<■«' ,u* \' \ ; x . H? YJ|V)«i»AV. APRIL *: ■ K.-.rf.f.—i-r,-. - f ■>■-■—i UBMiyt^CKNCK^ OF ..- - * clfuth t»i Colwmhi* i»«l *v’N-k <’f t]i4. H»*W«!1 wn* «h« ruling aLtJife »jiit jMjj>- .:. ««nt r»i>foa\-ii. A> * SoffR®T »vf N«lt dofTwreil ^TvTtii*' wonTiTT;: Ttnn iifiww hi* fuM tfar* that fir*w mt he ImM s front o^» the bnt- ,tl« Uix f>P«-u« oaina he leturTnil fioiffo timtOmaTod. tn«l «troo^ in the faith of til* nnt’entry. At the «xe of ihirtv »lx jfdar*. In the efipreuio* effort to reileem ilie Hute from the misrule of theeirpet hauler «n4 thu M’nUwox. ho wu^ selected •'hairmtu of the Ntat** Den’.oornlle Kv- OelUly* 1 thunniUtfe Too wa* a heavy one, hut he horo'it Tiravefy arra | IfijUiJij'.. Under hi* wi*e xurdafioe fheimKHat* touched elluvwa frotu the Itlut) Ridge to the Atlantic, and- when tho jndU clpaeil In th • November elee- ilon of h<7ti-th? great victory wh« won and Wade HampCnn win rlio»eple of (tie Slatr,“vIiffrt iVTTTt eolorerlv to perpi tuate th“ car dval of •dtljiaTirirrupltoti WTrd pofitleal erhne, threw out tJ»e vote* of Ildg* tlehl and latnretiK t'*H«i»tlea, then-hy »-*eklng to Colville perrpla of itie trult* of tire cam- paRfo and to erwitlnite the ru.i rif Ke* puhflean l ulo. t'of. Ha»ftt II roae to the Ot. , ea*hin. 11' tnrnniooel all the tvmoeratle memhera of the iionae of ^ ita^r«4«m»the» to a ritwiiim to be held In Columbia otv tin' 9-turdar night |i evlona to the meeting of the General Aasembly. Tiny all name. Our per- toNal remlnl»cehr!<* may Drove in- tereatlag and tn«truetlva and bring homo to tho mind* of tin* younger p- o- frie the dtatre^sliig nondttioiH that vlght yeara of Hepublican ilomRiation had hrouglit upon South Oarnlimt. When are took the train at WUlWton on that Saturday iiMiriwng for t'.ili.m- hU. >« were railed into a car filled with priaodcra froTn" RirnweM and Aiken oountlna, charged wkh riolii.iun td Ute election law a, Ur. Itardeeu, a white Repuhilcan fixim Vha North who toad acttled near Aiken, wa* the drj)ii y Utarnlittl In ehiuge lie ak Ural dented wa adiM4*»i.iu, hut upon heUig told dial to* were of their Coutuel allowed u» and th* late il. M ’Phompom, Ko| , or Wltllaton^ to enter am) remain lit the ear. The boy* w>ie all chei»rfid and eonrageoH«, ami aa’ialhsd that Uiev had dmn no wrong and no on* nut Til! rated any uiiea»ln< **. On arriving In ColtMMhla thry vver*< earned ro thu coui.'y Jill. At.<-i an earlv breakfitat on Sunday mor dug we went to the j ill tivaeo them When we approached.the barred door that kept them from fraa loo) one of live uutidrer whom we hail known trim hhimd MAched out uia humL aahl, “VVe have not hail a mouthtid to eat tlnon we left Alton reaterdav ii’onvii.g.” We prom l>vd them that their hunger ahould t>* Hjilckly tpi'caaed. ami walked hack to Main Street. Tilt flrat ntun \vv me’ waa tho late (.ol. I^e Hago >y of eigara and variou* liquid a con* trllnited. An afternoon vidt found them all very cheerful, .fu lga Rryan ml the United Staley LHatrlct k’niii t (vml Judge Jiond of the CircuUCourt grant wd tliom bail, which waa reaecnl*tor, aaya this \n*r’* winter wheat crop w III be fifty nilllltpi bushels l««s than that of last yaar. If thnt shall he an the S >uth Carolina farmers who naked a few acres In wheat will be glad of their enterprise, even though tiie drought dl»appolnts their original expectations. The emigration of good people from South Carolina to South Georgia in- irnm the Blue Hldge ioJleanfort • He ccntly Anderaon County farmera have intd meTrlandf at from f lO t* tn per jiews Ntyns. mertcans