' i F * v '* O') ♦ Set . prf) ft *4 Iv free, ! nc* m R'-a ue ; : v w : h ’ liui were . » ‘ Y* M ’• s In t X* , -*'' ' Til I" ' - ; ' J * !. i» \v (• t ‘ »r nV : G .ti.J r-upTHn The Rev W P >f : t Titthurg ■ « :;o .* ve officers named .'*> :.s fn'lnwH Ren’or Grand • .>• - J P Du kott, of Anleraon. i>. * ' !' K ni;**v, of ItennettKVille. ' ■ " or f I r,t ml 1 'e .. oria - A H ■ >' Greenville, and C K r- ■ < ' Ho k. HIM i . J S’* w urdu- H T D I^tn . of I'uuli’ e. and L I Parrott, , r « • " I x'nr t: :1 —John Kennerly, t’e'J <■ 'ind Pursuivant J K Cogs- • of CTar I os'on G-m! I t lei U A Winkler, of T I, ]••. n n g ‘ \ i '*•'• f’"< \! r 1 1' . .Vy H. wo W ' ,^'| ’ ' * of f* .' ,1’ '1^1 'HU ' I f I ti, ' O'. V i x. -I y G •••••!" O d seventh. J B ]y r, f i 1 ' g •, l \' Pend I**'oit <■! htb. O R. • :i n - h • ' :■i.•■, u ■ id [.rod Kod 1 u - 1 ;i g t b e n *' >• t'-." Y n ’•t rt rr ^ •• - Hr 11; re ! Tl tint T : * T .t [lejuity Grand Masters— u G Mirvck. second, S. PT R.T' , >> r t third, Butler ( P.riiwell fourth, W. A. <* T* v ., Re e*h H F. Nlchol- enr* i'd •e'M b! sixth. Kenneth Bak- Dout- Doyle. ''\n -(,!• i’ '.*i■ A R Rowell, Pled- .>V terTb. W M Patton, Cross ' • ’V’. r i b".. titY-in Smith. Ncw- - v. t a . 'in. K g See rest, Lan- tbiite.i'tb Joseph Lindsay, i- ii.ji. f.A'irtet nth. I B Wallace. •: 11J " r: fi't,."n'h. Ira 8 Jones. •* »• . six'eenth. \V. E. James ’•■! r'.i'ivon a*.v *"’1 eenth J C. Sell- •t* e'G.teenth, V\ L. Glass, Or- t >,j, • * t on of business ! Th>* Di.'RT ought to bo revised, -div sstd i ‘ •* '•ontiiuie l, "as the President hai le- I*, f: i'g,-ted. In a sdontlflc way, one s G 1 Mr j d.ed il*« at a time, h h h*n*r>. j PomandTg *o know who was dls- uonid i r IRIsf’ed with the turiff. the Senator thoae i ! ■ I r*.] the time had come to end Rm Iff *1 s’its-ion He agreed with t .. rewriting tb ’. j x; heduica are proufte in j ’ uut'’* ? .t;e-*ded a r*-et. v f r nttatk-.'—Tt'bua al-I "Wiki!,] l.t Jm presumptuous for be r true and will continue t.,* •*»*• to sugsrost to such RepubttcanK as ,■ o tong, as there Is a duty on| r,:,v " tit tricking the tariff," he <<. • | mimrod "thaT^’lhcy leave that to *. -'.•iin*or cb i Hen cod anv mem-!" 1 *' DeTocr'afs. who are preparing to •n'n lP b.-Rof that the farm ,'ake oon r< ('*dvlne too nmeh for n:x i Gip i '’r* ■ idfi't Taft, he sal-1, that the n«er to stop Those outi. . • woRo# for further signals, but bods Tamr Hours passed, and not a alga earn* of the superintendent and hla soak nanlons, and It was concluded that they had been caught suddenly la at storm of heated air and sutfocatM. By 3 o'clock in the afteraoom foot unidentified bodies had beea Ukoa out. They were recovered by mlaon who entered the abaft with holmota that furnished freeh air. Later In the day T. E. Roaa, Ol the Cllnchfleid Coal Corporauaa, ao- sumed direction of the rescue work. Hn baa only a limited number 4f helmets, and Is making every poo# tde use of them. Near dark six more bod lee 1 recovered, along with one man Is yet alive, but whose condition 10 precarious He Is fearfully burned and bruised, and Is unconecloao. When the exploeion occurred whistle at th® mine wa continuously, giving alarm, all over the surrounding country. It yaa heard In'the small villages several*’ >W miles away and Immediately tho»*- . was a rush of people to Uie . A youne lady In charge of the tele- , ^ * phone office at Coeburn. three miles Rgii away from them the mine, heard tho,. ^ news and sent out a call for help. * ^ a 1 Cyclone Devastates Provinces. ^ ptorms of a cyclonic character are flooding a part o/ the country and the situation Is becoming desperate in the provinces of Malaga. Seville. ■V r : a: . I”'’",. TT fair hug cars a app’icd to such altruistic purpo-cs if ; s p,*, |, jHt Kluht (Ountiis. , Up to l!»on both xver* In th*' ; a . " '! <*f the York | "will best help man In It's glorious [i a -'Y Tho box 's bodv w.if • aacor.f onward and upward" by tbe b orn* arm and one | banishment of the “most deafrwlfn-t r ' 1V S' v cr*■ d from his evil or evils" then harrasslng nt.in- r,, . ::> ‘•ruioes being bus- kind. " , I! nr! ■*- ' He d*.Hired It has bee., j hhaM originate? Let me bus- .