ar - Am Tara wor re IwiyTng* million dol- of autonmblMs « day. Jas Chalyners. for 30 yeara eltv clerk of thg town of Abbeville, tendered bl* resignation last week S. II. White, V R>ck HIH printer, shot Mr Himes, an Insurance agent, and was himself palefu^'y e«t'about th* WtSfKRN' WEATIIKR Th^re waa a driving aanw atnrnu In Mtssonrt an Saturday, accompanied by pinchi'**Ver’* chair. Afterwards the Republican m- mbera eamc in and occupied the other vide of the Mali. An Inferior chair was procured for Mackev, placed by the side of that of Speaker Wallace ami the dual houses both cotntneiicod proceedings at m»on. During the continuance of the dead- bwde-DHHn i>oou-4W)XU.aililnlght of each 21 hours two Speakers.one a Deniomaf, ih*'other a Republican were address ing the H >u*e When one became ex- hamited another wonhl taka hi* place. The oratorical displav was contlnu.d until midnight. During all this Mine the nvembers sit with their lists on smok'nl as much as th> y pleased, hart iheir me ils sent to them from their A hoarding places, .md every white Deni cciat contrai-tod a'sevore. cold. - -Th** wrgnmiMits sd the fie moor jUk, public itud private, were sulllileutlv paweiful to civnvinco the required number of lt< > puhlii an* of the error of rheir whvs, they forsook their sinking |M>lit|i*!il i raft, glftd y accepted nieni- trerslilp In flu* Wallace House, giving it the maj.nitv which would secure its recognition as a Iswfnl lloune by the I ley a a Adoiinistration. When thisliad t>oeii accomplished the Wallace House at the direction of Hpeaker Wallace, withdrew to Carolina Hall. This was done to prevent bloodshed. The Re* imbHe*n rt|>e*ker. K. W. M. Mackey, had ticen lnf *rmrd by Col. Haskell at tlic beginning of the dual occupation of the House that H trouble came he Mackey, had been selected as the Hrat victim of Democratic vengeance Four brave men tiad been selected and instructed to take care of him. One of these, a man of powerful physique ami corresponding courage, sat day nnd night on the top step of the Hpeaker’s platform within six fevt of Mackey We aakod him why. He replied that if n colllalo i came It waa hi* purpose P> selite Mackey and throw him .hrough the n iudow. Gen . Hampton had also assured Gen. Huger, commander of the Federal troops In Columbia, that If a single Democrat should be killed not a m* m her of hi* command would be spared. t»on. Hampton had h force to make good hi* threat. Several thousand men. many of them Confederate veter an*, bad come of their own accord to Columbia, reat’y and resolved to win for homo rule or force the establi'h merit of ml'itary government. Many of them had brought g.ma of various sorts along, all claiming that the weapqn* n**cd repairing and they w ished the Columbia gunsmiths to pur them In good condition for the winter’s hunting Kvery afte-noon towards sundown they would gather in Main Street in front of Governor Hampton’s llrCe office n d call on him for a speech H-* would address them in a plain, mat ter of fact way, H«*uring them that he hail been elected Governor and (hat he would be Governor, advising them to avoid any conflict w Uh the mlliUrv foruts and to refu-n home whenever It suited their coiiveniei»ce. Representative John S. Vert'er was the Ur*t to enter the Hall (C the House stooping and «ntering under the arms of the doorkeeper* ami the Democratic pioneers, while the argument about opening and entering was in progress. Representative J*a Calllsnn of Edge tie Id wa* the champion Democratic speechmaker. havl+'f stwrken down t.vo consecutive Repub’ican orators, but he wa» so hoarse from the effort that he could hnrd’y speak above a whisper for a week. After their return to Carolina Hall the Democrats secured the election of Gen. M C. Uutler to the United States Senate. Governor Hampton took thqoathof office on a platform ou'alde of Carolina Hall The Bible that he kissed was a new one, bought for the purpose by Capt. Oha*. I'etiy of Spartanburg, and D uoiloubt now among bis most cher- i*hed treasures. After delivering bis iuaugifraTTiiTdreR*, Governor HamptOTr(“ r fere and bought from twelve to rtf teen thousand acre* In lower G0Q.rxlH.from $1 to fl I per acre- The candidaFesTor~ Governor“ln this year’s primary might discus* the reason anil the remedy, profitably and help fully to the pubdc g°od. The continuing and Increasing emi gration from Fdurope to Canada, the Julteil State* and Houth America tndi- CHVtnt'rhat thw ohl worhf +* +»* worse way than the new. \ hr*a*t. The quarrel was on account of ! depth of over two feet, their children. * e \ I 'f Datou the peach trees were tripped of fruit and fa-iner* have had to replant cotton and small grain . The Mr. Richard f Manning of SMmt°r gononnceil o.n Momlav that he wl|l tmt be a candidate for Goyernor In this year’s prinmy. Tiie explosion of an sntlquatt d lr,co motive in Mexico, ohUspU the rb-ath nf eleven men *n«t the soriou* injury of twoofitier* last week. A severe storm of llgh’nlng. wind ^ 7-pt o ver=wwum W *. A h** f CONTRIBUTED EDITORIALS. WHAT’BTIIIC MATTER WITH BARN W KM.? We once heard a lawyer from another state «ay when lus district, which was can Cutigre*HniMn, • T icre is »0'ne.thing radicaffy’’ wrong with Dcm.icrucy in this distnet,” antl it strikes us that the same can be said nf Barnwell, though in a different active. Barnwell seems to be divided into foilr classes, viz: 1 Those v t.o are «n wrapp<»d up in their own affairs that they have no t.me or Inclination to attend to crying pnhi'o nceo 'y rt.nnected with the town's ad- vftoc. nient 4 The progressive element who take some Interest in Barnwell ami would tike to see her take her right ttl place a* th- States best tow n . Judging from the pa*t. we fear th'u la-t nauied class is pltiful'y snail, els wliy haven’t the maov proji-cts that have been brought before the p'.h in in late tears been rariied out? Ncarlt every citizen °f Barnwell ha* heard the que-Con asked, ' (Mher towns hare what thev go after,—wtiy can't we?” And the majority at least know win manv people and h Hie ing heavy dam age to fumpeny ^ -G«vel*neS that will meet with praise * from the critical woman, in. every T last ntul leather that she would • wear at any time. If you are in i * quest of exclusiveness, we 'recom- £ mem I the “Queen Quality,” in * suede, patent leather or gun metal. ^ • I ! OUEEN QUALITY | • 4 Shoe for Women • MntahifMwan Karl IVIGotvof Cwvlog ton, Kv , who whs injured last October in a football game between Annapolis and Vilja N"va U tilege* die t Saturday. Complete parnlyd* from Hie shoulder* down ». a« the result of hi* injuries re ceived in the fatal game. wm surronndad hy such a multitude of vigorous liHiuUliHkiiig Democrat* that lie whs almost exhausted by the exer tion and remarked to the writer, "They have nearly killed me.” We took him by the arm and guided him up the eiepa Into CaroHna 11 all Soon after the inauguration of Pres ident Rave* on the 1 h of March foi- duwing, order* were i*tued and obeyed (or the removal of troops from the (Mate House, and the Republican State Government collapsed. Chamberlain published hla farewell address In which r.pr.