■ : :t .... d that the mid lb-man \va , :r,st further to such Republicans as '■ ’no it*, -t a f hare of the valu** i a 0 1 n fa v or of low tariff that they n products hr ess rhe ’matter with all their might all they can previous rch ami then would 2.ti,027 j diFtrlet as Coluinhia ! *.«,» t *> mfter tho middleman direct. ' j ' ,0 ° n' !,r 'h to a-k them to sub- . 3;>,r.71; The m itter of r- "str! •*ln- th*G T i, 0 * ,.--» *,f jfn? In attempting to i ,t '.° v their agitation and give 2 2.2.1 8t a e will command t e i r ■ n .. *n < 1 ' u r - ! o a r mon or>* 1 v nut net role ti rn e i he co u n tv a real ? ,; ■ • n product a I m 'I*' mailer v •If 'Vs bo •rue.” he domapd.’d I ao’^nj'Bsh al v ' v fi.-tke. at the pro l'mer'’ Whv : ro rh " Wh of Mar tf monop* ly put petrolenru eu j 27.I*it■» f.ie le* r a 1 atur** an! r y m r r*>,* ]:♦ The ref 5 n**rs imme 1 i- i 20.r,no, care and thought to wmk c!' Hr t Fire to a Barn. •'tri’.iT Ixillcd. Clnlm* t ile Se.'if, M Y' Hi t:i: hv t'g . Rohert C White, Democratic norn- D .lon.. .* . 3 1,; Sb fartorllv. . 37.P.2C, I 12,1.1 , \t io i :n a cla-h between | !nee f ’r Congress from Delaware at H St«'ve«l!>re Is Ixille.U ’ i• the barn of W. H. Mar- Valladolid. Badajose. Zamors m4 Corunna. Practically all ft* in these districts.^ have boa troyed and the people are throats / ened with famine. Railroad and tak/ egraphlc communications are br everywhere and it has been fo« almost Impossible to send to the sufferers. T—^ Freight Engine J. Fermier, aged 26, was instantly killed, Ben HUl. fil*« mar, was fatally Irfjured and Mas Reed, engineer, was serlb sfy hurt Monday night when a/ Mliaaonrl. Karras A Texas freight engine ploded, elx miles* north of DalladL^ ’ Texas. The boiler tfka lifted the trucks and hurk ♦he track T ., -•r.' nutf work, rs and police. r’ ■ ni.. w’s. shot deal, nn- ..'h-r ! 't' Hv w **u *: led and aeverTl Of ’ > • on lid h -id"? seriously t , ,1 Not ■; : 'm tn,->rg etn- • p I d >, ’• i." i-v 0 j. n cr An Co.. ■er- ' ■a * s< ot' r •. to a shop and ’ txing b* e : asss.ied bj the gtrik- er». Geor~e Moore, a Ftevo ''.f-e at ’he fi'ted. Why repeat this performance .. 233,1430, Champion compre?s at Wiln.'ngton ,'.n the rare of tho farmer and his . 20!,577 | was Instantly killed Wedn* vda v a r - ' pr* dnet?■>" , ^ ' ♦ertT'on xchllo loading rO‘toh in ; he W''b the declaration that tariff Jrc'CTe tin, near Septus, Anderson county, Friday morning. The barn, with contents, was burned to the 1 ground, entailing a loss of $3,000. The ne-! day at his Tight Shoe Cause# Death, ' Sebum J Jones, a prominent, mer of KershaKr county. I'l-UrtUL n; * um r iui uruu. wnn uiner* |«']«« would hare voted tor White. ■ fox rg. IXtvr te neap the town 113 British steamer St. Jerome', and’- "n logiwiafiop never ceuld be made per- \ gro said bo set the barn afire be-(Kershaw, of / 4loed poigott.. •b t—Seven Comities. , »,amb. another stovodore. wa» ««•-!- feet nor universally satisfactory, Mr ca-se a son of Mr. Martin beat him. t from « slight abrasion- • 2'-.3; « o> rly injured. The men wc-e in • e ''» n ur-ed that the duty of pub-' The barn was about’ the largest in [ caused by /a tight sho .''--"Di hold of the vessel wVn the storm- ii" r’rr and the public press was to the countv and coat $2,500. The ; was amputated at tlia 55,303 j hack fell In on them, Moore a Load a^ept the Payne-Aldrlch law and barn contained considerable food-'dayn ago In tbe u M 34,472 iavi^g jwn split optn. |let the omjntry get down to the trane-^stuff inf* " . 1