«.u- « v .o«HUb~...r. ‘v*-. J^r j£. . being done in weaty deUy In- iffp.tl*»d that the House j * fpt B|ei»»H>r* tv* Jld on* by tb* | Went orOt 1 see a band you cannot see that beck on* me away; i hear a v»lo* yon eanuot hear that .bids m* net to •lav.” H The refnaal of the Democrati to pay taxes to the KepobUcan government had. left them without rh* sinew* of war. god tb* carpet bagger borrtaf away and tbe redemption of the State . •• • «e can't — or don’t The amwer is In the llrsf tbree classes named ahav-. In * hoi t we haven’t the ‘pull togi t!i er - ’ necessary to the success nf m y un dertakl'ig of a public character, and this lack of unity is the reason win the enterprUe* Unit have, heeu starieil here vere not money maker*, and for th° same reason we haven't me rloli, prosperous hack coutifrv necessar*’ to the gmwth of a town.—the farmer* do not receive the co operation of the town people a* thev slionld. A movement (liat wnu'd be to tl»e In terest of every one in town inav be set on foot and instead of meeting with miaulmoii* support la knocked from one eml of town to the other and the would On hepptactor l* branded a« one who I* ‘‘rrviog to run the whole shoutin’ m.'itcli,’ and a* long h* this spirit prevails all attemiBa to better Barnwell’* condition will prove use less. It is not our In'enlion to throw cold water on the undertaking* now before the people hut mher t > point not wtinf have hcretotore proven stumbling block* to all new enterprises anil to a«k those who have been stumbling block* to join force* with the element that is wording for their best interests, for whatever i* best for the town mu»t cerrainlv be best for her eitir.e!is. S > we are going to a«k —nav, b‘’g — those tn Glass l to look beyond their noses, and those in Clas* 2 m forget thnt “don’t care” habit, and those in Ida** 8 to quit knocking, and tin-st, | ,, 'K nt and bv pulling In harmony wl h Gla.« l we ean make a tow n of w hich we nm well t)e proud. Palmetto A negro giving his name a* John '.iraiiam and who «»\s he ha* travelled ■sll over th t wor'd whs arrested near Lexington last week after terrorizing the community for nearly a week. He wa« pronounced itnane ami carried to the insane aa> lu.r. at Golauibln My i tie i'axton, a If rear old girl at S y Icr. d’exas. under.ook to kindle a tire wall kecosine. Tn ;'-a'l ••x,dod' i], Mvitle, her silt, r Mrs John i’hillips and 17 months old niece were killed. I n tr\ log to put out tip- tire Mr Phil - I'.ps and itnee neighbor* were badly burned Tiie South < 'arolina Press Association will I old its annual convedilon at Glenn Springs, beginning J.me idtlu Dlic le itnie ol Hie program is a tn'ee- d»v triti fr «m Sp (rtanhurg to Duite. T'-nu , over the new G it O. railroul wiocli traverses snrrc' »up , ‘tb mountain erritorv T ie occasion will no ftnnbt lie a delight) ui noting tor the new*pa- ta*r men and women ol the State. Because die expressed his adverse opinion to woman soffrage nt (lie con vetdion-- 'if the National American Sultiirge A‘siKnatinn in Wa-iiington la»t xe.k, President Taft was lii* County of Barnwell. I Court of Common Plea*. Bank of Western Carolina, „ Plaintiff, against FraneD F. Carroll, et ah. Defendants. Br virtue of a decretal order to me* Jurectiul iu the ab 'Tflf lUitled jtyi.uJ0, } will sell at Barnwell in front of tbe Gonrt lloose, on Monday. May the j second, iff 10. it being salesday in said month, within the h gal hour* of sale, the following described reay'property : All that Cirtatn piece, parcel or lot of land «ltu*t« in the corporate limbs of FOR SALK BY ■ - C- © hr F. MOLAIR, 7 m BARNWELL, S. C. G erf tier ♦ ♦ T i. I ♦ f i * ♦ ? « •' ♦ ♦ Shoe for Men •men. we have what you wont when you want it in new Spring and Summer Oxfords, of the famous “Crossett'’ Brand. You will find none as good at a lower price, none better at any price. We have a large showing of the Tates/ stylesp^TART styles, too. TCnine in and' let us relieve thay“tired feeling” of the feet by fitimig you with a pair of "Crosse t/s." ♦ You should your business. have a batiX account no ...... ♦ It it, md only with the Dan, If, the town of Blaekvilie, Barnwell C<*nn tv. said State, containing two acre* more or les*, aiu! h uinded on the -smitii hv ( reet-on the Norr.lt l>y I/. ! *r street; on the Ea*t hv lot of l.ev'e, and on the We.pby lor of Gilmore S'mifts T‘iinso( sale cash. Purchaser tn pay for paper*. H L O'Bannon, Master. Master’s Office, April . th D'10. you leal, and tlic very best I'ussibl to banking, call and small crcd- fii*:;iess men with whom matter how ■cry beet wav to establish a MASTER'S SALE. I .State of South Car-dma County <>f Barnwell. Cnu-tof Common Pleas. BWnchie VaUric Addi-on, an infant, hv Etta M. .Addison, her guardian ml litem, I'.amitff, Hgainvt Ben R. Addison, e’ al., Itefendants. Bv virtue of * decretal order to nm directed in the above entitled cense. I will sell at Barnwell, in front of the Court House, on Monday May 2nd 1!)HI it being sa!e«d*y in said month within the legal hour* of sale, the fol lowing described real piopertv All that certain piece, pircel or trac of land with Die huitding* rheremf, situate In tiie Tow n of »V illi-mn, /•* tl*n (.'ountr of Barnwell and riyit' ivforeaaiii. measuring sevenl v-tW"/72T febt and six (0) Indies by twui litirwired and ten (210) feet, or one-half l/ngtn of what t* known a* tiie Btirckmaltei lot, an 1 bounded imw or lotm/rly a- fmlows : On tiie North hv lot of H. iK Trotli on the Erst by lot <■( G. A 1 < n 'lie So'lfll I'V street, sp) lr"m estste lauds <»f Henry/ on tiie West I y lot of Mrs/ OFFICERS: 11 .trrv/D. Calhoun, ^resident L ('avc, 'icc I’l'csivlcnt G. M. Greene, Attorney Service iff THE WE (Til ER AND ANIMALS, ()'the Mip’ratlthin* connected with wi ather an t at.iuials the follnwing are e 'mtii. li : if a cat sneeze* it *s a sign of rain. T ic goat utlcra a peculiar civ tnjli.ro rain Wiieu Die fox hark* at nignt tlierc will lie a storm If rats and mice make mnc!i :iol«e it indicate, rain, if the dog eats grass in the innrning it will surely rain belore CONCERNING HALLEY’S < OMKT. fthont Hall.y's The following facta Comet, which is now occiii yitig ih*' centre of the stage, nny prove inter esting to our readers. It is a periodic cornet. That t*. it swing* around the sun. at fairly regu lar intervals, varying In length fn in 7n to 7S years. It i« intimately tdernifled with the history of cid iaaMon, for it b!az«d in the sky when William the Conquerer invaded England in '.nt!!!, when the Turks were warring with Christendom in LMH . wl.en the gront Hcforrea!inti of Kurofes whs at Its height in ! I.Vl, when Jamestown was settled in Ut'i7, when Lew'is XIV’ was IHgliting hi* emmics in ltiS2, and when 'Erigland’s S'ven Years’ War w«s in full blast In l7.Yh It travels into apace 2 7fH tiOOOOO ir.iiea ftqm the man. D was sighred H2 might really hr one and tiie same, and his compulation* so convinced him that lie predic.ed Its return in IT.VY nnd lealizmg that he would The wi'nl will blow troui (he point tne c if face* when »lie washes !ier lace, an I lair weather will follow. It i» a »ign of rain if the c >t w .»»hes In-r Mead b hind the ear* tints rub against ;iii o'-ject before a storoi. TEST OF AFFE« riON. There w a* ooc«! a tnung man win* was (iHiing lourt tn itnee iliffcrent iKMiitifu 1 dani«el*. Each was fair, eaahi was sweet, each was charming— so much of « trip'lcate *imilarig ihe »■ conveveii to me ly l. zzi on Nuvernher t'J, T •rms of sale pay for paper*. ire property W. Goclnan I ch*Ii. / Purchaser ’ Ban non, Mm.ter. 'ItIt, MHO. AT i Liviif Stack Co’s. Sldblts ALIA'INDALJ;, S. C. / \VK l/avc on han;I a number/of the I?est Horses Mules /ever offered for Barnwell County. Come to see us if you arc on tiie inaiket. They were bought riobt and will lie sold cheap for cafyii or approved paper tllendale Live Stock Company.. | ALLENDALE, S. C. but with ptyni/ail yi»ur lulls with checks you get receipt. It you are not accustomed dk it over with the officers. of ilumurtl -small or large—as well as H. 1\ Dew, Cashier N. G \V. Walker, Asst. Cashier 4 Per Cent. Interest * ♦ * ♦ HORSES E! Hill Top Stables the Place! Good BA ltd AIN S for ALL! Grand Match News for all I'annei Folks, for another choice ear load ol the best picked work a; cl road stock arrives I hursday, March trd, for sale at Chirlie Brown low prie'es! 2d Farm and Timber Mules 4 Exceptionally Nice Horses ihe.se new comers are sure to p!ea->e and profit purchasers. More Good News! Another car load of long-lasting Wagon* Riding Buggies, Strong and Jtj! classes just make the right start. Handsome 1 tlarness. received. cap you. I’ll Iv’ Smooth Whips, Come and choose Charlie Brown, Barnwell, S. C. -J--5* •-{-•-i-*-5-•-}-*-J-*v*-l-®-1" •-}-*-J-*-2-*-I-*+*+•+*4-*+*-{-*-I-*+*+ LANDS FOR SALE. Mow U th* Him* to buy. lomds will never be cheaper, ami sure lo Inurt-aM in valuf SAVED FROM THE GRAVE. "I had about given up hope, after ncar y four venr» of suffering from a 1 severe lung trouble ” write* >!rs. M. L. not live to see ! Dix. of Giurksville. Tenn . ‘ Ofteh the liis prediolion verlfi.-d, »*ked tliat It he j pain in my chest would be n!mo-( un- remenibere.l tiiat if was discovered bv b( arable «i>d i could nut ilo any Avork, an Englishman. Il^t tumtl, strived ] b ; U Dr. King s New Discovery has BUY NOW Land Township, balance Hun-been uukrffg on eciieddle tllne, an il* tri| * regularly eve4 since. A collision of a comet with theeanh i* likely to occur once \n shunt )A- 000,000 veafs. OiiC «V *JS10UOn earili Every humau being woui^Im suffocated, or die In a delirium of or be horned up.—it being accord! to the oeture o' tne ga*e» ootuabted the tall aa to what death wa would suf Ut. But tbeae direful effea-ts of a breathing of a tuagfol of coMet'a tall are two far fetched to be considered throat atub- asth- | the besMnedlcine ma ^e for tin j ai(d lung*.” ObsiMiite cough I born co 1 ']*. hav fever. U grip): ma. enmp. bro**eft4t4-» aod rliage* honrseness and Whooping cough vleld qoieklv to tld* wonderful medicine Try It. 50u a>id $1 00. Trial bottles free . Guaianr^ed by G. iw, t^a | N. Hnrckhalter. R. A f A Co. At»*w« , ere are promised a glorious the night of IUj Rita. NOriCK TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. Anvand ail person* baling claims against the estate of MrW K. A 8 Mix*un, deceased, are regifeated to pre sent the same properly atfeated to the undersigned and ail persons Indebted said eatate will pienee make prompt ymeot to me. [ WUBMakeJWk, Attogner/I* feet for Kgjra WHddr, Xxeoutur, Wt.lullk faxnwtiU